copyright © 2010 pearson education, inc. joints (articulations) articulation—site where two or...

pyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Joints (Articulations) Articulation—site where two or more bones meet Functions of joints: Give skeleton mobility Hold skeleton together Case: Hyaluronic acid injections for knee osteoarthritis Joseph, a 45 year old construction worker has osteoarthritis. His knees have been bothering him and his physician recommended injections of hyaluronic acid.

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Page 1: Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Joints (Articulations) Articulation—site where two or more bones meet Functions of joints: Give skeleton mobility

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.

Joints (Articulations)

• Articulation—site where two or more bones meet

• Functions of joints:

• Give skeleton mobility

• Hold skeleton together

Case: Hyaluronic acid injections for knee osteoarthritis

Joseph, a 45 year old construction worker has osteoarthritis. His knees have

been bothering him and his physician recommended injections of hyaluronic acid.

Page 2: Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Joints (Articulations) Articulation—site where two or more bones meet Functions of joints: Give skeleton mobility

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Functional Classification of Joints

• Based on amount of movement allowed by the joint

• Three functional classifications:

• Synarthroses—immovable

• Amphiarthroses—slightly movable

• Diarthroses—freely movable

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Structural Classification of Joints

• Based on material binding bones together and whether or not a joint cavity is present

• Three structural classifications:

• Fibrous

• Cartilaginous

• Synovial

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Fibrous Joints

• Bones joined by dense fibrous connective tissue

• No joint cavity

• Most are synarthrotic (immovable)

• Three types:

• Sutures

• Syndesmoses

• Gomphoses

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Fibrous Joints: Sutures

• Rigid, interlocking joints containing short connective tissue fibers

• Allow for growth during youth

• In middle age, sutures ossify and are called synostoses

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Crouzon's and Apert's SyndromeCrouzon and Apert syndromes are the most common of the craniosynostosis syndromes. Craniosynostosis refers to the early closing of one or more of the sutures of an infant's head. The skull is normally composed of bones which are separated by sutures. This diagram shows the different sutures which can be involved.

As an infant's brain grows, open sutures allow the skull to expand and develop a relatively normal head shape. If one or more of the sutures has closed early, it causes the skull to expand in the direction of the open sutures. This can result in an abnormal head shape. In severe cases, this condition can also cause increased pressure on the growing brain.

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8.1a



(a) Suture

Joint held together with very short,interconnecting fibers, and bone edges

interlock. Found only in the skull.

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Fibrous Joints: Syndesmoses

• Bones connected by ligaments (bands of fibrous tissue)

• Movement varies from immovable to slightly movable

• Examples:

• Synarthrotic distal tibiofibular joint

• Diarthrotic interosseous connection between radius and ulna

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8.1b




(b) Syndesmosis

Joint held together by a ligament.Fibrous tissue can vary in length, but

is longer than in sutures.

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Fibrous Joints: Gomphoses

• Peg-in-socket joints of teeth in alveolar sockets

• Fibrous connection is the periodontal ligament

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8.1c

Root oftooth

Socket ofalveolarprocess


(c) Gomphosis

“Peg in socket” fibrous joint. Periodontalligament holds tooth in socket.

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Cartilaginous Joints

• Bones united by cartilage

• No joint cavity

• Two types:

• Synchondroses

• Symphyses

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Cartilaginous Joints: Synchondroses

• A bar or plate of hyaline cartilage unites the bones

• All are synarthrotic

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8.2a

Epiphysealplate (temporaryhyaline cartilagejoint)


Joint betweenfirst rib andsternum(immovable)

(a) Synchondroses

Bones united by hyaline cartilage

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Ischiopubic Joint

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Asymmetric Closure of Ischiopubic Synchondrosis in Pediatric Patients: Correlation with Foot Dominance

OBJECTIVE. The enlarged ischiopubic synchondrosis is a well-known anatomic struc- ture; however, little is

known about its physiology. In early childhood, enlargement of this synchondrosis occurs bilaterally, whereas before

complete ossification, it is frequently found unilaterally. In most children, the unilateral enlarged ischiopubic

synchondrosis is observed in the left hemipelvis, a finding that was hitherto unexplained. During common athletic

activi- ties, increased ground reaction forces are exerted on the weight-bearing nondominant limb, which in up to

87% of the general population is the left leg. The asymmetric exertion of these forces may explain the distinct

closure sequence of this temporary joint. The purpose of this study was to correlate unilateral enlarged ischiopubic

synchondrosis with foot dominance.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. The study cohort comprised 32 children who had un- dergone unenhanced

radiography, CT, or MRI for reasons other than bone disorders and who presented with enlarged ischiopubic

synchondroses. In these children, the distribution of en- larged ischiopubic synchondrosis and foot dominance were

evaluated either retrospectively (n = 11) or prospectively (n = 21).

RESULTS. In this cohort, 78% of patients were right-footed and 22% were left-footed. Nine of the 32 children

presented with unilateral enlarged ischiopubic synchondrosis (left, seven [78%] of nine; right, two [22%] of nine).

All children with enlarged left ischiopubic synchondrosis were right-footed, and all children with enlarged right

ischiopubic synchon- drosis were left-footed.

CONCLUSION. Unilateral enlarged ischiopubic synchondrosis is closely correlated with foot dominance. The

asymmetric ossification pattern of the ischiopubic synchondrosis indicates delayed ossification of this anatomic

structure due to asymmetrically applied me- chanical forces to the nondominant limb.

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Cartilaginous Joints: Symphyses

• Hyaline cartilage covers the articulating surfaces and is fused to an intervening pad of fibrocartilage

• Strong, flexible amphiarthroses

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8.2b


Pubic symphysis

Body of vertebra

Hyaline cartilage

(b) Symphyses

Bones united by fibrocartilage

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Diastasis symphysis pubis is the separation of normally joinedpubic bones, as in the dislocation of the bones, without a fracture.

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Synovial Joints

• All are diarthrotic

• Include all limb joints; most joints of the body

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Synovial Joints

Distinguishing features:

1. Articular cartilage: hyaline cartilage

2. Joint (synovial) cavity: small potential space

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Synovial Joints

Distinguishing features:

3. Articular (joint) capsule:

• Outer fibrous capsule of dense irregular connective tissue

• Inner synovial membrane of loose connective tissue

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Synovial Joints

Distinguishing features:

4. Synovial fluid:

• Viscous slippery filtrate of plasma + hyaluronic acid

• Lubricates and nourishes articular cartilageCase: Hyaluronan is also used to treat osteoarthritis of the knee. Such treatments, called viscosupplementation, are administered as a course of injections into the knee joint, and are believed to supplement the viscosity of the joint fluid, thereby lubricating the joint, cushioning the joint, and producing an analgesic effect.

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Osteoarthritis is caused by 'wear and tear' on a joint.

Cartilage is the firm, rubbery tissue that cushions your bones at the joints, and allows bones to glide over one another.

Cartilage can break down and wear away. As a result, the bones rub together, causing pain, swelling, and stiffness.

Bony spurs or extra bone may form around the joint, and the ligaments and muscles become weaker and stiffer.

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8.3




Joint cavity(containssynovial fluid)

Articular (hyaline)cartilage


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Synovial Joints

Distinguishing features:

5. Three possible types of reinforcing ligaments:

• Capsular (intrinsic)—part of the fibrous capsule

• Extracapsular—outside the capsule

• Intracapsular—deep to capsule; covered by synovial membrane

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Synovial Joints

Distinguishing features:

6. Rich nerve and blood vessel supply:

• Nerve fibers detect pain, monitor joint position and stretch

• Capillary beds produce filtrate for synovial fluid

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The cause of RA is unknown. It is an autoimmune disease, which means the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue.RA can occur at any age, but is more common in middle age. Women get RA more often than men.Infection, genes, and hormone changes may be linked to the disease.

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Synovial Joints: Friction-Reducing Structures

• Bursae:

• Flattened, fibrous sacs lined with synovial membranes

• Contain synovial fluid

• Commonly act as “ball bearings” where ligaments, muscles, skin, tendons, or bones rub together

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8.4b


Cavity inbursa containingsynovial fluidBursa rollsand lessensfriction.Humerus headrolls medially asarm abducts.

(b) Enlargement of (a), showing how a bursaeliminates friction where a ligament (or otherstructure) would rub against a bone



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Prepatellar bursitis, also known as Housemaid's knee, is a common cause of swelling and pain above the patella (kneecap), and is due to inflammation of the prepatellar bursa. This structure is a superficial bursa with a thin synovial lining located between the skin and the patella. The bursa develops within the first years of life as a result of mechanical pressure and friction, and it serves the purpose of reducing friction on underlying structures and allowing maximal range of motion in the knee. Aseptic prepatellar bursitis is commonly caused by repetitive work in a kneeling position, hence the name "housemaid's knee"...

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Synovial Joints: Friction-Reducing Structures

• Tendon sheath:

• Elongated bursa that wraps completely around a tendon

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8.4a

Acromionof scapula

Joint cavitycontainingsynovial fluid






Fibrousarticular capsuleTendonsheath

Tendon oflong headof bicepsbrachii muscle

(a) Frontal section through the right shoulder joint

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Stabilizing Factors at Synovial Joints

• Shapes of articular surfaces (minor role)

• Ligament number and location (limited role)

• Muscle tone, which keeps tendons that cross the joint taut

• Extremely important in reinforcing shoulder and knee joints and arches of the foot

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Synovial Joints: Movement

• Muscle attachments across a joint:

• Origin—attachment to the immovable bone

• Insertion—attachment to the movable bone

• Muscle contraction causes the insertion to move toward the origin

• Movements occur along transverse, frontal, or sagittal planes

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Synovial Joints: Range of Motion

• Nonaxial—slipping movements only

• Uniaxial—movement in one plane

• Biaxial—movement in two planes

• Multiaxial—movement in or around all three planes

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Summary of Characteristics of Body Joints

Consult Table 8.2 for:

• Joint names

• Articulating bones

• Structural classification

• Functional classification

• Movements allowed

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Table 8.2 (1 of 4)

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Table 8.2 (2 of 4)

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Table 8.2 (3 of 4)

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Table 8.2 (4 of 4)

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Movements at Synovial Joints

1. Gliding2. Angular movements:

• Flexion, extension, hyperextension• Abduction, adduction• Circumduction

3. Rotation• Medial and lateral rotation

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Movements at Synovial Joints

4. Special movements• Supination, pronation• Dorsiflexion, plantar flexion of the foot• Inversion, eversion• Protraction, retraction• Elevation, depression• Opposition

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Gliding Movements

• One flat bone surface glides or slips over another similar surface

• Examples:

• Intercarpal joints

• Intertarsal joints

• Between articular processes of vertebrae

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8.5a


(a) Gliding movements at the wrist

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Angular Movements

Movements that occur along the sagittal plane:

• Flexion—decreases the angle of the joint

• Extension— increases the angle of the joint

• Hyperextension—excessive extension beyond normal range of motion

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8.5b

(b) Angular movements: flexion, extension, and hyperextension of the neck

Hyperextension Extension


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Hyperextension Flexion


(c) Angular movements: flexion, extension, andhyperextension of the vertebral column

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8.5d





(d) Angular movements: flexion and extension at theshoulder and knee

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Angular Movements

Movements that occur along the frontal plane:

• Abduction—movement away from the midline

• Adduction—movement toward the midline

• Circumduction—flexion + abduction + extension + adduction of a limb so as to describe a cone in space

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8.5e



(e) Angular movements: abduction, adduction, andcircumduction of the upper limb at the shoulder


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• The turning of a bone around its own long axis

• Examples:

• Between C1 and C2 vertebrae

• Rotation of humerus and femur

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8.5f




(f) Rotation of the head, neck, and lower limb

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Special Movements

• Movements of radius around ulna:

• Supination (turning hand backward)

• Pronation (turning hand forward)

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8.6a

Supination(radius and ulna are parallel)

(a) Pronation (P) and supination (S)

Pronation(radius rotatesover ulna)

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Special Movements

• Movements of the foot:

• Dorsiflexion (upward movement)

• Plantar flexion (downward movement)

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8.6b


Plantar flexion


Plantar flexion

(b) Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion

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Special Movements

• Movements of the foot:

• Inversion (turn sole medially)

• Eversion (turn sole laterally)

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8.6c


(c) Inversion and eversion

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Special Movements

• Movements in a transverse plane:

• Protraction (anterior movement)

• Retraction (posterior movement)

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8.6d

Protractionof mandible

Retractionof mandible

(d) Protraction and retraction

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Special Movements

• Elevation (lifting a body part superiorly)

• Depression (moving a body part inferiorly)

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8.6e

Elevationof mandible

Depressionof mandible

(e) Elevation and depression

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Special Movements

• Opposition of the thumb

• Movement in the saddle joint so that the thumb touches the tips of the other fingers

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8.6f

(f) Opposition
