continuity of education plan · of teaching and learning expectations are as follows: • building...

SOUDERTON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT 760 Lower Road Souderton, Pennsylvania 18964 Frank T. Gallagher, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools CONTACT INFORMATION Phone: 215-723-6061 Web site: Continuity of Education Plan March-June 2019-2020 School Year INTRODUCTION On March 16, 2020, Souderton Area School District instituted a Continuity of Education Plan for all students, K-12, in response to the closure of schools due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. The scope of the Continuity of Education Plan has evolved with each school closure extension. All SASD schools will be closed through the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. This guide outlines the District's Continuity of Education Plan and resources to help SASD staff, students, and families navigate Distance Learning.

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Page 1: Continuity of Education Plan · of teaching and learning expectations are as follows: • Building administrators are the instructional leaders and will supervise the teaching and


760 Lower Road Souderton, Pennsylvania 18964 Frank T. Gallagher, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools


• Phone: 215-723-6061

• Web site:

Continuity of Education Plan March-June 2019-2020 School Year


On March 16, 2020, Souderton Area School District instituted a Continuity

of Education Plan for all students, K-12, in response to the closure of

schools due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. The scope of the Continuity

of Education Plan has evolved with each school closure extension. All SASD

schools will be closed through the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.

This guide outlines the District's Continuity of Education Plan and

resources to help SASD staff, students, and families navigate Distance


Page 2: Continuity of Education Plan · of teaching and learning expectations are as follows: • Building administrators are the instructional leaders and will supervise the teaching and



Goal of Plan………………………………………………………………………. page 3

Expectations for Teaching and Learning……………………………... page 3-4

Communication Tools and Strategies………………………………….. page 5

Access (Devices, Platforms, Handouts)……………………………….. page 5-6

Staff General Expectations…………………………………………………. page 7

Student Expectations………………………………………...………………. page 7

Instructional Schedules and Instructional Time……..……………. page 7

Attendance / Accountability…………………………………...………….. page 8

Good Faith Efforts for Access and Equity for All Students…….. page 9

Special Education Services………………………………...………………. page 9

English Learner Support……………………………...……………………. page 10

Gifted Education…………………………………………....…………………. page 10

SASD Resource Web Site Links………………...……………………….. page 10

Contact Information…………………………...……….……………………. page 11-12


The purpose of this document is to outline how SASD will provide the

continuation of the educational program. During the full school closure,

the educational program will be delivered in a blended asynchronous/

synchronous learning environment which allows flexibility for students,

families and teachers. Student learning will be crafted and implemented

in a manner that will be manageable and accessible for students while

working from home, consistent across grade levels and within disciplines,

and flexible for families to balance their home lives. This plan outlines

expectations for students and staff as well as the support in place for

families. The dynamic plan may be refined throughout the school year as

we adjust to meet changing needs and experiences.

“The Mission of the

Souderton Area School

District is to prepare

students to


competencies needed to

contribute and to

succeed in a changing

world by building on a

commitment to

excellence and

innovation, by working

in partnership with

family and community,

and by assuring a

quality education for

all students in a safe

and nurturing


Page 3: Continuity of Education Plan · of teaching and learning expectations are as follows: • Building administrators are the instructional leaders and will supervise the teaching and



Healthy — Safe — Engaged

Supportive — Challenged

Continuity of learning is the continuation of education in the event of a

prolonged school closure or student absence. It is a critical component of

school emergency management, as it promotes the continuation of teaching

and learning. Souderton Area School District is committed to designing and

implementing the most effective methods and systems available for the

continuation of high quality developmentally appropriate education with the

focus on the whole child, despite the unprecedented full school closure in the

state of Pennsylvania.

Beginning on March 16, 2020 students will have the opportunity to engage in

independent learning that reinforces core academic content in addition to

promoting core competencies that contribute to their long-term success:

resilience, innovative thinking, personal wellness, and social consciousness.

Additionally, suggestions on how to navigate at home learning and tips on how to

create a schedule for students will also be posted.

Elementary and middle school students will be given grade level menus of

performance tasks from all content areas. The use of menus promotes student

choice as part of their instruction. Because high school students are already

experienced in managing long-term and ongoing assignments, their work will

reflect a higher level of independence including completing work already assigned

or incomplete. High school tasks will also include work on performance

assessments, reading and research related to course content, introduction of

materials using technology, and ongoing practice to reinforce core skills. High

school students will also complete an online course on Internet Security.

Beginning the week of March 30, 2020, teachers will post lessons, assignments,

and class communications in their Schoology course. As part of our one-to-one

initiative, our secondary students are familiar with the process of leveraging

Schoology to support learning and access materials, assignments, and

communications. Students and teachers will need time to adjust to recorded

lessons and a different format for collaboration and interaction.


Page 4: Continuity of Education Plan · of teaching and learning expectations are as follows: • Building administrators are the instructional leaders and will supervise the teaching and

Elementary teachers will post lessons through their building’s “At Home Learning” course in

Schoology. Classroom teachers and specialists will collaborate to provide new instruction per grade level. The “At

Home Learning” course will provide each building with their own “virtual schoolhouse” allowing each school

community to create a virtual environment that best reflects their building’s school culture. Detailed explanation

of teaching and learning expectations are as follows:

• Building administrators are the instructional leaders and will supervise the teaching and learning of their

building faculties. In addition, they will manage the process of education and communications as needed.

• Teachers will plan, deliver, and implement instruction as well as work with parents and students.

• Grade level teachers of the same subject will offer consistency within reason.

• Lessons will be developed from existing curriculum and resources, and modified/adjusted for the virtual

environment as departments and teachers find necessary to meet the needs of students.

• Lessons should follow the scope and sequence of the course, prioritizing the content to essential skills and


• Lessons will begin using one-way presentations and will be asynchronous (not live). Teachers can record

themselves presenting lessons and leave adequate pauses for students to answer questions at home.

• Lessons will develop and support sessions will transition to a blended model to include synchronous (live)


• As lessons are crafted, opportunities for differentiation will be considered as well as multiple ways for students

to demonstrate their understanding of content.

• The instruction and required work will focus on quality over quantity. Students should be engaged in

meaningful and purposeful experiences.

• Given the nature of blended asynchronous and synchronous learning, the idea of homework is more accurately

described as the continuation of learning. Secondary students may be engaged in both short-term and long-

term assignments.

• Students will submit work to teachers through online platforms and e-mails as needed. Some assignments will

be collected by students in a folder or back-pack.

• Feedback will be given to students to support the learning in their virtual classroom.

• Teachers will use e-mail to keep parents and students alerted to new resources. These new resources and ideas

will also be posted on Schoology.

• Student concerns will be directed to the building administrator and/or counselor.



Page 5: Continuity of Education Plan · of teaching and learning expectations are as follows: • Building administrators are the instructional leaders and will supervise the teaching and

• Teachers in grades K-12 will use Schoology, the District learning management system, to communicate

assignments and lessons to students/families.

• Elementary (K-5) will have building specific

courses that are broken down by grade level.

• Middle School and High School will have course

specific Schoology pages.

• The District Web site “At Home Learning” will provide

families with many resources to support the closure

including: level specific At Home Learning pages,

Coronavirus Resource Center, Frequently Asked

Questions, and Schoology information.

• Additional resources will be posted on both the District Web site and Schoology to support review and

extension of the curriculum.




Students can access enrichment and review opportunities on the District Web site. New, planned instruction is

delivered directly to students by their teachers each week via Schoology and e-mail supports. The District continues

to work to deploy devices to elementary families in need of devices and is also supporting families acquiring home

Internet access. Additional information is below:

• Schoology, our learning management system, is the online platform for K-12 access to lessons, assignments,

and communication.

• Features that are embedded within Schoology serve as tools for creating posted print, audio and video content.

• Microsoft Teams is used to support synchronous opportunities.

• Paper copies are available to students without access.

• Students in grades 6-12 will utilize district devices that are part of the one-to-one school environment.

• E-mail will be used to communicate formally with parents and guardians.

Page 6: Continuity of Education Plan · of teaching and learning expectations are as follows: • Building administrators are the instructional leaders and will supervise the teaching and



Page 7: Continuity of Education Plan · of teaching and learning expectations are as follows: • Building administrators are the instructional leaders and will supervise the teaching and



Teacher Work Day:

• 3 hours each morning; 3 hours each afternoon

• Remaining 1.5 hours of the workday dedicated to lunch and prep

Teacher responsibilities during work hours:

• Continuity of learning via Schoology

• Communication with students/parents/colleagues

• Attendance at virtual meetings and completion of professional development activities

• Other duties as assigned by principal/supervisor

Teacher absences:

• Teachers who are unable to work should report an absence in AESOP and should not work.

• Substitutes will not be provided for short-term leave situations. The building principal will manage the

continuity of learning during the short-term absence.

• A teacher who exhausts all paid leave days should contact the Human Resources Office.


Students are expected to attend class virtually, participate through

discussion posts and work completion, and communicate with

teachers. We recognize that each student circumstance is different.

Teachers can observe student contributions during synchronous

sessions and/or review assignments that students post during the

week. The District will work with students to ensure a flexible

educational environment.

Students are expected to adhere to all of the aspects of the student

handbook that was issued at the beginning of the school year.



First and

Second Grade

Third, Fourth

and Fifth Grade

Middle School

High School

Not to exceed 75

minutes per day

Not to exceed 90

minutes per day

Not to exceed 2.5

hours per day

Not to exceed 3.0

hours per day

Not to exceed 4.0

hours per day

Page 8: Continuity of Education Plan · of teaching and learning expectations are as follows: • Building administrators are the instructional leaders and will supervise the teaching and



Teachers will monitor student engagement via Schoology analytics and assignment

completion. Students who are not engaging in coursework may be referred to

administration for follow up by the guidance counselor and Home and School


Taking into consideration the challenges presented with the implementation of

distance learning, Souderton Area School District has adjusted grading protocols to

reduce stress on students and families during the COVID-19 crisis. We believe that

these adjustments will allow students and teachers to maintain a focus on teaching,

learning, and skill development. All teachers will review student work, assess the

quality of work submitted, and provide specific feedback that will guide students in

advancing their skills and understanding.

At the elementary level, students will receive feedback and formative measures will

be used to determine next steps for instruction. The formal 3rd Trimester progress

reports will not be issued this year. Instead, each elementary student will receive a

direct communication at the end of the

year to provide progress feedback and help

bring closure to a challenging year.

Secondary students will receive feedback

for the work that is submitted through

Schoology. Teachers will review work with

an expectation of quality and post grades

as they have been doing throughout the

school year. Digital report cards will be

issued at the end of the school year

consistent with current practice. The

District’s secondary school schedules include year-long, semester, and quarter

courses. Grades for student work completed during the closure will be weighted

less than work completed while schools were open, and a pass/fail procedure will

be utilized for courses that had not started prior to the closure. Final exams, which

are typically administered at the end of each course, will not be administered for

courses ending in Quarter 3 or Quarter 4.

If work is not satisfactory, teachers will communicate with students, provide

feedback, and allow for resubmission. The District will be grading students in the

4th marking period with the highest degree of leniency and flexibility. These

procedures are consistent with Governor Wolf’s directive that “no student should

be restricted from completing their high school graduation requirements or pursuit

of a postsecondary pathway due to the pandemic of 2020.”

Elementary Students:

• 2nd trimester has

concluded; currently

in final/3rd trimester

Secondary Students:

• 3rd marking period

ended on April 7

• 4th marking period

began on April 14

The Pennsylvania

Department of

Education has

canceled all PSSA

testing and Keystone

Exams for the 2019-

2020 school year.

Page 9: Continuity of Education Plan · of teaching and learning expectations are as follows: • Building administrators are the instructional leaders and will supervise the teaching and



Souderton Area School District will operate in good faith to do the best that we can under current conditions. As a

district, we understand that each student circumstance is different and that flexibility is a necessity. We will work

with all students to ensure their education continues during this period of physical closure.

Reasonable and appropriate supports are in place to meet the needs of all learners. Reading specialists and English

Language Development teachers will offer differentiated support on instructional days. Special Education and Gifted

teachers will focus on individual goals while supporting general education curriculum. School counselors may meet

with students in small groups and/or individually. Caseworkers will continue outreach to families to help them access

education and community services. Other related services, such as speech and occupational therapy, will continue

sessions and related activities.

We will give our best effort to service our families without Internet services and/or computer access with paper copies

of assignments, opportunities for free WiFi services, and district devices as they become available.


Parents of students with special needs were notified by letter of the District’s plan to support their child during the

closure of schools.

The District plans to initiate temporary changes to students’ educational programs and placement as a result of the

COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, the District proposes to initiate virtual special education and related

services. These changes are temporary and will not change or affect the programming specified in each child’s

current IEP once school reopens.

Each child’s education and related services will be based upon their needs as much as possible, given the limitations

of the virtual platform. Their virtual program will include participation in any virtual regular education course work

in subjects for which the child typically participates. General education coursework and special education supports

will be posted on the District’s Schoology site. We recognize that some students will not be able to participate fully in,

or will gain only limited benefit from, these virtual programs and services. Once schools reopen, we will resume each

child’s educational program and placement as described in his or her IEP, and we will be discussing at IEP team

meetings whether each child might require additional programming or services to address any learning problems the

period of school closure might have caused.

The District believes that this virtual learning will prove better for all children in the present circumstances than

doing nothing.

During the closure, the Special Education department is continuing to hold all IEP meetings virtually. These

meetings are being held with Supervisors of Special Education, Principals, Assistant Principals, Related

Service Providers, General Education teachers, students (if applicable), and parents. In addition, all evaluation and

reevaluation reports are continuing to be issued.

Page 10: Continuity of Education Plan · of teaching and learning expectations are as follows: • Building administrators are the instructional leaders and will supervise the teaching and




English learners will be supported by SASD English Language Development (ELD) teachers who are working

collaboratively to develop lessons to support learners at their English Language Proficiency Level. There are

structures in place for communication between regular education teachers and ELD teachers to coordinate

instruction and intervention. Teachers will post instruction on Schoology and provide paper copies to families for

student completion as needed. ELD teachers will support classroom teachers with appropriate accommodations

for students.

ELD teachers will be in communication with families for home-school connection. Families will be provided with

newsletter communications that will outline details on the school closure and student expectations in their home

language. In addition, teachers will utilize Microsoft Teams, e-mail, and phone calls as additional avenues of


Gifted Education teachers will be supporting the general education coursework of their students via Schoology

during the closure of schools. Gifted Education teachers may consult with students via Schoology, telephone or

e-mail. Gifted IEP meetings are continuing to be held during the closure. These meetings are taking place virtually

and involve teacher and parent participation.


District Web site:

Coronavirus Web site:

At Home Learning:

Parent Login for Schoology:

Student Login for Schoology:

COPPA Lists:

Other Online Learning Resources:


More resources will be added as they are vetted through the District.

Page 11: Continuity of Education Plan · of teaching and learning expectations are as follows: • Building administrators are the instructional leaders and will supervise the teaching and




Frank T. Gallagher, Ed.D., Superintendent, [email protected]

Christopher Hey, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent/Director of Human Resources, [email protected]

Katie Kennedy-Reilly, Ed.D., Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, [email protected]

Brian Pawling, Director of Business Affairs, [email protected]

Megan Zweiback, Director of Pupil Services, [email protected]


• EMC Elementary School: Tamara Callahan , Principal [email protected]

• Franconia Elementary School: Laura Heineck, Ed.D., Principal [email protected]

• Oak Ridge Elementary School: Thomas Ferlick, Principal [email protected]

• Salford Hills Elementary School: Dave Purnell, Ed.D., Principal [email protected]

• Vernfield Elementary School: Jon Graf, Ed.D., Principal [email protected]

• West Broad Street Elementary School: Susan Hadfield, Principal [email protected]

• Indian Crest Middle School:

• Katie McCoy, Principal [email protected]

• Jeremy Miller, Assistant Principal [email protected]

• Indian Valley Middle School:

• Jeff Pammer, Ed.D., Principal [email protected]

• Catherine Heller, Ed.D., Assistant Principal [email protected]

• Souderton Area High School:

• Sam Varano, Ed.D., Principal [email protected]

• Joshua Klimovich, Assistant Principal [email protected]

• Ellen Sykes, Assistant Principal [email protected]

• Mathew Haines, Assistant Principal [email protected]

• William Coddington, Ed.D., Assistant Principal [email protected]

• Dennis Stanton, Athletic Director [email protected]

Page 12: Continuity of Education Plan · of teaching and learning expectations are as follows: • Building administrators are the instructional leaders and will supervise the teaching and



Staff Developer / Instructional Coach

• Carolyn Rosenberger [email protected]

• Andrew Hudak [email protected]

• Megan VanWart [email protected]

• Susan VanSaun [email protected]

• Jennifer Granito [email protected]

• Fran Masin-Moyer [email protected]

Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

• Katie Kennedy-Reilly, Ed.D., Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, [email protected]

• Geri Wilkocz, Supervisor of Curriculum, [email protected]

• John Franzen Supervisor of Curriculum, [email protected]

Special Education / Pupil Services

• Megan Zweiback, Director of Pupil Services, [email protected]

• Michelle Noga, Supervisor of Special Education-Elementary [email protected]

• Todd Brown, Ed.D., Supervisor of Special Education - Middle School [email protected]

• Mathew Montagna, Supervisor of Special Education - High School, [email protected]