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Page 1: Copyright © 2012 Success Vantage Pte · 2012-05-02 · Included with the Mind Secrets Exposed 2.0 program as a bonus
Page 2: Copyright © 2012 Success Vantage Pte · 2012-05-02 · Included with the Mind Secrets Exposed 2.0 program as a bonus


Copyright © 2012 Success Vantage Pte Ltd

All rights reserved. Published by Greg & Alvin No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, scanned, or otherwise, except as permitted under Canadian copyright law, without the prior written permission of the author. Notes to the Reader: While the author and publisher of this book have made reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information contained herein, the author and publisher assume no liability with respect to losses or damages caused, or alleged to be caused, by any reliance on any information contained herein and disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or reliability of said information. The publisher and the author make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situation. It is the complete responsibility of the reader to ensure they are adhering to all local, regional and national laws. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering professional services. If legal, accounting, medical, psychological, or any other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The words contained in this text which are believed to be trademarked, service marked, or to otherwise hold proprietary rights have been designated as such by the use of initial capitalization. Inclusion, exclusion, or definition of a word or term is not intended to affect, or to express judgment upon the validity of legal status of any proprietary right which may be claimed for a specific word or term. The fact that an organization or website is referred to in this work as a citation and/or potential source of further information does not mean that the author or publisher endorses the information the organization or website may provide or the recommendations it may make. Further, readers should be aware that the websites listed in this work may have changed or disappeared, between the time this work was written and when it is read. Individual results may vary.

Page 3: Copyright © 2012 Success Vantage Pte · 2012-05-02 · Included with the Mind Secrets Exposed 2.0 program as a bonus


WELCOME… To The Dream Planner

Introduction – Say Goodbye to Your Job

If you’re sick and tired of slogging hard and aimlessly at your 9-5 job… here’s the

encouraging news, this report will set you free if you act on it. In fact the dream planner is

meant to help you in achieving whatever goals you might have. ..Whatever they may be.

However, for the purpose of simplification; we will be using an example of how you can use

the dream planner to eliminate what we call a “job” and instead help you in achieving

financial freedom.

Thousands of people have used this method with great success and I would love to share it

with you.

Now, life is short yet we spend a large part of our lives working on our jobs instead of truly

pursuing the things we love and really want to do.

We’ve been pre-conditioned since young that getting an education… then working hard on

your job for the next 30 years is the only way to make a living in this world.

Perhaps that was the only way a few generations ago, where it was extremely difficult for an

average Joe to break out of this vicious cycle without exceptional talent or large sums of


Fortunately, times have pretty much changed …

The 21st century has presented us with new technologies and developments that have

rapidly revolutionized the way we can make money.

One such technology that has changed the lives of millions is the Internet!

The magnitude of the Information Revolution is as large as that of the Industrial Revolution.

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The Industrial Revolution gave birth to an entire generation of rich and wealthy people and

likewise, the Information Revolution is already changing the lives of many for the better!

You don’t have to have oil and steel to build your fortunes today.

In the Information Revolution, the formula for financial success is so much simpler…

It’s simply a matter of how many eyeballs you command today! (The more people you can

reach out with the Internet today, the more money you’ll make!)

In other words – in the Internet age, information can be your greatest asset – your ticket

out of the rat race, financial freedom, and your escape out of the 9-5 job.

Anybody has an equal chance today to capitalize on the Information age and be financially

free; you simply have to know what really works and then act on it. It’s simple and we’ll

show you how very soon…

Included with the Mind Secrets Exposed 2.0 program as a bonus is the “Quick Wealth

System”, it is a very easy system that you can use to actually build your very own internet


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So What Is This Dream Planner All About?

“Nothing happens unless first a dream.” - Carl Sandburg

The most important step in any major accomplishment in our lives has to begin with setting

a specific goal.

Would anyone ever scale Mount Everest by chance?

The team of Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay was the first to scale Mount Everest in 1953

and they did so because they made it their goal. They couldn’t just possibly wander around

and find themselves at the peak of Mount Everest, couldn’t they?

Thus, we need goals in our lives!

All good things and worthwhile accomplishments in our lives have to be deliberately

created. And it begins with DREAMING BIG!

What do you REALLY want in your LIFE?

Income: How much money do you want to make a year?

Lifestyle: What kind of lifestyle are you going to aim for? (It does not necessarily have to be

a flashy lifestyle. There are people who actually aim for a simple, yet financially independent


Health: What is your ideal weight? What level of health must you be at?

Career: What must you achieve in your career & business?

Relationships: What kind and quality of relationships must you have?

Life is simply too short to play it small.

We need to know what we want in our lives!

And next, we need to figure out what we need to do in order to reach those dreams!

And this is where the Dream Planner comes into play!

Page 6: Copyright © 2012 Success Vantage Pte · 2012-05-02 · Included with the Mind Secrets Exposed 2.0 program as a bonus


The Simple 4-Step Dream Planner System

“A goal properly set is halfway reached.” - Abraham Lincoln

The Dream Planner system is something that we’ve been using on a regular basis to align

and reach our goals effectively.

There are two key advantages behind the Dream Planner system.

First, it allows you to dream at the highest level and to brainstorm out the wildest


The second key advantage is that the planner pushes you to start planning on what you

should do in order to reach those goals.

This involves finding the costs involved and specific actions you need to take to bring you

closer to your goals.

We strongly encourage that you take up the 48 hour challenge that comes with the Dream

Planner system.


They say that taking the first step is often the most difficult one.

We are often held back by inertia.

Yet the moment we start taking action towards our goals, no matter how small those

actions are, momentum builds up and carries us quickly towards those goals.

The 48 hour challenge serves that purpose… it is a proven powerful process to align you

with your dreams!

In the next few pages, you’ll find instructions on how to use the Dream Planner, followed by

a Sample Dream Planner that you can reference to help speed up your use of the planner.

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Identify the BEs, DOs & HAVEs You Desire In Your Life

What do you want to achieve in your life in the next 6-12 months?

Specifically, think about who/what do you want to BE?

(A Muay Thai cage fighter, a public speaker, etc.)

What do you want to DO?

(Travel around the world, learn cable-skiing, learn to do the SALSA etc.)

And lastly, what do you want to HAVE?

(a nice house, car or perhaps a beautiful girlfriend)


Finding the Costs Associated For the New Lifestyle You Have Designed Next, you need to determine the cost per month associated for each of your

desire! For example, your dream car is a BMW 3 series would cost about

US$50,000 (depending on the model you choose). Spread the payment over 24

months and the monthly cost is simply US$2083k. Start recording these costs

down into the Dream Planner!

For every desire that is financeable, identify that cost per month.


How Much Money Do You Need To Make Every Month To Achieve Your New Lifestyle?

You will now calculate the required Target Monthly Income for realizing those

dreams. In Step 2, you would have identified the cost per month for each desire.

In Step 3, simply sum up those costs per month together PLUS your monthly

expenses to give you your TOTAL costs per month. This Target Monthly Income

will be the goal to work for. Next, divide this figure by 30 to give you your

Target Daily Income (TDI) This will show you how much you need to make a day

with an Internet business to live your new lifestyle!

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What Can You Do Within The Next 48 Hours That Will Bring You One Step Closer To Your New Lifestyle?

Last, you need to determine small, actionable steps that you can take within the

next 48 hours that will bring you closer to your new lifestyle.

It can be as simple and easy as taking your dream car out to a test-drive in the

following 6 hours… you need to simply do it because once you start taking

ACTION, you build momentum and the more action steps you list down and

take, the BIGGER the momentum you build, till you become unstoppable!!

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Sample Dream Planner

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An Important Final Step

“Where there is no vision, the people perish…” - PROVERBS, 29:18

The final step is a powerful technique to realizing your dreams in the shortest time possible.

You see, what drives us daily to reach our dreams daily is not logic but the strong powers of

our emotions. Logically you may want to build a business that generates 1 million in profits a

year but unless you are emotionally charged up, chances are you will keep putting it off.

Our emotions have a powerful influence in our lives!

Specifically, we want to be in powerful and resourceful emotional states that will fuel us

with all the positive energies on a daily basis to help us reach those dreams!

One powerful and easy way to do it is through VISUALIZATION! And it requires you only 5-10

minutes a night to perform this simple exercise!

Every night before you head to bed, look at your Dream Planner and take one DREAM/GOAL

and imagine yourself in the future already achieving it. Paint that picture in your mind and

involve as much of your senses as possible: What do you hear around you, what do you see

as you are achieving your dream… Now, if you do this every night with your major goals and

dreams, you will be constantly fueled with energy, excitement, and drive to keep marching

towards them.

Several years ago, back then there was really limited useful information online to help a

person build an internet business. But now with the “Quick Wealth System” that we’ve

provided with a bonus. You can easily start one yourself and start earning passive income

24/7 every single day.

Now combine this with the use of visualization for yourself. The picture I liked to paint in my

mind was the end result of having an Internet business that will give me and my family

financial freedom so that I can take care of them without being a slave to a job. If it weren’t

for this picture I had in my mind, I wouldn’t’ be writing this report for you today. Start

painting those dreams in your mind today and see yourself skyrocketing to success!