control of a wind turbine

CONTROL A WIND TURBINE Gissel Hernandez Faculty of Engineering In Applied Sciences Northerm Technical University Ecuador, Ibarra Jorge Quilumbango Faculty of Engineering In Applied Sciences Telephone: 0990476738  Abstract —Th e sys tem is modele d as a ex ibl e str uct ur e op- erating in the past of pertu rbati ons of turbulent wind turbine . Currently to PID about pitch angle control is done but because of the great need for energy is to optimize the speed and power makin g a rob ust system for this contr ol struc ture is analy zed consi deri ng the multiva riate natur e of the system and using a multiple structures to deal nonlinearity in system will analyse a method to predict the speed depending on the wind turbine since this is the primary factor to vary the increase or decrease of the speed in the plant with a new method through a neural network and controlling the speed of the rotor in turn work with the step angle to control the turbine I. I NTRODUCTION A win d gen era tor is one that cap tur es the kin eti c energy and one of the compone nts of this pla nt mak es it ele ctr ic power is the tur bin e to tha t con sid era tion. Wind tur bin e works in such a way that to have contact points of the wind rotor and the electric these coincide making in this way that optimizes the process at the time that ther e is greater wind force You can predict a wind turbine depending on the wind speed A wind turbine has: Fig. 1. FIG. 1 OPERA TION OF A WIND TURBINE The wind str ikes the rotor to rot ate and tha t lo w spe ed shafts tra nsmit ene rgy to the gea rbo x so inc rea se spe ed to rotate so high speed shaft and this last twist to the generator producing electricity as there is greater wind power also will gro w the electrical power in the event that electrical powe r reaches its value maximum there is a system of regulation and control that controls the speed which rotor this tour is for the power does not exceed the limits and system and generator to not overheat the power can not exceed 110 percent of the maximum power for periods of 10 minutes. Control pitch angle of wind turbine generator Fig. 2. FIG. 2 PITCH CONTROL A method to handle this is through the angle of step of the wind turbine when the maximum is reach ed, the control ler trans mit s the comman d to make the blades rot ate sli ght ly and avoid the wind also when the power has fallen back to the anterior angle so once again optimizes the speed with the force of the wind.  A. ROTOR The rotor is another main element since it is that transforms kinetic energy into mechanical energy thanks to the blades or blade which capture the strength of the wind pattern for the

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8/16/2019 Control of a Wind Turbine 1/3


Gissel HernandezFaculty of Engineering

In Applied Sciences

Northerm Technical University

Ecuador, Ibarra

Jorge QuilumbangoFaculty of Engineering

In Applied Sciences

Telephone: 0990476738

 Abstract—The system is modeled as a flexible structure op-erating in the past of perturbations of turbulent wind turbine.Currently to PID about pitch angle control is done but becauseof the great need for energy is to optimize the speed and powermaking a robust system for this control structure is analyzedconsidering the multivariate nature of the system and using amultiple structures to deal nonlinearity in system will analyse amethod to predict the speed depending on the wind turbine sincethis is the primary factor to vary the increase or decrease of thespeed in the plant with a new method through a neural networkand controlling the speed of the rotor in turn work with the stepangle to control the turbine


A wind generator is one that captures the kinetic energy

and one of the components of this plant makes it electric

power is the turbine to that consideration. Wind turbine

works in such a way that to have contact points of the wind

rotor and the electric these coincide making in this way that

optimizes the process at the time that there is greater wind

force You can predict a wind turbine depending on the wind


A wind turbine has:


The wind strikes the rotor to rotate and that low speed

shafts transmit energy to the gearbox so increase speed to

rotate so high speed shaft and this last twist to the generator

producing electricity as there is greater wind power also will

grow the electrical power in the event that electrical power

reaches its value maximum there is a system of regulation and

control that controls the speed which rotor this tour is for the

power does not exceed the limits and system and generator

to not overheat the power can not exceed 110 percent of the

maximum power for periods of 10 minutes.Control pitch angle of wind turbine generator


A method to handle this is through the angle of step of the

wind turbine when the maximum is reached, the controller

transmits the command to make the blades rotate slightly

and avoid the wind also when the power has fallen back to

the anterior angle so once again optimizes the speed with theforce of the wind.


The rotor is another main element since it is that transforms

kinetic energy into mechanical energy thanks to the blades or

blade which capture the strength of the wind pattern for the

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speed of the rotor is:

W is the speed of the rotorJ is the rotational inertia of the turbine

Taero is the aerodynamic torque

Tload is the electric charge

Rotor model is defined by power aerodynamics obtained

from the kinetic energy of the wind and is given by the

following equation

When making predictions in reality it is difficult to

accurately measure the wind that is measured by an

anemometer installed in the wind turbine. In addition to

controlling the pitch angle there turbulence

To control the angle has applied the following PID

The wind rotor is responsible for driving speed optima to

a particular rotor although the wind speed has a variation on

an ongoing basis, the speed cannot be changed instantly in

case this happens there would be a failure in the system. To

avoid these shortcomings is studied the wind speed prediction

techniques giving greater speed to the rotor.

For an optimizing process was compared between 2-speed

reference one will be the minimum speed allowed and another

reached maximum speed these speeds will be detected by

sensors issued a reference to the MPPT (Maximum power

point tracking), the response time will be varied according to

the turbulence that affects this system depends on the good

or bad performance of the system.


In addition to the coefficient of power produced is analyzed

Cp depends on passage of the blade angle, , and the of tip

speed ratio, .



Data prediction times are taken from a series of existing

data and the predicted values in the future. Linear statistical

models used to predict the time and at the same time is

studying the possibility of using neural networks, neural

networks can be static and dynamic. Static is an Open Loop,

has no delays and expected output directly input instead

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Dynamics output depends on input. Dynamic neural networks

are more appropriate to predict future data.

Neural networks resemble the human brain in two aspects:

- It acquires knowledge of their environment through a

process of learning

- The interconnections between neurons, is used to store the

knowledge acquired

NARMA neural network model is used for this (NonlinearAutoregressive Moving Average) that identifies the

performance between the rotor and the actuator


Turbines as the time has passed have become a very

important energy source wind power is a renewable energy

initially used for navigation maritime, then widely used in

remote fields that’s why we study different methods, models

to improve, it seeks to optimize this process by performing a

system for wind turbine.

In 1998 a model was made with a generator self-excited forapplications with isolated features and two feedback to keep

the stator voltage and frequency.

In 2003 a PID was held by changing the angle of step to

compensate for the losses of wind

In 2007 appears the method of prediction of the speed

through the wind which analysed it is until today since there

are many parameters that are still unfinished as:

-Development of prediction model that incorporates other

input variables such as the density of the air, temperature,

pressure, etc.

-Study how the model behaves when there are climatic events

such as rain.

-With this you can make corrections to the expected value of the speed of the wind.

For this is studied from the mechanical structure up to the

power that is testing new designs to improve the shortcomings

and make a more robust and reliable system.


Currently, the State in which the planet is is a critical

condition for global warming so it is looking for new ways to

get environmentally friendly energy sources and is best even

if this source is renewable by that wind power is considered

a potential source of electricity because only take advantage

of the wind without causing damage to the environment.

This article presented one of the most widely used models

to fully exploit this energy source as the turbine control is

through neural networks and at the same time the step angle


It has been progress and the consequences that may result if 

the turbine is used poorly or where not made a proper control

helping that this system is robust and has the lowest possible

turbulence have stability constantly generating energy or

predicting according to wind seasons of underachievement.


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