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Inventor Of Award Winning

Sleeve Splitting Biceps Course


Competition Award Winner Of

"Most Muscular Arms"


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Get a Physician’s Checkup Prior to Beginning

The Sleeve Splitting Biceps Training Program

There is no age limit on improving your body and no body that cannot be improved

by regular exercise. However, before you begin this training course I want you to

get a medical checkup. If you have a health problem, your doctor can take proper

measures to correct it, and he may have some useful suggestions or cautionary

advice to help you modify the diet to make it more suitable and beneficial for you.

Stress Test

Tell your doctor you would like a stress test which is simply a series of common

exercises, such as riding a stationary bike, jogging on a treadmill, or stepping up

and down on a low stool performed while your heart and vital functions are


The stress test will tell your doctor how your body functions when subjected to

physical stress. A less than perfect heart or other physical problems will be

revealed if they exist. Also, you should get a full blood work-up to make sure you

have no underlying health problems. Do not attempt to change your training or

eating habits without first getting a thorough physical exam! If your doctor

gives you the OK, grab your gym bag and vitamins and hit the gym.


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Page 5: COPYRIGHT 2008 DANIEL C. PRZYOJSKI All Rights Reserved€¦ · measures to correct it, and he may have some useful suggestions or cautionary advice to help you modify the diet to

The Only Way to Build Big Biceps!

It’s been a short 30 years since my brother and I started lifting

weights. I remember how we would perform numerous sets of

barbell and dumbbell curls in hopes of building arms that would

split the sleeves of our T-shirts. The guys in the muscle

magazines had huge, muscular arms that looked like a drawing

from a super hero comic book. I remember how we religiously

trained biceps twice a week with such maniac intensity and focus

that we felt they had no choice but to grow to the size of a

champion bodybuilder’s arms. After a full year of training our

biceps twice a week with countless sets and reps of curls, we had

managed to transform the biceps into nice little cannon balls but

only gained a whopping one-inch in arm size. As we stood in

front of the mirror with our arms hanging down at our sides,

there appeared to be no change whatsoever. The only way you

could see a "little" change in arm development was when we

struck a double biceps shot. This is exactly what happens to

most beginning bodybuilders. After so much dedicated work and

little to show for it, they give up training before reaching their

goals. This is why I want to give you one of my secret biceps

training routines for building big, muscular biceps.

Before Picture After Picture - 1 1/2 Yrs. Later

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How NOT To Build Big Arms

I’ve been training people for over 25 years and believe you me,

most trainees devote too much time to arm training. Beginning

bodybuilders are arm-training fanatics and devote mega amounts

of time and energy into ineffective bicep training routines. The

end result after so much time and devotion to arm training is at

best minimal gains and usually just a pumped up bicep muscle

that deflates after one or two weeks of not training. This is not

the result you want from your hard work in the gym. Real muscle

density does not disappear while taking a short break from

weight training. Experience has proven to me that there are the

two major mistakes made that lead to ineffective muscular


1. Over training. By definition, over training is too much

training. Once a muscle has been properly trained and

worked to its maximum capacity, the rest of the effort is

wasted. Your workouts should be performed in such a way

as to stimulate the muscles involved not annihilate them!

Extra sets and reps are a deficit, not a surplus.

2. Under eating. Most trainees I have coached cannot seem to

put training for size and eating for size in the same

category. Even if the ineffective training routine someone

follows could somehow magically stimulate muscular growth,

the muscles lack of abundant calories from protein,

carbohydrates, and fats would not allow the growth to take

place. It's simple science; a plant or animal will not grow if

not given adequate nutrition, so why should your muscle

grow after a hard workout if you starve them of abundant

nutritious calories. You have to understand and apply this

very basic and fundamental fact or failure will be the end


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Step Back To Go Forward!

Most of the athletes and intermediate weight lifters I work with

for the first time are in the habit of sacrificing form for weight.

As an example, they may say to me that they can barbell curl

110 pounds, so we start our workout session with the barbell

curls. Low and behold they may be thinking that their curling

100 pounds, but swinging and throwing the weight is more like it.

Their momentum is driving the lift.

Then I drop the weight down to 75 pounds and have them use

proper technique, we make the barbell curl harder and more

effective by using strict form, now they realize why their muscles

have not been growing bigger.

Strict form means that the working muscle must be kept tight

throughout the full range of motion, even in the negative

(lowering) motion of the exercise.

Once the client learns and applies proper form and correct

nutrition, their body transformation starts to take place.

Yes, even Arnold used bad form in his early days of training!

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Four Steps for Instant Results!

1. Strict Reps: Use slow, strict reps in both the lifting and

lowering of the weights. When you’re moving too fast

through the exercise, swinging (very little of your own

muscle strength) is doing all the work. In this case you’re

really not working the intended muscle. Each rep should be

performed in a slow, controlled fashion throughout the entire

range of motion.

2. Lock out: Too many weight lifters like to use partial reps

and limited range of motion lifts into their routines. The

problem with using the partial rep technique is that a lot of

the muscle goes un-worked. To get the maximum work

from every rep, lock out each time, but without resting

between each rep. Locking out at each rep allows more

muscles fibers to be activated. With locking out, you also

get the benefit of working the stabilizer muscles.

3. Opposing muscles: Bring your opposing muscles into

play. You should always strive to make the exercise harder

by flexing or pulling with the antagonistic muscle group

during lowering or negative phase of the exercise. Again,

more muscle fibers will be stimulated for greater growth.

4. Concentrate: You must learn to put mental effort into

every rep of every set. The more concentrated your effort,

the greater the muscle is worked. If you want to reach your

goals, you’ll have to physically push yourself to the limit.

Wandering thoughts and idle chatter while training are

detrimental to success. Concentrate on the task at hand!


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Warm-up Sets & Reps!

Before training a chosen body part, always perform two or three

warm-up sets. Choose a basic exercise for the body part you’re

going to work. Then take a barbell and use the lightest weight

possible. Mimic the exercise you are going to perform with slow,

controlled reps. Keep constant tension on the working muscles

throughout the entire range of motion. Do not relax the muscles

at the top or bottom of the exercise. I like to perform two or

three sets of 20 to 30 reps.


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Pyramid Sets & Reps!

The sets and reps I prescribe for the Sleeve Splitting Biceps

Training System are similar to the MuscleBuilder Rx© Training

System. The multi-muscle fiber activation system of weight

training provides optimum muscle stimulation that will maximize

three important components of muscular fitness: muscular

density, cardiovascular density, and muscular endurance.

1. Muscular density: Muscular density refers to the size and

thickness of the muscle fibers.

2. Cardiovascular density: Cardiovascular density refers to

the size and number of blood vessels in the muscle.

3. Muscular endurance: The blood vessels carry oxygen and

nutrients to the muscles and transport waste products away.

Blood vessels are a very important (yet over-looked)

component in muscular growth and recovery.

Muscular endurance, which is a function of cardiovascular density,

is the capacity of your muscles to continue contractions without

fatiguing. Your muscles are limited in size by the amount of

nutrients they receive. The better your cardiovascular density,

the more nutrients can be supplied to the muscles. With a

greater blood supply to the muscles, the bigger they can become.

Proper pyramiding of weight is the success formula for attaining

muscular density while building huge muscles! Muscle density is

achieved by stressing the muscles with heavy work-loads.

One simple trick to hold or maintain muscle density is to,

“pyramid” your sets by increasing your poundage’s while

decreasing your reps on each set.

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The Secret to Building Super Big Biceps!

Let me share the scientific secret to building BIG BICEPS. There

are three types of skeletal muscle tissue fibers. They are the

white fast twitch fibers, the red fast twitch fibers, and the red

slow twitch fibers. Each muscle tissue fiber has a specific role to

play in the overall make-up of the muscle. The white fast twitch

muscle fibers have very few capillaries, and in the absence of this

nutrient rich blood supply, they cannot function for very long

periods but are extremely strong. The red fast twitch muscle

fibers have a greater number of capillaries and can therefore

outlast the white fast twitch fibers but are not nearly as strong.

And lastly, the red slow twitch muscle fibers have a tremendous

number of capillaries allowing for long-term sustained activity

however with very little strength.

How to Use the Secret to Build Bigger Biceps!

I devised a system of training that I call “MuscleBuilder Rx .”

Simply put, MuscleBuilder Rx is a training system by which the

sum of all parts is greater than any one part. Although it sounds

simple, very few weight lifters know this, and hardly anyone

implements it into their training cycles. It’s why most people

never reach their total physical potential. Far too much emphasis

is put on heavy training exercises in the 6 to 8 rep range. This is

a mistake that will cost you total physical development. The

absolute best bodybuilders and weight lifters know this. The

Russians have been practicing a similar variation of my

MuscleBuilder Rx Sleeve Splitting Biceps System since the



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Training Routine #1

Pre-conditioning The Biceps To Get

Freaky Big And Strong In 15 Days!

Here’s Lesson #1...

..Of my Sleeve Splitting Biceps Program. This is the Pre-

conditioning phase for your arms that will build muscular strength

and endurance that will in turn allow your Biceps to grow Freaky

Big And Strong!. This lays the needed foundation for attaining

Spectacular Growth when following the Complete Sleeve Splitting

Biceps Course. This lesson #1 for the biceps and triceps should

be performed every 4th day for six (6) workouts before starting

the Complete Sleeve Splitting Biceps Course. If you do the first

workout on a Monday you will repeat the workout on Thursday, a

FULL three days of rest and recuperation between workouts. If

you perform this training routine on a Monday and are able to do

it again on Tuesday or Wednesday, YOU’RE NOT TRAINING HARD

ENOUGH! I’m serious about this. Many wanna-be-bodybuilders

think that they train hard; the truth is that they mistake training

time for training intensity. Breaking through the pain barrier is a

much talked about topic but seldom practiced. Unless you’re a

22-year-old bodybuilder whose gym partners are Testosterone

and Dianabol, once every 4 days will stimulate growth if you’re

really breaking through the pain barrier. If you are a drug-

enhanced bodybuilder, every 4 days is still advised.


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Page 14: COPYRIGHT 2008 DANIEL C. PRZYOJSKI All Rights Reserved€¦ · measures to correct it, and he may have some useful suggestions or cautionary advice to help you modify the diet to

Biceps Exercise

Standing Barbell Bicep Curl: Instructions

Preparation: Grasp bar with shoulder width underhand grip.


With elbows to side, raise bar until forearms are vertical. Lower

until arms are fully extended. Perform one set of eight reps. Put

the bar down and quickly, with no rest, go straight to the second

exercise, the Dumbbell Hammer Curl which is explained below.

Rest 90 seconds, then increase the weight 10% and perform as

many reps as you can. Do this three (3) times, or for three sets.

Comments When elbows are fully flexed, they can travel forward slightly allowing forearms to be no more than vertical. This additional movement allows for relative release of tension in muscles between repetitions. Exercise can also be performed

with cambered bar also known as EZ Barbell.

Standing Dumbbell Hammer Curl:


Position two dumbbells to the sides, palms facing in, arms



With elbows to the sides, raise one dumbbell until forearm is

vertical and thumb faces shoulder. Lower to original position and

repeat with alternative arm.

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The biceps may be exercised alternating (as described),

simultaneous, or in simultaneous-alternating fashion. When

elbows are fully flexed, they can travel forward slightly

allowing forearms to be no more than vertical. This

additional movement allows for relative release of tension in

muscles between repetitions.


Close-Grip Bench Press: This exercise is best performed in a

power rack. You should also limit the range of motion to the top

third of your range of motion. By limiting the range of motion,

you will be able to push a much heavier weight and it's that

heavy weight — not the range of motion — that stimulates new

muscle growth and strength.

Grip the bar with your hands spaced about eight to twelve inches

apart and contract your triceps to lift the bar off the support and

to full extension. Use a heavy weight that will only allow you to

perform eight reps. With this restricted range of motion you

should be able to use at least 50% more weight than you would

be able to use with a full range of motion. Perform one set of

eight to ten reps, rest 30 seconds, then increase the weight 10%

and perform as many reps as you can.

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Lots of people tend to neglect the forearms in their workouts.

The forearms are visible to all and should look impressive. These

two exercises are remarkable at generating impressive muscles.

Seated Dumbbell Wrist Curls: These are performed from the

same position as the bicep barbell exercise described above. With

an underhand grip on a barbell, rest your wrists on your knees so

that your hands extend beyond your knees. Allow the weight of

the bar to force your wrist toward the floor. Use your forearm

muscles to power the weight back up. Perform one set of eight to

ten reps, rest 30 seconds, then increase the weight 10% and

perform as many reps as you can.

Standing Barbell Wrist Curls Behind The Back:

These are performed by holding a barbell behind your back with

your palms facing backward. It helps to have the bar on a rack to

start. The heavy bar will naturally hang down and your wrists will

be in a relaxed position.

Use your forearm muscles to power the weight up by bending

your wrists. Do not swing the weight up and down as this is a

cheating motion and will make the exercise lose it's effectiveness.

You can use a lot more weight on this exercise than you think you

can. So go heavy — don't worry about getting a full range of

motion. Perform two sets of eight reps resting 60 seconds in

between each set. After the second set rest 30 seconds, then

increase the weight 10% and perform as many reps as you can.

Each time you perform the five exercises in this arm workout, try

to increase your weights by 5% to 15%. Using the same amount

of weight at each workout gets you nowhere. It's all about

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making progress. Progressive resistance stimulates new muscle


Now You'll Need Some Bigger Sleeved Shirts

Perform the above workout every fourth day for six to ten weeks.

Avoid any other arm training during this time. You should also

train your other muscle groups with heavy basic exercises during

this time. But I have to warn you, if you start this bigger arms

program in an over-trained condition, you won't see results.

Follow my program as described and this routine will add new

muscle strength and size to even the most muscular developed


Train Hard, Eat Hearty and Sleep Sound,

Page 18: COPYRIGHT 2008 DANIEL C. PRZYOJSKI All Rights Reserved€¦ · measures to correct it, and he may have some useful suggestions or cautionary advice to help you modify the diet to

Proper Nutrition + Correct Training = Big Biceps

Proper food combination is the cornerstone on which every

successful physique transformation is based. If you do not eat

correctly, nothing else matters!

I have a special lean-out muscle building diet plan prescribed in

my book "How To Build Incredible Arms" that can really work


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Protein – Protein is for growth, maintenance and repair of

muscle tissue. The amount of protein needed for the average

person is one gram for each two pounds of body weight. Weight

training athletes and individuals undertaking strenuous exercise

may require up to one gram of protein per pound of body weight.

Carbohydrates-Raise the blood sugar level and supply the

muscles with energy. You need a certain amount of

carbohydrates to fuel your system so it can utilize its available

protein to the greatest advantage.

Fats – Essential to a good diet. Not only do they heat your body

and lubricate your body parts, they also provide a necessary base

for carrying vitamins, A, D, E and K.

Vitamin A – Important to good vision, skin texture, and

maintaining the delicate linings of the nose and throat. Sources:

eggs, liver, milk, carrots, spinach.

Vitamin B complex (twelve B vitamins, includes niacin,

riboflavin and thiamine) - essential to a good balance of the

nervous system and normal functioning of the digestive system.

Sources: eggs, whole grains, poultry, green vegetables, fish,

fruit, milk, brewer’s yeast.

Vitamin C – Promotes healing; builds up resistance to infection;

aids in the production of connective tissues; generally

strengthens the skeletal and vascular systems. Sources: citrus

fruits, tomatoes, green vegetables.

Vitamin D – essential for strong teeth and bones. Sources:

milk, fish, egg yolks, chicken livers and, direct sunlight.

Vitamin E – contributes to the functioning of the circulatory,

respiratory and reproductive systems. Sources: wheat germ,

vegetable oils, eggs and leafy green vegetables.

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Biceps Building Recipe

1 cup fat free milk

1 cup fat free vanilla yogurt

1 Serving Power Health Products Whey Muscle Protein

1/3 cup frozen blueberries

¼ cup frozen cherries OR strawberries

½ cup Ground Oatmeal

1 Banana

Toss all of the ingredients into a

blender and blend until smooth.

Nutrition is very important when you

are trying to build up muscle mass.

You don’t necessarily have to be

dieting, but you do have to be

conscious about what you are

putting into your body so that you

can maximize your muscle building.

Dan Przyojski & Jay Cutler

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There are literally hundreds of supplements on the market

targeted at body builders and meant to increase your body size.

They are designed to maximize the body’s natural abilities and

help you get the body mass you want. How do you know which

supplement is right for you?

Power Health Products - Desiccated Liver Tablets

IN THE MEDICAL publication called Proceedings of the Society

of Experimental Biology and Medicine for the month of July, 1951,

B. H. Ershoff, M.D., described a fantastic experiment he

performed with rats in order to test an anti-fatigue diet. He had

an idea that there is something in liver that might produce

energy. He used 3 groups of rats, feeding them for 12 week as

much as they wanted of 3 different diets. The first group ate a

basic diet, fortified with 9 synthetic and 2 natural vitamins. The

second group ate this same diet, vitamins and all, with a plentiful

supply of vitamin B complex added. The third group ate the

original fortified diet, but instead of vitamin B complex, 10

percent desiccated liver was added to their ration.

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Desiccated liver must not be confused with extract of liver

which is used in the treatment of anemia. Desiccated liver is the

entire liver of selected, healthy cattle -- liver that has been freed

of external connective tissue and fat, and dried in a vacuum at a

temperature far below the boiling point so as to conserve as

much of the nutritional content as possible. The final, powdered

or tablet product is about one-fourth by weight of the fresh raw


The first group of rats, which was given the ordinary diet,

showed the least amount of growth in 12 weeks. The second

group that received the extra B vitamins, experienced a little

higher rate of growth in that period. But the third set which,

instead of the additional B complex, was given the desiccated

liver, grew about 15 percent more than group one.

Then Dr. Ershoff tested his rat subjects for fatigue. They were

placed one by one into a drum of water from which they could not

climb out. They had to keep swimming or drown.

The rats on the original diet, which was well fortified with

vitamins, swam for an average of 13.3 minutes before they gave

up. The second group of rats, which had the added fortification of

the ample B vitamins of brewer's yeast, swam for 13.4 minutes

before giving up. Of the last group of rats, 3 swam for 63, 83,

and 87 minutes. The other 9 rats of this group, the ones that had

the desiccated liver, were still swimming vigorously at the end of

2 hours when the test was terminated. In other words, the rats

that had received desiccated liver could swim almost 10 times as

long as the others, without becoming tired.

Liver protein contains all the amino acids, and it helped male

as well as female rats to keep on swimming for two hours. Liver

seems to be the thing, to be sure, that we should have in our

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diets in adequate amounts, in order to prevent certain nutritional

deficiencies. We know that extract of liver cures anemia. No one

can question the value of taking liver. There is nothing harmful

about it.

Back in the 1960s and '70s when the natural health

movement was just developing, desiccated liver supplements

rose to a prominence never before seen in the industry. But,

times changed and new innovations eventually drove this

wonderful all-natural supplement to the back shelves. Now,

desiccated liver is making a comeback, thanks to the many older

heath instructors and naturalists who are choosing pure whole

foods and whole-food supplements over laboratory-created

nutrition. My 100% Pure Defatted Desiccated Beef Liver is just

what you're looking for--pure and natural, from Argentinean beef

raised on the ecologically friendly pristine Argentinean pampas.

I myself, as well as my clients have been using Desiccated

Liver for over 30 years and would never even think about quitting

this muscle building formula! You MUST have rich red blood cells

that will transport oxygen throughout the muscle tissue if you

ever want to build SLEEVE SPLITTING BICEPS! You won't get that

result with ANY other SUPPLEMENT!

Take two to three Power Health Liver tablets three time a day. I have a

special lean-out muscle building diet plan prescribed in my book "How To

Build Sleeve Splitting Biceps" that can really work wonders!

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While every bodybuilder has his or her own personal goals and

physical requirements, using the Sleeve Splitting Biceps system

of training is a good way to start realizing your fuller potential.

Of course no one training cycle is perfect for everyone. As you

progress so should your training cycles and exercise selection.

This is just ONE TRAINING CYCLE. Do yourself a favor and give

this workout system an all out trial run. I’m confident that the

increases in size, strength, and over-all sleeve busting biceps

you’ll experience will make a believer out of you. Then do

yourself a favor and get my Course " How To Build Sleeve

Splitting Biceps In 15 Days" and keep getting bigger AND

stronger arms!

Your Friend For BIGGER Biceps,

Daniel C. Przyojski

Daniel C. Przyojski

Dan Przyojski

N.F.P.T. Certified Trainer,

Mr. Toledo – Masters Mr. Michigan

Award Winner Of

"Most Muscular Arms"


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Contact Information

Dan Przyojski

Power Health Products

1223 Borg Ave.

Temperance, Mi 48182



[email protected]

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“ Amazing Secrets That Helped Dan Pack on Muscle Mass, and Build Sleeve Splitting Biceps, FAST!”

“Discover how even the skinniest & scrawniest guy can add 2 inches of solid lean

muscle mass to their arms” AND...

ADD Up To ONE-HALF INCH Of Muscle On The Arms In One Day!

If this is what you’re looking for, then…

“I GUARANTEE you’ll pack on a pair of freaky sized arms that will be the envy of every guy and make ANY woman want to touch your big, sexy, & perfectly shaped arms”

Dear friend, Believe it or not . . . it works!

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But you don’t have to take my word for it……….

Here’s testimonial PROOF that it really works

“I was skeptical when I sent for your courses but now – WOW! I’m adding muscle every month, look and feel powerful; I can’t thank you enough.” Jacob Andrew, San Antonio Texas

“Who would have thought I would be entering a bodybuilding contest?

Dan, your arms book really helped add the arm size I needed. Thanks”

Frank Ramorez, Toledo Ohio

“Dan, guys at work call me Mr. Muscles. But secretly they envy the muscular arms you enabled me to attain” Steve Vetch, Michigan

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"Dan, I went from being a skinny guy to winning my weight class in a state bodybuilding contest. Thanks for the great How To Build Incredible Arms book!"

Michael Balogh

PLUS... I'm Throwing In 6 More Value-Packed

"No-Fail" Bonuses Worth $120.00 Absolutely FREE!

Bonus Book #1 The “No-Fail” Break- Away From The Traditional Training Methods For Phenomenal Growth... This training cycle will have you laughing as your physical strength and size surpass the gym rats who think they know everything, but are just wasting their time flexing in the mirror.

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Bonus Book #2 Quick-Start High Definition Diet Discover how this Diet will deliver the final piece to your quest for maximum muscle mass and Beautiful Muscle Definition! This ”Quick-Start” Diet will help maximize your Muscle Building Progression from small or fat to lean and muscular!

Bonus Book #3 Discover how this training cycle will dramatically increase your muscle mass and strength in the shortest amount of time. This ”Step-Two” training cycle is the absolute best partner system for any effective muscle-building program.

Bonus Book #4 How To Get Perfect Abs! What Are The Perfect Abs? A perfect six pack is when your abdominal muscles are so defined that they are clearly identified. Anyone who looks at your stomach will see that the muscles are well defined and will be able to pick them out. There are six of them, three on each side of your abdomen and each one should look pronounced. The perfect abs are sought after more so by men than women who

seek to get well defined muscle tone.

Bonus #5 SUPER CALVES - Add 1/2 Inch In One Day! The Neural One-Day Blitz System (NODBS) is so far-reaching in scope, so sensationally effective in action, and so monumental in its astounding results, that it is absolutely light years ahead of other advanced training techniques

Page 30: COPYRIGHT 2008 DANIEL C. PRZYOJSKI All Rights Reserved€¦ · measures to correct it, and he may have some useful suggestions or cautionary advice to help you modify the diet to

Bonus Report # The Radical One Day Jump Start Bicep

Blitz Program for Rapid Arm Growth

When muscle growth and development stop beyond the norm, certain select specialization techniques are often implemented to stimulate a new burst of the muscle growth curve.

Don’t just do nothing, ACT NOW! Sincerely,

Dan Przyojski At 45 Years Young

Go There NOW!

Sleeve Splitting Biceps

The Complete Program