cont 012

SMOKED HADDOCK IN CREAM SAUCE Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 20 - 25 minutes 750 gms 4 pieces Smoked Haddock 220 gms Canned Mushrooms, drained 250 ml Milk dash of seasoned Pepper 1/2 tsp. Grated Nutmeg 1 tbs. Flour  125 ml Cream In a large pan place the haddock, mushrooms , milk, pepper, nutmeg and bring to boil, cover and simmer gently for 15 min. Carefully remove fish and keep hot. Blend the flour with a little milk and add this to the liquid. Stir until boiling, remov e from heat and fold in the cream, heat but do not boil. Our cream sauce over fish at serving.

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Serves: 4

Cooking Time: 20 - 25 minutes

750 gms 4 pieces Smoked Haddock

220 gms Canned Mushrooms, drained

250 ml Milk

dash of seasoned Pepper 

1/2 tsp. Grated Nutmeg

1 tbs. Flour  

125 ml Cream

In a large pan place the haddock, mushrooms, milk, pepper, nutmeg and bring to boil, cover and

simmer gently for 15 min. Carefully remove fish and keep hot. Blend the flour with a little milk and add

this to the liquid. Stir until boiling, remove from heat and fold in the cream, heat but do not boil.

Our cream sauce over fish at serving.

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Serves: 4 - 6

Cooking Time: 15 - 20 minutes

250 gms Scallops

24 Mussels

250 gms shelled and deveined Prawns

250 gms Fish Fillets cut into small pieces

80 gms Butter  

1 tbs. Flour  

Salt and Pepper 

250 ml Cream

Cooked Rice

Scrub mussels under running water and steam in pan with 1 cup water for 5 - 6 min to open, remove

the shells and beard.

Melt butter in a pan, add scallops, mussels, prawns, fish and cook for 4 - 5 min, sprinkle with flour, salt

and pepper and cook gently, stirring for 4 - 5 min. Fold in cream and cook, stirring constantly, until

sauce is smooth. Serve with rice.

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Serves: 4 - 6

Cooking Time: 45 - 50 mins

Oven: 200 ° C

500 gms Fish Fillets

65 ml White Wine

80 gms Butter  

1 medium Onion, chopped finely

2 Shallots, chopped finely

125 gms Mushrooms, sliced

2 tsp. Saffron

1 cup Cooked Rice

2 hard boiled Eggs, chopped

125 gms Fish Roe

375 gms Frozen Puff Pastry, thawed

1 Egg, beaten with a little water  


In a pan lightly poach fish fillets in wine for 5 mins, drain fish, flake and set aside, reserve the liquid.

Melt 1 tbs. butter in a pan, add onion and shallots and sauté until transparent, remove and set aside.

 Add 1 tbs. butter to pan juices, add mushrooms and cook gently for 5 mins, remove and set aside. Melt

remaining butter in a pan, stir in saffron and rice, heat and stir to coat rice with saffron butter, remove

from heat and set aside.

Grease a glass or plastic loaf pan, place half the saffron rice on the base in a layer, cover with a layer 

of half the onions and shallots, then add half the mushrooms, then add half the boiled eggs. Spread all

the fish in a layer, place roe down the centre of the fish. Cover the fish in order with layers of remaining

eggs, mushrooms, onions and shallots, and lastly the saffron rice. Pour reserved liquid over the top.

Refrigerate for at least 3 hours.

Roll out pastry to 1 cm thickness, turn out terrine carefully into centre and wrap pastry around, press

edges firmly together, do not overlap pastry too thickly. Place in a greased baking dish, brush with

beaten egg and cook in hot oven for 20 to 25 mins until golden brown. Serve pastry wrapped fish

sliced thickly, garnished with watercress.

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Serves: 6 - 8

Cooking Time: 45 - 50 mins

Oven: 190° C

750 gms Fish Fillets

125 ml White Wine

salt and seasoned pepper 

1 Bayleaf  

20 gms Butter  

1 tbs. Flour  

185 ml Milk

2 Eggs, beaten

2 tbs. Grated Cheese


1 cup plain Flour  

1 tsp. Salt

dash of Pepper 

60 gms Butter  

1 Eggyolk

1 tbs. Lemon Juice

20 ml Water  

extra flour 


Sift I cup flour, salt and pepper in a bowl, add butter and rub in well with fingers until mixture is like fine

breadcrumbs. Combine egg, lemon juice and water, add to flour and mix into light dough and allow to

stand for 15 - 20 mins. Roll out pastry on a floured board and line a greased 23 cm pie dish, prick base

and cook in a moderately hot oven for 8 - 10 mins.


Meanwhile, combine wine, salt, seasoned pepper and bayleaf in a pan, add fish and poach for 8 - 10

mins. Remove fish, flake and set aside, strain liquid and boil to reduce to 1/4 cup and reserve.

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Melt butter in a pan, stir in flour and cook 1 -2 mins, gradually stir in milk and bring to boil, stirring

constantly, and cook until thick. Stir in reserved liquid, remove from heat and fold in

eggs and fish. Turn into pastry case and sprinkle with cheese. Cook in a moderately hot oven for 25 -

30 mins.Serve hot or cold.

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Serves: 4

Cooking Time: 30 - 40 mins

750 gms Herrings, without heads

8 Anchovies, chopped

1 small Onion, chopped

1/2 tsp. Salt

3 tbs. Tomato paste

3 tbs. Flour  

65 ml Milk

4 tbs. Dry Breadcrumbs

60 gms Butter  

65 ml White Wine

65 ml Cream

Chopped Parsley

Rinse fish with water and pat dry. Combine anchovies, onion, salt and 1 tbs. tomato paste and press

into the cavity of each fish. Dust fish with flour, dip in milk and roll in breadcrumbs.

Heat 2 tbs. butter in a flameproof casserole, add fish and brown on all sides. Remove fish and set

aside. To pan juices add remaining 1 tbs. butter and heat, stir in leftover flour and cook 1 - 2 mins. Stir 

in remaining tomato paste and wine. Cook, stirring constantly, until smooth and thick. Fold in cream

and return fish. Cover and simmer gently for 15 mins.

Serve sprinkled with parsley.

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Serves: 4

Cooking Time: 25 - 30 mins

500 gms shelled and deveined Prawns

1 tbs. Vindaloo Paste

1 tsp. Salt

2 tbs. Vinegar  

2 tbs. Oil

1 large Onion, finely chopped

250 gms Tomatoes, peeled and chopped

125 ml Sour Cream

Boiled rice

Chopped parsley

In a bowl combine Vindaloo paste with salt and vinegar and mix thoroughly, add prawns and stir to

coat and let stand to marinate for 1 1/2 hours, stirring occasionally.

Heat oil in a pan, add onions and sauté until golden brown, add tomatoes and cook for 5 - 6 mins. Add

prawns and marinade and cook, stirring constantly, for 2 - 3 mins. Reduce heat, cover and simmer 

gently for 15 mins. Fold in sour cream and heat, but do not boil.

Serve prawn curry over boiled rice sprinkled with parsley.

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Serves: 4

Cooking Time: 20 mins

Oven: 200° C

750 gms cooked Lobster  

1/2 cup soft Breadcrumbs

1 small Onion, finely chopped

2 tsp. chopped Parsley

Salt and pepper 

1 tsp. Mixed Herbs

65 ml White Wine

2 tbs. Mayonnaise

375 gms Frozen Puff Pastry, thawed

1 Eggyolk, beaten

Lettuce leaves

Split lobster in half and remove flesh from body and claws and cut into bite size pieces. Combine

breadcrumbs, onions, parsley, salt, pepper, mixed herbs and wine in a bowl and mix to make


Divide pastry into 4 equal portions and roll out. On each portion place 1/4 of the seasoning and 1/4 of 

the lobster and spoon over 1/4 of the mayonnaise. Wrap the pastry around the filling and tuck in the

ends and seal, place on a greased baking tray and brush with egg. Cook in a hot oven for 20 mins until

golden brown.

Serve hot or cold with lettuce leaves and Tartare sauce.

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Serves: 4

No Cooking

2 x 440 gms cans Salmon, drained and flaked

1 envelope Gelatine

65 ml White Wine

65 ml boiling water  

1/4 cup Mayonnaise

1 tbs. Lemon Juice

1 tbs. minced Onions

Dash of Tabasco

Dash of Paprika

Salt and pepper 

125 ml Cream

1 Dill pickle, finely chopped

Pour wine in bowl, sprinkle gelatine on top and let stand 5 mins to soften. Add boiling water and stir 

until gelatine is dissolved, then cool. Stir in mayonnaise, lemon juice, onion, Tabasco sauce, paprika,

salt and pepper and mix thoroughly, chill for 15 - 20 mins.

Blend salmon with half the cream to a puree. Beat the remaining cream until stiff and fold into salmon

puree, add dill pickle and stir. Fold salmon puree into gelatine mixture and stir. Spoon salmon mousse

into greased moulds and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Turn mousse out onto a platter and serve with

a salad.

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Serves: 4

Cooking Time: 25 - 30 mins

750 gms 4 Cod Steaks

2 tbs. Oil

1 medium Onion, chopped

1 clove Garlic, crushed

500 gms Zucchini, sliced

500 gms Tomatoes, chopped

1 Green Pepper, deseeded and thinly sliced

Salt and pepper 

Juice of 1 lemon

125 ml White Wine

Heat oil in a pan, add onions, garlic, zucchini, tomatoes, green pepper, salt and pepper and cook,

stirring gently, for 5 - 6 mins. Add fish, sprinkle with lemon juice and wine. Cover tightly and simmer 

gently for 15 - 20 mins.

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Serves: 4

Cooking Time: 15 - 20 mins

750 gms Green prawns, shelled and deveined

60 gms Butter  

1 medium Onion, minced

3 cloves Garlic, crushed

Salt and pepper 

Chopped Parsley

125 ml Vermouth

Melt butter in a pan, add onions and garlic and sauté until golden, stir in salt, pepper and parsley and

add prawns. Cook, stirring, until prawns are pink, 6 -7 mins, stir in vermouth and simmer 3 -4 mins.

Serve bubbly hot.

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Serves: 4

Cooking Time: 10 -12 mins

1 kg Prawns, shelled and deveined

1/2 tsp. prepared hot Mustard

Dash of Cayenne Pepper 

1/2 cup Tomato Sauce

2 tsp. Worster Sauce

1 tbs. Lemon Juice

125 ml Water  

1 tbs. Cornflour  

Boiled rice

Chopped Parsley

Combine mustard, cayenne, tomato and Worcester sauces, lemon juice and water in a pan and bring

to boil, stirring. Mix cornflour with a little water and stir into sauce to thicken and simmer 1 -2 mins, add

prawns, cover and simmer very gently for 4 -5 mins.

Serve over hot rice and sprinkle parsley.

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Serves: 4

Cooking Time: 30 mins

Oven: 180° C

450 gms can Pink Salmon, drained and flaked

1 large Onion, finely chopped

2 Eggs

1 1/2 cups Soft Breadcrumbs

450 gms can Celery Soup

Salt and pepper 

1 tbs. Chopped Parsley

40 ml White Wine

20 gms Butter  

Combine salmon in a bowl with onions, eggs and breadcrumbs, stir in celery soup, salt, pepper,

parsley and wine.

Grease a loaf tin and add mixture, pressing lightly to firm, dot with butter and cook in a moderate oven

for 30 mins.

Serve hot or cold.

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Serves: 4

Cooking Time: 35 - 40 mins

Oven: 180° C

450 gms can Tuna, drained and flaked

60 gms Butter  

1 medium Onion, finely chopped

375 gms can Celery Soup

125 ml White Wine

65 ml Lemon Juice

Salt and pepper 

2 cups cooked and mashed Potatoes

Melt half the butter in a pan, add onions and sauté until soft. In a pan combine tuna with celery soup,

wine, lemon juice, salt and pepper, add cooked onions and pan juices and mix thoroughly. Turn into a

greased ovenproof casserole dish and cover with mashed potatoes. Dot with remaining butter and

cook in a moderate oven for 30 mins until golden brown.

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Serves: 4

Cooking Time: 20 - 25 mins

750 gms Fillets of Ocean Perch


Salt and pepper 

Oil for frying

40 gms Butter or Margarine

1 large Onion, chopped

1 clove Garlic, crushed

1 large Tomato, peeled and chopped

1 tbs. chopped Parsley

Dredge fish fillets in flour seasoned with salt and pepper. Heat oil in a pan, add fish and cook until

golden brown, remove fish and keep hot.

Melt butter in a pan, add onions and sauté until transparent, add garlic, tomato, salt, pepper and

parsley and cook, stirring, for 5 mins. Cover and simmer gently for 10 mins, then briskly.

Serve over fillets of ocean perch.

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Serves: 4

Cooking Time: 15 - 20 mins

750 gms Fillets of Mullets

4 tbs. Lemon Juice


Salt and pepper 

60 gms Butter  

2 tbs. Caper, chopped

1 tbs. chopped Parsley

Brush fish fillets with half the lemon juice and dust with flour seasoned with salt and pepper. Melt 2 tbs.

butter in a pan, add fish and cook until golden brown all over, remove fish and keep warm.

To pan juices add remaining 1 tbs. butter and heat, add capers, parsley and remaining lemon juice,

cook over gentle heat for 3 mins.

Serve lemon caper sauce over fish fillets.

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Serves: 6

Cooking Time: 15 mins

1 kg fillets of Silver Dory

60 gms Butter  

4 Shallots, finely chopped

1 clove Garlic, crushed

2 Oranges

65 ml Salad Oil

3 tbs. Tarragon Vinegar  

Salt and pepper 

1 small Green Capsicum, deseeded and finely sliced

2 Bayleaves

1 tbs. chopped Parsley

Melt butter in a pan, add fish, cover and simmer gently for 8 - 10 mins. Remove fish and arrange in a

glass dish. To pan juices add shallots and garlic and sauté until shallots are soft, then set aside.

Remove rind from oranges in strips and squeeze the juice.

In a blender combine orange juice, salad oil, vinegar, salt and pepper and blend 2 - 3 mins, pour into

pan with shallots and garlic, stir and heat, add orange rind, capsicum, bay leaves and parsley. Stir and

spoon over fish. Cover tightly and refrigerate for 12 hours, or overnight, basting the fish with liquid


Discard the bayleaf and serve fish cold with salad.

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Serves: 4

Cooking Time: 15 - 20 mins

225 gms can Whole Oysters, drained

60 gms Butter  

3 tbs. Flour  

500 ml concentrated Fish Stock

250 ml Milk

Salt and pepper 

185 ml Cream

2 tspns Chopped Chives


Chopped parsley

Melt butter in a pan, stir in flour, salt and pepper and cook, stirring, until bubbly. Remove pan from heat

and gradually stir in fish stock and milk. Return to heat and bring to boil, stirring constantly, until thick

and smooth. Fold in oysters, cream, chives and heat, but do not boil.

Serve soup sprinkled with paprika and chives.

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Serves: 4

Cooking Time: 10 mins

Frozen fish fingers for 4 persons

20 gms Butter  

1 small Onion, minced

1 tbs. Cornflour  

250 ml Milk

2 tbs. Mayonnaise

2 tspns Capers, minced

1 tbs. chopped Parsley

Salt and pepper 

Heat fish fingers as directed on package. Melt butter in a pan; add onion and sauté until soft, stir in

cornflour until smooth. Gradually stir in milk and bring to boil, stirring constantly, and simmer until thick

and smooth. Fold in mayonnaise, capers, parsley, salt and pepper and heat.

Serve hot Tartare sauce over fish fingers.

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Serves: 4

Cooking Time: 6 - 8 mins

24 Oysters on shell for 4 persons

Salt and pepper 

4 slices lean Bacon, finely chopped

4 tbs. Worster Sauce

Chopped parsley

 Arrange oyster shells on a grill tray, sprinkle each oyster with salt and pepper, 1/2 tsp. of chopped

bacon and 1/2 tsp. of Worster sauce. Place tray under hot grill and cook until bacon is crisp.

Serve oysters sprinkled with parsley.