continued fractions and semigroups of möbius transformations


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Page 1: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations

Continued fractions and semigroups of

Möbius transformations

Ian Short

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Page 2: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations

Work in preparation

Matthew Jacques

Mairi Walker

Page 3: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations

A problem about continued fractions

Problem � version I. Determine those �nite sets of real

numbers X with the property that each continued fraction


b1 +1

b2 +1

b3 + � � �

with coe�cients in X converges.

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Problem � version I. Determine those �nite sets X with the propertythat each continued fraction with coe�cients in X converges.

Examples. X � N 4

X � R+ 4

X = f�1; 1g 8

X = f0g or X = fig 8

�leszy«ski�Pringsheim theorem. If jbn j > 1+ jan j for each positiveinteger n , then the continued fraction


b1 +a2

b2 +a3

b3 + � � �


Page 5: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations


Problem � version I. Determine those �nite sets X with the propertythat each continued fraction with coe�cients in X converges.

Examples. X � N 4

X � R+ 4

X = f�1; 1g 8

X = f0g or X = fig 8

�leszy«ski�Pringsheim theorem. If jbn j > 1+ jan j for each positiveinteger n , then the continued fraction


b1 +a2

b2 +a3

b3 + � � �


Page 6: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations


Problem � version I. Determine those �nite sets X with the propertythat each continued fraction with coe�cients in X converges.

Examples. X � N 4

X � R+ 4

X = f�1; 1g 8

X = f0g or X = fig 8

�leszy«ski�Pringsheim theorem. If jbn j > 1+ jan j for each positiveinteger n , then the continued fraction


b1 +a2

b2 +a3

b3 + � � �


Page 7: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations


Problem � version I. Determine those �nite sets X with the propertythat each continued fraction with coe�cients in X converges.

Examples. X � N 4

X � R+ 4

X = f�1; 1g 8

X = f0g or X = fig 8

�leszy«ski�Pringsheim theorem. If jbn j > 1+ jan j for each positiveinteger n , then the continued fraction


b1 +a2

b2 +a3

b3 + � � �


Page 8: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations


Problem � version I. Determine those �nite sets X with the propertythat each continued fraction with coe�cients in X converges.

Examples. X � N 4

X � R+ 4

X = f�1; 1g 8

X = f0g or X = fig 8

�leszy«ski�Pringsheim theorem. If jbn j > 1+ jan j for each positiveinteger n , then the continued fraction


b1 +a2

b2 +a3

b3 + � � �


Page 9: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations


Problem � version I. Determine those �nite sets X with the propertythat each continued fraction with coe�cients in X converges.

Examples. X � N 4

X � R+ 4

X = f�1; 1g 8

X = f0g or X = fig 8

�leszy«ski�Pringsheim theorem. If jbn j > 1+ jan j for each positiveinteger n , then the continued fraction


b1 +a2

b2 +a3

b3 + � � �


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Continued fractions and Möbius transformations

Tn = t1 � t2 � � � � � tn

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Continued fractions and Möbius transformations

Tn = t1 � t2 � � � � � tn

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Continued fractions and Möbius transformations

Tn = t1 � t2 � � � � � tn

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Continued fractions and Möbius transformations

Tn = t1 � t2 � � � � � tn

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Continued fractions and Möbius transformations

Tn = t1 � t2 � � � � � tn

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Continued fractions and Möbius transformations

Tn = t1 � t2 � � � � � tn

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A problem about sequences of Möbius transformations

De�nition. Given a set of (real) Möbius transformations F ,a composition sequence from F is a sequence

Fn = f1 � f2 � � � � � fn ; where fi 2 F :

Problem � version II. Determine those �nite sets of Möbius

transformations F with the property that every composition

sequence from F converges at 0.

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A problem about sequences of Möbius transformations

De�nition. Given a set of (real) Möbius transformations F ,a composition sequence from F is a sequence

Fn = f1 � f2 � � � � � fn ; where fi 2 F :

Problem � version II. Determine those �nite sets of Möbius

transformations F with the property that every composition

sequence from F converges at 0.

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Real Möbius transformations

z 7!az + b

cz + d; a ; b; c; d 2 R; ad � bc 6= 0

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Real Möbius transformations

z 7!az + b

cz + d; a ; b; c; d 2 R; ad � bc 6= 0

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Real Möbius transformations

z 7!az + b

cz + d; a ; b; c; d 2 R; ad � bc 6= 0

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Real Möbius transformations

z 7!az + b

cz + d; a ; b; c; d 2 R; ad � bc 6= 0

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Real Möbius transformations

z 7!az + b

cz + d; a ; b; c; d 2 R; ad � bc 6= 0

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Conjugacy classi�cation of Möbius transformations


one �xed pointinside

hyperbolic rotation


one �xed pointon the boundary

z 7! z + 1


two �xed pointson the boundary

z 7! �z , � > 1

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Conjugacy classi�cation of Möbius transformations


one �xed pointinside

hyperbolic rotation


one �xed pointon the boundary

z 7! z + 1


two �xed pointson the boundary

z 7! �z , � > 1

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Conjugacy classi�cation of Möbius transformations


one �xed pointinside

hyperbolic rotation


one �xed pointon the boundary

z 7! z + 1


two �xed pointson the boundary

z 7! �z , � > 1

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Example � the modular group

Problem � version II. Determine those �nite sets of Möbius

transformations F with the property that every composition

sequence from F converges at 0.

Example. 1 1

0 1

! 1 0

1 1


f (z ) = z + 1 g(z ) =z

z + 1

� =

�z 7!

az + b

cz + d: a ; b; c; d 2 Z; ad � bc = 1

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Example � the modular group

Problem � version II. Determine those �nite sets of Möbius

transformations F with the property that every composition

sequence from F converges at 0.

Example. 1 1

0 1

! 1 0

1 1


f (z ) = z + 1 g(z ) =z

z + 1

� =

�z 7!

az + b

cz + d: a ; b; c; d 2 Z; ad � bc = 1

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Example � the modular group

Problem � version II. Determine those �nite sets of Möbius

transformations F with the property that every composition

sequence from F converges at 0.

Example. 1 1

0 1

! 1 0

1 1


f (z ) = z + 1 g(z ) =z

z + 1

� =

�z 7!

az + b

cz + d: a ; b; c; d 2 Z; ad � bc = 1

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Farey graph

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Farey graph

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Farey graph

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Example � pairs of parabolics

Example. 1 �0 1

! 1 0

� 1


f (z ) = z + � g(z ) =z

�z + 1

Theorem. Let F = ff ; gg. Then every composition sequence

from F converges if and only if �� =2 (�4; 0].

Example � even-integer continued fractions.

f (z ) = z + 2 g(z ) =z

2z + 1

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Example � pairs of parabolics

Example. 1 �0 1

! 1 0

� 1


f (z ) = z + � g(z ) =z

�z + 1

Theorem. Let F = ff ; gg. Then every composition sequence

from F converges if and only if �� =2 (�4; 0].

Example � even-integer continued fractions.

f (z ) = z + 2 g(z ) =z

2z + 1

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Example � pairs of parabolics

Example. 1 �0 1

! 1 0

� 1


f (z ) = z + � g(z ) =z

�z + 1

Theorem. Let F = ff ; gg. Then every composition sequence

from F converges if and only if �� =2 (�4; 0].

Example � even-integer continued fractions.

f (z ) = z + 2 g(z ) =z

2z + 1

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Farey tree

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Farey tree

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Farey tree

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Escaping sequences and general convergence

De�nition. A sequence Fn of Möbius transformations is an escaping

sequence if the sequence Fn(�) accumulates only on the unit circle inthe Euclidean metric.An escaping sequence Fn converges generally to a point p on theunit circle if Fn(�)! p as n !1 (in the Euclidean metric).

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Escaping sequences and general convergence

De�nition. A sequence Fn of Möbius transformations is an escaping

sequence if the sequence Fn(�) accumulates only on the unit circle inthe Euclidean metric.An escaping sequence Fn converges generally to a point p on theunit circle if Fn(�)! p as n !1 (in the Euclidean metric).

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Escaping sequences and general convergence

De�nition. A sequence Fn of Möbius transformations is an escaping

sequence if the sequence Fn(�) accumulates only on the unit circle inthe Euclidean metric.

An escaping sequence Fn converges generally to a point p on theunit circle if Fn(�)! p as n !1 (in the Euclidean metric).

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Escaping sequences and general convergence

De�nition. A sequence Fn of Möbius transformations is an escaping

sequence if the sequence Fn(�) accumulates only on the unit circle inthe Euclidean metric.

An escaping sequence Fn converges generally to a point p on theunit circle if Fn(�)! p as n !1 (in the Euclidean metric).

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Escaping sequences and general convergence

De�nition. A sequence Fn of Möbius transformations is an escaping

sequence if the sequence Fn(�) accumulates only on the unit circle inthe Euclidean metric.An escaping sequence Fn converges generally to a point p on theunit circle if Fn(�)! p as n !1 (in the Euclidean metric).

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Classical convergence implies general convergence

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Backwards limit sets and conical limit sets

De�nition. The backwards limit set of an escaping sequence Fn isthe set of accumulation points of the sequence F�1


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Backwards limit sets and conical limit sets

De�nition. The backwards limit set of an escaping sequence Fn isthe set of accumulation points of the sequence F�1


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Backwards limit sets and conical limit sets

De�nition. The backwards limit set of an escaping sequence Fn isthe set of accumulation points of the sequence F�1


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Backwards limit sets and conical limit sets

De�nition. The backwards limit set of an escaping sequence Fn isthe set of accumulation points of the sequence F�1


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Return to the problem

Problem � version III. Determine those �nite sets of Möbiustransformations F with the property that every composition sequencefrom F converges generally.

Conjecture. If every composition sequence from F is an escapingsequence, then every composition sequence converges generally.

Theorem. The conjecture is true if F has order two.

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Return to the problem

Problem � version III. Determine those �nite sets of Möbiustransformations F with the property that every composition sequencefrom F converges generally.

Conjecture. If every composition sequence from F is an escapingsequence, then every composition sequence converges generally.

Theorem. The conjecture is true if F has order two.

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Return to the problem

Problem � version III. Determine those �nite sets of Möbiustransformations F with the property that every composition sequencefrom F converges generally.

Conjecture. If every composition sequence from F is an escapingsequence, then every composition sequence converges generally.

Theorem. The conjecture is true if F has order two.

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Return to the problem

Problem � version III. Determine those �nite sets of Möbiustransformations F with the property that every composition sequencefrom F converges generally.

Conjecture. If every composition sequence from F is an escapingsequence, then every composition sequence converges generally.

Theorem. The conjecture is true if F has order two.

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From Möbius transformations to semigroups

Lemma. Let F be a �nite set of Möbius transformations, and

let S be the semigroup generated by F .

The following are


(i) each composition sequence from F is an escaping sequence

(ii) the identity element does not belong to the closure of S .

De�nition. A semigroup S is inverse free if no element of S

has an inverse in S . Equivalently, S is inverse free if it does not

contain the identity element.

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From Möbius transformations to semigroups

Lemma. Let F be a �nite set of Möbius transformations, and

let S be the semigroup generated by F . The following are


(i) each composition sequence from F is an escaping sequence

(ii) the identity element does not belong to the closure of S .

De�nition. A semigroup S is inverse free if no element of S

has an inverse in S . Equivalently, S is inverse free if it does not

contain the identity element.

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From Möbius transformations to semigroups

Lemma. Let F be a �nite set of Möbius transformations, and

let S be the semigroup generated by F . The following are


(i) each composition sequence from F is an escaping sequence

(ii) the identity element does not belong to the closure of S .

De�nition. A semigroup S is inverse free if no element of S

has an inverse in S .

Equivalently, S is inverse free if it does not

contain the identity element.

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From Möbius transformations to semigroups

Lemma. Let F be a �nite set of Möbius transformations, and

let S be the semigroup generated by F . The following are


(i) each composition sequence from F is an escaping sequence

(ii) the identity element does not belong to the closure of S .

De�nition. A semigroup S is inverse free if no element of S

has an inverse in S . Equivalently, S is inverse free if it does not

contain the identity element.

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Discrete semigroups

Lemma. Let F be a �nite set of Möbius transformations, and let S bethe semigroup generated by F . The following are equivalent:

(i) each composition sequence from F is an escaping sequence

(ii) the identity element does not belong to the closure of S .

Theorem. Let F be a set of two Möbius transformations, and let S bethe semigroup generated by F . Then, with one exception, thefollowing are equivalent:

(i) each composition sequence from F is an escaping sequence

(ii) each composition sequence from F converges generally

(iii) S is discrete and inverse free.

Problem � version IV. Classify the inverse-free discrete semigroups.

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Discrete semigroups

Lemma. Let F be a �nite set of Möbius transformations, and let S bethe semigroup generated by F . The following are equivalent:

(i) each composition sequence from F is an escaping sequence

(ii) the identity element does not belong to the closure of S .

Theorem. Let F be a set of two Möbius transformations, and let S bethe semigroup generated by F .

Then, with one exception, thefollowing are equivalent:

(i) each composition sequence from F is an escaping sequence

(ii) each composition sequence from F converges generally

(iii) S is discrete and inverse free.

Problem � version IV. Classify the inverse-free discrete semigroups.

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Discrete semigroups

Lemma. Let F be a �nite set of Möbius transformations, and let S bethe semigroup generated by F . The following are equivalent:

(i) each composition sequence from F is an escaping sequence

(ii) the identity element does not belong to the closure of S .

Theorem. Let F be a set of two Möbius transformations, and let S bethe semigroup generated by F . Then, with one exception, thefollowing are equivalent:

(i) each composition sequence from F is an escaping sequence

(ii) each composition sequence from F converges generally

(iii) S is discrete and inverse free.

Problem � version IV. Classify the inverse-free discrete semigroups.

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Discrete semigroups

Lemma. Let F be a �nite set of Möbius transformations, and let S bethe semigroup generated by F . The following are equivalent:

(i) each composition sequence from F is an escaping sequence

(ii) the identity element does not belong to the closure of S .

Theorem. Let F be a set of two Möbius transformations, and let S bethe semigroup generated by F . Then, with one exception, thefollowing are equivalent:

(i) each composition sequence from F is an escaping sequence

(ii) each composition sequence from F converges generally

(iii) S is discrete and inverse free.

Problem � version IV. Classify the inverse-free discrete semigroups.

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Discrete semigroups

Lemma. Let F be a �nite set of Möbius transformations, and let S bethe semigroup generated by F . The following are equivalent:

(i) each composition sequence from F is an escaping sequence

(ii) the identity element does not belong to the closure of S .

Theorem. Let F be a set of two Möbius transformations, and let S bethe semigroup generated by F . Then, with one exception, thefollowing are equivalent:

(i) each composition sequence from F is an escaping sequence

(ii) each composition sequence from F converges generally

(iii) S is discrete and inverse free.

Problem � version IV. Classify the inverse-free discrete semigroups.

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Discrete semigroups

Lemma. Let F be a �nite set of Möbius transformations, and let S bethe semigroup generated by F . The following are equivalent:

(i) each composition sequence from F is an escaping sequence

(ii) the identity element does not belong to the closure of S .

Theorem. Let F be a set of two Möbius transformations, and let S bethe semigroup generated by F . Then, with one exception, thefollowing are equivalent:

(i) each composition sequence from F is an escaping sequence

(ii) each composition sequence from F converges generally

(iii) S is discrete and inverse free.

Problem � version IV. Classify the inverse-free discrete semigroups.

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Problem � version I. Determine those �nite sets of real numbers Xwith the property that each continued fraction with coe�cients in X


Problem � version II. Determine those �nite sets of Möbiustransformations F with the property that every composition sequencefrom F converges at 0.

Problem � version III. Determine those �nite sets of Möbiustransformations F with the property that every composition sequencefrom F converges generally.

Problem � version IV. Classify the inverse-free discrete semigroups.

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Selected literature on Möbius semigroups

Some Moebius semigroups on the 2-sphereC.S. BallantineJ. Math. Mech., 1962

On certain semigroups of hyperbolic isometriesT. Jørgensen and K. SmithDuke Math. J., 1990

Complex dynamics of Möbius semigroupsD. Fried, S.M. Marotta and R. StankewitzErgodic Theory Dynam. Systems, 2012

Entropie des semi-groupes d'isométrie d'un espace hyperboliqueP. MercatTo be published

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Exceptional semigroup

f (z ) = 2z g(z ) = 12z + 1

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Two-generator Fuchsian groups literature

The classi�cation of discrete 2-generator subgroups of PSL(2; R)J.P. MatelskiIsrael J. Math., 1982

An algorithm for 2-generator Fuchsian groupsJ. Gilman and B. MaskitMichigan Math. J., 1991

Two-generator discrete subgroups of PSL(2;R)J. GilmanMem. Amer. Math. Soc., 1995

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Two-generator Fuchsian groups

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Schottky groups

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Schottky groups

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Schottky groups

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Schottky groups

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Schottky groups

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Schottky groups

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Schottky groups

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Schottky groups

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Schottky groups

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Schottky groups

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Schottky groups

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Schottky groups

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Schottky semigroups

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Schottky semigroups

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Schottky semigroups

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Schottky semigroups

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Schottky semigroups

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Schottky semigroups

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Schottky semigroups

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Reverse triangle inequality

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Two-generator inverse-free discrete semigroups

elliptic elliptic


elliptic parabolic


elliptic loxodromic


parabolic parabolic


parabolic loxodromic


loxodromic loxodromic


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Two-generator inverse-free discrete semigroups

elliptic elliptic 8

elliptic parabolic 8

elliptic loxodromic 8

parabolic parabolic


parabolic loxodromic


loxodromic loxodromic


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Two-generator inverse-free discrete semigroups

elliptic elliptic 8

elliptic parabolic 8

elliptic loxodromic 8

parabolic parabolic 4

parabolic loxodromic 4

loxodromic loxodromic 4

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Pairs of parabolics

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Pairs of parabolics

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Pairs of loxodromics

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Pairs of loxodromics

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Solution to Problem III

Theorem. A set F = ff ; gg of two Möbius transformations has

the property that every composition sequence from F converges

generally if and only if one of the following conditions is


(i) f and g are parabolic and fg is not elliptic

(ii) one of f or g is loxodromic and the other is either

parabolic or loxodromic, and fgn and f ng are not elliptic

for any positive integer n .

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Return to the original problem

Problem � version I. Determine those �nite sets X with the

property that each continued fraction with coe�cients in X



b + zjbj < 2 �


b + zjbj > 2

Theorem. A �nite set X has the property that every minus

continued fraction with coe�cients in X converges if and only

if X � (�1; 2] [ [2;+1).

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Return to the original problem

Problem � version I. Determine those �nite sets X with the

property that each minus continued fraction with coe�cients in

X converges.


b + zjbj < 2 �


b + zjbj > 2

Theorem. A �nite set X has the property that every minus

continued fraction with coe�cients in X converges if and only

if X � (�1; 2] [ [2;+1).

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Return to the original problem

Problem � version I. Determine those �nite sets X with the

property that each minus continued fraction with coe�cients in

X converges.


b + zjbj < 2 �


b + zjbj > 2

Theorem. A �nite set X has the property that every minus

continued fraction with coe�cients in X converges if and only

if X � (�1; 2] [ [2;+1).

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Return to the original problem

Problem � version I. Determine those �nite sets X with the

property that each minus continued fraction with coe�cients in

X converges.


b + zjbj < 2 �


b + zjbj > 2

Theorem. A �nite set X has the property that every minus

continued fraction with coe�cients in X converges if and only

if X � (�1; 2] [ [2;+1).

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Return to the original problem

Problem � version I. Determine those �nite sets X with the

property that each continued fraction with coe�cients in X




bc 2 (�4; 0]

Theorem. A set fb; cg of real numbers has the property that

every continued fraction with coe�cients in fb; cg converges ifand only if bc =2 (�4; 0].

Page 100: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations

Return to the original problem

Problem � version I. Determine those �nite sets X with the

property that each continued fraction with coe�cients in X




bc 2 (�4; 0]

Theorem. A set fb; cg of real numbers has the property that

every continued fraction with coe�cients in fb; cg converges ifand only if bc =2 (�4; 0].

Page 101: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations

Return to the original problem

Problem � version I. Determine those �nite sets X with the

property that each continued fraction with coe�cients in X




bc 2 (�4; 0]

Theorem. A set fb; cg of real numbers has the property that

every continued fraction with coe�cients in fb; cg converges ifand only if bc =2 (�4; 0].

Page 102: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations



1+ z


2+ z


b + zb 2 N 1

b + zb 2 R



z + 1z

z + 1z + 2


�2z + 1

Page 103: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations



1+ z


2+ z


b + zb 2 N


b + zb 2 R



z + 1z

z + 1z + 2


�2z + 1

Page 104: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations



1+ z


2+ z


b + zb 2 N 1

b + zb 2 R



z + 1z

z + 1z + 2


�2z + 1

Page 105: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations



1+ z


2+ z


b + zb 2 N 1

b + zb 2 R



z + 1z

z + 1z + 2


�2z + 1

Page 106: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations



1+ z


2+ z


b + zb 2 N 1

b + zb 2 R



z + 1z

z + 1

z + 2z

�2z + 1

Page 107: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations



1+ z


2+ z


b + zb 2 N 1

b + zb 2 R



z + 1z

z + 1z + 2


�2z + 1

Page 108: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations

The unknown

Conjecture. If every composition sequence from F is an escapingsequence, then every composition sequence converges generally.

More generators. Classify those sets of transformations F of sizegreater than two with the property that every composition sequencefrom F converges generally.

Higher dimensions. Classify those sets of complex transformations Fof size two with the property that every composition sequence from F

converges generally.

Page 109: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations

The unknown

Conjecture. If every composition sequence from F is an escapingsequence, then every composition sequence converges generally.

More generators. Classify those sets of transformations F of sizegreater than two with the property that every composition sequencefrom F converges generally.

Higher dimensions. Classify those sets of complex transformations Fof size two with the property that every composition sequence from F

converges generally.

Page 110: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations

The unknown

Conjecture. If every composition sequence from F is an escapingsequence, then every composition sequence converges generally.

More generators. Classify those sets of transformations F of sizegreater than two with the property that every composition sequencefrom F converges generally.

Higher dimensions. Classify those sets of complex transformations Fof size two with the property that every composition sequence from F

converges generally.

Page 111: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations

The unknown

Conjecture. If every composition sequence from F is an escapingsequence, then every composition sequence converges generally.

More generators. Classify those sets of transformations F of sizegreater than two with the property that every composition sequencefrom F converges generally.

Higher dimensions. Classify those sets of complex transformations Fof size two with the property that every composition sequence from F

converges generally.

Page 112: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations


1Created using lim by Curt McMullen

Page 113: Continued fractions and semigroups of Möbius transformations


1Created using lim by Curt McMullen

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1Created using lim by Curt McMullen

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1Created using lim by Curt McMullen

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