consumerizacao e byod: grande desafio para ti

© 2012 IBM Corporation Cezar Taurion Executivo de Novas Tecnologias/Technical Evangelist Consumerização e BYOD Como enfrentar esta mudança de paradigma em TI IM AR

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O fenômeno da consumerização e a politica de BYOD traz beneficos significativos para as empresas, mas cria um grande desafio para TI. A resposta não é impedir nem deixar correr solto, mas mudar o mind-set de TI.


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© 2012 IBM Corporation

Cezar Taurion

Executivo de Novas Tecnologias/Technical Evangelist

Consumerização e BYODComo enfrentar esta mudança de paradigma em TI


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Vivemos uma rápida evolução da internet


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The Mobile Computing gold rush is in full swing. The “train has left the station”


“Between 2010 and 2015, the global installed base of smartphones will increase at a compound annual

growth rate (CAGR) of 33 percent. The tablet market will move even faster, achieving a CAGR of 81

percent during the same period. Along with this incredible explosion of devices, network capacity,

applications, video, mobile transactions and M2M deployments will grow to match global demand” – Yankee


“By 2015, more U.S. Internet users will access the Internet through mobile devices than through PCs” – IDC

“ Global mobile subscriptions will reach over six billion by

the end of this year and the Asia-Pacific region will

account for more than half of the worldwide figure in 2011”

– ABI Research

Evidence of Market Growth

“ Demand for tablets in Asia-Pacific will increase by 95 percent in 2012, outstripping equivalent shipments in North America or Europe.” – Gartner

“In 2012, mobile workers and consumers will embrace

tablets, mobile content, mobile video and personal cloud

services at unprecedented levels..” – Yankee Group


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Mobile innovation is slated to be the next big wave in computing


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Consumerization of IT – New paradigm

Company acquisition

User acquisition

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Consumerization of IT – Trend Overview


Drivers • consumer mobile computing

• consumer social media

• remote and mobile workforce

• rise of corporate social business

Challenges• CIOs must be flexible and provide new ways for employees to access corporate applications from their own personal devices.

• Have to support different devices, platforms, carriers and countries

• Secure access to corporate data

Implications• IT departments have to accommodate more and more demands placed upon their services while keeping

corporate systems secure• The line between business and person continues to blur

• Consumerization is a major, transformational trend with significant impact on business processes business

and IT services market

“By 2016, more than 900 million tablets will be in the hands of users. As more consumers buy them, they then

tend to bring them to the workplace and use them for their jobs – often led by executives” – Gartner

“Consumerization … describes the trend for new information technology to emerge first in the

consumer market and then spread into business organizations, resulting in the convergence of the IT

and consumer electronics industries, and a shift in IT innovation from large businesses to the home” –Wikipedia


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O fenômeno da consumerização


“Employees are behaving more like consumers, demanding a

wider choice of devices, exploiting consumer devices and

applications from app stores, and adopting new strategies such as “bring your own” IT. As a result, the distinctions between a

person's role as an employee and as a consumer are more

blurred than ever. ” – Gartner

“You can blame the iPhone,, and Facebook,

but the truth is that business itself has driven the shift to

employee-directed tech” – InfoWorld

“The consumerization of IT—the influence that personal devices,

the app store paradigm, gaming, social tools and more have on

the expectations of employees and customers for workplace

tools and innovation—is on a trajectory of blazing growth.'” – IDG

Press Release

It’s more than “Bring Your Own Device”


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The Consumerization trend is disruptive for IT departments, causing them to have to respond with new strategies to meet demand


“Consumerization is now the primary driver of the

mobile universe, and CIOs must be ready to embrace a

range of more-flexible approaches to their mobile

strategy” – Gartner

“Security Minefield: 'Bring Your Own Device' Will

Bedevil IT Security in 2012” –

“CIOs globally are faced with the unprecedented

challenge of an explosion of popular devices and applications in their enterprises that they are struggling

to control from a technological, policy, and cultural

perspective” – IDC



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Explosão da Mobilidade no ambiente corporativo

“By 2013, mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common Web access device worldwide”

Source: Gartner Highlights Key Predictions for IT Organizations and Users in 2010 and Beyond

Researchers reported that time spent on apps

began to outpace time spent on the desktop or

mobile Web

Researchers reported that time spent on apps

began to outpace time spent on the desktop or

mobile Web

BY 2015 mobile application development projects

targeting smartphones/tablets will outnumber

native PC projects by a ratio of 4-1

BY 2015 mobile application development projects

targeting smartphones/tablets will outnumber

native PC projects by a ratio of 4-1

The market for mobile application development services, which includes things like app creation, management, distribution and extension will grow to US$ 100 billion by 2015.

The market for mobile application development services, which includes things like app creation, management, distribution and extension will grow to US$ 100 billion by 2015.


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While mobile apps initially had a consumer focus, with wide adoption of mobile devices by enterprises, enterprise mobility has gainedprominence

• One in five phones sold is a smart phone. Businesses are connecting with employees and customers

• 43% of businesses report plans to incorporate more mobility in the future

• iPhone is being deployed or tested at 80% of Fortune 500 companies

• iPad is being deployed or used in 65% of Fortune 500 companies





corporate workers will be using mobile technology

of the workforce consuming information through smartphones and tablets

of companies mobilizing supply chain processes

of business decision makers agree mobility is key to success

Excerpts from SAP Sapphire 2011 event


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Mobile Computing vai impactar processos de negócio, demandando novas aplicações específicas para explorar a potencialidade dos smartphones/tablets


“Mobile business is the number one IT issue pre-occupying the minds of IT

professionals in Asia/Pacific, according to IDC's CIO Innovation Survey

2011. ” – IDC

“Second generation mobile strategies differ considerably from those of the first generation. They must be multichannel, part of your holistic digital

strategy, and include innovative mobile-only capabilities.” – Gartner

IBM 2011 Tech Trends Report

“By 2015, mobile Web technologies will have advanced sufficiently, so that

half the applications that would be written as native apps in 2011 will instead be delivered as Web apps. ” – Gartner

New Strategies / Solutions Needed


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Mobility looks to be the next competitive frontier for technology


Percent of respondents who identify as a market leader

Source: Gartner- The 2012 CIO Agenda, February 2012

Mobility by Industry


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Firms cite increased worker productivity as a top benefit of mobility


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Mobility is top priority for CIOs with budget expected to increase


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6.3%We plan to invest more in mobiletechnologies in the next 12-18months (51.4%)

We plan to invest the same in mobiletechnologies in the next 12-18months (27.0%)

We plan to invest less in mobiletechnologies in the next 12-18months (15.3%)

Don’t Know (6.3%)

Source: IDC- The State of Mobile Enterprise Software in 2011, September 2011

To leverage mobile technology benefits, 51% of organizations that have already invested in mobile technology are planning to invest more

Planned Investments


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Disrupção à frente!


Web 3.0 (Cloud, Mobile, Social)

1964 2008200319941981


Client Server/PC

Mobile Devices (Smartphones,

Tablets, etc)

Volume de dados coletados e armazenados

Evolução das plataformas computacionais

Fases da Internet




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Case study: IBM


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BYOD: Lessons Learned

� Deciding on a BYOD strategy: A new contract between IT and users (risk and responsibility, funding and reimbursement)

� Create a BYOD policy developed in conjunction with legal and HR

� Create guidelines on who is eligible or not: grouping employees and defining support and access for each

� Adjustments to service levels

� Service desk training

� Employee education

� List of acceptable devices

� Costs to consider (new technologies, international usage fees, taxation…)

� Structured approach to planning, piloting, executing and reviewing BYOD plans

� Proof of concept before implementation


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BYOD: Lessons Learned

� Deciding on a BYOD strategy: A new contract between IT and users (risk and responsibility, funding and reimbursement)

� Create a BYOD policy developed in conjunction with legal and HR

� Create guidelines on who is eligible or not: grouping employees and defining support and access for each

� Adjustments to service levels

� Service desk training

� Employee education

� List of acceptable devices

� Costs to consider (new technologies, international usage fees, taxation…)

� Structured approach to planning, piloting, executing and reviewing BYOD plans

� Proof of concept before implementation


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BYOD: Lessons Learned

� Deciding on a BYOD strategy: A new contract between IT and users (risk and responsibility, funding and reimbursement)

� Create a BYOD policy developed in conjunction with legal and HR

� Create guidelines on who is eligible or not: grouping employees and defining support and access for each

� Adjustments to service levels

� Service desk training

� Employee education

� List of acceptable devices

� Costs to consider (new technologies, international usage fees, taxation…)

� Structured approach to planning, piloting, executing and reviewing BYOD plans

� Proof of concept before implementation


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BYOD: Lessons Learned

� Deciding on a BYOD strategy: A new contract between IT and users (risk and responsibility, funding and reimbursement)

� Create a BYOD policy developed in conjunction with legal and HR

� Create guidelines on who is eligible or not: grouping employees and defining support and access for each

� Adjustments to service levels

� Service desk training

� Employee education

� List of acceptable devices

� Costs to consider (new technologies, international usage fees, taxation…)

� Structured approach to planning, piloting, executing and reviewing BYOD plans

� Proof of concept before implementation


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BYOD: Lessons Learned

� Deciding on a BYOD strategy: A new contract between IT and users (risk and responsibility, funding and reimbursement)

� Create a BYOD policy developed in conjunction with legal and HR

� Create guidelines on who is eligible or not: grouping employees and defining support and access for each

� Adjustments to service levels

� Service desk training

� Employee education

� List of acceptable devices

� Costs to consider (new technologies, international usage fees, taxation…)

� Structured approach to planning, piloting, executing and reviewing BYOD plans

� Proof of concept before implementation


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BYOD: Lessons Learned

� Deciding on a BYOD strategy: A new contract between IT and users (risk and responsibility, funding and reimbursement)

� Create a BYOD policy developed in conjunction with legal and HR

� Create guidelines on who is eligible or not: grouping employees and defining support and access for each

� Adjustments to service levels

� Service desk training

� Employee education

� List of acceptable devices

� Costs to consider (new technologies, international usage fees, taxation…)

� Structured approach to planning, piloting, executing and reviewing BYOD plans

� Proof of concept before implementation


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BYOD: Lessons Learned

� Deciding on a BYOD strategy: A new contract between IT and users (risk and responsibility, funding and reimbursement)

� Create a BYOD policy developed in conjunction with legal and HR

� Create guidelines on who is eligible or not: grouping employees and defining support and access for each

� Adjustments to service levels

� Service desk training

� Employee education

� List of acceptable devices

� Costs to consider (new technologies, international usage fees, taxation…)

� Structured approach to planning, piloting, executing and reviewing BYOD plans

� Proof of concept before implementation


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BYOD: new opportunities, news challenges


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Mobile Enterprise Application Platforms (MEAPs) provide a unified environment to firms working with diverse mobile platforms

• Gartner's Rule of 3: Any organization

that supports either 3 mobile apps, 3

mobile OS’s or is integrating at least 3

back-end data sources should deploy


• By 2012, 95% of organizations will

choose a MEAP as their primary

mobile development platform

The Aberdeen Group has identified

several mobility enablers that produce a

best-in-class strategy at a lower TCO

per mobile employee, all of which are offered by MEAP:

• Support more than one mobile device type and mobile OS

• Support in-house capacity for mobile app development and customization.

• Centrally manage all mobile devices


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Cezar [email protected]/developerworks/blogs/page/ctaurion@ctaurionFacebook, Linkedin, BranchOut