containers and hpc

Containers and HPC Olli-Pekka Lehto (@ople) Services for Research Work Together Days Dec 17 th 2015

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Page 1: Containers and HPC

Containers and HPC

Olli-Pekka Lehto (@ople)Services for Research Work Together Days

Dec 17th 2015

Page 2: Containers and HPC

Making It Easy to Do Custom HPC Environments

Or rather..

Olli-Pekka Lehto (@ople)Services for Research Work Together Days

Dec 17th 2015

Page 3: Containers and HPC

What is Docker?

• Helps to manage and run applications with complex dependencies quickly and efficiently

• Management framework for Linux Containers• Containers:– Instances isolated within a namespace– Kernel shared with host OS– Resources guaranteed using Linux cgroups

• Grown into a complete ecosystem– docker-swarm, docker-machine, docker-compose…

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What is Docker?

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Docker Adoption is Rapid

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Interest in HPC is growing

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Why Docker

• Fast initialization (10-1000x vs VMs)• Small memory overhead • Efficient disk usage• Bare-metal access to devices• Built-in version control and repository support– Simple sharing of containers

• Simple launch mechanism– Can be run within batch job queue system

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Bare-metal HPCCloud HPC


User-built CSC-compatibleapps



Non-SLURM batch queue system


“I need/want Root”VM image app

Web Servers

Preservation of SW stackSecure access

Complex stack

Current Choices for HPC Workloads

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Cloud HPC Container HPC Bare-metal HPC


User-built CSC-compatibleapps



Non-SLURM batch queue system


“I need/want Root”VM image app

Secure access

Web Servers

Preservation of SW stack

Complex stack

Containerized app

Future Choices for HPC Workloads

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Example Case

“My HPC application needs Ubuntu”• Alternative 1: Adapt the application

– Takes time and work– May not be possible with ISV codes

• Alternative 2: Run it in the cloud– You may get to play cluster admin! – Scheduling is limited in OpenStack (no backfill etc.)– Running a short job has large initialization overhead– Performance penalties

• Alternative 3: Run it in a container– No need to touch the application– Nearly as easy to run as a normal job– Very little overhead– Can use the normal batch job scheduler

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Challenges for HPC Use

• Security model is problematic – Initially designed for server environments

• Only trusted users have shell access to server– Containers launched as root – Access to bare metal & device drivers

• Requires an overlay FS & kernel modules– Relatively new Linux OS version needed

• Daemon must run on every compute node• Low-level driver compatibility?– GPU, InfiniBand, Lustre

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• Alternative to Docker daemon– Adapts containers to HPC use• Repacks into a new filesystem (squashfs)

– Integrates with batch job queue systems• No need to run a daemon on compute nodes

• Developed by NERSC for Cori (Cray XC40)– Pre-release version available– Cray is productizing it

• Parallel jobs? Driver issues?

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Next Steps / Ideas

• Piloting Shifter in 2016– Sisu, Taito, Taito-shell• Custom interactive containers in taito-shell

• Containerized CSC compute environment?– Customers could run on their own laptops,

workstations and/or clusters– Starting point for users’ own customizations– Having our environment in config management

would make it easier

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EasyBuild + Docker?

• Dockerfile can be used to define a container– Simple flat file with a script-like syntax– Specific to Docker

• Using EasyBuild with Docker?– Target also VMs or bare-metal with same config– Update portions of the stack easily– Manage dependencies– Leverage the rich set of EasyBuild configs– Which way to do it?

• Using EasyBuild in a container or• Building containers with EasyBuild?