contents: -the native -the discover of america -the first europeans -independence -expansion -civil...

American History 1492-2013

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  • Contents: -The Native -The Discover of America -The First Europeans -Independence -Expansion -Civil War -Immigration and development -World War I -Crisis of 29 ( Black Thursday) -World War 2 -The Cold War -Civil Rights -After the Cold War ( 1990-2012)
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  • The Native American arrived 20000 years ago from Siberia. They formed into tribes : -Huron and Iroquois in the east -Sioux and Comanche on the Great Plains -Apache and Pueblo Indians in the South West
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  • -There was colonialism between Europeans kingdoms. -Spain was the most in spot. -Christopher Columbus, an explorer, wanted to civilized Asias colonies to have the raw materials. -Queen of Spain supported this voyage and gave him the three caravels. -14 th October of 1492 Columbus saw a land, but it couldnt be in Indians island. -He was accused of incompetence and died forgotten. - Amerigo Vespucci completed Columbus voyage and gave his own name to the land: America. In spot= in a difficult situation
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  • - Spanish colonies were established in Mexico, California, New Mexico, Texas and Florida. -French colonists settled in eastern Canada and Louisiana. -English settlements were in Virginia, New England ( with the arrive of Pilgrim fathers and their May Flower), Atlantic coast region and Appalachians Mountains. -Native population was drastically reduced
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  • -The American colonists begun to resent taxed imposed on them by London. -English government committed to India the monopoly on tea trade. -America attacked British ships carrying tea in Boston ( Boston Tea Party). -England imposed new taxes that Americans refused justify it with the famous: no taxation without representation. -The 13 colonies formed the Continental Army under George Washington. -The 4th July 1776 the Colonies Congress approved the Declaration of Independence. -In 1789 Washington won the elections and Congress approved the Bill of Rights and the Supreme Court was founded.
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  • -1803 Louisiana Purchase: US bought from France the entire Mississippi and the Great Plains Areas. -The 13 American States moved through West passing the Appalachian Springs ( disappearance of Indians). -In 1819 Spain bought the Florida region. -The Oregon territory was obtained through a treaty with the British in 1845. -In 1848 the Mexicans were pushed out of Texas, New Mexico and California. -The discovery of gold in California interested Europeans to enrich themselves Gold Rush of 1848. -In 1869 the first railway line was built.
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  • -All man are created equal ( Declaration of Independence)was not true Southern States brought African slaves to work on the plantations. -Northern States more industrialized and manufacturing capacity. -1861 the president Abraham Lincoln passed laws abolishing slavery. -The 11 Southern States founded the Confederacy ( David Jefferson) -In 1865 the Confederate general Robert Eileen won. -Slavery was banned in every states.
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  • -Industrial development accelerated in the North East. -Millions of new immigrants arrived from Europe. -New industrial city, giant corporations ( standard oil, US steel), industrialists ( Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford) developed new techniques. -1880-1900 USA great industrial power. -Jews escaped from the Pogroms and were exanimated in Ellis islands (mentally ill,disease, criminals). -The spirit of Nation persisted. Giant= a very large and powerful organization
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  • -While in Europe the war was bursting, USA decided to remain neutral; but in 1917 decided to join in because : 1.It gave high loans to the Allies 2.Germans submarines attacked Americans ships 3.Wilson, with the 14 points document supported free trade and self-determination of the population. -11th November of 1918 and armistice was signed -May 1919 the treaty of Versailles established the peace in Europe. Be bursting= to be very full and almost open
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  • -In 1920s the widespread prosperity ended Wall Street stocked marked crush in October 1929 -The offer highly overtook the demand depression in peoples jobs, homes and farms unemployment -In 1932 elections Franklin Roosevelt won with promise of a New Deal: Direct intervention of the State in economy, giving syndical rights and social services to workers -Great depression affected the entire world. Widespread= large diffusion
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  • -USA decided to remain neutral in this World War 2. -7 December of 1941 Japanese warplanes attacked the USA navy base Pearl Harbor they entered -Japan had already been in China and seized Manchuria territories and the South east Asia Pacific region. -1942 Battle of Midway and Japan was defeated by USA. -1944 Allies forces (USA and UK) landed in France with the battle D-Day to press Germany ( Japans ally) thanks to the invasion of Normandy Germany signed the official surrender -1945 the USA president Truman dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan surrendered. -USA and Soviet Union Super Powers
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  • -1945 UN was founded to respect all the democratic Governments -1946 the Marshall Plan wanted to support Europe and prevent the spread of Soviet communism -1947 Cold War began the communist soviet union controlled eastern Europe encouraging communist revolutions -USA fought this threat with some conflicts _ 1 Korean War (1950/1953) 2 Against Cuba, the ally of Soviets -The USA president John F. Kennedy persuaded them to remove the weapons. -In the Vietnam War ( 1964/1975) USA was humiliated to note prevented communism. -1990s the new president Reagan increased military spending and negotiated with the soviet leader Gorbachev The Cold War ended. Spread= an increase in the amount of something that there is
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  • -Martin Luther King saw how badly were treated thanks to the incident of Rosa Parks, black people protested against social differences. -The USA president John F. Kennedy shared his opinion on equal rights -1963 King organized a big protest march in Washington DC where he said the famous speech I have a dream -Kennedy was killed in November 1963. -American government approved the civil rights act. -Kings life came to a sudden end in 1968 when he was killed by a white racist. -Today he is a hero.
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  • -Vietnam Was left Americans very cautious about intervention oversea -1991 Gulf War against Iraq: they drove Iraqi army out of Kuwait -1999 Conflict with Yugoslavia over Kosovo -With the democratic president bill Clinton the economy improved and he signed the NAFTA with Canada and Mexico -2000 republican president George W Bush and a year later, 11th September 2001 the Twin Towers were attacked terroristic attack by Al Qaeda ( Bin Laden) -2003 Americans soldiers attacked Iraq in the War on terror/ Gulf War 2 -In 2008s elections Obama won. -2011 it ended thanks to the democratic president Obama who withdrew American tropes from Iraq. -USA suffered hard times ( hurricane Katrina,republican political scandals, unbalanced economy and unemployment ) -2010 Obama included the patient protection and affordable care act ( healthcare system ) -2011 Bin Laden was killed by USA forces. -2011 Obama was re -elected president. Cautious= being careful about what you do Drove out = to make somebody disappear or stop doing something Withdrew=to move somebody away from a place
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  • Sources: -Directions -In Business -Passato Presente 2 -Passato Presente 3 -Visiting Literature Compact -Il mondo extraeuropeo B -Wikipedia -Many web sites
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  • Actually, it's quite impossible to sum up only in few lines and words the complex American culture as when we expect to analyze 5 centuries of history in few pages. So, since there is no greater experience but discover and live a country on our own, we hardly suggest you to visit the United States of America and enjoy all they offer. Vegli Vanessa Calosi Letizia Monti Eva