construction of building housing & sewerage


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PTS 20.105


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PETRONAS Technical Standards (PTS) publications reflect the views, at the time of publication,of PETRONAS OPUs/Divisions.

They are based on the experience acquired during the involvement with the design, construction,operation and maintenance of processing units and facilities. Where appropriate they are basedon, or reference is made to, national and international standards and codes of practice.

The objective is to set the recommended standard for good technical practice to be applied byPETRONAS' OPUs in oil and gas production facilities, refineries, gas processing plants, chemicalplants, marketing facilities or any other such facility, and thereby to achieve maximum technicaland economic benefit from standardisation.

The information set forth in these publications is provided to users for their consideration anddecision to implement. This is of particular importance where PTS may not cover everyrequirement or diversity of condition at each locality. The system of PTS is expected to besufficiently flexible to allow individual operating units to adapt the information set forth in PTS totheir own environment and requirements.

When Contractors or Manufacturers/Suppliers use PTS they shall be solely responsible for thequality of work and the attainment of the required design and engineering standards. Inparticular, for those requirements not specifically covered, the Principal will expect them to followthose design and engineering practices which will achieve the same level of integrity as reflectedin the PTS. If in doubt, the Contractor or Manufacturer/Supplier shall, without detracting from hisown responsibility, consult the Principal or its technical advisor.

The right to use PTS rests with three categories of users :

1) PETRONAS and its affiliates.2) Other parties who are authorised to use PTS subject to appropriate contractual

arrangements.3) Contractors/subcontractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers under a contract with

users referred to under 1) and 2) which requires that tenders for projects,materials supplied or - generally - work performed on behalf of the said userscomply with the relevant standards.

Subject to any particular terms and conditions as may be set forth in specific agreements withusers, PETRONAS disclaims any liability of whatsoever nature for any damage (including injuryor death) suffered by any company or person whomsoever as a result of or in connection with theuse, application or implementation of any PTS, combination of PTS or any part thereof. Thebenefit of this disclaimer shall inure in all respects to PETRONAS and/or any company affiliatedto PETRONAS that may issue PTS or require the use of PTS.

Without prejudice to any specific terms in respect of confidentiality under relevant contractualarrangements, PTS shall not, without the prior written consent of PETRONAS, be disclosed byusers to any company or person whomsoever and the PTS shall be used exclusively for thepurpose they have been provided to the user. They shall be returned after use, including anycopies which shall only be made by users with the express prior written consent of PETRONAS.The copyright of PTS vests in PETRONAS. Users shall arrange for PTS to be held in safecustody and PETRONAS may at any time require information satisfactory to PETRONAS in orderto ascertain how users implement this requirement.

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3.1 Excavation

3.2 Piling

3.3 Concrete Work

3.4 Structural Steelwork

3.5 Brickwork

3.6 Roofing

3.7 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery

3.8 Metalwork

3.9 Ceiling

3.10 Plastering and Tiling

3.11 Paving

3.12 Glazing

3.13 Plumbing and Sanitary Fittings

3.14 Painting and Decorations

3.15 Sewerage

3.16 Gas Installation

3.17 Electrical


Revision No. Date Details of Revision

1 11/83 First issue.

2 12/88 Second revision

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This specification gives the minimum general requirements for the construction of all onshorebuildings in reinforced concrete, steel, brick and timber. This specification does not cover theconstruction using prestressed concrete, fibre-reinforced concrete and reinforced earth.


The following Codes and Standard are referred to in this specification. The latest editions ofwhich shall be used.

A. PETRONAS Technical Specifications

1. PTS Steel Structures

2. PTS Reinforced Concrete Foundations and Structures

3. PTS Paints and Paint Materials Nov., 1981

4. Technical Specs B-1-1 New Buildings


1. B.S.449 The use of Structural Steel in Building

2. B.S.1881 Methods of Testing Concrete

3. B.S.12 Portland Cement, 1978

4. B.S.812 Testing Aggregates

5. B.S.882, 1983 Specification for aggregates from natural sources.

6. B.S.4449, 1978 Hot rolled steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete.

7. B.S.4483, 1985 Steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete

8. B.S.4360, 1986 Weldable Structural Steel

9. B.S.5950 Structural use of Steelwork in Building

10. B.S.5135 Specifications for Arc Welding of Carbon and CarbonManganese Steels.

11. BS 4190 Black bolts, screws and nuts.

12. BS 1769 Black bolts, screws and nuts (heavy series).

13. BS 3139 High strength friction grip bolts for use in structural steel.

BS 3294 High strength friction grip bolts for use in structural steel.

BS 4395 High strength friction grip bolts for use in structural steel.

BS 4604 High strength friction grip bolts for use in structural steel.

14. BS 8110 The Structural use of Concrete.

15. BS 8301, 1985 Code of Practice for Building Drainage.

16. BSCP 331 Installation of pipes and meters for town gas.

17. BS 8004 Code of Practice for Foundations.

18. BS 8005 Sewerage

19. BSCP 112 The Structural Use of timber.

20. BS 1377 Methods of Test for Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes.

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C. Malaysian Standards and Bylaws

1. M.S. 544 The Structural Use of timber 1978.

2. Uniform Building Bylaws, 1984.

3. Drainage, Sanitation and Sanitary Plumbing Bylaws, 1974.

The use of asbestos construction materials has been discontinued. Any reference made in theabove codes of Practices and Standards pertaining to any construction materials made, in wholeor in part, of asbestos and its recommended uses shall be deemed to be deleted.


3.1 Excavation

3.1.1 Nature of Excavation

The Contractor shall be allowed access to any soil reports available but any information given insuch reports shall be given without prejudice. The Contractor must satisfy himself as to the natureof the ground to be excavated. Prices for excavations shall include for excavating in whatevertype of soil as encountered except rock unless specifically stated otherwise.

Before commencing the works, the Contractor shall ascertain the location and nature of allexisting underground services and having obtained the C.S.R.’s permission to proceed shall thentake every possible precaution against any damage occurring to them, and/or interferencetherewith, during the execution of the works.

3.1.2 Excavation

The whole of the excavation shall be carried out to the widths, lengths and depths as described ordirected.

Should the Contractor excavate to a greater depth or width than shown on the drawings orinstructed by the C.S.R. he shall, at his own expense, fill in such greater depth or width ofexcavation with concrete as described for foundations.

No more ground shall be removed than is absolutely necessary and if loose, soft or bad ground isencountered, the matter shall be reported at once to the C.S.R., and his instructions sought.

If in the Opinion of the C.S.R additional excavation is necessary a written instruction will beissued and the Contractor shall carry out such additional work and will be paid an extra inaccordance with the Schedule of Rates.

3.1.3 De-watering Excavation

All excavations shall at all times be kept free from water and mud by pumping and bailing asrequired. De-watering of excavations for foundations may be carried out by well-pointing at theContractor’s cost.

3.1.4 Precautionary and Remedial Measures

The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions so as not to damage or endanger anyproperty, structures, roads, installations or services in the vicinity of his operations. TheContractor shall immediately report to the C.S.R. should their operations cause damage orendanger any such property structures, roads, installation or services and shall take suchremedial measures to the satisfaction of the C.S.R.

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The Contractor shall provide and place all shoring, sheeting, planking, sheet piling and shutteringand any other materials necessary to secure and maintain the sides of the excavation, adjacentbuildings or services until ready for backfill or deposition of concrete and shall remove the sameon completion.

Where any slips or falls of trench and pit sides should occur, the Contractor shall remove allloosened and disturbed material and replace the same at his own expense with properlycompacted fill material or with concrete as the C.S.R. may require.

The Contractor shall provide all necessary boards or coverings and lay same to protect thetrenches or excavations from the effect of inclement weather if so required by the C.S.R.

The Contractor shall make all necessary and adequate measures to prevent water from the sitesof his operations from causing a nuisance on or in any adjacent contract sites and neighbouringproperty either by causing flooding or by depositing sediment on the ground surface or in drainsor natural watercourses. The Contractor shall construct wherever necessary temporary drainagechannels, contour drains, silt traps or other siltation prevention structures. The Contractor shallremove all sediment which may accumulate on any land or in any drains or natural water coursesas a result of his operations.

The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to minimise the loss of materials by erosionand to prevent displacement of the ground in slopes adjacent to his operations. The Contractorshall limit all working faces to such heights and slopes as are stable and provide any necessarytimbering as required. The Contractor shall construct the drainage works as indicated ondrawings or as instructed by the C.S.R. and temporary drainage works at the earliest practicaldate and preferably before the execution of and displacement of ground nonetheless occur, theContractor shall make good the same and the effects thereof with such materials and in suchmanner as the C.S.R. may direct at his own cost.

3.1.5 Disposal of Excavated Material

All excavated materials except the materials the C.S.R. considers suitable for use as fill materialsshall be removed off the site to a tip to be provided by the Contractor at his own expense.

The Contractor shall take all measures to ensure that excavated material is not allowed to fall orbe tipped over any hill slopes. The Contractor shall be responsible for any slope failures due tohis own negligence in this respect and pay for the cost at his own expense for any remedialmeasures required.

The excavated material considered by the C.S.R. to be suitable for use as fill material shall beloaded, transported, spread and compacted in areas where filling is required.

The Contractor shall load, transport, unload, spread, level and compact all surplus excavatedmaterial at Contractor’s own tips.

3.1.6 Top Soil

All top soil shall be excavated separately to such depth as directed by the C.S.R. not exceeding225 mm deep and shall be left in separate spoil heaps where directed for reuse in turfing.

The Contractor shall take all precautions necessary to prevent the top soil being removed fromthe site and shall ensure that the top soil is adequately protected in the spoil heaps againsterosion and deterioration from the weather.

The C.S.R. reserves the right to object to the use of this topsoil if found unsuitable.

The Contractor shall make his own arrangements to import any shortfall of topsoil required forturfing work.

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3.1.7 Excavation to receive Foundations

The Contractor shall report to the C.S.R. when excavations are ready to receive concretefoundations and shall not proceed with concreting until they have been checked and approved.Any concrete or other work put in before this has been done shall be removed if so required bythe C.S.R.

Excavation which is to be followed immediately by placing of blinding layer may be taken down tothe formation levels shown on the drawings. Any excavation which will not be completed andimmediately followed by the placing of blinding layer shall be taken down not lower than 150mmabove the formation levels.

Where excavation is for reinforced concrete work the formation shall first receive a 50mm thickblinding layer of 1:3:6 concrete before the reinforced concrete work is placed.

3.1.8 Removal of Soft Areas or Unsuitable Material

In cutting, where directed and authorised in writing by the C.S.R. soft, wet or unstable areas ofdepths, exceeding 150 mm below the base formation of concrete structures which exist ordevelop during construction, shall be excavated and replaced with approved stable material inlayers not exceeding 150 mm loose thickness, compacted as hereinafter specified.

3.1.9 Backfilling

The Contractor shall not fill in over any work until it has been approved by the C.S.R. The fill shallthen be brought back from the place where it was temporarily deposited and the trenches orexcavations which require backfilling shall be filled up to the required level in layers of not morethan 150mm in loose thickness. Each layer shall be carefully and thoroughly rammed andcompacted by approved power driven mechanical tamper or power roller and shall be furtherconsolidated by the addition of water. All refilling to raise level of site shall be done in similarlayers with approved fill materials rammed and consolidated in like manner.

Filling over and around pipes, culverts and other structures shall be placed in such a manner thatwill avoid unbalanced loading and that will not cause movement or place undue strain on anystructure.

Formation in cut section when completed to the line, level and cross-fall of the planned formation,shall be scarified up to a depth of 150mm and compacted to 95% of the maximum dry density asdetermined by B.S. Heavy Compaction Tests. (BS 1377)

Construction equipment and traffic shall not be allowed on the fill while it is in a wet condition.Material which has become excessively wet shall be dried or removed from the site and replacedby material of suitable moisture content for compaction at the Contractor’s expense.

At locations where it would be impractical to use mobile power compacting equipment, filling shallbe compacted to the specified requirements by any approved method that will obtain the specifiedcompaction.

3.1.10 Compaction Tests

Compaction Tests shall be carried out by the C.S.R. or officials from the Public WorksDepartment. The Contractor shall provide all assistance and labour required to assist the officialscarrying out the test at his own cost.

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3.1.11 Hard Core

Hard core where specified to be used shall consists of cement concrete, stone rubble or suchother hard material broken to a 75 mm gauge subject to C.S.R.’s approval. Where hard core isspecified under slabs or other concrete it shall be broken to pass a 150 mm diameter ring, spreadover the prepared ground or filling, well consolidated, and levelled off. Under no circumstancesshall lime concrete be allowed as hard core. Blind surfaces of hardcore beds which are to receiveconcrete with sand, or other approved fine materials.

3.1.12 Damp Proof Membrane

A damp proof membrane shall be laid under all ground floor concrete slabs, unless specificallystated otherwise. It shall be a 0.25 mm thick approved polythene sheet and shall be laid with 150mm laps and turned up 150mm at abutments with walls etc. Great care is to be exercised to avoidtearing or puncturing the membrane and it shall be fixed firmly in position before the concrete islaid.

3.2 Piling

3.2.1 General

Piling shall conform in all respects with the principles contained in British Standard Code ofPractice No. 8004 ‘Foundations’ issued by the Institution of Civil Engineers, London andPTS - “Piling” by PETRONAS.

In addition to submitting the records required under Clause the Contractor shall reportimmediately to the C.S.R. any circumstance which indicates that the ground conditions differ fromthose expected by the Contractor from his interpretation of the Soil Survey so as to affectmaterially the bearing capacity of the pile.

The type of pile to be used at any particular structure shall be as indicated on the Drawings. Thelengths of piles indicated on the Drawings are based on information obtained from the precontractSoil Survey. The Contractor’s attention is however drawn to the fact, that suitable founding stratamay be encountered at depths which require the actual installation of different lengths of pilewhich give rise to considerable variation within any particular site or pile groups. No extra costswill be admitted on the grounds of any such difference or variation in lengths.

At each structure site where piling is to be installed, the C.S.R. may select for testing one or moreworking piles which the Contractor shall construct or drive in advance of the remaining piles at theSite. Piles selected for this purpose shall be constructed or driven with the same equipment asproposed for the main piling work, to the depths required by the C.S.R. The remaining piling atthe site shall not proceed until the testing of the advance piles has been completed to thesatisfaction of the C.S.R., and meets the requirements of acceptance quoted in Clause C.S.R. may also instruct the testing of further piles during the course of the works. All piletesting shall be carried out in accordance with Clause of this specification.

In the case of driven piles the C.S.R. will direct the lengths of piles to be manufactured andpitched after the testing of test piles. He will also direct the lengths of any necessary extension ofpiles.

Each pile shall be placed within 76 mm of its correct position and shall be within 1 in 80 of itscorrect rake as shown on the Drawings. Piles which have not been positioned within these limitsshall not be corrected by forcible means and any remedial measures taken shall be subject to theapproval of the C.S.R.

The cost of such remedial measures and of the repair or replacement of any pile which may havebeen condemned by the C.S.R. owing to damage, inferior quality or excessive deflections, shallbe borne by the Contractor, including the cost of any addition to the pile cap necessitated by thereplacement unless the Contractor can prove that the damage or deflection of the condemnedpile was caused by circumstances beyond his control.

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Piling work shall be carried out under the direction of a competent supervisor experienced in theparticular system of piling to be used. He shall be employed full time for the duration of the pilingoperations and his appointment shall be subject to the approval, in writing, of the C.S.R. beforethe commencement of piling work.

3.2.2 Precast Concrete Piles General

The manufacture, storage and handling of reinforced concrete piles shall comply in all respectswith Section 3.3, Concrete Work of this Specification, with the following amplifications:-

(i) Piles shall be supported, handled and pitched so as to avoid damage.

(ii) Where piles have to be stored they shall be placed on sufficient supports on firm groundto avoid damage by excessive bending.

(iii) Each pile shall be marked indelibly to show its identification number, length and date ofcasting. Pile Shoes

Shoe bases where required shall be cast iron of clean grey tough metal free from sand, honey-combing or porous places, air holes or other defects. Straps shall be of mild steel or wrought ironcast into the base and shall run continuously through it. All shoes shall be fitted to thereinforcement as shown on the Drawings. Driving

Piles shall not be driven until at least 21 days after casting unless agreed by the C.S.R. TheC.S.R. shall be notified 24 hours before the commencement of driving. Piles shall be driven withan approved hammer and in a sequence of driving approved by the C.S.R to a set as shown onthe Drawing or to the depths instructed by the C.S.R. The C.S.R. shall be informed at least 1 hourbefore the set is taken. Piles shall not be left partially driven.

Followers will not be permitted where piles are driven beyond the bottom lead, without the writtenapproval of the C.S.R. Raking pile shall be driven with leads capable of adjustment to therequired angle of rake. Risen Piles

Piles which have risen as a result of driving adjacent piles shall be re-driven to the requirementsof the C.S.R. Extension of Piles

Basic and extension piles shall be cased with angles and plates as shown on the drawings andwhere piles are required to be extended the extension pile shall be jointed to the basic pile bywelding the external angles as shown on the drawings.

The quality of materials and workmanship in extension piles shall be as specified in relevantclauses.

Any welding shall be carried out in the presence of the C.S.R. and the workmanship shallconform to the requirements of BS 5135: 1984.

Driving shall not be resumed after lengthening until:-

(i) the cube strength of the concrete in the extension pile is at least equal to the specified 28days cube strength of the concrete in the pile,


(ii) the approval of the C.S.R. has been obtained.

Page 10: construction of building housing & sewerage Stripping of Pile Heads

After the piles have been driven to the required set or depth, the piles shall be cut off wheninstructed by the C.S.R., at a level 760 mm above the underside of the pile cap and the surpluslength removed from Site. The length within the pile cap shall be carefully stripped of concrete toexpose the reinforcement for incorporation in the cap. Pile Tests

Piles selected by the C.S.R. shall be tested by the Contractor as follows :-

(i) The test load shall be applied by a jack by a method approved by the C.S.R. and shall bemeasured within an accuracy of 2 percent. Settlement and recovery shall be measuredwithin an accuracy of 0.25 mm. from a datum that will not itself be affected by anymovement of the ground due to the test loading or other causes. The C.S.R. may requireindependent checks on the level of the datum by an accurate levelling instrument.

(ii) The jack shall be properly calibrated by an approved testing station and the appropriatecertificate produced before any tests commence. The measuring equipment and supportsemployed shall be adequately protected from the sun and weather elements and thereadings of the air temperature shall be made and recorded at the same time as those onthe gauges of the several measuring instruments used.

(iii) Application of Test Load

The test shall be carried out by the equal load increment method up to a test load equalto twice the working load, each increment of load being 12½% of the test load.Settlement readings shall be taken immediately before and after each increment of load,and thereafter at intervals of two, four, eight, fifteen and thirty minutes and subsequentlyat hourly intervals. No additional load shall be applied until average dial gauge readingsdo not vary by more than 0.127 mm in an hour.

When the load has reached the specified value of test load as stated in the drawings, itshall be maintained for a period of twenty-four (24) hours or such longer period as theC.S.R. may decide. Taking of settlement readings at hourly intervals shall be continuedwithin the period.

The test load shall be released in stages to seventy five, fifty, twenty five and ten percentof its value and then removed. Settlement reading shall be taken as when the loads areapplied. Each reduction of load shall be carried out an intervals not less than one (1) hourand until recovery is less than 0.127 mm/hour. The final recovery twenty-four (24) hoursafter complete release of the load shall be measured.

(iv) Supervision

The Contractor shall provide an experienced supervisor to be present full time for theduration of the pile tests to ensure that the loading sequences and method of takingsettlement readings are strictly followed and that true load is maintained at all times. Piletests shall be carried out only in the presence of the C.S.R.

(v) Abandonment of Pile Tests

Should any tent have to be discontinued due to:-

(1) Faulty jack or gauge,(2) Instability of kentledge,(3) Improper setting of datum,(4) Unstable bench marks or scales, and(5) re-jacking or pre-loading before commencement of the test,

the Contractor shall entirely at his own expense carry out further tests to the C.S.R.’sinstructions. The cost of the abandoned test shall be borne by the Contractor.

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(vi) Failure of Piles

A pile shall be deemed to have failed if any of the following occurs:

(1) The maximum settlement under the full test load exceeds 6mm,

(2) The permanent settlement exceeds 2.5mm after removal of the test load, and

(3) Inability to complete a test load due to failure of the pile cap through whatever cause.

Any piles which fail under test loading shall be replaced as directed by the C.S.R. at theContractor’s expense. The Contractor shall bear the cost of the test that failed and inaddition, shall entirely at his own expense carry out two further tests to the C.S.R.’sinstructions.

(vii) Submission of Pile Test Record

The Contractor shall, within 24 hours of the completion of the tests, submit to the C.S.R.for each pile tested a detailed record of testing and, in addition, graphs prepared tosuitable scale, showing :-

(a) Load and settlement plotted above and below a common base line of time;

(b) Settlement and recovery plotted vertically against a base line of load. Pile Records

1) A record of all piles driven or installed shall be kept by the Contractor and a copy of therecord of the work done each day shall be given to the C.S.R. within 24 hours.

2) The record shall consist of all relevant information as required by the C.S.R.

3) When instructed by the C.S.R. the Contractor shall record the number of the blows for eachfoot of penetration of the advance piles and submit this information on graphs.

4) On completion of the piling, the Contractor shall deliver to the C.S.R. a drawing recording thefinal depths of all piles relative to datum level.

3.2.3 Timber Piles

a) General

All piles shall be straight and sound, free from splits and shakes, knots of sufficient sizeto weaken the pile and insect or fungus attack. The piles shall be supplied in theminimum lengths and to the sizes stated.

Timber piles shall either be Bakau piles where the water table is above cut off level ortreated hardwood piles - Hickson’s Tanapile, GL Piles or equivalent.

b) Bakau Piling

Bakau piles shall be Bakau Timber freshly cut and free from loose bark. They shall havea minimum girth of 89 mm and shall be supplied in 6 m lengths.

Bakau piles shall be capable of carrying safe working loads of 1.27 tonnes and shall bedriven using hammers and to sets which are to be approved by the C.S.R.

Where it becomes necessary to splice or lengthen a pile, the ends of the pile and theextension shall be trimmed to form a well fitting butt joint and shall be joined to each otherby means of a galvanised iron sleeve approved by the C.S.R.

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3.2.4 Treated Hardwood Piles

Treated hardwood piles shall be hardwood timber of grade equivalent to “Standard StructuralGrade” specified under Section J. Stress Grading, Special Marketing Specification of theMalaysian Grading Rules for Sawn Hardwood Timber (1968 Edition) or equivalent.

All piles shall be pressure treated with copper - chrome - arsenate wood preservative inaccordance with B.S. 4072:1966 to the following requirements :-

(i) all piles shall be pressure impregnated at a pressure of not less than 1.4N/mm2 withcopper - chrome - arsenate to an average dry salt retention of 24.1 kg/m3.

(ii) the minimum penetration shall be 25 mm on the heartwood face.

Anti-splitting plates of a minimum of 18 gauge shall be fixed at both ends of the pile.

Piles shall be supplied in lengths of 6 m and shall be driven to set approved by the C.S.R. inaccordance with the specified safe working load.

Piles shall be extended using Standard Pile Sleeve Details as recommended by the suppliers.

Piles shall be cut off at levels as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the C.S.R. The cut offpile head should be given two flood coats of Hickson’s Special Tanapile “Ensele” or equivalent,allowing each application to soak into the end grain completely. Approximately one hour shouldbe allowed between each application. After the “Ensele” application has dried, the pile headshould be heavily coated with Shell “Flintcoat” or equivalent for the whole depth that the pile willbe encased in the pile cap.

3.3 Conrete Work

3.3.1 General

This specification covers the concrete for all reinforced concrete construction except prestressedconcrete.

All concrete mix shall contain Ordinary Portland Cement, fine and coarse aggregates from naturalsources and water to comply with requirements of 3.3.2. This specification is based mainly on theapproach taken in CP110.

All concrete work shall be carried out in strict accordance with this specification, the detaileddrawings and the C.S.R.’s instructions.

3.3.2 Constituent Materials of Concrete Cement

All cement used shall be Ordinary Portland cement of approved manufacture to comply withB.S. 12.

Cement shall be delivered on the site in sound, strong, bituminous lined paper bags, or othercontainers which shall be plainly marked with brand and name of the manufacturers and shall beaccompanied by the manufacturers test certificates which shall be handed to the C.S.R.

The cement on arrival on the site shall be stored in a suitable building approved by, the C.S.R.This building shall have a wooden floor or platform raised 300 mm from the ground on woodenrunners on which the cement bags may rest clear of the ground.

Each consignment of cement shall be inspected immediately on arrival on site, or as soon aspracticable afterwards, specifically to determine any damage which may have occurred due toexcess moisture penetrating the containers. Any cement containing lumps or other evidence ofsuch damage shall be rejected immediately and if the C.S.R. considers that the proportion of

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containers found to be damaged is dangerously high, he shall be entitled to reject the entireconsignment.

Each consignment of cement on the site shall be kept separate and plainly marked with Anapproved identification mark, and shall be used in the works in the order in which it was deliveredto the site.

The failure of any cement of a consignment shall entitle the C.S.R. to reject the entireconsignment and to prohibit the use on the work of any further consignment of the same brand.Rejected cement shall immediately be removed from the site at the Contractor’s cost. Any delaycaused by the rejection of cement shall be the Contractor’s sole responsibility. Fine Aggregate

Fine aggregate or sand to be used in concrete, plaster, screed and tiling shall comply with therequirements of B.S. 882 when tested according to B.S. 812. It shall be clean, sharp, tough anduniformly graded down from coarse particles not exceeding 5 mm in diameter, and shall be freefrom salt, mica, dirt, loam and (organic matter and shall contain not more than 3% by weight ofclay, silt and fine dust when tested by the decantation method given in B.S. 812. The use ofnatural sand from local beaches will not be permitted.

If the C.S.R. so directs, the sand shall be washed with clean water and/or screened before use tocomply with the foregoing standards and requirements.

Broken stone screenings graded to B.S. 882 Grading Zone 2 may be accepted by the C.S.R. assand, provided that, in his opinion they otherwise comply with the aforegoing clause describingthe sand to be used in concrete. Coarse Aggregate

Aggregate shall be crushed stone or gravel complying with B.S. 882 obtained from approvedquarries crushed so that all of it shall pass, in the case of stone for plain concrete through a 38mm diameter ring, in the case of stone for reinforced concrete, through a 19 mm diameter ringand in the case of precast concrete through a l0 mm diameter ring and so that none shall passthrough a sieve having holes of 5 mm diameter. Within these limits the particles shall be evenlygraded in accordance with B.S. 882.

The coarse aggregate shall be clean, not flaky, hard, durable, angular and free from clay film,mica, shale and other organic impurities and shall, if the C.S.R. so directs, be washed before use.On no account shall any aggregate contain any iron pyrites and soluble sulphate salts. Water

The water used for mixing and curing shall be clean and free from harmful matter, particularlyorganic or chemical substances. The water used shall comply with B.S. 3148. Admixture

No admixture shall be used in concrete mixes unless it was specified otherwise or approved bythe C.S.R. By no means the admixture shall contain chloride. Samples

At least two weeks before the delivery of materials to the site, the Contractor shall submit for theapproval of the C.S.R. samples of the fine and coarse aggregates that the Contractor proposes touse on the work and shall state the source of each. No material shall be delivered until the C.S.R.has approved the samples, and the materials as delivered shall be equal in all respects to theapproved samples.

Page 14: construction of building housing & sewerage Storage of Aggregate

The fine and coarse aggregates shall be stored on clean, hard surfaces at the site separately soas to prevent any contamination and admixture with foreign materials. Any materials which havebeen damaged, contaminated or have deteriorated or do not comply with all the requirements ofthis Specification shall be rejected and shall be removed immediately from the site at theContractor’s own cost.

3.3.3 Requirements of Fresh Concrete

The workability of the fresh concrete should be such that the concrete is suitable for theconditions of handling and placing so that after compaction it surrounds all reinforcement,tendons and ducts and completely fills the formwork.

Workability should be assessed by means of the slump test, compacting factor test or VBconsistometer test as appropriate in accordance with B.S. 1881. The Contractor shall provide allnecessary apparatus, tools and skilled labour for at least one of the above tests at his own cost atany time as requested by C.S.R., preferably the slump test.

Concrete which has been allowed to attain its initial set before placing or tamping shall beremoved from the work and shall on no account be used in the work.

3.3.4 Requirements of Hardened Concrete

The minimum requirements of the hardened concrete are the characteristic strength, the densityand durability of the concrete.

Concrete to be used whatsoever specified, shown on the drawings or directed by the C.S.R. shallhave the characteristic strengths shown in Table 1.

It shall be recognised that in all cases the proportions shown in Table 2 are purely nominal andthe criteria shall be density, workability and exhibiting the required crushing/characteristicstrengths, and the C.S.R. shall be empowered to vary the nominal proportions as necessary.

The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the resulting structure is durable andwatertight. If during the period of maintenance, the structure shall prove to be faulty, it is theresponsibility of the Contractor to adopt whatever steps are deemed necessary by the C.S.R. tomake it right and acceptable.

The characteristic strength of concrete is that determined from 150 mm test cubes at 28 days.

3.3.5 Grades of Concrete

Table 1 Grades of Concrete

Grade Characteristic Strength, N/mm²

20 20.0

25 25.0

30 30.0

The grades of concrete is defined by a number which represents the characteristics strength ofconcrete (in N/mm²) based on cube tests at 28 days.

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3.3.6 Prescribed Mixes for Ordinary Structural Concrete

Concrete Mixes are specified to have proportions of the constituents by weights. The mixproportions for the various grades of concrete are given in Table 2.

Table 2 : Prescribed Mixes Based on a bag of cement (nominal 50 kg)

Max. Size of Aggregate

20 mmWorkability

Medium HighGrade

Slump (mm) 25 – 75 75 – 125

10 Total Aggregate (kg)Fine content (%)

38535 – 50

34535 – 50

20 Total Aggregate (kg)Sand (%)Zone 1Zone 2Zone 3





25 Total Aggregate (kg)Sand (%)Zone 1Zone 2Zone 3





30 Total Aggregate (kg)Sand (%)Zone 1Zone 2Zone 3





3.3.7 Trial Mixes

Trial mixes shall be prepared by the Contractor for each grade of concrete used in the work at hisown cost before any concreting work commence.

Where trial mixes are required, three separate batches of each grade of concrete should be madeusing materials likely to be typical of the proposed supply and preferably under full scaleproduction conditions and under the supervision of the C.S.R. If circumstances make thisinconvenient, the batches may be mixed in a laboratory unless this is specifically precluded bythe C.S.R. All sampling and testing shall be in accordance with B.S. 1881.

3.3.8 Testing of Concrete

The concrete cubes when set shall be marked with the date and at identification number. Arecord shall be kept of the consignment of cement from which the cubes are made and of theparticulars of the aggregate, the water/cement ratio and the slump of the concrete.

Six preliminary test cubes of each batch of trial mixes shall be made for each grade of concreteused in the Works. Three of the cubes shall be tested to destruction at 7 days and three at 28days, or such other periods as the C.S.R. shall direct. No concreting shall be permitted until theaverage strength of the nine cubes tested at 28 days is at least equal to the figure shown in thecolumn headed “Preliminary Test” of Table 3.

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Table 3 : Crushing Strength of Concrete Cubes

Crushing Strength of Cube, in N/mm²Grade ofConcrete Preliminary Test Work Test

Age : 7 days 28 days 7 days 28 days

10 11.2 16.7 10.0 16.7

20 21.0 31.5 13.5 20.0

25 24.3 36.5 16.5 25.0

In addition to the preliminary crushing tests the C.S.R. may direct that further tests be madeduring the progress of the works on cubes made from the concrete about to be place in theWorks. In addition to the record required above a record shall be kept of the section of the Worksrepresented by each cube.

All sampling of materials, making concrete cubes and testing of hardened concrete cubes shallonly be done at the presence of C.S.R. by the Contractor’s authorised Supervisor(s) in strictaccordance with B.S. 1881.

3.3.9 Production of Concrete General

The Contractor shall employ supervision such as to ensure the required standard of control overmaterials and workmanship. The C.S.R. shall be afforded all reasonable opportunity and accessto inspect the materials and the production of concrete and to take any samples or to make anytests. Batching and Mixing

The quantity of cement, the quantity of fine aggregate and the quantities of the various sizes ofcoarse aggregate should be measured by weight except that aggregates may be measured byvolume in concrete of Grade 10. Batch weighing machines shall be installed of such a design aswill ensure that the precise weights of cement, fine and coarse aggregates appropriate to the mixis discharged into the mixer. However, the cement may alternatively be measured by using awhole number of bags in each batch.

The batch weights of aggregate should be adjusted to allow for a moisture content typical of theaggregates being used.

The mixing time should be not less than that used by the manufacturer in assessing the mixerperformance, and in no case shall the time of mixing be less than 2 minutes. Water - Cement Ratio

The amount of water to be added to each batch of concrete shall be the minimum necessary togive sufficient workability for full compaction of the concrete and be subjected to the approval ofthe C.S.R. In no case shall the water-cement ratio exceed 0.55 unless specifically authorised orspecified otherwise. The C.S.R. is empowered to reject any batch of concrete if the mix does notcomply with this clause. Transporting Concrete

Concrete shall be conveyed from the mixer to its place in the works as rapidly as possible bymethods which will prevent segregation and contamination with water or any other materials.

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Concrete shall be placed before initial set has occurred and in no case later than 30 minutes afterthe addition of water to the mix. Batching by Volumetric Measurement

No measurement of cement, sand and coarse aggregate by volume shall be allowed unlessspecifically authorised and approved by the C.S.R.

Only for relatively small and structurally unimportant parts of the works where only smallquantities of concrete (less than 10 cubic metres of wet concrete mix) are required, the fine andcoarse aggregate may be measured by volume in proportion to full bag of cement (50 kg), whichis subject to C.S.R.’s approval.

The aggregates shall not be packed more closely than by throwing in the usual way into themeasuring boxes. Due allowance shall be made for bulking if the aggregates are wet. No otherdevice shall be used for volumetric measurement other than properly constructed measuring box. Mixing of Concrete by Hand

Hand mixing of concrete shall not be permitted.

3.3.10 Placing Concrete

Concrete shall be placed only in the presence of the C.S.R. and then only after the reinforcementand the cleanliness and adequacy of the formwork has been checked and approved by him.

No concreting will be allowed during storms, floods, or heavy rains, and where there is waterinside the formwork for underground concrete work.

Before concreting all shavings and other debris shall be carefully removed and the formwork wellwatered. Formwork may be treated with an approved non-staining releasing agent beforeconcreting to prevent the concrete adhering but care must be taken to prevent the releasingagent coming in contact with reinforcement.

Concrete shall be placed gently and not tipped or dropped from a height. It shall then bethoroughly rammed and/or vibrated so as to fill the forms and surround the reinforcement withoutdisplacing it and without the formation of voids or cavities, but shall not be over-vibrated such thatthe concrete segregates. No reinforcement which is to be left protruding from concrete shall besubjected to shaking after concreting. During one week after placing, concrete shall be protectedfrom damage by sun and rain and from mechanical injury. All surfaces shall be kept continuallywet and shall be protected from the direct rays of the sun by wet sacks, a layer of wet sand orother approved method for at least seven days.

The work shall be so planned by the Contractor as to ensure the practical minimum ofconstruction joints (Refer Clause 3.3.15 of this Specification). Concrete shall be placedcontinuously until completion of the portion of the work between construction joints. Shuttering toform construction joints shall be firmly fixed and scribed around the reinforcement and shallinclude recesses of approved size and type in order to form a key with the subsequent concrete.

A minimum of 2 no. pneumatic or electrically driven vibrators having a frequency of not less than3000 impulses per minute shall be used for consolidating newly placed concrete, either attachedto the shuttering or screeding boards or immersed in the concrete, whichever is applicable to theclass of working being performed.

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3.3.11 Compliance with specified requirements General

Provided that the C.S.R. is satisfied that the materials used are in accordance with Clause 3.3.2of this Specification and that correct methods of manufacture (Clause 3.3.9) and practices ofhandling raw materials and manufactured concrete have been used, the compliance of aprescribed mix should be judged by the 28 days crushing strength of the hardened concrete, incomparison with the specified characteristic strength in Table 1. Strength

The characteristic Strength of concrete is that 28-day cube strength below which not more than5% of the test results may be expected to fall.

Compliance with the specified characteristic strength should be judged by tests made on cubes atan age of 28 days unless there is evidence, satisfactory to the C.S.R., that a particular testingregime is capable of predicting the strength at 28 days of concrete tested at an earlier age, whencompliance may be based on the results of such tests alone.

The rate of sampling at any time may be expected to fluctuate according to the random selectionof batches to be sampled and may be increased in appropriate circumstances. In any case atleast one sample should be taken on each day that concrete of that grade in used. Testing Plan

Each cube shall be made from a single sample taken from a randomly selected batch of concrete.The samples should, where practicable, be taken at the point of discharge from the mixer.

Compliance with the specified characteristic strength may be assumed if

(i) the average strength determined from any group of four consecutive test cubes exceedsthe specified characteristic strength by not less than 7.5 N/mm², and

(ii) each individual test result is greater than 85% of the specified characteristic strength.

If only one cube result fails to meet the second requirement then that result may be considered torepresent only the particular batch of concrete from which that cube was taken provided theaverage strength of the group satisfies the first requirement.

If more than one cube in a group fails to meet the second requirement or if the average strengthof any group of four consecutive test cubes fails to meat the first requirement then all the batchesrepresented by all such cubes shall be deemed not to comply with the strength requirements. Forthe purposes of this subclause the batches of concrete represented by a group of fourconsecutive test cubes shall include the batches from which samples were taken to make the firstand the last cubes in the group of four, together with all the intervening batches. Action to be taken in the event of non-compliance with the testing plan

When the average strength of four consecutive test cubes fails to meet the first requirement ofClause, the mix proportions of subsequent batches of concrete should be modified toincrease the strength.

The action to be taken in respect of the concrete which is represented by the test cubes (Clause3.3.11.3) which fail to meet either of the requirements of Clause must be determined bythe C.S.R. and the C.S.R. shall have the right to require the Contractor to demolish and re-buildthat portion of the Works at the Contractor’s expense. The Contractor shall be held responsiblefor all delay and cost incurred by the Company.

The C.S.R. may wish to carry out tests on the hardened concrete in the structure at theContractor’s cost. These may include non destructive methods or the taking of cored samples.The results of any such tests should not nullify the establishment of non-compliance with thetesting plan provided that this was based on valid cube test result.

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3.3.12 Reinforcement Material

All mild steel and high tensile deformed steel reinforcing bars used in the concrete work shallcomply in all respects with BS 4449: 1978 “Hot rolled steel bars for the reinforcement ofconcrete”.

All mixed steel wire mesh reinforcement shall comply with BS 4483: 1969 “Steel fabric for thereinforcement of concrete”.

All mild steel bars shall have characteristic tensile strength of 250 N/mm² and all high tensiledeformed bars shall have characteristic tensile strength of 410 N/mm². Supply

Where bars are supplied ex-merchant’s stock, they shall be delivered in the batch loads assupplied from the manufacturer and the Contractor shall supply to the C.S.R. the manufacturer’sTest Certificates for each particular batch.

No steel shall be bent or brought onto the site without the C.S.R.’s prior approval regarding thecountry or origin and compliance with this specification. Stacking

Reinforcing steel shall be stacked immediately on delivery at the site in approved racks so that itis clear of the ground.

Protection and Cleaning

The steel reinforcement shall be protected at all times from injury. At the time of concreting it shallbe free from dirt, loose mill scale, rust and also from paint, oil, grease or other coatings includingdried concrete from previous placements which would destroy or reduce the bond of the steelwith the surrounding concrete.

The Contractor shall therefore operate on all steel as may be necessary to produce this conditionby satisfactory methods to the approval of the C.S.R. at his own cost.

Even though steel has been cleaned any approval of the methods used or standard of cleaningattained shall be subject to the stipulation that the reinforcement shall be in a satisfactorycondition at the time of concreting and should undue delay occur between cleaning andconcreting so that further loose rust or other coatings become present on the steel then this shallbe removed by the Contractor before concreting. Fabrication

The reinforcement shall be carefully bent to the shapes and dimensions shown on the drawingsand all bends shall be made cold in approved bending machines.

The reinforcement shall not be bent or straightened in a manner that will injure the material.

Rods with kinks or bends not shown on the plans shall not be used. All reinforcement must bestraight between the bends shown and the rods shall be straightened before being bent ifconsidered necessary by the C.S.R.

The minimum diameter of former for use when bending round mild steel bars shall be four timesthe diameter of the bar. No bar showing any sign of cracking or fracture during bending shall beused in the work and shall be removed from the site at the Contractor’s cost. All steelreinforcement for the Contract must be stacked and bent on the site.

Page 20: construction of building housing & sewerage Laps and Hooks

All reinforcement shall be furnished in full lengths as indicated in the drawings. Except whereshown on the drawings, no lapping of rods will be permitted without the approval of the C.S.R.For all rods, laps shall have a length of not less than twenty five times the nominal diameter of therods +150mm and except where shown otherwise shall be made with hooks at each end. Welding

Welding of rods other than as specified or indicated on drawings will not be permitted. Welderrods shall be fabricated and placed so that the welds are located as shown on the drawings. Placing and Fastening

All reinforcing steel shall be accurately placed in position as shown on the plans and during thepouring and compacting of the concrete shall be firmly hold against displacement.

The steel shall be so placed and supported that in no case shall any bar in a column come closerto the finished surface of the concrete than 38 mm, in beams 25 mm and in slabs 12 mm or thethickness of the bar whichever is greater or at such distance as shall be designated on theworking drawings.

Soft iron wire not thinner than No. 18 SWG nor thicker than No. 14 SWG shall be used for tyingthe reinforcing rods at intersections. Ties shall be located at sufficiently close intervals to maintainthe rods in their correct positions.

Distances from the forms shall be maintained by means of stays, blocks, ties, hangers or otherapproved supports. Blocks for holding reinforcement from contact with the forms shall be cleanprecast mortar blocks of approved mixture, shape and dimensions.

Reinforcement in any member shall be placed and then inspected and approved by the C.S.R.before the placing of concrete begins. Concrete placed in violation of this provision shall be liableto rejection and removal at the Contractor’s cost.

Provision shall be made for workman to reach any part of the work without standing on thereinforcement. Conduits and Pipes

Conduits and other pipes whose embedment is allowed shall not with their fittings displace theconcrete of a column on which stress is calculated or which is required for fire protection to agreater extent than four percent (4%) of the area of the cross section. Sleeves or other pipespassing through floors, walls or beams shall not be of such a size or in such locations as to impairunduly the strength of the construction. Such sleeves or pipes may be considered as replacingstructurally the displaced concrete, provided they are not exposed to rusting or otherdeterioration, are of uncoated iron or steel not thinner than standard steel pipe, having a nominalinside diameter of not over 50 mm and are spaced at not less than three diameters centre tocentre. Except where plans of conduits and pipes are provided by the Engineer or Architect,embedded pipes and conduits, other than those merely passing through, shall not be larger inoutside diameter than one-third the thickness of the slab, wall, or beam in which they areembedded nor shall they be spaced closer than three diameters centre to centre, nor so locatedas to impair unduly the strength of the construction. Circular uncoated or galvanised screwedelectric conduit or iron or steel may be considered as replacing the displaced concrete. Conduitsfor electrical wiring, embedded in concrete shall comply also with the requirements of relevantPETRONAS specifications.

All holes, openings, pockets, ducts, chases, recesses and other cavities shall be formed beforethe concrete is placed. No holes shall be cut in any concrete without the prior approval of theC.S.R.

Page 21: construction of building housing & sewerage Bonding Ties

Where ends of brickwalls abut against reinforced concrete columns, or walls they shall besecured to the concrete with 6 mm mild steel rods 450 mm long hooked around column or wallreinforcement and cast with concrete and/or spot welded to surface of structural steel stanchionsand projected and built into joints or brickwork at 450 mm centres.

3.3.13 Formwork General

The design, construction and removal of formwork and falsework shall be the sole responsibilityof the Contractor.

No concrete shall be placed until forms have been checked and approved by the C.S.R. Anyforms not conforming to the requirements of the specification shall not be used and shall beremoved without delay.

The general requirements of formwork shall be as follows :

(i) The formwork shall be sufficiently rigid to prevent undue deflection during the placing andcompaction of the concrete.

(ii) It should be of sufficient strength to carry the working loads and the weight or pressure ofthe wet concrete and to withstand incidental loading and vibration of the concrete .

(iii) It should be set to line and level within the specified tolerance and include any camberwhich may be required.

(iv) The joints should be sufficiently tight to prevent loss of mortar from the concrete.

(v) The size of panels or units should permit easy handling. The design should permit anorderly and simple method of erection and striking.

(vi) The arrangement of panels should be such that they are not ‘trapped’ during striking, andit should be possible to strike side forms from beams without disturbing the soffitformwork.

(vii) Where brickwork or other in-filling is to be built flush with the surfaces of concretemembers, the corners of those members shall be finished square. Elsewhere the cornersof all exposed concrete members shall be chamfered 25 mm. Timber Formwork

The timber for formwork shall be free from all defects and to the approval of C.S.R.

All vertical supports shall be supported by folding wedges upon ample sole plates so thatshuttering may be struck without causing shock or jerk to the structure. Surface treatment of formwork

Where the appearance of the concrete is of importance it is vital that care be taken with thesurface of the form. All marks on the form, such as vibrating poker ‘burns’, as well as varyingproperties in the form-face material, such as uneven water absorbency in timber, will shown onthe finished concrete. Forms shall have all loose wire and other debris cleaned out of them priorto concreting with a compressed air hose.

It is particularly important that all steel particles be removed as they will rust and spoil the finalappearance of the concrete.

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To prevent damage to the concrete, the surface of the form must be coated with approvedrelease agent prior to concreting. Release agents should be applied to give a very thin film. Acommon fault is the use of too much oil. If the oil is thin, application by an airless spray isrecommended. Thicker oils may be applied by brush or cloth and spread as far as possible, allexcess being removed with a cloth. Waxes may be applied with a squeegee. If paint is not used,three coats of mould oil should be applied before the form is used for the first time. To avoidcontamination of the reinforcement, the release agent should be applied before the forms areerected, but to do this is may be necessary to protect the forms from the weather. Striking of formwork

The period which should elapse before the formwork is struck will vary from job to job and willdepend on the concrete used, the weather and exposure of the site, any subsequent treatment tobe given to the concrete, the method of curing and other factors. Formwork must not be removeduntil the concrete is strong enough to be self-supporting and able to carry imposed loads. Thusthe time of striking should be related to the strength of the concrete and obviously, soffit forms tobeams and slabs must be left in place longer than is necessary for the side forms.

The length of time between concreting and the removal of formwork is the sole responsibility ofthe Contractor. It shall, however be competent to the C.S.R. to require the following minimumlengths of time:

Sides of column 3 days after concreting

Sides of beam 7 days after concreting

Sides of walls 3 days after concreting

Soffits of slabs and beams 21 days after concreting

The Contractor shall ensure that in striking the shuttering the structure is not distorted, damagedor overloaded in any way, and upon slabs and beams as may be required by the C.S.R. suchstruts and shores shall be erected and wedged with great care and shall only be removed withthe approval of the C.S.R. No concentrated loads of any kind shall be placed upon any beam,slab or column after concreting without the permission of the C.S.R. Tolerances

On all setting out dimensions 3 m and above, a tolerance of plus or minus 6 mm will be allowed.On all setting out dimensions under 3 metres a tolerance of plus or minus 3 mm will be allowed. Atolerance of plus or minus 3 mm will be permitted on the cross-section dimensions of structuralmembers unless otherwise required by the drawings. The top surface of concrete floor slabs andbeams shall be within 6 mm of the nominal level and line shown on the drawings. Columns andwalls shall not be more than 6 mm out of plumb in their storey height and not more than 19 mmout of plumb in their full height. The Contractor will be responsible for the cost of all correctivemeasures required by the C.S.R. to rectify work which is not constructed within the tolerance satout above. Concrete Finish and Making Good

After removal of shuttering, unless instructed to the contrary the face of exposed concrete shallbe rubbed down immediately to remove fins or other irregularities. In the event of parts of, theconcrete being honeycombed such portions shall be cut to a depth and shape required by theC.S.R. and made up with fine concrete of equal grade in such a manner as shall be directed byhim. The face of concrete for which shuttering is not provided, other than slabs, shall besmoothed with a wooden float to give a finish equal to that of the rubbed-down face whereshuttering is provided. The top face of a slab which it is not intended to be covered with othermaterials, shall be levelled and floated, while unset, to a smooth finish to the levels or falls shownon the drawings or elsewhere. The floating shall be done in a manner which will not bring anexcess of mortar to the surface of the concrete. The top face of a slab intended to be surface withmortar, granolithic or similar materials shall be left with a tamped finish and not trowelled smooth.

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Concealed concrete faces shall be left as from the shuttering except that honeycombed surfacesshall be made good.

Where rub-down, smooth or fair-face finish is described, the concrete shall be brought to aperfectly true, smooth and even surface by rubbing with carborundum stone dipped in cementgrout. Alternatively, the Contractor is permitted, at no extra cost, to provide smooth linings to theforms which will achieve required finish without rubbing down. Rub down surfaces shall be true toform and free from all board marks, joint marks, honeycombing, pitting, etc.

Painted surfaces are to be treated as rub-down or smooth finish surfaces. The paint used shall bein accordance with Clause 3.14 of this specification and shall comply with the recommendationsof BS 6150: 1982 - “Code of Practice for Painting of Buildings”.

3.3.14 Precast Concrete

Precast concrete shall comply generally with the preceding section relating to concrete and alsowith the following requirements.

All precast units shall be cast on a suitable bed or platform on firm ground. The Contractor shallbe responsible for the accuracy of the level or slope of the bed or platform.

All edges shall be sharp or accurately formed to the required chamfers or radii and shall form thecorrect angles as shown on the drawings.

Exposed faces shall be smooth and free from board marks, honeycombing, crazing,discolouration and other surface defects.

The method and time after casting the units of striking the side shutters shall be the responsibilityof the Contractor. In the event of any damage resulting from unsuitable or premature removal ofthe shutters, the unit or units concerned will be liable to rejection and to replacement by theContractor at his own expense.

The lifting and handling of precast units shall be undertaken without causing shock, vibration orundue bending stresses to or in the units. Precast units shall not be lifted, transported or built intothe work before they are sufficiently matured. In the event of any cracks, spalled edges or otherdefects arising, the unit or units will be liable to rejection, in which case the Contractor shall atonce break up the unit or units and replace it or them at his own cost.

All precast units shall be cured, by methods to be approved by the C.S.R., for at least 10 daysafter casting. All precast units shall be open stacked to permit ventilation and protected from rainand rising damp.

3.3.15 Construction Joints

Construction joints shall be vertical or horizontal tongue and groove joints as required, except thatin an inclined or curved member the joints shall be at right angle to the axis of the member. Thejoints shall be found only in places indicated in the drawings or approved by the C.S.R.Construction joints where indicated in the drawings or where directed by the C.S.R. shall bekeyed by use of battens placed in the concrete and subsequently removed.

Before placing new concrete against concrete that has already set or hardened, the face of theold concrete shall be cleaned and roughened and scum and loose aggregate removed therefromleaving a surface of clean exposed aggregate. Immediately before placing the new concrete theface shall be thoroughly wetted and a coating of neat cement grout applied thereto. The newconcrete shall be well rammed against the prepared face before the grout sets.

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3.3.16 Provision of Testing Apparatus

The Contractor shall make available at his own cost the following apparatus for use of makingtests on concrete at times and places as requested by the C.S.R. who is empowered to stopconcreting work if these are not available:-

i) One sat of slump test equipment viz.: a truncated steel conical mould 100 mm indiameter at the top, 200 mm at the bottom and 300 mm high, a steel tamping rod 16 mmdiameter and 600 mm long, round at one end.

ii) 36 nos. 150 mm steel cube moulds for cube test, as specified in B.S. 1881. part 3.

3.4 Structural Steel Work

3.4.1 Material

All steel shall be new and well and clearly rolled to the dimensions, sections and weightsspecified. They shall be sound and free from cracks, surface flaws, laminations and other defectsand shall be finished in a workmanlike manner.

All paint for structural steelwork shall be gloss epoxy paint or any approved equivalent industrialcoatings of proved corrosion resistant quality.

All structural steel shall be Grade 43 steel complying with BS 4360 “Weldable Structural Steels”and BS 449 “The Use of Structural Steel in Buildings”. All bolts shall be black bolts complying withBS 916 “Black Bolts, Screws and Nuts”.

3.4.2 Shop Drawings

The Contractor shall prepare all shop detail drawings from the drawings supplied by theCompany. All such details shall be approved in writing by the Company before work is put inhand. Every drawing shall show the number and sizes of all bolts, complete details of welds, typeof electrodes, welding procedure and any other relevant information.

The Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the correctness of his shop details and for shopfittings and site connections.

Before any fabrication commences, the Contractor shall verify all dimensions shown on thedrawings and inform the C.S.R. of any discrepancies, errors or omissions immediately. It is theresponsibility of the Contractor to work according to the latest revision of all drawings supplied bythe Company.

3.4.3 Workmanship during Fabrication General

All steelwork before and after fabrication shall be straight and free from twist. All component partsshall be assembled in such a manner that they are neither twisted nor damaged, and forcibleconnection to fit the members together shall not be used. All steelwork shall be cut and fabricatedto a tolerance of ± 1½ mm in its length. End plate shall be truly at right angles to the longitudinalaxis of the section. No work shall be painted, packed or dispatched from the manufacturer’sworks until it has been tested and complies with or has been certified to comply with all the testsand requirements of the standard applicable to the material specified and until it has beeninspected and passed by the C.S.R.

Page 25: construction of building housing & sewerage Holing & Bolting

Holes through connection plates and end plates of adjoining units shall be drilled after themembers are assembled and tightly clamped or bolted together. The plates which have been sodrilled shall be separated after drilling and the burrs removed. The matching holes shall registerwith each other so that a gauge 1.5 mm in diameter less than the diameter of the holes shall passfreely through them. Finished holes shall be not more than 1.5 mm in diameter larger than thediameter of the bolt passing through them.

No variation of the number, type or position of the joints or connections shown on the drawingsshall be made without the written approval of the C.S.R.

The threaded position of each bolt shall project through the nut at least one thread after tighteningup. All bolts shall be provided with circular washers which shall be planed or tapered asapplicable. Welding

All welding shall be carried out at the shop except where indicated otherwise in the drawings.

For welding of any particular type of joint, welders shall give evidence acceptable to the C.S.R. ofhaving satisfactorily completed appropriate tests as described in Clause 77 of BS 449, or shall beCompany qualified welders.

Welding electrodes for manual operation shall comply with BS 639 and shall be as recommendedby the manufacturers for the location and the type of weld required.

Welding shall be in accordance with BS 5135 : 1984. Surfaces to be welded shall be free fromloose scale, rusts, grease, paint, slag and other foreign materials.

Welds shall be uniform and of the specified sizes and shall be free from incomplete penetration,lack of fusion, slag inclusion, undercutting, burn-throughs, voids, cracks, porosity and otherdefects.

Where required by the C.S.R. welds shall be subjected to X-ray tests or other tests carried out bythe Company’s Inspection Engineer. The weld will be rejected if found defective. The Contractorshall carry out all remedial measures arising out of the defective weld ordered by the C.S.R. Allcost and delay caused by such rejection shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Shop Priming

The structural steel surfaces shall be sandblasted, cleaned of all loose scale and rust, unlessstated otherwise. The surfaces shall then be given one coat of red oxide primer done only whenthey are perfectly dry and clean. Testing and Inspection

Manufacturer’s Mill Test certificates for all structural steel shall be supplied to the C.S.R.

No steelwork shall be despatched from the manufacturer’s works until it has been tested andcomplied with, or has been certified to comply with all the test and requirements of thisSpecification and BS 4360.

3.4.4 Erection

Prior to erection the Contractor shall submit to the C.S.R. for approval, drawings showing theproposed erection scheme together with all calculations for erection stresses, etc.

During erection, members must be lifted in a manner so as not to cause damage or twisting to thestructure.

The positioning and levelling of all steelwork, the plumbing of stanchions and the placing of everypart of the structure with accuracy shall be in accordance with the drawings and to thesatisfaction of the C.S.R.

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During erection the work shall be securely, bolted or otherwise fastened and if necessarytemporarily braced so as to make adequate provision for all erection stresses and conditionsincluding those due to the erection equipment and its operation. No permanent bolting or fieldwelding shall be done until the proper alignment has been obtained.

Any damage to materials on the site due to inadequate precautions being taken during theerection of the steelwork shall be made good to the satisfaction of the C.S.R. at the Contractor’sexpense,

3.4.5 Touching Up and Painting

All painting work shall be done according to Clause 3.14 of this Specification, “Painting andDecoration”.

After erection of the steelwork, all bolt heads shall be cleaned and shall be given one coat ofapproved red oxide primer.

All surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned before painting commences.

3.5 Brickwork

3.5.1 Materials Bricks

Bricks shall be first class quality common bricks from an approved kiln, machine pressed, wellburnt, hard, rectangular, of uniform shape, colour and size with sharp clean arises and free fromall defects. Sample bricks shall be submitted to the C.A.R. for approval before placing order forbricks. When tested in accordance with BS 3921, the average compressive strength shall not beless than 7.0 N/mm². Soft underburnt bricks and bricks containing salt will be rejected. Mortar

Brickwork generally shall be built and bonded in 1:1:6 cement, lime, sand mortar but brickwork inmanholes shall employ 1:3 cement sand mortar. Mortar shall never be retempered and if not usedwithin 30 minutes after adding water it shall be discarded. All materials shall be accuratelygauged and mechanically mixed wherever practicable. Mixing done by hand must be carried outon a clean platform.

Cement sand and water used shall be as specified in concrete work.

Lime shall be approved hydrated lime or quick lime to BS 890 and is to be delivered to site insealed bags bearing the manufacturer’s name or brand. The lime shall be properly slaked, run toputty and allowed to stand for at least 16 hours before use. Reinforcement

Reinforcement shall be 64 mm wide “Exmet” by the Expanded Metal Co. Ltd. U.K., or otherapproved continuous strand galvanised reinforcement in each 112 mm wall thickness ofbrickwork at every fourth course.

225 mm. thick brickwork shall be reinforced with 100 mm wide “Exmet” reinforcement at everysixth course. Damp Proof Course

Damp-proof coursing in all walls at ground level shall consist of two layers of 2-ply self-finished,approved bituminous felt (to BS 743), weighing 3.8 kg. per square m., placed over the fullthickness of the walls. The damp-proof course shall be stepped where shown in the drawing or asdirected. Joints in damp-proof course shall be lapped not less than 150 mm. Cold bitumen rubbercompound shall be spread brushed and punched into joint and interstices in three coats on toclean dust-free surfaces. All surfaces on which damp-proof material is to be bedded shall becarefully flushed up with 1:3 cement sand mortar to form an even bed.

Page 27: construction of building housing & sewerage Mastic for Pointing

Shall be “Secomastic” manufactured by Expandite Ltd., or other equal and approved to matchcolour of finishes. All mastics shall be gun applied.

3.5.2 Storage of Materials

Bricks shall be properly stacked on level and hard standing and be adequately protected frominclement weather.

Cement and lime shall be stored off the ground, under cover and away from damp and in such amanner to enable them to be used in rotation in order of delivery.

Sands shall be stored separately according to type, on clean hard, dry standings and protectedfrom contamination.

Sands for pointing shall be stored separately, away from all other sands and shall be obtained insufficient quantity at one time to enable material of the approved colour to be used for whole ofthe work.

3.5.3 Workmanship

All half brick walls, brick on edge walls and cavity walls shall be laid in Stretcher Bond.

Except where otherwise shown on the drawings 229 mm walls shall be built in English bond, thatis alternate courses of stretcher bricks and header bricks with a closer brick on each alternateheader course to keep the bond.

All bricks shall be thoroughly wetted before laying and every course shall be thoroughly flushedup with mortar before the next course is laid.

All surfaces on which brickwork is to be built shall be clean. All brickwork shall be built uniform,true and level, with all perpends vertical and in line, and is not to rise more than twelve inchesevery four courses. No work shall rise more than 1.52 m above adjoining work and all suchrisings are to be properly raked back.

All bricks shall be laid frog uppermost on even full beds of mortar. Vertical faces of all bricks shallbe well buttered before being laid and the whole well grouted at each course.

Faces of walls which are to be rendered or plastered shall have their joints raked out to form akey. All other wall faces and partitions shall be flush jointed. All jointing shall be completed withpointing as the work proceeds.

Brickwork and blockwork against concrete soffits and timber joint shall include for cutting to givenormal 10 mm joint and complete filling thereof with mortar.

All ducts, recesses for services lines and the like shall be formed to the correct dimensions.

3.5.4 Protection of Brickwork

Architectural features, finished surfaces and quoins shall be protected against damage during theprogress of the work.

Newly laid brickwork shall be protected from the harmful effects of hot sunshine, rain, runningsurface water and shocks, until the mortar has set.

Any work that is damaged shall be taken down or the joints raked out and replastered as theC.S.R. shall direct and the costs of any such remedial work shall be borne by the Contractor.

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3.5.5 Cleaning Down

Replace all defective bricks and tiles, build up putlog holes and point up faulty joints and makegood other imperfections.

On completion of brickwork the whole of the surface of the exposed work shall be cleaned downwith clean water.

3.5.6 Completion

On completion make good all damaged joints on exposed faces of brickwork and make good afterall other trades.

All fair face work shall be protected with a layer of protecting polythene sheet or other equal andapproved material on completion of the work. Remove and make good surfaces where necessaryafter completion of all other trades.

3.6. Roofing

3.6.1 General

All roofing work shall be carried out by tradesmen and on completion shall be thoroughlywatertight. If any defective workmanship shall be found on finishing, it shall be stripped out to theextent ordered by the C.S.R. and re-laid by the Contractor at his expense. Generally perform allnecessary cutting, fitting and dressings and leave all roofs and wall claddings in a sound andwatertight condition to the satisfaction of the C.S.R.

3.6.2 Steel Roofing and Cladding

Where indicated zinc coated steel sheet coverings to pitched roof and wall claddings shall beLysaght Spandek Colorbond sheeting or other equal and approved.

Sheets to be fixed and lapped in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions with therecommended fixings. The sheets shall be obtained in sufficient lengths to cover each roof slopewithout end laps.

Turn ups and turn downs, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, must be made atridges parapets and eaves etc.

Ridges, flashings and other fittings and accessories shall be those manufactured to suit thesheeting.

The general care and handling of the sheets must be in strict compliance with the manufacturersrecommendation or C.S.R’s instructions.

3.6.3 Water-proofing Treatment for R.C. Roof

Where specified, the metallic waterproofing for reinforced concrete roof shall be “Embecon”metallic waterproofing or other equal and approved.

The whole of the “Embecon” metallic waterproofing shall be carried out by approved trademen.The r.c. roof shall be given 4 coats of “Embecon” metallic waterproofing brushed on top of thesurface and cured strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification and/orrecommendation.

In gutters and at abutments with parapet walls or fascia and other projects above the roof, the“Embecon” metallic waterproofing is to be dressed over the angle fillet and up the face of the,projection to a height of at least 152 mm (where possible), under the flashing. The coats ofwaterproofing shall be properly dressed and bonded to roof outlets, pipes etc.

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3.6.4 Flashing

All flashing is to be of 18 gauge galvanised iron sheet metal.

Joint to be lapped not less than 150 mm.

3.6.5 Rainwater Outlets

Where indicated, rainwater outlets shall be “Fulbora”, or other equal and approved cast in the roofslab.

3.6.6 Insulation

All roofs except r.c. roof shall receive a layer of heavy duty, double-sided, fire retardant andreinforced aluminium foil as Simefoil 850 or approved equivalent laid over a layer of 50 mmchicken wire mesh which is fixed to the purlins or battens. The foil shall be laid with minimum lapsof 150 mm so that it will serve as vapour barrier.

For metal roof, an additional layer of “Microlite” fibreglass of 0.75 lb/sq. ft. or 3.67 kg/m² shall belaid between the metal sheets and the aluminium foil.

3.7 Carpentry, Joinery & Ironmongery

3.7.1 Timber Generally

Timber shall be sound, well conditioned, properly seasoned to suit the particular use, free fromdefects or combination of defects rendering it unsuitable for the purpose intended, cut square,free from excess of wane, large loose or dead knots and incipient decay. Sapwood will not bepermitted. Samples of all timber to be used in the Work shall be submitted for approval. Moisturecontent shall be less than 15%.

Hardwoods shall be “First and Second” grade hardwoods. Kapor Bukit, Keruing, Semayur shallbe used.

Softwoods shall be teak wood and Meranti or other approved softwood.

Plywood shall be to B.S. 1455 with “Water-boil proof” bonding with selected hardwood veneers oflocal timbers or meranti.

Plastic sheet shall be Formica high density melamine faced plastic laminated with approvedpattern; fixed with an adhesive as recommended by the manufacturer together with acompensating balancing veneer.

3.7.2 Preservation of Timber:

1. Timber where described as pressure treated shall be impregnated under vacuum/pressurewith an approved proprietary wood preservative to protect it against fungus and insect attack,so as to give the nett dry salt content stated below:

min. net dry salt content

a) Structural Timber and all concealed fixing blocks, plates,rough grounds, noggings, studs and the like.

5.61 kg. per cu. m

b) Exterior window frames sashes, casements and cills.External door frames and cills. Fascias barge boards andweather boards.

8.02 kg. per cu. m

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Timber shall not be treated which has a moisture content of more than 25% by weight. Wherepossible all labours such as planning, cross cutting, rebating boring shall be carried out before thetimber is treated. Where it is necessary for labours to be carried out after the timber is treated, allexposed surfaces shall be treated with preservative as specified in sub-clause 3 hereof.

2. The method of treatment shall be the full cell vacuum/pressure impregnating process. Thetimber shall be subjected to hydraulic pressures of not less that 1.03 N/mm² for period of notless than 45 minutes duration. The pressure and period of duration shall, however, be suchas will give the gross volumetric absorption that will ensure the stipulated final retention of drysalt. The treated timber shall be air dried for three weeks before use.

The Contractor shall produce a certificate from the firm which has treated the timber statingthe quantities and sizes of timber treated and the nett retention of dry salt obtained.

3. Timber where described as surface treated shall be heavily coated with two coats of anapproved wood preservative before fixing. All sawn ends, notches rebates shall be similarlycoated before the timbers are built in. No timber is to be treated whilst damp.

3.7.3 Joinery Generally

Joinery shall be prepared immediately after the placing of the contract, framed up (but not glued)and stored until required for installation, when it is to be glued and wedged up. Any portion thatwarps or develops shakes or other defects shall be replaced before being wedged up.

Note: All dimensions given on drawings are finished sizes. The contractor shall make allowancefor wrought faces.

3.7.4 Termite Treatment

The whole of the timber for carpenter’s and joiner’s work shall be made thoroughly termite proofto the entire satisfaction of the C.S.R. by means of “Atlas A” or other similar and approvedpreventative which shall be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

The Contractor shall provide all necessary baths and tanks for the complete immersion of alltimbers and they shall be immersed in the cold solution before framing up.

The strength of solution and period of immersion shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’srecommendations. After thorough immersion the timber shall be withdrawn and stacked to drybefore being used.

“Atlas A” shall be handled and stored with care. Drums, when opened, shall be kept in lock-upsand when empty, the drums shall be washed out thoroughly several times and allowed to drain.“Atlas A” is poisonous and the Contractor shall take every care and precaution in its storage anduse.

Any cross cutting, boring, notching etc. after impregnation shall be treated with the above solutionbrushed on in concentrated form.

3.7.5 Adhesive

Glues shall be cold setting synthetic resin (Phenolic and amino plastic) to B.S. 1204.

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3.7.6 Workmanship

The workmanship shall be of best quality. Scantlings and boardings shall be accurately sawn andshall be of uniform width and thickness throughout. All carpenter’s work shall be left with a sawnsurface except where otherwise described. It shall be accurately set out in strict accordance withthe drawings and shall be framed together and securely fixed in the best possible manner andwith properly made joints. All brads, nails, screw, plugs, pins, etc. shall be provided as necessaryand as directed and approved by the C.S.R.

All wood posts etc. shall be in one length between supports of fixings.

The preparation of timber is to commence simultaneously with the beginning of the workgenerally and should proceed continuously until all the woodwork is prepared and stacked on ornear the site.

All timber of large scantlings shall be sawn immediately when the building is commenced to allowfor any shrinkage that may take place.

Sawn timbers shall hold to the full dimensions specified.

All Joiner’s work is to be accurately set out, framed and executed in accordance with the detaildrawings and finished off in a proper and workmanlike manner to the approval of the C.S.R.

The hollow cored flush doors shall be constructed generally to comply with B.S. 459.

Timber which is required to be polished shall be of selected quality, matching grain shade to theC.S.R.’s approval.

Joinery shall be well protected from the weather during transit and shall be stored under cover,well clear of the ground, on a sound base, level and square. Before leaving the joinery works, allsurfaces of joinery to be painted later shall be well primed. All joinery shall be delivered to the siteafter inspection at the workshops by the C.S.R.

3.7.7 Fixing Accessories

(i) Heavy cramps shall be 25mm x 14 gauge 254mm girth one end turned up 50 mm andtwice drilled and the whole galvanised after fabrication. They shall be fixed to the joinerywith two No. 10 gauge galvanised steel screws,

(ii) Fixing inserts for casting into concrete shall be Philplug No. 97 or other approvedequivalent.

(iii) Plugs for screws in external positions shall be “Rawplugs White Bronze” or otherapproved preformed metal plugs of adequate size.

(iv) Plugs for screws in internal positions shall be Rawplugs or other approved preformedplugs of adequate size.

(v) Dowels shall be 10 mm diameter galvanised steel housed 76 mm into timbers.

3.7.8 Protection of the Work

The Contractor shall protect the materials and assembled units during the progress of the workand provide and maintain this protection to dressed or finished woodwork that might otherwise bedamaged during the progress of the work. Doors and other joinery shall not be brought on to siteuntil necessary or before the structure has dried out as far as possible.

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3.7.9 Replacing Timbers

Any timber which splits during fixing, shrinks or is damaged in any way likely to affect efficiency offinish shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s expense.

Doors that are warped and/or show signs of other defects shall be removed and replaced. Alldoors so replaced shall be guaranteed for a period of one year from the date of replacement.

All doors shall be neatly fitted in frames with a minimum of clearance for proper functioning.

3.7.10 Ironmongery


1) All ironmongery shall be fixed with screws which shall be of the same metal and finish as thefittings. All screws damaged when driven by the turnscrew or from any other cause shall beremoved and replaced by undamaged ones.

2) All doors shall be provided with locks, rubber tipped bumpers, knob handles, butts andhinges, roses, push plates, hydraulic surface mounted door closer etc. as required to servethe space intended.

3) Locks shall comply with BS 5872 : 1980 or equivalent standard unless otherwise specifiedand will be supplied complete with striking plates to match furniture.

4) Locks for both internal and external hardwood doors will be chrome or brass cased as ‘Yale’or ‘Union’.

5) Unless otherwise stated, all furniture locks, bolts push plates, kick plates shall be in anodisedaluminium alloy to a first quality “Satin Silver finish”.

6) All ironmongery shall be fixed temporarily with temporary screws to locate fixing position etc.and shall be permanently fixed with the matching screws supplied.

7) On completion, all ironmongery shall be checked and oiled if necessary and put into perfectworking order. All damaged screws shall be replaced by new ones.

8) All locks shall be keyed differently except where there is more than one door to the sameroom, in which cases these doors shall be keyed alike.

Brass hinges for doors shall be 102 mm wide x 4 mm thick type.

Corrosion resisting steel pins shall be provided for all hinges throughout the building.

9) All keys including duplicate keys shall be clearly labelled, handed to and a certificate obtainedfrom the C.S.R.

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3.8 Metalwork

3.8.1 Materials

All ferrous metals shall be free from rust, scale and other defects and the various shapes andsections shall be clearly rolled or otherwise formed to uniform sections. All non-ferrous metal shallhave uniform finished surfaces machined and buffed, free from defects and all sections shallconform accurately to the sizes and shapes required.

Steel shall comply with the requirement of B.S. 15 No. 1 quality and the Contractor shall producethe manufacturer’s test certificates when so required by the C.S.R.

Wrought iron shall be malleable quality, straight and of constant section.

Aluminium sheet shall be to B.S. 1470 : 1972. Angles, channels, tees and I sections shall be toB.S. 1161 : 1951.

Where stated aluminium shall be anodised either natural or to colours selected by the C.S.R.

Bolts generally shall have hexagonal heads and nuts unless otherwise stated. Threads shall beWhitworth and all bolts shall be fitted with washers.

Anchors shall be ‘Ramset’, ‘Rawi’, ‘Sabco’, ‘Loxin’ or other equal and approved expansiontapered nut type anchors for fixing all bolts in brickwork or concrete.

Mortices for anchors shall be drilled to the required diameters in accordance with themanufacturer’s instructions so that no damage is done to the receiving surface.

3.8.2 Ferrous Metal Preparation

Unless galvanised or concrete encased, treat all ferrous metalwork with primer paint as specified.Wherever practicable the priming shall be carried out after the metal has been drilled, cut,welded, etc., but before delivery to the site. All parts which will become inaccessible after buildingin shall receive a further coat of primer on the site.

3.8.3 Galvanising

All galvanising to metalwork shall be hot dipped with not less than 610 gm of zinc per square m ofsurface after welding, drilling, tapping, etc., and fabricating has been completed.

All exposed accessories shall be hot dip galvanised.

3.8.4 Chrome Plating

Where bronze, copper or brass is specified to be chromium plated this work shall be carried outby an approved firm and shall follow the best trade practice and the work shall be first nickelplated and then heavily chrome plated to a finish specified.

3.8.5 Protective Coating

Where extruded or sheet aluminium butt against cement render concrete brick or timber treatedwith preservative, prime the aluminium with one (1) coat of zinc chromate before fixing. Maintainthe protective coating throughout the currency of the job.

On completion clean all exposed non-ferrous metal finishes with steel wool and petrol and wipedry.

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3.8.6 Dissimilar Contact Surfaces

Where non-ferrous metalwork is connected and/or secured or fastened to dissimilar metal partssuch non-ferrous metal shall be thoroughly insulated from direct contact with any steel ferrousmetal or masonry and timber by a heavy shop coat of primer made with a synthetic resin vehicle.At the same time of connection and/or installation of all securement devices when securementand fastening devices are in place they shall again be coated with a thorough application of paint.

3.8.7 Workmanship

(i) General

The whole of the fabrication, welding, bolting, priming and erection shall be carried out byskilled tradesmen in accordance with best trade practice.

All non-ferrous work required by the drawings indicated herein or specified shall be asdetailed on drawings, of suitable thickness and of approved gauge to ensure thenecessary rigidity when erected, free from bends or waves or other surfaceimperfections, true and straight vertically and horizontally. All arises, profiles andmoulded surfaces shall be true and sharp.

All joints and mitres shall be carefully and accurately assembled and machined so as toprovide close smooth connections that will not be noticeable and weather-and water-tight.

Screws and bolt heads shall be concealed wherever possible and counterwork finishingflush on exposed surfaces. Provision shall be made for appropriate expansion andcontraction joints in all long runs of horizontal and vertical exposed members and besubject to C.S.R.’s inspection prior to forming and/or installation.

Architectural non-ferrous metal work shall be the products of outstanding recognisedmanufacturers and fabricators of highest grade architectural alloy metal products andshop assembled in a shop where the grade of metalwork is of the highest grade andquality and acceptable to the C.S.R.

Faces of metal in contact shall have hair line joints. Work shall be assembled withconcealed fittings insofar as practicable.

Exposed joints shall be water-tight. Mouldings shall be in true alignment at joints, straight,tightly and neatly fitted.

(ii) Welding

Welded joints shall be dressed smooth, free from porosity, cracks and blow holes andfinished to match adjacent surfaces. When welding and dressing operations arecompleted all welding flux shall be removed without delay.

Welding shall be carried out by Company approved welders in strict accordance with PTS20.104, Structural Steelwork.

(iii) Fixing

The various members of metalwork shall be properly and neatly assembled andconnected together with approved fixings. Fastenings which are exposed shall be of thesame materials, colour and finish as the metal to which applied unless otherwisespecified.

(iv) Cuttings, Drilling and Fitting

Furnish all materials and services and perform all labour in connection with all tapping,drilling, cutting and fitting of the work specified herein and/or to accommodate the work ofother trades in connection therewith providing all tap holes, bolts and screws, anchors,lugs, reinforcement and any other correcting devices, subframes, supports, stiffeners oritems required or necessary to install the work permanently and securely in place.

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3.8.8 Holdfasts

Provide galvanised mild steel holdfasts to the back of timber door frames built inbrickwall/blockwall unless otherwise stated.

Holdfasts shall be 32 mm x 5 mm galvanised mild steel flat, twice bent, one end fishtailed andbuilt into joints of brickwork and other end screw fixed to the door frame.

3.8.9 Adjustable Metal Louvred Windows

The adjustable louvre shall be “Naco” or other equal and approved pattern metal louvre framingwith clips for 150 x 6 mm thick louvres. Fix metal adjustable louvres including assembling,screwing and spotwelding to mild steel framing.

3.8.10 Roller Shutter

Provide and fix Diethelm aluminium roll-up grilles or other equal and approved to the position andsize as indicated on the drawings. The colour and design of grilles shall be approved by theC.S.R. before being installed.

3.8.11 Balustrades, Railings, Burglar Bars and Built-in Ladders etc.

Balustrades, etc. shall be mild steel and where stated, shall be galvanised. Such items offabricated metal work shall be in accordance with the detail drawings. Form all necessary fishtails for building in. All ungalvanised mild steel is to be primed before leaving the workshop.

3.8.12 Clothes Line & Framing

Steel tubes shall be galvanised and comply with B.S. 1387. Clothes lines wire shall be 10 SWGgalvanised iron wire. All fittings shall be galvanised.

3.8.13 Division Strips, Water Bars

All such components shall be galvanised mild steel, unless otherwise stated. Division strips shallbe set flush with the floor finish.

3.8.14 Matwell Frames

Matwell frames shall be galvanised mild steel, unless otherwise stated, and shall be welded uptrue and square. The frames shall be provided with fixing lugs, and shall be set flush with the floorfinish.

3.8.15 Chequered Plate

Chequered plate shall be galvanised mild steel to the thickness and sizes stated. Frames andother fittings shall be galvanised mild steel. The frames shall be true and square and thechequered plate shall fit firmly. Lifting holes shall be provided for removal of the chequered plateso that each section of plate is readily removable.

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3.9 Ceiling

3.9.1 General

The ceiling workers shall cooperate with other trades in the preparation of ceiling layouts andduring installation. Airconditioning outlets, fire detectors, lights and similar ceiling outlets shall belocated at the centre of solid panels and not at the intersection of ceiling panels or gridsuspension.

No additional point loads shall be carried by the ceiling or suspension system without priordiscussion with and approval of the C.S.R.

The Contractor shall particularly note that where modular ceilings are specified and scheduled,allowance must be made for all make-up tiles of non-standard size in order to conform with theceiling layouts.

The tiles shall rest on anodised aluminium grid suspension systems in strict accordance with thespecification to a grid pattern to suit the ceiling layout.

The tile sizes shall not dictate the ceiling layouts.

3.9.2 Aluminium Framed Suspension System

(i) General

A permanent, uniformly level and rigid system of securement shall be achieved to holdeach and every tile in the same place with no projection, dropped or sagged tile edges atany time. Individual tiles shall be able to be quickly removed and replaced without injuryto any surface.

(ii) Hangers for Aluminium Framed Ceilings

Hangers shall be 5 gauge hard drawn aluminium flat of various lengths to suit depth offalse ceiling.

(iii) Support Rails

Support rails shall consist of aluminium tees at not more than 1.22 m centres drilled forbolt fixings of hangers and properly supported at ends against masonry etc.

(iv) Scrap in Rails

Scrap in rails shall be aluminium at 300 or 600 mm centres to suit size of tiles and soformed as to provide positive support for tiles when these are placed in position. Scrap inrails shall be firmly fixed to support rails and full details must be submitted for approval.

3.9.3 Metal Ceiling

Where indicated in the drawings, metal ceiling shall be Luxalon, aluminium ceiling or otherapproved equivalent. The whole ceiling shall be suspended via adjustable hangers and theperforated metal sheeting shall be supported by an aluminium profile, all done in accordance withthe manufacturer’s specification.

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3.9.4 Timber Slatted Ceiling

The timber slate shall be wrought kapur 76 mm wide x 12 mm thick battens and spaced with12 mm gap between and nailed to Joists at 152 mm centres.

Framings to receive the battens shall consists of 102 mm x 50 mm kapur Joists at 610 mmcentres and 50 mm x 50 mm nogging at 610 mm centres unless otherwise specified.

A layer of approved bird proved nest shall be secured to the soffit of the Joists before the battensare nailed to them or unless otherwise specified.

All timber used shall conform with the specification for carpentry,

3.9.5 Softboard Ceiling

Soft board linings shall be of termite proof fibre building board 16 mm thick unless statedotherwise. Softboard for ceiling linings shall have maximum density of 400 kg per cubic metre andshall be fixed in 1220 x 1220 mm panels. All boards shall be supported on framing at 610 mmmaximum centres with cross framing at 610 mm maximum centres and shall be fixed with 32 mmlong galvanised clout headed nails at 150 mm centres on all supporting framework.

The nails shall be punched below the surface and the holes filled up flush with an approvedplaster filler. Edges of boards shall be butted up tight and slightly chamfered to give a neat ‘V’joint.

Access panels in ceilings shall be 762 mm square 10 mm plywood. The opening in the ceilingshall be lined with 38 mm wide x 75 mm deep rebated lining. Nogging pieces shall be fixed to thelining to support edges of ceiling panels.

3.10 Plastering And Tiling

3.10.1 General

All work shall be completed in a neat and workmanlike manner, and all angles and corners shallbe true and straight and plumb.

The C.S.R. shall order the removal of any work which he considers to be not in accordance withthis specification.

3.10.2 Gauging

The materials for plastering and rendering shall be determined by the volume. Gauge boxes areto be supplied, kept clean and properly maintained.

3.10.3 Lime

The lime for plastering shall be as rich as obtained and shall be first quality lime. It must befreshly burnt and shall be slaked in a sheltered place at least one month before use by drenchingwith water, be well broken-up and mixed, and the wet mixture shall be passed through a sieve often meshes to a square cm.

Lime putty consist of freshly slaked lime as above described, saturated with water until semi-fluidand passed through a fine sieve; it shall then be allowed to stand until the superfluous water hasevaporated and it has become the consistency of thick paste, in no case for a shorter period thanone month before being used, during which it must be kept damp and clean and no portion of itallowed to become dry.

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3.10.4 Sand, Cement, Water

The sand, cement and water used in plastering shall be in all ways conform to that specified forconcrete work, but shall be fine and of as light a colour as possible to comply with BS 1199.

3.10.5 Storage of Material

All plasters, lime and cement shall be stored in a properly roofed, weatherproof, dry, wellventilated shed, used exclusively for this purpose, with a wooden floor not less than 300 mm clearabove the earth.

3.10.6 Preparation of Surfaces for Plastering.

Surfaces to receive plastering shall be dry brushed to remove all loose particles, dust,efflorescence, etc. and any projecting fins on concrete surfaces shall be hacked off. All traces ofmould oil shall be removed from concrete surfaces by scrubbing with water containing detergentand rinsing with fresh clean water.

Surface shall be wetted and re-wetted as required to equalise suction before the first coat ofplaster is applied. In particular, dense hard concrete surfaces shall be wetted and re-wetted asrequired before bonding plaster is applied.

3.10.7 Preparation of Surface For Pavings And Screeds

The concrete sub-floor shall be brushed with a stiff broom before it has hardened to removelaitance and give a roughened surface. Alternatively, the surface shall be thoroughly hacked if sodirected by the C.S.R. at the Contractor’s expense.

3.10.8 Dubbing Out

Dubbing out shall be in the same mix as the subsequent coat and shall not exceed 12 mm inthickness in one application. Should a greater thickness be required than usual, then it shall beobtained by dubbing out in cement and with a mortar of approx. the same mix as the mortar forblockwork (one part cement four parts sand).

3.10.9 Mixing of Material

All materials shall be thoroughly mixed in the proportions described. No mixes of plasters otherthan those described shall be used. Bunkers and gauge boxes shall be thoroughly cleaned aftereach mix and due care and attention shall be given at all times to their cleanliness.

The water content of the mix must be the minimum required to give a workable mix. The pavingmust be thoroughly rammed within 30 minutes of laying and the surface trowelling must bedelayed until the paving has stiffened sufficiently to prevent liatance being brought to the surfaceby the trowel. The paving shall be rubbed down, if necessary, to produce a smooth even surface.

3.10.10 Retempering

Cement - lime - sand plasters shall be used with 30 min. of the gauging with cement. Gypsumand light weight plasters shall be used within one hour of the addition of water.

Plasters shall not be re-tempered except as is permissable for class “C” gypsum plaster, and theuse of the water brush shall be kept to a minimum. All tools shall be kept clean. Fresh plastershall not be contaminated with set plaster.

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3.10.11 Period Between Coats

Cement - lime - sand undercoats shall be allowed to dry out thoroughly before a further coat isapplied.

With gypsum and light weight plaster undercoats, the subsequent coats shall be applied as soonas the undercoat has set and has developed reasonable suctions.

3.10.12 Finish

All undercoats shall be scratched to provide an adequate key for the next coat. Unless otherwisedescribed all finishing coats in cement - lime - sand shall be finished with a wood float andfinishing coats in gypsum and light weight plasters with a steel trowel.

All plastering and rendering shall be finished straight and true to fill a 2 m straight edge in everydirection. All internal and external angles shall be either horizontal or vertical.

3.10.13 Arises and Junctions

Unless otherwise described all arises shall be pencil rounded.

A neat cut shall be made with the edge of the trowel through all coats of the wall plaster at thejunction with the ceiling plaster.

3.10.14 Composition of Coats Internal rendering shall be composed of one part Portland cement, one part lime and six partssand well trowelled, hard and smooth to a total thickness of 20 mm in two coats of 10 mmthick each.

It is important that the rendering coat develops its full strength before the finishing coat isadded. The rendering coat shall be liberally treated with fresh water until it is hard and there isno powder present.

Setting coat plaster shall be class ‘C’ anhydrous plaster trowelled to a hard dense smoothsurface, thickness not more than 6 mm, levelling with straight edge if necessary. External rendering shall be in two coats composed of one part Portland cement one part limeand six parts sand trowelled with at to a wood flood to a smooth even surface of 20 mm in totalthickness in two coats of 10 mm thick each.

All concrete surfaces to be rendered shall be carefully and thoroughly hacked to provide anadequate and suitably keyed surface.

All brick work shall have joints raked out and surfaces hacked as above to provide a keyedsurface.

Unless directed by the C.S.R. all making good shall be cut out to rectangular shape withundercut edges to form a dovetail key and finished flush with surrounding. Curing

All render shall be kept wet for seven days after being applied.

No paint or other decoration shall be applied to rendered surfaces until the Contractor hassatisfied the C.S.R. that the walls and render are thoroughly dry.

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3.10.16 Glazed Wall Tiles

108 x 108 glazed wall tiles shall have cushioned edges and shall be 6 mm thick tiles unlessotherwise specified.

Tiles used shall be sat straight joint on 1:3 cement sand rendering. Tiles shall be neatly pointedon completion in white cement.

The glazed wall tiles shall be forwarded to the C.S.R. for approval, and all tiles supplied shall beof equal colour and quality to the approved samples which shall be retained by the C.S.R.

Special accessory tiles shall be provided to match wall tiles at all external and internal angles,skirtings, junctions, etc.

3.10.17 Screeding to Receive other Finishes

Screeds for walls shall be of cement and sand (1:3); the thicknesses and surface textures are tosuit the paving or tiling they are to receive. Water used in the mix shall be kept to a minimum.Screeds shall be covered to avoid too rapid drying out and be protected from damage until thelaying of the wall finishes.

3.10.18 Ceramic Wall Tiles

Ceramic wall tiles shall be “Buchtal” tiles of 11 mm thick.

All ceramic tiles and accessories shall be laid in strict accordance with the manufacturer’sspecification.

The Contractor has to confirm the colour of the tiles with the C.S.R. before placing any order formaterials.

3.10.19 Shanghai Plaster Paving

Shanghai plaster paving shall consist of 16 mm thick layer of 1:3 cement sand render coat and10 mm thick finishing coat. The finishing coat shall be composed of 2 parts of cement and 5 partsof granite chippings (to pass 10 mm mesh and graded to 5 mm). The finishing coat shall beapplied to the rendering before the latter commences to set; when the finishing coat is about toset the surface shall be gently brushed with a soft, wet brush to expose the stone chippings. Theconcrete surfaces to receive shanghai plaster shall be thoroughly cleaned and wetted before therender coat is applied.

3.11 Paving

3.11.1 Preparation of Concrete Surface

Concrete floors that are to receive pavings or screeds shall have their upper surfaces hacked andwell roughened and shall then be brushed to remove all dust and loose particles and bethoroughly wetted.

Immediately before laying pavings or screeds the clean wet surface shall be given a coat of purecement grout brushed on with a stiff brush.

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3.11.2 Floor and Roof Screeds

All screeds shall be 1:3 cement/sand. Screeds shall be laid to the thickness stated and shall bebrought to a true and smooth surface. Where stated the screeds shall be laid to falls. Screedingshall be carried out in bays not exceeding 10 sq.m.

Where specified that the surface of the screeds is to be divided into panels. This shall be done bypressing a cord into the surface whilst the screed is still green. The panels shall be regular in sizeas instructed by the C.S.R. and shall be parallel to walls.

Where cement/sand screeds are left plain as floor finishes, the paving shall be sprinkled with finecarborundum grit (Mesh size No. 12 to No. 26) whilst the surface of the paving is still green andthe grit lightly worked into the surface using a steel float. The rate of application shall be at least0.820 kg. per square meter. Any oil proofing or chemical resistant additives required to screedsshall be as described separately.

3.11.3 Waterproof Screeds

Any screeds described as waterproof shall have an approved waterproofing agent added to themix in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. (Refer C1. 3.6.5 of this specification).

3.11.4 Floor Drains

In all rooms where floor drains are required as shown on the drawings the floors shall be slopedgently towards the floor drain.

3.11.5 Mosaic Tile Flooring

Mosaic tiles shall be approved first quality vitreous unglazed. The pattern and colour and pointingshall be to the requirements of the C.S.R. Screeds to receive mosaic tile flooring shall be true andeven shall be well wetted before mosaic is laid. The mosaic shall be laid on a bed of cement sand(1:3) and shall be pointed in 1:1 cement sand mortar. The finished mosaic flooring shall be trueand even and where specified shall be laid to falls. On completion the surface of the mosaic shallbe thoroughly cleaned off to remove any bedding or pointing material. Unless stated otherwise a100 mm high mosaic tile skirting shall be provided to all areas where mosaic flooring is specified,bedded and pointed in a similar manner to the flooring. The perimeter row of mosaic floor tilesshall be set at an angle of 45° from the floor at junctions with mosaic skirtings. Where mosaic tilesare specified for stair treads, non slip nosing tiles shall be provided in colour to match mosaic.

Traffic shall be kept off the floor for at least 3 days after grouting while the floor is kept wet bysprinkling.

3.11.6 P.V.C. Flooring

P.V.C. flooring shall be 2 mm pure flexible vinyl asbestos floor tiles of “MW range” manufacturedby Messr. Marleyflex International or equal and approved tiles and shall be laid by an approvedspecialist team in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification.

The floor screed shall have a steel float finish, and shall be clean and dry to the satisfaction of thefloor layer who is to guarantee his work.

Sheeting and tiles are to be laid on “Marley No. 3” adhesive or equal and shall have tight straightjoints well stuck down. Surplus adhesive must be removed immediately from the floor finish.

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3.11.7 Cill Tiles

Where cill tiles are indicated on drawings they shall be clay cill tiles of appropriate size and shallbe bedded & pointed in 1:3 cement sand mortar. External cill tiles shall be provided with throatingand shall be laid to fall away from the building. All exposed arises shall be rounded.

3.11.8 Granolithic Flooring

Granolithic flooring shall consist of one part cement to two and a half parts of aggregate. Theaggregate shall be granite (or other approved hard stone) which shall be graded from 10 mmdown with not more than 20% passing a 200 mesh B.S. sieve.

The water cement ratio shall be kept as low as possible compatible with workability. Thegranolithic flooring shall be laid to the thickness stated and shall be laid whilst the concrete sub-base is still green. The granolithic shall be finished with a steel trowel perfectly true and smoothsurface, and laid to falls where stated. The granolithic shall be laid in bays as specified forscreeds in Clause 3.11.2. Where the flooring is described as non-slip, and to all stair treads,these areas shall be evenly sprinkled with carborundum dust or other approved material, whichshall be lightly trowelled into the surface before final trowelling.

3.11.9 Quarry Tile Flooring

Quarry tiles and floor tiles shall conform to BS 6431 and unless otherwise stated shall be 150 x150 x 16 mm in an approved colour. The tiles shall be thoroughly wetted before laying. The tilesshall be bedded and pointed in cement/sand (1:3) 10 mm thick. Covered skirtings to match tilesshall be 150 mm high and shall have bullnose top and cove at bottom and internal angles androunded external angles. The tiles shall be laid true and level.

3.11.10 Terrazzo Paving

Terrazzo shall be composed of 3 parts of marble chippings and 1 part of coloured cement. Themarble chippings shall unless otherwise stated, be graded 10 mm down to 3 mm. The terrazzoshall be 16 mm thick and shall be laid on a 1:3 cement sand screed 19 mm thick and laid whilethe screed is still green. The terrazzo shall be rolled and trowelled to a dense even surface, andground down on completion to an approved polished surface, first by using a coarse abrasive,and finally by using a suitable fine abrasive.

The paving shall be divided into sections not exceeding 1.5 sq.m. with ebonite dividing strips3 mm. wide fixed flush with the surface of the finished paving. Joints in the screed and in theterrazzo shall coincide with any joints in the concrete sub floor. The whole construction ofTerrazzo paving shall be in accordance with BS 4131, 1973.

3.11.11 Oil Proofing and Chemical Resistant Hardeners

Where oil proofing and chemical hardeners are used, the type used shall be subject to theapproval of the C.S.R. and shall be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’sinstructions.

3.11.12 Sundry Labours

All finishes shall be neatly worked up to, or cut around, plinths, channels, gratings, duct covers,gulleys, manhole frames pipes and the like.

Floor finishes and screeds shall be continued into recessed manhole covers to match thesurrounding areas.

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3.11.13 Aluminium Diving Strips

Aluminium dividing strips between different floor finishes are to be 25 mm x 3 mm finished flushwith flooring.

3.11.14 Samples

The Contractor shall prepare sample squares of paving, plastering and tiling as directed until thequality texture and finish required is obtained and approved by the C.S.R., after which all paving,plastering and tiling works shall conform to the respective samples.

3.12 Glazing

3.12.1 Glass

All glass shall be of approved manufacture and free from flaws, waves or other defects and shallbe of uniform thickness in accordance with B.S. 952.

Glass shall be delivered in proper containers with maker’s name, guarantee, type of glass andthickness or weight of glass attached to the outside of the containers. Plain sheet glass shall beof selected quality. Polished plate glass shall be glazing glass.

Except where otherwise specified all glass for doors and windows shall be heat reflectivelaminated safety glass of 12 mm thick, or 30 kg/m2 with the interlayer film 1.5 mm thick.

The obscure glass shall be of an approved pattern. Glass to all Bathrooms and Toilet windowsshall be obscure glass.

Wired glass shall be Geogian Wired Polished Plate glass. Unless stated otherwise it shall be6 mm thick. It shall be fixed with wires parallel with the frame and straight wires vertical.

Where translucent wired glass is specified it shall be 6 thick Geogian Wired Cast Glass fixed asdescribed above.

Where decorative and special glass is required it shall be as specified in the Additional Clauses.

Mirrors shall be of 6 mm. thick selected quality clear plate glass, free from all blemishes, with allexposed edges ground smooth and slightly rounded. The silver shall be protected by an electrocopper backing followed by a coating of shellac varnish. The silvering and protective backingshall be taken to the extreme edge of all mirrors.

Mirrors shall be drilled during manufacture for screws and shall be fixed with chromium plateddome headed screws, plugged to walls with plastic washers under all screw heads and rubberbuffers at back.

3.12.2 Putty

Putty for glazing to wood shall comply with B.S. 544 and to metal frames to be of approvedmanufacture, tropical quality.

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3.12.3 Workmanship

All glazing and beads in wood shall be sealed or primed before glazing is commenced.

All glass shall have clean cut edges. Glazing in putty shall be executed with proper bed and backputties, springs, clips etc. and with splayed and mitred front putties. Back putties shall be trimmedoff level with tops of rebates; front putties shall be finished 3 mm. back from sight line to allow forsealing between glass and putty with paint.

Glazing fixed in beds shall have both glass and beads bedded and back puttied with the puttytrimmed off flush. Beads to be properly mitred and fixed with brass screws.

All labour and other incidental materials such as glazing compound, shims, glazing clips, securingdevices, felt, etc., not specified but required to complete a satisfactory and approved installationshall be provided.

Glazing strips shall be 3 mm. thick approved Neoprene ‘U’ shaped glazing strip neatly mitred atangles.

Actual glass sizes required shall be determined by measuring all frames to receive glass. Allglass shall be factory labelled on each pane and the label shall not be removed until finalapproval. Glass required and not particularly mentioned or described shall be the same asindicated for other similar or corresponding locations. In all cases for either clear or glare andheat reducing glass, in cutting glass for setting, the “draw” shall appear when “set” in thehorizontal position in all sash units. Glazing must be carried out in such a manner that if drawlines exist they shall not cause any visual distortion.

Glass in metal windows shall be secured in place with appropriate type glazing stops or beads satin approved type cushions that will permit normal expansion and contraction.

In glazing metal windows, the Contractor shall follow the instructions of metal windowmanufacturers as approved by the C.S.R. relative to bedding for installation of glass and settingin glazing compound if so required and approved.

On completion of the works, all broken or cracked glass shall be replaced and all glass cleanedboth sides to the satisfaction of the C.S.R.

3.13 Plumbing And Sanitary Fittings

3.13.1 General

The work shall include all jointing materials, copper nails, lead wedges, wall hooks, tacks,fastening and all other things necessary to make the installation complete in all respects.

The whole of the plumbing work shall be tested in such manner as the C.S.R. shall direct and tohis satisfaction.

On completion, the whole of the installation shall be left for inspection and testing thereafter shallbe left in a clean and proper condition.

3.13.2 Materials

The Contractor shall supply all pipings, fittings and all sanitary ware as shown on the drawingsand in the schedules. They shall be of the best quality and shall be of approved manufacture.

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3.13.3 Rainwater Pipes and Fittings Cast Iron

Gutters, external down pipes and fittings shall conform to B.S. 460 and shall be to the sizesshown on the drawings.

Gutters shall be half round, and shall be jointed with red lead putty and gutter bolts. They shallbe fixed to fall not less than 250 mm in 30 m. on galvanised mild steel brackets screwed to thefascia board with rust-proofed screws. Down pipes shall be spigot and socketted and shall bejointed with red lead putty and shall be screwed to the wall with galvanised mild steel straps,plugged and screwed to brickwork or screwed direct to timber framed walls.

Internal cast iron down pipes shall conform to B.S. 416 and shall be jointed with yarn andmolten lead or approved cold caulking compound. Internal pipes shall be fixed to the structureas described for external pipes.

All internal rainwater pipes, gutter brackets and fittings shall be prepared and painted one coatof primer before fixing. Plastic Balloons

Plastic gutters, down pipes and fittings shall be P.V.C. and shall be of an approved make.They shall be of the sizes shown on the drawings.

Gutters shall be half round and fixed on P.V.C. brackets to a minimum fall of 250 mm in 30 m.The brackets shall be screwed to the fascia board with rust-proof screws.

Down pipes shall be fixed with proprietary straps supplied by the manufacturer of the pipes.The whole of the Rainwater Installation shall be installed in accordance with themanufacturer’s instruction. Access for Cleaning Internal Rainwater Pipework

All internal rainwater pipework shall be provided with an adequate number of access plates,cleaning eyes etc. to ensure that the system is fully accessible for cleaning. Wire Balloons

All outlets from gutters shall be fitted with galvanised mild steel wire balloon grating ofapproved design to fit securely into the outlet. Roof and Balcony Outlets

Roof and balcony outlets shall be coated cast iron of an approved type. The outlets shall beprovided with a luting flange to receive the roof or balcony finish. Roof outlets shall beprovided with a coated cast iron done grating. Balcony outlets shall be provided with a coatedcast iron flat grating.

3.13.4 Hot & Cold Water Supply

The Hot and Cold Water Supply installation shall be carried out in compliance with the By-laws ofthe Water Authority. Workmanship

The whole of the Plumbing work shall be executed in a neat and workmanlike manner to thesatisfaction of the C.S.R.

All internal piping shall be in the shortest possible runs to fall slightly to the outlets and verticalruns shall be truly vertical. Sweeps and small radius curves shall be avoided. All possibleprecautions shall be taken against air locks.

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All cold and hot supply tubing shall not be surface mounted but properly embedded in the wall,before plastering or tiling in such a way that the outside edge of the pipe fittings or lagged pipeare 13 mm below the final surface unless stated otherwise in the schedule of Finishings. Piping Work General

Where reductions in the diameters of the pipes are necessary reducing fittings will be usedand not pushed fittings.

Where practicable, pipework will follow the line of the walls, vertically and horizontally andpipes shall be set round obstructions in one piece, fittings shall not be used for this purpose.

All pipework and joints shall be properly assembled and shall be complete in all respects.

The pipe runs shall be done in a workmanlike manner and adequately fixed with proper clips,hangers and brackets. No joints shall be made within the thickness of walls, floors or ceilings,sleeves shall be provided with plates of sufficient diameter to allow free movement of the pipefor expansion and contraction. Ample provision shall be made in the form of unions for futuredismantling for cleaning etc. Internal Distribution

Cold and hot supplies unless otherwise stated, shall be in hard drawn copper tubing in as longlength as possible, carefully bent, jointed by welding or approved couplings; no threadedjunctions shall be used. All fittings required to complete the work shall be provided. TheContractor shall thoroughly test the system to the satisfaction of the C.S.R. Hot Water Lagging

Hot water supply lines shall be lagged with jute wrapping only where embedded in walls. Theinsulation shall be smoothed and left ready for plastering. Copper Tubing and Fittings

Where copper tubing is specified, it shall conform to BS 2871, and all fittings shall be anapproved compression type conforming to B.S.864 Type ‘A’ or approved capillary type fittingsconforming to B.S. 864. The tubing where concealed shall be fixed with copper clips. Thetubing where exposed shall be fixed with polished brass pips rings of approved type. Thecentres of the fixings shall be as described for galvanised mild steel tubing.

Underground copper pipes will conform to BS 2871. The fittings will be manipulative gun metalfittings. Galvanised Mild Steel Pipes and Fittings

Galvanised mild steal tubing where specified shall conform to B.S.1387 (Class C). Fittingsshall be galvanised malleable cast iron to conform to B.S. 1256. All pipes and fittings shall besuitable for screwing to B.S. 21 pipe threads. Jointing shall be by means of screwed jointsmade with white hemp and an approved non-tainting leadless jointing compound. Reducingpieces shall be provided when jointing pipes of different sizes.

All pipework shall be fixed to walls and ceilings with galvanised malleable iron brackets.conforming with B.S. 1494 table 6(a)/7(a) with screwed backplates or tails for building in.Where required extended brackets shall be used which shall consist of galvanised malleableiron pipe rings as Table 13 (a) it screwed galvanised mild steel rods split for building in or withscrewed backplates as table 10 (a).

Brackets shall be fixed in accordance with the following table on straight runs and in additionat all bends and fittings.

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Centres in m.Diameter of tubemm

Vertical Horizontal

13 & 19 1.83 1.07

25 2.44 1.68

32 3.05 2.44

38 & 51 3.66 3.05

64 & 76 4.58 3.66

102 4.58 3.96 Brass Work

Brass taps and valves will conform to B.S. 1010. Pipe Sizing

Unless stated otherwise supply pipe sizes shall be as follows:-

Final connections to all fittings except long baths shall be 13 mm diameter.

Connections to long baths shall be 19 mm diameter.

The sizes of distribution pipes from which these connections are taken shall be as follows:-

Number of Fittings Served Diameter of Distribution Pipe, mm

2 19

3,4 25

5,6,7 32

8, 9, 10, 11, 12 38

13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 51 Supply to Sinks & Drinking Fountains

All cold water supplies to domestic sinks, drinking fountains and drinking water taps shall betaken directly from the rising main. Stopvalves, Gate Valves & Draining Taps

Stopvalves shall be brass, and conform to B.S.1010. Gatevalves shall be brass, and shallconform to B.S.1952. Draining taps shall be brass and conform to B.S.2879.

An adequate number of valves and draining taps shall be provided so as to permit the varioussection of the installation to be isolated and drained down. The following rules shall apply to allinstallations:-

i) A stopvalve shall be fitted to the rising main at a height of 305 mm above the point ofentry into the building.

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ii) A draining tap shall be fitted to the rising main immediately above the stopvalve.

iii) A stopvalve shall be provided to the rising main as close as possible to the storagecistern.

iv) A gatevalve shall be provided to the down supply pipes from all cold water storagecisterns, and electrical water heater as close as possible to each cistern or heater.

v) A stopvalve shall be provided to the branch supply pipe for each range of sanitaryfittings at the junction with the main down supply.

vi) A draining tap shall be provided at the lowest point of each branch supply pipe toenable the whole of the installation to be drained down.

vii) A stopvalve shall be provided to the supply pipe to all electrical water heaters. Cold Water Storage Cisterns

Cold Water Storage Cisterns shall be galvanised mild steel to conform to B.S.417. Grade A orplastic (polyolefin or olefin copolymer) to conform to B.S. 4213 or approved glass reinforcedplastic.

The cistern shall be of the sizes stated and in the positions shown on the drawings and wheregalvanised shall be painted inside with 2 coats of non tainting bituminous paint.

The cisterns shall be provided with a brass ball valve to conform to B.S.1212 Part 1 withplastic or copper float conforming with B.S. 2456.

Each cistern shall be fitted with a 25 mm diameter outlet for connection to wash-out pipe and astoptap shall be fitted to the wash-out pipe. The end of the wash out or connector shall notproject into the cistern. The wash out pipe shall be run to a position to be directed.

3.13.5 Internal Drainage

The internal drainage installation shall be carried out in compliance with the relevant By-Laws ofMalaysia and BSCP 2005 - Sewerage. Cast Iron

Unless stated otherwise soil and ventilating pipes and fittings shall be coated cast iron toconform with B.S. 416. The pipes and fittings shall be jointed with a hemp gasket and moltenlead, and be fixed as follows:-

(i) To walls with mild steel straps, plugged and screwed, and

(ii) to ceilings with malleable iron pipe rings to B.S. 1494. Table 13(a) and screwedgalvanised mild steel suspension rods split for building in or with screwed back platesas Table 10(a). Galvanised Steel

Waste overflow and antisyphonage pipes shall be galvanised mild steel tubing to conform toB.S.1387. Fittings shall be galvanised malleable cast iron to conform to B.S.1256. All pipesand fittings shall be suitable for screwing to B.S.21 pipe threads. Jointing shall be by means ofscrewed joints made with white hemp and red lead, or approved jointing compound. Wasteand antisyphonage pipes shall be fixed as described in Clause of this Specification.All junctions to waste systems shall be made with sweep tees. Access for Cleaning Soil & Waste Pipework

The soil and waste system shall be fitted with sufficient access plates or eyes, to ensure thatthe system is fully accessible for cleaning.

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All soil and ventilating pipes shall be fitted at the top with a galvanised mild steel wire balloongrating of approved design to fit securely into the pipe. Floor Gullies

Floor gullies shall be coated cast iron, with 89 mm trapped outlet and shall be fitted with agalvanised flat grating of an approved type. Layout of Pipework

The positions and runs of soil, waste and water supply pipework shall be approved by theC.S.R. before the installation is commenced. Pipework where exposed shall be set out to givea neat appearance. Builders Work

All holes, chases etc in reinforced concrete to accommodate pipework and fittings shall beformed as the structural work proceeds. No cutting into reinforced concrete will be allowed. Allholes and chases in walls, floors and ceilings etc. shall be made good on completion ofplumbing work and before decoration. Any damage caused to finished work shall be rectifiedto the satisfaction of the C.S.R. Painting

All exposed pipework straps, brackets etc. shall be painted in accordance with the PaintingSpecification.

3.13.6 Sanitary Fittings

All sanitary fittings shall be of “Armitage Shanks” manufacture, or other approved equivalent,supplied and fixed by the Contractor and unless otherwise stated shall be as describedbelow:- Pedestal W.C. Pans

Pedestal W.C. pans shall be of white glazed vitreous china “syphonia”. They shall have “P” “Q”or “S” traps as required.

Where pans are fixed to timber floors they shall be jointed to the drain pipe with hemp gaskinand red lead putty.

Where pans are fixed to concrete floors, they shall be jointed to the drain pipe withcement/sand mortar (1:2). The pans shall be screwed to wood floors with rust-proofed screws,and shall be plugged and screwed to concrete floors with rust proofed screws. Whereantisyphonage pipes are required, the traps shall be provided with antisyphonage outlets.W.C. seats shall be black plastic and shall comply with B.S. 1254. Squat Type Toilet

Squat type toilets shall comprise a closet of white vitreous china as “claywood” for sinking intothe floors and integral or separate tread plates in matching material. The closet shall have ‘P’‘Q’ or ‘S’ trap as required. The traps shall be provided with antisyphonage outlets, whererequired. The closets and tread plates shall be set into a concrete bed with the top surfacelevel with the floor finish. Flushing Cisterns

Flushing cisterns shall be black plastic complying with B.S.1125 or white vitreous Chinacomplying with B.S.1125 and shall be single flushing type. They shall be fitted with a nylon orbrass ball valve to B.S.1212 with a plastic float to B.S.2456 and connections for 12 mm.diameter supply and 19 mm. diameter overflow pipes. Flush pipes shall be provided, whichshall be to B.S.1125 and shall be of galvanised mild steel. They shall be jointed to the bottom

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of the cisterns by means of watertight unions which allow for easy removal and shall be jointedto W.C. pans by means of approved rubber cone connectors. The cisterns shall be fixed towalls with sherardised steel screws which shall be plugged to concrete, blockwork orbrickwork.High level cisterns shall be provided with chromium plated chains with rubber pull handles andshall be fixed at a height of 1.52 m. to the underside of the cistern. Flush pipes shall be32 mm. diameter and shall be fixed with pipe clips which shall be screwed to walls.Low level cisterns shall be, provided with chromium plated lever flushing handles and shall befixed at a height of 610 mm. to the underside of the cistern. Flush pipes shall be 35 mmdiameter. Toilet Roll Holder

Toilet roll holder shall be white vitreous china as “Armitage Shank” semi-recessed in walls150 x 150 mm. Towel Rails

Towel rails brackets shall be white vitreous china as “Armitage Shank” complete with CP towelrail 610 mm. long. Paper Hand Towel Dispenser

Paper hand towel dispenser shall be approved “Molnlycke” make manufactured in Sweden, orother approved equivalent. Lavatory Basins

Lavatory basins shall be white vitreous china size 635 x 455 mm. overall as Armitage ShanksAvon. Each basin shall be provided with a 32 mm. chromium plated brass waste outlet andrubber plug with chromium plated chain and stay. Provide and fix a 32 mm. trap to eachlavatory basin having a 38 or 76 mm. deep seal as necessary. Provide and fix one or twoSovereign 12 mm. pillar taps as required. Where one tap only is required, provide and fix onetap hole stopper to match the basin. The pedestals shall match the basin and shall be to thesame B.S. and make. Baths

Baths shall be in Trolex fully reinforced acrylic as Armitage Shanks Sheraton 2. Each bathshall be provided with a 38 mm. chromium plated brass waste outlet, and rubber plug withcombined chromium plated chain and stay and overflow. Provide and fix a 38 mm. trap toeach bath with 38 or 76 mm. deep seal as necessary and with overflow connection. Provide fixStarlite 19 mm. bath and shower mixed with flexible tube and handspray. Sinks

Ceramic sinks shall be white glazed fireclay size 610 x 457 x 254 mm deep and shall conformto B.S. 1206 and shall have overflow in centre at back. Each sink shall be provided with a38 mm. chromium plated brass waste outlet and rubber plug with chromium plated chain andstay. Provide and fix a 38 mm. trap to each sink having a 38 mm. or 76 mm. deep seal asnecessary.

Provide and fix one or two 12 mm. pillar or bib taps, as required. Pillar taps shall have152 mm. raising pieces and bibs shall have extension pieces of adequate length. Unlessotherwise specified each sink shall be fixed on two cast iron brackets to B.S.1255 plugged andscrewed to wall.

Metal sinks shall be stainless steel as “Bristle” manufacture to the sizes stated and shallconform to B.S.1244. They shall be provided with waste outlet, overflow, plug, chain and stay,trap and taps as described for ceramic sinks. Where one tap only is required, a tap holestopper to match the sink shall be provided. Unless supported on a sink unit or fitting, thesinks shall be provided with suitable legs and bearers in cast iron or galvanised steel withpainted finish.

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Cleaners sinks shall be white glazed fireclay 533 x 457 x 178 mm. deep with a 152 mm. highback, hardwood pad and chromium plated or polished cast brass bucket grating and shallcomply generally with B.S.1206. Each sink shall be provided with a 38 mm. chromium platedbrass waste outlet with grating. Provide and fix a 38 mm. trap to each sink, having a 38 mm. or76 mm. deep seal as necessary. Provide and fix one or two 12 mm. bib taps as required withextension pieces of adequate length. The sinks shall be fixed on two cast iron brackets,plugged and screwed to wall, at a height of 559 mm. from the bucket grating to finished floorlevel.

Laboratory sinks shall be white vitreous china to B.S.3402 size 559 x 356 x 229 mm. deep andshall be provided with a 38 mm. waste outlet, standing waste and overflow all in acid-proofmaterial. They shall be fixed into laboratory benches in accordance with the detail drawings.Provide and fix laboratory water and/or gas supplies as specified. Taps

All taps shall conform to B.S.1010. Taps shall be of the following type as appropriate, andwhere necessary shall be provided with extension pieces.

Pillar taps : Chromium plated brass with cross heads ; 12 mm. diameter for basins and sinks,19 mm. for baths.

Bib taps: Unless otherwise stated, 12 mm. diameter chromium plated brass with crossheads, complete with backplate elbow or wall flange. Bib taps to stand pipesshall be 12 mm. diameter, unplated brass, and shall have an extended nozzlesuitable for hose connection.

Where hot and cold water is supplied to any one fitting the taps to that fitting shall be providedwith suitable markings to indicate “Hot” or “Cold”. Drinking Fountains

Drinking fountains shall be white vitreous china as “Armitage Shank Aqualon”. They shall befitted with a self closing non-concussive valve with chromium plated toggle action lever. Thejet nozzle shall be hooded so that it cannot be touched by mouth or contaminated by mouthswilling. They shall be fitted with a 25 mm. diameter chromium plated waste outlet and trapand shall be fixed to walls with concealed cast iron fixing brackets bolted through the fittings. Showers

Shower trays, shall be white glazed fireclay size 762 x 762 x 178 mm. deep as ArmitageShanks Moray. They shall be provided with 38 mm. diameter chromium plated brass wasteoutlet and grating. The tray shall be bedded in cement mortar and the joint between the wallsand the tray shall be pointed with approved non-hardening mastic compound.

Shower fittings shall be comprised of a 102 mm. diameter adjustable chromium plated brassinclined shower head with rose and 12 mm. diameter supply pipe(s) with 12 mm. diameterstop valve(s) to control the water supply.

Where hot and cold water is supplied, a stop valve shall be fitted to both the hot and coldwater supply pipes which shall then be connected to a tee junction from which the supply pipeto the shower head is to be connected.

The stop valves shall be fixed at a height of 915 mm. above the bottom of the shower tray,shall be chromium plated, shall have back plates and be securely screwed to the wall. Wherehot and cold water is supplied, the valves shall be provided with suitable markings to indicate“Hot” or “Cold”.

The shower head shall be fixed at a height of 1.83 m, above the bottom of the shower tray orfinished floor level.

All exposed pipework and fittings serving the showers within the shower area shall bechromium plated and fixed with chromium plated holderbats.

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Where hot and cold water is supplied, the layout of the plumbing shall be such that the waterpressures to the hot and cold supply pipes are balanced so that water can be obtained fromthe head at all temperatures from cold to maximum heat.

All shower trays shall be fitted with a 38 mm diameter traps having a 38 mm or 76 mm deepseal as necessary. Slab Urinals

Urinal slabs shall be white glazed fireclay and shall have end screens. All urinals shall have awhite glazed fireclay floor channel and white glazed fireclay fluted treads set flush with thefloor finish. The channel shall have a 38 mm diameter chromium plated brass outlet withhinged grating. The urinal slabs, channel and floor treads shall be bedded in cement mortarand jointed and pointed with white cement. The flushing cistern shall be a white glazed fireclayautomatic flushing cistern, complete with cover, and shall be fixed on white porcelain,enamelled cast iron brackets plugged and screwed to walls.

Flush pipes and spreaders shall be chromium plated and shall be fixed to walls with chromiumplated holderbats. Provide a 38 mm diameter trap with 38 mm or 76 mm deep seal asnecessary. Bowl Urinals

Urinals bowls shall be white vitreous china as “Armitage Shanks Sanura” with lipped basin andflushing rim. They shall be plugged and screwed to walls with brass screws. Flushing cisterns,flush pipes and spreaders shall be as described for slab urinals. The bowl urinals shall becomplete with chromium plated brass outlet and trap. Traps

Traps shall be of the following types:-

Traps for sinks, lavatory basins, baths and drinking water fountains

Copper, brass, or aluminium, to BS 1184 with cleaning eye. Traps to baths shall have anoverflow connection.

Traps for shower trays with suspended drainage

Copper, brass or aluminium, to B.S. 1184 with cleaning eye and shall have the inlet of anappropriate length.

Traps for shower trays with buried drainage

76 mm diameter cast iron to B.S. 1130 Figure 59. They shall be fitted with cast iron connectorswith top drilled and threaded to receive outlet from shower tray.

Traps for urinals with suspended drains

76 mm diameter cast iron to B.S. 416 Table 14. They shall be fitted with cast iron connectorswith top drilled and threaded to receive outlet from urinal.

Traps for urinals with buried drainage

76 mm diameter cast iron to B.S. 1130 Figure 59. They shall be fitted with cast iron connectorswith top drilled and threaded to receive outlet from urinal. Testing

After completion of the works the whole of the installation shall be flushed out and water testedto the satisfaction of the C.A.R. Supervision

All plumbing shall be carried out by or under the supervision of a plumber duly licensed by theWater Authority.

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3.14 Painting And Decoration

3.14.1 Materials

All paints and finishes shall be of an approved type, colour and manufacture. They shall beobtained from Company approved firms and be delivered to the site in the maker’s containersunopened.

All paints shall be applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions and usedwithout adulteration. Any work found to be carried out with adulterated materials shall be removedand reinstated at the Contractor’s expense.

Mixing of paints of different brands before or during application will not be permitted. Undercoatsand finishing coats shall be of the same brand.

Paint used externally shall be of external quality and all paints shall be anti-fungus type. All paintsused shall comply with BSCP 231.403 “Painting and distempering Portland Cement Concrete andCement Plaster.”


Knotting shall consist of shellac dissolved in methylated spirits or other approved type.


Stopping shall be of an approved type and for external joinery shall be waterproof.


Oil for joinery shall be best clear boiled linseed oil.


Grain filler shall be water soluble of an approved type.

Varnish (Lacquer)

Varnish (Lacquer) shall be clear matt finish polyurethane internal or external quality asappropriate.

Wax polish & special polishes

Wax polish and special polishes shall be an approved type.


Stains shall be water or spirit stains of approved type and colour.

3.14.2 Workmanship - General

Every possible precaution shall be taken to keep down dust before and during paintingprocesses. No paint shall be applied to surfaces structurally or superficially damp and all surfacesshall be free from condensation, efflorescence, etc. before the application of each coat.

No cleaning or painting will be permitted in wet weather unless carried out under adequate coverapproved by the C.S.R.

Primed or undercoated woodwork and metal-work shall not be left in an exposed or unsuitablesituation for a long period before completion of the painting process. No exterior or exposedpainting shall be carried out under adverse conditions, such as rain.

Metal fittings such as ironmongery, etc. not required to be painted shall first be fitted and thenremoved before the preparatory processes are commenced. When all the painting is completedthe fittings shall be cleaned and refixed in position.

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The Contractor shall be required to repaint at his own expense any work on which the paint shallbe found to be incorrectly applied. The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting fromdamage the paint work and all other work during and after painting operations including theprovision of all necessary dust sheets, covers, etc.

All coats of paint shall be rubbed down with fine waterproofing abrasive where necessary and bethoroughly dry before subsequent coats are applied.

Each coat of paint is to be of a separate and distinct tint.

3.14.3 Preparation of surfaces

All surfaces shall be thoroughly dry and free from dust when decoration is carried out. Plaster & Rendering

Clean down thoroughly, cut out large cracks, with edges undercut, and make good withstopping. Fill in small cracks, holes and other surface blemishes with stopping. Fair Face Brickwork

Clean down thoroughly with a wire brush to remove all dust and mortar droppings. Rake outany cracked or loose mortar and re-point before decoration commences. Fair Face Concrete

Clean down thoroughly with a wire brush to remove all dust, dirt and loose material and ifnecessary wash down with detergent solution to remove shuttering oil. Fill all cracks, andholes with cement mortar neatly trowelled flush. Preparation of galvanised iron surfaces

If hot dip galvanised steel is supplied unprimed, all grease, dirt, salt and moisture must becleaned from the surface before paint is applied.

Before new galvanised work can be painted, the surface should be treated with a specialsolution such as Lithoform or with self-etching primer.

The method of using Lithoform is as follows:-

(a) Remove oil or other foreign substances from the surfaces to be treated, ensuring that thecleaner leaves no residue. All old paint must be removed, by scoring the surface with fineabrasive if necessary.

(b) Brush a generous coating of undiluted Lithoform with a scrubbing motion on to the metalsurface, which will become dark grey in 2 or 3 minutes. Any bright spangles or light spotsremaining should be retouched with Lithoform to make the surface as uniform as possible.

(c) Wash the treated surface thoroughly with clean fresh water, before the Lithoform hasdried.

(d) Allow the treated surface to dry, using clean rags, air-drying or dry in an oven. No moistureshould remain in joints or around screw heads, bolts, etc. Lithoform has a coveringcapacity of 20 m² /litre.

The treatment of galvanised surfaces with chemicals such as hydrochloric acid or coppersulphate solution before painting is not recommended.

Page 55: construction of building housing & sewerage Preparation of Aluminium or zinc Surfaces

A surface treatment recommended for use before painting aluminium or zinc surfaces is theself-etching or wash primer. This primer is supplied as two liquids to be mixed just before use.The coat of wash primer, which by itself provides only temporary protection, should beregarded as a pretreatment for subsequent coats of paints. It is not intended as a substitute forone of the normal priming coats.

Wash primer may be applied by brushing or spraying; the covering power is approximately8 m²/litre. It is dry to the touch in 15 minutes and may be followed with a coat of normal primerin 1 hour. Preparation of Steelwork & Other Metalwork

Where structural steel is to be bolted together or built into walls, the parts to be joined togethershall be given a coat of approved zinc chromate primer or Red oxide primer.

All oil, dirt, etc. must be removed and a perfectly clean surface obtained.

All surfaces of structural steelwork shall be prepared as described in Clause 3.4 of thisSpecification. Preparation of Woodwork to Be Painted

Woodwork shall be well seasoned before being painted.

Surfaces shall be cleaned to remove grease and dirt. In the case of teak the surface shall becleaned with white spirit to remove free oil. Knots shall be treated with knotting and the surfaceprimed. When the priming is hard, all cracks, holes, open joints, etc. shall be made good withhard stopping rubbed down with fine glass paper and washed down with fresh water.

All holes and cracks shall be stopped as follows :-

(a) Internal woodwork, hard board and plywood shall be putty tinted to match that ofundercoat.

(b) External woodwork shall be white lead paste tinted to the colour of undercoat.

(c) Clear finished woodwork shall be stopping tinted to match surrounding work.

All stoppings shall be allowed to harden and the surface then rubbed down again to asmooth finish suitable to receive paint or finish.

The priming paint shall be well worked into the surface by brush and 2 coats shall be appliedto end grain.

The bottom and top edges of doors are to be primed and painted. Insulating Boards

Thoroughly clean down to remove all dust, grease etc.

3.14.4 Application of various finishes

The types of finishing paint shall be applied as follows:-

(a) Emulsion Paint & Seals

This may be applied by brush or roller. Paint one coat of primer lime sealer as a primer sealerand two coats of “Pentalite” emulsion paint undiluted as finishing coat.

(b) Alkyd Enamel (ICI - DULUX)

The paint shall be applied by brush and used directly from the container without the additionof any thinner. At least 24 hours must be allowed for drying between coats. Prime one coatwood primer, one undercoat and two finish coats shall be applied over properly.

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(c) I.C.I. Dulux Weathershield Exterior Wall Finish

This may be applied by brush or roller direct onto the new unpainted surfaces. 3 coats ofDulux weathershield shall be applied to the new concrete surfaces as per manufacturer’sinstructions.

(d) I.C.I. Dulux Epoxy Chemical Resistant Finish F430-Line

The paint shall be applied by brush or roller. Paint one coat of epoxy primer and 3 coats ofDulux Epoxy Chemical Resistant Finish F430-line as finishing coats as per Manufacturer’sSpecification.

(e) Teak Oil

This shall be applied using a piece of padded cloth, rubbing the teak oil onto the surface withconsiderable pressure. 2-4 coats should be applied to get the desired appearance.

3.14.5 Paint Schedule for New Work

The following paint schedule shall be adhered to:-


(a) Cement plastered brick-walls, exposed concrete of beams, columns, lintels, asbestoscement sheets:-

- I.C.I. Dulux weather shield exterior wall finish, or other approved equivalent.

(b) Exposed woodwork:-

- Alkyd enamel paint.

(c) Steel window frames, door frames, doors, gutters, downpipes, brackets, roof supportpipes etc:

- Alkyd enamel paint.


(a) Plaster brickwalls, exposed concrete, lintels, fair face brickwork and concrete (excludingfloors):-

Prepare and apply one coat of Emulsion Paint thinned with 50% of water and two fullcoats of Emulsion Paint.

(b) Woodwork including Plywood, Chipboard & Blockboard

Unless otherwise stated, all exposed woodwork shall be painted as follows:-

Prepare and apply one coat of aluminium primer. Apply one undercoat, rub down withfine glasspaper and apply one finishing coat of gloss alkyd enamel paint.

(c) Non-galvanised Metalwork (NOT STRUCTURAL STEELWORK)

All concealed iron and mild steelwork not galvanised shall be painted with 2 coats ofbitumastic paint, one before and one after fixing.

Exposed mild steelwork (not galvanised) and iron work shall be painted with 2 zincchromate primer coats (‘Primocon’) and finished off with one undercoat, rub down withfine glass paper, and apply one finishing coat of gloss alkyd enamel paint.

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(d) Galvanised metalwork

Prepare and apply:-

(i) First coat: a thin coat of self-etching primer or Lithoform.

(ii) Second coat: zinc chromate primer.

(iii) Third coat: aluminium paint or gloss alkyd enamel paint.

(iv) Fourth coat: aluminium paint or gloss alkyd enamel paint.

(e) Fibreboard (Softboard & Medium Hardboard)

Internal only

Prepare and apply two coats of emulsion paint.

(f) Structural Steelwork

After sandblasting the structural steel surfaces, apply one coat of red oxide primer in theshop.

On arrival at site, apply one coat of undercoat of Dulux alkyd Speed Undercoat, and onecoat of approved gloss alkyd paint before erection.

After erection, paint all steel surfaces with one finishing coat of approved gloss alkydenamel paint.

3.14.6 The following items shall not be painted, but shall be treated as described:-

(a) Insides of cupboards, wardrobes, etc. shall be left clean, but the inside face of doors shall bepainted.

(b) Internal floors shall be waxed as hereinafter described and external floors shall be left clean.

(c) Draining boards shall be oiled as hereinafter described.

(d) Worktops shall be varnished as hereinafter described.

(e) Furniture shall be varnished as hereinafter described.

Where finishes other than painting are required they shall be as follows:-

(a) Varnishing: Prepare and apply one coat varnish thinned with appropriate thinner, andtwo full coats varnish. Varnish is to be rubbed down with fine glass paper betweencoats.

(b) Polishing: Prepare and apply two coats of wax, or other approved polish, well rubbedinto the surface.

(c) Oiling: Prepare and apply two coats oil, well rubbed into the surface.

3.14.7 Repainting

(i) Cleaning Down

Surfaces previously painted or varnished shall be washed down with Teepol or Shirlansolution or approved solvent to remove dirt grease, mould, etc. All flaking or loose paintor varnish shall be removed and all surfaces shall be rubbed down with glass paper,rinsed down with clean water and allowed to dry.

Unless stated otherwise all previously decorated surfaces shall be decorated as followsin colours to match existing, in accordance with the specification for new work.

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(ii) Surfaces previously Gloss Painted

After cleaning down, the surfaces shall be prepared as necessary, as described for newwork. Any bare patches shall be primed and undercoated to bring forward to the generalsurface. The whole surface shall then be rubbed down smooth and painted with oneundercoat and one finishing coat of gloss paint as specified for New Work.

(iii) Surfaces previously Emulsion Painted

After cleaning down, the surfaces shall be prepared as necessary, as described for newwork. Any bare patches shall be painted one mist coat and the whole surface shall bepainted two coats of emulsion paint as necessary to obtain a uniform colour.

(iv) Surfaces previously Cement Painted

After cleaning down, the surfaces shall be prepared as necessary as described for newwork. Any bare patches shall be painted with sealer and one coat cement paint. Thewhole of the surface shall then be painted one coat of cement paint to obtain a uniformcolour.

(v) Surfaces previously varnished

After cleaning down, the surfaces shall be prepared as necessary, as described for NewWork. All bare patches shall be stained to match the colour of the existing material andthe whole surface shall be given two coats of varnish, including rubbing down after thefirst coat.

(vi) Surfaces previously polished

All surfaces shall be sanded down to remove existing polish. The surfaces shall bethoroughly cleaned and surface blemishes then made good. Apply two coats of polish asspecified for New Work.

(vii) Steelwork

All rusty parts of the steel works must be thoroughly cleaned by machine wire brushbefore applying red oxide metal primer. 2 coats of red oxide metal primer & 2 coats ofgloss alkyd paint should be applied to bare metal. Paint work on steel work which is stillin good condition should be cleaned before applying another coat of gloss alkyd paint.

3.14.8 Colour

The colour scheme shall be advised later by the C.A.R. in writing.

3.14.9 Leave Clean on Completion

On completion wash off paint and stains from walls, floors etc. Clean away all rubbish andsuperfluous materials and leave the whole of the premises fit and ready for immediateoccupation.

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3.15 Sewerage

The whole of the drainage installation shall be carried out in compliance with the RelevantBy-laws.

3.15.1 Excavation

Excavation work shall be carried out generally as described in “Excavation”. The followingadditional requirements shall be applicable to Excavation for drainage:-

(i) Excavation for drain trenches shall be first carried down to approximately 76 mm. abovethe required level. The remaining 76 mm. shall be excavated immediately prior to layingthe pipes.

(ii) The width and depth of trenches shall be in accordance with the following schedule:-

Nominal size of pipesin mm

Nominal width of trenchin mm

Extra depth of trench belowthe Pipe-invert in mm

100 610 165


229 686 191

305 762 216

381 991 229

457 1067 241

533 1143 254

610 1219 279

Supporting Collars shall be left in the bedding and trench width increased at each joint (incase of A.C. pipes only) to allow adequate working space for assembly and inspection ofjoints.

(iii) The first 305 mm. of back-filling shall be screened free from large stones and shall behand-packed, watered if necessary, and well rammed on either side of the pipe.

3.15.2 Sundry Materials

Hardcore shall be as specified in Excavation. Cement, aggregates and water shall be asdescribed in Concretework.

Sand for brickwork, pipe jointing and pipe bedding shall be as described in Brickwork.

Sand for rendering shall be as described in Plastering for external rendering.

Concrete and reinforcement generally shall be as described in Concretework.

Brickwork generally shall be as described in Brickwork and shall consist of Kiln bricks bedded andjointed in cement/sand mortar (1:3).

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3.15.3 Glazed Stoneware Pipes & Fittings

Glazed Stoneware Pipes and fittings shall be spigot and socketed and shall comply with B.S. 65for soil drainage they shall be British Standard quality, and for storm drainage British StandardSurface Water quality.

Stoneware pipes and fittings shall be jointed with a tarred gaskin lightly caulked and cement/sandmortar (1:1) well rammed to the full depth of the socket and finished off with a 45° fillet, or shall bejointed with approved rubber ring flexible joints.

3.15.4 Concrete Pipes and Fittings

Concrete drain pipes and fittings shall be spigot and socket and shall comply with BS 5911(Part 1 & 3).

Jointing of concrete pipes and fittings shall be as described for Glazed Stoneware, except that thespigots and sockets shall be well wetted before jointing.

3.15.5 Porous Pipes

Porous pipes for Land Drainage and Septic Tank effluent shall be clayware Field Drain Pipescomplying with B.S. 1196. They shall be laid unjointed and surrounded with a minimum of150 mm broken stone or other approved material.

3.15.6 Gulleys and Traps

Gulleys and Traps shall comply with the relevant British Standards as follows:-

Glazed Stoneware

Cast Iron BS 437

Jointing of gulleys and traps shall be as described for the pipes of the same material. Gulleygratings, unless otherwise specified shall be coated cast iron.

3.15.7 Drainlaying

All drains shall be laid in straight lines and to even gradients to the levels stated. Unlessotherwise stated the drains shall be laid to gradients within the following limits:-

100 mm. dia. - Maximum gradient - 1 in 30

Minimum gradient - 1 in 60

150 mm. dia. - Maximum gradient - 1 in 50

Minimum gradient - 1 in 120

229 mm. dia. - Maximum gradient - 1 in 70

Minimum gradient - 1 in 200

305 mm. dia. - Maximum gradient - 1 in 100

Minimum gradient - 1 in 300

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All drains shall be kept free from earth, debris etc. and immediately after jointing each pipe shallbe cleaned out to remove any excess mortar or other jointing materials.

Before backfilling of trenches or placing of concrete haunchings or surrounds to pipes thedrainage system shall be tested and approved by the C.S.R. as described in Clause No. 3.15.27hereinafter.

3.15.8 Beds, Haunchings and Surrounds

Beds, haunchings and surrounds shall be provided to drain pipes and fittings as follows :-

Flexible Jointed Pipes

The trench excavated as per Clause 3.15.1 shall be filled with sand, full width, up to a height ofhalf the diameter of the pipes to be laid.

Suitable supporting collars made of cement-sand mix shall be placed under the pipes to correctlevel and alignment (two collars under each pipe).

Each pipe shall be carefully lowered and placed in position, suitable tackle being used for thepurpose where necessary, and each shall be accurately boned into the line and level with thetravelling rod between the sight-rails.

Pipe laying shall commence at the down-stream end of each section. Piled concrete rafts,concrete bed or concrete surround shall be provided in accordance with the drawings if sodirected by the C.S.R.

Glazed Stoneware (with cement and sand joints)

Pipes shall be laid on a concrete bed (1:2:4 mix 19 mm max aggregate) 150 mm thick and305 mm wider than the external diameter of the pipe. Unless otherwise stated the pipes shall behaunched both sides with similar concrete after jointing. The haunching shall be carried up for thefull width of the bed to the level of the horizontal diameter of the pipe and from this level carriedup at 45° to meet the pipe barrel. Where pipes are specified to be surrounded, the concrete shallbe carried up from the bed in a square section with a minimum of 150 mm thickness over thebarrel of the pipe.

Cast Iron

Generally as described for Glazed Stoneware.


Generally as described for Glazed Stoneware.


Gulleys shall be set on and surrounded with 150 mm concrete (mix as described above). Whereexternal gullies occur next to walls, they shall be surrounded with a concrete curb100 mm x 75 mm.

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3.15.9 Types of Drain Pipes

Unless otherwise stated the following types of drain pipes and fittings shall be used :-

Rainwater Drainage

All drains, except where under buildings or above ground shall be glazed stone-ware.

Soil Drainage

Main drain runs (i.e. between manholes septic tanks etc.) except where under buildings or aboveground, shall be asbestos cement.

Branch drains (i.e. from the buildings to the main runs), shall be glazed stone-ware, except whereunder buildings.

Drains under Buildings

All drains under buildings shall be cast iron which shall extend 915 mm beyond the external faceof the external wall.

3.15.10 Drains Under Roads, Hardstanding etc.

All drains under roads, hardstanding etc. having less than 1.22 m cover above round of pipe shallbe surrounded with concrete as described.

3.15.11 Shallow Drains

All drains with ground cover of less than 915 mm shall be surrounded with concrete as described.

3.15.12 Drains in Filled Ground

All drains (including surface water block drains) laid on filled ground shall be laid on beds asspecified together with any additional foundations and/or piling shown on the detail drawings orspecified. The approval of the C.S.R. is to be obtained before drainage work in filled ground iscommenced.

3.15.13 Drains Above Ground Level

Where drains are laid above ground, cast iron pipes and fittings shall be used and shall besupported on brick or concrete piers on suitable foundations for non made-up ground. Wheredrains are laid above filled ground special foundations and/or piling shall be carried out inaccordance with the detail drawings or specification.

3.15.14 Manholes (External)

Manholes, circular or rectangular, unless otherwise stated shall be constructed as follows :

Walls shall be 229 mm thick kiln-brick as described in brick-layer or 150 mm thick R.C. concrete(1:2:4 mix 19 mm maximum aggregate) reinforced with B.R.C. No. 65 or equivalent.

The base-slab shall project 150 mm beyond the external face of the walls and shall be concrete(1:2:4 mix, 19 mm maximum aggregate). It shall be 150 mm thick for manholes up to 1.83 m

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depth and 229 mm thick for manholes over 1.83 m depth up to 2.44 m depth and shall bereinforced with one layer of B.R.C. No. 61, or equivalent, reinforcement placed centrally.Channels and junctions shall be formed in the benching which shall consist of concrete(1:1½ :3 mix, 10 mm maximum aggregate) and shall be rendered with cement and sand (1:3)12 mm thick and trowelled smooth with a steel-trowel. Drainpipes and branches shall be built intothe walls and manholes and solidly bedded in cement-sand mortar (1:3). The junctions shall beformed so that the invert meets the main channel at a height above the invert level of the mainchannel equivalent to > of the diameter of the main channel, and the top of the benching shall besloped 1 to 6 towards the main channel. When A.C. pipes are used for drain-laying the length ofpipe to be embedded in the walls of the manholes shall not exceed 991 mm to allow fordifferential settlement.

For soil-manholes the internal face of brick work shall be rendered with 19 mm cement-sand 1:3rendering. For storm-water manholes the internal face of brick work shall be flush pointed. Theinternal face of concrete manholes shall be fair-face.

To manholes exceeding 762 mm depth galvanised mild steel step-irons 762 mm girth shall bebuilt into the walls at 406 mm intervals from the top of the manhole and shall be staggered andlocated under the cover-frame for easy access.

The cover-slab shall be 150 mm thick cement concrete (1:2:4 mix 19 mm aggregate) and shall bereinforced with 19 mm diameter mild steel bars spaced at 150 mm centres in both directions andplaced at bottom of slab with 50 mm cover. It shall have an opening to suit the size of the coverframe. Build two to five (maximum) courses of brick work on the top of the concrete slab toreceive the cover frame which shall bedded in 1:3 cement-sand mortar so that the top is level withthe finished ground-level or paving-surface. The internal and external surfaces of the brick workare to be rendered in 1:3 cement-sand mortar and the brick work is to be corbelled over toreceive cover.

3.15.15 Manholes (Internal)

Manholes within the building shall be constructed generally as for external manholes with thefollowing exceptions:-

i) In place of open channels and junctions, coated cast iron access pipes with bolted oncovers and the requisite number of branches shall be provided. They shall be bedded inconcrete up to the underside of the cover plate.

ii) In reinforced concrete floor slabs, the opening for the cover frame shall be formed in thefloor slab in accordance with the structural details.

iii) In un-reinforced concrete floor slabs the cover slab shall be as described for externalmanholes.

iv) The cover frame shall be bedded directly on to the cover slab. (Which shall be rebated ifnecessary) and set flush with the finished floor level.

3.15.16 Size of Manholes

The size of manholes shall be as follows:-

a. Up to 610 mm deep - 686 mm x 686 mm

b. Over 610 mm but not over 1.22 m deep - 1.22 x 0.92 m or 1.22 m diameter

c. Over 1.22 m but not over 2.44 m - 1.22 x 1.22 m or 1.22 m dia.

d. Over 2.44 m deep to be constructed as per detailed drawings.

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3.15.17 Piling for Manholes

Where piling is specified under the manholes base it shall be carried out by using five numbers of150 mm diameter Bakau piles (four number to be equally spaced in a circle of 1.07 m diameterand one number in the centre of the circle) to be driven as specified, cut off 50 mm below thebottom level of the manholes base and topped with 50 mm thick lean concrete before laying themanhole base.

3.15.18 Manhole Covers and Frames

Manhole covers and frames shall be cast iron and shall comply with B.S. 497. The types ofcovers and frames shall be as follows :-

Location Type

Roads, Hardstandings, Car Parks: Heavy duty with 559mm diameter clear openingand weighing 127 kg

Footpaths, paved areas and grassedareas.

Medium duty Grade B, Ref. B5-24/18 with 610 x457 mm clear opening and weighing 143 kg.

Within buildings Light duty Grade C. Single-seal recessed typeRef. C8/24/18 with 610 x 457 mm clear openingand weighing 54.5 kg. Covers shall be fixed with12 mm x 32 mm brass screws.

External Manhole covers shall be set into the frames in a mixture of heavy grease and sand.

Internal Manhole covers shall be screwed.

Manhole covers in floor tiling or external paving shall be positioned to line up with the joint lines ofsuch materials.

3.15.19 Back Drops to Manholes

Back drop to manholes shall comprises cast-iron tees, pipe work and bends encased in concrete150 mm thick all round and shall be to the depth stated. A short length of pipe shall be fitted tothe tee-junction and shall be provided with a screwed access-plate on the inside face of themanhole. In case of manholes where the ‘drop’ exceeds 1.22 m an extra step-iron shall beprovided for a man to stand inside the manhole for easy clearance of drain-blockages.

Where invert-levels are not stated or back-drops are not sufficiently indicated the contractor shallmake allowance in his tender for providing a sufficient number of back-drops in suitable positionso that the maximum falls for drains (as stated in clause 3.15.8) is not exceeded.

3.15.20 Different Types of Manholes

Construction of Manholes with precast R.C. rings, precast R.C. pipes or prefabricated P.V.C.materials etc. may be allowed to be carried out in accordance with the detailed drawing andspecifications to be approved by the Company Engineer.

3.15.21 Ventilation

Each main soil drainage run shall be provided with ventilating pipes in positions shown on thedrawings and in accordance with the relevant by-laws.

The ventilating pipes shall be as specified in Plumbing.

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3.15.22 Septic Tanks, Filter Beds and Cesspools

Septic tanks, filter beds and cesspools shall be constructed in accordance with the detaildrawings.

3.15.23 Soakaways

Soakaways shall be formed by excavating pits to the sizes and positions shown and filling towithin 305 mm of the finished ground level with broken brick or stone, minimum size 76 mm. Topwith 305 mm thickness of topsoil, level off and make good to ground surface.

3.15.24 Concrete Surface Water Channels

Channels shall be of concrete (1:2:4 mix 12 mm max aggregate) reinforced with B.R.C. No. 65mesh (or equivalent) reinforcement to the sizes shown on the drawings. The channels shall belaid to suitable falls and the sides of the channels shall be extended up to ground level in insituconcrete of the same mix. Where sizes are not indicated the channels shall be 229 mm diameterhalf round with 76 mm thick base and sides. All channels shall be rendered internally with1:3 cement/sand and finished smooth. All channels shall be laid on a 100 mm thick bed ofhardcore.

3.15.25 Concrete Block Surface Water Drains

Concrete block drains shall be precast concrete (1:2:4 mix 12 mm max aggregate) to the sizesshown on the drawings. They shall be reinforced with one layer B.R.C. No. 65 mesh (orequivalent) reinforcement and shall be cast in units 610 mm long. The units shall be jointed withcement/sand mortar (1:3 mix). The internal surfaces shall be perfectly smooth from the mould. Norendering of the inside surfaces to give a smooth face will be permitted and any units so treatedwill be rejected. The drains shall be laid in trenches on solid ground which shall be compacted ifrequired to the satisfaction of the C.S.R. The drains shall be laid to the levels and falls shown onthe drawings.

Where cascade drains are required the units of block drain shall be stepped and overlapped toform a cascade. Each unit shall be laid horizontally, commencing at the lowest level and 229 mm.thickness of concrete (1:2:4 19 mm max. aggregate) shall be placed at the back of each unitextending up to the underside of the unit above.

3.15.26 Inspection and Testing

Close inspection shall be maintained at every stage of the drainage work to ensure that pipes andfittings are laid as specified and that the drainage system is kept clean during the works. Alllengths of drain shall be thoroughly cleaned out before testing.

The system shall be tested twice:-

The first test shall be carried out as soon as practicable after laying (but not less than 48 hoursafter jointing) and before haunching or surrounding pipes and before backfilling trenches.

The second test shall be carried out on completion of the works.

The tests shall be carried out, where possible to a complete section of drainage betweenmanholes. Short branch drains shall be tested with the main drain run. Long branch drains shallbe tested separately.

The Contractor shall carry out the tests in the presence of the C.S.R. and all necessary remedialwork shall be to his satisfaction.

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The drains shall be tested by water tests, which shall be carried out as follows:-

For gravity drains, the lower end, and the ends of all branches to the length of drain to be testedshall be plugged. Where the higher end of the length to be tested is connected to a manhole, thedrain and the manhole shall be filled with water to a height 1.22 m above the invert of themanhole. Where the higher end of the length of drain to be tested is not connected to a manhole,a temporary stand pipe shall be constructed and the drain then filled with water to a height of1.22 m above the invert level of the highest point of the drain. If any leaks are immediately visible,the contractor shall remedy these and when the remedial works have been completed the testingprocedure shall recommence.

The drain shall remain under test for 30 minutes and if the loss of water during that periodexceeds 0.91 litres per hour per 30 linear metre per 25 mm of nominal internal dia of pipe, thedrain under test shall be deemed to have failed the test.

For Force Mains (i.e. drains under pressure), after the pipe has been laid to correct grade andalignment, and thrust blocks have been installed at the bends, but before back filling hascommenced, the force main shall be subjected to a hydrostatic leakage test.

The lower end of the pipe shall be fitted with a suitable blank cap or flange adequately shored,the other end of the pumping main shall be fitted with a suitable cap adequately shored and fittedwith an air vent, a pressure gauge, and tapped to receive the coupling from a standard handoperated pipe testing pump. The force main shall be filled with clean water, all air expelled and apressure of 50% in excess of the working pressure applied. All pipes, fittings, valves and jointsshall be examined carefully for defects. All visible leaks shall be repaired and made water tight.The pressure shall be maintained at the test pressure over a period of one hour and the waternecessary to keep up the pressure shall be measured. The hourly leakage for the various sizes offorce main shall not exceed that indicated in the table below.

102 mm pipe - 9.1 litres per hour

152 mm pipe - 13.6 litres per hour

203 mm pipe - 1 8.2 litres per hour

229 mm pipe - 22.7 litres per hour

254 mm pipe - 22.7 litres per hour

305 mm pipe - 27.3 litres per hour

381 mm pipe - 31.8 litres per hour

533 mm pipe - 40.9 litres per hour

Should any length fail a test, the Contractor shall search for and remedy all defects and the drainshall then be re-tested.

The C.S.R. may carry out any additional tests which he considers necessary to ensure that theworks have been carried out in accordance with the specification.

The Contractor shall provide all labour, water, other materials and equipment required for testingand these shall all be to the satisfaction of the C.S.R.

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3.16 Gas Installation

3.16.1 General:

The Installation shall be carried out in accordance with CP 331.

3.16.2 Gas Piping

Gas Piping shall be of galvanised steel tubing complying with B.S. 1387 Class C or copper tubingcomplying with B.S. 659.

3.16.3 Pipe Fittings and Joints in Piping

Fittings to steel shall be galvanised malleable cast iron to conform to B.S. 1256. All steel pipesand fittings thereto shall have ends screwed to B.S. 21 and all male ends shall be tapered. Jointsshall be made with an approved jointing compound which is resistant to L.P. gas and whichremains plastic. The jointing compound shall be applied to the male ends only. Hemp and similarmaterials shall not be used in jointing.

Fittings to copper tubing shall be approved capillary type fittings conforming to B.S. 864, orcompression type fittings conforming to B.S. 864 type ‘A’.

3.16.4 Fixing Piping

Surface fixed steel pipes shall be fixed to walls or ceilings or in ducts with galvanised malleableiron brackets conforming to B.S. 1494 table 6(a)/7(a) with screwed bradplates or tails for buildingin. Brackets shall be fixed in accordance with the following table on straight runs and in additionat all bends, elbows and fittings.

Centres in m.Diameter of Pipein mm

Vertical Horizontal

12 2.4 1.3

19 & 25 & 32 3.0 2.4

38 & 50 3.7 3.0

Surface fixed copper tubing shall be fixed with copper clips where concealed and polished brasspipe rings of approved type where exposed. The centres of fixing shall be as described for steelpipes.

Pipes buried in chases shall be fixed below the surface and the chase shall be completely filledwith cement and sand mortar (1:3)

No pipes shall be bent, all changes in direction shall be made by use of fittings.

No bushing shall be used, all reductions in sizes shall be made with reducing tees, elbows orcouplings.

50 mm diameter gas line shall be connected from 50 mm off-take on 102 mm diameter main linenear the road-side.

A main control valve shall be fitted as near as practicable to the gas supply and a control plugcock shall be fitted to each branch supply serving a fitting or range of fittings at the junction withthe main supply pipe. In addition to the foregoing additional plug cocks and valves shall be fittedas required by good engineering practice.

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3.16.6 Layout of Piping and Positions of Outlets etc:

The layout of piping and positions of outlets etc shall be as shown on the drawings or, where notshown, shall be agreed with the C.S.R. before work commences.

3.16.7 Underground Piping

Underground pipes shall be laid in an 500 mm wide trench 600 mm deep and shall be backfilledin accordance with the specification in Excavation.

3.16.8 Road Crossings

At road crossings the pipe shall be laid through 150 mm dia. steel pipe sleeves.

3.16.9 Builders Works

All holes chases etc. in reinforced concrete work to accommodate piping or fittings shall beformed as the structural work proceeds. No cutting into reinforced concrete work will be allowed.All holes and chases shall be made good on completion of the gas installation and beforedecoration. Any damage caused to finished work shall be made good to the satisfaction of theC.S.R.

3.16.10 Painting

All exposed pipework and fittings shall be painted in accordance with the painting specification.

3.16.11 Testing

After completion, the whole installation is to be tested as follows:

The ends and outlets of the system are to be capped or suitably sealed with the exception of onewhich is to be fitted with a tee piece having a cock on one outlet and a pressure gauge on theother.

Air shall then be pumped into the installation pipe system through the cock on the tee piece untila pressure of 305 mm water column is registered on the pressure gauge.

The cock shall then be shut and, if after the expiration of one minute from the time of shutting offthe cock, no fall of pressure is registered on the pressure gauge in the following two minutes, thesystem shall be deemed to have complied with the test.

All equipment and labour necessary for testing shall be supplied by the Contractor at his cost andthe testing shall be carried out in the presence of the C.S.R.

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3.17 Electrical

3.17.1 General

This Section shall govern the minimum requirement for standard of workmanship andconstruction techniques for electrical installations.

All electrical work shall be executed strictly in accordance with the drawings and projectengineering specifications. Deviation from the drawings or specifications shall be permitted onlywith approval of the Company Site Representative (C.S.R.).

The C.S.R. shall be advised in writing of any conflict arising from the drawings or specifications.

3.17.2 Standards and Codes

The following standards and codes shall be applied and all works, shall be carried out inaccordance with these publications.

(a) The Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEE) Regulations for Electrical Installations. (Latestedition).

(b) British Standard Code of Practice CP-1013 - earthing.

(c) PETRONAS Manual.

PTS. - Electrical Engineering Guidelines

(d) Relevant British Standards

(e) Local Regulations