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Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Slide 12- 1 Visual Basic 2008 FOURTH EDITION Tony Gaddis Haywood Community College Kip Irvine Florida International University

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Page 1: Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Slide 12- 1 STARTING OUT WITH Visual Basic 2008 FOURTH EDITION Tony Gaddis

Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Slide 12- 1


Visual Basic 2008FOURTH EDITION

Tony GaddisHaywood Community College

Kip IrvineFlorida International University

Page 2: Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Slide 12- 1 STARTING OUT WITH Visual Basic 2008 FOURTH EDITION Tony Gaddis

Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley


Classes, Exceptions, Collections, and Scrollable Controls


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Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Slide 12- 3


Classes Abstract Data Types Objects, Properties, Methods

Exceptions Collections Object Browser Scrollable Controls

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Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley

Classes and Objects12.1

Classes Are Program Structures That Define Abstract Data Types and Are Used to Create Objects

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Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Slide 12- 5

Abstract Data Types

An abstract data type (ADT) is a data type created by a programmer

ADTs are important in computer science and object-oriented programming

An abstraction is a model of something that includes only its general characteristics

Dog is an abstraction Defines a general type of animal but not a

specific breed, color, or size A dog is like a data type A specific dog is an instance of the data type

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A class is a program structure that defines an abstract data type Must create the class first Then can create instances of the class

Class instances share common attributes VB forms and controls are classes

Each control in the toolbox represents a class Placing a button

on a form creates an instance, or object, of the class

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Class Properties, Methods, & Events

Programs communicate with an object using the properties and methods of the class

Class properties example: Buttons have Location, Text, and Name properties

Class methods example: The Focus method functions identically for every single button

Class event procedures: Each button in a form has a different click event procedure

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Object Oriented Design

The challenge is to design classes that effectively cooperate and communicate

Analyze application requirements to determine ADTs that best implement the specifications

Classes are fundamental building blocks Typically represent nouns of some type

A well-designed class may outlive the application Other uses for the class may be found

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Object Oriented Design Example

Specifications:We need to keep a list of students that lets us track the courses they have completed. Each student has a transcript that contains all information about his or her completed courses. At the end of each semester, we will calculate the grade point average of each student. At times, users will search for a particular course taken by a student.

Nouns from the specification above typically become classes in the program design

Verbs such as calculate GPA and search become methods of those classes

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OOD Class Characteristics

Class Attributes (properties) Operations (methods)

Student LastName, FirstName, Display, Input IdNumber

StudentList AllStudents, Count Add, Remove, FindStudent

Course Semester, Name, Display, InputGrade,Credits

Transcript CourseList, Count Display, Search,CalcGradeAvg

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Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Slide 12- 11

Interface and Implementation

Class interface is the portion of the class visible to the application programmer Made available by creating properties,

methods, and events that are public Class implementation is the portion of the class

hidden from client programs Kept hidden by designating member variables,

properties, & methods as private Hiding of data and procedures inside a class is

referred to as encapsulation

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Creating a Class12.2

To Create a Class in Visual Basic, You Create a Class Declaration

The Class Declaration Specifies the Member Variables, Properties, Methods, and Events

That Belong to the Class

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Class Declaration

Student is the name of the class Examples of MemberDeclarations

are presented in the following slides To create a new class:

Click Add New Item button on toolbar Select Class from Add New Item dialog box Provide a name for the class and click Add Adds a new, empty class file (.vb) to project

Public Class StudentMemberDeclarations

End Class

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Member Variables

A variable declared inside a class declaration Syntax:

AccessSpecifier may be Public or Private Example:

AccessSpecifer VariableName As DataType

Public Class StudentPublic strLastName As String ‘Holds last namePublic strFirstName As String ‘Holds first namePublic strId As String ‘Holds ID number

End Class

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Creating an Instance of a Class

A two step process creates an instance of a class Declare a variable whose type is the class

Create instance of the class with New keyword and assign the instance to the variable

freshman defined here as an object variable Can accomplish both steps in one statement

Dim freshman As New Student()

freshman = New Student()

Dim freshman As Student

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Accessing Members

Can work with Public member variables of a class object in code using this syntax:

For example: If freshman references a Student class object And Student class has public member

variables strFirstName, strLastName, and strID Can store values in member variables with

freshman.strFirstName = "Joy"freshman.strLastName = "Robinson"freshman.strId = "23G794"


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Property Procedure

A property procedure is a function that defines a property

Controls access to property values Procedure has two sections: Get and Set

Get code executes when value is retrieved Set code executes when value is stored

Properties almost always declared Public to allow access from outside the class

Set code often provides data validation logic

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Property Procedure Syntax

Public Property PropertyName() As DataTypeGet

StatementsEnd GetSet(ParameterDeclaration)

StatementsEnd Set

End Property

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Property Procedure ExamplePublic Class Student

' Member variablesPrivate sngTestAvg As Single

Public Property TestAverage() As SingleGet

Return sngTestAvgEnd GetSet(ByVal value As Single)

If value >= 0.0 And value <= 100.0 ThensngTestAvg = value

ElseMessageBox.Show( _

"Invalid test average.", "Error")End If

End SetEnd Property

End Class

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Setting and Validating a Property

TestAverage property is set as shown:

Passes 82.3 into value parameter of Set If in the range 0.0 to 100.0, value is stored If outside the range, message box displayed

instead of value being storedSet(ByVal value As Single)

If value >= 0.0 And value <= 100.0 ThensngTestAvg = value

ElseMessageBox.Show( _"Invalid test average.", "Error")

End IfEnd Set

Dim freshman as New Student()freshman.TestAverage = 82.3

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Read-Only Properties Useful at times to make a property read-only Allows access to property values but cannot

change these values from outside the class Add ReadOnly keyword after access specifier

This causes the propertyName to be read-only -- not settable from outside of the class

Public ReadOnly Property PropertyName() As DataTypeGet

StatementsEnd Get

End Property

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Read-Only Property Example' TestGrade property procedureReadOnly Property TestGrade() As Char

GetIf sngTestAverage >= 90

return "A“cElse If sngTestAverage >= 80

return "B“cElse If sngTestAverage >= 70

return "C“cElse If sngTestAverage >= 60

return "D“cElse

return "F“cEnd If

End GetEnd Property

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Object Removal & Garbage Collection Memory space is consumed when objects are

instantiated Objects no longer needed should be removed Set object variable to Nothing so it no longer

references the object

Object is a candidate for garbage collection when it is no longer referenced by any object variable

The garbage collector monitors for and automatically destroys objects no longer needed

freshman = Nothing

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Going Out of Scope

An object variable instantiated within a procedure is local to that procedure

An object goes out of scope when Referenced only by local variables and The procedure ends

Object removed once it goes out of scope An object instantiated in a procedure and

assigned to a global variable is not removed Reference remains when procedure ends

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Going Out of Scope, Example

Sub CreateStudent()Dim sophomore As Studentsophomore = New Student()sophomore.FirstName = "Travis"sophomore.LastName = "Barnes"sophomore.IdNumber = "17H495"sophomore.TestAverage = 94.7g_studentVar = sophomore

End Sub

With this statement, sophomore will not go out of scope.Without this statement, it will go out of scope when the procedure ends. (g_studentVar is a module-level variable.)

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Comparing Object Variables

Multiple variables can reference the same object

Can test if two variables refer to same object Must use the Is operator The = operator cannot be used to test for this

Dim collegeStudent As StudentDim transferStudent As StudentcollegeStudent = New Student()transferStudent = collegeStudent

If collegeStudent Is transferStudent Then' Perform some action

End If

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IsNot & Nothing Object Comparisons

Use the IsNot operator to determine that two variables do not reference the same object

Use the special value Nothing to determine if a variable has no object reference

If collegeStudent IsNot transferStudent Then' Perform some action

End If

If collegeStudent Is Nothing Then' Perform some action

End If

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Can create an entire array of object variables Declare an array whose type is a class Instantiate an object for each element

Creating an Array of Objects

' Declare the arrayDim mathStudents(9) As StudentDim i As IntegerFor i = 0 To 9

' Assign each element to an objectmathStudents(i) = New Student()

Next i

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Can use object variables as arguments to a procedure or function Example: student object s as an argument

Pass object variable with the procedure call

Objects As Procedure Arguments

Sub DisplayStudentGrade(ByVal s As Student)' Displays a student’s grade.MessageBox.Show("The grade for " & _

s.FirstName & " " & s.LastName & _" is " & s.TestGrade.ToString)

End Sub


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Objects Passed ByVal and ByRef

If argument is declared using ByRef Values of object properties may be changed The original object variable may be assigned to

a different object If argument is declared using ByVal

Values of object properties may be changed The original object variable may not be

assigned to a different object

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Functions Can Return Objects

Dim freshman As Student = GetStudent()…Function GetStudent() As Student

Dim s As New Student()s.FirstName = InputBox("Enter first name.")s.LastName = InputBox("Enter last name.")s.IdNumber = InputBox("Enter ID number.")s.TestAvg = CSng(InputBox("Enter test average."))Return s

End Function

Example below instantiates a student object Prompts for and sets its property values Then returns the instantiated object

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Class Methods

In addition to properties, a class may also contain Sub procedures and functions

Methods are Sub procedures and functions defined in a class

Typically operate on data stored in the class The following slide shows a Clear method for the

Student class Method called with freshman.Clear() Method clears member data in the Student

class object referenced by freshman

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Clear Method for Student ClassPublic Class Student

' Member variablesPrivate strLastName As String 'Holds last namePrivate strFirstName As String 'Holds first namePrivate strId As String 'Holds ID numberPrivate sngTestAvg As Single 'Holds test avg

(...Property procedures omitted...)

' Clear methodPublic Sub Clear()

strFirstName = String.EmptystrLastName = String.EmptystrId = String.EmptysngTestAvg = 0.0

End SubEnd Class

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Constructors A constructor is a method called automatically

when an instance of the class is created Think of constructors as initialization routines Useful for initializing member variables or

performing other startup operations To create a constructor, simply create a Sub

procedure named New within the class Next slide shows a Student class constructor

The statement freshman = New Student() Creates an instance of the Student class Executes constructor to initialize properties of

the Student object referenced by freshman

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Constructor ExamplePublic Class Student

' Member variablesPrivate strLastName As String 'Holds last namePrivate strFirstName As String 'Holds first namePrivate strId As String 'Holds ID numberPrivate sngTestAvg As Single 'Holds test avg

' ConstructorPublic Sub New()

strFirstName = "(unknown)"strLastName = "(unknown)"strId = "(unknown)"sngTestAvg = 0.0

End Sub

(The rest of this class is omitted.)End Class

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Finalizers VB provides a class method named Finalize Called automatically just before garbage collector

removes an instance of a class Select Finalize from method name drop-down list

to let Visual Basic create the following template

Add your code following MyBase.Finalize()

Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()MyBase.Finalize()

End Sub

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Using the Output Window Usually shown at bottom of Visual Studio display If not appearing, click View, Other Windows, then

Output to display A valuable debugging tool Messages about an application displayed here Can add your own messages to Output window

using Debug.WriteLine method

Causes the expression Output to appear in the Output window

Insert following code in form Load event to enable


Debug.Listeners.Add(New ConsoleTraceListener())

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Create a Class Tutorial 12-1 demonstrates code needed to

create the Student class

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A Collection Holds a Group of Items

It Automatically Expands and Shrinks in Size to Accommodate the Items Added to It and

Allows Items to Be Stored With Associated Key Values, Which May Be Used in Searches

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A collection is similar to an array A single unit that contains several items Can access items in a collection by numeric

index A collection’s indices begin at one, not zero Collections automatically expand and shrink as

items are added and removed The items stored in a collection do not have to be

of the same type

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A Collection is a Class

New collections are instantiations of the Collection Class

The Collection Class provides methods and properties for use with individual collections

Dim customers As Collectioncustomers = New Collection()

' Or alternatively

Dim customers As New Collection()

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Adding Items to a Collection

Add is a method of the Collection class Object is a variable that refers to a collection Item can be an object, variable, or value that is

added to the collection Key is a unique value optionally used to identify

a member of the collection Before or After optionally specifies where a new

item should be placed in the collection Default is to insert at the end of the collection

Object.Add(Item [, Key] [, Before] [,After])

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Uses of Before and After

Add custData with key "Smith" before the item with key "Thomas“

Add custData with key "Smith" after the item with key "Reece“

Add custData after 3rd item in collection

customers.Add(custData, "Smith", "Thomas")

customers.Add(custData, "Smith",, "Reece")


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Add Method Exceptions

An exception can occur when adding to a collection so Try-Catch should be used Cannot add member with same key as another

member of the collection If a key or index is specified for a Before or After,

the value must exist

Trycustomers.Add(custData, "Smith")

Catch ex as ArgumentExceptionMessageBox.Show(ex.Message)

End Try

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Accessing Item by Their Indices

Can access an item in a collection using an index value

Index value can be used in two ways: Using the collection’s Item method

Item is the default method so it can be omitted

Get value at index 3 of names collection by:names.Item(3) –or- names(3)



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IndexOutOfRange Exception

If an invalid index is encountered, an index out of range exception will occur

Should use Try-Catch to trap such messages Ctype casts collection object to Customer object

TryDim cust as Customer‘Get collection index from user inputDim index as Integer = CInt(txtIndex.Text)‘Locate the customer in the collectioncust = CType(customers.Item(index), Customer)

Catch ex as IndexOutOfRangeExceptionMessageBox.Show(ex.Message)

End Try

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The Count Property

The Count property of a collection gives the number of current items in the collection

Note that, unlike an array, a collection index is not zero based First item in a collection found at index 1

Following code adds collection items to a list box

Dim intX As IntegerFor intX = 1 To names.Count

lstNames.Items.Add(names(intX).ToString())Next intX

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Searching for an Item by Key Value Item method can be used to retrieve an item with

a specific index

If Expression is a string, it is used as a key to search for a member with a matching key

If Expression is numeric, it is used as an index value for the item

If no item is found (via key or index), an exception occurs


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Retrieving Item Examples Find studentCollection item with key 49812

If Option Strict on, must cast result to Student

Retrieve all members by index and display LastName property in a message box

Dim s as Students = CType(studentCollection.Item(“49812”), Student)

Dim intIndex as IntegerDim s as StudentFor intIndex = 1 to studentCollection.Count

s = Ctype(studentCollection.Item(intIndex), Student)MessageBox.Show(s.LastName)

Next intIndex

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Using References Versus Copies When an Item in a collection is a fundamental VB

data type, only a copy is retrieved This code does not change the item at index 1

The Item in this collection is an object so: A reference is returned instead of a copy LastName of object in collection is changedDim s as Students = CType(studentCollection.Item("49812"), Student)s.LastName = "Griffin"

Dim intNum as IntegerintNum = CType(numbers(1), Integer)intNum = 0

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For Each Loop with a Collection

Dim s As StudentFor Each s In studentCollection

MessageBox.Show(s.LastName)Next s

Can use a For Each loop to read members of a collection Eliminates the counter variable required to use

a For…Next Also no need to compare to Count property

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Removing Members of a Collection

Remove is a method of the Collection class Object refers to collection Member removed from Expression can be

Numeric and interpreted as an index Or a string and interpreted as a key value Exception thrown if Expression not found


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Removing Member Examples

Verify “49812” is a key value in collection, then remove member with this key value

Verify index location 7 exists in collection, then remove member at this index location

If studentCollection.Contains(“49812”) ThenstudentCollection.Remove("49812")

End If

Dim intIndex As Integer = 7If intIndex > 0 and _

intIndex <= studentCollection.Count ThenstudentCollection.Remove(intIndex)

End If

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Working with Collections

Since a collection is an instance of a class Procedures accept collections as arguments Functions can return a collection Follow same guidelines as any class object

Parallel collections work like parallel arrays Can use index to relate parallel collections just

as we did with arrays Or can use key values to relate collections

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The Student Collection Application12.4

Create an Application that Uses a Collection of Student Objects

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Student Collection Application Forms

Slide 12- 56

Select student ID numberfrom list box to see detailinformation for the student

Click Remove Student button remove an instanceof the Student class

Click Add Student button tocreate a new instance of the Student class

Add Student form

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The Object Browser12.5

The Object Browser Is a Dialog Box That Allows You to Browse All

Classes and Components Available to Your Project

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Using the Object Browser

A dialog box with information about objects used in a project

Allows you to examine Information about forms used in a project Classes created for the project Other components used by VB in the project

Tutorial 12-3 uses the Object Browser to examine the Student Collection project

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Object Browser, Example

Student class selected Class members shown

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Scroll Bars and Track Bars12.6

The HScrollBar, VScrollBar, and TrackBar Controls Provide a

Graphical Way to Adjust a Number Within a Range of Values

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Visual Appearance and Usage HScrollBar and VScrollBar

look like normal scroll bars TrackBar has an arrow pointer

as the slider with tick marks Scrollable controls hold

integers in their Value property Position of slider corresponds to Value Move scroll bar to increase or decrease Value Right increases, left decreases horizontal bar Up increases, down decreases vertical bar

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Scrollable Control Properties

Minimum – the bar’s lowest possible value Maximum – the bar's highest possible value Value – the bar's value at the current position LargeChange – change in the Value property with

a mouse click on/near the slider SmallChange – change in the Value property for

a mouse click on an arrow at the end TickFrequency - for TrackBar only, the number of

units between tick marks With min=0 and max=1000, if Tick Frequency is 100,

10 tick marks are shown on the bar

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Coding for Scrollable Controls

Any change to the position of a scroll bar generates a Scroll event Allows program to react to a shift in scroll bar

Standard prefixes for these controls Horizontal scroll bar is hsb Vertical scroll bar is vsb TrackBar is tb

Tutorial 12-4 demonstrates how to set up Scroll events and use of these controls

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Introduction to Inhertance12.7

Inheritance Allows a New Class to be Based on an Existing Class

The New Class Inherits the Accessible Member Variables, Methods, and Properties of the Class on

Which It Is Based

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Why Inheritance?

Inheritance allows new classes to derive their characteristics from existing classes

The Student class may have several types of students such as GraduateStudent ExchangeStudent StudentEmployee

These can become new classes and share all the characteristics of the Student class

Each new class would then add specialized characteristics that differentiate them

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Base and Derived Classes

The Base Class is a general-purpose class that other classes may be based on

A Derived Class is based on the base class and inherits characteristics from it

Can think of the base class as a parent and the derived class as a child

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The Vehicle Class (Base Class) Consider a Vehicle class with the following:

Private variable for number of passengers Private variable for miles per gallon Public property for number of passengers

(Passengers) Public property for miles per gallon

(MilesPerGallon) This class holds general data about a vehicle Can create more specialized classes from the

Vehicle class

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The Truck Class (Derived Class) Declared as:

Truck class derived from Vehicle class Inherits all non-private methods, properties,

and variables of Vehicle class Truck class defines two properties of its own

MaxCargoWeight – holds top cargo weight FourWheelDrive – indicates if truck is 4WD

Public Class TruckInherits Vehicle' Other new properties' Additional methods

End Class

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Instantiating the Truck Class Instantiated as:

Values stored in MaxCargoWeight and FourWheelDrive properties Properties declared explicitly by Truck class

Values also stored in MilesPerGallon and Passengers properties Properties inherited from Vehicle class

Dim pickUp as New Truck()pickUp.Passengers = 2pickUp.MilesPerGallon = 18pickUp.MaxCargoWeight = 2000Pickup.FourWheelDrive = True

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Overriding Properties and Methods

Sometimes a base class property procedure or method must work differently for a derived class Can override base class method or property Must write the method or property as desired in

the derived class using same name When an object of the derived class accesses the

property or calls the method VB uses overridden version in derived class Version in base class is not used

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Property Override Example Vehicle class has no restriction on number of

passengers But may wish to restrict the Truck class to two

passengers at most Can override Vehicle class Passengers property

by: Coding Passengers property in derived class Specify Overridable in base class property Specify Overrides in derived class property

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Overridable Base Class Property

Public Overridable Property Passengers() As IntegerGet

Return intPassengersEnd GetSet(ByVal value As Integer)

intPassengers = valueEnd Set

End Property

Overridable keyword added to base class property procedure

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Overridden Derived Class Property

Public Overrides Property Passengers() As Integer Get

Return MyBase.Passengers End Get Set(ByVal value As Integer)

If value >= 1 And value <= 2 Then MyBase.Passengers = valueElse MessageBox.Show("Passengers must be 1 or 2", _

"Error")End If

End SetEnd Property

Overrides keyword and new logic added to derived class property procedure

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Overriding a method is similar to a property Specify Overridable and Overrides keywords An overridable base class method

An overriding derived class method

Slide 12- 74

Overriding Methods

Public Overridable Sub ProcedureName()

Public Overridable Function ProcedureName() As DataType

Public Overrides Sub ProcedureName()

Public Overrides Function ProcedureName() As DataType

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Overriding the ToString Method

Every programmer created class is derived from a built-in class named Object

Object class has a method named ToString which returns a fully-qualified class name

Method can be overridden to return a string representation of data stored in an object

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Object class ToString method is Overridable Vehicle class might override the ToString method

as shown below

Slide 12- 76

ToString Override Example

' Overriden ToString methodPublic Overrides Function ToString() As String

' Return a string representation' of a vehicle.Dim str As String

str = "Passengers: " & intPassengers.ToString & _" MPG: " & sngMPG.ToString

Return strEnd Function

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Base & Derived Class Constructors

A constructor (named New) may be defined for both the base class and a derived class

When a new object of the derived class is created, both constructors are executed The constructor of the base class will be called

first Then the constructor of the derived class will

be called

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Protected Members

In addition to Private and Public, the access specifier may be Protected Protected base class members are treated as

public to classes derived from this base Protected base class members are treated as

private to classes not derived from this base

Tutorial 12-5 provides an opportunity to work with base and derived classes