contents gunther village news

Issue 2 - March/April 2018 Page 1 of 9 From the Desk of the Facility Manager Now that I have been here for a few months, it has become increasingly obvious to me how important Gunther Village is to the community throughout the Central and North Burnett region. The opportunity for locals to be able to remain in the local area when they need residential aged care is significant. All of us here at Gunther Village are proud of the service we provide to the local community, as well as feeling a sense of responsibility to maintain and continually improve upon the high care standards we have set for ourselves. We have now the date for our reaccreditation and letters has been sent to residents and family members. The date is the 17 th July 2018 as indicated in the letters all are invited to talk to the surveyors. As I write this newsletter I am constantly reminded of our mortality and it is with a heavy heart that I announce the death of our beloved Lena Kane. A lady who lived to meet the grand age of 100 years old and how we all celebrated that significant milestone. Whilst we have a heavy heart we should remember her beautiful smile, her wit and the twinkle in her eye. We will miss her but have some lovely memories that will stay with all us. As winter is approaching I need to remind people so is the flu season. If you have flu like symptoms please do not visit, this is to protect our residents. Last year was the worst year for the flu in many years. The Minister of Ageing has announced that it will be mandatory for all aged care facilities to vaccinate all staff. This policy has been in place at Gunther Village for several years, and I have urged all staff to be vaccinated. Till next time, my door is always open for a chat. Vicki Boyd Contents Page 1 Message from the Facility Manager Page 2 Gunther Notices Policy for this Edition Our Values Page 3 Residents’ Birthdays Page 4 & 5 The Gallery Page 6 & 7 Lifestyle News What’s Cooking Page 8 & 9 Puzzle Page Comments, Concerns & Compliments Form Attached May & June Calendars 2018 Coffee on Capper Open Monday to Friday 9am to 1:30pm 07 4161 3636 The Central and Upper Burne District Home for the Aged Gunther Village News “Change your address, not your lifestyle” Issue 2 - 2018

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Page 1: Contents Gunther Village News

Issue 2 - March/April 2018 Page 1 of 9

From the Desk of the Facility Manager

Now that I have been here for a few months, it has become increasingly obvious to me how important Gunther Village is to the community throughout the Central and North Burnett region. The opportunity for locals to be able to remain in the local area when they need residential aged care is significant. All of us here at Gunther Village are proud of the service we provide to the local community, as well as feeling a sense of responsibility to maintain and continually improve upon the high care standards we have set for ourselves. We have now the date for our reaccreditation and letters has been sent to residents and family members. The date is the 17

th July 2018 as

indicated in the letters all are invited to talk to the surveyors. As I write this newsletter I am constantly reminded of our mortality and it is with a heavy heart that I announce the death of our beloved Lena Kane. A lady who lived to meet the grand age of 100 years old and how we all celebrated that significant milestone. Whilst we have a heavy heart we should remember her beautiful smile, her wit and the twinkle in her eye. We will miss her but have some lovely memories that will stay with all us. As winter is approaching I need to remind people so is the flu season. If you have flu like symptoms please do not visit, this is to protect our residents. Last year was the worst year for the flu in many years. The Minister of Ageing has announced that it will be mandatory for all aged care facilities to vaccinate all staff. This policy has been in place at Gunther Village for several years, and I have urged all staff to be vaccinated. Till next time, my door is always open for a chat.

Vicki Boyd


Page 1

Message from the Facility


Page 2

Gunther Notices

Policy for this Edition

Our Values

Page 3

Residents’ Birthdays

Page 4 & 5

The Gallery

Page 6 & 7

Lifestyle News

What’s Cooking

Page 8 & 9

Puzzle Page

Comments, Concerns &

Compliments Form

Attached May & June Calendars 2018

Coffee on Capper

Open Monday to Friday 9am to 1:30pm 07 4161 3636

The Central and Upper Burnett District Home for the Aged

Gunther Village News “Change your address, not your lifestyle”

Issue 2 - 2018

Page 2: Contents Gunther Village News

Issue 2 - March/April 2018 Page 2 of 9

Policy for this Edition!

Please note that there have been no policies reviewed this month.

Our Values

Trust, Respect, Honesty, Integrity, Dignity & Professionalism

Gunther Gumnuts Playgroup

Reminder to All Staff & Visitors

Gunther Gumnuts playgroup will be held at Gunther Village every Wednesday from 0930 to 1130am in the play area, past the coffee shop.

Different activities are set up by our Lifestyle Staff each week. The Coffee Shop is also open if you

are wanting to get yourself or the kids a treat.

Hope to see you there!

Gunther Notices

If you have any suggestions or any notices that you would like to see in the newsletter, please do not hesitate to see Administration.

Your feedback is appreciated!

Lifestyle Raffle Winners!

The Lifestyle had a raffle and the Winners are: 1st Prize - Angelique Thomson

Congratulations and Thank You to all who have supported the welfare committee by buying raffle


Welfare Committee Easter Raffle

Thank You to all who purchased tickets for the Welfare Committee Raffle. The winners are:

1st Prize - Kylie

2nd Prize - Jacob Cooper & Hope English

Welfare Committee Mother’s Day Raffle

The welfare committee is running a Mother’s Day Raffle

Tickets are $2 each

Drawn Friday 11th May 2018

Be Connected Program

Gunther Village is running a program called Be Connected.

Be Connected is a new Australian Government program aimed at increasing the

confidence, skills and online safety of older Australians when they use the internet.

For more information on Be Connected,

please contact Sandra Duncan on (07) 4161 3699

You can also visit the website:

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Happy Birthday to the following


Resident Birthdays

May & June


Ken R Betty Ellen Jean

Ross K Doris Gloria


Elva Jack

Stanley M Linda

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The Gallery

Stan, John & Jack making damper during the Billie Tea & Damper Men’s Morning Tea

Gunther Village’s new friend Paro. Paro is an interactive robot developed by Japanese industrial automation pioneer AIST. Paro is in

his second month of brightening lives here at Gunther Village

David touring the Pavilion at the local show

George making some delicious damper

Alan, May, Jack & Betty enjoy the Hawaiian Themed Dinner Party

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The Gallery Continued

Local Artist Margarete, displayed some of her artwork for the Indigenous cultural dinner recently

Zayne Ratcliffe, Kathy Ratcliffe, Kaiden Ratcliffe and Jesse George were invited to the Indigenous cultural

dinner Avid gardener Jack helping May & Ellen

plant some seedlings for the newly formed Gunther Gardening Club

Philip also planting some seedlings

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In Loving Memory of

Lena Kane

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Issue 2 - March/April 2018 Page 7 of 9

Hi everyone, We kicked March off with a very special occasion Lena Kane’s 100th Birthday Party, Lena celebrated with family friends and staff at Gunther Village. Lena received well wishes from the Queen and many more. Our Kingaroy shopping trip was a hit, residents had a lovely day out and about shopping together. Gunther Groovers have got back into the “groove” choir practice is every Wednesday held in the Burnett Wing lounge area. Gunther Groovers performed three songs at happy hour, which got the crowd singing along and toe tapping. We are practising some songs for our next performance for Mother’s Day. The resident and relative meeting was on the 26th March, thanks to all who attended. We have extended our help in the community by continuing to do meals on wheels. Gunther Gumnuts Playgroup is held on a Wednesday Morning a lovely Morning to catch up sit down relax and watch the Children Play. Our chair exercises on a Saturday morning are a success, enjoyed by all who attend. Music with Jack had us all in the swing, a great Morning had by all. We went to Mundubbera train park and sat by the train which overlooked the Burnett River. We took the scenic drive to Mundubbera and a resident requested we go for a drive down the main street on the way home, as we done this she proudly told us about her home town over the microphone on the bus. As we drove along, other residents were excited to share with each other where they once lived, it was a lovely outing. Easter then bounced upon us, leaving all of the residents with a basket full of chocolate’s, which they were thankful for. We would also like to welcome Kathryn McDonald she is an Occupational Therapist. Welcome Kathryn!! Alongside Kathryn we have introduced Thera-band exercises to residents who wish to participate. We have also set up a shuffle board which is in the hub it was a hit with everyone that played. You may notice next time you go through the hub we have a beautiful lounge area around the fireplace, as the cooler months approach us we are excited to light up the fireplace. We also have some tables in place with a deck of cards on them, feel free to have a game. We have now got a Garden Club and will hold meetings each month. Meeting up weekly and working our way around the gardens. We have had the Gayndah Show it was a lovely day had by all. Thank you to all the volunteers who came and helped make this a memorable experience for the Residents. We shared the Show experience with all residents by offering Dagwood dogs or waffles even if they didn’t feel like or were unable to attend, this way a part of the show was brought home to them. This was initiated by our new Facility Manager Vicki Boyd. The Men’s Shed was the place to be, a lot of laughs had by them some stories shared and all other Men’s Business. We also held an Aboriginal Cultural Dinner Party on the 20th April, we had a guest speaker Kathy Ratcliffe thank you for coming in to speak to us and share your culture with us, it was a lovely night. Any residents who did not wish to or were unable to attend still got the experience and had the same dinner in their wings. This was also initiated by The Facility Manager Vicki Boyd. Residents who wished to attended the Anzac Day service at the memorial went down, it was an honour to us all to be a part of that. We have had a game of rock ‘n’ roll bowls, which was a great success, we have a championship bowl while listening to 1950’s rock ‘n’ roll. There is so much competition and also so much fun we laughed, clapped, cheered and danced along to the music, a great time had by all. Upcoming events we have in May include Having a Sun Downers Happy Hour, which we will go on the Bus to Mundubbera where we will sit relax, have some beverages have some music and a singalong and watch the Sun go down together. We will be going to Margaret Thompson’s place for morning tea in Biggenden and have entertainment from her Husband Ronnie singing and playing his guitar. We will also be going out to have morning tea at Kay Wharton's place. We will be having a Movie Marathon, going to the Grand Hotel for a drink together, Going to Bundaberg Zoo, visiting the Art Gallery, Visiting Fraser Coast Wildlife in Maryborough, visits from the School Children, Music with Jack, Music with Edith, Mothers Day Celebration, Australia’s Biggest Cup of Tea, Men’s Shed, Resident and Relatives Meeting on the 28th of May. I hope you have all enjoyed catching up with what’s going on. Take Care and keep Smiling.

The Lifestyle Team

Lifestyle News

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Jelly Slice - By Ivy Sharps

What’s Cooking!


Base: 1x pkt Nice Biscuits

6oz. Butter

Filling: Tin of Condensed Milk

2 x Lemons 4 Tsp Gelatine

3/4 Cup Boiling Water

Topping: 1x pkt Raspberry Jelly crystals

1 & 1/2 cups Boiling Water


Base: Mix 1 pkt Nice Biscuits and 6 oz. melted butter and press into slice tin and set in fridge

Filling: Mix 1 x tin of condensed milk, juice of 2 lemons, 4 tsp gelatine dissolved in 3/4 cup of boiling water. Mix altogether until smooth - cool. Pour over crumb base & set in fridge.

Topping: 1 pkt Raspberry Jelly Crystals, dissolved in 1 1/2 cups of boiling water. Let cool and pour over slice. Set in fridge

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Gunther Village

Comments, Compliments & Concerns

As part of our commitment to Continuous Quality Improvement, we genuinely value your ideas and suggestions. Whether you have a concern you would like to raise, make a suggestion that may improve services or simply acknowledge the good things we do, we encourage you to tell us. I am very aware that due to the fact that we promote a culture of open and transparent communication, many suggestions or issues raised, are done so verbally. However, it is important that we have options and that there is a system that enables people to put something forward anonymously, should they wish to do so. (keeping in mind that this will prohibit feedback at a personal level)


Vicki Boyd Facility Manager

Comment Compliment Concern






Name: ………………………………………………….. Date: …………………………………………..


In line with our policy, we are committed to providing feedback in relation to issues raised within 10 working days, however please do not hesitate to contact me if further information is required, following reply.




Signed: …………………………. Date: ………………………………..

Please attention completed forms to – Facility Manager, Gunther Village P.O. Box 134 GAYNDAH, 4625

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