contrasts in food consumption. diet the way food is consumed and the types and amount of food that...


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Post on 21-Jan-2016




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Page 1: CONTRASTS IN FOOD CONSUMPTION. DIET The way food is consumed and the types and amount of food that is consumed varies greatly between MDCs and LDCs. In


Page 2: CONTRASTS IN FOOD CONSUMPTION. DIET The way food is consumed and the types and amount of food that is consumed varies greatly between MDCs and LDCs. In

DIETThe way food is consumed and the types and amount of food that is consumed varies greatly between MDCs and LDCs.

In MDCs, food is an industry, and consumers purchase food as a product. That food is VERY farm from its source and rarely looks like it did when harvested

In LDCs, many people eat the food they farm themselves. Some purchase food as a product, but many eat the food at its source.

Food consumption varies in two primary ways: total amount and source of nutrients. And that variation comes from three factors:

Level of Development Physical Conditions Cultural PreferencesPeople in MDCs tend to consume greater

amounts and varieties of food than people in LDCs

Climate influences what can be grown, but in MDCs, food can be shipped MUCH

GREATER distances from source to consumer than LDCs

Some food attractions and taboos influence food choices without regard for

economics or climate

Page 3: CONTRASTS IN FOOD CONSUMPTION. DIET The way food is consumed and the types and amount of food that is consumed varies greatly between MDCs and LDCs. In


Dietary Energy Consumption is the amount of food that an individual consumes, and it is measured in calories.

Most humans derive their daily caloric need from cereal grains (grass that yields grains for food). The three leading cereal grains account for 90% of all grain production and 40% of

all dietary energy consumed:

WHEAT RICE MAIZEIt’s the principle grain of Europe and North America as well as the

dry areas of Central and Southwest Asia

It’s the principle grain in the wet and tropical areas of East, South

and Southeast Asia

It’s actually the leading crop by production in the world, but

most is not for human use. It’s dominant in su-Saharan Africa.

OTHER CROPSA number of countries in sub-Saharan Africa grow cassava, sorghum, millet, plantains, or

sweet potatoes instead.

Page 4: CONTRASTS IN FOOD CONSUMPTION. DIET The way food is consumed and the types and amount of food that is consumed varies greatly between MDCs and LDCs. In


Humans need protein to survive and grow and maintain the body, but the primary sources for protein vary between MDCs and LDCs.

MEAT SOURCES GRAIN SOURCESIn MDCs, the leading source of proteinis from meat sources

(beef, pork, poultry and fish). Meat accounts for 33% of protein in MDCs but only 10% in LDCs

In LDCs, cereal grains provide the largest source of protein.

Page 5: CONTRASTS IN FOOD CONSUMPTION. DIET The way food is consumed and the types and amount of food that is consumed varies greatly between MDCs and LDCs. In


Food Security is physical, social and economic at all times to safe, nutritious food sufficient to meet dietary needs, food preferences and an active and healthy life.

At present, about 12% of the world’s population is not food secure.

The average individual needs to consume about 1800 calories per day to survive. Currently, the world average is 2800 calories per day.

Residents of MDCs consume an average of 3600 calories per day, whereas residentsof LDCs consume an average of 2600 calories per day.

Food insecurity rises in as percentage of income spent on food increases.

Page 6: CONTRASTS IN FOOD CONSUMPTION. DIET The way food is consumed and the types and amount of food that is consumed varies greatly between MDCs and LDCs. In


Undernourishment is caloric consumption below the level necessary to maintain physical activity and lead a healthy life.

Currently 870 million people worldwide are undernourished.

99% of the world’s undernourished live in LDCs. Countries with particularly large concentrations are: India (225 million) and China (130 million).

While the percentage of undernourished people has been decreasing, the total number has not (due to population growth).

East Asia (China!) leads the way in decreasing levels along with Southeast Asia, while South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa lead with increases.