consumer behavior of nike final

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  • 7/31/2019 Consumer Behavior of Nike Final


    NikeConsumerBehaviorSubmitted to: Prof. Meeta Vora |

  • 7/31/2019 Consumer Behavior of Nike Final


    Presented By: Shaishav Dabhi

    Ashok Chauhan

    Arjun Toliya


    1. A brief history of Nike

    2. Segmentation, Positioning and Targeting of Nike

    3. Nikes Research Program

    4. Corporate Social Responsibility

    5. The Marketing Mix of Nike

    6. Nike SWOT Analysis

    7. Brand : Nike

    8. Product Mix

    9. Culture in Organization Nike |

  • 7/31/2019 Consumer Behavior of Nike Final


    A Brief History of Nike

    The Nike athletic machine began as a small distributing outfitlocated in the trunk of Phil Knight's car. From these ratherinauspicious beginnings, Knight's brainchild grew to become the

    shoe and athletic company that would come to define manyaspects of popular culture and myriad varieties of 'cool.'

    Nike emanated from two sources: Bill Bowerman's quest forlighter, more durable racing shoes for his Oregon runners, andKnight's search for a way to make a living without having to giveup his love of athletics. Bowerman coached track at the Universityof Oregon where Phil Knight ran in 1959. Bowerman's desire forbetter quality running shoes clearly influenced Knight in his

    search for a marketing strategy. Between them, the seed of themost influential sporting company grew.

    The story goes like this: while getting his MBA at Stanford in theearly '60s, Knight took a class with Frank Shallenberger. Thesemester-long project was to devise a small business, including amarketing plan. Synthesizing Bowerman's attention to quality |

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    running shoes and the burgeoning opinion that high-quality/lowcost products could be produced in Japan and shipped to the U.S.for distribution, Knight found his market niche. Shallenbergerthought the idea interesting, but certainly no business jackpot.

    Nothing more became of Knight's project.

    Cut to 1963. Phil Knight traveled to Japan on a world-tour, filledwith the wanderlustof young men seeking a way to delay theinevitable call of professional life. Seemingly on a whim, Knightscheduled an interview with a Japanese running shoemanufacturer, Tiger--a subsidiary of the Onitsuka Company.Presenting himself as the representative of an Americandistributor interested in selling Tiger shoes to American runners,Knight told the businessmen of his interest in their product. Blue

    Ribbon Sports--the name Knight thought of moments after beingasked who he represented--was born. The Tiger executives likedwhat they heard and Knight placed his first order for Tigers soonthereafter.

    By 1964, Knight had sold $8,000 worth of Tigers and placed anorder for more. Coach Bowerman and Knight worked together, butended up hiring a full-time salesman, Jeff Johnson. After cresting$1 million in sales and riding the wave of the success, Knight devised the Nike name and trademark Swoosh in 1971.

    By the late '70s, Blue Ribbon Sports officially became Nike andwent from $10 million to $270 million in sales. Katz (1994)describes the success via Nike's placement within the matrix ofthe fitness revolution: 'the idea of exercise and game-playingceased to be something the average American did for fun,'instead Americans turned to working out as a cultural signifier ofstatus. Clearly, the circumstances surrounding the shift are notthis simple; it is one of the aims of this project to discover other

    generators of popular attention to health.

    If Nike didn't start the fitness revolution, Knight says, "We were atleast right there. And we sure rode it for one hell of a ride" (Katz,66). The 80s and 90s would yield greater and greater profits asNike began to assume the appearance of athletic juggernaut,rather than the underdog of old. "Advertising Age" named Nike |

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    the 1996 Marketer of the Year, citing the "ubiquitousswoosh...was more recognized and coveted by consumers thanany other sports brand--arguably any brand" (Jensen, 12/96). Thatsame year Nike's revenues were a staggering $6.74 billion.

    Expecting $8 billion sales in fiscal 1997, Nike has targeted $12billion in sales by the year 2000.

    Few can question Nike's financial hegemony. But nearly $7 billionin revenues clearly begs the question, what sells these shoes? Itis my assertion that Nike's power to sell comes from deep-rootedyearnings for cultural inclusiveness and individual athleticaccomplishment. These seemingly paradoxical desires collide inconsumers hearts and minds and produce the unyielding zeal forNike shoes and apparel. Unfortunate effects of this zeal can be

    found in the rash of Nike apparel killings in 1991 and theprofusion of Nike collectors and WebPages designed around thecompany's products. Nike appeals to these disparate elements ofAmericans' personalities through an advertising philosophy thatis, at once, simple and sublime. In addition, Nike's practice of top-level athletes promoting their products appeals to countless agesand creeds as a way to identify with and emulate their athleticheroes. These forces work powerfully upon the individualconsumer, but one should not lose sight of the cultural context in

    which the individual moves. |

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    Segmentation, Targeting and

    Positioning of Nike

    Nike has been in the market for a long period now. Thus it hasalready soughted out the STP analysis that it would use to

    promote and sell its products.

    Market Segments:

    The market segments that Nike can mainly differentiate are high,

    medium and low end customers with varying income levels. Thus,Nike needs to segment on various fronts such as economic,

    demographic, geographical differentiations.

    Economic segmentation:

    High, medium and low income levels that can be clubbed with

    there lifestyles of high, medium and low end customers.

    Demographic segmentation:

    The company can segment the market into age, gender and class

    segments. |

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    Geographical segmentation:

    The company can segment the market into segments of north,

    west, east and south.

    Target Market:

    The company needs to target the market as per the brand image

    and equity in different markets. Thus, the company has targeted

    the market of high-end, high income level between the age of 16-

    55 with a pan India location. Thus the market segment it is

    targeting is quite essential to differentiate itself from its

    competitors i.e. Reebok, Puma, Fila and local brands like Bata.


    The brand Nike has positioned itself in the minds of the consumer

    as a high-end product which is quite costly but gives the value for

    money with its service, quality and designs.

    All this analysis provides Nike with the customer satisfaction andthus loyalty that it needs to achieve high volumes and

    profitability. |

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    Nikes Research Program

    Nike has been in the Research & Development in the market for

    quite a long time. The research that it has been carrying out

    relates to the earlier STP analysis which allows Nike to create a

    market for its products.

    Also Nike has a history of constantly innovating new products and

    attain the first-in-the-market advantage and charge a premium

    price. Nike spends a lot out of its revenue into R & D of new

    products and designs to constantly stay ahead of the competition.

    Nike conducts both qualitative and quantitative research for

    gathering vital information for its products and new launches. The

    qualitative research refers to the consumer purchasing behavior

    like why, how, what do they decide on the basis of Nikes image

    as well as products. The quantitative research deals with what arethe results of the company i.e. revenue against cost and other

    financial analysis.

    Nike indulges into research analysis of consumer markets as well

    as competitors analysis and thus understanding the consumer

    behavior and their buying pattern.

    Nike does extensive research in the attitudes and tastes and

    preferences and their changing pattern by having questionnairesfilled up by its customers online as well as personally. It also

    indulges into personal interviews with its valued-customers to

    make some necessary changes that they might require. This is

    how the company came to be recognized as a high valued by its

    customers and thus attain maximum loyalty. Also the company |

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    came up with the idea of customization of their products online

    through this type of research itself which has yielded high results.

    Nike products undergo a rigorous testing process that covers a

    huge variety of testing surfaces (regular basketball hardwood,soccer turf, a running track, and endless outdoor testing on

    various terrain), and takes into account four major factors,

    geography, gender, age, and skill level as well as profession. All of

    this combined with the results of about a dozen other tests are

    use to develop new, user-friendly products like the Nike Shox,

    Nike Air, and other Nike basketball and running shoes. This is

    mainly because Nike needs to constantly be aware of the changes

    in the consumer buying behavior which can only be done through

    various researches. Nike also utilizes information from various

    other research analysts like

    research.html. |

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    Corporate Social Responsibility

    undertaken by Nike

    Nike has been in the market for over 5 decades now and has

    understood the importance of maintaining the environment

    through corporate social responsibility.

    The firm has been in news for last decade for its innovativeness to

    develop such facilities that are waste free and use renewable

    sources of energy.

    A statement by Sarah Savern, director of corporate responsibility

    horizons, Nike Inc. states We have a target to be climate neutral

    in Nike owned facilities and business travel by 2011.By 2015, we

    aim to be climate neutral in all Nike Inc. facilities. A 17%

    reduction in footwear waste by 2011. A 30% reduction in

    packaging and point-of-purchase waste.

    As per the current CEO Mark Parker, We see corporate

    responsibility as a catalyst for growth and innovation. Also, Weare challenging our assumptions, evolving our perspective and

    building a new approach. |

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    11/35 |

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    The Marketing Mix Adopted By Nike

    Nike has been developing its marketing mix consisting of the fourPs i.e. product, price, place and promotion. Thus Nike has

    soughted out the mix that will best help it achieve its goals of

    maximum profitability.


    Nike takes into consideration various aspects of its products as it

    is in a product or consumer market. Thus it needs to have

    extensive range of products to withstand its competition.

    Nike provides features, designs, various brands, packaging along

    with some extra features like warranties and after sales service.

    This all aspects can be included in the product analysis.

    Nike has various products as well as brands that cater to different

    market segments which varies according to requirement of

    particular segments as well as individuals. Also they offer

    customized designs of their products wherein customer designs

    their product as per their requirements.

    Eg: Nike provides customization of their shoe range on their site

    Nike also offers a one year warranty for their products. Also they

    provide an option for replacement in all their products if any

    defects or problems occur after purchase which is a part of after

    sales service.

    Nike has been designing world class shoes for over 5 decades. Yet

    it has a tendency of changing the designs and patterns after a

    particular period or quantity. It also has a range of classic Nike

    shoes which are available all the time. |

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    Nike also provides packaging with collaboration with other


    Eg. Selling i-pods with their jogging shoes range.


    Nike has a high-end consumer market with high disposable

    income asking for better service and satisfaction as there target

    market. Thus their pricing strategy is to provide value at high cost

    with maximum profitability. Thus they have high margins but this

    can be justifiable due to its advertising and research costs.

    Nike also provides with discounts during various festive seasons

    on its products like Diwali in India. This is also a part of its pricing



    Nike is a multi-national organization. Thus it needs to develop a

    wide range of distribution channel which can support its retail

    business. Thus Nike has some of the following distribution outlets:

    Retail: Nike sells through its retail stores, brand outlets, exclusive

    showrooms as well as hyper markets in metropolitan areas.

    Online shopping: Nike also provides with online shopping facility

    for its various products and services.

    Distributors: Nike has a wide coverage of its distributors across

    the globe to support its retail outlets.

    Factory outlets: Nike also sells its merchandise through factory

    outlets that sell some of its products at a discounted rate.

    Promotion: |

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    Nike is extensively involved in Promotion and advertising. Nike

    uses advertising, sales promotion, advertisement campaigns,

    public relations and publicity and sales offers to build awareness

    and brand image and loyalty.

    Nike endorses various celebrities such as athletes, football

    players, cricketers, tennis etc.

    Eg. Roger Federer, Tiger Woods, Ronaldinho, Ronaldo.

    Nike also endorses various teams as well as clubs such as

    Barcelona Football Club.

    It places its products in various movies and shows using product


    Nike also sponsors various events such as tour de France, FIFA

    World Cup, Delhi Marathon and various others.

    Nike promotes its products also utilizing other products brand

    equity such as promoting its range of shoes alongwith I-pod.

    The Just-do-it campaign of Nike has been since nearly 3

    decades and has got them worldwide fame.

    Nike also advertises by using various celebs in their

    advertisements to increase brand loyalty while utilizing the brand

    image of such celebs.

    Nike has also gone to the extent of sponsoring a stadium called

    the Alliance Arena, which is by far the biggest football ground in

    the whole world.

    Thus Nike can be viewed as an organization that utilizesadvertisements extensively for promotions which can be viewed

    from its advertisement budget of approximately US $ 150 million. |

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    Nike SWOT Analysis


    Contracts with Universities: Nike has contracts with

    universities nationwide to supply apparel for athletes. These

    university sponsorships are beneficial to Nike because they give

    the company the right to sell merchandise with these schools

    logos, tap into the market of collegiate sports apparel, and form

    relationships with young consumers.

    Analyst Confidence in Stock: According to press releases

    issued by Bloomberg, analysts from Bank of America, CSFB, and

    Wells Fargo recently called Nike a buy. After a lackluster

    financial year, this news could potentially affect stock price in a

    positive way.

    Michael Jordan Returns to Basketball: Nike received press

    coverage throughout Jordans decision-making process and

    continues to make press regarding the impact of Jordans return.

    Nike was able to capitalize on this strength by debuting a new

    shoe the Air Jordan XVI and by making new commercials with

    Jordan that will hit the airwaves soon. Michael Jordan is perhaps

    the most recognized athlete in the world and markets Air Jordan

    apparel for Nike.

    Corporate Responsibility Report: According to the Nike Web

    site, in October Nike released its first Corporate Responsibility

    Report. The document states that Nikes focus points, in terms of |

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    corporate responsibility, are the environment and labor. Since

    these are two areas that cause protests against Nike, it is

    important for Nike to label them as areas to focus on and for Nike

    to give the public this information.

    Strict Environmental Standards: According to Bloomberg,

    Nike has accepted strict environmental standards to comply with

    by 2005. These standards were part of the Kyoto treaty that

    President Bush refused to sign and are supposed to help in the

    fight against global warming. Nike has made other efforts to be

    energy efficient; its office in the Netherlands is the most energy

    efficient office in that country by 35%. Nike also uses organicallygrown cotton, promotes the Eco-class program with Delta Airlines,

    and founded N.E.A.T. in 1993 to, as the Nike Web site maintains,

    Reduce Nikes impact on the planet.

    Reducing Operating Costs: In a report from Business Wire, Nike is

    taking advantage of the new cost-cutting methods of electricity

    management from Portland General Electric. This method allowsNike to continually get an update on its energy use and see if

    there are any problem areas. Nike is utilizing technological

    advance to streamline operations at its facilities, increasing

    productivity and cutting costs.

    Philanthropy: Nike is committed to philanthropic endeavors

    such as Reuse a Shoe, Project Dreams and Habitat for

    Humanity. These efforts, along with other programs such as the

    Shadow program and the Bower man Foundation, show Nikes

    commitment to the community. Nike employees also benefit

    from these philanthropic opportunities. Recently, Nike continued |

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    to give back to the community by giving $1 million to the World

    Trade Center Disaster.

    The Nike Swoosh: One of the biggest strengths of Nike is its

    brand identification and corporate identity. The Swoosh

    resonates in the minds of consumers who recognize that logo as

    representing quality, first-rate athletic apparel. The Nike Swoosh

    is recognizable and identifies all Nike products and sponsored


    Nike Icons: Nike uses athletic icons and heroes to market its

    company goods. Examples of Nike icons are: Michael Jordan,

    Tiger Woods, Mia Hamm, Marion Jones, and Lance Armstrong. Not

    only do these athletes adorn print and television advertisements,

    but they also appear on the Nike Web site and are called Our

    Heroes. This is strength because consumers begin to identify

    the athlete with Nike. Nikes popularity is connected to the

    popularity of these athletes.

    Event Marketing: Nike successfully uses event marketing in the

    realm of fitness to bring more brand recognition to its name.

    These sponsorships ensure that consumers see the Nike Swoosh

    in places other than television advertisements, on products, and

    in stores. Nike sponsors fitness challenges at universities and

    also sponsors nationwide athletic tournaments, including some for

    charity. |

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    Niketown: Nike town stores, located in 15 major cities across the

    world, demonstrate that Nike has become a part of American and

    world culture. These famous stores represent the true strength of

    the Nike brand and the popularity of the athletes who advertise

    Nike apparel.


    Labor Practices: Activist groups and student organizations have

    made Nike a symbol of labor exploitation. These groups blame

    Nike for poor conditions in its third world factories, under-payingworkers, employing children, and ignoring the basic rights of its

    workers. Nike is often in conflict with labor unions; most recently,

    Nike bucked heads with a factory workers union in Mexico.

    Accordingly, the public associates Nike with sweatshop labor and

    accuses it of sidestepping human rights in order to secure the

    greatest profit.

    Advertising: Nike spent over $1 billion on advertising, sports

    marketing, and promotional spending in 1999, and, although

    popular, some of its advertising strategies were considered

    controversial, according to an article titled Channel Conflict.

    Feminist groups accusing Nike of degrading women have

    attacked Nike commercials that stress winning above everything

    else and show women submissively. Although the majority of

    Nikes commercials are cutting edge and creative, those verycommercials can be weaknesses in Nikes reputation.

    Consumer Cost: Nike has been accused of outrageously

    marking-up prices on many of its products to cover the costs of |

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    advertising and sponsoring. The public feels that Nike

    overcharges its consumers and should lower prices. According to

    an article from the Graduate School of Business at Stanford

    University, a shoe whose net factory price is $24.71 is sold retail

    by Nike for $100.

    Endorsements: The public questions the amount of money that

    Nike spends on sponsoring athletes. People do not agree with the

    multi-million dollar, multi-year contracts that Nike extends to

    athletes such as Tiger Woods, Ken Griffey Jr., and Michael Jordan

    and are disillusioned with Nikes preoccupation with these


    Global Community and Outsourcing: Nikes efforts toward

    global expansion have become a weakness in its reputation. Nike

    has operated in the Asian region for 25 years and uses

    subcontractors throughout the globe to manufacture its products.

    Factories in China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Italy, the Philippines,

    Taiwan, and South Korea produce the majority of Nike goods.Nike has little control over its extended product line because it is

    such a large company with the majority of its operations

    overseas. Additionally, many people in the United States see

    Nikes outsourcing as taking away jobs from Americans.


    Wide Range of Products: Nike not only has the ability to

    succeed in the basketball shoe market, but in virtually every other |

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    athletic market from golf apparel to womens workout gear. This

    diversity of products presents Nike with a great opportunity to

    build up strength in all of its product lines and also to be flexible

    when the market shifts, making demand in some areas higher

    than others.

    Winter Olympics: This years Winter Olympics, in Salt Lake City,

    Utah, will provide excellent opportunities for Nike to advertise.

    The Winter Olympics will also bring publicity if Nike-sponsored

    athletes are competing in events, displaying the Nike Swoosh all

    over the world. Nike has been a major contributor to many of the

    past Olympics as well. In Sydney, for instance, Nike designedover 2000 athletes uniforms in 25 Olympic sports.

    Foreign Market: While Nike has become a major part of

    American culture, there is international strength in the Nike

    brand. According to one Nike press release, worldwide orders for

    Nike products are up 6%. This is an opportunity because it means

    Nike can expand globally and depend less on the Americanmarket for its successes or failures.

    NIKEgoddess Opened in Newport Beach, California: This

    marks Nikes expansion into the womens apparel market.

    Because women wear athletic apparel for more than just working

    out, this is an opportunity for Nike to jump into the mainstream

    clothing market.

    Hype of Advertising: Nikes advertisements make waves.

    People enjoy them and wait for new ones. Nikes newest

    advertising campaign is Enjoy the Weather, which features |

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    athletes conquering weather conditions to perform their sport.

    The hype of Nike advertising brings with it the opportunity to

    reach the public through the promotion of Nikes newest

    advertising endeavor.

    Expansion into Outdoors Clothing: The expansion into

    outdoor clothing is an opportunity for Nike because this will allow

    Nike to become more of a part of the apparel market. The fitness,

    innovation, and technology clothing line keeps in Nikes tradition

    of providing superior products.

    Web site: Nikes massive Web site will prove to be an

    opportunity for Nike consumers to get up-to-date news coverage

    and to buy into the online purchasing market. It is one of the

    most comprehensive and interactive sites on the Internet. Nike

    should be able to capitalize on its Web site and emphasize those

    issues that Nike publics would not otherwise be exposed to by

    other media.


    Las Americas: Nike is funding part of the first-ever privately

    funded U.S.-Mexico port of entry into the United States. Nikes

    involvement in this project could open them to public criticism |

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    concerning immigrant labor. Additionally, in the wake of the

    events of September 11, Americans are wearier of foreigners and

    more concerned with homeland security. The bridge might

    threaten Nikes reputation.

    University Campus Groups: Student groups are gaining

    strength and becoming a larger presence on university campuses

    across America. For example, an article stated that the University

    of Connecticut decided to allow students with protest signs to

    attend athletic events only after the school was approached by a

    student organization requesting this measure. If Nike cannot

    reconcile its differences with student groups, it will face more andmore threats to its reputation as these groups gain more and

    more of a following on campuses.

    Competition: According to various Web sites, Nike competes

    with Converse, Fila, Adidas, New Balance, and Reebok. Nike

    currently dominates the market, but these companies pose a

    potential threat to its reputation. If Nike cannot stay one stepahead of these companies in terms of product design and

    customer satisfaction the corporation could flounder. Reebok, for

    instance, has already taken over Nikes contracts with the WNBA

    and the NFL.

    Industry Trends: In the past, Nike has been unable to keep up

    with changes in the industry. According to a report concerningNikes weaknesses, the corporation was one of the last athletic

    footwear companies to move into e-commerce and was late

    recognizing other trends in the market. Nike can ill afford to be

    viewed as a complacent company and cannot let this threaten its

    reputation. |

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    Manufacturing Network and Global Economy: Nike Inc. is the

    parent company of numerous subsidiaries and is imbedded in an

    intricate global manufacturing network. Additionally, Nike reliesheavily on the global economy to succeed. What is more, the

    corporation grew so fast that it developed organizational

    dilemmas, causing Phil Knight to admit in a news release four

    years ago, we (Nike) had outgrown our ability to manage the

    business. If Nike and its publics cannot understand the

    intricacies in Nikes corporate system, they might lose faith in the


    Management: Since its conception in 1964, Phil Knight has held

    close control of the company and ruled with a mix of closely

    allied senior managers, according to a business report entitled

    Channel Conflict. Nike management has also gone to

    tremendous lengths to identify with competition and victory.

    Management wants to be in complete control; however, this is not

    always a positive in the eyes of stakeholders and could threaten

    its reputation.

    Internet Boom: An Internet search with the phrase anti-Nike

    showed thousands of links to anti-Nike Web sites appear. With

    the click of a mouse, anyone without any accreditation or

    legitimacy can post anti-Nike sentiment or have access to anti-

    Nike material. This has made it easier for activists to express

    their negative opinions of Nike and is making it harder for Nike to

    overcome some of its less flattering reputations.

    Lawsuits: Nike has been involved in many lawsuits that also

    threaten its reputation. Most recently, the United States Court of |

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    Appeals for the Second Circuit affirmed the dismissal of a case

    against Nike and St. Johns University by a Mr. Keady. According

    to a report by Vada Manager, Director, Global Issues

    Management, Mr. Keady had made numerous attempts to

    discredit Nikes considerable efforts at improving conditions in thefactories and communities around the world where our products

    are made. Although Nike won the lawsuit, Keadys efforts, and

    others like them, to discredit Nike pose a threat to the strides it

    has made in the way it does business.

    Branding: The essence of the business

    Many people view branding as purely a logo or a name; however

    branding is far more than this. A brand should capture the true

    meaning of the business and is created jointly by the efforts of |

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    business and through consumers perceptions. Many of these

    perceptions will be given to the consumer initially by the

    business. However, in some situations the perceptions can arise

    from situations outside the businesss control, for instance

    through bad press.

    To explore this idea think about all the attributes you associate


    At a recent workshop the logo provoked the following comments:

    competition, physical activity, quality, and role model, expensive,

    slave labor and modern. Some of these attributes will be the Nike

    brand; others are the result of consumer perceptions created by

    bad press, quite possibly resulting from ill-thought out

    management decisions. |

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    Branding: powerful marketing mechanism used by Nike

    Leads to higher and more consistent product


    Increases innovation by giving producers an

    incentive to look for more new features that can be

    safeguarded by the patent.

    Branding results in more product variety and

    choice for consumers. Branding provides consumer information about

    products and where to find them.

    Brand Image

    A strong brand creates a preference to purchase and an inclination tocontinue purchasing (brand loyalty).

    We most commonly think of branding as something the big guys do withtheir large ad budgets and extravagant television commercials. In recentyears some observers have noted that branding is losing its power. We seemore and more people buying generic prescriptions over the label brands."Would generic be ok with you sir?" But in truth, when you go to buy a newvehicle, don't you consider the brand? Would you buy a $18,000 genericbrand over a $22,000 Ford?

    As a small business owner what should you do? The concept of branding isan ideal method of forcing you to focus on what it is that you do, what youwant to do, and what you want to become. To create a brand you mustdevelop a set of guidelines for your business and identify how you wantyour business perceived. How do you want to be seen by the public? |

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    You might think that your brand image is your logo. Like the Nike logo, orthe Disney logo, or any other famous logo. But in truth your brand image isevery customer/prospect's interaction with your company that creates animpression. It's your company's character. It's a conglomeration ofinteraction and observation by people outside your organization: how yourphone is answered, the quality of customer service, how your trucks look,or even how your web site looks. It's what makes your company uniqueamong the hundreds of competitors.

    Your brand image should communicate the difference between you and thecompetition your reason for being. Your brand image should reinforceyour corporate message so that it helps make you stand out in a crowd oflook-a-likes.

    Brand equity

    Brand equityis defined as the positive differential effect

    that knowing the brand name has on customer response to

    the product or service.

    Brands represent the consumers perceptions and feelings

    about products and their performance.

    The real value of branding is the ability to capture consumer

    preference and loyalty.

    Brands vary in power and value and have varying degrees of

    brand awareness, brand preference and brand loyalty. |

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    Brand personality


    Michael Jordan

    Put Nike on the map

    1984-1985 Nike saw a decrease in their earnings for the

    first time ever

    Influenced them to make their first specialty basketball


    Since then, Michael and Nike together have generated

    billions of dollars in revenue

    World Sports Hero No. 1

    Jumpman logo is one of the most easily recognized

    symbols throughout the world |

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    Tiger Woods

    The newest Nike sensation

    Estimated that Nike paid him $40 million

    More attention than Michael Jordan and Bo Jackson

    3 pg. ad in Wall Street Journal

    30- and 60- second TV spots

    Aired during college football, major league baseball, the U.S.

    Open, SportsCenter and Monday Night Football |

  • 7/31/2019 Consumer Behavior of Nike Final


    Consumer Behavior and Managerial Issues is by all means a great place to do online shoppingbut I found that it can be just as good for the consumer who

    wants to do there shopping offline. With the many onlinedepartments and adjustable features you can decide what youwant and then use the store locater to get directions to thenearest retailer.

    Nike uses secured socket layer technology to ensure youthat your credit information is secured.

    Nike also uses cookies as an information gatherer to seewhat your preferences or tendencies may be, which enables them

    to supply a better service to there customers. If you dont wantyour information to be used in this form Nike also shows you howto deactivate cookies or even how to opt-out of receiving e-mailsfor them.

    In conclusion the group thought was a really well put

    together web site, while some may find it a little difficult to

    navigate, it has great customer service to help you, and many

    features to keep there customers happy and searching there site

    for long periods of time. |

  • 7/31/2019 Consumer Behavior of Nike Final


    Nike: Porters Five Forces

    Product Mix |

  • 7/31/2019 Consumer Behavior of Nike Final


    A product mix is the set of all products and items that a

    particular seller offers for sale to buyers also known as product

    assortment. Product Width

    It refers to how many product lines the company carries.

    Product line

    A product line is a group of products that are closely related

    because they perform similar functions

    Product length

    It refers to the total number of items in its product mix

    Product depth

    It refers to how many products are offered of each product


    Product mix of Nike


    Studs for Striker

    Mid fielders


    Apparel |

  • 7/31/2019 Consumer Behavior of Nike Final












    National Team Gear

    Jersey for Brazil, England, etc.

    Club Gear

    Club Jerseys like Man U, Real Madrid, etc

    Culture in organization Nike |

  • 7/31/2019 Consumer Behavior of Nike Final


    A culture of any organization can be viewed as the shared

    cognitions, values, norms and beliefs. Thus they function as

    symbols of a society or subgroup. Thus every organization has itsown culture and values on which they perform.

    Nike is seen as an organization of innovativeness and health

    conscious and fitness oriented organization.

    Nike can also be viewed as an organization promoting hard work

    and young talents which is communicated to the customers

    through its advertisements also like ads of Ronaldinho, Rafael

    Nadal etc.

    Nike also has a culture of promoting high achievers so as to keep

    an image for the organization itself.

    Nikes culture is spread over all its Nike Inc. facilities all over the

    world. Thus it is culture has been affected by cultures of various

    countries and influenced by there subcultures too as it is the

    same people that for the organization that live in the society too. |