construction of subdivision surfaces by fourth-order...

Construction of Subdivision Surfaces by Fourth-Order Geometric Flows with G 1 Boundary Conditions Guoliang Xu 1) ? Qing Pan 2) ?? 1) LSEC, Institute of Computational Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China 2) College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, 410081, China Abstract. In this paper, we present a method for constructing Loop’s subdivision surface patches with given G 1 boundary conditions and a given topology of control polygon, using several fourth-order geometric partial differential equations. These equations are solved by a mixed fi- nite element method in a function space defined by the extended Loop’s subdivision scheme. The method is flexible to the shape of the bound- aries, and there is no limitation on the number of boundary curves and on the topology of the control polygon. Several properties for the basis functions of the finite element space are developed. Key words: Subdivision Surface, Geometric Partial Differential Equa- tions, G 1 continuity. 1 Introduction A surface satisfing a geometric partial differential equation (PDE) is referred to as geometric PDE surface in this paper. Geometric PDE surfaces, such as mini- mal surfaces (see [13]), constant mean-curvature surfaces (see [7, 16]), Willmore surfaces (see [3, 9, 10, 19])) and minimal mean-curvature variation surfaces (see [23]), are important and preferred in the shape designing and modeling because they share certain optimal properties. For instance, the minimal surfaces have minimal area, the Willmore surfaces have minimal total squared mean curva- ture and minimal mean-curvature variation surfaces have minimal total mean- curvature variation. Here the terminology total means the integration over the surfaces. Various type geometric PDE surfaces have been constructed in the lit- eratures (see [21]). Most of them are discrete surfaces (triangular or quadrilateral ? Supported in part by NSFC under the grant 60773165, NSFC key project under the grant 10990013, and National Key Basic Research Project of China (2004CB318000). ?? Supported in part by NSFC grant 10701071 and Program for Excellent Talents in Hunan Normal University (No. ET10901). Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected].

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Page 1: Construction of Subdivision Surfaces by Fourth-Order · Construction of Subdivision Surfaces by Fourth-Order Geometric Flows with G1

Construction of Subdivision Surfaces byFourth-Order Geometric Flows with

G1 Boundary Conditions

Guoliang Xu 1) ? Qing Pan2) ??

1)LSEC, Institute of Computational Mathematics, Academy of Mathematicsand System Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China

2)College of Mathematics and Computer Science,Hunan Normal University, Changsha, 410081, China

Abstract. In this paper, we present a method for constructing Loop’ssubdivision surface patches with given G1 boundary conditions and agiven topology of control polygon, using several fourth-order geometricpartial differential equations. These equations are solved by a mixed fi-nite element method in a function space defined by the extended Loop’ssubdivision scheme. The method is flexible to the shape of the bound-aries, and there is no limitation on the number of boundary curves andon the topology of the control polygon. Several properties for the basisfunctions of the finite element space are developed.

Key words: Subdivision Surface, Geometric Partial Differential Equa-tions, G1 continuity.

1 Introduction

A surface satisfing a geometric partial differential equation (PDE) is referred toas geometric PDE surface in this paper. Geometric PDE surfaces, such as mini-mal surfaces (see [13]), constant mean-curvature surfaces (see [7, 16]), Willmoresurfaces (see [3, 9, 10, 19])) and minimal mean-curvature variation surfaces (see[23]), are important and preferred in the shape designing and modeling becausethey share certain optimal properties. For instance, the minimal surfaces haveminimal area, the Willmore surfaces have minimal total squared mean curva-ture and minimal mean-curvature variation surfaces have minimal total mean-curvature variation. Here the terminology total means the integration over thesurfaces. Various type geometric PDE surfaces have been constructed in the lit-eratures (see [21]). Most of them are discrete surfaces (triangular or quadrilateral

? Supported in part by NSFC under the grant 60773165, NSFC key project under thegrant 10990013, and National Key Basic Research Project of China (2004CB318000).

?? Supported in part by NSFC grant 10701071 and Program for Excellent Talents inHunan Normal University (No. ET10901). Corresponding author. E-mail address:[email protected].

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control polygons), a few of them are continuous surfaces. Usually, the represen-tation of the continuous surfaces are Bezier (see [8]), rational Bezier, B-spline(see [11, 12]) and NURB surfaces.

Obviously, Bezier surfaces, B-spline and NURB surfaces have to be three-or four-sided. This is a serious limitation for designing geometric PDE surfaceswith arbitrary shaped boundaries. In this paper, our intension is to constructgeometric PDE subdivision surfaces with piecewise B-spline curve boundariesand tangent conditions. There is no limitation on the number of spline curvepieces. B-spline representation for curves and surfaces have been widely acceptedin the CAD and industrial design. Using B-spline to represent surface boundaryis preferable and acceptable. To represent a surface patch with any topology,subdivision surfaces are the best candidates, since there is no limitation on thetopology of the control polygon. However, subdivision surfaces, such as Loop’ssubdivision surfaces and Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces are traditionallyclosed, which cannot be used directly for serving our purpose.

For many surface modeling problems, such as the construction of the bodiesof cars and aircrafts, machine parts and roofs, surfaces are usually constructedin a piecewise manner with fixed boundaries for each of the pieces. In sucha case Loop’s subdivision scheme cannot be applied near the boundary of thecontrol polygon. Therefore, an extension of the Loop’s scheme to control polygonwith boundaries is required. On this aspect, an excellent work has been done byBiermann et al [2] and that is just sufficient for achieving the goal of constructingpiecewise smooth surface.

In this paper we construct geometric PDE subdivision surface patches withgiven G1 boundary conditions and a given topology of the control polygon usingseveral fourth-order geometric partial differential equations. These equations aresolved by a mixed finite element method in a function space defined by theextended Loop’s subdivision scheme. By the term topology of the control polygon,we mean the connection mode among the vertices of the control polygon.

Fourth-order geometric flows have been used to solve the problems of discretesurface blending, N-sided hole filling and the free-form surface fitting (see [4, 17,18, 22]). In [17, 18], the surface diffusion flow has been used for fairing/smoothingmeshes while satisfying the G1 boundary conditions. The finite element methodis used by Clarenz et al. [4] to solve the Willmore flow equation, based on a newvariational formulation of this flow, for the discrete surface restoration.

Problem Description.

Input: Given an initial open control polygon (a piece of triangular mesh) of asurface patch with fixed boundary control points, and some of the boundarycontrol points are to be interpolated. The boundary curve is defined as piece-wise cubic B-spline with the boundary control points as the B-spline controlpoints and equal spaced knots for each piece. The interpolated boundarycontrol points are served as the end-points of the B-spline curves. On eachof the boundary curves, we are also given a tangential vector (co-normal)curve, which is represented in the same form as the boundary curve.

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Output: We want to construct a geometric PDE subdivision surface thatinterpolates the boundary curves and tangents, at the same time its controlpolygon has the same topology as the initial one.

2 Geometric PDEs and Their Weak-form Formulations

To describe precisely the geometric partial differential equations used in thispaper, we need introduce a few notations (see the details in [21]).

2.1 Notations

LetS :=

x(u1, u2) ∈ R3 : (u1, u2) ∈ D ⊂ R2

be a parametric surface which is sufficiently smooth and orientable. Let

gαβ = 〈xuα ,xuβ 〉 and αβ = 〈n,xuαuβ 〉be the coefficients of the first and the second fundamental forms of S with

xuα =∂x∂uα

, xuαuβ =∂2x

∂uα∂uβ, α, β = 1, 2,

n = (xu × xv)/‖xu × xv‖, (u, v) := (u1, u2),

where 〈·, ·〉, ‖ · ‖ and ·× · stand for the usual inner product, Euclidean norm andcross product in R3, respectively.Curvatures. To introduce the notions of the mean curvature and the Gaussiancurvature, we use the concept of Weingarten map or shape operator (see [5]). Itis a self-adjoint linear map on the tangent space

TxS := spanxu,xv.In matrix form, it can be represented by a 2× 2 matrix

S = [ bαβ ][ gαβ ] with [ gαβ ] = [ gαβ ]−1.

The eigenvalues k1 and k2 of S are the principal curvatures of S and theirarithmetic average and product are the mean curvature H and the Gaussiancurvature K, respectively. That is

H =k1 + k2




K = k1k2 = det(S).

Let H = Hn. It is referred to as the mean curvature normal.

Tangential gradient operator. Suppose f ∈ C1(S), where C1(S) stands fora function space consisting of C1 smooth functions on S, then the tangentialgradient operator ∇s acting on f is defined as

∇sf = [xu, xv][ gαβ ][fu, fv]T ∈ R3. (1)

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For a vector-valued function

f = [f1, · · · , fk]T ∈ C1(S)k,

its gradient is defined as

∇sf = [∇sf1, · · · ,∇sfk] ∈ R3×k.

The third tangential operator. Let f ∈ C1(S). Then the third tangentialoperator ® acting on f is defined as

®f = [xu,xv][ gαβ ]S[fu, fv]T ∈ R3.

Apart from these two tangential operators, there is another one, called thesecond tangential operator (see [21]). Since it is not involved in this work, we donot introduce it.Divergence operator. Suppose v is a smooth vector field on surface S, thenthe divergence operator divs acting on v is defined as

divs(v) =1√g




] [√g [ gαβ ] [xu,xv]T v

]. (2)

Laplace-Beltrami operator. Let f ∈ C2(S). Then the Laplace-Beltrami op-erator (LBO) ∆s acting on f is defined as (see [5], p. 83)

∆sf = divs(∇sf).

Theorem 1 (Green’s formula for LBO). Let S be an orientaable surface, Ωa subregion of S with a piecewise smooth boundary ∂Ω. Let nc ∈ TxS (x ∈ ∂Ω)be the outward unit normal (also named as co-normal) along the boundary ∂Ω.Then for a given C1 smooth vector field v on S, we have


[〈v,∇sf〉+ f div(v)]dA =∫


f〈v,nc〉ds. (3)

2.2 Used Geometric PDEs

For completeness, we describe briefly the equations used and their behaviors.More details on these equations can be found in [21].

Surface Diffusion Flow


= −2∆sHn. (4)

This flow was introduced by Mullins in 1957 (see [14]), to describe the interfacemotion law of the growing crystal. It is well known that surface diffusion flow

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is volume preserving and area shrinking. The area shrinkage stops when H is aconstant. Surfaces with constant mean curvature are the steady solution of (4).

Willmore flow


= −2[∆sH + 2H(H2 −K)

]n. (5)

Willmore flow is derived from minimizing total squared mean-curvature∫S H2dA.

A factor 2 is added to the original Willmore flow for comparability with otherequations used in this paper. There are sound published research papers that usethis flow (see [3, 9, 10, 19]). There is no volume/area preserving/shrinking prop-erty for this flow. However, if the initial surface is a sphere, Willmore flow keepsthe spherical shape unchanged. Moreover, surfaces with zero mean curvature arethe the steady solution of (5). A torus with R/r =

√2 is a steady solution of

(5), where the torus is defined by rotating a circle with radius r along anothercircle with radius R.

Quasi-surface diffusion flow


= −∆2sx. (6)

This flow is introduced in [22], and used in discrete surface design. We removethe tangential movement of (6) because tangent motion of a surface does notalter the surface shape (see [6]), then obtain the following geometric flow


= −2[∆sH − 2H(2H2 −K)

]n. (7)

Quasi-surface diffusion flow is area diminishing and the solution surfaces of (6)approach to the minimal surface.

These three flows share the same fourth-order term −2∆sHn and only thesecond order terms are different, however, their behaviors are quite different.

2.3 Mixed Variational Formulations

Lety(x) = H(x)n(x) ∈ R3

stand for the mean curvature normal. Then the mixed variational form of SDF(4) is: Find (x,y) ∈ H2(S)3 ×H1(S)3 such that



φ dA + 2∫


[φ® y − n(∇sφ)T∇sy

]n dA = 0, ∀φ ∈ H1

0 (S),∫

Syψ dA +


S(∇sx)T∇sψ dA− 1


∂Sncψ ds = 0, ∀ψ ∈ H1(S),

S(0) = S0, ∂S(t) = Γ, nc(x) = n(Γ )c (x), ∀x ∈ Γ,


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where n(Γ )c is the given co-normal on the boundary curve Γ . The mixed varia-

tional form of (5) and (7) are similar, and the differences occur only in the firstequation. For WF (5), the first equation of the mixed variational form is



φ dA + 2∫


[φ® y − n(∇sφ)T∇sy

]n dA

+ 4∫

Sn(H2 −K)φnTy dA= 0, ∀φ ∈ H1

0 (S).(9)

For QSDF (7), the first equation of the mixed variational form is∫



φ dA + 2∫


[φ® y − n(∇sφ)T∇sy

]n dA

− 4∫

Sn(2H2 −K)φnTy dA= 0, ∀φ ∈ H1

0 (S).(10)

3 Subdivision Surfaces and Finite Element Space

In this section, systems (8)–(10) are discretized in a finite element space de-fined by the extended Loop subdivision scheme. The original Loop’s subdivisionscheme is usable only for control polygons without boundary. Therefore, an ex-tension of the subdivision scheme to control polygons with boundary is required.We use Biermann et al’s extension (see [2]) to achieve our goal. For saving thespace, we do not describe them.

3.1 Basis Functions and Their Properties

Now let us define the basis functions of the finite element function space, de-noted as VS(t). For each control point xi, including the corner control point andboundary control points, of a control polygon Sd, we associate it with a basisfunction φi, where φi is defined as the limit of the extended Loop’s subdivisionscheme with the zero control values everywhere except at xi where it is one.

The control polygon Sd, as a piecewise linear surface, is served as the defini-tion domain of the basis function φi. The mapping from Sd to φi is defined by adual subdivision process. More precisely, when the extended Loop’s subdivisionscheme is applied to the control function values recursively, the linear subdivi-sion scheme (each triangle is partitioned into four equal-sized sub-triangles) isapplied to the control polygon correspondingly. The limit of the former is φi andthat of later is Sd itself.

The basis functions share some important properties:

1. Positivity.The weights of the extended subdivision rules are positive. Hence the basisfunction φi is nonnegative everywhere and positive around xi.

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2. Locality.The limit value at a control point is a linear combination of the one-ringneighbor values. Hence, the limit value is zero at a control point if the con-trol values on the one-ring neighbor control points are zeros. Therefore, thesupport of the basis function is within the two-ring neighborhood.

3. Partition of Unity.Since all the subdivision rules have the properties that the weights aresummed to one. Therefore, if we choose all the control values as one. Thecontrol values after one subdivision step are still one. This implies that



φi(x) = 1.

This property is called partition of unity.4. Interpolatory Properties at the Boundary.

The extended subdivision rules on the boundary do not involve the inte-rior control points. Hence the basis functions for the interior control pointsare zero at the boundary. This means that the given boundary curves areinterpolated.

5. Tangential Property.Let xi be a control point, with non of its one-ring neighbor control points isboundary control points. Then ∇sφi vanishes on the boundary. This fact canbe observed by considering the eigen-decomposition of the control points. Letp(k) ∈ R(n+1)×3 be a vector consisting of one-ring neighbor control pointsof x(k)

i at the subdivision level k, S ∈ R(n+1)×(n+1) the local subdivisionmatrix that convert p(k) to pk+1, i.e.,

p(k+1) = Sp(k) = Skp(1), k = 1, 2, · · · .

Here n stands for the valence of x(k)i . Suppose p(1) is decomposed into

p(1) = e0aT0 + e1aT

1 + e2aT2 + · · ·+ enaT

n , aj ∈ R3,

where e0, e1, · · · , en are the eigenvectors of S. Here we assume that theseeigenvectors are arranged in the order of non-increasing eigenvalues λj . Then

p(k+1) = λk0e0aT

0 + λk1e1aT

1 + λk2e2aT

2 + · · ·+ λnnenaT

n ,

where λ0 = 1, λ1 = λ2 < 1. The limit position at the center is a0. Thetangent direction at this point are a1 and a2, and aj is given by

aTj = eT

j p(1),

where ej are the left eigenvectors of S with normalized condition eTj ej = 1.

6. Linear independency.As a set of basis functions, φim

i=0 must be linearly independent. For Loop’ssubdivision scheme, this fact is implied by a result from [20] on the solvabilityof interpolation problem:

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For the given function values fim0 , find the control function values gim


such thatm∑


gjφj(vi) = fi, i = 0, · · · ,m, (11)

where vi is the limit position of the subdivision surface corresponding to thecontrol point xi.

3.2 Spatial Discretizations

Suppose φi is a basis function of VS(t) corresponding to control point xi, i =0, · · · ,m. Assume x0, · · · , xm0 are the interior control points, and xm0+1, · · · ,xm are the boundary control points. Then x(t) ∈ S(t) can be represented as

x(t) =m0∑


xj(t)φj +m∑


xj(t)φj , xj(t) ∈ R3, (12)

and therefore,

∇sx(t) =m0∑


∇sφj [xj(t)]T +m∑


∇sφj [xj(t)]T , xj(t) ∈ R3×3. (13)

The mean curvature vector of the surface is represented approximately as

y(t) =m∑


yj(t)φj , yj ∈ R3, ∇sy(t) =m∑


∇sφj [yj(t)]T ∈ R3×3. (14)

Since the boundary control points are fixed and the interior control pointsare to be determined, the coefficients xj in the first term of (12) are unknowns,while the coefficients xj in the second term are the given control points on theboundary. Furthermore, since the curvature on the surface boundary involvesthe unknown interior control points, hence all the coefficients in (14) are treatedas unknowns.

Now let us discretize equations (8)–(10) in the finite space VS(t). Since theseequations are similar in form, we treat them together. Let S be the limit surfaceof the extended Loop’s subdivision scheme for the control polygon Sd. Substitut-ing (12)–(14) into (8)–(10), and taking the test functions φ as φi(i = 0, · · · ,m0),ψ as φi(i = 0, · · · ,m), and finally noting that


= 0 if j > m0,

we obtain the following matrix representations of (8)–(10):


∂Xm0 (t)

∂t + L(1)m Ym(t) = 0,

M(2)m Ym(t) + L

(2)m Xm(t) = B,


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whereXj(t) = [xT

0 (t), · · · ,xTj (t)]T ∈ R3(j+1),

Ym(t) = [yT0 (t), · · · ,yT

m(t)]T ∈ R3(m+1),

are matrices consisting of the control points for the surface and the mean cur-vature normals, respectively, and

B = [bT0 , · · · ,bT

m]T ∈ R3(m+1),

M(1)m0 = (mijI3)

m0,m0ij=0 , M

(2)m = (mijI3)

m,mij=0 ,

L(1)m =



ij=0, L

(2)K =

(l(2)ij I3



are the coefficient matrices. The elements of these matrices are defined as follows:

mij =∫

Sφiφj dA,

l(1)ij =

l(s)ij for SDF,

l(s)ij + 4


[n(H2 −K)φiφj

]nTdA for WF,

l(s)ij − 4


[n(2H2 −K)φiφj

]nTdA for QSDF,

l(2)ij =





bi =12


ncφi ds, (16)


l(s)ij = 2


[φi ® φj − n(∇sφi)T∇sφj

]nT dA.

Moving the terms relating to the known control points xm0+1, · · · , xm in thesecond equation of (15) to the equations’ right-hand side, we can rewrite (15) as


∂Xm0 (t)

∂t + L(1)m Ym(t) = 0,

M(2)m Ym(t) + L

(2)m0Xm0(t) = B(2).


Note that, matrices M(1)m0 and M

(2)m are symmetric and positive definite. The

integrals in defining the matrix elements are computed using Gaussian quadra-ture formulas over the domain triangles. The knots in the barycentric coordinateform and weights of the Gaussian quadrature formulas can be found in [1].

In the boundary integrals (16), nc is the co-normal of the surface, it is in-feasible to compute these co-normals nc from the previous approximation, since

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they do not satisfy the given boundary condition. The right way is to replace nc

with n(Γ )c . That is

bi =12


n(Γ )c φi ds.

3.3 Temporal Direction Discretization

Suppose we have approximate solutions


= Xm0(tk) and Y (k)m = Ym(tk)

at t = tk. We want to obtain approximate solutions X(k+1)m0 and Y

(k+1)m at t =

tk+1 = tk + τ (k) using a forward Euler scheme. Specifically, we use the followingapproximation

Xm0(tk+1)−Xm0(tk)τ (k)

≈ ∂Xm0


The matrices M (1), M (2), L(1) and L(2) in (17) are computed using the surfacedata at t = tk. This yields a linear system with X

(k+1)m0 and Y

(k+1)m as unknowns:


(1)m0 τ (k)L


L(2)m0 M






[τ (k)B(1) + M





Though the matrices M (1) and M (2) are symmetric and positive definite, thetotal matrix is neither symmetric nor positive definite. However the coefficientmatrix of this system is highly sparse, hence a stable iterative method for itssolution is desirable. We use Saad’s iterative method, namely GMRES (see [15]),to solve our sparse linear system. The numerical tests show that this iterativemethod works very well.

4 Illustrative Examples

To illustrate our surface construction method is effective. We give several graphi-cal examples in this section. The Given G1 boundary conditions means specifyingB-spline boundary curves with co-normals on these curves where the boundaryB-spline control points need to be interpolated.

For easy to illustrate, several existing triangle mesh models are used as theinitial control mesh. Boundary control polygon are extracted from these models.The co-normals are computed from the initial control mesh. To show the powerof our approach, the interior control vertices are sometimes perturbed.

In Fig. 1, we show one surface patch construction process. The first columnin Fig. 1 shows the boundary curves. The second column shows the boundarycurves as well as the co-normals on the curves. The third column shows the initialcontrol meshes. The last column shows the control mesh of the constructed PDEsubdivision surfaces. The control meshes of PDE subdivision surfaces shown inthe last row, from the top down, are produced using quasi-surface diffusion flow,

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Fig. 1. First column: the boundary curves. Second column: the boundary curves withthe co-normals. Third column: the initial control meshes. Last column: the controlmesh of the constructed PDE subdivision surfaces.

surface diffusion flow, Willmore flow and surface diffusion flow, respectively. Thetemporal step-sizes are 0.0001 for the first two, and 0.001 for the last two. Theiteration numbers used are 100 for the first three, and 25 for the last one.

In Fig. 2 and 3, we join several surface patches together to form closed sur-faces. For each patch, boundary curves and co-normals are provided. At thecommon boundaries, the co-normals may not be the same. Hence, surfaces withsharp feature can be constructed. The control meshes of the PDE subdivisionsurfaces as shown in Fig. 2(e) and (f) are generated using Willmore flow with 20iterations and temporal step-size 0.01. The control mesh of the PDE subdivisionsurface as shown in Fig. 3(d) is generated using surface diffusion flow with 20iterations and temporal step-size 0.0001.

5 Conclusions

Mesh subdivision technology can provide a simple and efficient method to con-struct surfaces with any topology structure, at the same time satisfy some

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(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Fig. 2. (a) is the boundary curves, (b) is boundary curves with different co-normals.(c) is the boundary curves with the same co-normals. (d) is the initial control polygon.(e) and (f) are the control polygons of the PDE subdivision surfaces corresponding tothe boundary curves (b) and (c), respectively.

smoothness requirement. Geometric PDEs are powerful tools for constructinghigh quality surfaces. In this paper, we combine these two ingredients together.We construct geometric PDE Loop’s subdivision surfaces, with given G1 bound-aries condition, using three fourth-order geometric flows. A numerical solutionmethod of the finite element based on the extended Loop’s subdivision schemeis adopted, and the geometric PDE subdivision surfaces are therefore efficientlyconstructed.


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