copy of touch screen techn

[edit] Ergonomics and usage [edit] Finger stress An ergonomic problem of touchscreens is their stress on human fingers when used for more than a few minutes at a time, since significant pressure can be required and the screen is non-flexible. This can be alleviated with the use of a pen or other device to add leverage, but the introduction of such items can sometimes be problematic depending on the desired use case (for example, public kiosks such as ATMs). Also, fine motor control is better achieved with a stylus, a finger being a rather broad and ambiguous point of contact with the screen. [edit] Fingernail as stylus These ergonomic issues of direct touch can be bypassed by using a different technique,  provided that the user's fingernails are either short or sufficiently long. Rather than  pressing with the soft skin of an outstretched fingertip, the finger is curled over, so that the top of the forward edg e of a fingernail can be used instead. (The thumb is optionally used to provide support for the finger or for a long fingernail, from underneath.) The fingernail's hard, curved surface con tacts the touchscreen at a single very small point. Therefore, much less finger pressure is needed, much greater precision is possible (approaching that of a stylus, with a little experience), much less skin oil is smeared onto the screen, and the fingernail can be silently moved across the screen with very little resistance, allowing for selecting text, moving windows, or drawing lines. The human fingernail consists of keratin which has a hardness and smoothness similar to the tip of a stylus (and so will not typically scratch a touchscreen). Alternately, very short stylus tips are available, which slip right onto the end of a finger; this increases visibility of the contact point with the screen. Oddly, with capacitive touchscreens, the reverse  problem applies in that individuals with long nails have reported problems getting adequate skin contact with the screen to register keystrokes (note that ordinary styli do not work on capacitive touchscreens nor do gloved fingers). The concept of using a fingernail trimmed to form a point, to be specifically used as a stylus on a writing tablet for communication, appeared in the 1950 science fiction short story Scanners Live in Vain. [edit] Fingerprints Touch screens also suffer from the problem of fingerprints on the display. This can be mitigated by the use of materials with optical coatings designed to reduced the visible effects of fingerprint oils. [edit] "Gorilla arm"

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[edit] Ergonomics and usage

[edit] Finger stress

An ergonomic problem of touchscreens is their stress on human fingers when used for 

more than a few minutes at a time, since significant pressure can be required and thescreen is non-flexible. This can be alleviated with the use of a pen or other device to add

leverage, but the introduction of such items can sometimes be problematic depending on

the desired use case (for example, public kiosks such as ATMs). Also, fine motor control

is better achieved with a stylus, a finger being a rather broad and ambiguous point of contact with the screen.

[edit] Fingernail as stylus

These ergonomic issues of direct touch can be bypassed by using a different technique, provided that the user's fingernails are either short or sufficiently long. Rather than

 pressing with the soft skin of an outstretched fingertip, the finger is curled over, so that

the top of the forward edge of a fingernail can be used instead. (The thumb is optionallyused to provide support for the finger or for a long fingernail, from underneath.)

The fingernail's hard, curved surface contacts the touchscreen at a single very small point.

Therefore, much less finger pressure is needed, much greater precision is possible

(approaching that of a stylus, with a little experience), much less skin oil is smeared ontothe screen, and the fingernail can be silently moved across the screen with very little

resistance, allowing for selecting text, moving windows, or drawing lines.

The human fingernail consists of keratin which has a hardness and smoothness similar to

the tip of a stylus (and so will not typically scratch a touchscreen). Alternately, very shortstylus tips are available, which slip right onto the end of a finger; this increases visibility

of the contact point with the screen. Oddly, with capacitive touchscreens, the reverse

 problem applies in that individuals with long nails have reported problems gettingadequate skin contact with the screen to register keystrokes (note that ordinary styli do

not work on capacitive touchscreens nor do gloved fingers).

The concept of using a fingernail trimmed to form a point, to be specifically used as a

stylus on a writing tablet for communication, appeared in the 1950 science fiction shortstory Scanners Live in Vain.

[edit] Fingerprints

Touch screens also suffer from the problem of fingerprints on the display. This can be

mitigated by the use of materials with optical coatings designed to reduced the visible

effects of fingerprint oils.

[edit] "Gorilla arm"

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Gorilla arm was a side-effect that destroyed vertically-oriented touch-screens as a

mainstream input technology despite a promising start in the early 1980s. [8]

Designers of touch-menu systems failed to notice that humans are not designed to holdtheir arms in front of their faces making small motions. After more than a very few

selections, the arm begins to feel sore, cramped, and oversized -- the operator looks like agorilla while using the touch screen and feels like one afterwards. This is now considered

a classic cautionary tale to human-factors designers; "Remember the gorilla arm!" isshorthand for "How is this going to fly in real use?".

Gorilla arm is not a problem for specialist short-term-use devices such as ATMs, since

they only involve brief interactions which are not long enough to cause gorilla arm.

Gorilla arm also can be mitigated by the use of horizontally-mounted screens such asthose used in Tablet PCs, but these then have the problem that the user's need to rest their 

hands on the device increases the amount of dirt deposited on the screen, and occludes

the user's view of the screen.


Touchscreens, touch screens, touch panels or touchscreen panels are display overlays

which are typically either pressure-sensitive (resistive), electrically-sensitive (capacitive),

acoustically-sensitive (SAW - surface acoustic wave) or photo-sensitive (infra-red). The

effect of such overlays allows a display to be used as an input device, removing thekeyboard and/or the mouse as the primary input device for interacting with the display's

content. Such displays can be attached to computers or, as terminals, to networks.


The Nintendo DS uses a touchscreen as a primary controlling deviceTouchscreens have

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 become commonplace since the invention of the electronic touch interface in 1971 by Dr.

Samuel C. Hurst. They have become familiar in retail settings, on point of sale systems,

on ATMs and on PDAs where a stylus is sometimes used to manipulate the GUI and to

enter data. The popularity of smart phones, PDAs, portable game consoles and many

types of information appliances is driving the demand for, and the acceptance of,


The HP-150 was among one of the world's earliest commercialized touch screen

computers. It actually does not have a touch screen in the strict sense, but a 9" Sony CRT

surrounded by infrared transmitters and receivers which detect the position of any non-

transparent object on the screen.

Touchscreens are popular in heavy industry and in other situations, such as museum

displays or room automation, where keyboards and mice do not allow a satisfactory,

intuitive, rapid, or accurate interaction by the user with the display's content.

Historically, the touchscreen sensor and its accompanying controller-based firmware

have been made available by a wide array of after-market system integrators and not by

display, chip or motherboard manufacturers. With time, however, display manufacturers

and System On Chip (SOC) manufacturers worldwide have acknowledged the trend

toward acceptance of touchscreens as a highly desirable user interface component and

have begun to integrate touchscreen functionality into the fundamental design of their 


There are a number of types of touch screen technology:

Resistive: A resistive touch screen panel is coated with a thin metallic electrically

conductive and resistive layer that causes a change in the electrical current which is

registered as a touch event and sent to the controller for processing. Some resistive panels

can estimate the area (and hence the pressure) of a touch based on calculations from the

resistances. Resistive touch screen panels are generally more affordable but offer only

75% clarity and the layer can be damaged by sharp objects. Resistive touch screen panelsare not affected by outside elements such as dust or water and are the most commonly

used today.

Surface wave: Surface wave technology uses ultrasonic waves that pass over the touch

screen panel. When the panel is touched, a portion of the wave is absorbed. This change

in the ultrasonic waves registers the position of the touch event and sends this

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information to the controller for processing. Surface wave touch screen panels can be

damaged by outside elements. Contaminants on the surface can also interfere with the

functionality of the touchscreen.

Capacitive: A capacitive touch screen panel is coated with a material, typically indium tin

oxide that conducts a continuous electrical current across the sensor. The sensor therefore

exhibits a precisely controlled field of stored electrons in both the horizontal and vertical

axes - it achieves capacitance. The human body is also an electrical device which has

stored electrons and therefore also exhibits capacitance. When the sensor's 'normal'

capacitance field (its reference state) is altered by another capacitance field, i.e.,

someone's finger, electronic circuits located at each corner of the panel measure the

resultant 'distortion' in the sine wave characteristics of the reference field and send the

information about the event to the controller for mathematical processing. Capacitive

sensors must be touched with a conductive device being held by a bare hand or a finger,

unlike resistive and surface wave panels that can use anything that can point, such as a

finger or stylus. Capacitive touch screens are not affected by outside elements and have

high clarity.

Infrared: An infrared touch screen panel employs one of two very different

methodologies. One method used thermal induced changes of the surface resistance. This

method was sometimes slow and required warm hands. Another method is an array of 

vertical and horizontal IR sensors that detected the interruption of a modulated light beam

near the surface of the screen.

Strain Gauge: In a strain gauge configuration the screen is spring mounted on the four 

corners and strain gauges are used to determine deflection when the screen is touched.

This technology can also measure the Z-axis. Typical application falls in protecting new

touch-screen railway ticket machines from vandalism.

Optical Imaging: A relatively-modern development in touch screen technology, two or 

more image sensors are placed around the edges (usually the corners) of the screen.

Infrared backlights are placed in the camera's field of view on the other sides of the

screen. A touch shows up as a shadow and each pair of cameras can then be triangulatedto locate the touch. This technology is growing in popularity, due to its scalability,

versatility, and affordability, especially for larger units.

Dispersive Signal Technology: This is the newest technology, introduced in 2002. It uses

sensors to detect the mechanical energy in the glass that occur due to a touch. Complex

algorithms then interpret this information and provide the actual location of the touch.

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The technology claims to be unaffected by dust and other outside elements, including

scratches. Since there is no need for additional elements on screen, it also claims to

 provide excellent optical clarity. Also, since mechanical vibrations are used to detect a

touch event, any object can be used to generate these events, including fingers and

styluses. The technology is still quite new and is not currently widely available.


Touchscreen deployment

Virtually all of the significant touchscreen technology patents were filed during the

1970's and 1980's and have expired. Touchscreen component manufacturing and product

design are no longer encumbered by royalties or legalities with regard to patents and the

manufacturing of touchscreen-enabled displays on all kinds of devices is widespread.

With the growing acceptance of many kinds of products with an integral touchscreen

interface the marginal cost of touchscreen technology is routinely absorbed into the

 products that incorporate it and is effectively eliminated. As typically occurs with any

technology, touchscreen hardware and software, has sufficiently matured and been

 perfected over more than three decades to the point where its reliability is unassailable.

As such, touchscreen displays are found today in airplanes, automobiles, gaming

consoles, machine control systems, appliances and handheld display devices of every


Does it work, I have heard that some touch screen

technology can often malfunction?Welcome to PointandPress. Estate Agent Digital Window Displa... Yes, PointandPress is fully high street tested in the most demanding of environments.Other systems rely on the monitor itself being touch sensitive and many of these touchsensitive monitors experience technical problems. PointandPress uses a touchsensitive pad, rather than the monitor, to drive the software. If a touch pad did fail, youcan easily remove the pad yourself and replace it with a new one which can besupplied to you within 24hrs in most cases.Related Questions

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How does the touch screen controller work?EarthLCD - LCD Flat Panel Displays, Touch Screens, Industria... It takes x & y values from where the user touches the touch screen and converts themto mouse coordinates transmitting them to your PC's RS-232 port.Related Questions

How does "ClickOnce" relate to the V1 No-Touch deploymenttechnology?General - Windows Forms FAQs ClickOnce" is the successor to the V1 No-Touch deployment technology. "ClickOnce"builds upon V1 & addresses the key limitations & issues with the V1 technology. TheV1 No-Touch deployment technology is still supported in V2 of the .NET Framework...Related Questions

Is one touch screen technology better than another?Point of Sale Touchscreen Technologies and LCD Touchscreens ...  All of the touch screen technologies accomplish the same thing. They allow the user toinput selections without the use of an external input device. The best technology for each application is different, and is based on the environment where the touch screenwill be located, and the budget allocated for equipment.Related Questions

How does the Soft Touch Laser work?Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) The Soft Touch Laser helps to rejuvenate the skin. For additional information, see our Nulase Technology PageRelated Questions

Will the touch screen work with any software?Point of Sale Touchscreen Technologies and LCD Touchscreens ...  Yes! The touch screen is a mouse emulator. This allows the touch screen to work withany software that might normally work with a mouse. The mouse will "click" at thesame location of your touch on the screen. The touch screen also supports right clickand double-click functions.Related Questions

My touch-screen seems not to work properly during the tests. 

What should I do?CANTAB : CANTAB neuropsychological tests from Cambridge Cogn... Firstly, exit from CANTAB and tap the touch-screen at various points. Check that themouse pointer moves to exactly the point you touch. Check this for all areas of thescreen. Check - for instance by touching a desktop icon - that a mouse 'click' occurs at

the instant your finger makes contact. (In the case of an icon, it will immediatelybecome selected, prior to your removing your finger). If this does not work, your touch-screen is either incorrectly set up or faulty.Related Questions

I have never heard of this technology, who else does this?Laser Therapeutics: FAQs It has been available in Europe and Canada for over 20 years, and we’ve beenconducting clinical research trials in the U.S for about 5 years.

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Related Questions

Why Digivey and Touch Screen Technology for Marketing

Research?FAQs The simplicity and directness of touch screen technology is ideal for the data collection

process of marketing research applications. Reaching out and touching is natural,tempting and intuitive to everyone. Studies have shown that because of thisspontaneity, respondents from all walks of life prefer the touch screen data collectionmethodology over paper and pen, and phone. Touch screen technology is also highlysuitable for the self-administered data gathering concept.Related Questions

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How do I get to the 'Touch Up Screen'?Shockwave Help: PhotoJam 4 Deluxe FAQ Here are the instructions to lead you to the ‘Touch Up Screen’ where you can edit your photos. Place your mouse over the icon of the album that contains the image that youwant to edit and click on the word ‘Open.’ Here you can edit your photos with tools like‘Red Eye Reduction’, ‘Auto Fix’, cropping, and painting.

Related QuestionsWhat about touch-screen?Dry Cleaning Supplies - Cleansuite CleanSuite includes an easy to use touchscreen interface. And if some of your staff prefer keyboard input they can specify this in their employee setup screen. The touchscreen feature will switch on or off when they enter their password. There's no extracost for this. Back to listRelated Questions

Why haven't I heard about adrenal malfunction before?HealthNOW - Frequently Asked Questions This is a very common question. We live in a society which stresses treating organs

which have become diseased. The adrenal glands don't often get diseased andtherefore they are not often spoken of or addressed. But they do malfunction frequentlyand we're finding that malfunction to be affecting a large number of Americans. Thosedoctors which study adrenal function agree that optimal adrenal health is critical for normal bodily function.Related Questions

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International Parapsychology Research Foundation, Inc. infor... Yes and No. Occasionally electronics will malfunction because of the electromagneticinterference that the entity puts off, which is of no fault of its own. Rather it is just anaccidental electrical side-effect of the beings electromagnetic make-up. The electricalfield usually has to be very strong to cause interference or the field that is causing thedisruption must be on a specific frequency to match that of the item that it is interfering

with.Related Questions

How does the UltraShape? technology work?Frequently Asked Questions The UltraShape CONTOUR I uses a patented ultrasonic transducer to deliver controlled focused ultrasound at a precise depth within the subcutaneous tissue and isdesigned to target and disrupt only adipose tissue, leaving surrounding structures suchas skin, blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue intact. copy; CopyrightUltraShape 2007 | Contour I is not yet FDA cleared for sale in the U.S. Legal NoticeSite Map Privacy PolicyRelated Questions

Q. What is “Grab & Go”? technology and how does it work?ProSpot Fitness - Frequently Asked Questions ProSpot Fitness invented ‘Grab & Go’, a touch-sensitive technology that lets you liftfree weights without a human spotter, spotting rods or sliding tracks. Instead, you getunrestricted, free-weight movement with the freedom to release the barbell in anyposition because the bar automatically locks the at the point of release.Related Questions

How does plasma technology work?Multisystem TV Buyer's Guide The secret to plasma TV technology is found in between the two thin panels of mounted glass that make up the screen. These panels are made up of pixels, which

are small pockets of compressed gas. Each of these pixels consists of three sub-pixels, which consist of blue, green and red phosphors. The thing that makes theplasma TV so unique is that each of the sub-pixel is individually controlled usingadvanced electronics capable of producing more than 16 million unique colors.Related Questions

How does Magic Touch work?touchscreen monitors faq It is a transparent pressure-sensitive membrane overlay capable of detecting your touch for mouse cursor movement, clicking, double clicking and dragging. Your finger or a stylus becomes the mouse control.Related QuestionsFAQ 

A transparent pressure-sensitive membrane overlay detects your touch for mousecursor movement, clicking, double clicking and dragging. Your finger or a stylusbecomes the mouse control.Related Questions

I’ve heard we can file for benefits on the Internet. How does

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VA has put four standard forms on the Internet. They are Form 21-526 (used when firstfiling for disability compensation or a VA pension), Form 28-1900 (used by disabledveterans applying for vocational rehabilitation), Form 10-10EZ (used to enroll in VAhealth care) and Form 22-8979 (used to verify enrollment in school under MontgomeryGI Bill). VA formally launched its on-line application program in November. Other formswill be added in the future. All can be found at

Related QuestionsFAQ: Do your homework on iPhone Eve - CNET There's a button on the top of the iPhone that toggles between sleep mode and activemode. Once you press that button, you have to use your finger on a slider on the touchscreen to actually unlock the phone, so you don't inadvertently make phone calls whilethe iPhone's in your purse or pocket.Related Questions

What if there is a malfunction in the system?Frequently asked questions about gas injection If there is a fault in the system the system shuts itself down, preventing any gas flowand flashes a warning to the driver. This is a safety measure to prevent over fuelling.

The vehicle will still drive normally on diesel only. For performance, both. This systemdelivers real dollar savings at the bowser, as well as extended range and reducedengine wear (and will not increase emissions).Related Questions

What is "Structur ed Matrix"™ technology? How does it work?Nature Pure FAQ There are three mechanisms which work simultaneously and synergistically to give thesystem outstanding effectiveness over a broad range of contaminants. Thesemechanisms are (1) ultrafine submicron microfiltration, (2) molecular capture andbroad spectrum adsorption and (3) electrochemical separations, incorporated into a"Structured Matrix" to provide uniform flow and reliability and to prevent channeling.Related Questions

How does the MantraTM search technology work?EarthMusic Network - Frequently-Asked Questions Quite well, thank you. Seriously though, that information is proprietary. We havealgorithms that correct for transliteration errors. Add to that our expert reading of tealeaves, farm animal entrails, crystal balls, 8-balls, phases of the moon and shadows onthe Stonehenge, and you get a fair idea of how our search technology works.Related Questions

How does the technology work?NexConcepts--PC NoteTaker FAQs The digital pen transmits your hand movements to the receivers located in the baseunit. The application then translates these movements into digital signals that enable

you to view your handwriting on the screen.

Will the touch screen work with any software ?

August 31, 2008 Contact UsHome Page 

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o 12.1" Soloist

IIo 15.1" Soloist

o 15.1" Soloist

IIo Tek-


o 17.1" MM

Soloisto Tek-875/877

o Tek-465

o Tek-365

o Vaya II

o Nomad

TabletPCo Origami 


o 12.1"

Slimageo 13.3"

Slimageo 14.1"

Slimageo 15.1"

Slimageo 17.1"

Slimageo 19.1"

Slimageo 15.1"

Slimage 714

o Sprite

o Thermal 

printero Table Mount

o Wall Mount


Commonly asked questions about APG, MMF, Logic Controls and cash drawers i


Touch screens in general

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Commonly asked questions about APG, MMF, Logic Controls and cdrawers in general

Q. I have a cash drawer with a 12 (24) volt solenoid and a phone jack connector

the end of the cable. How does this connect to my point of sale system?

A. The solenoid driven electronic cash drawers are individually and specificallyconfigured for a receipt printer interface. They are non-intelligent drawers,

totally dependent upon the printer to "pop" them open when a receipt is print

Q. Are Logic Controls cash drawers programmable?

A. The cash drawers are "programmable" in two ways. (1) Signal Protocol. (2)

Security Code. If your cash drawer is hooked up via the COM port, you havtwo options. The first option allows you to change the security code to any Oof the 255 ASCII characters. The second option allows you to have the cash

drawer open up with ANY character sent to it.

If your cash drawer is hooked up with parallel interface, you also have the

option to change the security code to any ONE of the 255 ASCII characters.Parallel connection does not have option to let ANY character to open the


Q. Can I change the baud rate setting for the cash drawer?

A. Yes, for CR3001, the baud rate is user selectable via DIP switches located inthe cash drawer. The default baud rate setting for CR3001 is 9600 bps, no

 parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit. The baud rate is selectable from 150 bps up to19.2K bps. The data bits are selectable between 7 and 8 bits string.

For CR3002, the drawer is able to work with baud rates from 150 bps up to

19.2K bps automatically. No setting is necessary.

Q. Can I order additional replacement keys for my cash drawer?


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