contribution calculation for ft members paid bi-weekly · april 29, 2013 caat contribution...

April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology FT Members paid Bi-weekly Page 1 of 33 Update April 29, 2013 This document has been updated and re-posted to the CAAT Pension Plan website on April 29, 2013, to elaborate on treatment of certain leaves and to add two sample cases (examples 19 and 20) related to leaves. The contribution calculation worksheet for Full-Time members paid bi-weekly has also been updated and re-posted on April 29. No changes were made to the calculation itself, but the header for the data entry field for regular earnings in the current pay period has been changed to include “Actual/Deemed Earnings”. The change to the field header was made to emphasize situations where members are receiving deemed earnings and contributions are to be calculated based on those deemed earnings. Two such scenarios have been added as examples to the document: Member on maternity leave, but making pension contributions during the leave (rather than buying back the leave after returning to work) see Example 19 Faculty member on Professional Development (PD) leave see Example 20

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 1 of 33

Update – April 29, 2013 This document has been updated and re-posted to the CAAT Pension Plan website on April 29, 2013, to elaborate on treatment of certain leaves and to add two sample cases (examples 19 and 20) related to leaves. The contribution calculation worksheet for Full-Time members paid bi-weekly has also been updated and re-posted on April 29. No changes were made to the calculation itself, but the header for the data entry field for regular earnings in the current pay period has been changed to include “Actual/Deemed Earnings”. The change to the field header was made to emphasize situations where members are receiving deemed earnings and contributions are to be calculated based on those deemed earnings. Two such scenarios have been added as examples to the document:

Member on maternity leave, but making pension contributions during the leave (rather than buying back the leave after returning to work) – see Example 19

Faculty member on Professional Development (PD) leave – see Example 20

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

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Contribution Calculation for FT Members paid Bi-weekly This worksheet is designed to be used for Full-Time employees who are paid on a bi-weekly basis. It can be used for such employees who fit any of these descriptions:

Are active for the entire pay period

Have less than full service in a pay period due to an unpaid leave, or having joined or exited the Plan

Have more than full service in a pay period due to pay periods being doubled up for days from a prior pay period being included

Received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings

Had a pay increase or decrease during the pay period The workbook includes two calculation worksheets – one for a single calculation showing the details and intermediate steps in the calculation, and a second spreadsheet that can be used for multiple calculations, one per row. The logic behind the calculations is the same, but the multiple calculations spreadsheet may be useful to test calculations for multiple members, or to calculate contributions in multiple pay periods for the same member. The single and multiple calculation spreadsheets each include three shortcut buttons – one to clear all inputs in the sheet, one to print the sheet, and one to show or hide the calculation details, which hides (or unhides) the intermediate steps and leaves only the inputs and final contribution results visible, for ease of printing.

Note: You may be prompted to enable macros when opening the workbook. The “Clear”, “Print”, and “Show/Hide Details” buttons are linked to code that executes the various commands. If macros are not enabled these buttons will not function, though the rest of the calculations in the spreadsheets will still work.

Data Inputs Data input cells are shaded in light blue (for cells with dropdown lists) and bright yellow (data entry cells). The inputs, and some of the effects of selecting various inputs, are as follows:

Member name and ID (individual calculation sheet only, optional inputs)

Year dropdown (currently populated only with 2013, and defaults to 2013 when the spreadsheet is cleared) o Selecting the year brings up the applicable YMPE, RCA earnings threshold, and CAAT Pension Plan

contribution rates

Pay Periods in Year o Defaults to 26 when the spreadsheet is cleared, but can be changed to 27 to accommodate years with an

extra pay period

Employee group (Administration, Faculty, or Support with a regular work day of 7, 7¼, 7½, or 8 hours) o When Administration or Faculty is selected, the worksheet:

Sets the Payroll Type to Workdays Displays the Regular Work Days in the Pay Period (10) Displays the Total Paid Workdays in the Year (260 or 270 depending on the pay periods in the

year) o When Support is selected, the worksheet:

Sets the Payroll Type to Hours Displays the Regular Work Hours in the Pay Period (hours per day x 10 workdays per pay period) Displays the Total Paid Hours in the Year (Regular Work Hours in the Pay Period x Pay Periods

in the Year)

Actual Days/Hours (depending on the employee group) Paid in the Pay Period o Must be non-zero o Can be more than the number of days/hours in the pay period, e.g. in the case of a doubled-up pay after

a missed pay period

Actual/Deemed Pensionable Earnings in period – Regular/Non-Lump Sum o Must be non-zero

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

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o Should correspond to days/hours paid (or deemed to have been paid, in the case of a paid leave or “pay as you go” pregnancy leave) in the pay period

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period o Should be input if the member is receiving a pensionable lump sum in addition to regular earnings in the

pay period

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in the year o Required only if there is a lump sum in the current pay period, and is used to help split the lump sum in

the current period into amounts up to and above the YMPE and RCA Earnings threshold Calculation Steps The individual calculation spreadsheet breaks down the calculation into several steps, in order to demonstrate the logic and help College HR, Payroll, and IT departments understand the calculation. Intermediate values in the calculation are labeled (A), (B), and so on, with the final RPP and RCA contributions in boxes (S) and (T), and the total contributions in box (U) The multiple calculations sheet follows the same logic but without as much detail spelled out, however the columns marked (A) to (U) correspond to the same boxes on the individual calculation sheet. The steps are as follows:

1. Calculate Pay Period Percentage (PP%) The Pay Period Percentage, or “PP%”, (box A) is the proportion of the pay period being paid to the member, expressed as a percentage. This may include days in a prior year. If a given pay is being made in 2013, the 2013 YMPE and contribution rates apply, even if some (or all) of the days being paid are from late 2012. For example, if the member is active the full pay period (actual hours/days paid equal to regular hours/days in the pay period) this would be 100%. A member hired who joins the Plan on the 4

th day of a pay period and works

days 4-10 would likely end up with a PP% of 70%. An employee whose pay in the current period is being doubled up because they were missed in the previous pay period may have a PP% of 200%. PP% is not rounded, or as many decimal places as possible should be carried, in order to calculate contributions for the pay period to the penny as accurately as possible.

2. Calculate the YMPE and RCA Threshold in Pay Period This step calculates the YMPE in the pay period (box B) and RCA earnings threshold in the pay period (box C) as the annual amounts of these values, divided by the number of pay periods in the year (26 or 27), and then multiplied by the PP% from step 1. Bringing the YMPE and RCA thresholds down to the days or hours being paid in a single pay period allows the earnings in the pay period to be treated as a “step-rate” calculation.

3. Split Pensionable Earnings in the Pay Period (Regular/Non-Lump Sum) into components up to and above the YMPE and RCA Earnings Threshold Using the values calculated in step 2, the regular/non-lump sum pensionable earnings in the current pay period are split into amounts up to the YMPE (box D), above the YMPE up to the RCA earnings threshold (Box E), and above the RCA earnings threshold (Box F), like a single-pay period step-rate earnings split.

4. Contributions up to and above the YMPE and RCA Threshold The split of the regular pensionable earnings in the pay period (Boxes D-F) are multiplied by the low and high CAAT contribution rates for the year to generate the contributions up to the YMPE (box G), above the YMPE up to the RCA earnings threshold (box H), and above the RCA earnings threshold (box I).

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

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Boxes G and H are the regular RPP contributions in the pay period, and Box I is the regular RCA contributions (for the member) in the pay period.

5. Split One-time Lump Sum Earnings Paid in this Pay Period (if applicable) into amounts up to and above the YMPE and RCA Earnings Threshold If the member received a pensionable lump sum in the current pay period in addition to their regular earnings, this step calculates the split of that lump sum into amounts up to and above the YMPE and RCA earnings threshold. The first step is to calculate the member’s annualized earnings in the pay period based on their regular earnings and the days or hours for which they are being paid (box J). This is done by multiplying the regular earnings in the period by the number of pay periods in the year, and then dividing by the PP% to “gross up” the earnings if the member is being paid for less than a full pay period (or “gross down” the earnings, e.g. if the member’s pay is being doubled up in the current period due to a missed pay period). If the member received any other pensionable lump sums earlier in the same year, this amount is added to the annualized earnings to generate the member’s annualized earnings for the year prior to the addition of the current period’s lump sum (box K). Box L simply repeats the lump sum in the current period input at the top of the spreadsheet, for ease of reference. The current period lump sum is then split into amounts up to the YMPE (box M), above the YMPE up to the RCA earnings threshold (box N), and above the RCA earnings threshold (box O). Essentially this step checks to see if the member’s annualized earnings, prior to the current pay period lump sum, are close enough to the YMPE or RCA earnings threshold that the lump sum pushes the annualized earnings over one of those values. If so, contributions on the lump sum will be split between low and high rates or between RPP and RCA.

6. Contributions on One-time Lump Sum Earnings Paid in this Pay Period up to and above the YMPE and RCA Earnings Threshold The split of the lump sum in the current pay period (Boxes M-O) are multiplied by the low and high CAAT contribution rates for the year to generate the contributions on the lump sum up to the YMPE (box P), above the YMPE up to the RCA earnings threshold (box Q), and above the RCA earnings threshold (box R). Boxes P and Q are the RPP contributions on the lump sum, and Box R is the RCA contributions (for the member) on the lump sum.

7. Total Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings) This step simply summarizes and totals the RPP contributions (box S, the total of boxes G, H, P, and Q) and RCA contributions for the member (box T, the total of boxes I and R), and the total contributions (box U, the sum of boxes S and T). If the member has RCA contributions, a message pops up reminding the user that, starting in 2013, employer RCA contributions are 3 times member RCA contributions. (On the individual calculation sheet only, not the multiple calculations tab.)

The Show/Hide details buttons on the individual and multiple calculation tabs hides (and unhides) steps 1-6, in case the user is only interested in the final results in step 7 (boxes S-U). This allows the spreadsheets to print more easily as well. Example Calculations For ease of display, the examples that follow include screen shots from the individual calculation worksheet with the details hidden. As all data inputs are displayed in the “hide details” view the cases can be replicated by inputting the same data into the spreadsheet with the detailed view shown.

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

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Payroll Scenarios We have identified various payroll scenarios that may occur in a given pay period – annualized earnings below or above YMPE, with and without lump sums and previous lump sums in the year, leaves, new entrants and terminations, and so on. The table below identifies these scenarios and whether they are likely to apply to the three employee groups (Administration, Faculty, and Support). Where a specific scenario is shown as an example in this document, the example number is shown in the table. While not every scenario for each employee group is shown as an example, it is our intention to show sufficient examples in this document to cover most scenarios that could apply to Full-Time, bi-weekly paid employees who are members of the CAAT Pension Plan.

Payroll Scenario Administration Faculty Support

Member active full period, earnings below YMPE Yes (Example 13) Yes (Example 8) Yes (Example 1)

Member active full period, earnings above YMPE Yes (Example 14) Yes (Example 9) Yes (Example 2)

Member active full period, earnings above RCA threshold Yes (Example 15) No No

Lump sum in current pay period Yes Yes (Example 10) Yes

Lump sum in current pay period and previous lump sum(s) in year

Yes (Example 16) Yes Yes

Lump sum pushes annualized earnings over YMPE Yes Yes Yes (Example 3)

Lump sum pushes annualized earnings over RCA threshold

Yes (Example 17) Yes No

Mid-pay period hire Yes Yes (Example 11) Yes

Mid-pay period termination Yes (Example 18) Yes Yes

Unpaid leave Yes Yes Yes (Example 4)

Doubled-up pay period Yes Yes Yes (Example 5)

Pay rate change during pay period Yes Yes (Example 12) Yes

Pay rate change – below to above YMPE Yes Yes Yes (Example 6)

Pay rate change – below to above RCA threshold Yes No No

Schedule 1 employee (pensionable earnings include taxable benefits)

Yes Yes Yes (Example 7)

27-pay period year Cases with 27-pay years interspersed among all examples

Professional Development (PD) leave Yes Yes (Example 20) Yes

Contributions made during maternity leave Yes Yes Yes (Example 19)

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

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Example 1

Support staff member with a regular 7-hour workday

Active for the full period

Pensionable Earnings $23/hour (or $1,610 for 70 hours in a regular pay period)

Annualized earnings = 1820 hours x $23/hr = $41,860

Member is active for the full pay period and being paid for the full 70 hours, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 100%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 26 x 100% = $1,965.38, which is greater than the regular earnings of $1,610

Split of regular earnings: all $1,610 below YMPE

All contributions are at the low rate, 10.8% x $1,610 = $173.88 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 26

Employee Group = Support (7 hrs/day) → Payroll Type = Hours

Regular Work Hours in Pay Period = 70

Total Paid Hours in Year = 1820 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Hours Paid in Pay Period = 70

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $1,610.00 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period =

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $173.88 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $173.88 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $173.88 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $173.88 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 1

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FT Members paid Bi-weekly

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Example 2

Support staff member with a regular 7¼-hour workday

Active for the full period

Pensionable Earnings $29.43/hour (or $2,133.68 for 72.5 hours in a regular pay period)

Annualized earnings = 1885 hours x $29.43/hr = $55,475.55

Member is being paid for the full 72.5 hours, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 100%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 26 x 100% = $1,965.38

Split of regular earnings: $1,965.38 up to YMPE, $2,133.68 - $1,965.38 = $168.30 above YMPE

Contributions: o 10.8% x $1,965.38 = $212.26 at low rate o 14.4% x $168.30 = $24.24 at high rate o Total: $236.50 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 26

Employee Group = Support (7¼ hrs/day) → Payroll Type = Hours

Regular Work Hours in Pay Period = 72.5

Total Paid Hours in Year = 1885 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Hours Paid in Pay Period = 72.5

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $2,133.68 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period =

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $212.26 ) + ( $24.24 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $236.50 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $236.50 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $236.50 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 2

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

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Example 3

Support staff member with a regular 8-hour workday

Active for the full period

Pensionable Earnings $24.16/hour (or $1,932.80 for 80 hours in a regular pay period)

Annualized regular earnings = 2080 hours x $24.16/hr = $50,252.80

Pensionable Lump sum of $2,000 in current pay period, no previous lump sum(s) paid in 2013

Member is being paid for the full 80 hours, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 100%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 26 x 100% = $1,965.38

Split of regular earnings: all $1,932.80 below YMPE o Contributions on regular earnings: 10.8% x $1,932.80 = $208.74, all at low rate

Annualized earnings prior to lump sum: $1,932.80 / 100% x 26 = $50,252.80

Split lump sum: o $51,100 - $50,252.80 = $847.20 up to YMPE o $2,000 - $847.20 = $1,152.80 above YMPE

Contributions on lump sum: o 10.8% x $847.20 = $91.50 o 14.4% x $1,152.80 = $166.00

Total contributions: o Regular earnings: $208.74 o Lump sum: $91.50 + $166.00 = $257.50 o Total: $466.24 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 26

Employee Group = Support (8 hrs/day) → Payroll Type = Hours

Regular Work Hours in Pay Period = 80

Total Paid Hours in Year = 2080 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Hours Paid in Pay Period = 80

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $1,932.80 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period = $2,000.00

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $208.74 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $91.50 ) + ( $166.00 ) = $466.24 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $466.24 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $466.24 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 3

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FT Members paid Bi-weekly

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Example 4

Support staff member with a regular 7½-hour workday

Member has an unpaid leave of 1.5 days (11.25 hours), paid for 8.5 days (63.75 hours) in pay period

Pensionable Earnings $36.58/hour (or $2,331.98 for 63.75 hours paid in the pay period)

27-pay period year (27 x 75 = 2025 paid hours in year)

Annualized regular earnings = 2025 hours x $36.58/hr = $74,074.50

Pay Period Percentage (PP%) = 63.75 / 75 = 85% (paid for 8.5 days in 10-workday pay period)

YMPE in the pay period takes into account both 27 pay periods instead of 26, and PP% being less than 100% o YMPE in pay period = $51,100 / 27 x 85% = $1,608.70

Split of regular earnings: $1,608.70 up to YMPE, $2,331.98 - $1,608.70 = $723.28 above YMPE o Contributions on regular earnings:

10.8% x $1,608.70 = $173.74 at low rate 14.4% x $723.28 = $104.15 at high rate Total: $277.89 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 27

Employee Group = Support (7½ hrs/day) → Payroll Type = Hours

Regular Work Hours in Pay Period = 75

Total Paid Hours in Year = 2025 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Hours Paid in Pay Period = 63.75

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $2,331.98 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period =

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $173.74 ) + ( $104.15 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $277.89 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $277.89 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $277.89 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 4

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Example 5

Support staff member with a regular 7½-hour workday

Active for the full period

Pensionable Earnings $31.85/hour (or $2,388.75 for 75 hours in a regular pay period)

Annualized earnings = 1950 hours x $31.85/hr = $62,107.50

Pay missed in previous period, being doubled up in current pay period

Missed pay period, current pay period being doubled up – 150 hours paid o Pay in period = 150 x $31.85 = $4,777.50

Pay Period Percentage (PP%) = 150 / 75 = 200%

YMPE in the pay period takes into account PP% being greater than 100% o YMPE in pay period = $51,100 / 26 x 200% = $3,930.77

Split of regular earnings: $3,930.77 up to YMPE, $4,777.50 - $3,930.77 = $846.73 above YMPE o Contributions on regular earnings:

10.8% x $3,930.77 = $424.52 at low rate 14.4% x $846.73 = $121.93 at high rate Total: $546.45 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 26

Employee Group = Support (7½ hrs/day) → Payroll Type = Hours

Regular Work Hours in Pay Period = 75

Total Paid Hours in Year = 1950 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Hours Paid in Pay Period = 150

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $4,777.50 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period =

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $424.52 ) + ( $121.93 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $546.45 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $546.45 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $546.45 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 5

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 11 of 33

Example 6 This example looks at a member over several pay periods throughout the year. The member is a Support staff member with a regular 7-hour workday. The same member will be shown at various pay periods throughout the year 2013. 6a: Start of Year

First pay in 2013 covers the period from December 24, 2012 to January 6, 2013

Active for the full period

Pensionable Earnings $27.25/hour (or $1,907.50 for 70 hours in a regular pay period) – Payband F, 2 years in payband

Annualized earnings = 1820 hours x $27.25/hr = $49,595.00

Member is being paid for the full 70 hours, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 100%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 26 x 100% = $1,965.38

Split of regular earnings: all $1,907.50 below YMPE

All contributions are at the low rate, 10.8% x $1,907.50 = $206.01 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 26

Employee Group = Support (7 hrs/day) → Payroll Type = Hours

Regular Work Hours in Pay Period = 70

Total Paid Hours in Year = 1820 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Hours Paid in Pay Period = 70

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $1,907.50 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period =

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $206.01 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $206.01 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $206.01 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $206.01 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 6a

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 12 of 33

Example 6 (cont’d) 6b: Unpaid Leave

Member takes an unpaid leave for March 25-28 (Monday-Thursday of the week of Good Friday)

Pay #7 in 2013 is for the period from March 18-31, 2013

Member paid for 6 days (42 hours) in pay period

Still earning $27.25/hour (or $1,144.50 for 42 hours paid in the pay period)

Annualized earnings still 1820 hours x $27.25/hr = $49,595.00

Pay Period Percentage (PP%) = 42 / 70 = 60% (paid for 6 days in 10-workday pay period)

YMPE in the pay period takes into account the PP% being less than 100% o YMPE in pay period = $51,100 / 26 x 60% = $1,179.23

Split of regular earnings: all $1,144.50 below YMPE

All contributions are at the low rate, 10.8% x $1,144.50 = $123.61 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 26

Employee Group = Support (7 hrs/day) → Payroll Type = Hours

Regular Work Hours in Pay Period = 70

Total Paid Hours in Year = 1820 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Hours Paid in Pay Period = 42

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $1,144.50 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period =

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $123.61 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $123.61 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $123.61 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $123.61 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 6b

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FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 13 of 33

Example 6 (cont’d) 6c: Pay increase during pay period (due to progression)

Member receives pay increase due to progression effective June 1, 2013

New earning rate $28.05/hour – Payband F, 3 years in payband

Pay #12 in 2013 is for the period from May 27-June 9, 2013

Active for full period

Earnings in period = 35 hours x $27.25 (May 27-31) + 35 hours x $28.05 (June 3-7) = $1,935.50

Annualized earnings in this pay period = $1,935.50 x 26 = $50,323.00

Member is being paid for the full 70 hours, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 100%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 26 x 100% = $1,965.38

Split of regular earnings: all $1,935.50 below YMPE

All contributions are at the low rate, 10.8% x $1,935.50 = $209.03 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 26

Employee Group = Support (7 hrs/day) → Payroll Type = Hours

Regular Work Hours in Pay Period = 70

Total Paid Hours in Year = 1820 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Hours Paid in Pay Period = 70

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $1,935.50 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period =

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $209.03 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $209.03 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $209.03 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $209.03 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 6c

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FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 14 of 33

Example 6 (cont’d) 6d: Full pay period at new pay rate (after progression)

New pay rate kicks in for full pay #13 in 2013 (June 10-23, 2013)

Active for the full period

Earning $28.05/hour (or $1,963.50 for 70 hours in a regular pay period)

Annualized earnings = 1820 hours x $28.05/hr = $51,051.00

Member is being paid for the full 70 hours, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 100%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 26 x 100% = $1,965.38

Split of regular earnings: all $1,963.50 below YMPE

All contributions are at the low rate, 10.8% x $1,963.50 = $212.06 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 26

Employee Group = Support (7 hrs/day) → Payroll Type = Hours

Regular Work Hours in Pay Period = 70

Total Paid Hours in Year = 1820 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Hours Paid in Pay Period = 70

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $1,963.50 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period =

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $212.06 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $212.06 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $212.06 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $212.06 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 6d

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FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 15 of 33

Example 6 (cont’d) 6e: Pay increase and special allowance

Effective September 1, 2013 member receives pay increase to $28.61/hour – Payband F, 3 years in payband, September 1, 2013 hourly wage grid

Pay #19 in 2013 is for the period from September 2-15, 2013

Active for the full period

Earning $28.61/hour (or $2,002.70 for 70 hours in a regular pay period)

Annualized earnings = 1820 hours x $28.61/hr = $52,070.20

Pensionable Lump sum of $425 (special allowance) in current pay period, no previous lump sum(s) paid in 2013

Member is being paid for the full 70 hours, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 100%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 26 x 100% = $1,965.38

Split of regular earnings: $1,965.38 up to YMPE, $2,002.70 - $1,965.38 = $37.32 above YMPE o Contributions on regular earnings:

10.8% x $1,965.38 = $212.26 at low rate 14.4% x $37.32 = $5.37 at high rate Total: $217.63 (all RPP)

Annualized earnings prior to lump sum: $2,002.70 / 100% x 26 = $52,070.20

Split of lump sum: all $425 above YMPE (since annualized earnings in period are higher than the YMPE)

Contributions on lump sum: 14.4% x $425 = $61.20

Total contributions: o Regular earnings: $217.63 o Lump sum: $61.20 o Total: $278.83 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 26

Employee Group = Support (7 hrs/day) → Payroll Type = Hours

Regular Work Hours in Pay Period = 70

Total Paid Hours in Year = 1820 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Hours Paid in Pay Period = 70

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $2,002.70 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period = $425.00

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $212.26 ) + ( $5.37 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $61.20 ) = $278.83 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $278.83 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $278.83 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 6e

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FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 16 of 33

Example 6 (cont’d) 6f: Full period at new pay rate with no lump sum

New pay rate continues in pay #20 in 2013 (September 16-29, 2013)

Active for the full period

Earning $28.61/hour (or $2,002.70 for 70 hours in a regular pay period)

Annualized earnings = 1820 hours x $28.61/hr = $52,070.20

Member is being paid for the full 70 hours, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 100%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 26 x 100% = $1,965.38

Split of regular earnings: $1,965.38 up to YMPE, $2,002.70 - $1,965.38 = $37.32 above YMPE o Contributions on regular earnings:

10.8% x $1,965.38 = $212.26 at low rate 14.4% x $37.32 = $5.37 at high rate Total: $217.63 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 26

Employee Group = Support (7 hrs/day) → Payroll Type = Hours

Regular Work Hours in Pay Period = 70

Total Paid Hours in Year = 1820 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Hours Paid in Pay Period = 70

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $2,002.70 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period =

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $212.26 ) + ( $5.37 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $217.63 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $217.63 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $217.63 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 6f

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FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 17 of 33

Example 6 (cont’d) 6g: Second lump sum

Pay #23 in 2013 is for the period from October 28-November 10, 2013

Active for the full period

Earning $28.61/hour (or $2,002.70 for 70 hours in a regular pay period)

Annualized earnings = 1820 hours x $28.61/hr = $52,070.20

Pensionable Lump sum of $1,500 in current pay period, previous lump sum of $425 paid in 2013

Member is being paid for the full 70 hours, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 100%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 26 x 100% = $1,965.38

Split of regular earnings: $1,965.38 up to YMPE, $2,002.70 - $1,965.38 = $37.32 above YMPE o Contributions on regular earnings:

10.8% x $1,965.38 = $212.26 at low rate 14.4% x $37.32 = $5.37 at high rate Total: $217.63 (all RPP)

Annualized earnings prior to current period lump sum: $2,002.70 / 100% x 26 + $425 = $52,495.20

Split of lump sum: all $1,500 above YMPE (since annualized earnings in period are higher than the YMPE)

Contributions on lump sum: 14.4% x $1,500 = $216.00

Total contributions: o Regular earnings: $217.63 o Lump sum: $216.00 o Total: $433.63 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 26

Employee Group = Support (7 hrs/day) → Payroll Type = Hours

Regular Work Hours in Pay Period = 70

Total Paid Hours in Year = 1820 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Hours Paid in Pay Period = 70

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $2,002.70 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period = $1,500.00

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 = $425.00

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $212.26 ) + ( $5.37 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $216.00 ) = $433.63 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $433.63 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $433.63 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 6g

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 18 of 33

Example 6 (cont’d) Summary of Example 6 and full-year view Taking the year 2013 as a whole:

Pay #1-#6 and #8-#11 in 2013 would have contributions calculated as in 6a ($206.01)

Pay #7 would have contributions calculated as in 6b ($123.61)

Pay #12 would have contributions calculated as in 6c ($209.03)

Pay #13-#18 would have contributions calculated as in 6d ($212.06)

Pay #19 would have contributions calculated as in 6e ($278.83)

Pay #20-#22 and #24-#26 would have contributions calculated as in 6f ($217.63)

Pay #23 would have contributions calculated as in 6g ($433.63) Therefore, the total contributions in 2013 would be 10 x $206.01 + $123.61 + $209.03 + 6 x $212.06 + $278.83 + 6 x $217.63 + $433.63 = $5,683.34. The multiple calculations tab in the contribution can be used to recreate the whole year. There is space for up to 27 individual pay period calculations on the multiple calculations tab, so the 26 pay periods can be input on separate rows to look at the year as a whole.

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

> This spreadsheet performs the same calculations with the same inputs as the "Calculation - Biweek ly" tab, but with one row per calculation.

> You can use this sheet to input multiple calculations at once, for multiple members, or for multiple periods for a single member.

(S) (T) (U)





up to




Pay Period



Pay Periods

in Year Employee Group




Work Days/

Hours in

Pay Period

Total Paid


Hours in


Actual Days/

Hours Paid

in Pay


Total RPP

Contrib. for

Pay Period

Total RCA

Contrib. for

Pay Period

Total RPP

and RCA

Contrib. for

Pay Period

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $1,907.50 $206.01 $0.00 $206.01

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $1,907.50 $206.01 $0.00 $206.01

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $1,907.50 $206.01 $0.00 $206.01

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $1,907.50 $206.01 $0.00 $206.01

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $1,907.50 $206.01 $0.00 $206.01

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $1,907.50 $206.01 $0.00 $206.01

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 42 $1,144.50 $123.61 $0.00 $123.61

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $1,907.50 $206.01 $0.00 $206.01

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $1,907.50 $206.01 $0.00 $206.01

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $1,907.50 $206.01 $0.00 $206.01

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $1,907.50 $206.01 $0.00 $206.01

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $1,935.50 $209.03 $0.00 $209.03

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $1,963.50 $212.06 $0.00 $212.06

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $1,963.50 $212.06 $0.00 $212.06

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $1,963.50 $212.06 $0.00 $212.06

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $1,963.50 $212.06 $0.00 $212.06

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $1,963.50 $212.06 $0.00 $212.06

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $1,963.50 $212.06 $0.00 $212.06

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $2,002.70 $425.00 $278.83 $0.00 $278.83

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $2,002.70 $217.63 $0.00 $217.63

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $2,002.70 $217.63 $0.00 $217.63

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $2,002.70 $217.63 $0.00 $217.63

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $2,002.70 $1,500.00 $425.00 $433.63 $0.00 $433.63

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $2,002.70 $217.63 $0.00 $217.63

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $2,002.70 $217.63 $0.00 $217.63

2013 $51,100.00 $152,718.50 10.8% 14.4% Bi-weekly 26 Support (7 hrs/day) Hours 70 1820 70 $2,002.70 $217.63 $0.00 $217.63

Totals: 1792 $49,957.60 $1,925.00 $425.00 $5,683.34 $0.00 $5,683.34


lump sums

paid in



Contrib. Rates

ver: 2013.0411




paid in

period - Non-

Lump Sum


Lump Sum


paid in this




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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 19 of 33

Example 7

Support staff member with a regular 7½-hour workday

Active for the full period

Pensionable Earnings $23.27/hour (or $1,745.25 for 75 hours paid in the pay period)

Schedule 1 member with taxable benefits of $5.28 payable in the pay period

Total Pensionable Earnings in pay period = $1,745.25 + $5.28 = $1,750.53

27-pay period year (27 x 75 = 2025 paid hours in year)

Annualized pensionable earnings (including taxable benefits) = 27 x $1,750.53 = $47,264.31

Member is being paid for the full 75 hours, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 100%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 26 x 100% = $1,965.38, which is greater than the regular earnings of $1,750.53 (including taxable benefits)

Split of regular earnings: all $1,750.53 below YMPE

All contributions are at the low rate, 10.8% x $1,750.53 = $189.06 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 27

Employee Group = Support (7½ hrs/day) → Payroll Type = Hours

Regular Work Hours in Pay Period = 75

Total Paid Hours in Year = 2025 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Hours Paid in Pay Period = 75

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $1,750.53 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period =

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $189.06 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $189.06 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $189.06 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $189.06 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 7

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 20 of 33

Example 8

Faculty member

Active for the full period

27-pay period year

Annual salary rate (pensionable earnings) $50,895

Earnings per pay period $50,895 / 27 = $1,885.00

Member is being paid for the full 10 workdays, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 100%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 27 x 100% = $1,892.59, which is greater than the regular earnings of $1,885.00

Split of regular earnings: all $1,885.00 below YMPE

All contributions are at the low rate, 10.8% x $1,885.00 = $203.58 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 27

Employee Group = Faculty → Payroll Type = Workdays

Regular Work Days in Pay Period = 10

Total Paid Workdays in Year = 270 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Workdays Paid in Pay Period = 10

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $1,885.00 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period =

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $203.58 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $203.58 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $203.58 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $203.58 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 8

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 21 of 33

Example 9

Faculty member

Active for the full period

Annual salary rate (pensionable earnings) $91,000

Earnings per pay period $91,000 / 26 = $3,500.00

Member is being paid for the full 10 workdays, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 100%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 26 x 100% = $1,965.38

Split of regular earnings: $1,965.38 up to YMPE, $3,500 - $1,965.38 = $1,534.62 above YMPE

Contributions: o 10.8% x $1,965.38 = $212.26 at low rate o 14.4% x $1,534.62 = $220.99 at high rate o Total: $433.25 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 26

Employee Group = Faculty → Payroll Type = Workdays

Regular Work Days in Pay Period = 10

Total Paid Workdays in Year = 260 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Workdays Paid in Pay Period = 10

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $3,500.00 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period =

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $212.26 ) + ( $220.99 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $433.25 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $433.25 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $433.25 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 9

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 22 of 33

Example 10

Faculty member

Annual salary rate (pensionable earnings) $91,000

Regular earnings per pay period $91,000 / 26 = $3,500.00 ($350 per workday)

Retires from the Plan part way through a period, having worked 6 of the 10 workdays in the period

Actual earnings in pay period = 6 workdays x $350.00 = $2,100.00

Pensionable Lump sum vacation payout of $15,050 (43 days x $350 = $15,050) in current pay period

Member is being paid for 6 workdays, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 6 / 10 = 60%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 26 x 60% = $1,179.23

RCA earnings threshold in the pay period is $152,718.50 / 26 x 60% = $3,524.27

Split of regular earnings: $1,179.23 up to YMPE, $2,100.00 - $1,179.23 = $920.77 above YMPE

Contributions: o 10.8% x $1,179.23 = $127.36 at low rate o 14.4% x $920.77 = $132.59 at high rate o Total: $259.95 (all RPP)

Split of lump sum: o Annualized earnings prior to current pay period lump sum = $2,100.00 x 26 / 60% = $91,000.00 o Annualized earnings including current pay period lump sum = $91,000.00 + $15,050.00 = $106,050.00,

which is below the RCA earnings threshold Lump sum falls entirely within range of earnings above YMPE and below RCA earnings threshold

Contributions on lump sum: all at high rate 14.4% x $15,050 = $2,167.20 (RPP)

Total contributions: o Regular earnings: $259.95 o Lump sum: $2,167.20 o Total: $2,427.15 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 26

Employee Group = Faculty → Payroll Type = Workdays

Regular Work Days in Pay Period = 10

Total Paid Workdays in Year = 260 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Workdays Paid in Pay Period = 6

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $2,100.00 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period = $15,050.00

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $127.36 ) + ( $132.59 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $2,167.20 ) = $2,427.15 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $2,427.15 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $2,427.15 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 10

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 23 of 33

Example 11

Faculty member

Annual salary rate (pensionable earnings) $78,000

Earnings per pay period $78,000 / 26 = $3,000.00

Earnings per day $3,000.00 / 10 = $300.00

Hired Tuesday, September 3rd

– active for 4 days in 10-workday pay period

Actual Earnings in pay period = $300.00 x 4 days = $1,200.00

Member is being paid for 4 workdays, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 4 / 10 = 40%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 26 x 40% = $786.15

Split of regular earnings: $786.15 up to YMPE, $1,200 - $786.15 = $413.85 above YMPE

Contributions: o 10.8% x $786.15 = $84.90 at low rate o 14.4% x $413.85 = $59.59 at high rate o Total: $144.49 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 26

Employee Group = Faculty → Payroll Type = Workdays

Regular Work Days in Pay Period = 10

Total Paid Workdays in Year = 260 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Workdays Paid in Pay Period = 4

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $1,200.00 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period =

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $84.90 ) + ( $59.59 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $144.49 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $144.49 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $144.49 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 11

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 24 of 33

Example 12

Faculty member

Active for the full period

27-pay period year

Annual salary rate (pensionable earnings) increase during pay period o Annual rate for first 3 workdays of pay period $84,021.30 ($84,021.30 / 270 = $311.19 per workday) o Annual rate for last 7 workdays of pay period $85,700.70 ($85,700.70 / 270 = $317.41 per workday)

Earnings in period = 3 workdays x $311.19 + 7 workdays x $317.41 = $3,155.44

Annualized earnings in this pay period = $3,155.44 x 27 = $85,196.88

Member is being paid for the full 10 workdays, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 100%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 27 x 100% = $1,892.59

Split of regular earnings: $1,892.59 up to YMPE, $3,155.44 - $1,892.59 = $1,262.85 above YMPE

Contributions: o 10.8% x $1,892.59 = $204.40 at low rate o 14.4% x $1,262.85 = $181.85 at high rate o Total: $386.25 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 27

Employee Group = Faculty → Payroll Type = Workdays

Regular Work Days in Pay Period = 10

Total Paid Workdays in Year = 270 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Workdays Paid in Pay Period = 10

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $3,155.44 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period =

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $204.40 ) + ( $181.85 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $386.25 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $386.25 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $386.25 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 12

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 25 of 33

Example 13

Administration member

Active for the full period

Annual salary rate (pensionable earnings) $48,000

Earnings per pay period $48,000 / 26 = $1,846.15

Member is being paid for the full 10 workdays, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 100%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 26 x 100% = $1,965.38, which is greater than the regular earnings of $1,846.15

Split of regular earnings: all $1,846.15 below YMPE

All contributions are at the low rate, 10.8% x $1,846.15 = $199.38 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 26

Employee Group = Administration → Payroll Type = Workdays

Regular Work Days in Pay Period = 10

Total Paid Workdays in Year = 260 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Workdays Paid in Pay Period = 10

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $1,846.15 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period =

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $199.38 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $199.38 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $199.38 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $199.38 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 13

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 26 of 33

Example 14

Administration member

Active for the full period

Annual salary rate (pensionable earnings) $77,250

Schedule 1 member with taxable benefits of $10.99 payable in the pay period

27-pay period year

Regular earnings per pay period $77,250 / 27 = $2,861.11

Total Pensionable Earnings in pay period = $2,861.11 + $10.99 = $2,872.10

Member is being paid for the full 10 workdays, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 100%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 27 x 100% = $1,892.59

Split of regular earnings: $1,892.59 up to YMPE, $2,872.10 - $1,892.59 = $979.51

Contributions: o 10.8% x $1,892.59 = $204.40 at low rate o 14.4% x $979.51 = $141.05 at high rate o Total: $345.45 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 27

Employee Group = Administration → Payroll Type = Workdays

Regular Work Days in Pay Period = 10

Total Paid Workdays in Year = 270 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Workdays Paid in Pay Period = 10

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $2,872.10 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period =

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $204.40 ) + ( $141.05 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $345.45 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $345.45 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $345.45 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 14

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 27 of 33

Example 15

Administration member

Active for the full period

Annual salary rate (pensionable earnings) $169,000/year

Regular earnings per pay period $169,000 / 26 = $6,500

Member is being paid for the full 10 workdays, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 100%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 26 x 100% = $1,965.38

RCA earnings threshold in pay period is $152,718.50 / 26 x 100% = $5,873.79

Split of regular earnings: o $1,965.38 up to YMPE o $5,873.79 - $1,965.38 = $3,908.41 above YMPE up to RCA earnings threshold o $6,500 - $5,873.79 = $626.21 above RCA earnings threshold

Contributions: o 10.8% x $1,965.38 = $212.26 at low rate o 14.4% x $3,908.41 = $562.81 at high rate (RPP) o 14.4% x $626.21 = $90.17 at high rate (RCA)

Total contributions: o RPP: $212.26 + $562.81 = $775.07 o RCA: $90.17 o Total: $865.24

Since the member has RCA contributions, a message pops up reminding the user that employers contribute 3x member RCA contributions.

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 26

Employee Group = Administration → Payroll Type = Workdays

Regular Work Days in Pay Period = 10

Total Paid Workdays in Year = 260 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Workdays Paid in Pay Period = 10

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $6,500.00 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period =

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $212.26 ) + ( $562.81 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $775.07 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $90.17 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $90.17 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $775.07 ) + ( $90.17 ) = $865.24 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Reminder: Employers contribute 3x

Member RCA Contributions

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 15

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 28 of 33

Example 16

Administration member

Active for the full period

Annual salary rate (pensionable earnings) $104,000

Regular earnings per pay period $104,000 / 26 = $4,000

Lump sum of $5,000 in current pay period, and previous lump sum(s) of $2,700 paid in 2013

Member is being paid for the full 10 workdays, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 100%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 26 x 100% = $1,965.38

Split of regular earnings: $1,965.38 up to YMPE, $4,000 - $1,965.38 = $2,034.62 above YMPE

Contributions: o 10.8% x $1,965.38 = $212.26 at low rate o 14.4% x $2,034.62 = $292.99 at high rate o Total: $505.25 (all RPP)

Split of lump sum: o Annualized earnings prior to current pay period lump sum = 26 x $4,000 + $2,700 = $106,700 o Annualized earnings including current pay period lump sum = $106,700 + $5,000 = $111,700, which is

below the RCA earnings threshold Current pay period lump sum falls entirely within range of earnings above YMPE and below RCA

earnings threshold

Contributions on lump sum: all at high rate 14.4% x $5,000 = $720.00 (RPP)

Total contributions: o Regular earnings: $505.25 o Lump sum: $720.00 o Total: $1,225.25 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 26

Employee Group = Administration → Payroll Type = Workdays

Regular Work Days in Pay Period = 10

Total Paid Workdays in Year = 260 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Workdays Paid in Pay Period = 10

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $4,000.00 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period = $5,000.00

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 = $2,700.00

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $212.26 ) + ( $292.99 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $720.00 ) = $1,225.25 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $1,225.25 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $1,225.25 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 16

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 29 of 33

Example 17

Administration member

Active for the full period

Annual salary rate (pensionable earnings) $149,000

Regular earnings per pay period $149,000 / 26 = $5,730.77

Lump sum of $5,000 in current pay period

Member is being paid for the full 10 workdays, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 100%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 26 x 100% = $1,965.38

Split of regular earnings: $1,965.38 up to YMPE, $5,730.77 - $1,965.38 = $3,765.39 above YMPE

Contributions: o 10.8% x $1,965.38 = $212.26 at low rate o 14.4% x $3,765.39 = $542.22 at high rate o Total: $754.48 (all RPP)

Split of lump sum: o Annualized earnings prior to current pay period lump sum = 26 x $5,730.77 = $149,000.02 o Annualized earnings including current pay period lump sum = $149,000.02 + $5,000 = $154,000.02,

which is above the RCA earnings threshold o Lump sum above YMPE up to RCA earnings threshold = $152,718.50 - $149,000.02 = $3,718.48 o Lump sum above RCA earnings threshold = $5,000 - $3,718.48 = $1,281.52

Contributions on lump sum o RPP: 14.4% x $3,718.48 = $535.46 o RCA: 14.4% x $1,281.52 = $184.54 o Total: $720.00

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 26

Employee Group = Administration → Payroll Type = Workdays

Regular Work Days in Pay Period = 10

Total Paid Workdays in Year = 260 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Workdays Paid in Pay Period = 10

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $5,730.77 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period = $5,000.00

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $212.26 ) + ( $542.22 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $535.46 ) = $1,289.94 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $184.54 ) = $184.54 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $1,289.94 ) + ( $184.54 ) = $1,474.48 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Reminder: Employers contribute 3x

Member RCA Contributions

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 17

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 30 of 33

Total contributions (broken down by regular/lump sum): o Regular earnings: $754.48 o Lump sum: $720.00 o Total: $1,474.48

Total contributions (broken down by RPP/RCA): o RPP: $754.48 + $535.46 = $1,289.94 o RCA: $184.54 o Total: $1,474.48

Since the member has RCA contributions, a message pops up reminding the user that employers contribute 3x member RCA contributions.

Page 31: Contribution Calculation for FT Members paid Bi-weekly · April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology FT Members paid Bi-weekly Page 4 of 33 Boxes

April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 31 of 33

Example 18

Administration member

Annual salary rate (pensionable earnings) $120,900

Regular earnings per pay period $120,900 / 26 = $4,650.00 ($465 per workday)

Retires from the Plan part way through a period, having worked 6 of the 10 workdays in the period

Actual earnings in pay period = 6 workdays x $465.00 = $2,790.00

Lump sum payout of $6,975.00

Member is being paid for 6 workdays, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 6 / 10 = 60%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 26 x 60% = $1,179.23

RCA earnings threshold in the pay period is $152,718.50 / 26 x 60% = $3,524.27

Split of regular earnings: $1,179.23 up to YMPE, $2,790.00 - $1,179.23 = $1,610.77 above YMPE

Contributions: o 10.8% x $1,179.23 = $127.36 at low rate o 14.4% x $1,610.77 = $231.95 at high rate o Total: $359.31 (all RPP)

Split of lump sum: o Annualized earnings prior to current pay period lump sum = $2,790.00 x 26 / 60% = $120,900.00 o Annualized earnings including current pay period lump sum = $120,900.00 + $6,975.00 = $127,875.00,

which is below the RCA earnings threshold Lump sum falls entirely within range of earnings above YMPE and below RCA earnings threshold

Contributions on lump sum: all at high rate 14.4% x $6,975 = $1,004.40 (RPP)

Total contributions: o Regular earnings: $359.31 o Lump sum: $1,004.40 o Total: $1,363.71

ver: 2013.0411

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 26

Employee Group = Administration → Payroll Type = Workdays

Regular Work Days in Pay Period = 10

Total Paid Workdays in Year = 260 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Workdays Paid in Pay Period = 6

Actual Pensionable Earnings paid in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $2,790.00 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period = $6,975.00

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $127.36 ) + ( $231.95 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $1,004.40 ) = $1,363.71 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $1,363.71 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $1,363.71 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 18

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 32 of 33

Example 19

Support staff member with a regular 7¼-hour workday

On maternity leave, but making contributions during the leave

Pensionable Earnings immediately prior to the start of the maternity leave were $33.48/hour

Deemed Earnings for the period = $33.48/hour x 72.5 hours in a regular full pay period = $2,427.30

Actual Hours Paid in Pay Period are the hours to which the deemed earnings apply, or the full 72.5 hours in a regular pay period

Contributions are being calculated on deemed earnings that apply to the full 72.5 hours, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 100%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 26 x 100% = $1,965.38

Split of deemed earnings: $1,965.38 up to YMPE, $2,427.30 - $1,965.38 = $461.92 above YMPE

Contributions: o 10.8% x $1,965.38 = $212.26 at low rate o 14.4% x $461.92 = $66.52 at high rate o Total: $278.78 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0429

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> had deemed earnings in the pay period due to paid leaves or a "pay as you go" pregnancy leave; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 26

Employee Group = Support (7¼ hrs/day) → Payroll Type = Hours

Regular Work Hours in Pay Period = 72.5

Total Paid Hours in Year = 1885 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Hours Paid in Pay Period = 72.5

Actual/Deemed Pensionable Earnings in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $2,427.30 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period =

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $212.26 ) + ( $66.52 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $278.78 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $278.78 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $278.78 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 19

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April 29, 2013 CAAT Contribution Calculation based on Annualization Methodology

FT Members paid Bi-weekly

Page 33 of 33

Example 20

Faculty member

On Professional Development (PD) leave, receiving reduced earnings during the leave

Annual salary rate (pensionable earnings) prior to the PD leave were $84,351

Deemed Earnings for the pay period = $84,351 / 26 = $3,244.27

Actual Workdays Paid in Pay Period are the workdays to which the deemed earnings apply, or the full 10 days in a regular pay period

Contributions are being calculated on deemed earnings that apply to the full 10 workdays, so the Pay Period Percentage (PP%) is 100%

YMPE in the pay period is $51,100 / 26 x 100% = $1,965.38

Split of deemed earnings: $1,965.38 up to YMPE, $3,244.27 - $1,965.38 = $1,278.89 above YMPE

Contributions: o 10.8% x $1,965.38 = $212.26 at low rate o 14.4% x $1,278.89 = $184.16 at high rate o Total: $396.42 (all RPP)

ver: 2013.0429

Please note that this spreadsheet can be used for full-time members who:

> are paid bi-weekly; and

> are active for the entire pay period; or

> have less or more than full service in a pay period due to a leave,entry/exit during the pay period, or being paid for time in a prior period; or

> had deemed earnings in the pay period due to paid leaves or a "pay as you go" pregnancy leave; or

> have received a lump sum payment in addition to regular pay period earnings.

Please enter information in blue dropdowns and yellow data entry cells

Contributions for the pay period will appear in the bright green cells at the bottom of the worksheet

Member Name = (optional)

Member ID/SIN = (optional)

Year = 2013

YMPE = $51,100.00

RCA Earnings Threshold = $152,718.50

Contribution Rate (% up to YMPE and % above YMPE) = 10.8% and 14.4%

Pay Period (Pay Frequency) = Bi-weekly

Pay Periods in Year = 26

Employee Group = Faculty → Payroll Type = Workdays

Regular Work Days in Pay Period = 10

Total Paid Workdays in Year = 260 Salary guidelines in Administration Manual:

Actual Workdays Paid in Pay Period = 10

Actual/Deemed Pensionable Earnings in period - Regular/Non-Lump Sum = $3,244.27 (Schedule 1 - include taxable benefits)

One-time Lump Sum Pensionable Earnings paid in this Pay Period =

Previous Pensionable Lump Sums paid in 2013 =

Pay Period Contribution CalculationTotal Contributions for Pay Period (Non-Lump Sum and Lump Sum Earnings)

Total RPP Contributions = (G) + (H) + (P) + (Q)

( $212.26 ) + ( $184.16 ) + ( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $396.42 (S)

Total RCA Contributions = (I) + (R)

( $0.00 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $0.00 (T)

Total RPP and RCA Contributions = (S) + (T)

( $396.42 ) + ( $0.00 ) = $396.42 (U)

Schedule 3

Schedule 1

Schedule 2

Contribution Calculation Worksheet - FT - Bi-weekly Pay

Example 20

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