contents page rejected images

Rejected Images Contents Page

Upload: urvibhatt

Post on 27-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Contents page rejected images

Rejected Images

Contents Page

Page 2: Contents page rejected images

Initially my idea was to Photoshop an artist into this studio as it was proving difficult to find artist that were available to come into the studio. In the end I chose to reject this idea as it proved to difficult to do also this image was blurry.

This image is blurry and no one can be seen in it

This image is unsuitable as the lighting is not right also the model does not seem ready for the picture.

Page 3: Contents page rejected images

I have chosen to reject this image as it does not relate with my magazine.

I have chosen to reject this image as it is lightly out of focus.

I have chosen to reject this image as it is blurry also because the artist/model seem unprepared to photo shoot as a result of that they are unsuitable to be used in the magazine

I have chosen to reject this image as my model does not seem ready for the picture.

Page 4: Contents page rejected images

I have chosen to reject this image as it is lightly out of focus. because it has too much things going in the background. This makes it harder to focus on the foreground therefore it makes it harder to focus on the person at the foreground

I have chosen to reject this image as it is lightly out of focus.

I have chosen to reject this image as it is lightly out of focus.

I have chosen to reject this image as it is lightly out of focus.

Page 5: Contents page rejected images

This image is unsuitable as my model’s eyes are closed she is also got a weird grin on her face

These two images are unsuitable as they are too bright, also the background is very plain whereas I would prefer a different background.

This image is unsuitable as my model is not prepared for the photo and looks confused.

Page 6: Contents page rejected images

I have rejected these images because the artist/model seem unprepared to photo shoot as a result of that they are unsuitable to be used in the magazine

Page 7: Contents page rejected images

The models hair comes I the way of the picture and he face is not see

Here is frame is bent

Here there is too much light

Page 8: Contents page rejected images

I have chosen to use this image as the rug cover the paper he is writhing on also the model was not ready and appears to be laughing

I have chosen to use this images because wire is seen in the bottom rich corner

This image was unsuitable as the light was not right

This image was unsuitable as the light was not right