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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Tips and Tools forHappy Productive Hackers

Bruce Becker | [email protected], SAGridMeraka Institute, CSIR

Ok, ready to write some code ?!

This is the outline of my presentation. I will describe some of the philosophy, interventions and lessons we have learned in South Arica regarding the development of an integrated e-Infrastructure; then I will briefly give a snapshot of the status of such activities in Africa.Thereafter, I will go into some consideration on how to sustainably support and grow these, leading into the core of my presentation the Africa and Arabia Regional Operations Centre. Finally, a summary and outlook will be given.

We're not just here to hack

This school is about sustainability and a community

We want to teach you not only technologies, but methodologies

We want to collaborate with you

We want you to have marketable skills

It's time for a crash course in continuous integration

Make your work count,
let people find you

Go to Bootcamp

It's normal to get excited when you're
starting out on a new project

but it's better to know what
you're getting yourself into

What could possibly go wrong?

It's easy to trick yourself into thinking
that a few lines of code will do the trick

After all, why deal with all the overhead
of a properly-managed project...







The real world is far more complicated than the tutorial

Don't be discouraged !
Plan ahead and prepare

Lesson 1 : Track your changes

Lesson 2 : Try before you buy

Lesson 3 : Don't take your own word for it

Lesson 4 : Automate

Lesson 5 : Collaborate

Lesson 1 Source Code Management

If you don't have an account on Github, go make one nowHey, at least you'll achieve something today :)

When working on your code, make frequent commits with meaningful messages.

Push to the repo when you think you've made an atomic change and nothing is broken

If you find yourself stuck, revert back
to a previous commit when things were
working and start again

Be courteous to collaborators
Assume you're not the only
one who will use this code'

Lesson 2 : Testing

Code is like DNA it needs a living organism to see whether it workFlaws in the code are often not picked up by the compiler

You need to test it in a lab environment

Consider writing objective tests for your code what should it be doing ?While developing, fail-fast

It should compile/deploy (at least)

What output should it be giving ?

What messages should it be sending ?

Tag your branches when you reach milestones

Testing 2

Consider functional tests separately to build tests

Test several different environments if you can healthy code

Ensure that issues are reported...

and resolved !

Tests help you know which direction you're going in, instead of hacking away pointlessly !

Lesson 3 : Don't take your own word for it

Use an independent third party testing framework to check whether your commits are passing your tests (or the application's own tests)

This is especially important when there is more than one person working on a project

You can see which commits started to

Lesson 4 : Automate

Automation can be tricky...

Best to use a service to automate building,
testing, reporting and integration for you.

There's a steep learning curve and it seems
like a lot of complicated overhead, but it
really pays off !

Lesson 5 : Collaborate

Everything = Code ! Code as much as you canVersion controlled


Publish your code in public repositories

Plan, publish and discuss the goals of the project with your collaboratorsIf necessary, fork and eventually merge.

Let's get to work

Join the @SAGridOps github organisation

Further reading :

Muokkaa otsikon tekstimuotoa napsauttamalla

Muokkaa jsennyksen tekstimuotoa napsauttamallaToinen jsennystasoKolmas jsennystasoNeljs jsennystasoViides jsennystasoKuudes jsennystasoSeitsems jsennystasoKahdeksas jsennystasoYhdekss jsennystaso`

Bruce Becker: Coordinator, SAGrid | [email protected] |