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Page 1: Copy of Modern Geometrical Photos Travel… · Copy of Modern Geometrical Photos Travel Brochure Author: Stephanie

30-40% of pheos and paras are here-ditary. There are more than a dozengenes that have been linked to pheopara. The most common are SDHA,SDHB, SDHC, SDHD, VHL, NF1 & RET.More information about each of thesegenes can be found in the geneticsbrochure and at


All educational information is vetted by our MedicalAdvisory Board, We also utilize current guidelines andrelevant research. For more detailed info go Printed 3/2020.


There is no test to determine if a pheoor para is malignant. The disease iscancerous if it has spread to other partsof the body. This happens in 15-25% ofcases. It is more common for parasthan for pheos to become malignant,except for paras in the head and neck.The likelihood that a pheo or parabecome malignant also depends onthe type of genetic mutation, if one ispresent.

A pheochromocytoma (fee-o- kroe-moe-sy-TOE- muh) is a rare, usually non-cancerous (benign), slow-growingneuroendocrine tumor that develops incells in the center of an adrenal gland, called the adrenal medulla. These twoadrenal glands, one located above eachkidney, produce hormones calledcatecholamines. Pheochromocytoma(pheo) typically produce an excessamount of catecholamine hormones,which include norepinephrine(noradrenaline), epinephrine(adrenaline), & dopamine. Thesehormones produce the "fight or flight"response.


If detected early, pheo

para can be successfully

treated in the majority

of cases

The illness can be referred toas pheochromocytoma

(pheo), paraganglioma (para), pheo para or PPGL

Special Thanks to...

Pheo Para Alliance / [email protected] / @pheopara

Pheo ParaAlliance MedicalAdvisory Board

what is pheo?

Pheos form in theadrenal glandslocated above


30-40% of pheos and parasare hereditary.  If you are

diagnosed talk to your doctorabout genetic testing.

about 2 to 8 per 1 millionpeople are diagnosed each

year with pheo para

If you have a genetic mutation, yourchildren have a 50% chance of inher-iting it. Even if your children inherit thegene, that doesn’t mean that they willdevelop a tumor, but regular monitor-ing is important. Regular screening cancatch tumors before you havesymptoms.

Page 2: Copy of Modern Geometrical Photos Travel… · Copy of Modern Geometrical Photos Travel Brochure Author: Stephanie

connecting with others who

have pheo para can be

comforting. @pheopara


what is para?Paraganglioma (păr′ə-găng′glē-ō′mə) orpara is a rare, usually noncancerous(benign), slow-growing tumor that isclosely related to pheo, but even morerare. Paras are extra-adrenal whichmeans they form outside of the adrenalglands, in the sympathetic andparasympathetic nervous system.

Although it is rare, some para do notproduce catecholamines so symptomsmay not occur. These non-secretingparas are often found incidentally fromimaging for another reason.

Symptoms of pheo para:High blood pressureRapid or forceful heartbeatProfound sweating Severe headacheTremorsPaleness in the faceShortness of breathSensation of panic or doom AnxietyAbdominal pain / ConstipationWeight loss

Pheo para can occur at any age, butmost commonly affect people betweenthe ages of 20 and 50. If you experiencethe symptoms below, you should see adoctor to get an accurate diagnosis, asmany of these symptoms can becaused by other conditions. The release of catecholamines frompheos and paras can cause persistent orepisodic high blood pressure, head-ache, sweating and other symptoms. Ifleft untreated, life-threatening damage,especially to the cardiovascular system,can result.

DIAGNOSISIf pheo para is suspected, you should seean endocrinologist, (a doctor whospecializes in hormonal disorders) whohas pheo para experience. The twenty-four hour urine and blood (plasma) testsare used if pheo or para is suspected.

Imaging, taking pictures of the inside ofthe body, is often used once bio-chemical tests indicate a pheo or para.Imaging will help to identify where, howmany, and size of the tumor(s).  CT/MRIare often used, but functional imaginginvolving the use of a radioactivesubstance to take pictures of the bodymay also be used.

TREATMENTIf possible, the treatment of choice issurgery to remove the tumor(s).Surgical treatment usually returnsblood pressure to normal andalleviates symptoms. Alternatively, anexperienced doctor may suggest onlyregular monitoring of the tumor(s) ifthey are not secreting catecholamines,there are no symptoms and thetumor(s) are stable (not growing). Radiation, chemotherapy orradionuclide therapy may be used ifsurgery is not possible. More informat-ion about these treatments can befound at  Before undergoing surgery, patientsmust be adequately “blocked” withmedication. Anesthesia andmanipulation of the tumor(s) cancause the release of catecholaminesduring surgery, which may result in ahypertensive crisis and even death. Thisis why it is usually not recommendedfor patients to have a biopsy of thetumor if pheo para is suspected.

Para commonly format the base of theskull, neck, chest,

abdomen, and pelvis.

It is critical that patients are

"blocked" with medication

before undergoing surgery.

A urine test or plasma test should berepeated 4-8 weeks after surgery tocheck for any remaining disease. Urineor plasma tests should be performedannually to detect remaining disease,return of the disease, or thedevelopment of metastases.

Pheo is often referred to as the “greatmimic”. Receiving a diagnosis anddistinguishing pheo para from otherconditions can be a challenge. In arecent survey, 35% of respondentsindicated it took  4+ years to receive adiagnosis.