contents page print screens

Contents Page Print Screens Sandeep Shoker

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Post on 28-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Contents page print screens

Contents Page Print Screens

Sandeep Shoker

Page 2: Contents page print screens

To begin with once I had added all the information and text onto the Contents Page, I changed the background colour from a strong and bold pink to a lighter pink with some areas of white around the edges. I did this by using the eraser tool, this allowed me to creating a boarder around the sides of the page to give more of an

edge to the magazine contents page.

Page 3: Contents page print screens

When I added the pictures to the contents page I decided to add a caption to the image in the middle, this allowed me to make the page look fuller and highlight the fact that the magazine is a Pop magazine. In order to do this I used the text tool to write the caption, then I added an effect to the text to make it have a shadow

and inner ridge this made it stand out amongst the images.

Page 4: Contents page print screens

At the bottom of the Contents page I added in a section/article in which I used white text in order to make sure the aricle did not clash with the bright background. Through the use of using white text I had to add a darker background to the text to ensure it could still be read. I did this by using a shape coloured quite dark with an

inner ridge effect to give it a Pop genre look.

Page 5: Contents page print screens

Once I received my feedback I found that the alignment of the text needed to be altered as it looked quite messy and unprofessional.

Page 6: Contents page print screens

On the contents page I decided to add a black/grey background to the title and the article at the bottom, this was to ensure the text could be seen and read. Also, for the numbered text, I used the colour blue for the numbers to make it stand out more. At the bottom right hand side of the page I added the website address for the magazine in blue to make it stand out and I placed the page number on the right hand side again in a black box as this made it stand out much more.