consumer perception for hetch back car segment

 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS RESEARCH REPORT ON PERCEPTION OF FIRST TIME BUYERS OF HATCHBACK CARS BY: Group 11 Abhinav Pandey 13A1HP039 Animesh Raj 13A3HP040 Ravi Gupta 13A1HP105 Abhishek Guha Roy 13A2HP063 Akshat Sinha 13A3HP030 UNDER THE MENTORSHIP OF Dr. Bhaskar Basu 2014  

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taking three hatch back cars ford fiego, hundai i 10, wagon-rconsumer perception regarding theses cars o the basis of some parameters that has been calculated through using FACTOR ANALYSIS.






    BY: Group 11

    Abhinav Pandey 13A1HP039

    Animesh Raj 13A3HP040

    Ravi Gupta 13A1HP105

    Abhishek Guha Roy 13A2HP063

    Akshat Sinha 13A3HP030


    Dr. Bhaskar Basu


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    A hatchback is an automobile such that the boot is integrated with the cabin space. In our research, we have taken three hatchback cars divided into three different segments according to the buying behavior of first time potential buyers.

    A. Maruti Suzuki Wagon RB. Hyundai i10C. Ford Figo


    We have placed Maruti Suzuki Wagon R and Hyundai i10 into the B segment as the B-segment covers above entry level hatchback cars like Alto and TATA nano. These cars perform best during city drives and afford most creature comforts deemed necessary by todays customer. They usually feature 1 to 1.2 liter engines and are priced between 3 to 5 lakh rupees

    Hyundai i10: i10 has been a raging success, taking off from where the Santro left. It is the market benchmark for quality and practicality. It has really strengthened Hyundais position in India.

    Maruti Suzuki Wagon R: The Wagon R has always been hugely popular in India. With its new avatar, a new engine, new interiorsit just got better.

    What drives this segment?

    Dominated by Maruti, with 4 offerings in the segment including the recently launched Celerio, the B segment is a lucrative market to tap. This segment has seen quite a bit of activity recently.

    The keys to success remain the same as with the A segment, with fuel efficiency and reliability taking the crown.

    Customers look for a few creature comforts as well, and good interiors coupled with a stylish design can pull in the younger buyer.

    Mostly these cars find use in the city, hence ease of driving and good efficiency are a big advantage.

    The general absence of diesels in this segment can be one of the ways to enter the market. The bottleneck remains the cost of development and deployment for small capacity diesels

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    We have placed Ford Figo into the B+ segment as the B+ segment covers the entire range of premium hatchbacks. These cars are just at home on the highway as they are in the city. Most new hatchbacks are launched in this segment. They usually feature engines above 1.2 liter and are priced between 4 to 7 lakh rupees. Undoubtedly, with the Indian buyer getting richer, the B+ segment is where all the action is.

    Ford Figo: Figo, Fords latest offering, has certainly created a blast in the market. The car is viewed as value for money and has been clocking more numbers than the rest of the Ford lineup combined.

    What drives this segment?

    The customer here is usually buying his second car, specifically for the city, or is an experienced buyer.

    Important factors can range from exclusivity, premium image to practicality and reliability.

    With a wide range of customer audience, positioning of the vehicle vis--vis the rightcustomer bucket is essential for success.

    Pricing is a factor that must not be ignored.

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    Page. NO.BACKGROUND 05

    PROBLEM DEFINITION 06A. Statement of Objective 06B. Hypothesis 06

    RESEARCH AND DESIGN 07A. Secondary Data 07

    Internet 07 Literature 07

    B. Design of collection method 08 Questionnaire Design 08 Survey 08 Scaling Techniques 08

    C. Sampling process 09 Target Population 09 Sample Size 09 Sampling Technique 10

    D. Sample gathering 10


    Assimilation Using Pivot Table 11 Pie Charts 11

    CONCLUSION 16A. Summary 16B. Recommendations 16C. Limitations 17D. Appendix 17E. References 22

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    For the past couple of years, Indian automobile market has achieved a special consideration

    among automobile manufacturers as it has been regarded as the most fruitful and rewarding

    automobile marketplace, especially for hatchbacks. In India, hatchback cars are considered as an

    average mans automobile, and it is also the segment where cars get a steady makeover, along

    with newer versions constantly being added to the list.

    Hatchback cars are those cars that have an access to the interiors once the rear door is open and

    also the luggage space is integrated with the passenger cabin and the rear seat can be folded or

    removed to increase the luggage space. The two row seater small compact cars are categorized as

    Hatchback cars. Due to its low pricing, better mileage, low maintenance and most importantly

    perfect for drive in city's heavy-traffic, it has become the most selling car segment.

    Hatchbacks occupy less parking space and is suitable for the metros where parking space is a

    major problem. Series of face lifted HATCHBACK CARS IN INDIA been launched and many

    more are yet to be launched. It seems the car manufacturers are aiming to revamp the entire small

    car or the hatchback segment. Comparing to last year, the new models of small cars has almost

    doubled this year. Even the car manufacturer of the luxury segment are now entering the

    hatchback segment.

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    The research is aimed to know the preference of first time buyers of hatchback cars based in

    Hyderabad on different parameters.

    The research carries the potential to analyze and determine the consumers perception and their

    buying behavior on the basis of different parameters like design, comfort, safety, fuel efficiency,

    brand preference, loyalty etc.

    The research also aims to dig out following benefits:-

    Based on the different ages of employability like newly employed (22-30 years), well settled (30-60years) and retired (60plus) people, what are their perception and

    preferences as the first time buyers.

    What are the differences in the preferences of people in urban areas of Hyderabad.


    The automobile industry in India is growing at the faster rate due to mushrooming middle class

    with higher disposable income. This has resulted in increase in the purchase of four wheelers

    particularly in the hatchback segments of automobiles. India represents a huge market in

    hatchback cars and the propensity to purchase is increasing day by day.

    The objective of this research is to analyze the preferences of middle class consumers, in the

    hatchback segment (Maruti Suzuki Wagon R, Hyundai i10, Ford Figo).


    A hypothesis is a hypothetical statement regarding the relation between two or more variables.

    They must be statements of the relationship between variables and they must carry clear

    implications for testing the stated relations.

    A broad hypothesis is given below from which more focused hypothesis may be derived.

    Buyers point of view in selecting for hatchback cars. By reducing the problem to a

    hypothetical statement, the problem has become more focused and the hypothesis can be tested

    through research methods.

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    Research and Design

    The scope of the research is limited to following three limitations:-

    The research study is conducted in urban areas of Hyderabad.

    The preferred consumer for the study is the middle class family, mostly first time buyer. Also the

    preferred consumers are targeted on the basis of different ages of employability like newly

    employed (22-30 years), well settled (30-60years) and retired (60plus) people.

    The research is limited to only 3 brands of hatchback cars:-

    Maruti Suzuki Wagon R Hyundai i10 Ford Figo

    a. Secondary Data

    - Internet

    Data from previous projects was gathered from the internet such as car surveys from

    auto magazines. The data may not be directly relevant to the topic under study but

    was immense value for planning out the study.

    - Literature

    Collect literature and reviews to get a general overview of the car market in India.

    Study the existing reports undertaken to get an idea of the various car models on offer

    and also read articles on consumer buying behavior.


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    b. Design of Collection method

    - Questionnaire design

    This involved the design of the questionnaire on the basis of potential attributes

    identified as part of the car selection process, preferences of first time buyers of

    hatchback cars in the various aspects such as price, mileage, color, family needs, after

    sales etc. Research problems were listed and then the information needed was

    identified. The questions were then prepared in order to fulfill the information

    requirements as identified earlier. The questions were designed with language which

    was easy to understand to the respondents. The questions were also designed keeping

    in mind that use of statistical tools such as Factor Analysis should be possible to give

    meaningful results and also for data reduction. Questions are given in appendix.

    - Survey

    Survey method was mainly by personal interviewing of the salesperson in the car

    dealer showrooms of Maruti and Hyundai. Interview was conducted in campus and

    we also did intercept at popular places like Info city.

    - Scaling technique

    Consideration should be given to the below points before attempting to formulate a

    scaling technique. There is no point in collecting data which cannot be analysed

    subsequently. Also of concern is the cost and limited time available for collecting and

    analyzing data.

    - Type of information required

    - Time and cost constraints

    - Literary level of target respondents (for easy communication)

    - What type of statistical tools should be used?

    - How each question will be analysed?

    - Expected and desired response.

  • BRM report Page 9

    Types of scaling used in our questionnaire design:

    Nominal Scale

    This is a very simple scale. It consists of assignment of choices to various alternative

    categories which are usually exhaustive as well mutually exclusive. These scales are

    just numerical and are the least restrictive of all the scales. It is simple and widely

    used when relationship between two variables is to be studied. In a Nominal Scale

    numbers are no more than labels and are used specifically to identify different

    categories of responses. This questionnaire compromised mainly nominal type as they

    were simple to distinguish relationship between more than one variable.

    LIKERT Scale

    A part of ordinal scale in which the respondents are asked to indicate a degree of

    agreement and disagreement with each of a series of statement. Each scale item has 5

    response categories ranging from Extremely important to Extremely unimportant.

    Each degree of agreement is given a numerical score and the respondents total score

    is computed by summing these scored. This total score of respondent reveals the

    particular opinion of a person.

    c. Sampling Process

    - Target Population

    The preferred consumer for the study is the middle class family, mostly first time

    buyer. Also the preferred consumers are targeted on the basis of different ages of

    employability like newly employed (22-30 years), well settled (30-60years) and

    retired (60plus) people.

    - Sample Size

    It denotes the number of elements to be included in the study. Due to time constraints

    the sample size chosen is 200.

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    - Sampling technique

    Convenience sampling was mostly done in our study as the respondents chosen were

    closest and depending on their availability. It is a type of non-probability sampling

    which involves the sample being drawn from that part of the population which is

    close to hand. The researcher cannot generalize the results from this type of sampling

    as the samples are confined to a specific location and not representative of the general


    Stratified sampling was also used in our study to obtain homogeneous sub groups

    from the population. We have divided the respondents on the basis of different ages

    of employability like newly employed (22-30 years), well settled (30-60years) and

    retired (60plus) people. When populations vary, it is advantageous to sample each

    subpopulation independently. Stratification is the process of dividing members of the

    population into homogeneous subgroups before sampling. A stratified survey could

    thus claim to be more representative of the population than a survey of simple random

    sampling or systematic sampling.

    We also used snowball sampling where existing subjects would guide us to new

    respondents based on their recommendation.

    d. Sample Gathering

    A total of 150 respondents filled the questionnaire, out of 150 only 106 respondents are

    considered for our research. Out of the 106 respondents the ratio of business class to

    service class is 1:3.

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    - Assimilate using pivot table

    The data gathered from the respondents were input into MS excel. The data was

    brought together and prepared from statistical analysis. Using pivot table function the

    basic data was analyzed the results were represented in pie charts as shown below.

    - Pie Charts

    Q2. Below Chart shows that 63% of respondents belong to 22-30 age group

    category i.e. newly employed. While only 5 % are above 60 and the rest belongs

    to 30-60 age group. This shows that majority of people belonging to 22-30 age

    group category are the first time potential buyers of hatchback cars.


    Q3. Gender

    22-30 63 59%

    30-40 19 18%

    40-60 20 19%

    Above 60 5 5%

    MALE 75 70%

    FEMALE 32 30%

  • BRM report Page 12

    Q4. Below Chart shows that 49% of people comes under the 500000-1000000

    salary bracket i.e middle income class. These people are the target customers for

    hatchback cars.

    Q5. Profession

    Q6. Below Chart shows that 64% of people already have a car and remaining

    36% are without car. These remaining 36% people are the first time buyers for

    hatchback cars

    < 2,50,000 6 6%

    2,50,000-5,00,000 22 21%

    5,00,000-10,00,000 49 46%

    Above 10,00,000 30 28%

    Service 41 38%

    Business 33 31%

    Others 33 31%

    Yes 68 64%

    No 39 36%

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    Q7. Majority of the people who owns a car have Mid-sized hatchback cars.

    Remaining have their cars in other different segments.

    Q8. 28% of respondents think that their car is better than car of other

    companies in this segment.

    Q9. Below pie chart shows that around 52% people are willing to purchase a car

    in the next month or in a year.

    Compact (eg.Alto) 16 24%

    Mid-Sized hatchback (eg. Wagon R) 28 41%

    Semi-Luxury Sedan (eg. Honda City) 14 21%

    Luxury Sedan (eg. Honda Accord) 9 13%

    Other 1 1%

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    Q10. Below pie chart indicates that people who are willing to buy a car in the

    next month or in year are more keen to purchase Hyundai i10 followed by Ford

    Figo and Maruti Suzuki Wagon R.

    Q11. Below chart shows that people perception of buying a new car will mainly

    dependent on the recommendation given by others and quality.

    Maruti Suzuki Wagon R 6 10%

    Hyundai i10 19 33%

    Ford figo 14 24%

    Others 19 33%

    Advertisements 9 13%

    Recommended by others 29 40%

    Location 2 3%

    Quality product 26 36%

    Others 6 8%

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    Q12-15. Responses given in these questions are framed in an cross-tabular form.

    Attributes(Features) Hyundai i10 Maruti Wagon R Ford Figo

    Price of the car Medium Low High

    Brand value of the company Low High Medium

    Styling and design Medium Low High

    Color/ Model Medium Low High

    Functional specifications High Low Medium

    Family needs Low High Medium

    Fuel efficiency/mileage Medium High Low

    After sales service Medium High Low

    Availability of spare parts Medium High Medium

    Resale value Medium High Low

    Discounts and exchange offers Low High Medium

    Interests rates on car loans Low High Medium

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    a. Summary

    Age Among the potential buyers of hatchback cars in Hyderabad, 62 out of 106 respondents belongs to age group of 22-30. So this age the likely to buy a new car among all the age segment.Income 49 out of 106 respondents belong to the income segment of 5-10 lakhs per annum. So this segment is likely to buy a new car.Profession in profession we had taken three categories business, services & others. The distribution of respondents among these three segments was almost equal. So we conclude that respondents from each of these segment are likely to buy a new car.

    72 out of 106 respondents are willing to buy a new car in the next month or year.

    Out of these 72 respondents 8 were willing to buy Marutis Wagon R, 20 were willing to buy Fords Figo & 22 each were willing to but Hyundais i10 And some other hatchback car.

    Among these 72 respondents majority of them were either recommended by others or they had a perception that cars from these brands were of great quality.

    b. Recommendations

    Currently hatchbacks account for over 70% of all passenger cars sold and the segment is

    growing at rate above 30% annually.

    A Segment (TATA nano, MARUTI Alto)

    Competitive pricing and providing the basic necessities are of key important. New launches should focus on keeping costs low, without compromising on-fuel

    efficiency, space and safety.

    B Segment (Hyundai i10, Maruti Suzuki Wagon R)

    New launches can look to differentiate themselves on features, practicality and comfortable ownership, apart from maintaining competitive price points.

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    B+ Segment (Ford Figo)

    Higher than expected sales speak for the acceptability of the premium hatch. New launches must come across as viable alternatives to sedans. Suitability for city driving along with the advantages of sedan like space. More customers are looking for safety features. Focus should be on either premium or practicality. Good quality and performance at a reasonable high price is accepted by a niche

    but ever-growing customer base.

    Value-for-money and practicality will continue to be of prime importance to the majority of Indian buyers.

    c. Limitations

    Since this project was intended to elucidate the techniques of Business Research Methods. The scope of the project was limited to learning the concept of Research design.

    There have been a number of limitations because of which the survey may not be truly representative as mentioned below.- The sample size used for the research was small.- The sample consisted of students/potential first time buyers.- The area was limited to college campus, car showrooms and the shopping places.- The responses obtained might be inaccurate or biased.- The sample of the respondents chosen for the study might not be representative.- Analysis of the data might differ depending on the statistical tools and techniques


    d. Appendix: Questionnaire

    1. Your Age




    Above 60

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    2. Gender


    3. Total Family Income

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    8. Do you think that your car is better than cars of others companies in this segment? (SKIP QUESTION NO.8 & 9)

    Yes No May Be

    9. Do you intend to buy a hatchback car in the next month or in a year. If YES please choose from the list which car do you want to buy?

    YES NO

    Maruti Suzuki Wagon RHyundai i10Ford figoOthers

    10. What was that single most important reason for initially buying the car of this brand or from thisdealer?


    Recommended by others


    Quality product


    11. Rate the factors you consider before buying a car according to their importance.(Hyundai i10)

    Extremely unimportant

    Not Important

    Average Important Extremely Important

    Price of the carBrand value of the companyStyling and designColor/ ModelFunctional specificationsFamily needsFuel efficiency/mileageAfter sales serviceAvailability of spare

  • BRM report Page 20

    partsResale valueDiscounts and exchange offersInterests rates on car loans

    12. Any other factor that you consider important ?


    13. Rate the factors you consider before buying a car according to their importance.(Maruti Wagon R)

    Extremely unimportant

    Not Important

    Average Important Extremely Important

    Price of the carBrand value of the companyStyling and designColor/ ModelFunctional specificationsFamily needsFuel efficiency/mileageAfter sales serviceAvailability of spare partsResale valueDiscounts and exchange offersInterests rates on car loans

    14. Any other factor that you consider important ?

  • BRM report Page 21

    15. Rate the factors you consider before buying a car according to their importance.(Ford figo)

    Extremely unimportant

    Not Important

    Average Important Extremely Important

    Price of the carBrand value of the companyStyling and designColor/ ModelFunctional specificationsFamily needsFuel efficiency/mileageAfter sales serviceAvailability of spare partsResale valueDiscounts and exchange offersInterests rates on car loans

    16. Any other factor that you consider important ?


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    e. References

    Questionnaires and instruments Page 361, Donald R Cooper Scaling Techniques Measurement Scales Page 331, Donald R Cooper Sampling -Sampling and Fieldwork, Page 418, Zikmund Hypothesis Testing Page 525, Zikmund Varun Motors, Banjara Hills & Talwar Hyundai, Banjara Hills.

