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Youtility: How We Look At ContentTen Things Content Marketers Get WrongContent Marketing Operations2Overview


Why Smart Marketing is About Help not Hype

The difference between helping and selling is just 2 letters



Youtility is marketing so useful, people would pay for it


friend of mine

Be a farmer, not just a hunter

@jaybaerYoutility is Required

You are competing for attention against everything

Friend of mine awareness is replacing top of mind awareness

If you create Youtility, your customers will keep you close

Do you have the courage to create Youtility?

3 types of Youtility

1. Self-Serve Information


By year-end 2015, mobile will represent 70% of total US searches.

If you make a bad decision now, youre just lazy

In 2012, 72% of Internet users looked online for health information.

Pew Internet, 2012



Average new customer reads 105 pages

Relationships are created with data and information, not just people

If you teach better, you sell more

2. Radical Transparency

Trust is the prism through which all business success must pass

3. Real-Time Relevancy


Jay Baer (JB) -

Give yourself permission to make the story bigger

Marketing Sideways transcends the transaction

How to create Youtility

What Do They Need?

We are surrounded by data, but starved for insights

How Can You Address That Need?

Atomize your Youtility

Market Your Marketing

Youtility is a Process Not a Project

Inspiration doesnt respond to meeting requests

Ask yourself every day

Is your marketing so useful, people would pay for it?



I don't know about you, but for me it sometimes feels like marketing has changed more in the past five years than in the 20 years before that. Of course, there are many, many new ways to communicate and interact with customers and prospects. Social media and all of its permutations. Marketing automation, which has really ramped up in the past few years. And certainly, the importance of mobile. But even more than those developments, something bigger and more fundamental has happened. A shift that has revolutionized how we communicate to prospects and customers. And a shift that is changing the very nature of marketing and sales, and how they work together. And that shift is content marketing and its impact on customer experience.

Not Knowing Your Audience#1

I don't know about you, but for me it sometimes feels like marketing has changed more in the past five years than in the 20 years before that. Of course, there are many, many new ways to communicate and interact with customers and prospects. Social media and all of its permutations. Marketing automation, which has really ramped up in the past few years. And certainly, the importance of mobile. But even more than those developments, something bigger and more fundamental has happened. A shift that has revolutionized how we communicate to prospects and customers. And a shift that is changing the very nature of marketing and sales, and how they work together. And that shift is content marketing and its impact on customer experience.

70% of B2B marketers are creating more content in 2015.


According to the Content Marketing Institute, 70% of B2B marketers say they are creating more content in 2015 than they have in the past. That's probably true for many of you as well. First, a show of hands: How many of you are in marketing (hands). Great, welcome! Now how many of you are in sales are some other non-marketing role? (hands) Fantastic. Thanks for joining us today. For you marketers, show of hands, how many of you are creating more content now than you used to? There you go. The trend holds true here as well.

70%Create Content Marketing38%Say Its EffectiveYet Only


But heres the interesting thing about B2B content marketing. 70% of companies are creating more content than ever, but only 38% of them and perhaps you say that content marketing is clearly effective. And thats what were going to work on today.understanding how to create content that makes a difference in your business.

No About Page#2

I don't know about you, but for me it sometimes feels like marketing has changed more in the past five years than in the 20 years before that. Of course, there are many, many new ways to communicate and interact with customers and prospects. Social media and all of its permutations. Marketing automation, which has really ramped up in the past few years. And certainly, the importance of mobile. But even more than those developments, something bigger and more fundamental has happened. A shift that has revolutionized how we communicate to prospects and customers. And a shift that is changing the very nature of marketing and sales, and how they work together. And that shift is content marketing and its impact on customer experience.

Not Promoting Your Contenton Social#3

I don't know about you, but for me it sometimes feels like marketing has changed more in the past five years than in the 20 years before that. Of course, there are many, many new ways to communicate and interact with customers and prospects. Social media and all of its permutations. Marketing automation, which has really ramped up in the past few years. And certainly, the importance of mobile. But even more than those developments, something bigger and more fundamental has happened. A shift that has revolutionized how we communicate to prospects and customers. And a shift that is changing the very nature of marketing and sales, and how they work together. And that shift is content marketing and its impact on customer experience.

Content is fire, social media is gasoline

Use social to promote Youtility first, company second

Useful articles are forwarded 30% more often than average.

Contagious, 2013

Social media wasnt intended to be the worlds shortest press release

Not Sharing Personal Stories#4

I don't know about you, but for me it sometimes feels like marketing has changed more in the past five years than in the 20 years before that. Of course, there are many, many new ways to communicate and interact with customers and prospects. Social media and all of its permutations. Marketing automation, which has really ramped up in the past few years. And certainly, the importance of mobile. But even more than those developments, something bigger and more fundamental has happened. A shift that has revolutionized how we communicate to prospects and customers. And a shift that is changing the very nature of marketing and sales, and how they work together. And that shift is content marketing and its impact on customer experience.

The difference between heres what I learned and this is what this is

Poor Editing & Typos#5

I don't know about you, but for me it sometimes feels like marketing has changed more in the past five years than in the 20 years before that. Of course, there are many, many new ways to communicate and interact with customers and prospects. Social media and all of its permutations. Marketing automation, which has really ramped up in the past few years. And certainly, the importance of mobile. But even more than those developments, something bigger and more fundamental has happened. A shift that has revolutionized how we communicate to prospects and customers. And a shift that is changing the very nature of marketing and sales, and how they work together. And that shift is content marketing and its impact on customer experience.

True for video