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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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I followed the conventions of my inspiration with my masthead and the surrounding components. I used the same font for my contents title as my

masthead and placed the date above it (May/June 2015) and I also placed a subheading underneath (In Spirit magazine this week). The masthead was a lot

thicker then my inspiration’s masthead, however I think the masthead I have chosen to use links more with the front cover.

I have also included the page number to show were the magazine starts and a website to my magazine, to show that the magazine has been established. I

also made the name of the magazine bolder alongside the page number.

Before deciding on the name for my magazine’s website , I made sure to Google

search ,the name of my magazine, so I didn’t copyright any companies, and I

created my magazine website.

I followed the conventions of the magazine with the layout of my text. However I also got inspired with the style of my text with the highlighting

and colouring from, the website to a soul magazine, from which the bright and bold colours that worked well against the black background. I

also followed the minimal amount of text that doesn’t make the page look too overcrowded.

I followed the conventions of the magazine with the

layout and variety of my images on my contents page. I

chose these images because I want to

show the many audiences my

magazine caters to, not just Neo-Soul. I

wanted to also show the variety of topics that may be discussed within in

my magazine alongside music to give my readers a range of things to read , so it’s worth

the money the spent on this
