construction inspection manual - locis · 2011-05-13 · letter, and certificate of occupancy month...

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Construction Inspections Manual

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The Construction Inspection is broken down into three main menus. Maintenance/List-Contractor & Inspector Setup, Construction & Inspection Type Setup, Inspection B.O.M, Fee Master List, and Scheduled Inspection List. Inspection Process-Create Permits, Print Building Permit, Inspection Form, Violation Letter, Compliance Letter, and Certificate of Occupancy Month End Process- Additional Fee & Management Report, Month End Update, and Management History Report.

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Contractor Set Up

Contractor ID: You assign the contractor ID. This field can be numeric, alpha, or alpha numeric combined up to four characters long. For an example: B01(building contractor) or E01(electrical contractor), just number 001, or CRAF(first letter of contractor name). Name: Name of contractor can be up to 40 characters long. Address: Contractor’s address can be up to 40 characters on first address line and 40 characters on

the second line. City: Contractors city can be up to 15 characters long State: Use the contractor’s state abbreviation Zip: The contractor’s zip code plus four addition numbers optional Phone: The contractor’s phone number up to 12 characters long Fax: The contractor’s fax number up to 12 characters long Cell: The contractor’s cell number up to 12 characters long

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Contact: These fields should be filed in with the contractor’s information. Bonded: Check this box if the contractor is bonded. Bond Amount: If the contractor is bonded put the amount of the bond here. License Number: Put the contractor license number in the box. The state of Illinois requires Plumbers and Roofers to have a state license number. Click ADD/SAVE

Inspector Setup

Inspector Id: Is 3 digit Code that you assign to each inspector. Name, This is the inspector contact information Address: Inspector’s Address can be up to 40 characters long on first line and up to 40 characters

long on the second line. City: Inspector’s City can be up to 15 characters long State: Use the Inspector’s state abbreviation. Zip Code: Inspector’s Zip Code plus four additional number is optional Phone: Inspector’s phone number can be up to 12 characters long. Inspector/Inspection Type: is the type of inspector…Plumbing, Electrical, Building, & Other. When information is entered click ADD/SAVE

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Print List of Inspectors

Click PRINT button.

Yes- Inspector ID, Name, Phone Number and Type of Inspector No-Inspector ID, Name, Address, Phone Number and Type of Inspector

Yes-Print a list in alphabetical Order NO-Print a list in order of Inspector ID(Code)

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Construction Type Setup

Construction Type shows up on the permit and other month end reports. This set up is to help describe what type of building, what the building is made of, or what type of style the building is. This field is here to give you additional information about the new construction. IE: Wood frame, Brick building, Steel Frame, Church, Ranch Style House. Construction Type: Is a two digit field that you assign. This field can be numeric only, alpha only or numeric and alpha mix. Description: Brief description on what the Construction Type is. This field can be up to 30 characters long. Click ADD/SAVE To remove a construction type double click on that line item and click the DELETE button. To print a list of Construction Types click PRINT.

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Inspection Type Setup

Inspection Type Setup is used to define each different points of inspection the inspector is going to evaluate. For an example set up an Inspection Type for Building Final, Electrical Final, and Plumbing Final. These codes later will be used in inspection entry screen for the inspector to indicate if the contractor has passed or failed that point of inspection. Inspection Type: Is a four digit field you create. It can be numeric, alpha or alpha numeric Description: This description the inspection point. The description can be up to 25 characters long. Click ADD/SAVE To Delete Inspection Type double click on the inspection code then click DELETE To print a list of Inspection Type click PRINT.

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Inspection Group Setup

Inspection Group Setup helps you group together inspection type that were set up in Inspection Type Screen(FTI). If you have Residential Building that has same inspection point you can group them together in an Inspection Group. IE: Residential Single Family Home could be a group type. The inspection group will be assign to permit under inspections. Inspection Group: Is a 4 character field that you would be able to identify each group. Description: This is a 24 character field that describes the group. Click ADD/SAVE To add Inspection Type to the Inspection Group: Double click the inspection group from the big white box in Step 1. Then move over to Step 2 and select the Inspection Type by click on the arrow next to the box. File in Day Interval- This how many days after the permit has been issued would the inspector go out to the construction site to look at that inspection point. Click ADD/SAVE

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FEE Master Setup

Fee Setup is set up a fee schedule that will help figure the permit cost. Fee ID: This helps you identify the fee. Up to six characters will fit. Description: Describes the Fee up to 17 characters long. Amount: If there is a flat dollar amount that is associated with that fee type it in here. If the fee varies

you may leave it blank and file it in when entering the permit in the system. Click ADD/SAVE

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Inspection Process

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Create a Permit(FI)

To create a new permit click NEW. To look up an existing permit you can click on the magnify glass next to Permit ID or type in the

permit number and hit enter. Permit ID: Can be one Locis assigned by clicking on the new button or by the number you have given

the new permit. This number will show up on the building permit when it is printed. New Construction: Click on the box if it is new construction Issue Date: This is the date you are going to issue the permit. This date will appear on the permit.

MMDDYY or MM/DD/YY Permit Type: You can click on the arrow and select the type of permit or type B-building, E-Electrical,

P-Plumbing, H-HVAC, N-Nonconforming, and S-Sign Comments: This is the description of work that is to be performed or why they are applying for this

permit. Comments put in here appear on the permit under work to be performed. This field can hold up to 129 characters.

Building Type: Click on arrow next to building type to retrieve the list of building types. The list of

building types are set up in Month End Update (FME) Locis has some already preset IE:

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COM-Commercial, IND-Industrial, S/F-Single Family & M/F-Manufactured Home. Permit Issuance: The issuance is the company or person who applied for the permit. Name and

both Address line can each hold up to 33 characters. City field holds up to 13 characters. State is the abbreviation for the applicant state.

If the person applying for the permit in a residence and receives a utility from the city you may look up their information by clicking on the magnify glass.

This field does appear once printed. Work Address/Name/Information: This is the address of the construction site. The site Address will

be print on the building permit, fee card, job card, and inspection form print. Building Width, Building Length, Building Height, Sq. Ft. of Lot, Front Setback, Side Setback,

& Rear Setback: These categories are additional information for the building department. Each will hold up to 5 characters long.

No. of Baths: hold up to 2 characters Sq. building to land: will hold up to 3 characters long. Construction Type: This field was set up by you in the set up program under Type of Construction

(FTC) This field used to describe the type of construction. IE you can have brick, ranch style house or single family home.

Dollar Value of Work: You can either have this on the permit application and file in according to

what the applicant thinks the value of the work is or leave it blank. This field is an information source only.

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The buttons between the two purple arrows has additional fields that need to be filled out for the

permit process and reports.

Contractors Button on the Permit Screen

The box to left has all the contractors that have been set up in Contractor Setup (FCM). To link all the contractors that will be associated with this particular permit. Simply double click on the

contractor in the box to the left. It will then list this contractor in the box to the right under the permit number.


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Inspections Button on the Permit Screen

The box to left is the groups that were set up in Inspection BOM Setup (FRS). To select the group/list of inspection that goes with this permit simply double click on the group name.

Locis will then copy the group in the box on the right and put in the box on the left.

Assigning an Inspector

To assign an inspector you have to right click on the inspection in big box on the right in the

inspection screen. This screen will appear then. An inspector has to be assigned to inspection point in order for Inspection Form Print (FIF)

Inspector: Click on the arrow next to box to display a list of available inspectors. Inspection Count, Last Inspection & Next Inspection: These fields are updated by Locis

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Fee Button on Permit Screen

This is where you assign fees to each permit. These fees were originally set up in Fee Master Setup

(FFS). This screen affects the print card fee, additional fee report, and management report.

To select a fee click on the arrow next to the white box under Select the Fee Code to assign this

permit. A list of fees will appear as shown above. When you click on the fee you would like to assign the amount of fee will automatically fill in if it is set

up in Fee Setup program (FFS). Click ADD/SAVE. After ever fee you assign to this permit.

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Print Fee Card Button on Permit Screen

Once you click the print fee card button Locis will ask you to choice a print. This is the report that will print.

This can be given to the residents so they know how much their permit cost and the breakdown of the costs.

Remarks Button on Permit Screen

This is just additional information or comments you would like to put with permit. This does not show on Building Permit or Print Fee Card. After each comment click ADD/SAVE

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Status Button on Permit Screen

Check the appropriate boxes that apply to this permit. Click SAVE/CLOSE

Job Card, Building Permit & Inspection Form PDF created with pdfFactory trial version

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Print Job Card

For newly created permits you can print a range of job cards by putting in the first new permit number in the From Permit:and the last newly created permit in the To Permit: Click PROCEED.

If you have already printed the job card once you now have to check the box next to “Are you reprinting job card?” Then enter the permit number of the job card you are reprinting. Click PROCEED

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Building Permit Print New Permits

For new permits to print simply enter through first three questions. Locis will print all newly created permits. If you only want a range of new permits to print put the permit numbers in the range and hit enter after each field. Reprint a Permit

To reprint a permit put “R” first space hit enter Input Permit to Reprint: is the permit number you would like to reprint Hit ENTER

Inspection Form Print

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Print all Inspection Forms

To print all inspection forms fill out this screen exactly as show. You will get every form in the system even ones you don’t want. Print Inspection using a Date Range

Print only a Single Inspection: N For All Dates N Enter the first Date to be printed: MM/DD/YY (If you put in a four digit year it will not print) For all Inspectors: Y(yes) or N(no) (if you say no you will have to type in the inspector code)

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Print Inspection using a Date Range and Inspector Range

You can do a range for inspector by typing a starting inspector code and last inspector code. If you

only want the inspections for one inspector but the same inspector code in first and last inspector.

Inspection Entry

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This screen is to keep track of what inspections have been done, if they pass and if there were any

violations. All the information for these fields is also on the Inspection Form Print. Permit ID: Enter Permit Number Date: The date the inspection was done Inspt CD: This is the inspection code/inspection points that were set up in permit under inspection

button. Approved: Y(yes) N (No) Inspector: Put the inspector ID in this spot. Next Inspect Dt: If they failed this inspection point put in the next inspection date. If they passed just

enter through Penalty: If they had a penalty, fill in this field. Violation: If they failed the inspection you can put in detail of why they failed the inspection. When

done entering hit F10.

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Violation Letter Print

This will print a letter regarding an inspection violation. If you only want new violations letters to print hit ESC then ENTER. If you need to reprint a violation letter put “R” Hit enter. Input permit to reprint: put the permit number in that had the violation

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Certificate of Compliance Print

This program will only print Compliance Letter for permits that were set up in Permit Create (FI) with a

permit type as Building, Electrical HVAC, Plumbing and Sign. Input Permit: Enter the permit number Locis will print a certificate of compliance letter. Hit enter Non-Conforming Certificate

In Permit Create (FI) there is a field called Permit Type. If the permit type was set as nonconforming

you would use this program to print the Non-Conforming Certificate. Certificate of Occupancy

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This building has passed the inspection and it now ready for occupancy. Use this program to print a

certificate of occupancy. Enter the permit # to print: type the permit number Hit ENTER It will bring up Permit Issuance Name and Address. Correct Permit: Y(yes) N(NO) Hit enter Another Question will Now Appear

Enter Building Use Description: Type brief description can be up to 50 characters long.

EI.Residental, Commercial, Storage Unit, Etc…(this field will print on the occupancy certificate) Hit ENTER

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No Inspection Letter Print

Yes-Are printing Annual Letters No – You are printing Semi annual letters.

What date do you want to appear on the letter. Click OK

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Month End Process

Additional Fee Report

After you click on Additional Fee Report Locis will ask you which printer you would like to print to.

There are no perimeters to set for this report. Above is an example of what the report looks like.

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Management Report

How would you like to review your report? A(Alpha) or N(numeric) Hit ENTER

D-Detail Or S-Summary Hit ENTER

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Do you want each permit to print on it’s own page? Y or N .

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Y (all permits) N-(to put in a range of permits) Hit ENTER Below is a sample detail report.

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This option updates the history file by rolling the months history. Depending on how many months

have elapsed since the last update, the field labeled 11 months ago becomes 12 months ago, 10 becomes 11 an so on. This program also “optionally’ purges (deletes) completed permits. You may also maintain building types.

Change Permit #: Y or N – You can change a new permit starting number at this time by answering Yes to this question.

At this time you can change your building types. The building types appears in Create Permit(FI).

This field can hold up to 3 characters long. This helps you identify what type of building it is. S/F-Single Family M/F-Manufactured Family COM-Commercial IND-Industrial

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You do not have to use these codes. You can change them to how your building department identify them. For an example SFA-Single Family Attached or SFD-Single Family Detached.

Change Types: Y or N If you say “Y” Locis will automatically go to the first building code. You can either change the

first building code or hit enter and go to the next one. When you are done making changes, review you list. Locis will ask you again if you want to change types. If your list looks correct say N. If you made a mistake Y and go through the process again.

Enter Date Just Ended: Enter month you are running month end report for. MM/YY. Month has Passed Since Last Updated: Locis puts in how many months it has been since you last

updated. Is This a Year End: Y or N Do you wish to purge completed permits? Y or N

Management History Maintenance

Provides the ability to maintain historical totals by Building Type and Additional Fee Types. Building Type: The 3 character identifier of the total record. Enter a current number at this prompt, or

N to display the next total record. Description: The description of the building type up to 25 characters in length.

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