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Introduction to Feng Shui ............................................................. 2

Real Feng Shui ............................................................................ 5

The Yin and the Yang ................................................................. 10

The Five Elements ..................................................................... 16

Color and Feng Shui .................................................................. 21

Feng Shui and Clutter ................................................................ 36

Entrances and Feng Shui ............................................................ 50

Feng Shui Outdoors ................................................................... 55

Conclusion: The Real Trick to Feng Shui ...................................... 60

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The concept of feng shui has gotten much attention over the past few

years here in the western part of the world; read any decorating magazine or website and you’ll find something somewhere that talks

about “good feng shui” and how to incorporate it into your own space. It’s even somewhat of a slang term when people talk about their space

or someone else’s crowded mess as being “bad feng shui.”

No doubt this is due in part because of so many people moving in and

out of Asia to other parts of the world and bringing their practices with them. As they say, the world is shrinking and every culture is finding

itself enmeshed with every other, whether this is good, bad, or indifferent. It’s almost as if McDonald’s and Coca-Cola have been

traded for egg rolls, chow mein, and even feng shui!


When first introduced into western culture, feng shui was seen as a fine tool for architecture, decoration, and the arrangement of furniture

and other objects within a room. Designers, planners, engineers, and architects appreciated many of its teachings regarding simplicity, lack

of clutter, and open rooms. Many also understood the real science behind feng shui’s use of colors in certain rooms, understanding that

different colors affect people in different ways – red stimulates emotions, greens and browns are very soothing, yellow is revitalizing

and energizing, and so on.

But somewhere along the way, the stories of feng shui’s usefulness

grew and grew until they were almost out of control, like a wildfire that continues to spread. Feng shui began to be touted as a remedy for

virtually every ailment you might have and as a bringer of harmony, wealth and prosperity in every aspect of your life, as long as you had

the right feng shui “tools” and did what these people instructed you to

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do. Practicers of feng shui claimed that the natural energy that feng

shui captures could add to or detract from the peace of your relationships, could help you to be successful in your career and bring

business opportunities, and would affect even your physical health itself. Feng shui began to be connected with good luck and good

fortune, and even the smallest detail would affect the outcome of completely unrelated items – where your bathroom was in relation to

your kitchen could make you sick and bring bad fortune in your career, for example.

Many of these claims, however, have spiraled into pure folklore, and

have brought on the so-called feng shui “remedies” of crystals and other such that have no root in the practice. New age thought and

theory mingled with actual the actual science behind the practice until the two were very difficult to tell apart.

And because few people in the western world were familiar with the true teachings and practices of feng shui, it was very easy to simply

slap a “good feng shui” label on anything from products to design teachings and use that as a marketing tool. Unfortunately, this has

actually worked quite well for many unsuspecting persons who never looked beyond the surface of slick marketing campaigns to really learn

about the ancient practice itself.

Some people then are left wondering just what is the true practice of feng shui, and better yet, how does it apply to us in our modern-day

times? Of what benefit is it today? Does it really help or harm you in your relationships, your career, and your physical health?

Also, how can someone living in a huge metropolis incorporate the

practices of feng shui in their living space – and why would they want

to? If much of what most people believe about feng shui is really just myth and folklore, what does the true practice involve? Is it simply

practices of color schemes and arrangement, or is there any grain of truth involved in the thought of positive energy?

If you find yourself asking these same questions, don’t despair. We’re

here to help. In this book, we’ll talk about the real truth of feng shui, how there is scientific basis for the belief that color affects mood – and

what colors should be used in your own home. We’ll also explain the most important and basic principles behind feng shui and give you

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some practical pointers on how to apply this to your own home, office,

and anywhere else.

But in order to answer those questions, we do well to take a closer look at the true practice of feng shui and its ancient roots.

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It’s important that we use the term “real” feng shui because, as we

just mentioned, there have been many practices that have been called feng shui when in reality they have nothing to do with this custom.


A simple explanation of feng shui is the placement of human-built

elements in the best location so as to not disrupt, and to also encourage, the natural energy that emanates from the environment

around us. All elements must work in harmony, and this includes nature, celestial bodies, and even elements that seem to clash with

one another, such as male and female or hot and cold. By making sure that all these elements harmonize, you are then employing the

principles of feng shui.

Nature in feng shui.

Asian cultures and especially the Chinese used nature to help

understand their own place in the universe. Many also copied the many elements of nature in their own pursuits, for example, many of

the movements of the different forms of martial arts are meant to mimic various animal movements. Music was often supposed to copy

the sound and rhythm of the wind, and musical instruments were made from natural elements such as reeds and shells.

Nature also played a major role in everyday Chinese living, as plants

were used to adorn the home indoors, herbs were used as medicines, and so on.

This respect for nature is very important in the teachings of feng shui,

as its beliefs include the thought that everything in nature must be

respected equally and all parts must harmonize.

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The energy or qi.

The Chinese also firmly believed (and many still do today) in qi, or the

natural energy created from all living things. Qi is believed to be a kind of life force or spiritual energy. It is frequently translated as

“energy flow,” or literally as “air” or “breath.” This energy is thought to flow freely from not only humans and animals, but from the earth


Not interfering with this energy is an important part of feng shui. Qi should be allowed to flow freely through one’s home and other

establishments. We’ll discuss in a later section just how to be sure that your own home’s qi is not interfered with.

The sun and the stars.

Astronomy was also very important in ancient Chinese culture. Many structures were designed around the placement of the sun at the time

of building. It was also very important that homes be built so as to allow adequate sunlight in as many rooms as possible.

All of these elements together.

Again, it was very important to ancient Chinese culture that all these

elements work together so as to encourage the most harmony for an individual and their environment, and this thinking is no doubt how the

practice of feng shui began.


Although feng shui may seem “hip” and modern to some who are just now hearing the phrase from their designer or decorator, the practice

itself is actually ancient, dating back literally thousands of years.

From 25 A.D. during the East Han Dynasty, the first written evidence

about Feng Shui had been uncovered. It predates Confucianism and Taoism. The early practitioners were responsible for locating building

sites for homes and villages. They would look for auspicious locations, referred to as the “belly of the dragon”, ensuring that they were above

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flood plains and below strong winds; thus the balance of wind and

water was achieved.

Feng shui grew and developed over the centuries as primitive man learned more and more about building and engineering and so were

soon able to construct larger and larger homes and establishments, but still needed to work harmoniously with the forces of nature and

natural elements.

In Chinese Taoism, salvation and enlightenment are not brought by deep religious prayer but rather by the careful observance of nature,

the natural ways of life, the seasons, the flowing forces of chi, the natural energies all around us. The Taoists valued the mountains and

solitude and also believed that mountain tops brought them closer to the sources of the Tao than anywhere else.

Apart from Taoism, Chinese society was also strongly influenced by another body of ideas, namely, Confucianism. Kung Fu Tzu (551-479

B.C.), westernized into the name Confucius, was the founder of the first Chinese wisdom school. And to this day, his sayings and teaching

have survived and even permeated into western and other parts of society.

Confucius wrote strict moral teachings,

based on the strong foundation of institutions and practices that have been

used by the Chinese for centuries, and that were once again linked to Feng Shui.

It is important to note then that in the

practice of Feng Shui, you can never

guarantee the dismissal of all problems and pain, but it will enhance the good, produce

opportunity and potential, but also allow you to cope with the bad times in a much more

positive way.

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The cycle of construction.

The cycle of destruction.


Feng Shui incorporates five elements derived

from nature: wood, metal, fire, water, and earth.

These elements either work in harmony with

one another or cause disharmony:

Water supports wood, destroys Fire (if Wood is weak) and drains Metal.

Wood supports Fire, destroys Earth (if Fire is

weak) and drains Water.

Fire supports Earth, destroys Metal (if Earth is weak) and drains Wood.

Earth supports Metal, destroys Water (if Metal

is weak) and drains Fire.

Metal supports Water, destroys Wood (if Water

is weak) and drains Earth.

Yes, this may seem like a very complicated game of “rock, paper, scissors,” but by

understanding these five elements and their relationship to one another, you understand a very important part of feng shui.

Much of this has to do with balance and harmony. These five elements

may seem to conflict with one another, but if you look at the cycle of construction, you see how important they are to life itself, and to the

sustenance of that life. Fire cannot exist without wood, the earth cannot exist without the fire of the sun, metals are derived from the

earth, and so on.

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Although seemingly conflicting, these five elements all nourish one

another when acting in harmony, and create great energy. This is a very important part of feng shui.

And to get a better understanding of the important aspects of feng

shui, we should consider another of those next: the yin and the yang.

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Chances are you are

already somewhat familiar with the concept

of the yin and the yang, as symbolized here.

But what does this

concept actually entail, and how is it used in

feng shui practices to bring harmony to one’s

home and environment?




Quite simply, the yin and yang principle refers to a unity of opposites.

Yin (dark) and yang (light) are descriptions of complementary opposites. All forces in nature can be seen as having yin and yang

states, and the two are in constant movement rather than held in

absolute stasis.

Yin (passive energy) is often taking form as silence, deep darkness, slow movements. It is the predominant energy at night when you go

to sleep, or when you need to relax and replenish your energies.

Yang (active energy) is the one that manifests itself when you are active, and is characterized by loud sounds, bright lights, upward

moving energy, etc; it is the energy you experience in a busy office, at a great party, or driving on the highway.

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In Chinese thinking and philosophy, the dual concepts of yin and yang

describe two opposing but complementary principles or forces said to be found in all objects and processes in the universe. Typically, an

English translation of the phrase might be “heaven and earth;” two opposite but harmonious elements of the universe.


The home is a perfect example of the yin/yang thinking. We have the

yang, or energetic areas of the home, such as the exercise area, the office, the kitchen, the family room, and anyplace else where there is

movement and noise constantly buzzing, along with electronic appliances, stereos, televisions, children rushing through, and a crowd

of guests.

To get away from that, we retreat to the yin areas of quiet bedrooms or corners, where we shut off the electronic equipment, dim the lights,

and curl up onto cushy pillows with calming books to read. We add whatever elements calm us – water fountains, soothing music, and so



Chances are, you’ve heard that phrase also, that “opposites attract.”

And think of how often this is true – men and women, no matter who

they are or what their personalities, are often just complete opposites in how they think and feel, and yet men and women have been

“attracted” to each other since the dawn of time!

Opposite elements attracting and interacting can have terrible consequences of course, as we see in the case of natural disasters.

However, sometimes the consequences can be beneficial. Think of wood and fire – two opposites. Without wood, there would be no fire,

and when fire touches wood, it destroys it. However, fire has been necessary for human survival! It keeps us warm, cooks our food, and

has been used in primitive times to scare away predators and provide

light at night.

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Opposites can often provide much needed balance as well. Think

again of the example of men and women. Men are often thought of as powerful and strong, who have a tendency to think practically about

matters, while women are usually thought of as softer and more gentle, and who are in better touch with their emotions and who feel

things more strongly than men.

While you might have a preference for one over the other, imagine a world without both! In a good relationship, the balance of these

qualities is what’s needed for a strong and successful outcome when it comes to taking care of family, making decisions, and the like.


Balance and harmony are vitally necessary in the natural elements.

Think of virtually any natural disaster and you see how many are caused by nature being out of balance.

For example, the oceans are very peaceful and tranquil settings. Many

people love being near or on the water because it calms and relaxes.

However, now imagine tidal waves, floods, and tsunamis. All of these are caused by the waters being out of balance. When things happen

like this in nature to such an extreme degree, there is nothing but disaster.

Extremes and lack of balance in nature can be harmful in other ways.

Drought can wipe out entire crops, as can floods. Heat waves can actually kill people who are without unnatural ways of coping, such as

air conditioning and the like. Extreme cold is dangerous to people and wildlife alike. Fire are good for warmth and other uses, but wildfires

that go unchecked cause millions of dollars worth of damage and can even catch unwary victims, even ravaging the earth that needs years

to recover.

So while sometimes it can be a terrible outcome when opposites

attract, such as lightning striking the ground, it can also be a wonderful and very useful outcome as well, such as that warm bonfire

or good marriage.

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The thinking behind the Chinese concept of yin and yang is not simply

that opposites attract, but that one must be sure to encourage the harmony and balance that can be found within two elements that are

so seemingly opposite.

This balance may occur naturally; again going back to the illustration of wood and fire, as long as there is an adequate amount of wood the

fire will be manageable. Take away some wood and the fire dies out; add wood and the fire grows, perhaps even to a dangerous state.

And use the illustration of men and women again. A man may think

that their relationship is fine or that they communicate adequately, while a woman may feel that they are drifting apart or that they are

not connecting like they once did. Both need to work to bring harmony and balance to these opposing qualities – the man may

consider the woman’s feelings while the woman works to reassure herself that things are fine.


Feng shui principles endorse the idea that energy and balance does exist naturally in many elements of the universe, however, it also

acknowledges that one must work to keep this harmony alive and to be sure that you do not unnecessarily disrupt it either.

For example, in a later section we’ll discuss colors used in feng shui

principles, but as an illustration, let’s discuss the color white, which is used by feng shui adherents to symbolize purity and cleanliness.

Kitchens and bathrooms often incorporate white as a dominant color for this reason.

However, too much white will seem overly clean to the point of sterile.

It’s purity may border on plain boring. So, to encourage harmony and balance, feng shui will also encourage the bringing in of opposing

elements, such as strong reds or blacks.

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It is an interesting point that in the yin/yang symbol as shown in the

beginning of this section, the yin (black) always has yang (a white spot), and vice versa. The two opposing elements do not exist

completely without one another.

When using the yin/yang principle in this way toward decorating, you realize a balance or harmony. Neither strong color is allowed to

overpower a room or stand on its own – think for a minute of an all-white room. Do you immediately picture a hospital? Or of an all-black

room; how would you see anything? Could you even find the door?

So again, this harmony and balance may not simply happen on its own, but is vitally necessary in incorporating aspects of feng shui into

your home and your personal relationships.


Think right now of areas of your life where you feel especially stressed or think there’s “something missing.” Chances are, it’s a lack of

balance and harmony that are causing much of this stress.

Do you and your spouse argue much of the time? Might it be that

your relationship is out of balance, with one person’s needs being elevated over another? Or are you allowing outside influences –

pressures from work, rebellious kids, difficulties in any other area of your life – to upset that balance between you?

When a relationship between two people is balanced, with each

incorporating the needs and qualities of the other, there is peace. When the balance is lost, there is disharmony.

What about work? Are you stressed about your job? Again, might it

be a lack of harmony and balance you’re experiencing by putting too much emphasis on career? Is your workload making your entire life

seem out of balance so that you no longer have physical or emotional

energy for your own pursuits or other needs? Or is it just the opposite – your career is not living up to your expectations? If your job is less

than what you’re qualified for, are educated for, or is without

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challenges, then it is out of balance with your capabilities, and conflict

and stress arise.

Incorporating this element of feng shui, of peaceful harmony and balance of opposites, is one way that feng shui can benefit you

personally outside of your actually living environment.

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There is much written about the five elements of feng shui and many

writings are conflicting with one another, and this can bring a lot of confusion to anyone just starting out in the use of feng shui.

Again, the five elements of feng shui are:


Anything that is tall and/or rectangle in shape, green in color or made

from wood would be classified as a wood form.


Anything that contains water, or is wavy in shape, or blue and/or black

in color is a water form.


Any object that produces real fire, or is pointy in shape and/or red in color is considered a fire form.


Anything that is made from earth, or is square and/or yellow, brown or

beige in color is an earth form.


Anything that is made from metal, or is round or dome shaped and/or

white, silver or gold in color is a metal form.

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Some adherents to feng shui principles

believe that you need to map out your birth element before finding what

elements work best with you and your home. However, this thought has lost

popularity in recent years with some noting that true feng shui did not rely on

astrology, the belief that stars and other celestial bodies affect your life, but

astronomy, the study of those stars and the sun itself.

Additionally, the principles of feng shui teach harmony and balance

and that there needs to be many adjustments made in your home and your life to achieve that balance; it would be impossible and

shortsighted to assume that there is one “blanket” application of the

five elements in every aspect of your life simply due to when you were born.

Modern science has also set aside much of the myth and folklore that

has become intertwined with feng shui. For example, some teach that fire elements and the color red cause divorce, miscarriages, and

business losses. However, modern medicine will no doubt bear out that the color red has nothing to do with a woman’s chances of

miscarrying a baby, and if a couple divorces over something as trivial as too much red in the house, chances are they didn’t have a very

good shot at a successful relationship in the first place.


As we discussed in a previous section, feng shui is all about balance and harmony. Making note of the five elements and how they are

represented can help you to understand how to bring that balance and harmony into your surroundings.

For example, water is considered calming and serene. However, too much can be overpowering and seem cold and sterile. Elements of

fire, which is heat and warmth and the opposite of water, can be brought into the same space as water for balance.

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On the other hand, because these elements are opposing, there are

times when they need to be separated. You may not have a large aquarium in the same room as a large fireplace – the fire is too warm,

and the two large elements clash and bring disharmony. So when attempting to use the five elements to bring harmony and balance,

you need to have one dominant element and one that simply compliments it.

So with that thought in mind, here are some practical ways of

introducing the five elements into your environment using feng shui:


When the water element is recommended to correct an imbalance in your house, real water should be used if you can. Clean, circulating

water is more effective than still water. Bowls of still water will do

nothing but attract dirt and bugs. Fountains and aquariums are widely recommended as a practical way to get water into various areas of any

home or building. Aquariums should be cleaned regularly, as should fountains and other water elements.

Water elements of blue or white tones can also be used.


When wood is used as a remedying element, a live green plant is

effective. Remember that wood is a dominant part of nature, so earth tones should be used to represent wood. A mixture of browns and

tans are best for large rooms, as they are muted and will not overpower the space.


Remember that fire is an intense element so introducing it into a space needs to be done carefully. Large fireplaces need to be balanced with

calming and soothing colors and tones. Again, the five elements need to be balanced and harmonious, so if you have a large fireplace, there

needs to be a balance in the room of cool tones or else it will feel

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overpowering and even in some cases, somewhat suffocating. Be

wary of red accents and walls in a room where there is a fireplace.

In the western culture, the red of fire represents passion, power, and sexuality. Red can therefore be used more in the bedroom than you

would in any other area of the house.


The earth element is represented by anything made from soil or stone. Other materials such as ceramic, brick, marble, or granite also

represent the earth element.

Earth tones can also be used to introduce the earth element, and they work well in virtually every room of the home. Browns and greens are

very warm and soothing; this is why we often hear the phrase “mother

earth,” to represent the care of humans from the earth.

However, the earth is also made of dirt, and earth tones may not be best for rooms like kitchens and bathrooms, where cleanliness is

stressed. If you do use earth tones in these rooms, make sure they’re well balanced by the element of water. Your granite countertops

should not overpower your kitchen or bath, and the areas that introduce water – the sinks, the shower – should be respected and not

necessarily hidden away.


Anything made of copper, brass, bronze pewter, steel, silver, or gold is a metal element.

Metal is thought to transmit and conduct energy, so metal elements are used in rooms where you want to encourage energy, such as your

family or game room. The kitchen is also an ideal place to use the metal element, as fire and energy are needed to cook food. Many

kitchens that incorporate stainless steel appliances have a feeling of energy and vitality.

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The element of metal is often left out of bedrooms or used very

sparingly, because this is a room where you need to have relaxation and quiet. Your energy should dissipate in this room, not be renewed.

Again, the overall concept of feng shui is harmony and balance, and

the un-interruption of natural energy. By understanding how these five elements work in harmony with one another, or how they can

cause a disruption of balance, you can better apply their principles to your environment.

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There is much scientific basis for applying color to mood, so it seems

that in this respect, the Chinese who incorporated color in the practice of feng shui were light years ahead of their time!


Let’s face it, almost every reaction, feeling, desire, or any other

emotion we have is due to our sensory input. Our eyes see a new sofa and we feel a desire to have it. Our ears hear music and our emotions

are stirred, whether it’s a sad love song or a fast-paced dance number. When we taste a wonderful dessert, we want more, and when we

smell that dessert cooking, our nose reminds our taste buds of that wonderful experience and again, we want some!

Our bodies are designed in this way, so it should be no surprise to

anyone. We are meant to take in visual cues from our eyes and

auditory cues from our ears, to touch, taste, and smell the world around us, and then to act on those cues. We taste something sweet

and we typically want more, because sugar is a natural insulator in our body and can keep us active and energized. We usually avoid bitter or

harsh-tasting foods because most foods that have spoiled or gone bad have a bitter taste to them.

And so it is with sounds as well – rhythmic or melodious songs and

music make our heart pump faster and so again, energize and enthuse us. Loud noises we avoid because our ears need to hear everything

around us, and loud noises are a danger in that they drown out all other sounds.

All of our senses are like this; that’s the way our bodies work. Our

senses are there for a reason, and our reactions to many things in the

world around us are affected by our senses.

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Because black absorbs light and represents night and darkness, it is often worn by the villain in

many movies.

So it should come as no surprise to anyone that the colors around us

do have an effect on us, even as psychologists and researchers agree. After all, it’s thought that about 90% of our sensory input comes from


In what way does color affect our mood? How are different colors used perceived by us, and how does that change when colors are used


And when it comes to feng shui, why is this important to remember in its proper usage?

Let’s first look at how different colors affect us, our mood, and even

our appetite, and then we’ll get into more detail about how to apply this to the principles of feng shui.


Black is what you would call a universal or timeless color. It seems to be popular in fashion because it

absorbs light, making something that’s black appear

smaller or thinner. And because of this association with

night and darkness, black is also often seen as “evil” or

powerful. Many villains and “bad guys” of TV and film wear

black, such as Dracula and Darth Vader. In speech we say

“Don't let a black cat cross your

path,” or refer to a “black market,” or “Black Monday.”

The color does nothing to lift

one’s mood and may even depress it, which is why it is a

color of mourning and sorrow for many countries. Wearing

black to a funeral is appropriate

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White is seen as clean and pure, and

somewhat “crisp,” like untouched, fresh snow.

in America, while it is usually avoided for happier occasions such as

weddings. Because it is seen as serious and somber, black is a color that often worn for job interviews and other business occasions.


White is usually seen as a color of innocence and purity; it can be

compared to a fresh, untouched blanket of snow. This is how wedding dresses came to be white in many parts of the world, to symbolize the

bride’s innocence. White reflects light and so is seen as a color for summer and warm months, but not for winter. However, white is

popular in fashion because it coordinates with virtually every other color and clashes with very few.

Because white shows dirt very easily, the color itself is seen as

representing something that’s clean and

sterile. Doctors and nurses often wear white to symbolize the sterility needed in

a hospital.

Because of it’s lightness and because it encourages a steady mood, white is also

seen as a “happy” color. It is discouraged in America for occasions such as funerals

or job interviews, or any other serious events.


The most emotionally intense color, red

stimulates a faster heartbeat and

breathing. It is also very vibrant and noticeable, which is why stoplights and

brake lights are red, to be easily seen by drivers.

And because it is so vivid and has such an effect, red is often thought

of as the color of love. Around Valentine’s Day, everything is colored red.

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Red excites the senses and increases heart rate, and so is thought to be the color of love. Around holidays celebrating love

such as Valentine’s Day, virtually everything is colored red.

Being so noticeable, red is a popular choice for sports cars, however,

red cars are also a popular choice for car thieves! They even seem to get more speeding tickets, typically because they are noticed more by

traffic officers.

Many decorators and designers say that

red is a good accent color but should be

used sparingly because it is so

noticeable and overpowering.

Additionally, any items in the house

that are red should

be in perfect condition since they

will be noticed.

Because of its overpowering quality,

red is something that many people wear

sparingly, usually only as an accent color,

unless it’s a rather special or formal

occasion. It’s thought that since red evokes such strong emotion, it should be avoided when wanting to calm a confrontation or during

negotiations of any type.


Pink is a very tranquil color and seems very soothing and relaxing.

Because it is thought of as being soft and quiet, it is often used as a “girl’s” color, to symbolize how many feel that girls should be quieter

and more calm than boys. Sports teams sometimes paint the locker rooms used by opposing teams bright pink so their opponents will lose

energy and feel emasculated.

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TV studios use green for their waiting rooms because it is calming and


Because of its calming effect, pink is also thought of as a color of love

– while red may symbolize intense or passionate love, pink may symbolize a more loyal and steadfast, or softer and more romantic,



Another tranquil color, blue has a very calming effect. It is thought that perhaps this is one reason why many people are drawn to the

ocean – the large amount of blue with both the ocean and uninterrupted sky is very calming. Blue actually causes the body to

produce calming chemicals, so this is no accident or supposition.

However, too much blue can be seen as cold and depressing, especially lighter blues.

Because of its calming effect and the fact that it is not too overpowering nor too subtle, blue is used abundantly in fashion and is

encouraged for times such as job interviews or business presentations, when you want to appear strong and capable but not too intense or

downright unbearable.


Green of course is one of the most common colors

in nature. It is the easiest color for the eye

to process. It has a calming but refreshing

quality to it; it’s

interesting to note that people waiting to appear

on television wait in “green rooms,” which

actually help them to relax. Green is also used

in many hospital waiting rooms for the same


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Cabs are yellow in order to stand out.

Too much green however can make everything seem somewhat bland and uninteresting. Because it’s the easiest color for the eye to see,

use too much green and nothing “catches the eye.” While this earth tone may be a popular choice for decorators and designers because of

its tranquil nature, it often needs to be dressed up with stronger or brighter accent colors lest everything seem bland.


The color of the sun, yellow can be somewhat overpowering and is an

attention-getter. Traffic lights that signal caution are yellow to get the driver’s attention. Cabs in many major cities are yellow to make sure

they stand out from the crowd of traffic.

Yellow is often considered a color of

optimism, but can easily be

overpowering. Most decorators and

designers urge the color yellow to be used

as an accent only. It is somewhat difficult for

the eye to concentrate on for long periods of



Brown is considered a “solid” or “reliable” color because it is somewhat

middle of the road – not too bright, not too dark. This is true too because brown is found abundantly in nature and in strong elements

such as trees and dirt – elements that are not easily destroyed.

Because of the strength that this color implies in its natural elements, brown is often thought of as a masculine color. Additionally, because

it is not overpowering nor too subdued, brown is a favorite color for

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Purple rooms can seem unnatural and somewhat overpowering. The color is often used sparingly in decorating because of this; the room above has too much of this bright, vibrant color in the bedroom to

introduce good qi.

business suits. It is also a popular choice for the main color of one’s

home as again, it does not overpower a room nor make it seem pale or washed out.


Since purple is a color that occurs only when mixing two other colors,

it quickly became the symbol of wealth and royalty – only the wealthy could afford clothes in colors that were specially dyed. And because it

is used for such decoration, it is also seen as a very feminine color, as most men don’t “decorate” themselves when getting dressed; this is

typically a female quality.

The color is very rare in nature, and so can

seem somewhat

artificial to the eye. Many people shy

away from using it for decorating because of




With all this

information in mind, you see how colors

can affect mood and even your overall

feelings. This is the basic thinking behind

feng shui’s use of colors in different rooms and areas of the home.

Think for a moment about the different rooms and their uses. In the bedroom, you want to create a peaceful and calming retreat, or for

lovers, something that is passionate and fiery.

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Too much brown and everything blends in; this is too much feng shui! You need

to bring balance to the room with opposing colors as accents.

In the living room or area where you go to relax after a long day, you

also want something soothing, but that will not drain your energy and depress you. Family rooms or game rooms should be full of energy

and vibrant. Dining rooms should stimulate appetite so that you can get the most out of your meals. Kitchens and bathrooms should feel

clean and sanitary but not sterile and unwelcoming.

Here are some basic uses for color in feng shui application:

The living room.

The living room should be decorated with warm colors, comforting accessories and soft fabrics. If you are looking to create a peaceful

retreat in your living room, green is associated with peace and calm.

Brown and other earth tones are nourishing. Because it is neutral, it is

relaxing but again, can be somewhat bland if

used consistently.

If you use the earth tones of brown or green

in your living room, you need to make sure that

you use stronger or brighter accent colors so

that things do not blend in with one another.

Red and yellow are good

accent colors for browns

and green. Red is strong and vitalizing,

and yellow is energizing. Both are the opposite of the browns and blues, so provide that balance

and harmony you are looking for.

Remember that both red and yellow are strong, bright, vivid colors and so can overpower you easily. When using them as accents, be sparse

and err on the side of caution. Throw pillows, candles, and artwork

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Brown can feel nourishing; it is the color of many foods, and of “mother


with some red or yellow in them may be enough. Try to resist painting

entire walls this color or having your main furniture these colors either. Again, you don’t want to interrupt the peace you’re trying to

bring into this room.

Being balanced is also important to remember in a room that you use as often as the living room. Brown carpet, brown walls, brown

furniture, all of this can blend in with one another and cause your tranquility to cross the line to sheer boredom.

It’s important to “dress up” your earth tones and tranquil colors in

your living room so as to not find that everything blends in and that nothing stands out.

The dining room.

The color you’re surrounded with when

you eat is very important. Colors can

stimulate appetite, relax you, or overwhelm your

senses. Especially when eating is it important to

consider the color of your room so as to avoid

indigestion and other physical problems of the

digestive system.

Your dining room colors

should invite a calm and relaxed atmosphere that

encourages everyone to take their time while

eating. “Gulping” down your food in a hurry also

causes problems of the digestive system and

should be avoided; mealtimes should be relaxed and positive.

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Brown is associated with nourishment – chocolate, coffee, cooked meat, all these foods are brown. It is also an earth tone, and the

earth is associated with nourishment as well.

This color can be overpowering and make things seem dull if used excessively. Be sure that if your dining area is an earth tone that you

have adequate accents in the room of complementary elements such as fire or water.

Orange is a stimulating color. This may be a good color for your

dining room, especially if you entertain a lot. The brightness encourages conversation and an upbeat mood. It can easily be

overpowering, so resist the urge to color your entire dining area orange. This color may be best as an accent to a darker earth tone.

Green is a restful color that encourages balance. This may be a good color to choose for the family if you use mealtimes as a time to catch

up on the day. It’s easy to bring the stresses of work and school with you to the dining table; green can calm and relax you at this time.

Green too can be overpowering if used in excess, causing everything

to feel muted. Dress it up with complementary colors as well.

Blue is a soothing color which reduces tension and stress and calms negative emotions. Think of being on the water; that view of the

ocean meeting the sky is very calming and peaceful. When you use your dining room for restful conversations and to unwind after a long

day at work and school, blue can be a very calming color.

Red and yellow stimulate appetite and digestion, and encourage the

energy needed for conversation and fellowship. However, these too are very overpowering and can cause stress from too much

stimulation. Use them sparingly. If you must paint your dining room one of these colors, choose just one accent wall.

You may want to consider avoiding the extremes of black and white,

and grey, which is associated with drab and tired feelings. If you must use any of these colors, make is sparse and sparing, and only as an

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Cool greens can be very relaxing in a bedroom, but be sure to balance it with complementary accent colors.

accent or be sure to dress these up with warm and colorful accents of

red and blue.

The bedroom.

Unfortunately, the bedroom seems to be one of the most neglected areas of the home, especially when it comes to decorating and color

choices. People often fall prey to the thinking that since they only use the bedroom sparingly and because it’s out of sight to guests, then it

doesn’t need much attention.

However, nothing could be further from the truth, especially when applying the principles of feng shui. The bedroom is crucially

important to the energy of your home and your own personal energy as well.

When talking about how color affects mood, you can easily understand how important color is for the bedroom, where you go to sleep. If

you’re wound up and tense from the day,

you need to unwind and relax before you

can get to sleep. If your bedroom is

painted a bright color that is energizing and

that encourages vitality, then this is

contrary to encouraging rest and


Additionally, many

people are looking for ways to add some

romance to their life, and yet they easily

neglect the look and feel of the bedroom itself. How can you find yourself in a romantic

mood in a room that’s cold and sterile?

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The body and it’s need for sleep, and a relationship’s need for romance, are often disrespected when it comes to the environment of

the bedroom.

Calm and cool colors such as blue and green will help you relax in the bedroom. Since the earth is seen as nurturing and warm, earth tones

also help you relax. Warm browns and tans can be introduced, but again, don’t overdo it or the room will seem dull and uninviting.

Red is the color of fire and passionate love, however, adding red to

your bedroom to spice up your romantic life can detract from your need for sleep as well. If you are going to add red, do so sparingly.

Consider accent items and accessories, such as a red bedspread, throw pillows, an afghan, or candles. Avoid painting all the walls in your

bedroom red, as this will definitely be overpowering. Choose one

accent wall if you must paint.

Stimulating colors such as orange and yellow generally should be avoided in the bedroom. These make it very difficult to sleep as they

are energizing and revitalizing colors that stimulate the mind, not relax it. If you must have these colors in your bedroom, make sure that the

primary or dominant color is a warm earth tone, and these colors are used as accents only.

Other areas of the home.

Of course, other areas of the home can do much to help encourage or

discourage the positive energy you want to create in your home. Even small rooms, if used often, can do much to revitalize your mood, or

flatten it.

For example, consider the bathroom. According to most adherents of

feng shui, there is virtually no color that cannot be used in the bathroom, except for green. Green seems to react very poorly with

most skin tones, so you can appear to be sallow and pale when looking in the mirror of a green bathroom.

Most use the bathroom in the mornings when getting ready for work or

school, or whatever our day holds. Bold and bright colors can help to

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Stainless steel appliances are a great way to introduce the metal element to the kitchen.

energize us before we head out. So, consider using yellow or orange

for the bathroom, at least for accent colors.

If you need encouragement and nourishing before leaving your home, consider an earth tone of brown or tan. These give you feelings of

calm, peace, and contentment.

White is a color of purity and cleanliness and so is always a good choice for the bath, and blue is a natural coordinator of white.

Imagine a wide blue ocean. Many bathrooms are blue in color because it gives you a feeling of clean.

When it comes to color in your

bathroom, be very careful of going overboard. Items like

tubs, tile, and sinks are probably

going to be part of your house for a long time to come, so you

may do well to choose a neutral shade for these items and

introduce color in your bathroom with paint color and accessories,

as these things are more easily changed.

The kitchen too is very important

because it’s considered the hearth of the home, where

nourishing food is prepared. It’s thought that what mood you’re

in when you’re cooking will affect

the outcome of the meal. If you want to feel energized and

revitalized, yellow is a good color for the kitchen.

As with the dining room, brown

is associated with nourishment – chocolate, coffee, other baked goods are all brown.

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However, earth tones can be overdone in a kitchen. The earth is made

of dirt, and too many earth tones can make a kitchen feel dirty and uninviting.

And because the metal element is said to conduct energy and you

want that energy to radiate as you cook, it’s good to have metal elements in your kitchen. This is why stainless steel appliances are

becoming popular choices for kitchens, as they conduct and radiate the qi needed to cook food properly.



As you may realize by now, feng shui is as much art as it is science. There are scientific principles and facts behind the use of certain colors

in certain rooms to evoke certain moods, but there are no hard and fast rules of feng shui, such as “use this color in this room, never use

this color in this room,” and so on.

The real secret to successfully applying feng shui to your own home is to think seriously about what type of mood or feeling you want to

evoke, and what type of energy you want to have radiate in that room.

For example, if you’re someone who just needs peace and calm in the

bedroom, then consider the calming blues and greens, which are considered serene and peaceful. If you need warmth and nourishment

because your day is very draining on you, then consider deeper earth tones to encourage that feeling of being nourished and protected.

However, if you personally need some “zing” in the bedroom, then the

stronger color of red may be better suited for you. Whether it’s just one accent wall or some decorations and candles, you need to decide

what is best for the mood you are trying to create.

And this applies to every room in your home. Do you want your living room to be nourishing and peaceful so that everything is quiet and

calm, or do you entertain quite a bit and enjoy the energy and buzz of

friends and family around you? If you want to add some upbeat

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energy to the living room, then yellow is a good accent color. If you

need your peace and quiet, opt for the earth tones again.

The bottom line is that while there are many general principles of feng shui that can help everyone, you need to personalize those principles

to your own home and environment.

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Clutter is the exact opposite of good feng shui, as it only drains positive energy and introduces

negative feelings.


One of the most important aspects of feng shui and its application is

the lack of clutter and other unnecessary objects from any space.

Think right now to a cluttered space you’re familiar with, whether it’s your own home, your office, or someone else’s space. How do you

feel when you first see that space, or when you first walk into that office area?

Chances are you

become very tense, and

there’s reason for

this. Psychologists and

researchers alike have agreed that

clutter is much like excess body

weight – it serves no real

purpose and can make a person

feel bad.



How do you know if something should therefore be classified as

clutter? Obviously there is no set time limit, as some older possessions are valuable antiques. To say that if it’s no longer useful

then it’s clutter is also too broad of a generalization; everyone keeps a certain amount of pictures and other keepsakes from their own

childhood or from their children; these things obviously are not

“useful” but still hold much value.

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So where do you draw the line? How can you know whether or not to classify something as valuable or as useless?

Obviously the answer will be different for everyone, but there are

some general guidelines that can help.

For one thing, ask yourself how you feel when you look at a particular object. Does it evoke positive emotions, or negative ones? If you’re

hanging on to furniture and other items that your mother gave you because you would feel guilty for getting rid of it, then the object is

only giving you negative emotions. It’s clutter.

Do these things make you feel like a real adult in charge of a healthy and positive life, or do they make you feel childish, immature, out of

control, and ashamed? Sometimes we hold onto toys and other

keepsakes from our own childhood because we find being an adult scary and somewhat overwhelming. However, this is again a very

unhealthy way of approaching our own life. We need to let go of the past to live a healthy future.

Are you being realistic in your reasons for holding onto things? Be

honest, will you ever fit into that particular dress or sport coat again? Will those bell bottom jeans ever come back into style? Chances are

the answer to both questions is no, so let them go.

Why are you keeping papers from years and years ago? It’s true that you need tax receipts for a certain amount of time and perhaps other

items when it comes to your home, your car, and so on, but the lease to an apartment you haven’t lived in for years? Utility bills that are

also years old? Newspapers you know you’ll never read, magazines

that are years old, all of these things will never hold a place in your life again, so it’s time to let go.

How many of the same object do you have? A couple of frying pans

might be nice especially if you use them often, but three or four crock-pots? Two coffeepots? Sixteen hammers?

You might also apply that thinking to things like keepsakes. It’s really

not necessary to hold onto every single finger-painting your child has

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Is your clutter really adding to your life? Or is it just pulling you down, draining

your energy?

brought home from school, every report card from every semester of

every year, every test, and so on.

For yourself, that favorite teddy bear from when you were a child is one thing, but you

don’t need an entire collection, plus every

other toy or paper or report of yours as well.

Be choosy; select one or two important


When you reflect on all these things to think

about when it comes

to your things, you may immediately get a

sense of how unhealthy the thinking

behind clutter really is. That little voice that

tells you to keep absolutely everything

“just in case” is not tuned in to reality.

And really, what is

more important, the made-up scenario of

the day when you’ll

really need sixteen hammers, or the peace

of mind that’s getting robbed every day that you try to exist in your cluttered home?

For more on that subject, note some of the ways that clutter affects

most people:

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When you look at a cluttered mess, what do you see? Bills piled up,

laundry that needs folding, school projects that need attending to, and so on.

Clutter is usually nothing more than a reminder of work that needs to

be done, whether it’s household chores or projects around the office.

Additionally, by having these things surround you constantly, there is never any real feeling of accomplishment that someone might

normally get from finishing projects and putting them away. Believe it or not, paying bills, folding laundry, and getting those projects in on

time can make you feel good about yourself; but not doing those things simply takes that feeling away.


Again, all those chores that you haven’t accomplished can be a

reminder of all the ways you’re not doing things the way you should be. Additionally, it may be a reminder of how you’re not living up to

people’s expectations of you.

And this can be true even if you live alone – those bills make you

ashamed of how the utility companies must view you, that laundry reminds you of when your mother would chastise you, and so on.

Many people instinctively know that most people don’t live with clutter,

at least not the amount that they are allowing to be acceptable, and this gives them that “inner voice” constantly telling them that they’re

doing wrong, or aren’t doing enough, or aren’t being a real grown-up, or other negative thoughts. Again, even when there’s no one else

around to make you feel ashamed, your clutter can bring about those feelings of guilt and shame on their own.

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If every inch of space you have is filled with clutter, how do you have

room for anything new in your life? Being bogged down with past conflicts and ties to people and things that are no longer valuable in

your life can keep you from moving forward and forming new relationships.

Additionally, being tied to clutter is one way that many people refuse

to deal with issues from the past. If they can’t let go of that object that an old lover gave to them, they don’t need to think about any

pain that relationship caused them. By keeping the clutter and refusing to deal with the object, they then refuse to deal with the


None of this is a healthy approach to life and things. Clearing your clutter allows you to begin to deal with your problems and move



One of the problems that many people who have a cluttered

environment experience is that they really don’t know where to put things or how to group things together. There is that old saying, “A

place for everything and everything in its place,” but if you don’t know where that place is to begin with, you’re at a loss.

Having your home filled with unnecessary objects, papers, old clothes,

and so on distracts from the things you need. How can you find your current electric bill if your desk is piled with papers and other things?

How can you remember to bring certain papers with you to work in the morning if you can’t see those papers in front of you?


Clutter itself doesn’t make you overweight of course; there aren’t

extra calories in papers and books and old clothes. But many doctors theorize that clutter can often act as a protection the same way that

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excessive body weight can act as a protection. It insulates you,

cushions you from outside negativity.

Some people have been found out to purposely, albeit subconsciously, make themselves overweight to keep people at arm’s length; this is

usually done after suffering childhood or other abuses, or by those who have never really learned how to have healthy relationships with


Excessive “things” can be the same. You never need to remind yourself of how bad your financial situation is if you don’t see your

bank statement buried under other papers, you don’t need to deal with disciplining your child if you never see that unpleasant note from his or

her school.

Obviously these are not healthy or recommended ways of behaving,

but they are just another way that clutter is detrimental to a positive way of life, much like that excessive body weight.


Persons who respect and value themselves attract people who respect

and value them as well. This is one reason why certain people get involved in abusive relationships again and again – they lack self-

respect, and so tolerate that behavior from others.

When your environment is cluttered and messy, you are sending signals that you respect neither yourself or your home, and people will

also tend to devalue you as well. After all, if you can’t give yourself enough respect to surround yourself in an atmosphere that is clean

and neat, how can you expect strangers to treat you better than you treat yourself?

This isn’t to say that you deserve to be insulted or put down if your

home is cluttered, it is just a natural response that others seem to


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One of the most important principles or aspects of feng shui is the

absence of clutter in one’s home and environment. Unnecessary and useless objects are considered “dead” and do nothing but drain the

positive energy you are trying to encourage

Unfortunately, our modern society that’s driven by mass consumerism seems to miss this point regarding clutter and things. We have more

money to spend on things than probably any generation previous, and so we continue to amass belongings and possessions, and don’t take

the time needed to purge old and outdated items. This in turn drains our positive energy and contributes to the stress we feel every day.

And many people don’t always recognize it, but clutter can also take

the form of possessions that do serve a useful purpose, such as furniture or toys. Having too much furniture in one room or items that

are too large and bulky for the space can detract from the room’s feel, making it seem crowded and suffocating. Even toys that your children

still play with can become clutter when left out in areas of the home

where they’re not being used, or when there is no proper storage facility for them.

To help you apply the principles of feng shui when it comes to your

own cluttered environment, consider a few pointers:


Never be afraid to toss out unwanted, unusable, and even downright ugly things. You need not be overrun by sentiment when it comes to

your family “heirlooms,” after all, you’re not discarding a person when you discard things. Don’t listen to that little voice that tells you that

one day those ugly clothes will comes back in style or you might just need those sixteen hammers. If an item is bringing only negative

energy to your home, get rid of it.

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Separate and organize.

The old adage “A place for everything and everything in its place”

meant that things should be separated from one another, and put where they’re needed most. So, children’s toys should be kept in their

room or a playroom. Bills to be paid should be put in one spot; you might even consider keeping your checkbook and stamps there as

well, so everything is together. All hair care items you use in the morning should be in one spot, as should your makeup and other

toiletry items.

Resist the urge to simply drop things where you’re sitting and then leave them there. If you brush out your hair, put the hairbrush back

in the bathroom. If you read a newspaper, fold it up and put it in the recycling bin.


Put things away as much as possible. Instead of having DVDs and CDs stacked up everywhere, get an entertainment center with some

drawers. Get a roll top desk so that bills and work projects are out of sight as well. Toy boxes should be used to cut down on the number of

kids’ items around the house.

Let’s consider for a few moments how the idea of clearing away clutter can apply to different areas of our home and environment, and how

applying this vital aspect of feng shui can help.


Many people today are eating out more and more often; one recent census report stated that close to 60% of any family’s food bill is for

food that’s eaten out. That’s over half of our meals that are eaten away!

This means that the dining area is a prime spot to fall victim to clutter, as it soon becomes used for anything and everything except eating.

The home office, the children’s art area, a playroom, all of these things

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It’s not unusual to see clutter overtake the kitchen and eating areas.

easily take over the dining or breakfast area when it’s not being used

for what it was intended for.

To apply feng shui techniques to your

dining area, you need to remove clutter and the

negative energy it creates. To do this, first

declare the dining room off-limits to other

activities, at least when it’s mealtime. Do not

allow the family to store any other items there,

including the children’s

homework or artwork, the family bills and other

office items or paperwork, and so on.

Your dining area needs

to stimulate appetite and allow you to eat in peace and harmony. Additional clutter may be

disguised as decoration, but when there’s too much in a room, even if it matches the theme of the room (plates on the wall, plastic fruit in a

bowl, and so on), it detracts from eating and is then bad feng shui.

Consider your furniture as well. Is it to scale, meaning that it’s balanced in the room? Furniture that’s too large or too small, or a

dining set with too many chairs that are “crammed in” to a small room

also drain the energy, not allowing it to flow freely around the room.

If you’re in doubt, consider taking some of the furniture out for a few days and seeing how that feels. If the room seems more open and

airy, then chances are that the items need to stay out of the room permanently to allow the positive energy in.

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An uncluttered living room can be a peaceful retreat for adults and still leave plenty of room

for the children to play. Good feng shui!


Chances are that unless you have a separate family room, your living

room must serve double-duty as a relaxing retreat for the adults and an energetic play place for the children. However, excessive amounts

of things in this room will allow it to accomplish neither goal.

As with the dining room,

start by taking out all the

items that do not belong in

either the adults’ retreat

or the children’s play area.

Unfinished projects, tools,


anything like this needs to be


Next, take out items for which

you know you no longer have a purpose. Magazines you will never read (or have already read), newspapers, things such as these need to

go as well.

Furniture and decorations are a common trap for clutter when it comes to the living room. We too often seem to think that when it comes to

decorating, more is better.

However, a room that is overpowered with furniture and accessories

disrupts the positive energy flow, and this is especially true of smaller rooms such as in apartments. Furniture needs to be in the correct

scale – consider using loveseats and arm chairs rather than overstuffed couches, for example. You can even forego a coffee table

and use smaller side tables to encourage traffic flow.

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There are many products available to help you de-clutter

your kitchen.

Having too many focal points in a room can also be considered clutter and lead to a drain on your energy. The eye doesn’t need to focus on

too many large or powerful things at once. So if you have a large fireplace, you might consider keeping the entertainment center a bit

smaller, or clearing out furniture around it so it doesn’t seem crowded.

Small accents should still be present in the living room to make it seem inviting. Throws or afghans and pillows are earth elements, and

candles are fire elements that can all be added to soothe the room.


The kitchen is unfortunately another area of the home in which there is far too much clutter, far too often.

Food preparation is a very important element of feng shui, and the

kitchen is a prominent place for the element of water, which itself signifies cleanness and purity.

When the kitchen is cluttered, this introduces stress and tension which is then very often transferred to the food preparation. Eating in such

an environment can bring physical problems such as indigestion and ulcers.

Things that don’t belong in the kitchen

should be removed. Bills to be paid, the children’s school projects, shoes and

jackets should all be moved elsewhere.

It may be necessary to make some hard decisions about kitchen tools and utensils,

as many people have clutter in the kitchen because they’ve been buying kitchen items

for years. However, there can be no good

feng shui and positive energy in your kitchen if that energy is vying for space

with all those useless objects! So now might be the time to plan a garage sale,

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give some things away, or just plain throw out all those tools and

utensils that you’re not using.

Your kitchen should be an area full of positive energy that can be transferred during food preparation, and this won’t happen in an

overly busy and crowded kitchen, so don’t hesitate to remove some objects. You might even consider boxing up the things you don’t’ use

that often but still don’t want to get rid of; simply store them in another area of the home so they’re not in your way every day.


Clutter in the bedroom is one of the worst enemies of feng shui. Your

bedroom is where you go to feel peaceful and relaxed in order to get to sleep; or where you and your partner go for romance. Either way,

clutter is going to do nothing but drain those opportunities.

The bedroom is often treated as the “dumping ground” for items that we don’t know where else to put, or that we don’t want guests to see.

We think that if we close the bedroom door, then those things are out

of sight and then they’re out of our minds – until it’s time for bed, of course.

Going back to what we talked about early when it comes to clutter and

all the negative effects it has on us mentally and emotionally, why would we want those effects to hit us the hardest in the bedroom of all

places? When we’re trying to get some sleep, that’s when we see the bills we haven’t paid, the laundry we haven’t done, and so on? How

does this encourage the positive energy we need to rest and then wake up feeling rejuvenated?

And when it comes to the romance department, how can anyone feel

“in the mood” when they have bank statements, kids’ toys, or dirty laundry staring at them?

To get the bedroom free of clutter, here are some tips:

First, remove everything that doesn’t belong there. Your bedroom is for relaxing and sleeping, getting dressed, and romance. If something

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Candles in the bedroom can bring in the fire element. Just be careful to put them out

before falling asleep!

is in your bedroom that isn’t included in those three actions, then

remove it. Exercise equipment, unfolded laundry, and the home office aren’t involved in any of those happenings, so they all need to go.

Additionally, while it may be nice to enjoy family time in mom and

dad’s big bed, the bedroom is ultimately for the adults, and so children need to be visitors there, not occupants. The baby’s crib or changing

table, the kids’ toys, all of these things need to be removed also. Children too need to learn to respect the privacy of adults and not

treat the bed as their personal trampoline or to feel that they can use the bedroom as their second play place.

If you must keep other items in the bedroom, such as a desk or other

workspace, it’s imperative that you keep it neat and organized at all times. Put your papers and supplies away. Purchase a roll-top desk

or armoire that can be closed up when not in use. And if nothing else,

get some screens or large plants that can be used to block out these items so that they can’t be seen when it’s time for bed.

Furniture and decorations also need to be considered. Family photos

should be used sparsely throughout the room – again, how can you be in the mood for romance with a picture of your mom and dad on the

nightstand, or grandma’s portrait

staring at you from across the room?

The fire element is

often used in the bedroom, but

should also be done

sparingly. While red is the color of

romance and vitality, it is also a

very easy color to become

overpowered by. Usually one red

accent wall is more than enough, if

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you’re going to paint your bedroom. You might also consider

incorporating fire with candles in the bedroom, just be mindful of your safety of course and make sure they’re extinguished before falling


By using all these practical tips on clearing clutter away from your home one room at a time, you’ll soon find that you’re introducing into

your home the most important part of feng shui – positive energy, and you’re not allowing your unnecessary and useless objects to drain that

energy as well.

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Good curb appeal is vitally important to good feng shui.


Have you ever heard of a decorator or designer refer to a home’s “curb

appeal”? This of course means how a home looks, not necessarily from the curb in a literal sense, but from the outside vantage point.

In real estate, curb

appeal is vitally important. First

impressions count for quite a bit, and

real estate experts will strongly

encourage their

clients to give special

consideration to this part of their

home when selling. They will

often point out the front walkway

leading to your door, windows on

the front of your home including flower boxes and shutters, and the landscaping around

your entry. All of these things will either make a visitor feel immediately welcome and drawn to the home, or can even repel him

or her. Many real estate experts will point out that if a potential buyer

is turned off by the look of the outside of your home, chances are they’ll keep driving and won’t even bother to look at the inside.

The entrances to homes and even to rooms themselves are very

important in the application of feng shui, because they give a person a first impression of the space within. They set the tone and mood as


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Think about this the next time you walk into your own home or even

into another room. The moment it comes into view, what are your thoughts and feelings? Does your home’s outside appearance seem

shabby, tired, rundown? Does the walkway do anything to invite visitors to approach?

One of the reasons that this principle is emphasized in the teachings of

feng shui is because it’s believed that positive energy can either be encouraged to enter the home or repelled, just as visitors may feel.

Setting that thought aside, you may want to consider your own energy

when approaching your home. Do you feel eager to go inside, do you feel proud of the home itself and the lawn surrounding it? Or do you

immediately experience negative emotions of guilt, shame, or embarrassment?

If your home’s outside appearance brings you negative emotions, then it’s time to make some changes. Here are some ways to start:


In some areas, there may not be much you can do about your

walkway, if you live in an apartment or other attached living space. However, even if you don’t own the building you live in, do your part

to respect it and encourage positive energy. If there a small piece of trash, pick it up. If there are fingerprints on the door, why can’t you

easily wipe them off yourself? Encourage your landlord to keep the building as neat and attractive as possible.

For your own home, you want to introduce calming and inviting

elements in the front walkway. Avoid the fire element, which will only repel people, so you need to leave your portable fire pit in the

backyard and keep your bright red flowers and bushes there also; small lights are acceptable. The earth element can be added with the

addition of plants along the path. Browns are welcoming colors, so try

maple-colored bushes and small trees with dark brown leaves. Again, bright colors may be overpowering and turn people away, so put your

brightly colored flowering plants in the backyard and keep the front neutral and warm.

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Positive energy can either flow through your home or get stopped right at the entrance.


Your front door encourages or discourages the positive energy you are

trying to bring into your home A door that is in disrepair with broken hinges or other hardware, or that is dirty, will only negate any energy

you create.

Additionally, your door is the first thing you will touch when entering your home, and so will “set the mood” for the rest of the house.

There cannot be enough emphasis on how well one should keep the

front door when trying to introduce good feng shui into the home. However, don’t fall prey to the myth of believing that red front doors

are a part of this teaching; this is actually another bit of folklore and new age thinking that became intertwined with real feng shui




Positive energy can

either flow through your home or get

stopped right at the

entrance. This is another area of the

home where clutter is a terrible

deterrent to good feng shui.

There should be no

large or bulky objects in the front

entrance to stop this positive energy. Any table that you use for your everyday items such

as a purse or keys should be in good proportion to the entrance. Avoid leaving negative items here as well, such as bills to be paid, the

kid’s homework, unfinished projects, and even items such as coats and

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boots. Anything that you leave near the front entrance should be

neatly organized and rather sparse.

And you should work to create a welcoming feel at the front entrance as well. A chair works well, as will any of the earth elements such as

plants or wooden objects.

The bottom line is that your front door should create an immediately feeling of rest, peace, harmony, and welcome the moment you step

through the door. Take a moment to check your own front entrance and see how it compares. Are there bulky furniture objects that get in

the way of the entrance? Does the family treat the front entrance as another “dumping ground” for coats, shoes, sports equipment,

backpacks, and anything else? What is the feeling that you get the moment you step through that door – rest and calm, or anxiety and


Work to remove any elements that are blocking positive energy from

your front entrance for the best feng shui your home could have.


Decorators and designers often talk about a home’s “flow” when it comes to furniture arrangement, and this is an essential element of

feng shui. What this flow refers to is the ability to easily walk around a room to where you want to be, and to easily use its elements – the

tables, TV, lamps, and other objects.

When you are consistently bumping into a certain table or other piece of furniture, that room does not have good “flow.” You are not able to

move traffic freely throughout the room.

And if traffic cannot get through, neither can positive energy!

Think about your bedroom, for example. If you walk into the room

and the bed is immediately to your left or right, chances are you feel boxed in. You have cut off traffic – and energy – with the bed’s

placement according to the entrance. For good feng shui, it’s better to

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have the bed on an opposite wall with the foot of the bed facing or

adjacent to the entrance.

This can be true of other rooms as well. If you have your dining table pushed up against one wall, there is no flow around it. Positive energy

gets cut off right at the entrance.

Think of how this principle of feng shui can apply to the entrances of all the rooms of your home and how you have furniture or other

objects arranged. Is something cutting off an adjacent hallway or in the middle of one? Do you have furniture that seems to “stick out”

into doorways or, again, that you’re always running into or bumping as you’re trying to get by?

If you are being cut off from getting through certain rooms right at the

entrance, your positive energy is as well. Take some time to either

rearrange or purge these items to further encourage the energy to flow.

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Feng shui has applications for the outside of your home as well as the

inside. Positive energy can radiate outside your home, or your yard and surroundings can seem stale and stagnant.

Even real estate experts know this, as we’ve already mentioned. They

will counsel homeowners to give a great deal of attention to the curb appeal of their home, and let them know if their front or backyards are

detracting from a visitor’s impression of the home.

And the outside of our home can do much to help our hurt our mood and energy as well. If we pull into the driveway and see an unkempt

lawn, toys strewn everywhere, and garbage that’s visible from the

street, then our mood is immediately deflated. We are not energized and about being home, we are instead depressed, anxious, and guilty

– and these emotions will be carried into the home as well.

So how can you incorporate the principles of feng shui into your outdoor living space? Here are some pointers:


As we’ve said, the entrance is a very important part of your house,

and can set the entire tone for a visitor. As they say, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Additionally, you must

invite positive energy into your home through the main entrance, and this won’t happen if it is cluttered, in disrepair, or is downright


Good, positive energy comes from live things. Dead plants, wilted shrubbery, and weeds in your garden are all sources of negative


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Tending to your lawn and flowerbeds is therefore very important for

good feng shui in your outdoor area. Dead plants should be uprooted and removed, and weeds should be pulled. Your lawn should be

mowed and trimmed once per week, or as needed, and don’t allow the clippings to simply sit there. Get a bagged mower if possible, or rake

the clipping up. Leaving dead clippings on your lawn drains positive energy flow.


You might not think of your lawn as being home to clutter, but think

for a moment of all the things that don’t belong there but that usually sit in the lawn for day – or even forever. Kids’ toys and bikes, lawn

cutting equipment, patio furniture that’s in need of repair – these things are all clutter.

Also, if you keep trash cans outside, these should be away from the

house and closed off from view. Garbage is a definite energy drainer and shouldn’t be visible at first glance to anyone.

The concept of lawn clutter also

applies to the various lawn

“decorations” that one can

purchase; remember that

it’s all too easy to go overboard

with these things to the point

where they are no longer


anything and are now just detracting from your home and your outdoor environment.

Good feng shui is about balance and harmony, and encouraging

positive energy. If you have so many things scattered around your

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lawn that you feel exhausted every time you look at them, then

they’re no longer serving their purpose and have crossed the line to clutter.

To help you get control of your clutter, first take stock of what the

problems are. Is it the kids’ toys? Then start training them to put these things away in the garage when not in use. Buy outdoor bins for

things like racquets, balls, mitts, and the like. Organizers for the garage are usually very inexpensive, or you can even purchase metal

shelves. These are also usually affordable, and having items up on shelves in the garage will encourage more feng shui than having them

strewn across the lawn.

If the problem is your patio furniture, consider repairing or replacing it. You may even need to pare down some things – if you have too many

mismatched chairs, tables, and the like, then this detracts from

positive energy and robs you of the enjoyment from their use. You may want to put some furniture away in the garage and simply bring it

out when company is over.


There are some unique elements that apply to qi in a garden, and they are, as one would expect, mountains, water and greenery.

Of course you cannot bring mountains into your own home or garden,

but these can be represented symbolically by the height of your landscaping. Shrubbery that’s tall and stately is often very appealing.

Raising your flowerbeds or designing your landscape in layers can also do the trick; avoid planting just flat flowerbeds or gardens. Many

professional landscapers plan things that are three-tiered, or that have three sight levels, rather than one flat row of bushes or plants. This

mimics the staggered height of mountains and adds visual interest to your plantings.

Water can be introduced by way of fountains or ponds, or even cascading “rivers” of stones. Remember, these elements do not need

to be complicated and you certainly do not need to break your budget to introduce them to your own space. Many home improvement stores

sell very small outdoor fountains that plug in and can even be

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A stone walkway can mimic a waterfall, bringing in the water element.

mounted onto the back of the home itself. You can try a birdbath,

even a small one. Stones can be placed along most walkways. However, when using stones, avoid the very fake, painted stones.

Your outdoor space should be natural and encourage natural energy; you’re not going to do this by using artificial elements.

Lush plants are

needed for the greenery. Your lawn

should be well-tended and cared for; give

special attention to any trouble spots,

such as brown or dead areas. Again,

you don’t want any

dead items to introduce negative

energy in your outdoor space.

Usually when

planning an outdoor space, there is almost

no such thing as too many plants, but do

make sure that they all work well with one

another. Tall tree next to short grass

will seem out of place

and not to scale; you’ll notice in this

picture that the homeowner used

shrubbery of tall, medium, and short

heights in order to complement one another. Remember, balance and harmony are important elements of feng shui.

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You can also introduce other elements into your outdoor space, such

as using wood benches and chairs. Light represents fire and can be placed around walkways and other key areas – not only will this add

warmth and positive energy, it may be the safest thing to do as well!

There are virtually no colors that you should not use in your garden, however, having too many colors are not good. These can overwhelm

you and lose that harmonious balance of energy that you are seeking. Too many colors can seem conflicting, like an outfit that has all the

colors of the rainbow. It’s simply too much for the eye to take in! Make your colors lush and vibrant, but not overpowering either. This

would also detract from the needed balance and harmony.

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We’ve mentioned this before, but the real secret to the art of feng shui

is to make it personalized for your space. What emotion are you trying to convey, how much energy do you want in each room?

By understanding the principles of how feng shui is applied, you can

then make better use of it in your own home. And remember, there really is no right or wrong way to use feng shui in your home, it’s

simply a matter of what you want to accomplish and how you want to

feel in your own home.

So don’t hesitate to begin applying these principles in your own home, even if you need to go just one room at a time. By doing so, you will

soon begin to experience the tranquil peace, the balance, and the harmony that only feng shui can bring you.