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April, 2006


This thesis written by Datuk Sutrisno was approval on April 28, 2006


Advisor I, Advisor II, Drs. Sudiran, M.Hum. Nura Inayati, S.E, S.S.


This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of Faculty of Teacher

Training and Education of University of Muhammadiyah

Malang and accepted as a partial requirement

to achieve Sarjana Degree in

English Education on

April 28, 2006

Approved by:

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

University of Muhammadiyah Malang


Drs. Fauzan, M.Pd.

Examiners Signature

1. Dra. Thathit Manon Andini, M.Hum. 1.

2. Dra. Erly Wahyuni, M.Si. 2.

3. Drs. Sudiran, M. Hum. 3.

4. Nura Inayati, S.E, S.S. 4.



Kekuatan hati adalah harta yang berharga untuk mencapai cita.

Usaha yang keras adalah alat bagi kita untuk

menggapai mimpi


adalah penyangga

yang menjadi segalanya

untuk mencapai dan meruntuhkan apapun.


I dedicated this thesis to my beloved parents

My young brothers, I love you all

Friends in English Department 99A, graduate early guys

(for you that have not graduate yet)

Friends in Griya Shanta C-5, you all my faithful friends

Ida, Afifa, Ririn (my helpers that give me more support in doing this thesis)

especially Arry (don`t be “cerewet”).



Alhamdulillah, my greatest thanks to Allah, the Lord of the world for the

blessing and mercy that enable me to have courage and patience so that this thesis

can be properly finished. I would like to express my grateful to many names that

has contributed me in finishing thesis:

Drs. Sudiran M.Hum. as my advisor I and Nura Inayati S.E, S.S. as my

advisor II for their suggestions, attention patiently in accomplishing this thesis.

I’ll never forget you.

To the entire lecturer of English Department in University of

Muhammadiyah Malang who has given me valuable knowledge on support to

finish this thesis.

My beloved parents who always give advice, pray in the night, support to

reach the success, care, endless love, and everything that I cannot mention it. “I

love you with all my soul”.

My younger brother thanks for your support, attention, and advice to the

writer until finished the thesis.

All members of my family, who always gives motivation and support to

finished the thesis.

All my friends in Griya Shanta blok C-5 and All my friends in English

Department 99A.


And the last, I realize that this thesis is far from perfect but I expect it will

be useful not only for myself but also to the readers. For that reason, I hope

suggestion constructive critics and thoughtful from this reality wants to make this

thesis better improved.

Malang, April 2006

The Writer



APPROVAL .................................................................................................. i

LEGALIZATION .......................................................................................... ii

MOTTO AND DEDICATION...................................................................... iii

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................... v

TABLE OF CONTENT................................................................................. vi


1.1 Background of Study ............................................. 1

1.2 Statement of Problem ............................................ 2

1.3 Purpose of Study.................................................... 2

1.4 Significance of Study............................................. 2

1.5 Scope and Limitation............................................. 3

1.6 Definition of Key Term ......................................... 3


2.1 Literature ............................................................... 4

2.2 Kinds of Novel....................................................... 4

a. Psychological Novel ......................................... 5

b. Adventure Novel............................................... 5

c. Detective Novel ................................................ 5

d. Sociological Novel............................................ 5

e. Political Novel .................................................. 5

2.3 Elements of Novel ................................................. 6

a. Character ........................................................... 6

b. Characterization ................................................ 7

c. Characteristics................................................... 8

d. Setting ............................................................... 8

e. Conflict ............................................................. 9


f. Plot .................................................................... 10

g. Theme ............................................................... 11

2.4 Love ....................................................................... 12

2.4.1 Kinds of Love ........................................................ 13

a. Compassionate Love......................................... 13

b. Passionate Love ................................................ 13

c. Maternity Love ................................................. 13

d. Self Love........................................................... 14

e. Love Toward Lord ............................................ 14

2.4.2 The Factors of Love............................................... 14


3.1 Research Design .................................................... 16

3.2 Approach ............................................................... 17

3.3 The Object of Study............................................... 18

3.4 Data Collection ...................................................... 18

3.5 Data Analysis......................................................... 19


4.1 The Factors Make Neely Crenshaw falls in Love with Cameron.... 20

4.1.1 Pretty Girl ..................................................... 20

4.1.2 The Girl in the Past Life ............................... 21

4.1.3 Good Woman................................................ 23

4.2 The End of Neely Crenshaw’s Love...................... 24


5.1 Conclusion............................................................. 27

5.2 Suggestion ............................................................. 28








1.1. Background of the Study

Literature is one of the most exciting part in the extent of every language.

Literature has excited since thousand years ago in many kinds of preserving. Long

(1945:2) says that by reading literature people can get knowledge about the

expression of life in the words of truth and beauty because it is written record of

man’s spirit of his taught, emotions and aspirations.

Literature is a mirror of society; it is created from the author’s imagination

and ideas. It can be applied from human’s daily life. Literary works involves

human life and their relationship each other. Therefore, by reading literature, the

reader has a better view of things that happen in people’s mind and new

experience. As a result, it will be precious for reader. Moreover, analyzing

literature needs deeply thinking and challenging intelligence. It will train the

reader to become a criticism person, it enables the readers to know the way to

handle difficult situations and understand other people’s thoughts. Thus, it can be

concluded that by reading literature, we do not only get an entertainment, but also

trains the readers intelligence in reading literature to receive and comprehend

information inside.

In this study, the writer of this thesis really wants to search for “Bleachers”,

the romantic novel by John Grisham. It has romantic and exciting story filled with

delightful surprise. Based on this reason, the writer of this thesis wants to know

what makes Neely falls in love and the end of Neely’s love.



1.2. Statements of the Problem

Based on the background above, which has been discussed, the writer of this

thesis formulates the problems as follows:

a. What factors make Neely Crenshaw falls in love with Cameron?

b. What is the end of Neely’s love?

1.3. Purposes of Study

The purposes of study are directly related to the problems of the study. They


a. To describe the factors that makes Neely Crenshaw fall in love with Cameron.

b. To find out the end of Neely’s love.

1.4. Significance of the Study

Human beings are unique with their complexity and various way of life and

thinking. By analyzing the love aspects of human being in novels, the readers can

get knowledge of life, and understand themselves since many aspects of life are

reflected in novels.

Moreover, this study is expected to give deeper information. It is used:

a. To show the students who study literature especially novel. It will give values

of education and valuable lessons

b. To motivate the students of English Department to love more on literary

studies especially for novel

c. To give helpful guidance to thoroughly understand the novel deeply and enjoy

its beauty



1.5. Scope and Limitation of the Study

Novel has many elements such as plot, character, conflict, theme, which are

interesting to analyze. However, the writer of this thesis will focus on the analysis

of loves as a scope that has limitation on Neely.

1.6. Definition of Key Term

a. Study is an activity of learning or gaining knowledge of particular subject

(Hornby, A.S., 1995: 1187)

b. Love is a feeling of attachment to someone with the desire to share the

feeling of each other (Warga, 1993:313).

c. John Grisham is the author of “Bleachers” novel, who is the National

Bestselling Author.

d. Novel is book length story in prose, whose author tries to create the sense

that while are read, they experience it (Kennedy, 1983:180).

e. Bleachers is the title of the novel written by John Grisham which is firstly

published in 1995 by The Bercley Publishing Group.





2.1. Literature

Literature is very interesting to be discussed when a reader can understand

and like it. Koesnosoebroto (1988) states that literature presents something that

pleasures us. Moreover it pleases the reader by imitating life, or more preciously

by showing event, or experience as it is or as the writer of this thesis it should be.

According to Come (1972: 559), “Literature is one of the great creative a

universal means of communicating the emotional spiritual or intellectual concern

of human kind”. Based on the statement, it means that literature is a creation on

expressing of emotion and concerns with human’s activities. There are attitudes,

behaviors, characteristics which are expressed in daily life and careful words that

have imitation on written art only.

Literature should not only provide enjoyment for its reader but it should

also give something more important to life. Because by understanding literature, it

will expand to refine the reader’s minds or quicken their sense of life.

2.2. Kinds of Novel

According to Muchtar Lubis in Tarigan (1990: 82), there are five kinds of

novel; they are psychological, adventure, detective, sociological and political




a. Psychological Novel

Psychological novel is emphasizing on the description of psychological

development of characters. In psychological novel, which becomes author’s

attention are the psychological changes of characters. This novel is talking

about psychological side of the character.

b. Adventure Novel

In the adventure novel, the most dominant role is a man because the

content of this story involves man’s problems. If the woman is mentioned in

this novel, may be just a small part of it.

c. Detective Novel

This novel tells about the crime or the criminals. To expose the crime

secret in the detective novel, of course, needs some proofs in order to catch

the criminals, the author always tries to create the good technique by rising

suspense. It makes the readers guess the following story.

d. Sociological Novel

In sociological novel the woman and man characters include into

society and their class. So, it emphasizes the influence of social and economic

conditions on characters and events.

e. Political Novel

In the political novel, the problems are not observed from people’s

problem point of view as individual, but they are observed from the group’s

problem point of view in the society.



Based on types of the novel, “Bleachers” is categorized into the

sociological novel. Because it just explains about the man and woman problems

as society, especially love story that has faced by Neely Crenshaw as the main


2.3. Elements of Novel

In this study, the writer of this thesis presents some opinions stated by

outstanding writers in reference books which refer to the element of novel, but the

elements which are considered crucial refer to this study are character,

characterization, characteristics, plot, theme, subject matter, conflict and setting.

a. Character

Kennedy (1933:45) tries to define character as an imagined person who

inhabits a story. It means that character is who become the main element in the

story. Sadness, happiness, anger, or relation may become the part of character that

builds the story. But this definition, as he himself admits, is over simplified, in

stories. It may not only happen to people but also to elements of nature such as the

wind, the wave, grass or stone of even animals. Usually, in the main characters of

story, recognizing human personalities becomes familiar to us.

There are two types of character, they are main character and minor

character. Main character is the most important character in a story; while minor

characters are characters of less important than those of the main (Meyer,




While, E.M. Forster (in Koesnosoebroto, 1988:67) introduces popular new

terms for an old distinction in discriminating between flat and round character.

Flat character is built around “a single idea or quality” and is presented in outline

and without much individualizing detail, and so it is adequately described in a

single phrase or sentence. Round character is complex in temperament and

motivation and is represented with subtle particularly.

Based on the role-play, character can be categorized into protagonist and

antagonist. The chief character in a play is called protagonist. A character

dominates in the story. This character likes goodness, patience and kindness.

Meanwhile, antagonist who provides opposition is presented in cruel, coward,

impatience and rough (Nurgiyantoro: 2000).

b. Characterization

Mac Millan (1987:40) states that characterization is the depicting of clear

images of person. There are two ways to characterize character in story. First is

direct way, the author tries to tell the readers about the characteristics of the

characters. Before showing it, the author wants to show the character’s attitudes,

character’s thought, conversation or dialogue to the readers through the verbal

context around the character. The author does not show the character directly, but

it is showed with something around the character or the background of the

character. The second characterization is indirect characterization. In this

characterization the author reveals a character’s words and action through what

other character’s says and thinks about the character. The characterization equality

is indeed to be determined by the author’s intelligence in creating the person



characters. The trip of story will depend on the character, when the character is

poor then the story would be poor too. Every person has a special characteristic

that depends on his past time, education, environment and experience.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that characterization is an

illustration of clear image of person and technique of expressing character in

writing story.

c. Characteristics

Characteristics is the personality of person. As in the story, the readers

must understand how to appreciate the personality of character. The readers must

know a person behavior by learning his of her feeling, thought and perception.

Munn (1965) points out that personality is the most characteristics

integration of the individual’s structure and activities. It is characteristics in a dual

sense because (1) it is unique, thus distinguish the individual from all others, and

(2) it is fairly consistent representing the customary integration of particular

individual’s structure and activities.

d. Setting

Kenney (1966:40) states that setting is everything that happens somewhere

at sometime. Setting is very important in a story since it gives the reader

information about where and when the story is taking place.

Lostracco (in Koesnosoebroto, 1988:80) write that setting is used to

see the meaning of a story. They recognize two kinds of setting, the specific and

general. In specific setting, the author gives the place and time of his story clearly.

Setting can also influence the conflicts existing in a story.



Minot (1965) classifies the setting into three; first is partial setting related

to obstruct aspects such as social life environment. Second, is temporal setting. It

shows the situation and occasion, for example days and years. Seasons, the last is

geographic setting. And the last is quite clear that geographic is the place where

the events happened, example; village, sea and mountain.

Setting does not only show the place and when it happens but also a strong

relation with character, theme and the situation of the story.

e. Conflict

Merriam (1985:281) states that conflict is competition or mutual

interference of opposing or incompatible forces or qualities (as ideas, interests and


While, according to Tarigan (1986:134), conflict is a struggle life of

character to solve the obstruction in getting a purpose. He also categorizes into

two groups these are internal and external conflict. Internal conflict comes from

the inside factor of individual, such as psychological conflict, this characteristic of

internal conflict is abstract. Internal conflict is usually something contradict in

human personality, while external conflict comes from the outside factors

individual, they are society, season and geography where the character lives.

External conflict is something contradicts with outer aspect of personality.

On the other hand, there are three kinds of conflicts. They are

psychological, physical, and social conflicts. Psychological conflict is the conflict

arises when a person has two incompatible, demands, opportunities, needs or

goals. There is not complete solution for the conflict, the individual must give up



one of high goals, modify one or both, or delay one. This conflict arises between

in one self.

Physical conflict. It is the conflict between human being. It is conflict

where a man opposes a man, the main character maybe against people or group of


And the last is social conflict. It is the conflict between human being and

nature; it is also called elemental conflict where the readers can find a man who is

conflict with the nature, a man against the environment (Moskowitz, 1969: 89).

f. Plot

Plot is the framework of incidents, however simple or complex upon

which the narrative of drama. It is constructed by the events of the depicted

struggle, as organized into an artistic unit (Shipley, 1962: 310).

Plot is a sequence in a story, it usually follows the pattern below.

In the exposition, the author introduces the story, character, setting and

situation to the readers (Kennedy, 1966: 15). The narrative hook is the point at

which the author catches the reader’s attention. It is the beginning of rising action

1. Exposition 2. Narrative hook

3. Raising action

4. Climax

6. Resolution

5. Falling action



of the plot, the readers become aware of the character’s problems, and from this

point, the readers are in suspense about what will happen next.

The rising action leads up the climax. Rising action is the section when the

author proceeds to introduce the complication or conflict (Rohrberger, 1971: 21).

The climax usually indicates the way in which the story suffering will be solved.

And the failing actions reveal the outcome on the climax, and the resolution

brings the story to a satisfying and logical conclusion.

Plot can be divided into open and close plot. Open plot is in the end of

story the author did not give the resolution, but in close plot the author gives the

resolution, in the course of action, there can be suspense and surprise.

Michael Meyer (1990: 196) says that plot can be divided into two, they are

straight and flashback plots. Straight plot the events which can be presented in

variety of orders of chronological arrangements begins with what happen first,

then second, and soon, until the last incident is related. Flashback plot is some

stories begin at the end lead up to why or how events worked outs as they did.

g. Theme

Kennedy (1966: 11) says that subject matter is not what the work contains,

but what the work refers to, subject matter answers to the question of what the

subject story is, it exists before the story is written and would exist if the story is

never written.

Theme in the novel has an important role to the readers to understand the

story. It provides such kind of education values which describe message of the

story. The theme of novel is underlying idea that the author presents (Jones,



1968). It can often be simply expressed. On the other hand, many themes can be

drawn from the story. It depends on someone who reads. Moreover each of the

reader may draw different themes. Therefore, in understanding theme, the ways of

specification as follows:

1. Understanding the setting of the story.

2. Understanding the characterization of the main character in the story.

3. Understanding the event, idea and the plot in the story.

4. Combining the idea with the other idea that expresses in the story.

5. Concluding the author’s expression of the ideas in the story.

6. Interpreting the theme of the story that is implied in the sentence which is the

basic of the study.

2.4. Love

Love is a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection as for a

friend, parent of child; a strong passionate affection for a person of the opposite

sex (Pei, 1994:89). Chaplin (1982:95) says that love is strong feeling of

attachment for a specific person, usually with a sexual component.

The million acceptance, perhaps are unable to find it satisfactorily because

love is not a single thing, it is a term to many people and even a different thing to

the same people at different times, love is simply a complex thing to define so

easily. But the recent studies of falling in love have indicated that there is a sense

in which love is from one’s toward another.



2.4.1 Kinds of Love

Love is composed of three elements: attachment, caring and intimacy.

Attachment refers to powerful desire to be in the other’s presence, to make

physical contact, to be approved of, and to be cared for. Caring is the willingness

to sacrifice oneself for the joke of the other person. While, Intimacy is the union

and bond between these two individuals.

Feeling of love takes many forms depending upon the particular nature of

the perceived relationship of object and self. There are some kinds of love:

a. Compassionate Love

Compassionate love has trust and tender feelings for someone who is

closed. Compassionate love is achieved only between partners who have trust,

tender feelings and affection.

b. Passionate Love

Passionate love is characterized by passion of intense feeling; expressing

passion or strong feeling (Pei, 1994:102).

This kind of love has exclusive and universal characteristic, it is often

mixed by personal experience, like two stranger persons who are falling in love in

one occasion. It implies on desire heart, this is of course, much more to love than

cognitive labeling. Indeed, love cannot be regarded only as an emotion, it is also

particular sort of interpersonal relationship that takes time to grow and develop.

c. Maternity Love

Maternity love establishes to more love and cares, not only around life and

surviving but also until the end of the world. It is eternal love, strengthen love by



devoting through the attention and responsibility of absolute of education children

and their grow (Sumiati, 1997).

d. Self Love

According to Freud, love is the manifest of sexual desire toward other

people especially in versus sex. While, Sumiati (1997) says that people with

unselfish characteristic have a narcissistic, as he has withdrawn his love from

other people and reversed to himself. This theory can be proved by an analysis of

risk experience. It is about unselfishness that has neurotic and the other aspects. It

talks about general indication that usually disturbs not causes that indication, but

causes another phenomenon which has close relation such as depressed tired,

unable to work, failure in making love and the like.

e. Love Toward Lord

All human being should love Lord; they only love each other only for the

love of Lord. The form of religious love is called Love toward Allah that love

comes from the need of being obeyed and loyal to whom He creates the selves and

the world. God is a concrete object of love, and He responds to his lovers. The

attitude of being obeyed indicates of recognizing the Lord.

2.4.2 The Factors of Love

According to Al-Mukaffi (2002:29), “there are three factors that trigger the

growth of love. The first, the characteristics that are owned by a person that make

other people love him. The second, lover’s attention toward those characteristics.



The third factors is the correlation between a person who fall in love and

somebody he loved.”

Based on what Al-Mukaffi said, that there are three types of someone

character when they were in love. The first is someone loves him or her because

of his or her characteristics. It can cause someone loves other. The second one is

someone makes attention to the partner’s characteristics. This type can cause

someone understands the weakness of the partner. If the partner has a weakness,

he tries to recovery her weakness. The third is the two persons see or contact each

other. It can arouse someone loves to the partner.




In this occasion, the writer discusses about the aspects dealing with the

research methodology, which are used to analyze the novel. They are (1) Research

Design, (2) Approach, (3) Object of Study, (4) Data Collection, and (5) Data


3.1 Research Design

Research can be classified into two types; they are qualitative and

quantitative research. Qualitative research focuses on the subjective experience

and perception of research subjects. Here, researcher is the essential instrument of

data collection. In contrast, the focus of quantitative research does not only

describe but also analyze; it seeks to look at the why of events not just the what. It

means that the researcher does not only finding such problems when they have

investigation but also finding the solution to resolve the problems (Tuckman,


This literary study employs the qualitative research because the object of

the study is a novel which describes certain concepts on phenomenon that

provides the description of men, setting or places, action or dialogues. Then,

according to Nawawi (1992) the quantitative research doesn’t conduct in the form

of literary work because it uses numbers and statistical computation.



The technique used in this method is library research where the

information in the form of books and dictionaries that may have any relationships

to the study. By collecting these sources, the data were carefully examined. Later,

the writer of this thesis concerns on Neely’s love in “Bleachers” novel.

3.2 Approach

Abrams (in Sumiati, 1997) formulates the four kinds of approaches. These

are (1) mimetic, (2) pragmatic, (3) expressive, and (4) objective approach.

The first approach is mimetic approach, it views the literary work as an

imitation, or reflection, or representation of the world and human life, and the

primary criterion applied to a work is the “truth” of its representation to the object

that should be represented. The second approach is pragmatic approach. Here, the

work is as something which is constructive in order to achieve certain effect on

the audience, such as instruction, kind of emotion, or aesthetic pleasures. And it

tends to judge the value of the work according to its success in achieving that aim.

The third approach is expressive approach which treats a literary work primarily

in relation to the author. It expresses the feeling of the author. Basically, it

concerns with the author’s life. The last approach is objective approach that

describes the literary product as itself. It is to be analyzed and judged by intrinsic

criteria such as complexity, coherence, equilibrium, integrity, and the interrelation

of its components and elements.



In analyzing the novel, the writer of this thesis used the objective approach

because it is not necessary to study the author’s life, the backgrounds of the work,

or the background of the society. In this case, the writer analyzed the word itself.

That is Neely Crenshaw’s love in “Bleachers” novel.

3.3 The Object Of The Study

According to Ary (1972: 29), “the object of the study is the matter that is

analyzed to describe the problem”. The object of the study is the whole events in

John Grisham’s novel “Bleachers” that have close relationship with Neely

Creenshaw’s love. The data were taken from paragraphs, dialogues, and quotation

that available in the novel. In this literary study, the writer used object of study

because the writer only described the conversation that related to the tittle.

3.4 Data Collection

The data of this study were taken from paragraphs, events and dialogues

that existed in the ‘Bleachers’ novel which were selected purposively. There were

some steps to collect the data. They were as follows:

1. Reading and understanding the story of the novel “Bleachers”.

2. Choosing the data dealing with the problems that will be investigated.

3. Selecting data dealing with the purposes of the study.

4. Surveying the paragraphs and dialogues on the novel “Bleachers.



3.5 Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the last step was analyzing data in order to reach

the appropriate result. The steps were:

1. Predicting the problems.

2. Analyzing data based on the study.

3. Drawing the conclusion based on the result of the study.





This chapter presents the result of study and the discussion about the

finding. The writer of this thesis focuses on what factors make Neely Crenshaw

falls in love with Cameron and its end of Neely Crenshaw. The writer of this

quotes some sentences to answer the problems. The finding is presented below.

4.1 The Factors make Neely Crenshaw Falls in Love with Cameron

To answer the first question about what makes Neely Crenshaw falls ini love

in John Grisham’s novel “Bleachers”, the writer of this thesis gets the answer that

is presented in the following parts.

4.1.1 Pretty Girl

Cameron’s beauty makes Neely falls in love with her. Neely loves Cameron

because she is a pretty girl in this school. He said that Cameron is the pretty girl

even for this time. It is supported by the following quotation.

“You look great, he said as he admired her.” (page 174)

While, the event that shows that Cameron is pretty is shown in the dialog in

such event. It is viewed from Neely’s point of view. He saw that Cameron much

prettier than she was.

“She was much prettier than in high school. Her thick auburn hairwas pulled back into a ponytail. Her dark blue eyes were a bulkycotton sweater and tight faded jeans that declared that this was alady who stayed in shape.” (page 174)



The dialogue above shows that Cameron is still a beautiful woman even that

she is older. She stays in shape even that she has two children. She is a perfect

woman for Neely Crenshaw, all-American the best quarterback of Spartans in


Based on the dialog above, it can be concluded that Neely loves Cameron

because of not only her beauty, but also her beautiful performance. Neely looks it

from Cameron’s thought, feeling, and habit when they were in school.

4.1.2 The Girl in the Past Life

Cameron was the girl in Neely’s past life that she loves Neely’s performance

so much, Neely tries to assure Cameron to be back for him. He realizes that he is

wrong and tries to fix it.

“Okay, here goes. A long time ago, I did a very bad thingsomething I’ve been ashamed of for many years.” (page 176)

The statement above shows that Cameron falls in love to Neely when they

were in the past. They fall in love in high school .

Then, statement below becomes the evidence that shows Cameron is the girl

who lives in Neely’s heart when he and she study in high school. Neely is as a

quarterback in Spartan.

“I was wrong. It was stupid, mean, lousy selfish, harmful, and theolder I get the more I regret it. I’m apologizing, Cameron, and Iask you to forgiving me.” (page 176)

The statements above show that Cameron was the girl in Neely’s past life.

She loves Neely very much but he betrays her. As the all-American the best

quarterback in Messina Spartans, he feels that he becomes the famous fellow for



the girls. He is a hero in football, but then he feels sorry for his arrogant attitudes.

He is conceited, egoism, and selfish.

Another event that shows Cameron is the girl in Neely’s past life is that she

remains Neely for their love in the past time.

“We were in love, Cameron. I adored you from the time me mereten yeards old and holding hands behind the gym so the otherboys wouldn’t see me.” (page 177)

The statements above tell that he always remembers the girl who has ever

lived in his heart. He asks Cameron to be back to have relation with him but she

refuses. Neely always remembers the day when Cameron supports him in the

game, greet and gives with fresh smile. It is the beautiful occasion actually, but

Neely is being late to realize that.

The other evidences that show Neely wants to be back to Cameron is that

when they were kid, in sixteen years old, they were in love even that it just for


“We were just kids, Neely. Sixteen years old. It was anotherlifetime.”

“I really don’t want to hear this.” (page 177)

The dialogs above show that she confesses that Cameron was the girl in the

Neely’s past life. The girl who has ever lived in his heart, but because of Neely’s

egoism so that Cameron neglects him.



4.1.3 A Good Woman

One proof that Neely loves Cameron is that Cameron is a good woman that

everybody likes. It occurs because she is a simply woman. It can be seen from the

story that she is a good friend for the other and has good characteristics.

The following fragment will show that Cameron is a good woman for his

friend, Nat.

“… She knew I was different, and she always protected me. Itried to protect her, but she fell for you and that was a hugemistake….. She can do everythin’ for you Neely. Do you realizeit?” (page 98)

The following quotation shows that Cameron is a good woman for her friend.

She cares for Nat although he has physical defect. On the other hand, Cameron is

a simply woman so that Nat Sawyer compares her with Screamer, the other

woman in high school with various oddities.

”Screamer looks like an aging high-dollar call-girl, which sheprobably is. Cameron is nothing but class… Those days hasover, Nat. … Tell Cameron I’d like to see her. I have somethingto say.” (page 98)

Sawyer sees Cameron as a good woman with beautiful performance. It is

because Cameron never uses too many accessories when she makes her up. She is

beautiful even in simply dress. It is different with Screamer who uses too much

cosmetic and bright accessories to attract a man.

She is a pretty, good woman and the girl in Neely’s past life. Neely wants

Cameron to receive him back to be his lover, but in fact Cameron has hurted with

Neely’s attitude in the past.



4.2 The End of Neely Crenshaw’s Love

Nat Sawyer, and Cameron are friends since they were in kindergarten.

Cameron falls in love with Neely Crenshaw, but Neely does not realize it yet. The

reason is that he is a football player and becomes the best quarterback in Messina,

he is all-American the best quarterback. The following quotation will show this:

“Cameron was a close friend from kindergarten, before you cameto town … Screamer decided she wanted the all-American. Theskirts got shorter, blouses tighter and you were toasts. Mybeloved Cameron got thrown aside.” (page 98)

The statements above are said by Nat Sawyer and it shows that Cameron

loves Neely Crenshaw and he does not know about that. At that time, Neely

prefers going with Screamer, the girl that has the most patient to be received by


Neely realizes that he also loves Cameron at present. He wants to get

Cameron to be his couple. Neely asks Cameron to have it, but she refuses it.

“Come on, Cameron, this is your chance to unload with both barrels.”“Why should I? You’re here trying to force me to dig up bad

memories that took years to forget. What makes you think Iwant to go back to high school and get burned again? I’ve dealtwith it, Neely. Obviously, you haven’t.” (page 182)

The dialogue above shows that Cameron refuses what Neely wants. She

makes him disappointed. Neely has a purpose that he wants to have Cameron in

his life, to be his couple but Cameron does not accept that.

Cameron has married with Jack Seawright and has two girls. She loves her

husband and won’t be back to Neely. The dialogues below will show it.

“Who’d you marry?”



“Jack.”“Jack who?”“Jack Seawright … It took ten years to get you out of my system.

When I fell in love with Jack, I was finally able to forget you. Ihoped I would never see you again.” (page 175)

The above evidence shows that Cameron will never want to recall Neely’s

name in his heart because she feels that she hates Neely very much. It is because

he chooses another girl than her and it is hurted her. Beside, Cameron has married

so she cannot receive Neely.

Neely still has a hope for his love although he does not know what the answer

later. But he keeps trying.

“I swear. Isn’t it comforting to know that someone will always bewaiting for you? …. Can I kiss you on the cheek?” (page 192)

Those statements above show that Cameron will not accept what Neely hopes

from her. She does not want to know about that and she still refuses. She did not

care for everything happened in the past between Nelly and her. She just wants to

run her life in more comfortable conditions without any cruel problems from the

past in relation with Neely or even what he hopes in the present.

Finally, Cameron does not have comfortable farewell meeting. She looks

hates Neely so much. It is because she has no belief that Neely would change to

be better in love matter.

“Can I kiss you on the cheek?” “No.”“There’s something magical about the first love, Cameron,

something I’ll miss forever.”“Good-bye Neely.”“Can I say I love you?”“No. Goo-bye, Neely.” (page 192)



The conversation above shows that Cameron would not return to Neely

because Cameron is disappointed to Neely for his past behavior. He prefers

choosing Screamer than her. Neely has left her for another women.

The fragments and the conversations above indicate that Neely fails to get

Cameron’s love. It is because Neely is arrogant for Cameron and he is the man

that is easy enough to be attracted by beautiful woman. He does realize that his

famous name will cause Cameron disappointed. It is because Neely forgets about

the girl who loves him very much when he is flied by popularity for being a well-

known quarterback. He is the handsome man with the big name from all-

American as the best quarterback that is surrounded by many beautiful women.

One of them has attracted him even he has nice girlfriend named Cameron. She is

Screamer, but at that time, his choice is wrong. He chooses a wrong woman, he

should choose Cameron that loves him very much at that time.





In this chapter, the writer draws the conclusion and gives suggestions,

related to John Grisham’s novel “Bleachers”.

5.1 Conclusion

After analyzing John Grisham’s novel “Bleachers”, the writer of this thesis

gets the results based on the purposes of this study. It is to describe some factors

that make Neely Crenshaw falls in love and to find out the end of Neely’s love.

There are many factors which make Neely falls in love to Cameron. The first

factor is that Cameron is a pretty girl, especially when she is in high school.

Beside that, she is Neely’s girl in the past life. The third, Cameron is a good

woman. She never differentiates any friends she has whether they are ugly, bad,

good, nice, or else.

Based on the factors stated above, it indicates that Neely was an arrogant

person in the past so that he did not care of the woman who loved him very much.

On the other side, Cameron is a simple beautiful woman. At present, Neely is too

late to realize his attitude to the woman and he wants to improve it. Unfortunately,

Cameron refuses it. She is hurted by past memory and she tries to forget it to get

the better life.



5.2 Suggestions

The writer conducts this study in order this literary work is available and

accepted as one of the media to recall the judgement when the reader is interested

in literary, at least as the median of reading-matter.

In investigating the analysis of the novel, there are suggestions for the

readers, especially for students of English Department in University of

Muhammadiyah Malang. These suggestions are:

1) it is hoped that literary work will give stimulus of art touch of the student,

2) novel is not only a reading book, but also has many experiences that can be

learnt and taken as a model of life or as the additional of the knowledge out of


3) reading novels is enjoyable although sometimes the readers need full

concentration, so that the author’s message can be caught.

Therefore, to have more insight of the story in a novel, the reader still finds

some difficulties because they only read the novel without understanding the

message behind the story and what the author actually wants to say is.




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