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Page 1: Constipation





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Constipation, costiveness, or irregularity is a condition of the digestive system in which a person experiences difficulty in defecation.

Obstipation is used for severe constipation that prevents passage of both stools and gas.

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CausesHardening of the feces

◦ Insufficient intake of dietary fiber

◦ Dehydration from any cause or inadequate fluid intake

◦ Medication, e.g. diuretics and those containing iron, calcium, aluminum

Paralysis or slowed transit, where peristaltic action is diminished ◦ Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland)

◦ Hypokalemia

◦ Injured anal sphincter (patulous anus)

◦ Medications, such as loperamide, opioids (e.g. codeine & morphine) and certain tricyclic antidepressants

◦ Lead poisoning

◦ Lactose Intolerance

◦ Dyschezia (usually the result of suppressing defecation)

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◦ Tumors, either of the bowel or surrounding tissues

Obstructed defecation, Psychosomatic constipation, based on anxiety or unfamiliarity with surroundings.

Smoking cessation]

Abdominal surgery, other types of surgery, childbirthSevere dehydrationSome causes are with particular respect to infants:[8]

◦ Switching from breast milk to bottle feeds, or to solid meals

◦ Potty training anxiety

◦ Hirschsprung’s disease - a condition from birth where the child has a nerve cell defect that affects communication between the brain and bowels

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1. A desire to defecate,

2. pain and intestinal discomfort,

3. swelling in the abdomen, cramps and colic;

4. in some cases up to several days without being able to defecate with grave harm and body poisoning.

5. Constipation is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids and appendicitis, as well as acne and general intoxication of the body.

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Types of stoolTypes of stoolType 1: Separate hard lumps, like nuts (hard to pass)Type 2: Sausage-shaped, but lumpyType 3: Like a sausage but with cracks on its surfaceType 4: Like a sausage or snake, smooth and softType 5: Soft blobs with clear cut edges (passed easily)Type 6: Fluffy pieces with ragged edges, a mushy stoolType 7: Entirely liquidTypes 1 and 2 indicate constipation, with 3 and 4 being

the "ideal stools" especially the latter, as they are the easiest to pass, and 5–7 being further tending towards diarrhea or urgency.

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Constipation is Constipation is among the top among the top three most three most uncomfortable uncomfortable complaints listed complaints listed by pregnant by pregnant women.women.

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What causes constipation during pregnancyWhat causes constipation during pregnancy

• In the first trimester it is caused by progesterone which slows down intestinal activity

• In the later part of pregnancy the pressure of your uterus on your intestines and rectum makes your system sluggish

• Iron supplement that you need for anemia has a constipating effect.

• Stress and tension contributes to constipation

• You are more susceptible to constipation if you had this problem in your prepregnancy days

• You lead a sedentary lifestyle

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How can you tell you are constipated..How can you tell you are constipated..

• If you don't have bowel movement for several days in between

• If you feel bloated, uneasy and fart in excess

• If your stool is hard and difficult to excrete

• If you feel you have not emptied your bowels totally

• If you see blood in your stools.

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Constipation preventionConstipation prevention

Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day (drink them before meals and never during or after meals it affects digestion). Also, eat plenty of food with higher fiber content or sprinkle some bran or meals (bran contains a lot of fiber). Eat one carrot a day (don’t forget to drink a lot of pure water). Exercise preferably before going to bed.

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ROLE OF FIBER IN DIETROLE OF FIBER IN DIETThe term dietary fibre does not refer to any single substance but rather to all the edible but largely indigestible parts of plant food such as grains, fruits, vegetables and pulses.

Fibre is broken down in the gut but has negligible nutritive value-that it does not provide useful amounts of calories, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. Even so, it is an essential part of healthy diet. It keeps the digestive tract functioning properly and has been shown to play a part in preventing some serious diseases. And since fibre provides bulk and feeling of fullness without excess calories, it can also help to control weight. Eating too little may result in constipation- which in turn can lead to piles and other intestinal disorders. A low fibre diet also tends to be high in refined carbohydrates and fats, promoting weight gain and, depending on the type of fat, heart disease.



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Ensuring a proper mix of fibre

To get a good combination of soluble and insoluble fibre in your diet, as well as, wide range of nutrients, eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, pulses and grains. Remember the body does not like certain changes, even if they are for the good- increase your intake gradually to guard against digestive upsets.

1. Eat plenty of wholegrain, unrefined food

2. Start a day with wholegrain or bran cereal, porridge, or whole meal bread or toast.

3. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and where possible scrub and eat the skins instead of peeling them.

4. Eat whole fruit instead of drinking juice. A whole orange contains about as much six times fibre as a glass of juice.

5. Try eating more of the stems of vegetables like broccoli and asparagus. Slice them finely if you find them tough in large pieces.

6. Add cooked beans, peas and lentils to soups and salads.

7. Add grated or sliced vegetables to salads.

8. Eat whole meal bread or fruit for snacks.

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A lack of fiber in the diet may causeA lack of fiber in the diet may cause

Obesity, gout, diabetes, kidney and gall bladder stones.

Arterial hypertension, vascular-cerebral problems, varicose veins, pulmonary embolism.

Appendicitis, intestinal constipation, diverticulums, hemorrhoids, colon cancer, and colon ulcers.

Tooth decay, pernicious anemia, multiple sclerosis.

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Bryonia Intestinal inactivity from perversion of

gastric and hepatic functions; inertia of rectum; constipation of lying-in

women; costiveness during hot weather. Stools hard, dark brown or back, dry as if

burnt, too large in size, from dryness of the alimentary tract, and passed

with difficulty, attended perhaps by prolapsus of rectum and burning

sensation; great dryness of tongue, mouth and lips, with thirst for large quantities of

water; nausea after eating, waterbrash, vomiting; disposition to

headache and to become irritable and angry.

Rheumatic diathesis. Prefers cool weather; often caused by cold drinks or cold food.

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Calcarea carb Prepared from oyster shell No urging, stools at first hard, then mushy

and finally fluid. smelling like rotten eggs; involuntary, fermented, sour

smelling diarrhoea, alternating with constipation; stools looking like lumps

of chalk in children during dentition; stools hard, undigested; bleeding

from anus after stool: after stool feeling of faintness; late in going to

sleep; aggravation in the morning before breakfast; in cold, wet

weather; on ascending, from milk, after eating , getting wet; amelioration after

breakfast, loosening garments, rubbing .

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Depressed and imperfect digestion; constant sensation as if the bowels were loaded; torpor of bowels, faeces hard, scanty, passed with difficulty, from

constriction of the sphincter ani, and feeling as if much remained behind.

obstructed flatus, with pains striking from right to left; itching and tension at anus in the evening in bed; itching eruptions at anus, painful to touch; sense of fulness after

eating, even very little, with drowsiness, sour vomiting; nightly

restlessness; aggravation 4 to 8 P.M., from cold food, cabbage and vegetables

with husks, oysters, from wrapping up, amelioration on getting cool, after loosening garments, discharge of flatus either way, from from warm food;

constipation in elderly people

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Nux vomica Large, hard, difficult stools;

frequent urging without effect; sensation as

if much remained after stool to discharge, or of narrowing and constriction

of the rectum, hindering a free stool; the action of bowels irregular and

spasmodic; obstructed portal circulation; relief after stool; alternate

constipation and diarrhoea; frequent scanty micturition.

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Opium Constipation of long standing; no urging;

stools occurring but seldom, sometimes many day apart.

Stool composed of a few hard, round, dark balls; rectum inactive; want of sensibility in intestinal canal, with dryness of its mucous membranes, as also of mouth and fauces.

Spasmodic retention of faces and flatus, in small intestines, which press upward and against the chest; beating and sensation of heaviness in abdomen, rush of blood to head, sleepiness, bed feels hot, hot sweat.

Constipation in connection with ovaritis or ovaralgia; constipation from fright and fear, from lead poisoning, from abuse of spirits; suits

good-humored corpulent women and children.

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