construction of double page spread magazine page

Construction of Double Page Spread magazine page

Upload: christine65

Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Construction of double page spread magazine page

Construction of Double Page Spread magazine


Page 2: Construction of double page spread magazine page

At the beginning of the construction of the magazine Double page spread, I had to pick a photograph that I wanted to use as the main image on my Double page spread page. Once I found the picture that represented the genre of my magazine and represented the article on the double page spread, I had to resize the image so that it would be the correct dimensions (height and width) to fit on my double page spread page. I also cropped this photograph so that I could take away some of the page background I didn’t need in the photograph, this made my main image look more magazine image like.

Page 3: Construction of double page spread magazine page

Once I resized the image, I then replaced the colours on the image. I changed the image to black and white, I did this so that all my magazine pages would link together through text and images almost like a band identity for the magazine pages. I also adjusted the lighting so that the model stood out more from the page because the model is the main focus on the magazine double page spread. I feel that the manipulation to this image has made the overall outcome good, with was the overall aim of manipulating the image. Once I manipulated the image I then put it onto my double page spread at the left hand corner of the page, where it stands out to the target audience because the image is is ‘striking’.

Page 4: Construction of double page spread magazine page

I then added the band name on to the double page spread, this lets the reader know who the article is about. I made my font on a website called; It was this website that helped come up with a logo design for the band ‘young but famous’ that would be placed onto the double page spread. I also made the headline on the same website, I feel overall that these font styles work well and complement each other on the double page spread. I kept the font large for both the band name and headline so that it would grab the attention of the reader. The headline is quite ‘snappy’ drawing the reader in to read the article.

Page 5: Construction of double page spread magazine page

Before I began working on Photoshop, I had already wrote up and article about my chosen band ‘ young but famous’, all had to do was type it up on Photoshop, making sure I had no spelling mistakes or punctuation errors. I kept the house style of my magazine, grey, white and black. I used black aerial text so that I would stand out against the white background of the magazine page, and also so that it would be clear for the reader to read easily from the magazine page.

Page 6: Construction of double page spread magazine page

This is what the double page spread looks like with all the article on the double page spread. I have used a big letter ‘Y’ at the beginning of the article to show the target audience where the article begins. Overall at this point of the construction of the double page spread I think that the page is good as I have some of the conventions of a double page spread which makes the magazine page look more professional overall to the target audience.

Page 7: Construction of double page spread magazine page

Then I added quotes/ reviews about what people thought about the band, I did this to try and entice the reader to read the article if they saw reviews that were good about he band. I used large black text so that it would grab the reader attention drawing them to that area of the page. I felt that the quotes/ reviews look good around the image, made the page have a more professional appearance.I think that my overall magazine double page spread page is good, and that it makes the expression I am looking for to represent the genre of music that my music magazine is aimed at.