conventions of an opening sequence ferris buellers day off

Camera angle There is a close up of Ferris’ face. This shows us who the protagonist is. You also get a good look at his facial expression. He looks quite nervous as he is trying to get away with saying that he is ill. Sound He doesn't speak during this scene because he wants to believe that he is ill. All of the sound in his sound is diegetic. This includes his parents speaking to him and his sister speaking. Editing techniques There is no editing technique used in this shot. It is just close up of Ferris’ face looking ill. However, the shot switches just after to hi parent who are over him. Lighting The lighting is quite high key. This could show that the film is meant to be quite a happy.

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Page 1: Conventions of an opening sequence ferris buellers day off

Camera angleThere is a close up of Ferris’ face. This shows us who the protagonist is. You also get a good look at his facial expression. He looks quite nervous as he is trying to get away with saying that he is ill.

SoundHe doesn't speak during this scene because he wants to believe that he is ill. All of the sound in his sound is diegetic. This includes his parents speaking to him and his sister speaking.

Editing techniquesThere is no editing technique used in this shot. It is just close up of Ferris’ face looking ill. However, the shot switches just after to hi parent who are over him.

LightingThe lighting is quite high key. This could show that the film is meant to be quite a happy.

Page 2: Conventions of an opening sequence ferris buellers day off

Camera angleThis is a longshot into the room this allows us to see everything going on in the room. The dad is feeling Ferris’ hand. This shot has been used to give us an insight to where he lives and his room.

SoundThe sound is all diegetic in this scene and there is no music or anything in the background.

LightingThe lighting is quite high key on he left side of the room but on the right hand side it is much more low key. This could be used to show that there is a dark side to what he is doing.

Editing techniquesShot reverse shot is used as the camera goes from Ferris to his parents and back to Ferris.

Page 3: Conventions of an opening sequence ferris buellers day off

Camera angleThe camera angle shows a close up of Jeanie’s waist. This shot shows that she has quite a lot of power and she looks like she is in charge, even though she is not.

SoundShe says “oh fine, what’s his problem.” The way she says shows us that she has authority. The mum then sighs and then turns around. All of the sound in this scene is diegetic. There is no background music.

Editing techniquesThe shot jumps from Ferris to his sister tapping her feet on the floor impatiently and then to her with her hands on her hips. There are a couple of jumps in this scene.

LightingThis shot isn’t very good at showing lighting because the shot is focused on her waist. However the background to her is quite light, so I'm going to assume that the background lighting is high key.

Page 4: Conventions of an opening sequence ferris buellers day off

Camera angleThere is a medium shot looking at Ferris’ face. His eyes are almost shut. This is because he is trying to look ill.

SoundFerris says “Jeanie, is that you?” Jeanie rolls her eyes sarcastically at him. He then says “I can’t see that far.” This is the only sound and again, it is diegetic.

Editing techniqueThe whole scene is one constant shot on Ferris. After he says “I cant see that far” the shot flips back to Jeanie.

TextOn the screen it says Jeffrey Jones, who is one of the actors in the film. The blue font represents the child nature of the film. As the film is a coming of age film it is about children/teenagers, so it is aimed at teenagers.

Lighting The lighting looks high key as the room and Ferris in particular looks bright.

Page 5: Conventions of an opening sequence ferris buellers day off

Camera angleThe shot is a medium shot on Jeanie. However, the shot is blurred. This is to make us believe him being ill. The camera angle could also be a long shot because it is quite hard to tell the difference because of the blurriness of the shot.

SoundThere is no sound at all during the short sequence. This to add to the effect of him being ill. There is no diegetic or non-diegetic.

Editing technique The shot is blurred to make it seem like Ferris is delusional. I don't know what this shot is called but it is a technique.

LightingThe lighting is high key. However because the shot is blurry it doesn't look as high key as it would normally. The light in the background is blurry as well.

Page 6: Conventions of an opening sequence ferris buellers day off

Camera angleThe camera angle shows a medium shot on Ferris’ face. We can see that he is winking towards his sister. This shows that he is clearly faking his illness.

SoundFerris doesn't say anything during the sequence. However, Jeanie and his parents do. The camera doesn’t really show them during the sequence.

Editing techniqueThis was shot in one constant shot. As a result of this there is no evident editing technique.

LightingYet again, the lighting is high key. This is used to show that the film doesn’t have a darker side.

Page 7: Conventions of an opening sequence ferris buellers day off

Camera angle This is again a medium shot on Ferris’ face. He is telling his sister to be quiet because she knows that he is faking it.

SoundFerris begins by annoying by saying sarcastically “you have your health, be thankful”. All sound stops for a couple of seconds and then Ferris groans. All of the sound is diegetic.

Editing techniquesThe shot is continuous but jumps towards his parents at the end. The shot changes to a low angle shot on his parents. This makes them look powerful. However, in this situation they are getting outsmarted by their son and are not powerful.

LightingYet again the lighting is high key. The lighting is the same throughout the entire opening sequence.

Page 8: Conventions of an opening sequence ferris buellers day off

Evaluation• The first two minutes tells the audience that the film is meant to be a funny film and is not meant

to be taken seriously. • Some of the narrative has been revealed, for instance we know that Ferris takes the day off and

gets away with it. This may draw the audience to like Ferris because he seems to be good at doing this. This makes him quite a likeable character, which teenagers can relate to as they are the main audience.

• As this is a teenager doing it and he is taking a day off from school and not work it shows that this is a teen film or a coming of age film. It has conformed to this genre by having the protagonist as a teenager.