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Copyright © 2015 Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. All rights reserved. Praying for Boldness Lesson 1

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Praying for Boldness

Lesson 1

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• Turn to someone in your class, and name the first person you would tell in these situations.

Whom Would You Tell?


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Whom Would You Tell?

• A promotion at work


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Whom Would You Tell?

• A serious health problem


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Whom Would You Tell?

• An amazing answer to prayer


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Whom Would You Tell?

• Losing your wallet or billfold


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• Whether good or bad news, we usually want to share information right away.

• The same was true when Peter and John were persecuted for preaching about Jesus.

• Let’s find out whom they told and why.

Whom Would You Tell?

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Lesson Outline

IntroductionA. Useless Axiom B. Lesson Background

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Fill in the Background

• To understand what happened in today’s text, we need to look at what occurred right before this.

• In your groups, answer one of the following assigned questions.

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Fill in the Background

1. Which two apostles were involved? (Acts 3:1)

2. Where were they headed? (Acts 3:1)

3. They encountered a man with a handicap. Was he blind, deaf, or lame from birth? (Acts 3:2)

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Fill in the Background

1. Which two apostles were involved? (Acts 3:1)

2. Where were they headed? (Acts 3:1)

3. They encountered a man with a handicap. Was he blind, deaf, or lame from birth? (Acts 3:2)

Peter and John

to the temple

lame from birth

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Fill in the Background

4. What did the man ask Peter and John to do for him? (Acts 3:3)

5. What did they do for him? (Acts 3:6, 7)

6. How did the man react? (Acts 3:8)

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Fill in the Background

4. What did the man ask Peter and John to do for him? (Acts 3:3)

5. What did they do for him? (Acts 3:6, 7)

6. How did the man react? (Acts 3:8)

To give him alms

They healed him.

He walked and leaped and praised God.

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Fill in the Background

7. What was the crowd’s response to the miracle? (Acts 3:10)

8. Where did they assemble? (Acts 3:11)

9. When he saw the crowd, what did Peter do? (Acts 3:12, 13ff)

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Fill in the Background

7. What was the crowd’s response to the miracle? (Acts 3:10)

8. Where did they assemble? (Acts 3:11)

9. When he saw the crowd, what did Peter do? (Acts 3:12, 13ff)

Wonder and amazement

Solomon’s porch in the temple

He preached about Jesus to them.

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Fill in the Background

10. When the Jewish leaders heard the preaching, why were they upset? (Acts 4:1, 2)

11. What did they do to Peter and John? (Acts 4:3)

12. When the high priest and others questioned them, what did Peter do? (Acts 4:8ff)

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Fill in the Background

10. When the Jewish leaders heard the preaching, why were they upset? (Acts 4:1, 2)

11. What did they do to Peter and John? (Acts 4:3)

12. When the high priest and others questioned them, what did Peter do? (Acts 4:8ff)

They taught about Jesus’ resurrection.

They threw them in jail.

Preached Jesus to them.

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Fill in the Background

13. What was it about Peter and John that surprised them? (Acts 4:13)

14. What held them back from severely punishing Peter and John? (Acts 4:14-16)

15. What did they do instead? (Acts 4:18)

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Fill in the Background

13. What was it about Peter and John that surprised them? (Acts 4:13)

14. What held them back from severely punishing Peter and John? (Acts 4:14-16)

15. What did they do instead? (Acts 4:18)

Such boldness from uneducated men.

The miracle they had performed.

They threatened and ordered them not to speak in Jesus’ name.

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Lesson Outline

I. Release (Acts 4:23)

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What Do You Think?

• What are our church’s policies and practices for sharing various kinds of information? What can be done to help people and share their issues?

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What Do You Think?

• What are our church’s policies and practices for sharing various kinds of information? What can be done to help people and share their issues?

• Talking Points for Your Discussion– Regarding praises

– Regarding challenges being or to be faced

– Other

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Lesson Outline

II. Prayer (Acts 4:24-30)A. Praising the Creator (v. 24)B. Remembering Christ (vv. 25-28)C. Requesting Help (vv. 29, 30)

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• How does recognition of God’s sovereignty influence how you pray?

What Do You Think?

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What Do You Think?

• How does recognition of God’s sovereignty influence how you pray?

• Talking Points for Your Discussion– Concerning a terminal illness– Concerning a natural disaster– Concerning a personal tragedy– Concerning a national tragedy– Other

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What Do You Think?

• What are some ways nations or organizations attempt to work against God’s will today? How should Christians respond?

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What Do You Think?

• What are some ways nations or organizations attempt to work against God’s will today? How should Christians respond?

• Talking Points for Your Discussion– Regarding opposition methods similar to

those used in the first century

– Regarding opposition methods unique to modern times

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What Do You Think?

• How do we know when we should pray for boldness rather than deliverance and vice versa?

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What Do You Think?

• How do we know when we should pray for boldness rather than deliverance and vice versa?

• Talking Points for Your Discussion– Matthew 26:39, 42– Colossians 4:3– 2 Thessalonians 3:1, 2– Other

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Lesson Outline

III. Results (Acts 4:31)A. On the Structure (v. 31a)B. On Those Gathered (v. 31b)

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What Do You Think?

• Are there times when boldness in witness would do more harm than good? Explain.

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What Do You Think?

• Are there times when boldness in witness would do more harm than good? Explain.

• Talking Points for Your Discussion

– Esther 4:14– Ecclesiastes 3:7b– Amos 5:13– Other

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Lesson Outline

ConclusionA. Do We Have Not Because We Ask Not? B. PrayerC. Thought to Remember

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Courageous Prayer

• What two practices on the part of Peter and John got them in trouble with the Jewish authorities? (Acts 4:16, 17)

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Courageous Prayer

• What two practices on the part of Peter and John got them in trouble with the Jewish authorities? (Acts 4:16, 17)– The miracle of healing the lame man – Their boldness in preaching about Jesus

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Courageous Prayer

• When they prayed, what two things did they ask God for? (Acts 4:29, 30)– More boldness– More signs and wonders

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Courageous Prayer

• Why would Peter and John pray for more of what had just gotten them thrown in jail and threatened by the authorities?

• How can we be bolder and more courageous in our prayers?

• Look at the following situations and describe a bold prayer.

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Courageous Prayer

• The school your child attends teaches sex education in a way that violates your Christian convictions.


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Courageous Prayer

• You have been reprimanded for witnessing to a coworker while you were both on break.


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Courageous Prayer

• You’ve been struggling with a secret sin all alone.


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Thought to Remember

God still grants boldness.

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Sharing with Sincerity Next Week’s Lesson