contribution of indian phycologists in the development of phycology

- Keshav Narayan Pai Contributions of Indian Phycologists in the development of Phycology

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Page 1: Contribution of indian phycologists in the development of phycology

- Keshav Narayan Pai

Contributions of Indian Phycologists in the

development of Phycology

Page 2: Contribution of indian phycologists in the development of phycology

Work Of Indian Phycologists. Indian Researchers started their work on Algae from 1919 onwards.

Ghosh( 1919- 32) carried on observations on blue- green algae of Burma and Punjab.

Later M.O.P Iyengar and his students Balakrishnan, Desikachary, Ramanathan and Subramaniam published a number of papers on algae of South India.

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Contributions of Dr.M.O.P. Iyengar

Mandayam Osuri Parthasarathy (M.O.P) Iyengar(1886-1963) was born in Madras.

He started his Research in Phycology especially

about volvocales.

The great algologist Fritch was the guide of M.O.P. Iyengar for algal studies at london.

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He worked on lifehistory of Cylindrocapsa geminella, Microdictyon tenius.

He discovered new species like Fritschiella,

Gilbertsmithia, Ecballocystopsis and Characiosiphon.

For his contribution in the field of phycology he is called as “Father of Modern Phycology of India”.

Work of Dr. M.O.P. Iyengar

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Contributions of M.O.P.Iyengar

Iyengar was the president of Phycological society of india.

His huge collections of specimens and herberium sheets were handovered to Dept of Botany, University of Madras.

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T.V. Desikachary(1919- 2005)

Thamarapu Vedanta Desikachary was born in Tirupati.

He was the student of M.O.P.Iyengar.

He gave rebirth to the unpublished papers of M.O.P. Iyengar as “ Contribution to our Knowledge of South Indian Algae”

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He published large number of Research Papers namely “ Monograph on Cyanophyta”,

“Taxonomy and Biology of Blue green algae”,

“Marine plants and Volvocales”

He published “ Rhodophyta and Phaeophyta”, “Monumental atlas of Indian Diatoms” in 5 Volumes.

He made critical studies on Life History of Red Algae.

Contributions of T.V.Desikachary

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He discovered new generas like Iyengariella, Iyengariomonas, Schilleriomonas, Mantoniella and Rossiella.

He was the Chief Editor of Phykos.

Phycological Society of America honoured him for his life time contribution in Phycology.

His massive algal collections are even today present in University of Madras.

Contributions of T.V.Desikachary

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Y.BHARDWAJA Yajnavalkya Bhardwaja

completed PhD from University of London and was H.O.D of botany in BHU.

He opened a school of Algal studies at BHU and it is famous world over for its contributions.

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Contributions of Y. BhardwajaHe discovered

Draparnaldiopsis indica , two species of Scytonemataceae,

Spelaeopogon kashyapi and

Scytonema malaviyaensis.

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• Mohinder Singh Randhawa was born in Punjab.

• He got selected in ICS(Indian civil service).

• He was one of the chief editors of Phykos.

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He published series of papers on Zygnemaceae, Oedogoniales and Vaucheriaceae.

He recorded 70 species of Zygnemaceae.(A.V.S.S. Sambamurthy 2005)

He discovered new species such as Zygogonium kumaoense, Oedocladium himalayense, Zygnema terrestre.

He recorded a new type of akinite formation in Vaucheria.

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R.N.SINGHRama Nagina Singh was the student of

Y.Bhardwaja and studied in BHU.

He was credited for his work on cyanobacteria and it uses in agricultural fields.

He discovered Aulosira fertilissima.

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Contributions of R.N.SinghHe described life history of

Fritschiella tuberosa and Draparnaldiopsis indica.

He is also known for his work

on reclamation of usar lands in india.

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The discoveries of new generas created a scope for research in phycology in india and more species were discovered in later years.

The achievements of these phycologists made many more researchers to enter in the field of phycology.


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O.P.Sharma .1986. Textbook of algae,2-4.

A.V.S.S.Sambamurty.2005. A Textbook of algae, I.K.International Pvt. Ltd:3-4





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