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Copyright Upward Enterprises & Social Media Pro 2017 Messenger Marketing Pro

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Page 1: Copyright Upward Enterprises & Social Media Pro 2017 ... · download the free Facebook Ads walkthrough) Next, we move to the ad screen itself. Here we select the page that we want

Copyright Upward Enterprises & Social Media Pro 2017 Messenger Marketing Pro

Page 2: Copyright Upward Enterprises & Social Media Pro 2017 ... · download the free Facebook Ads walkthrough) Next, we move to the ad screen itself. Here we select the page that we want

Copyright Upward Enterprises & Social Media Pro 2017 Messenger Marketing Pro


In this cheat sheet walkthrough, you will learn how to instantly create Facebook messenger leads using any lead magnet (If you are an MLSP member, this includes MLSP System Campaigns so you don’t have to create your own!).

Here is an example ad that we will be creating that gives us a lead to connect with on Facebook Messenger and introduces them to you and what you offer.

For the sake of this tutorial, we will be using an MLSP system campaign as the lead magnet. If you are not an MLSP member, or you have your own lead magnet, you will just replace the content and link we use with your own. The next few steps will be specific to MLSP members showing them how to easily find a lead magnet they would like to use.

Again, if you are using your own lead magnet, you can skip this step. Just make sure you have copy/content for the ad and the link you will be sending them to. (This will make more sense shortly)

Page 3: Copyright Upward Enterprises & Social Media Pro 2017 ... · download the free Facebook Ads walkthrough) Next, we move to the ad screen itself. Here we select the page that we want

Copyright Upward Enterprises & Social Media Pro 2017 Messenger Marketing Pro


If you are an MLSP member, you know that you have access to dozens of free lead magnets and training you can give away, which we call system campaigns. In this step, we are going to select a lead magnet to use for the rest of this tutorial.

We begin by logging in, to your MLSP back office and accessing the system campaigns under My Websites -> MLSP System campaigns.

You can select whichever campaign you want to use, but in our case we are going to use the Facebook - 7195 Page Likes in 30 Days Plus PDF.

You can access the links you will need by clicking on the ‘link’ icon next to the magnifying glass.

Page 4: Copyright Upward Enterprises & Social Media Pro 2017 ... · download the free Facebook Ads walkthrough) Next, we move to the ad screen itself. Here we select the page that we want

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When you click on that icon you will see this popup. This contains both a link to the capture page, and a link to the training/thank you page.

Now go ahead and open the link to the capture page so we have example copy and images to use… And save the direct thank you page link somewhere so you can use it to send your prospects to.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You need to use that link shown there for the thank you page. It MUST have ‘special’ in the link (not ‘thank-you’) in order to allow the user to bypass the capture page and receive the training. Basically, just copy that link exactly and save it for later use.

Next we create an ad in Facebook.

Page 5: Copyright Upward Enterprises & Social Media Pro 2017 ... · download the free Facebook Ads walkthrough) Next, we move to the ad screen itself. Here we select the page that we want

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We will now create an ad in Facebook. You can either do this by clicking the ‘create ad’ option from your main menu, or from the ‘create ad’ button in the ads manager.


IMPORTANT NOTE!If you have never created an ad before, or would like a refresher, you can download our Facebook advertising walkthrough pdf here.

Page 6: Copyright Upward Enterprises & Social Media Pro 2017 ... · download the free Facebook Ads walkthrough) Next, we move to the ad screen itself. Here we select the page that we want

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The first step in creating any ad is choosing the ad objective (what do you want to accomplish).

We want to choose the traffic option in the center column under consideration because we want to send traffic to messenger.

Next you will create your ad set where you choose your target audience, placement, and budget the exact same way that you would with any ad. (Again, if any of this is foreign to you, feel free to download the free Facebook Ads walkthrough)

Next, we move to the ad screen itself. Here we select the page that we want our ad associated with. (This is most likely your Fan Page) We are also going to choose single image as the format.

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You’ll now need to start using that copy/content for your ad we were talking about earlier. Again, if you are following along as an MLSP member and using a system campaign, now is a good time to open up the capture page for the campaign you are using.

The first piece of content you will need is the ad image. In our case, we just took an image from the system campaign capture page and uploaded it to the image selection area.

To the left is an example of an MLSP system campaign capture page. You can simply right-click on the image you want to use and save it. You can then upload it to use as the ad image. If you have your own image for your own lead magnet, you should upload it now.

NOTE: You can skip the ‘Fullscreen Canvas’ option above the ‘images’ settings on this page, we won’t be using it in this example.

Next we will want to select our traffic destination.


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As you scroll down to the ‘Links’ box, the first thing you want to do is select ‘Messenger’ as the traffic destination, so just tick the little box next to messenger.

Then continue with the information you want to use for the ad. (NOTE: If you are using an MLSP system campaign, you can get some great ideas for ad copy just from the capture page itself)

We enter a headline, the supporting text that displays above the image, and choose a call to action (in our case we are will just keep ‘Learn More’).

Additionally we can add a news feed link description which will display below our headline on ads shown on Facebook Newsfeed Desktop. (You may need to click on ‘Show Advanced Options’ to access this field)

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Congratulations - you’ve completed the ad creation process! Now that our ad copy is complete, it’s time to setup messenger to deliver what we have promised. We do that by clicking on the ‘Set Up Messages’ button.



Page 10: Copyright Upward Enterprises & Social Media Pro 2017 ... · download the free Facebook Ads walkthrough) Next, we move to the ad screen itself. Here we select the page that we want

Copyright Upward Enterprises & Social Media Pro 2017 Messenger Marketing Pro


It’s now time for the final step. We need to set up messenger so that it delivers what you promised. Here is what you will see. Let’s take a look at what we need to fill out.

The first step is to add introductory text. In this example we added… As promised I’ve got your free training…

Select Image & Text as the message format

Upload an image (again MLSP users can upload an image from the campaign capture page)

Next give your message a title and, for the subtitle, we simply placed a call to action to ‘click on the button below to get started’

Finally, under actions, you will need to select ‘Buttons’. For the label we put Instant Access, we want it to ‘open a website’ when clicked, and MOST IMPORTANTLY the website URL brings them to the lead magnet you promised them!

If you’ve been following along with the MLSP system campaign, this URL would be the ‘special’ thank-you link you can get from the back office, as seen below.

Page 11: Copyright Upward Enterprises & Social Media Pro 2017 ... · download the free Facebook Ads walkthrough) Next, we move to the ad screen itself. Here we select the page that we want

Copyright Upward Enterprises & Social Media Pro 2017 Messenger Marketing Pro

As you were filling out that information, you probably noticed the preview of your message as you went. Here is what our preview looked like. You probably (or at least should) have something similar. You can even preview the message by clicking on the ‘preview in messenger’ button.


Page 12: Copyright Upward Enterprises & Social Media Pro 2017 ... · download the free Facebook Ads walkthrough) Next, we move to the ad screen itself. Here we select the page that we want

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Let’s do something now to capture no-cost leads from our existing Fans. We are going to take our Facebook Ad and post it to our page so our EXISTING fans can see it with zero ad cost!

NOTE: You must be using the Google Chrome browser to access this advanced feature of Facebook

Head on over to the ads manager. You should see something similar to this.

In the ads manager menu select Page Posts. Here you can view scheduled posts, published posts, and ads posts.

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Once you select Page Posts from the menu, you’ll see the option to view scheduled posts, published posts, and ad posts. We want to choose Ads Posts. Check the box next to the ad that you want to post to your Fan Page. (In this case, it will be the messenger ad we JUST created)

Basically what we are doing now is ‘publishing’ the ad post we created so that it shows up on our fan page. To do that, with your post selected click on Actions -> Publish and your post will be published to your fan page! Go check it out!

You can also choose to ‘pin’ this to the top of your page if you want even more eyeballs on it.

This gives you a way to generate leads from the natural traffic to your page without having to pay for an ad.

Page 14: Copyright Upward Enterprises & Social Media Pro 2017 ... · download the free Facebook Ads walkthrough) Next, we move to the ad screen itself. Here we select the page that we want

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So, you just created a Facebook messenger ad. Let’s recap what that means.

You created an ad, and instead of just sending the user somewhere when they click on it, you decided to send them to messenger.

They click on the ad, and based on your settings, they AUTOMATICALLY get messaged the lead magnet you promoted in the ad! They are now connected to you in messenger. You can follow up with them, chat with them, see how you can help, etc. This is super powerful.

They click on the lead magnet in the message and are taken to the page of your choice that delivers on your promise and makes YOU the authority on the topic you just helped them with!

You also learned a way to generate leads from the natural traffic to your fan page without having to pay for an ad!

This is just scratching the surface of the power of messenger marketing. We have not even begun to cover the automation aspects of this. So be on the lookout for more training at

Thanks for downloading this training guide. It is my hope that it brings you closer to the perfect Facebook marketing campaign.

If you would benefit from step-by-step video training where you look over my shoulder as I walk you through a variety of Facebook marketing strategies that generate leads and drive traffic, then be sure to check out my training courses available in the back office of

If you got value from this PDF training guide, we’d love for you to come ‘Like’ our page at

To your success,

Jesse Jameson