construction pp

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Post on 06-Apr-2017




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PowerPoint Presentation



I began by finding a few suitable fonts that I liked from I then applied the same yellow to red gradient and black stroke to each to make it a fair test. I eventually chose the middle one as incorporates an almost animalistic look and was far less boxy than the other two fonts.

I imported my main image of Luke in to the project. I then proceeded to rasterise the image and loosely cut out the image with the lasso tool, finally creating a mask for the layer.

I then proceeded to use a mixture of black and white brushes to carefully wipe out any parts of the background I did not want, or bring back parts of Luke I accidentally masked.

After finishing this process of cropping Luke from the background, I imported another copy of the image and used a motion blur filter to add some depth to the main image and make Luke stand out more.




I also used the image adjustments menu to apply a black and white effect to the image. I felt this would define the genre and make the other colours pop out at the audience. I decided to use a yellow glow to make the masthead further stand out on the cover. It would also later help to improve its visibility on the other pages.

The rest of the cover was composed by using the regular text tool and using effects to change colours and such. The same was done with various types of copy from Dafont to give a lot of diversity to the page. I even decided to use the microphone as a makeshift puff instead of making a shape layer in photoshop.

To start the contents page off, I imported the masthead from the cover and used the same Dafont font for the copy contents, using the effects menu to make a metallic gradient and a black stroke. I also made a basic layout using the shape tool and by copying in some social media icons from google. I also began typing in the cover lines to gauge how big the font could be.

I imported an image of Luke into the project and used the same method as the cover to crop him from the background using a mask and brushes and proceeding to blur another copy of the image. This time, the blur actually came out looking like a sun damaged photo which I thought looked quite interesting.



I replicated the same procedure with George as I needed to split him from the background to alter the background to a bleaker grey colour by altering the colour levels.

The differences are quite clear between the before and after stages. I did add some anchoring and cover lines using the same techniques as those used on the cover. I also moved the images a little to make room for the third image.

For the final image, of Steph, I used the same cropping method as with the other two images. However, this time I used a seperate image as the background to provide the image with more colour than the other images of the males, offering a more positive representation of a female artist.

I made couple of adjustments to the hue and saturation of Stephs layer to make her look more realistically in tune with the background, as if she was being lit by the lights in the background.

I made some final adjustments such as adding copy to each image to give some context such as names or the article they are related to. I also cleaned up the layout by eliminating white patches towards the bottom, colouring the in red and adding a few subheadings to eliminate empty space from the page.

I began the DPS in photoshop, cropping the final image of Luke. I decided to use the lasso tool on the buttons and switch their colour balance to make them a more orangey colour to match the ring on the microphone, as well as the masthead.

I created an InDesign project and imported the masthead and the image of Luke. I also made a text box, splitting it into 3 columns and pasted the articles into it.

I then used the drop cap function to increase the size of the drop cap on the L to 3 lines.

I pasted some Dafont copy into photoshop so that I could stylise the headline. I also copied in the top end of the DPS so that I could work with a sense of scale.

I imported the headline into InDesign and added a pull quote using the normal text tool. I used the text options to make it white with a black stroke and made the text wrap, so that the text in the article would dodge it.

I also realised that the text wasnt wrapping around Luke, so I changed the frame so that the text would avoid the box of the image and wrap right up to the image itself.

Nearing the end of the dps, I added a social media section to fill a mass of white space on the page. To make the icons look like they matched up properly, I used the curved square tool in photoshop and used a custom gradient matching the colours found on each social media logo. For example, the yellow to purple found on instagram. I did, however cut out the main logo from the real deal, which were then made white, to put on my custom backgrounds.

To reach the final DPS I had to make a lot of small tweaks. The social media section was made black to make it stand out from the rest of the page. Realising that the cover mentions a competition to do with Luke, I filled further white space with a social media oriented competition. I also changed the colour of the pull quote to orange to add some appealing colour that was not outside the main house colours. I also altered the headline to make it match the mastheads gradient and make it more appealing than just plain black. I even noticed, before finishing, that I hadnt added any page numbers to the pages and are now placed at the very bottom of each page.