context clues

Context Clues You be the Detective!

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Post on 01-Nov-2014




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Context Clues

You be the Detective!

Page 2: Context clues

Context Clues – What Are They?

Context clues are bits of information from the text that, when combined with prior knowledge, allow you to decide the meaning of unknown words in the story or article you are reading.

As a reader you must act similar to a detective and put together clues from sentences surrounding an unknown word in order to make an intelligent “guess” as to what the definition of a word is.

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Context Clues – How Do They Help You Read New Words?

Textbook writers and authors include words or phrases to help their readers understand the meaning of a new or difficult word.

These words or phrases are built into the sentences around the new or difficult word. By becoming more aware of the words around a difficult word, readers can make logical guesses about the meanings of many words.

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Still Wondering What a Context Clue Is?

View this video!

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Types of Context Clues

Authors use many different types of context clues when writing texts. Three of these types are:

Direct definition context cluesSynonym context cluesAntonym context clues

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Direct Definition Context Clues

Direct definition context clues are words that say, “Stop - don’t touch that dictionary. The definition of the word you

don’t know is right here in the text!"


There are many theories, or ideas, about what made the Ice Ages happen.

In this sentence the word “ideas” tells us that theories are different thoughts people have about something.

After a time, glaciers, or slowly moving rivers of ice, formed over many parts of the Earth.

In this sentence the words “slowly moving rivers of ice” tell us what glaciers are.

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Your Turn!

The young man had a robust appearance or strong and healthy.

A. lively

B. bubbly

C. active

D. exhausted

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Your Turn!

Larceny, such as stealing a car, can cause you to spend a lot of time in jail.

A. theft

B. murder

C. bravery

D. conflict

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Synonym Context Clues

Synonym context clues are words around a difficult word that mean the same or nearly the same as the word.


After seeing the picture of the starving children, we felt compassion or pity for their suffering.

In this sentence the word “pity” tells us that compassion means to have understanding for.

Mary admonished her students and they knew they were in hot water for their actions.

In this sentence the words “in hot water” tell us that admonished means cautioned or scolded.

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Your Turn!

In the fall, the bright foliage is a delight to see. Red, orange, and yellow leaves and vegetation paint the world for our enjoyment.

A. houses

B. dirt

C. rocks

D. leaves

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Your Turn!

I don’t think we’ll need to utilize, or use the hand cart to haul in the computers.

A. make

B. destroy

C. use

D. build

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Antonym Context Clues

Antonym context clues are words around a difficult word that mean the opposite or nearly

the opposite as the word.


Joe was reluctant to take the job of captain of the team. He was afraid that the time it would take would hurt his grades. On the other hand, Billy was eager for the chance to be the team captain.

In this sentence the words “on the other hand” and “eager” tell us that Billy feels the opposite of Joe, therefore, reluctant means uncertain or cautious.

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Your Turn!

Janice thought the man was friendly, but Casey thought he was malicious.

A. kind

B. spiteful

C. sweet

D. friendly

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Your Turn!

The virtuous student always followed the rules, unlike his older brother who is in trouble every day.

A. bad

B. good

C. troublemaking

D. quiet

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Quiz Time!

Let’s see if you have been paying attention!

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On each slide there will be a short paragraph with 1 word in bold.

Use the context clues to determine the meaning of the word.

I will not tell you if it is a synonym, antonym, or direct definition context clue.

When instructed, press your selection on your remote.

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Question 1

Joan loves to buy exotic foods: vegetables and herbs from China, spices from India, olives from Greece, and cheeses from France.

A. expensive B. seasonings C. rareD. from other places

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Question 2

At first, the surgery seemed to be successful. But several hours later, the patient’s condition began to deteriorate, and it continued to worsen over the next few days.

A. stabilizeB. surprise C. decay or declineD. everyone change

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Question 3

Raul is an indulgent father. For instance, he lets his daughter stay up as late as she likes and he never insists that she does her homework.

A. lenient and tolerantB. stupid and kindC. strict and meanD. lazy  and caring

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Question 4

The decision Veronica made to study instead of going out for pizza with her friends was prudent. She got an A on the exam, while her friends all got D’s.

A. anti-socialB. careful and wiseC. selfishD. calculating

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Question 5

Ivan is a wonderful piano player. But Jerri is more versatile; she sings, acts, paints and writes poetry, and also plays the piano.

A. talented

B. many abilities

C. superior skills

D. show off

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Question 6

The game started out tedious, but it got exciting in the end when it was tied with three runners on base.

A. awful

B. boring

C. fun

D. slow

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Question 7

When the boys were confronted about cheating on the test, Max was nonchalant and Garth also appeared cool.

A. cool

B. uncool

C. upset

D. not confident

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Question 8

The lawyer had tangible evidence, such as a hammer, a car, and keys, to show that the person stole the car.

A. pretend

B. imaginary

C. real or visible

D. false

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Question 9

Without thinking, she inadvertently knocked the priceless vase off the table.

A. purposefully

B. deliberately

C. accidentally

D. intentionally

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Question 10

Though the ephemeral thunderstorm lasted only a short time, it damaged home and knocked down trees.

A. long lasting

B. lengthy

C. brief or short

D. weak

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