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Please note that this document has been abridged to about 80% of the original and therefore may not flow correctly.

You should use it only to assess the theme and layout.

The layout has also been designed for double-sided printing.

Copyright © 2003 - 2008 All rights reserved

Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd.

A Business Solutions Company

Table of Contents


COPYRIGHT ................................................................................................................................................... 1

GETTING STARTED ........................................................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 3

SYSTEM OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................................... 4

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................................. 5

WHAT'S NEW IN TRAVELOGIC 3 ......................................................................................................................... 6

SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE.......................................................................................................................................................... 6

FUNCTIONALITY ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6

CONCEPTS & TERMINOLOGY ....................................................................................................................................................... 7

ABOUT THE CONSORTIUM MODULE .............................................................................................................................................. 9

USING THE MANUAL ...................................................................................................................................... 10

THE TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................................................... 10

ALTERNATIVE LOCATION OF INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................... 11

FINDING YOUR WAY AROUND .................................................................................................................................................... 12

THE USER INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................................................... 12

NAVIGATING THE INTERFACE ................................................................................................................................................. 14

CONFIGURING THE SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................. 15

SERVER CONNECTIONS ............................................................................................................................................................. 15

SETTING UP SERVER CONNECTIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 15

ADDING A NEW SERVER CONNECTION ..................................................................................................................................... 15

SECURITY .......................................................................................................................................................................... 16

MANAGING SECURITY .......................................................................................................................................................... 16

GROUPS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 16

CREATING A NEW GROUP .................................................................................................................................................... 16

USERS................................................................................................................................................................................... 18

FINANCIAL ............................................................................................................................................................................. 19

CONFIGURING FINANCIAL SETTINGS ........................................................................................................................................ 19

DISPLAYING THE SYSTEM'S CURRENCIES AND RATES OF EXCHANGE ................................................................................................ 19

LOADING EXCHANGE RATES ................................................................................................................................................... 20

CONFIGURING SERVICE TYPES .................................................................................................................................................... 21

REPLICATION PUBLISHER .......................................................................................................................................................... 23

CONFIGURING REPORTS ........................................................................................................................................................... 23

SUPPLIERS AND SERVICES ................................................................................................................................ 24

ABOUT SUPPLIERS ................................................................................................................................................................... 24

THE SUPPLIERS SCREEN ............................................................................................................................................................ 25

SUPPLIER SERVICES .................................................................................................................................................................. 26

ADDING MULTIPLE SERVICES.................................................................................................................................................. 26

TOUR GROUPS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 27

Table of Contents


ADDING A TOUR TYPE GROUP ................................................................................................................................................ 27

SUPPLIER FREE-OF-CHARGES .................................................................................................................................................. 27

CLIENTS AND CONTACTS ................................................................................................................................. 29

CLIENTS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 29

THE CLIENTS SCREEN ................................................................................................................................................................ 29

GENERATING TOURS, QUOTATIONS AND BOOKINGS - AN OVERVIEW......................................................................... 30

WORKFLOW OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................................ 30

CREATING A TOUR ................................................................................................................................................................... 30

TOUR WORKFLOW STATES ......................................................................................................................................................... 31

CREATING QUOTATIONS ....................................................................................................................................................... 32

CREATING BOOKINGS ........................................................................................................................................................... 32

BOOKING WORKFLOW STATES ................................................................................................................................................ 32

THE TRAVEL REQUEST .................................................................................................................................... 33

CATEGORIES ........................................................................................................................................................................... 33

QUOTATIONS: GROUPS, ITINERARIES AND PRICING ............................................................................................... 34

THE QUOTATIONS SCREEN......................................................................................................................................................... 34

DISPLAYING RECENT QUOTATIONS............................................................................................................................................... 34

BOOKINGS: VOUCHERS AND RESERVATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 34

THE BOOKING WORKFLOW ....................................................................................................................................................... 35

THE BOOKINGS SCREEN ............................................................................................................................................................ 35

DISPLAYING THE BOOKINGS FOR A TOUR ....................................................................................................................................... 35

CREATING A BOOKING .............................................................................................................................................................. 35

EDITING BOOKING DETAILS ........................................................................................................................................................ 36

CREDITORS .................................................................................................................................................. 37

TRACKING SUPPLIER PAYMENTS .................................................................................................................................................. 37

ACCOUNTING ............................................................................................................................................... 38

VAT RULES ............................................................................................................................................................................ 38

INTERNATIONAL TAX RULES ....................................................................................................................................................... 38

PREPARING TO CREATE ACCOUNTING DOCUMENTS........................................................................................................................ 38

TRAVELOGIC REPORTS .................................................................................................................................... 39

MANAGEMENT REPORTS ........................................................................................................................................................... 39

OPERATIONAL REPORTS ............................................................................................................................................................ 40

RUNNING REPORTS .................................................................................................................................................................. 40

RUNNING REPORTS FROM THE REPORTS SCREEN ............................................................................................................................ 40

INDEX ......................................................................................................................................................... 41


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Travelogic User Guide

Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 1

Getting Started

To use Travelogic:

You must have the client software installed on your computer.

You will also require a network connection to the Travelogic database server.

The client and server computers must meet the minimum hardware and software


Read this User Guide.

Typographical conventions

Before you start using this guide, it is important to understand the terms and typographical

conventions used in the documentation. For more information on specialised terms used in the

documentation, see Travelogic terminology or the Glossary at the end of this document.

The following kinds of formatting in the text identify special information:

Formatting Type of Information Example

Bold Menu options, command buttons, tabs, dialog

box titles, labels and options.

Names of the icons and items.

Names of screens, tabbed pages, and pop-up


On the Tools menu, click


A key to be "typed" Type y to continue.

Roman Error message names The printer is offline.

Monospace Text that you need to type into text fields. Also

used for field values. In the Date box, type: April 1



Italic text used to emphasize important points.

Also used to indicate states in the workflow of

tours, quotations, bookings, services and


You must close the window

before you exit.

Press Next to continue.

List bullets [•] A bulleted list displays a series of concepts,

items, or options.

The database owner can:

Create and delete a


Add, delete, or modify a


Add, delete, or modify

any information in the


Travelogic User Guide

Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 2

Formatting Type of Information Example


numbering [1.

2. 3.]

A numbered list displays procedures or other

sequential lists.

Step-by-step procedures are instructions

followed to complete a specific task.

To log on to a database

1. On the File menu, click

Open Database.

2. In User Name, type your


3. In Password, type your

password, and then click


CAPITALS Names of keys on the keyboard. For example, SHIFT, CTRL, or


KEY+ KEY Keyboard combinations you need to press and

hold down one key and then press another, for

example, CTRL + P.

Use the CTRL+P key

combination to print.

The Note icon precedes extra topical


This Note message is presented

in non-bold, non-italic text.

The Important icon precedes important


This Important message is

presented in non-bold, non-

italic text.

This Warning icon provides a warning to the

user against potential mistakes.

This Warning message is

presented in bold, italic text.

This Caution icon provides a warning to the user

against actions that could cause a critical error.

This Caution message

important is presented in non-

bold, italic text.

The Tip icon indicates a suggestion or hint to

guide or assist the user.

This Tip message is presented

in non-bold, non-italic text.

Travelogic User Guide

Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 3


Welcome to Smartsource Business Solutions' Travelogic software.

Travelogic is a destination management application that enables in-bound tour operators to easily

plan and book tours, to generate customised quotes and develop detailed itineraries from a

centralised database of suppliers and services.

This guide is designed to provide users of Travelogic with the knowledge required to set-up a new

installation of the application, and to fully utilise the Travelogic software for the creation of

customised quotes, detailed itineraries and bookings.

Intended Audience

This guide is aimed at all users who will be capturing travel requests and processing quotations,

and at users who are responsible for the set-up of the software and all reference data prior to


Contacting Smartsource Business Solutions

Please contact us should you have any queries with regard to this manual and/or the Travelogic


Travelogic User Guide

Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 4

System Overview

Travelogic is a destination management application that enables tour operators to respond to

booking inquiries, with detailed and accurate travel options, quickly and efficiently. You use it to

create quotations and bookings for individual travellers, groups, group series and incentive tours.

At the core of Travelogic is a database of suppliers, clients and services, which contains

detailed information for:

The season periods of each supplier.

The rates for every service offered by the supplier within each season.

This information is used directly in the creation of quotations, itineraries and bookings.

Every booking starts as a travel request from a client. A tour is recorded, as a FIT

(Foreign Individual Travel), group, group series, or an incentive tour, with a full

description of the request.

From this point:

Multiple quotations can be created for each tour as necessary, and each with a different


Detail for each service in the quotation itinerary is based upon its profile in the database.

Ad hoc items can easily be added to a quotation for any services that do not exist in the


Instead of creating multiple quotations for similar itineraries which differ only in date

or tour size:

You can create a single quotation which can have multiple groups using the same itinerary.

This allows you to quote the same client for alternate trip dates or for several possible group


It also enables you to quote for group series tours.

Once an itinerary for a particular quotation group or groups, has been accepted by a


A booking can be created from the quotation.

Each group within the quotation can be converted into a separate booking,

And multiple bookings can be created from a single quotation, if multiple groups have been

set up within it.

Travelogic User Guide

Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 5

System Requirements


The following recommended minimum hardware is required for Travelogic Version



Intel Pentium 4 or higher CPU

256 MB RAM. (Usual entry-level RAM is 1GB)

20MB of available hard drive space. (Usual entry-level HDD is 160GB)

Super VGA monitor

Microsoft mouse or a compatible pointing device.


Intel Pentium 4 or higher CPU


The server should be dedicated to the Travelogic system.


The following recommended minimum software is required for Travelogic Version



Microsoft Windows XP

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (Please contact your System Administrator for assistance with the installation)


Microsoft Windows XP

Travelogic User Guide

Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 6

What's New in Travelogic 3

Software Architecture

The main reason for the release of a new version of Travelogic is to keep pace with the emerging

technologies from Microsoft. Travelogic Version 3 is based on the Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0,

as opposed to the original Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1. This means Travelogic can easily

migrate to newer operating systems, such as Windows Vista, and any other releases that appear

in the future.

Additionally the reports, which were originally based on Crystal Reports 11, have been

redeveloped using the Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 reporting engine which is faster and more

efficient, and also does not require any additional licensing costs or third party software.

Version 3 introduces a range of massive user interface improvements gathered from feedback

over the course of the Travelogic development:

New ‘Fluent’ interface. Travelogic has been completely revamped to use the latest in

interface designs known as the ‘Fluent’ interface. This was introduced in Microsoft Office

2007 to enable users to work more efficiently with their documents. This concept has been

introduced to facilitate a more efficient and user-friendly experience with Travelogic.

Multiple windows can be opened simultaneously. This means users are no longer

restricted to viewing one quotation or supplier at a time.

Key concepts have been renamed. In previous versions of Travelogic we had the concept

of ‘Allotments’ which referred to the amount charged for each service. This was confused

with the industry term ‘Allotments’ which refers to the contracted number of rooms available

to a client at a given hotel. This concept is now referred to as ‘Quantities Charged’.

In addition, the previous version had the concept of ‘Cost Groupings’ which referred to

different groups of costs for a set of services. This concept is now known as ‘Itineraries’.


Multi company enhancements. The concept of running multiple companies off a single

database has been expanded. In previous versions multi companies could be setup but they

could not have their own set of general settings, exchange rates, accounting integration

settings etc. This has all been added into version 3.

Adding services to specific group or itinerary. In the past if a user was quoting multiple

groups or itineraries, and they wanted a specific service to appear only on one of these

groups they would still see that service appearing on all their other group or itinerary

itineraries. This was confusing and difficult to manage. In version 3 users can now drop

services onto specific group sizes and specific itineraries without having to see them

appearing on their other itineraries.

Reservation Emails. Previously one could only send Reservation requests. Version 3 allows

sending of Cancellation requests based on the entered reservation numbers.

Quotation Templates. Users can now mark specific quotations as templates (adding a

name and description to them). When quoting on other itineraries they can then reuse

specific sets of services from these templates by simply selecting them and dropping them

into their current itinerary.

Travelogic User Guide

Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 7

Concepts & Terminology

Some of the terminology used in the Travelogic system may differ slightly from what you may be

used to.

To help clarify the meanings of some of the terms used in the system, and in this manual, some

important concepts are described and explained in the following sections:


Suppliers are organisations who provide accommodation or other service items that may be used

in the compiling of quotes, such as accommodation, car rental, activities or meals.


Each item that is offered by a supplier and which has a separate rate or description is classed as

a service on Travelogic. An example of a service might include different room types offered by an

Hotel, such as a Standard Room or a Luxury Room.


Each service has a set of available bases, pronounced (bā'sēz'), (the singular is basis) which

indicates how a client is charged for this service.

Examples of bases include:

Per Person Sharing - This indicates the amount each person sharing a room (with one or

more other people) will pay for the accommodation.

Single Supplement - This indicates the amount that is charged in addition to the Per Person

sharing amount which a single person will pay for a room when not sharing the


This means that when a single supplement is used, a per person sharing rate is always added to it. If you

are given a single person rate, you will need to convert it to a supplement by subtracting the per person

sharing rate.-

Child Supplement

Extra PAX Supplement

Child Rate - indicates how much a child will pay for this service

As child rates may vary depending whether the child is sharing a room with adults or not and the

definition of a child varies from supplier to supplier, these conditions should be made clear on the Notes

for the service in question.

Extra Pax Rate - indicates how much a third or subsequent person will pay for an extra bed

in a double or larger) room.

Per Person - indicates the rate each person pays for a service.

Per Unit - indicates the rate that is paid for one unit of the particular service. For example

this rate may be per room, per bus or per car.

Travelogic User Guide

Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 8

Per Unit rates are usually divided equally amongst all the PAX that use the service. Per Child

- (for flights) indicates the rate a child will pay for a flight.

Per Unit rates are usually divided equally amongst all the PAX that use the service. Per Child - (for flights)

indicates the rate a child will pay for a flight

Not all the available bases will be applicable to any given service; the irrelevant ones may be

ignored. The bases that are available for each service depend on the service type.


The rate for a service is the numerical value that is associated with a particular basis. For

example, the per person sharing rate might be R600.


Clients on Travelogic can be one of two types:

Individuals - clients who approach you directly.

Agents - clients who will usually approach you, on behalf of an individual, or a group of



A tour on Travelogic captures the essential details of a travel request for a particular client. This


The name and contact details of the client that made the request.

The name of the travellers, if different from the client - for example, the request is made by

an agent on behalf of a client.

The intended start date of travel.

The number of travellers, including a breakdown of number of people sharing

accommodation, the number of singles and number of children.

A description of the client's requirements for the trip to help you prepare an itinerary.

Because you may create more than one quotation for a single travel request, the tour also serves

as a means to group quotations. You can display all the quotations or bookings that have been

generated for a single tour.


A Travelogic quotation is a means of compiling an itinerary of services, both using the database

and Ad-hoc services, combining per-person and group cost. A quotation comprises the following


An itinerary.

One or more groups.

One or more itineraries.


The quotation itinerary is a date-ordered list of services, each with an associated basis and rate and the quantity of each rate included in the total.

Travelogic User Guide

Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 9


A single quotation may contain several groups with differing quantities of people and start dates.

The itinerary of services is the same for all groups on a quotation. However, the bases and rates

may be adjusted or excluded to obtain different total costs.

You can use groups to quote a client:

For several alternative start dates or group sizes (in which case only one booking will

eventually be made.)

For a tour that will be repeated on different dates (in which case, more than one booking

may eventually be made as a booking is for each group in the quotation.)


Itineraries are a way to separate costs:

For sub-groups within a quotation who may use slightly different itinerary services,

For different rates for the services and will be quoted a different cost for the tour.

Where different itineraries use the same itinerary of services but the bases and rates can be

adjusted or excluded to obtain a different total cost.


A booking is a quotation for a particular group, which is in a confirmed state, so that rates and

allotments may no longer be changed.

About The Consortium module

If you are using Travelogic as a consortium member, some of the supplier data, with respect to

services, descriptions and rates will belong to the consortium and some of the data will be your

own local data.

Consortium data is copied to your server via replication, which is usually done on a scheduled

basis but can also be done manually. This is done so that you can use the suppliers, services and

rates that belong to the consortium.

However, all replicated data belonging to the consortium residing on your Travelogic server is

protected. This means that you may add services and descriptions to consortium suppliers, but

you cannot delete or change anything. All modifications to consortium data must be done

centrally and by the consortium only. The modifications will then be replicated again to all servers

that are consortium members.

Data for local suppliers that you have created yourself can be modified at any time. These

suppliers and their details will, however, not be visible to the consortium or to any other

consortium members.

Travelogic User Guide

Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 10

Using the Manual

The most critical factor for using this manual successfully is that you find information fast.

The contents of the manual are categorised into specific topic and sub-topic areas of Travelogic

functions and rapid access to information is attained by navigational aids, such as the Table of

contents, Index and Search facilities. Each major topic or sub-topic also contains related sub-

topic "See the following..." information links.

The Travelogic Table of contents pane provides direct access to each and every topic and should

provide you with all the information you need.

The Table of Contents

i. The Introduction major topic serves as a general introduction to Travelogic - a guide to

the interface and its associated ribbons and menus, screens and the method of navigation

through the manual.

ii. The Configuring Travelogic topic describes the basic level of configuration that applies

globally throughout the system. Configuration to Server connections, Security, Financial

settings, Languages used, User locations, Service definitions, Replication tools and Report

settings are described here.

iii. The Tools topic describes the process of replicating consortium data.

iv. Suppliers and Services deals with setting up suppliers and their services including

service details and rates for each supplier.

v. Clients and Contacts describe the procedures for managing information relating to your

clients and other contacts.

vi. An Overview of Tours provides an overview of the full cycle process of initiating a tour

from travel request to creating itineraries, quotations and bookings.

vii. The Travel Request topic presents an overview discussion of the processes used to

generate a travel request or tour, create one or more quotations and process one or more

of these quotations through to a booking. The tour, quotation and booking states in

Travelogic's workflow are also described here.

viii. The Quotations topic describes how to create quotations for a client travel request by

adding services to the itinerary, creating additional quotation groups for different PAX

numbers and start dates, and managing itineraries for separate pricing.

ix. The Bookings topic describes how to maintain bookings on Travelogic and includes

tracking the booking status of each service with your suppliers, creating vouchers and the

management of supplier payments.

x. The Creditors topic discusses the reconciliation of actual cost prices and manages all the

supplier payments.

xi. Accounting describes Travelogic's ability to create accounting documents and integration

options with third-party accounting systems.

xii. Travelogic Reports describes access to the various reports that are available to you.

Travelogic User Guide

Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 11

Alternative location of information

If you are looking for direct help on performing any particular function, browse the table of

contents or use the Index tab to find a relevant topic reference. You should use the Search tab to

locate a specific word or phrase.


If you personally perform a job function that involves a specific area of Travelogic, you may

assign these areas to the Favourites tab.


Specialised Travelogic terminology is described.

Logging On

Before you can login to Travelogic, you must be in possession of a user name provided to you by

your administrator. When you login for the very first time, the system will allow you create your

own password.

To start Travelogic:

1. Double-click the Travelogic shortcut on your desktop.

The Travelogic login page appears.

2. Select the name of your Travelogic server from the Server selection list. Your system

administrator will provide you with the correct server name, if you are uncertain.

3. Enter your user name in the Username name field.

4. Enter your password in the Password field.

Travelogic User Guide

Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 12

If you are logging in for the first time, you can leave the Password field blank. When you click OK,

the Change Your Password dialog box will display, so that you can create a password for yourself.

1. Select the Remember password tick-box if you want the system to remember your password

so that you don't have to type it in again the next time you log on.

2. Click OK.

Finding your way around

When you have successfully logged on, the Home screen of the Travelogic main window will

display by default.

This screen becomes the base-camp for all your activities and from here you can navigate to the

all other screens, windows and functions in the system.

Details about interface elements, menu options and system functionality will be dealt in each of

the individual sections.

The User Interface

The Travelogic Version 3 introduces a new user interface (UI) feature that is known as the Ribbon

and the Travelogic button, which is part of the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface. The Ribbon

organises related commands so that they are easier to find.

These commands are organized into groups along a horizontal strip at the top edge of an

application window. Related groups are organized on tabs, such as the default tabs Tours and

Clients that help users to perform tasks.

The Travelogic Button opens a menu containing frequently used system and file-level commands

for a number of system tools which help you manage the way the system is used. Most of the

Travelogic User Guide

Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 13

features that were accessed by using the menus and toolbars in earlier versions of the Travelogic

system can now be accessed by using the Ribbon.

Travelogic has seven full-screen modules, each of which has several sub-screens. You can

navigate between modules using the tabs on the Ribbon at the top of the window.

The image below shows the User Interface with the Tours module selected.

The main components of each Travelogic window are as follows:

The Title bar indicates which module you have open, and also shows which supplier,

package, tour, quotation or booking is displayed in that window.

The Travelogic Button opens a menu containing frequently used system and file-level

commands for a number of system tools which help you manage the way the system is used.

The Ribbon Tabs enable you to open the different Travelogic screens.

The Ribbon options enable you to perform activities that are specific to the screen that is


The Data Panes are the sections of a screen which display different Tour information

depending on which module window is open. The central panes usually display a list of

records in the Travelogic database, which might be clients, suppliers, tours, quotations,

services or packages.

The Filter Bar, allows you to select specific criteria to include or exclude information listed

on the screens.

The Status bar, when visible, shows the server connection status.

The components of each the Travelogic modules will be discussed on each individual topic.

Travelogic User Guide

Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 14

Navigating the Interface

On the main Travelogic Home window, the Tabs on the Ribbon enable you to navigate between

the Travelogic modules. The Ribbon tabs, Functional buttons on the Home screen and a short

description are shown below.

The Travelogic modules accessed from the Tabs are:

The main Home Travelogic module that displays when you load the software.

The Tour module, displays a list of created Tours.

The Alerts module, displays alerts created by you or sent to you by other users.

The Clients module displays a list of all Clients captured into Travelogic and includes Contact

details, Location address, Financial data, Profit & Accounts data and finally, Commission


The Contacts module, displays a list of individual contact persons at each of the clients.

The Supplier module, displays a supplier's details, including their rates and services.

The Reports module, displays the list of Travelogic reports available.

Travelogic User Guide

Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 15

Configuring the System

This chapter covers the Travelogic configuration options. These options are found under the

Configuration option in the Travelogic Button menu.

Most importantly, it discusses configuration settings that are needed when you use Travelogic to

create itineraries and quotes. These include:

The financial settings associated with your services and quotes.

The geographical locations in which your clients are based, and in which your suppliers or

services are situated.

Definitions for all the services which will be attached to your suppliers, and which you will

use when you create itineraries and quotations.

These options provide guidelines to the configuration of the following Travelogic functions:

Server connections

Whenever you login to Travelogic, you will connect to a server, which is usually the computer on

which your supplier and client database is stored.

Travelogic provides for connections to several servers. Depending on your organisation's

infrastructure, there may be several servers installed requiring connections to different servers.

Setting up server connections

Adding a new server connection

If you need to connect to a different server, you can set up a new server connection or from the

login page. You need to get the server details from you administrator.

To add a new Travelogic server connection:

1. Select File – Connection Setup from the Travelogic button.

The Server Connections window contains a list of Travelogic servers.

Travelogic User Guide

Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 16


User permissions for application features are applied at a group level, implying that all users are

assigned the same permissions and access levels within the group or groups to which they


Managing security

Each user is assigned to one or more groups according to the security level required. This ensures

that each user has the correct level of access to perform the tasks that they need.

The Configuration - Security menu allows you to manage users and groups, thus controlling

user access to all Travelogic features.


Every Travelogic user is a member of at least one security group, and can use the features which

are assigned to that group.

The User Groups window displays a list of existing groups on Travelogic. You may Add, Modify or

Delete Groups as required.

Creating a New Group

To create a new group

1. Select Travelogic Button > Configuration > Security > Groups.

2. Click the Add button on the Groups window.

3. Enter a User Group Name and optional Description for the new group on the User Group

dialog box.

4. On the Feature Access tab in the bottom section of the page, select the Travelogic features

to which you wish to grant this group access:

Travelogic User Guide

Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 17

• Place a tick in the Permit column next to features that you want members of the

groups to be able to access.

• Place a tick in the Deny column next to features that you want members of the groups

not to be able to access.

5. On the Members tab, select the users who should be members of this group, by placing a

tick in the Member column next to their names.

6. Click OK to save the group's details.

Travelogic User Guide

Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 18


Travelogic users can be assigned to one or more groups according to the security level they

require. This ensures that each user has the correct level of access to perform the tasks that they


1. Select Travelogic Button > Configuration > Security > Users.

The Users window displays a list of existing Travelogic users. You may Add, Modify or Delete

Users as required.

Travelogic User Guide

Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 19


Travelogic supports many financial functions which may be configured and customised to the

users’ requirement.

This enables Travelogic to control how many of the financial transactions are processed.

Configuring financial settings

Travelogic has a general settings option accessible on the Travelogic Button menu.

1. Select Configuration > General Settings in the Travelogic Button menu.

On the Company Specific tab of the Settings dialog, are options to maintain the following settings

which can be applied to all quotations:

General settings for Currency, Language, Location and Report Templates.

Profit settings for Agents and Direct Clients.

Tax setting for VAT number.

Quotation service setting.

Settings for Accounting rules and default accounting codes.

Management of Exchange rates.

Settings for Report layout, such as, Logo, Header, Footers, etc.

Displaying the system's currencies and rates of exchange

Clients are usually invoiced in your default currency, but they can be invoiced in any currency of

your choice. Services attached to a quote will also be charged in your default currency, unless

another currency is selected when set up on a supplier.

For example, tourists visiting Zimbabwe are quoted in US dollars for all the services provided

whilst in Zimbabwe.

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Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 20

If you are planning to invoice or quote in any currency other than Rand, make sure that it is in

the currency list, otherwise it will not be available for selection from the selection list.

To view the currencies:

1. Select Configuration > General Settings > Company Specific tab > Exchange Rates in

the Travelogic Button menu.

Loading exchange rates

Exchange rates for all foreign currencies are defined with respect to your default currency. On the

Exchange Rates window, you can load current exchange rates on a daily, weekly or monthly

basis. The Effective Date column indicates the date the currency was loaded and its effective


To update exchange rates:

1. Select Configuration > General Settings > Company Specific tab > Exchange Rates in

the Travelogic Button menu.

2. In the Exchange Rates table, select the currency to update and click the Edit Exchange Rate

button at the side of the window.

3. In the Exchange Rate dialog box, enter the exchange rate for the currency with respect to

South African Rands in the Exchange Ratio field.

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Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 21

Configuring Service Types

All services on Travelogic fall under one of the following built-in service types:



Airport Tax

Car Rental

Daily Tour




Human Resources


Outsourced Tour




Some individual services, although not all of them, can be further sub-classified into categories.

Each service type has its own bases and categories (if applicable). However, since all services are

treated in the same way, the information stored in each profile with a supplier is the same.

To overcome this limitation, you can set up your own custom reservation fields for each service

type and define additional information for each service when it is used in a quotation.

The add or edit service types and the bases, categories and custom reservation fields:

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1. Select Configuration > Configure > Service Types in the Travelogic Button menu.

The Service Types window has two panels:

The left-hand pane - the names of the Travelogic service types.

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Replication Publisher

Replication of data with the consortium service is usually set up to occur automatically every

night. The location of the consortium server to which you connect must be configured before any

replication processes can occur.

Select the Replication Publishers menu option from the Travelogic Button menu.

A list of current Replication Publishers will be displayed. If none are listed, click the Add button

to insert a new publisher to the system.

Configuring Reports

Report configuration can be processed from three areas in Travelogic.

To adjust the Report settings, such as - the report header and footer, logos and financial details

that you want to include on the reports:

1. Select Configuration > General Settings > Reports in the Travelogic Button menu.


2. Select the Reports tab > Edit settings option on the Travelogic main screen.

To manage the Report modules:

1. Select Configuration > General Settings > Reports in the Travelogic Button menu.


2. Select the Reports tab > Edit Modules option on the Travelogic main screen.

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Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 24

Suppliers and Services

This chapter covers all the procedures used to enter the data required to generate travel requests

and quotes for your clients.

Setting up the Travelogic database involves setting up a profile for every supplier, to which you

attach services, rate conditions, rates and any Free of Charges (FOCs) that apply to the services.

About suppliers

This module allows you to manage the suppliers who provide various services.

Within Travelogic, suppliers represent the properties which offer accommodation, as well as other

organisations who offer services such as transport, car rental, meals or activities, which you may use when

preparing itineraries for clients.

The Suppliers module is the most important part of the system, so you should be very thorough

and careful when entering the data for each supplier's profile.

All the information for the supplier that you enter here is stored in the Travelogic database. When

you generate a quote for a client that includes a service or services offered by a supplier will be

extracted from the database.

In addition to the usual supplier information, such as; name, address, contact and payment

details, each supplier profile should have the following information attached, so that it can be

used to generate quotes and tours.

Services - These are all the different items that are offered by the supplier - every item that

has a different rate associated with it must be entered as a separate service. For

Accommodation suppliers, for example, the services would correspond to different room

types. Adding services is essential to set rates and FOCs and to generate quotes.

Rates - These are the rates, seasons, locations, tour groups, age groups and length of stay

for which a particular rate applies.

Services, seasons, locations and tour groups must be set up before you can specify rates

or generate quotes.

FOC Breakpoints - These are numerical breakpoints that specify the number of people who

need to be booked with a particular supplier in order to receive certain services free of

charge. You'll need to set up the FOCs granted by some suppliers.

Documents - You can optionally attach various documents to a supplier's profile.

To generate tours, quotes and bookings for your clients from the services offered by the supplier, you must

have set up services, seasons, locations, tour groups and rates in the supplier's profile.

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The Suppliers screen

Click the Suppliers ribbon tab to open the Suppliers screen.

Existing suppliers are listed in the Suppliers pane showing the headings Name, Contact and

Location. You can double-click on each supplier to view their details in the Supplier window.

In the Suppliers ribbon, actions that you can perform on suppliers are grouped into:

Actions which include options to create, edit, delete and copy a supplier.

Communicate which enables you to email and open the web site of a supplier.

Supplier Reports which generate a summary of certain details of a single supplier or all suppliers on the

system, can be viewed or printed from the main Reports tab.

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Supplier services

Once you have added all the general and payment details that you require for your service

provider, you must set up the services that are supplied. When the Services are complete you

must enter the rates that apply to each service.

The services are attached to the supplier's profile on the Services screen.

You MUST add at least one service - for example, a Standard Room, even if there is only one kind of item

offered by the supplier.

Click the Services tab on the Ribbon tabs in the Supplier window.

The existing services that the supplier offers are listed by type on the Services screen. The

Actions command menu is used to add, edit, delete or import services.

Adding multiple services

When you add services to a supplier's profile you can select to add one service at a time or

multiple services of the same type simultaneously. All services added to the Supplier profile can

be edited at a later stage to add descriptions, pictures and other detail.

When creating multiple services, they should all be of the same service type. For example, all should be

Accommodation, or all be Transport, and so forth.

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Tour Groups

On the Tour Groups screen of the Rates window, you can specify tour groups for the rates to fall


When you select a tour group in the top section of the screen, the tour ranges to which this group

applies are displayed in the bottom section of the screen. You can add further tour groups.

A Tour Type cannot belong to more than one group.

Adding a tour type group

To add a tour type group:

1. Click the Tour Groups tab on the Rate Sheet.

2. Click the New tour group button from the Actions command menu to add a new group.

Supplier free-of-charges

Some suppliers offer Free of Charge (FOC) services as an incentive to tour operators, dependent

on the number of bookings placed with them. Usually you will receive a service free of charge or

at a discount, for a certain quantity of a service or services that you book.

For example: For every 100 passengers you book on Aero Coaches, you get passenger number 101 free of


• In your quote you will need to specify whether the FOC is to be distributed to costing

(to cover the cost of the guide or driver, or just to bring down the cost of the other

guests) or whether it will be retained by yourselves, the tour operator, as profit.

• If you select FOC savings distributed to costing, the client's invoice will reflect the

charge for 100 passengers only, although it will be divided by 101 passengers.

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• If you select FOC savings retained by tour operator, the clients invoice will reflect the

cost of 101 passengers and the FOC (the cost of one passenger) is retained as profit.

You can set up the FOC (Free of Charge) breakpoints for each supplier on the Free of Charges


Click the Free of Charges tab on the Supplier window to display a list of the supplier's FOCs.

The Free of Charges screen displays the Type, Consumed Service, and Consumed Basis for each

FOC. This indicates the service that needs to be consumed for the breakpoint to be applied and

the basis at which it needs to be consumed, if any.

The FOC Actions command menu allows you to add, edit and delete free of charge breakpoints.

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Clients and Contacts

Clients of Travelogic users and their associated contacts are managed and maintained via the

Contacts tab on the main screen.


Clients on Travelogic are identified as one of two types:

Individuals - These are clients who approach you directly.

Tour Operators (Agents) - These are clients who will usually approach you on behalf of an

individual or a group of individuals.

You must create a profile for each of these Tour Operators and Individuals in the Clients screen,

so that their details are included on quotations.

The Clients screen

Click the Clients tab on the tool bar to open the Clients screen.

Existing clients are listed according to their type - Individual or Tour Operator - in the Clients

pane of the screen. The Name, Contact and Location for each client are displayed.

Double-click on each client or select a client and click the Edit Contact button to view their

details in the Client window.

In the ribbon of the Clients screen, the Actions command menu provides options to create, edit,

send an email and delete a client.

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Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 30

Generating Tours, Quotations and Bookings - An Overview

Travelogic allows you to generate detailed quotations, bookings and itineraries by drawing

supplier, client and service information from the central database.

Every booking on Travelogic begins its existence as a tour, which contains the details of the

client's original travel request.

This chapter covers the procedures used to create tours, quotations and bookings on Travelogic,

which involves the following steps:

1. Capturing a client's travel request as a tour.

2. Creating one or more quotations with an itinerary.

3. Creating bookings for accepted quotations.

Workflow overview

The entire booking process is regulated by Travelogic's Workflow menu, which allows you to

promote a tour to a quotation, and a quotation to a booking and allows you to track the status of

any travel request.

There are separate but interdependent states for tours, quotations and bookings, each of which

will be dealt with separately.

The state of a tour, quotation and booking indicates its progress in the workflow, that is whether

it is quoted, booked, cancelled or completed.

This section presents a broad overview at the process of creating tours, quotations and bookings,

and takes a brief look at the tour, quotation and booking states in Travelogic's workflow.

Creating a tour

A tour will contain the following information about the client's travel request:

The type of tour/group (i.e. FIT, group, group series or incentive ).

The name of the client for whom a quotation should be generated.

The names of the traveller or group that will be on the tour.

The estimated number of people that will be on the tour.

The estimated start date of the tour.

A description for the tour detailing the client's requirements.

The tour state, indicating its state in the tour workflow, i.e. whether it has been quoted for,

booked, paid for or completed.

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Tour workflow states

A description of each state that a tour may have at any stage in the tour workflow.

The workflow process begins and ends in the Tour Workflow. It begins when a new tour is created in the

New Request State and ends when the tour is marked as completed and moved to the Finalised state.

In Progress

When the travel request is first captured, the tour is in the New Request state.

In this state, a quotation will be compiled and presented to the client. As soon as the first change

is made to a quotation in the tour, the tour will move to the In Progress state.


The Book Quotation button in the quotation Workflow command menu moves the tour to the

Booked state.

A tour remains in the Booked state from the time a booking is created until the booking has been


In this state, you can confirm the availability of booked services, await the client's deposit or final

confirmation, make confirmed bookings with suppliers, pay suppliers if required, and generate

vouchers before you finalise the booking.

Booking Complete

The Finalise button in the booking Workflow command menu moves the tour to the Booking

Complete state.

When, just one booking for the tour has been finalised, the tour moves automatically to the

Booking Complete state. Nothing further needs to be done to the tour in this state.

However, if an additional booking is made for a tour in this state, the tour reverts automatically

to the Booked state.


Once the tour is finished, you can click the Finalise button from the tour Workflow command

menu to mark the tour as Finalised and remove it from the list of your open tours.

When you move a tour to the Finalised state, all quotes for that tour that are not yet in the Locked state are

cancelled, and all bookings that are Booked are moved to Finalised.


A tour is moved to the Cancelled state, if it is cancelled by the client or supplier at any stage in

the workflow.

You cancel a tour by clicking the Cancel tour button from the tour Workflow command menu.

When you move a tour to the Cancelled state, all quotes for that tour are moved to the Cancelled state and

all Unbooked bookings are Cancelled.

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Creating quotations

Each quotation will contain the following information:

An itinerary with rates for each service.

At least one itinerary.

At least one, but possibly several quotation groups which will be quoted for, with a start date

and quantity for each.

A state, which indicates the stage of the quotation in the workflow.

The default profit that will apply to the cost price for all services in the quotation.

The status of FOCs on services in the quotation, indicating whether they are to be passed on

to the client .

Creating bookings

Travelogic allows you to make one booking for every group in a quotation, therefore multiple bookings can be created for the same quotation as long as they are for different groups.

The booking will contain the same itinerary and rate information as the quotation upon which it is based.

In a booking, however, the rates and allotments are considered final and cannot be changed.

Booking workflow states

A description of each state that a booking may have in the workflow follows.


Once a booking has been created it is in the Open state until it is finalised.

Closed (Cancelled)

A booking is moved into the Closed (Cancelled) state if it has been cancelled completely by the client (or supplier).

This can be done at any stage in the booking workflow. The Closed (Cancelled) state is final, and no further operations can be done to the booking.

Closed (Finalised)

The Closed (Finalised) state is the final stage of the booking's workflow.

You can promote a booking to this state from the Open state whenever it is considered final, depending on your organisation's requirements.

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Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 33

The Travel Request

When you receive an expression of interest in travel, either from a tour operator or a direct client,

you can capture the details of the travel request into the Tours module in Travelogic.

This travel request/tour then forms the basis upon which you can assemble a quote, or quotes for

the client, and subsequently create bookings for a quote that is accepted.

Holiday tours generally fall into one of four categories: FITs, Groups, Group Series and

Incentives. The type of quote generated depends upon the kind of tour.


The four types of Tour categories are:

1. FIT: Foreign Individuals Travelling. A small group - usually not more than about 9 people - on

a customised, once off tour or holiday.

2. Groups: A larger group - usually between 12 and 40 people - on a customised tour or


• If a group tour is a success and you wish to re-run the tour, the original quote can be

turned into a template, and further tours based upon it.

3. Group Series: A pre-made tour, created on demand from an overseas agent, that gets run at

regular intervals, such as monthly, or quarterly.

• Like Groups, they usually have a minimum of 12 people and a maximum of 40.

• The Group Series tour has a set departure date, a set itinerary, and a set price (with

slight variation for high and low season).

• Because all the tours in the series have the same itinerary, the tours can be based on a

single template.

4. Incentives: An Incentives tour is a customised tour put together for a much larger company


• The group may be as large as 1000 people.

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Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 34

Quotations: Groups, Itineraries and Pricing

When a client's travel request is captured in the form of a tour, the next step is to generate a

quotation for the client, with a proposed itinerary and cost.

Multiple quotations may be created for a single travel request, although a single blank quotation

is created by default when you first create a tour.

Each quotation has:

An itinerary of services, with their associated rates.

One or more quotation groups, each of which have a tour start date and a group size

associated with it.

One or more itineraries which enable you to group costs that apply to subcategories of the

main quotation group.

Quotations for FIT tours usually have only one quotation group, whereas quotations for

group, group series and incentive tours may have several.

The Quotations screen

You can view existing quotations on the Quotations screen, which can be opened in one of the

following methods:

From the Home screen, double-click the desired tour and then double-click the quotation

from within the Tours window.

From the Home screen, double click the desired quote.

From the Tours screen, double-click the desired Tour and then double-click the desired

quotations from the Tours window.

Displaying recent quotations

To display recent quotations, click the Home tab on the main Travelogic window.

The Recent Tours are displayed in the top half of the window and the Recent Quotations are

displayed in the bottom half of the window.

Bookings: Vouchers and Reservations

Every booking on Travelogic has to be made from an accepted quotation. Once a booking is

created, no itinerary or rate information may be changed.

Apart from displaying the itinerary and pricing information, you can do the following operations at

the booking stage:

Mark the reservation state of services booked with your suppliers.

Change the payment status of your suppliers.

Generate vouchers to give to clients for the services they have booked.

Generate a range of operational and management reports.

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The Booking Workflow

The booking workflow transitions through several states between its initial creation and final

confirmation or cancellation.

The states that a booking follows are:




The following operations can be performed on a booking using the Workflow command menu.

Finalise button - Moves the booking to the Finalised state.

Cancel button - Moves the booking to the Cancelled state.

Unbook button - Deletes the booking and moves it back to the Open quotation phase.

The Bookings screen

The Bookings tab on the Tour window for a particular tour displays a list of all bookings for that

tour only.

Displaying the bookings for a tour

To display the bookings for a particular tour:

1. Select the tour on the Tours tab in the main Travelogic window.

2. Double-click the tour to display its details in the Tour window.

3. Click the Bookings tab on the Tour window.

Each booking has a Reference number, Quotation, Quotation Name, and Status. You can double-

click a booking in the list to display its details in the Booking window.

Actions that can be performed on bookings are grouped under the following ribbon command


Actions > Edit a booking

Workflow > Finalise a booking, cancel a booking and to revert a booking to a quotation

by un-booking.

Creating a booking

All bookings must be created for an Open quotation or a quotation that has at least an un-booked

quotation group.

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See Promoting a Quotation to a Booking.

Editing booking details

When you create a booking from a quotation, the quotation details are un-editable, and all the

information from the quotation is copied into the booking for the specified group. In the booking,

none of the services and rates are editable, since they were confirmed when the quotation was


To complete the booking, you need to open the Booking window and confirm the following:

Availability of the itinerary services.

The bookings with your suppliers.

Generate vouchers for your clients.

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The Creditors screen reconciles all Actual Cost prices from the itinerary to show what predicted

credits will be.

You can open each creditor to view a more detailed breakdown of the daily costs.

Tracking supplier payments

Like service reservations, supplier payments can also be tracked in either a quotation or a


1. Click the Creditors tab on the Quotation or Booking window to display all the creditors

(suppliers) of the services in the quotation. The Creditor screen sums up all Actual Cost prices

from the itinerary to show what your predicted creditors will be.

This screen displays a breakdown of services and payments made for each supplier:

• Creditor - Supplier's name.

• State - The current state of the service.

• Currency - a currency in which this supplier's services appear on the quotation.

• Total - the total amount that is owed to each supplier for their services in the quotation

that are quoted in this currency.

• Required - the amount required to be paid by the client in this currency.

• Payments - the amount of payments made thus far.

• Outstanding - the total owed in this currency less the deposit paid in this currency.

• Accounting Documents - Documents that are relevant to the external accounting


2. Double-click on a supplier to display the cost breakdown.

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Travelogic provides the ability to create Accounting documents, such as; Pro-Forma Invoices for

Quotations. Travelogic can be integrated with third-party accounting packages, which allows

Supplier Invoices, Receipts and Payments to be created.

When integrated with an accounting package, Travelogic automatically keeps track of what

account numbers are used for customer and supplier entries within the accounting package.

VAT Rules

VAT rules in South Africa are fully supported by Travelogic and are summarised below:

When quoting a foreigner outside the country, the VAT treatment is different until they are

present in South Africa.

Suppliers of services outside the country are also treated differently to suppliers of services

within South Africa.

When you create a quotation, Travelogic will automatically check for the location of the

client. It will use this to assign the quotation as being 'Quoted Locally' or not.

In addition, each service added to a quotation can be individually marked as 'Quoted Locally'

or not. This determines how VAT is calculated on that item.

International Tax Rules

The Tax rules for any country are accommodated through the ability to setup your own tax types and groups of taxes.

This allows for users in countries where both provincial and government taxes apply, to set the tax requirements in Travelogic to support their tax processes and laws.

Preparing to Create Accounting Documents

Before any accounting documents can be created, Travelogic Services must be confirmed and booked.

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Travelogic Reports

You can use Travelogic to generate a wide range of operational and management reports and

export them to various document formats.

On the Reports tab, all the reports on the system are listed under the reporting category to which

they belong.

A complete list of available reports follows, with a brief description of each.

Management reports

Travelogic provides the following management reports:

Detailed Cash Flow Report: A summary of estimated cash flow from booked quotations for

the specified time.

Summarised Cash Flow Report: A brief summary of estimated cash flow from booked

quotations for the specified time.

Client list: Displays a list of all clients on the system, with their default contact person and

phone number, payment terms and currency.

Detailed client list: Displays a list of all clients on the system, with all their contact details.

Detailed Services Per Supplier: A detailed service breakdown for the selected supplier(s).

Detailed Supplier Listing: A detailed breakdown of the selected supplier(s) and their services,

rate conditions and rates

Booking Services Detail: booking status of all services within the selected quotation


Booking Sheet: A brief summary of the services and dates in the current booking.

Bookings Summary Per Tour: A summary of service bookings for the booked quotations in

the elected tour(s)

Client Service Reservations: All booked services for the selected client(s) and date range.

Consultant Statistics: Summarised statistics for each system user (Tours, Quotations,


Service Bookings Per Supplier: All booked services for the selected supplier(s) and date


Messages: A printout of messages associated with this quotation.

Agent Price List: A marked up price list for the selected supplier(s)

Profit Per Quotation: A detailed analysis of profit generated by the selected quotation(s)

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Operational reports

The following operational reports are available on Travelogic:

Tour History Report: A printout of the tour history between the selected dates.

Supplier Data Report: Basic information for the selected supplier(s)

Supplier List Report: A brief supplier listing.

Users Report: A list of system users.

Internal Quotation Report: An itemised summary of the current quotation(s) - both cost

and sell prices.

Internal Quotation Summary: An itemised summary of the current quotation(s)

Invoice Report: A customer invoice for booked services in the selected quotation(s)\

Purchase Order Report: A purchase order for the selected supplier

Quotation Costs by Supplier: Summarised costs of all booked services in the current

quotation(s), grouped by supplier.

Quotation Report: An itemised summary of the current quotation(s)

Quotation Summary: An itemised summary of the current quotation(s)

Voucher Report: Vouchers for the selected booking(s)

Running reports

Reports can be run from various locations within the application. These include:

From the Reports screen on the main window

From the other screens on the main window using the Travelogic Button menu.

From within a particular quotation, booking, tour, package or supplier using the Travelogic

Button menu.

Running reports from the Reports screen

When you click the Reports tab on the main Travelogic screen, you'll be presented with a list of all

the available reports on the system.

To run a report from the Reports screen:

Double-click on the name of the report you want to run.

A dialog will display, containing a list of parameters particular to the selected report type. This

allows you to select the specific dates, tours, suppliers or bookings to include in the report.

For example, if you choose to run a Service Bookings Per Supplier report, you'll be able to include

bookings created over a specified period, by selecting dates from the Date From and Date To

field. You'll also be able to select the supplier bookings to include in the report from the Supplier

Name list.

Travelogic User Guide

Imaginary Company (Pty) Ltd 41



Allotments ...................................................................... 6 Architecture .................................................................... 6


bookings.. 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 24, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 39, 40


Clients ................................................ 8, 10, 12, 14, 19, 29 Configuration ....................... 10, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23 CONFIGURING THE SYSTEM .......................................... 15 Contacts ............................................................ 10, 14, 29 Crystal Reports................................................................ 6


exchange rates .......................................................... 6, 20 Exchange Rates ............................................................ 20


Filter ............................................................................. 13 Financial ............................................................ 10, 14, 19 financial settings ..................................................... 15, 19 Fluent ........................................................................ 6, 12


group series tours ........................................................... 4 Groups .......................................................... 9, 16, 27, 33


Intended Audience ......................................................... 3 INTRODUCTION .............................................................. 3 itineraries ........................... 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 15, 24, 30, 34


Managing security ........................................................ 16 Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 ....................................... 6 Microsoft Office 2007 ..................................................... 6 minimum software ......................................................... 5 multiple groups ........................................................... 4, 6


quotations .. 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 19, 29, 30, 32, 34, 39


Reservation ..................................................................... 6 Reservation Emails ......................................................... 6 Ribbon ......................................................... 12, 13, 14, 26


season periods ................................................................ 4 Security ............................................................. 10, 16, 18 Server connections .................................................. 10, 15 services .. 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 19, 21, 24, 26, 27,

31, 32, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 Setting up server connections ....................................... 15 Status ...................................................................... 13, 35 Supplier ......................... 14, 25, 26, 27, 28, 37, 38, 39, 40 Suppliers ........................................................ 7, 10, 25, 38 SYSTEM OVERVIEW ......................................................... 4 System Requirements ..................................................... 5


Title bar ......................................................................... 13 Tours ............................... 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 33, 34, 35, 39 Travelogic .. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,

18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40

Travelogic button .......................................................... 12


User Interface.......................................................... 12, 13 Users ................................................................... 6, 18, 40


Version 3 ............................................................... 5, 6, 12


Welcome ......................................................................... 3