conservation league coastal q volume 23 no · panels, the financial transaction and subsequent...

Coastal Conservation League Winter 2012/2013 Q Volume 23 No.4 Savannah River Dredging 3 Legislative Preview – Energy 4 I-526 Update 8 25th Anniversary Conference 10 An Inspired Legacy 12 Dana Beach

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Page 1: Conservation League Coastal Q Volume 23 No · panels, the financial transaction and subsequent benefits are somewhat counter-intuitive. By leasing solar panels instead of buying them,

CoastalConservation League

Winter 2012/2013 Volume 23 No.4

Savannah River Dredging 3

Legislative Preview – Energy 4

I-526 Update 8

25th Anniversary Conference 10

An Inspired Legacy 12

Dana Beach

Page 2: Conservation League Coastal Q Volume 23 No · panels, the financial transaction and subsequent benefits are somewhat counter-intuitive. By leasing solar panels instead of buying them,

All contents herein are copyright of the Coastal Conservation League. Reprinting is strictly prohibited without written consent. Cover Photo by Dana Beach

STAFF____________________ Director Dana Beach Assistant Director Megan Desrosiers

REGIONAL OFFICES_____________________

SOUTH COAST Office Director Steve Eames Project Manager Reed Armstrong

NORTH COAST Office Director Nancy Cave

COLUMBIA Office Director Merrill McGregor Project Managers Ryan Black Kenneth Sercy

PROGRAMS____________________ Program Directors Hamilton Davis Lisa Turansky Project Managers Katie Zimmerman Jake Libaire GrowFood Carolina Sara Clow Jessica Diaz Nina Ocamb Benton Montgomery Bob Tremayne

DEVELOPMENT____________________ Director of Development Courtenay Speir Senior Development Officer Catherine McCullough Events Manager Bea Girndt

ADMINISTRATION____________________ HR and Administration Tonnia Switzer-Smalls Director of Finance Ashley Waters Data Manager Nora Kravec Administrative Assistant Louann Yorke Executive Assistant Bea Girndt

P.O. Box 1765 Charleston, SC 29402Phone: (843) 723-8035 FAX: (843) 723-8308

Email: [email protected]:

P.O. Box 1861 Beaufort, SC 29901Phone: (843) 522-1800

1001 Washington Street, Suite 300 Columbia, SC 29201Phone: (803) 771-7102

P.O. Box 603 Georgetown, SC 29442Phone: (843) 545-0403

Advisors and Committee MembersPaul KimballHugh LaneJay Mills

Newsletter Editor Catherine McCullough Designer Julie Frye

Board of DirectorsRoy Richards, Chair

Andy BerlyWilliam Cogswell

Andrea Ziff Cooper Berry EdwardsRichard T. HaleKatharine HastieHank Holliday

Holly HookW. Jefferson LeathPatricia W. Lessane

Alex MarshJames R. McNab, Jr.Richard R. Schmaltz

Jeffrey SchutzHarriet Smartt

Stan StevensJohn Thompson

Bill TurnerVictoria C. Verity

Peter Wilborn

Winter 2012/2013 Vol. 23 No. 4

From The Director

spent the last week of October in Kenya, learning about a project called the Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT). The NRT’s goal is to reestablish historical elephant migration routes between Mt. Kenya and the Ethiopian border. The obstacles seem almost overwhelming. Poaching, which had subsided in recent years, has again reached industrial levels, fueled by the high price of ivory. Al Shabab, the East African arm of Al Quaida, is using “blood ivory” to fund the terrorism

in Somalia. Chinese companies building roads in the area engage in ivory smuggling. Besides poaching, local pastoralists have over-grazed the arid plains, leaving little suitable elephant habitat. Farther south, near Mt. Kenya, elephants have repeatedly broken farm fences and destroyed crops. All of this begins to make our disputes with county councils and the Legislature seem trivial. Kenya’s circumstances are, in many ways, very different from ours. But there are points of convergence that are critically instructive. African conservationists have spent decades trying to stop poaching – internationally, through agreements like the UN Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), nationally, by cracking down on poachers and burning (in Kenya’s case) tons of confiscated tusks, and through aggressive law enforcement. Without these efforts, elephants would almost certainly be extinct in the wild today. But the reemergence of the ivory trade in Northern Kenya indicates that more needs to be done – something truly revolutionary. The Northern Rangelands Trust has begun to organize local communities around conservation of elephants and their habitats by building local economies based on wildlife and ecology. At this point, the NRT is working with nineteen tribal groups covering a land area of more than two million acres. These groups have created “conservancies,” with security patrols, tourism lodges and community projects providing water, medical care and education. Perhaps the most interesting project is a cattle processing facility, where local herders can bring cattle to be quarantined, fattened and slaughtered, and be guaranteed a good price. In the wake of this success, an additional thirty-one tribal communities have applied to form their own conservancies. A Dutch foundation has sponsored a grass replanting program to restore the most degraded lands. The San Diego Zoo funded the headquarters of one of the more established conservancies. Other funds from the UN Development Program and US AID support the NRT’s operating and logistics costs. It is impossible to predict how this work will play out over the longer term, but the results today, after ten years, are inspiring. We visited five remote conservancy headquarters and met the rangers who are charged with protecting wildlife. We toured the NRT’s community cattle operation at Ol Pejeta, a ranch on the western edge of the project area. We stayed in and visited lodges that employ local people and generate hundreds of thousands of dollars annually for community projects. So what does all of this have to do with South Carolina? To begin with, it confirms the importance of rural economic projects that promote stewardship and conservation of natural resources. GrowFood is one example. The Conservation Bank, which has funded agricultural easements on farmland, is another. The “on-bill” energy efficiency financing initiative by the electric cooperatives is a third example. We have not done enough in this arena, though. What is so impressive about the NRT is the fact that, unlike so many other “sustainable economic development” initiatives, these projects are real. Local people are guiding trips. Cattle are getting to market. Armed guards are catching poachers. In the U.S., we’ve paid much lip service to the concept but spent less time actually implementing these types of initiatives. There is nothing easy or guaranteed about sustainable development; but the work in Northern Kenya proves that getting down to business can produce stunning results.

Lessons from Kenya


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t has been a busy time on the legal front in our battle with the US Army Corp of Engineers Savannah District (the Corps) and the Georgia Ports Authority over the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project. The project, which involves the dredging of an approximately 38-mile channel from the ocean just up the Savannah River,

would harm these waters in many ways. Among other impacts, the project would damage water quality and wildlife habitat in the river, result in the dumping of millions of cubic yards of cadmium laden sediments on the South Carolina side of the river, and wipe out a portion of the freshwater marshlands in the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge. Deepening the channel would require the perpetual operation of massive bubblers—an unproven technology—to mitigate for further lowering of already critically low levels of dissolved oxygen in the river. The Coastal Conservation League is currently engaged in a number of court challenges in which it is represented by the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC). In one of these cases, the South Carolina Supreme Court has recently ruled in our favor. In its order, the Court ruled that the Board of South Carolina’s Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) violated the law in negotiating with Georgia and the Corps and in issuing a water quality certification and other state approvals for the project. The Court reinstated a DHEC staff decision, which had recommended denying the water quality certification. Since a water quality certification is necessary for the project to proceed, the dredging of the Savannah River as of now cannot go forward. Even before the Supreme Court ruled in our favor, the Corps had written a letter to Congress, asking for an exemption, which the Corps hopes will allow it to avoid South Carolina’s water quality certification requirements and the Supreme Court’s order. We will be working diligently with SELC to make sure that the Corps is not able to avoid South Carolina’s certification requirements. The Conservation League is also asking a federal court to affirm that the project requires a permit under South Carolina’s Pollution Control Act, another hurdle the Corps is trying to

avoid. Meanwhile, a federal judge has ordered the parties, including the League, Savannah Riverkeeper, SC Wildlife Federation, the Corps, Georgia Ports Authority, and the Savannah River Maritime Commission to seek a compromise through mediation, which is currently slated to take place at the end of November. The Corps and the Georgia Ports Authority are pushing hard to go forward with the more than $650-million project in order to accommodate the larger class of container ships expected to come through the Panama Canal when its expansion is completed in 2014. But the Corps’ own studies show that the deepening is not needed to increase business at the port of Savannah. The Conservation League has repeatedly asked that the Corps step back and conduct a broad, regional assessment to determine which port in the Southeast can be expanded at the least expense and with the least damage to natural resources to service the larger ships.

Savannah River Dredging

SC Supreme Court Rules in League's Favor

A Battle Won in a Long War

IAmong other impacts, the project would

damage water quality and wildlife habitat in

the river, result in the dumping of millions of

cubic yards of cadmium laden sediments on

the South Carolina side of the river, and wipe

out a portion of the freshwater marshlands

in the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge.

by Steve Eames, South Coast Office Director for the Coastal Conservation League.

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Legislative Preview – Energy

Let the Sun InStatehouse Blues

Over the final days of the 2011-2012 legislative session last June, it became increasingly obvious that the solar tax credit bill, which Merrill McGregor and I helped shepherd through the House not once, but twice, would fail even to come up for debate on the Senate floor. We worked diligently month after month to address the concerns of a few key senators who felt that South Carolina’s taxpayers would not see enough economic benefit to justify the increased tax credit. I spoke with one senator’s staff member about job creation so many times that even I began to question whether this approach to solar energy development was the way to go. Ultimately, my internal debate did not matter as the solar bill died a silent death in a stack of other bills which were contested and would not be addressed before the Senate adjourned on that last day of the session.

Lease the Sunshine

With an entire summer to contemplate my first significant hurdle as a lobbyist at the State House, it wasn’t long before a new solar strategy took shape, one incorporating an innovative finance mechanism called a “solar lease,” and that has been generating significant growth in other states. The leasing concept isn’t revolutionary; people drive around in leased cars all the time. But with leased solar panels, the financial transaction and subsequent benefits are somewhat counter-intuitive. By leasing solar panels instead of buying them, you, the homeowner, can have solar installed on your roof for little or no cost. The investment company actually owns the panels on your roof

and makes a profit by earning tax credits and selling you electricity. You benefit because, over the life cycle of the installed system, you save money on electricity. The lease deal becomes especially beneficial if the finance company agrees to assign ownership of the panels to the homeowner or customer once they have achieved a certain level of profitability. As is often the case with lease projects, the third party simply gives the customer the panels free of charge once the original contract has been satisfied. From that point on, every kilowatt of energy produced on your roof is a kilowatt of energy you don’t have to pay for. To summarize, free or low-cost panel installations lead to rate certainty and possibly even cheaper electricity, followed by free electricity once ownership transfers to the customer.

by Ryan Black, Project Manager for the Coastal Conservation League









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Legislative Preview – Energy

Holy Solar The average homeowner or business stands to gain considerably from solar leasing legislation, and such a policy is particularly attractive for non-profit entities. The majority of households and businesses generally pay some amount of taxes each year, and the existing 25% solar tax credit can be used to reduce a customer’s tax burden once they have installed a solar system. In contrast, religious institutions, non-profits, and low-income families have little or no annual tax burden, and therefore cannot make use of these valuable tax credits to reduce the high, up front costs of solar systems. However, if an investment company participates in a project with a church, for example, via a lease agreement, the company can claim the credit and the church’s up front costs fall precipitously.

Washington Street UMC vs. the Establishment Retired minister Wiley Cooper pursued just such a solar lease for Columbia’s Washington Street United Methodist Church last year before SCE&G appealed to the Public Service Commission to prevent the church from installing a free solar system. SCE&G claimed that the leasing company Mr. Cooper had partnered with would be acting as a competing utility if they provided electricity directly to the church, one of SCE&G’s customers. SCE&G is a for-profit corporation which operates as a regulated monopoly. Under a circa 1973 law, SCE&G holds exclusive rights to sell electricity within their prescribed service territory. Once SCE&G filed a complaint in defense of their exclusive territory, the leasing company abandoned the church project, along with a number of similar projects

across the state. Kevin Marsh, chairman of SCANA, SCE&G’s parent company, explained that his staff attempted to meet with the third party, DCS Energy, to review the proposal, but DCS refused to meet. Marsh listed a number of concerns with the project, ranging from longer-term operational certainty to cost increases for the utility’s existing customers. These are legitimate questions with straightforward answers. In many other states, this leasing model for power production has been utilized for years, so it should not be difficult to decide how to best structure these types of projects. There are, however, a few more fundamental issues that South Carolina must resolve.

Full-blown Utility or Silent Investor? Should a solar leasing company - one engaging in a financial transaction to provide a church, school or family with a solar system - qualify as a traditional utility like Duke Energy or SCE&G? If you, as a homeowner, install a solar system on your own roof to protect yourself from seemingly annual rate increases, does it matter if you pay the $30,000 for the installation up front or if you contract to have a leasing company pay for it? When Boeing asked SCE&G to help them develop a solar installation, the utility agreed to do so for the sake of customer service, and the project has been an enormous success. Would our regulated utilities be willing to provide similarly helpful customer service across their rate base? And if utilities are willing to operate as solar leasing companies in this way, will they offer rates and conditions rivaling those that could be secured from other companies in the free market if the sale of electricity by third parties was legalized? These complex and challenging questions have become retired minister Wiley Cooper’s raison d’etre in recent months. By way of an online petition, Mr. Cooper has asked our elected officials to address the conflict surrounding solar leasing. He seeks to exempt solar finance companies from the qualification standards for traditional regulated utilities. This simple policy change would allow for a very limited amount of competition within South Carolina’s regulated power markets.

Increasingly, survival and success in the rapidly changing energy field require innovation.

By leasing solar panels instead of buying them, you, the homeowner, can have solar installed on your roof for little or no cost. The investment company actually owns the panels on your roof and makes a profit by earning tax credits and selling you electricity. You benefit because, over the life cycle of the installed system, you save money on electricity.

Page 6: Conservation League Coastal Q Volume 23 No · panels, the financial transaction and subsequent benefits are somewhat counter-intuitive. By leasing solar panels instead of buying them,

Letting Adam Smith (partly) into the Energy Production Arena Because of their exclusive rights to serve captive markets, our regulated utilities are shielded from the push and pull of typical market forces. Instead, the Public Service Commission sets electric rates at a level that will provide a specific return on investment for the utilities. In exchange, the utilities must justify capital investments that allow them to produce electricity (like new power plants), or to help their customers save energy (like distributing energy-efficient light bulbs). The logic behind this system of “regulated monopolies” is that it provides utilities the certainty they need to invest billions of dollars in the electric power system. They do not have to worry about competitors undercutting their rates and stealing customers, which could leave a utility with expensive transmission and distribution lines as well as generation facilities but without the necessary customer base. Whether this rationale for abandoning the free market in the energy field is justified or not, it clearly eliminates many of the benefits that exist in truly competitive industries, like the computer hardware and software fields. Increasingly, survival and success in the rapidly changing energy field require innovation. While it is highly unlikely that one of our regulated utilities will succumb to bankruptcy, we jeopardize the entire state’s prosperity when we eschew the flexibility needed to navigate an uncertain future. By betting almost exclusively on large, expensive, long-term and centralized generation as we have, South Carolina has given up much of the flexibility we would possess if we

had embraced energy efficiency and small-scale renewable energy development in a more serious way. Other parts of the country are already witnessing significant returns from certain risky bets: natural gas, wind energy and solar panels have all become much more affordable over the past few years; demand for electricity has not grown at the high rates utilities projected; and utility-scale efficiency programs have proven effective at reducing waste and preventing unnecessary investment in new generation. It is plain to see that our utilities could benefit from some degree of exposure to the exercising influences of free markets.


Legislative Preview – Energy

By betting almost exclusively on large, expensive, long-term and centralized generation as we have, South Carolina has given up much of the flexibility we would possess if we had embraced energy efficiency and small-scale renewable energy development in a more serious way.









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Legislative Preview – Energy



A tremendous opportunity exists in Columbia in 2013 to begin to redefine South Carolina’s energy future. Members of our House of Representatives from opposite sides of the aisle are drafting a bill which would permit the use of leases to finance solar projects in our state. When the legislative session begins in January, a legitimate debate will begin at the State House about whether homeowners, businesses, churches and schools should be able to generate electricity for themselves, even when tight budgets require them to lease equipment rather than buy it. Solar leasing puts some control over electricity costs back into the hands of average citizens, and it does so by employing a proven free-market solution. It is up to our legislators to enable the free market to work on your behalf. Please contact your elected officials and tell them you would like to save money by generating some of your own electricity, through a solar panel leasing program.

Many of us all over the state supported Bill S.1375, sponsored by state senators Campsen, Hutto, and Ford. Signed into law in June 2012 with only two dissenting votes, it provides certain exceptions for

bicyclists and pedestrians to use controlled access roadways like the James Island Connector. Now, the City of Charleston must pass an ordinance to reopen the Connector to bikes and pedestrians; but first the city wants to retrofit the Connector to make it safer. City officials say a study must be conducted however, and funds for the study have not been identified. A delay in re-opening the Connector is serious since other existing routes are inherently more dangerous. In order to show the city how important this connection is to all forms of transit, the Conservation League has started a petition to garner support. At the time of printing, the petition had amassed 570 signatures. Investments in complete streets, which accomodate pedestrians, bicycles, and cars, are important and would benefit a diverse group of citizens. The League of American Bicyclists

(LAB) compiled 2010 bike and pedestrian commuter statistics for the City of Charleston, showing that 3% of our working population commute to work via bicycle, and 6% commute by walking—that is more than 5,000 of our friends, neighbors, family members, and colleagues who deserve safe access to work when they walk or bike. When examining LAB’s data across the United States, even “non-bicycle friendly cities” have seen a 30% growth in regular bicycle commuters over the past ten years. In addition, there are so many people who wish they could bike or walk to work; and when the Connector reopens, biking opportunities will expand exponentially. The Connector is the safest route between James Island, the Peninsula, and West Ashley. We need it reopened.

Sign the petition!


Keep up with the issue!



A Vital Connectionby Katie Zimerman, Project Manager for the Coastal Conservation League









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I-526 Update


Taxpayers are Taken for a Ride on Interstate 526by Jake Libaire, Project Manager for the Coastal Conservation League

Never in the history of South Carolina has one transportation project been the subject of so much controversy and political maneuvering. Given the state’s historical concentration of power and lack of transparency, that is saying something.

Recently, the maneuvering and influence peddling from a few powerful officials who support the flawed proposal to extend I-526 across John's Island to James Island has reached a new level of intensity. This scrambling is a result of the massive opposition to the project from local community leaders, local and state elected officials, and taxpayers throughout South Carolina – all of whom agree that the risks to our region and state posed by this project far outweigh the benefits. Events have been unfolding at such a rapid rate that it is imperative for the recent history of this project to be known. The timeline that follows traces the tortured trajectory of the I-526 extension.

◗ In 2009, after SCDOT had briskly dismissed the League’s “New Way to Work” alternative, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) wrote a letter to the Federal Highway Administration, stating that the “New Way to Work” alternative was discarded prematurely and without adequate consideration by SCDOT.

◗ Between 2008 and 2010, federal and state resource agencies, including NOAA, US Fish and Wildlife Service, SC Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) and SC Department of Health and Environmental Controls, all urged SCDOT to consider other alternatives to the proposed I-526 extension. SCDNR and the US Environmental Protection Agency issued comment letters indicating that they could not approve the project as proposed. All of these agencies recognized and publicly identified the significant failings of this project, but Charleston County, the SIB and the SCDOT stubbornly continued forward.

◗ In July 2010, SCDOT released the draft Environmental Impact Study (EIS), announcing that Alternative G, an at-grade, low speed parkway proposed by Mayor Joe Riley, would be the preferred alternative. Alternative G was projected to cost $489 million, require the filling of 18 acres of wetlands and 132 acres of floodplains, and impact approximately 720 homes and properties in Charleston County. The project would only save drivers between 36 seconds and 5 minutes per commute.

◗ Also during this time, the Town of James Island, the James Island Public Service District and Folly Beach all formally expressed their opposition to I-526, adding to the voices of concern.

◗ In June 2006, the SC State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) committed $420 million for the construction of an extension of Interstate 526. The proposed extension would start at the current terminus of the interstate in West Ashley, continue across the Stono River to Johns Island, and then across the Stono River again to James Island where the road would connect with the existing James Island Connector.

◗ Charleston County Council signed an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with the SIB and the SC Department of Transportation (SCDOT) for the completion of the project in 2007. At the time, some members of County Council were concerned with the language in the IGA that specifically states that Charleston County will be responsible for any costs of the project above and beyond the committed $420 million. Given that it was widely known that the cost of the project would exceed $420 million, their concerns were warranted.

◗ In recognition of the transportation issues west of the Ashley, on James Island and on Johns Island, the Conservation League sought to find a better alternative to the extension of I-526. After a series of community meetings with the public and various stakeholder groups, and conversations with elected officials, the League commissioned Glatting Jackson (transportation consultants) in 2008 to develop an alternative proposal – dubbed “New Way to Work”– which would cost 50% less than the I-526 extension and would improve traffic flow and public safety with far fewer negative impacts.


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I-526 Update

◗ Soon after releasing the draft EIS, SCDOT conducted numerous public hearings in neighborhoods that would be impacted by the project. 63% of the citizens at these hearings voiced objections to the proposed I-526 extension.

◗ By recognizing the fundamental flaws of the project and the public opposition to Alternative G, members of County Council unanimously voted in April 2011 NOT to support Alternative G. At the time, council members voiced concerns about projected costs (remember, Charleston County is on the hook for any and all costs above the $420 million), environmental impacts and the number of homes that would be in the path of the road. On the same day, in a separate motion, County Council also narrowly passed a motion to support a “no-build” alternative.

◗ Despite the survey results and the SIB’s “promise” of future funding, the SCDOT Commission voted unanimously on September 26, 2012 not to assume sponsorship of the I-526 extension project. Commissioners cited the low statewide priority, inadequate benefits, and high costs of the project, and noted their skepticism with the results of the overly-simplistic USC survey.

◗ To account for increasing cost estimates for the project, on August 17th, 2012 the SIB Board passed an administrative motion to promise $100 to $150 million more to I-526, using funding capacity that may or may not be available after 2020. This motion is not binding and a future SIB Board may rescind this “promise”. Whoever is the project sponsor (Charleston County, City of Charleston or another entity) will be on the hook for any funding shortfalls and cost overruns, and must consider the fact that these pledged funds do not currently exist in any form, be it bonds, anticipation notes, borrowing capacity or cash. This is imaginary money and the SIB’s “promise” does not in any way guarantee that funding capacity will exist when this project exceeds the initial $420 million in pledged SIB funds.

◗ With the project wallowing at County Council, Mayor Riley announced in early November 2012 that the City of Charleston should assume the role of project sponsor. City Council quickly voted to pass a resolution expressing the city’s desire to assume the project, replacing Charleston County in the IGA. Mayor Riley has long been a fan of the Alternative G parkway design and this maneuver was expected.

◗ Charleston County Council will now vote on whether to assign the project to the city. Council can also vote “no-build” again, or move to defer the vote to a later date. Additionally, council can send the project back to the drawing board and come back with a tweaked design or a list of intersection and corridor improvements that would achieve the same results. Regardless, the saga shall continue into 2013.

◗ Shortly after the “no-build” vote, Charleston County Council received a letter from SIB Board member Ric Tapp, indicating that if the county was determined to be “in default” on this project, the SIB would have the authority to intercept the funds already spent on the project (approximately $11.6 million). Neither the letter from Mr. Tapp nor the IGA states that a “no-build” vote constitutes an event of default. Unfortunately, several members of County Council and supporters of the project linked the SIB’s letter to the “no build” vote and County Council quickly rescinded their “no build” vote. Despite this fear-induced vote, they remained unanimously opposed to Alternative G.

◗ In May 2011, in an attempt to find an alternative to the proposed I-526 extension, several County Council members prepared an amended SIB application and submitted it to the SIB Board. This application proposed to use a portion of the $420 million previously pledged by the SIB on several smaller projects that would “improve the capacity, safety, and mobility of the West Ashley, James Island, and Johns Island area in an environmentally sensitive manner". The SIB rejected the application, saying the money could not be used for anything other than I-526 (despite being unable to provide evidence of any regulations prohibiting reallocation). No further attempts have been made by the county to reallocate any or all of the SIB’s pledged funding to projects other than I-526.

◗ In February 2012, members of County Council proposed to assign the IGA to the SIB and SCDOT. In the proposed “Assignment of IGA”, Charleston County sought to turn the project over to SCDOT for sponsorship in addition to project management, removing the county from any responsibility or control over the project. The SIB received the assignment request and passed it on to the leadership at SCDOT.

◗ Concerned about the lack of public support for the project, the SCDOT Commission sponsored a survey in the summer of 2012 to gauge public opinion. The University of South Carolina conducted the survey, which asked 5,000 Charleston County residents if they’d support a road project that would connect the existing terminus of I-526 to the James Island Connector. The survey failed to mention the fiscal, environmental or community impacts, or the meager benefits associated with the project. Consequently, the survey results showed overwhelming support.

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25th Anniversary



COASTAL CONSERVATION LEAGUE 25th Anniversary Conference

The Coastal Conservation League will be 25 years old in 2014. Over the past quarter century, we and our conservation allies have substantially shaped the future of the South Carolina Lowcountry. Our work has influenced what land will be developed and conserved and which species of life will have a home in the Lowcountry. We have fought to safeguard the rivers, creeks, marshes and freshwater wetlands that define the coastal landscape. We have redirected the locations of major public investments in sewer and water lines, roads and bridges and port terminals. We have enhanced forest

management on public and private lands and set the stage for the resurgence of local agriculture. We have created new opportunities to travel on bikes and on foot, and reduced the region’s dependence on automobiles. We have blocked the proliferation of massive hog “factories” and outlawed the display of captive marine mammals. Perhaps most importantly, we have helped citizens understand the importance of the landscapes that surround them and given them the confidence and the tools to fight for the places they love.

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25th Anniversary


But the next twenty-five years will be more critical than the last. Over the coming quarter century, we will discover whether our region can choose a course that protects and enhances its natural ecosystems and human communities, and whether we will play a positive role in sustaining the global environment. We believe this undertaking demands that we bring together the best minds to reflect on the past quarter century of work and explore a path forward. Toward that end, we have asked some of the country’s top scholars, thinkers and practitioners to join us in early May for a two-day long, 25th Anniversary Conference. The purpose is to alert us to the status of the world’s environment and to discover what our role should be in repairing and enhancing it. We hope these two days will reveal the magnitude of the challenges we face and inspire us to act with

purpose and conviction. The topics we will cover include the most pressing issues of our time – food and agriculture, energy and climate, the fate of the oceans, and biological diversity. We want to understand how individuals and government can make better long-term choices by reviewing the latest findings in the fields of architecture, urban design and cognitive science. We will also explore the critical questions of how our economic

systems can better align with the goal of a sustainable planet, and how a more robust democracy can advance conservation. Most fundamentally, we will confront our moral responsibility to the planet and the future, and learn about the spiritual and religious foundations that have inclined us to protect or abuse nature. We believe that presenting these issues comprehensively will stimulate a creative understanding of the relationships and the power of an integrated approach to conservation. It is such an approach that we hope to carry forward in the coming years. If you are interested in attending our 25th Anniversay Conference, or if you have suggestions about topics or speakers, feel free to let us know. The dates are May 8th and 9th and the location is the Francis Marion Hotel in downtown Charleston.

For more information on the 25th Anniversary Conference, visit

Advisory Board Members

Elizabeth Colbert-Busch Peter Crane

Ceara Donnelley Kim Elliman

Wes Jackson David Korten Charles Lane Bill McKibben Greg Nickels

Steve Nicholas David Orr

Robert Perkowitz Orrin Pilkey Will Raap

George Rabb John Rashford

Steven Rockefeller Amy Salzman

David Shi Gus Speth

Lise Van Susteren

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An Inspired LegacyBequest from Mary and Herbert Everts

In MemoriamMary Kennemur

his fall, the Coastal Conservation League received the final installment on the largest bequest we’ve received to date. Totaling $370,000, this planned gift, from the estate of Mary and Herbert Everts, represents a remarkable investment in the future of the Conservation League, and a steadfast commitment to the sustained impact of our work. Residents of the Isle of Palms, Mary and Herbert Everts began their longstanding support of the League in 1991, with annual contributions at the Contributor level. Upon Mr. Everts’ death in 2001, Mrs. Everts increased her giving, in honor of her late husband, elevating her annual support to the level of Coastal Guardian. The Everts resided in Chicago before relocating to the Isle of Palms in 1977. Mr. Everts worked for Sara Lee Corporation, formerly Consolidated Foods, for nearly 40 years, finally retiring as the company’s Chief Financial Officer. Frequent travelers, the Everts were avid birdwatchers and nature lovers. Mr. Everts was

a dedicated stamp collector, amassing a remarkable collection that he donated to Boys Town in Nebraska. We are honored to apply the generous funds from the Everts bequest to our work to preserve the beauty and health of our region’s natural environment, which the Everts so deeply treasured. Please consider including the Coastal Conservation League in your estate planning. If you have questions about planned giving, please call Catherine McCullough at 725-2066.

t is with great sadness that we share the news of the death of Mary Devonald Moorman Kennemur, former CCL board member and donor. Mary was a dedicated philanthropist, and actively engaged in the civic landscape of South Carolina, serving on the boards of the University of South Carolina, the SC Chamber of Commerce, United Way of the Midlands, Girl Scouts of South Carolina and Heathwood Hall Episcopal School. A graduate of USC, Mary became one of seven Managing Directors for Merrill Lynch. Upon departing from Merrill Lynch, Mary continued to work as a financial planner and advisor in Columbia. Mary was an avid traveler, and enjoyed spending time at her homes in Pawley’s Island, SC, and Little Switzerland, NC. Mary made a significant contribution to the Coastal Conservation League Board of Directors, and will be missed.



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Fall Food Series

Fall Food Series Delivers a Local Buzz

This fall, QOL partnered with GrowFood Carolina to host the 2012 Food Series, a month-long celebration of the local food movement in our region. Engaging celebrated culinary artists, all of them valued GrowFood

customers, QOL presented an exciting series of sold-out events, including a cooking class, a family-friendly farm outing, and a lecture on the character of sorghum. Chefs Matt and Ted Lee, and Chef Sean Brock, hosted the series opening and closing dinners, respectively, attracting 250 guests for multi-course dinners at the GrowFood warehouse. Both dinners featured creative local cuisine, artfully interpreted by the chefs in course-by-course presentations. QOL attracted new members, new community partners and enthusiastic press attention, which will add momentum to this dynamic group in the year ahead.


Thanks to the QOL Steering Committee

William CogswellAndrea Cooper

Katharine HastieAlex Opoulos

Buff RossZoe Ryan

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Members' Corner


Barbara Hagerty

Long-time CCL supporter and former board member, native Charlestonian, and 2010-2011 SC Arts Commission’s Fellow in Poetry, Barbara Hagerty, has released a new book of poetry, entitled Motherfish, featuring art

by her husband, Duke Hagerty. Delivered through the voice of a “sympathetic speaker who explores the world as child and parent,” the poems featured in this work address the cycles of youth and aging and the delicate, complex dynamics between mothers and children.

Paul and Dalton

On October 6th, members of the Conservation League’s Live Oak Society gathered for lunch and a property tour at Paul and Dalton Plantation in the ACE Basin. The day was spectacular as

was the setting, and a good time was had by all. Special thanks to Linda and Tony Bakker for their generous hospitality.

John Thompson

CCL board member John Thompson has recently released two new titles. Salem VI: Rebecca’s Rising, an occult thriller, was released in July 2012 and has

received rave reviews. John’s second novel, due in print in early January, is Hong Kong Deception. "Salem VI is an excellent Good vs. Evil thriller. Fans of Dan Brown, Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child will surely like this book. I can't wait for the next installment. It crosses multiple genres appealing to a wide audience of readers. What a story!"- Molly Larson, Maine Librarian A sequel to Armageddon Conspiracy, which won the Independent Publishers Gold Medal for Best Thriller in 2008, Hong Kong Deception welcomes back protagonist Brent Lucas in another international thriller.

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Thank You!

$10,000+Anonymous (6)1772 Foundation Anthony and Linda Bakker Penny and Bill Agnew Mr. Nathan Berry and Ms. Ceara Donnelley Strachan Donnelley Family Charitable Lead Unitrust Mrs. Vivian Donnelley Butler Conservation Fund, Inc. The Margaret A. Cargill Foundation The Ceres FoundationMr. and Mrs. Charles B. Chitty Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation Mr. and Mrs. P. Steven Dopp Mr. Kim Elliman The Energy Foundation Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Fair, Jr. Dr. Paula Feldman and Mr. Peter Mugglestone The Festoon Foundation, Inc. Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Foundation for the Carolinas Nancy and Larry Fuller Laura and Steve Gates Mr. Steve GavelThe Grantham Foundation William and Mary Greve Foundation John C. Griswold Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Hale JPMorgan Chase & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Kellogg Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Lane, Jr. Mills Bee Lane Foundation Mr. T. Cartter Lupton II Lyndhurst Foundation Dr. and Mrs. G. Alex Marsh III Merck Family Fund Mertz Gilmore Foundation Mrs. Frank M. McClain Mr. and Mrs. W. Wallace McDowell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Milbank III Mrs. Alexander Moore Charles Stewart Mott FoundationMs. Justine J. Nathan The Osprey Foundation Dr. John M. Palms Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phipps, Jr. Post and Courier Foundation Dr. and Mrs. John H. RashfordV. Kann Rasmussen Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James H. Rion, Jr. Steven and Barbara Rockefeller Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors The Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Schmaltz Mrs. Anne Rivers Siddons and Mr. Heyward Siddons Mr. David Siddons Catherine Smith Libby Smith Southern Region SARE Fred and Alice Stanback, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stevens Ms. Diane D. Terni Mr. Daniel K. Thorne Daniel K. Thorne Foundation, Inc.

Gary and Mary Beth Thornhill Tides Foundation Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation Mr. Bill Turner III The Bradley Turner Foundation, Inc. Turner Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Vardell III Dr. Robert Ellis Welch, Jr. WestWind Foundation Joe and Terry Williams Yawkey Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Ziff

$5,000-$9,999AnonymousMrs. Patricia Altschul Cay Foundation Banbury Fund, Inc. John and Jane Beach Mr. J. Anderson Berly III Henry M. Blackmer Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Margaret N. Blackmer Ms. Margaret P. Blackmer Mr. William J. Blalock Mr. and Mrs. William C. Cleveland The Colbert Family Fund of the Coastal Community FoundationMr. and Mrs. Stephen Colbert Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Cooper Sir Peter Crane Ms. Laura Donnelley Mr. and Mrs. John O. Downing Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Berry Edwards Ms. Martha M. Faucette James L. Ferguson Dorothea and Peter Frank Fuzzco Mr. and Mrs. S. Parker Gilbert Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hagerty Mr. and Mrs. John Philip Kassebaum Linda Ketner Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kimball Klaus T. Said Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Mr. and Mrs. John E. Masaschi Mr. and Mrs. Irenee duPont May Mr. and Mrs. James R. McNab, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meier Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Mitchell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan A. Moses Mr. Arnold Nemirow Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Parks Dr. and Mrs. John H. Rashford Price R. and Flora A. Reid Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Klaus Said Ms. Dorothy D. Smith Drs. Ryan and Erin Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Tenney Mr. John Thompson and Ms. Julia Forster Susan and Trenholm Walker Jane Smith Turner Foundation Whole Foods Market

$2,000-$4,999AnonymousMr. and Mrs. Johnston Adams Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc. Anson Restaurant Virginia and Dana Beach

Elizabeth Calvin Bonner Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Burtschy L.R. Burtschy & Company Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Coen Mr. and Mrs. James Coker Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Daly Ms. Connie Darden-Young and Mr. Jesse Colin Young Ms. Jennifer Davis Michael and Megan Desrosiers Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Hawkins Holly H. Hook and Dennis A. Glaves Half-Moon Outfitters Katharine and Winslow Hastie Billie and Alan Houghton Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ilderton Joanna Foundation Bob and Jackie Lane Scott and Gayle Lane Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leath, Jr. Charlie and Sally Lee Lasca and Richard Lilly Dr. Suzanne Lindsay and Mr. Bruce Lindsay The Suzanne and Bruce Lindsay Charitable Foundation Magnolia Plantation Foundation Drs. John and Siobhan Maize Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Marshall Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Mather Mr. and Mrs. James O. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Beezer Molten Morning Sun FoundationMr. and Mrs. Alan A. Moses Mr. Guy Paschal Patagonia, Inc. Charles and Celeste Patrick Mr. and Mrs. David Paynter Mrs. Joan C. Pittman Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Prevost Mrs. Charles D. Ravenel Grace Jones Richardson Trust John M. Rivers, Jr. Foundation, Inc. Mr. John M. Rivers, Jr. David W. and Susan G. Robinson Foundation Mrs. Susan Robinson Dr. James G. Simpson Dorothy D. Smith Charitable Foundation Ms. Martha Jane Soltow Mr. and Mrs. T. Paul Strickler William and Shanna Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Jan S. Suwinski Mr. and Mrs. Jacques S. Theriot H. L. Thompson, Jr. Family Foundation Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Dr. Robert Ellis Welch, Jr.Dr. Louis Wright and Ms. Patricia Giddens Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Wyrick, Jr. Ziff Properties Charleston

$1,000-$1,999AnonymousMr. J. Marshall Allen Mr. and Mrs. Richard Almeida Drs. T. Brantley and Penny Arnau Chuck and Betsy BakerBlackwater LLCMr. and Mrs. William R. Barrett, Jr. Mrs. Ann R. Baruch

Mr. Thomas R. Bennett Blackbaud, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Blagden, Jr. Elizabeth Calvin Bonner FoundationMr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Boone III Dr. Eloise Bradham and Dr. Mark George Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Brumley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burt Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Cain The Cecil Family Mr. and Mrs. Arnold B. Chace, Jr. Mr. Elliott S. Close Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cooney Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Croft Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Cross Dr. and Mrs. William F. Crosswell Mr. and Mrs. Wade C. Crow Mrs. Mary C. Cutler Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Daly Mr. Chris Davis Mr. F. Reed Dulany, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Eaton Enterprise Holdings Foundation Ms. Carol Ervin and Mr. Bailey Bolen Ms. Margaret D. Fabri Ms. Nina M. Fair Mrs. Harriott H. Faucette Mr. H. McDonald Felder Mr. and Mrs. Peter Feldman Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott Fennell Mr. and Mrs. George W. Fennell C.W. Fetter Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Dr. and Mrs. Philip A. Finley Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Fishburne, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Charles Ford Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Foster Mr. Robert W. Foster, Sr. Francis Marion Hotel LP Mr. and Mrs. George C. Francisco IV Dorothea and Peter Frank Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gabriel Mrs. Dallas L. Garbee Mr. and Mrs. E. Stack Gately Drs. Andrew Geer and Susan Moore Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gephart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Gerber Glaser Duncan The Good Works Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Harrell Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Higgins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Glenn Hilliard Mr. William L. Hiott, Jr. James and Margaret Hoffman Mr. J. W. F. Holliday Holly Houghton and David Walker Mr. and Mrs. David C. House Mr. and Mrs. John Huey, Jr. Mr. Richard W. Hutson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Orton P. Jackson III Ms. Holly R. Jensen Mrs. Denise John Mr. and Mrs. George P. Johnston Ms. Jill Kammermeyer and Mr. Robert Hochstetler Dr. William Kee and Dr. Franklin Lee Mrs. Beverly G. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. Laney

LIVE OAK SOCIETYContributions Received from

November 1, 2011 - October 31, 2012

The Coastal Conservation League works very hard to ensure that all donor names are listed correctly; however, occasional mistakes do occur. Please contact Database Manager

Nora Kravec at (843) 725-2057 with any questions or corrections.


e Oak




Thank You!


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e Oak



Thank You!



Mr. David Lansbury Dr. Diane D. Lauritsen Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Legerton III Kathie Livingston Mr. Lorcan Lucey Lucey Mortgage Corporation Mrs. Patti Manigault Mike and JoAnne Marcell Dr. John Mattheis Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. McCann Mrs. John L. McCormick Mr. George McCoy Ms. Jamie Young McCulloch Mrs. Harriet P. McDougal Mr. and Mrs. Barclay McFadden III John F. & Susan B. McNamara Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. McShane Ms. Georgia Meagher Sally H. Mitchell Russell E. and Elizabeth W. Morgan Foundation Ms. Martha Morgan Mr. Marty Morganello Mr. Hugh Comer Morrison Outside Hilton Head Mr. Michael P. Overton Ms. Elizabeth F. Orser Plantation Services, Inc. Mr. Harry Polychron Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Quigley Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Quinn Dr. George Rabb Mr. Richard Rainaldi and Ms. Martha Records Mr. and Mrs. S. Kim Reed Reliance Financial Corporation Dr. Georgia C. Roane Mrs. Susan Romaine Margot and Boykin Rose Bob Rymer and Catherine Anne Walsh Dr. H. Del Schutte, Jr. Schwab Charitable Fund Dr. Sally E. Self Dr. David Shi Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Simmons, Jr. Mr. T. Grange Simons V Mr. Matt Sloan Smart Growth Coalition Harriet and Dick Smartt Southern States Educational Foundation Inc. Dr. and Mrs. James Stephenson Charles and Jo Summerall Ms. Bailey W. Symington The T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving Mr. Michael P. Thornton Mr. John H. Tiencken, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. Daniel Tyree Tom Uffelman and Patty Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Greg VanDerwerker Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Vortex Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Waldron, Jr. Sally Webb Ms. Sheila Wertimer and Mr. Gary Gruca Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. West Dr. and Mrs. Tad Whiteside Ms. Walda Wildman and Mr. Mack Maguire Mr. and Mrs. John Winthrop Dr. W. Curtis Worthington, Jr. Ms. Martha C. Worthy Mr. and Mrs. Lance B. Wyatt

$500-$999AnonymousMs. Carrie Agnew Richard and Tannis Alkire Mr. and Mrs. Brady Anderson Mr. and Mrs. William E. Applegate IV

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Arthur The Ayco Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs Dennis Baer Chuck and Betsy Baker Dr. Randy Basinger and Ms. Louise Burpee Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Beaton Mrs. Katrina Becker Blackwater, LLC Dr. Nadia Blanchet and Dr. Kent Rollins Ms. Christine Bogrette Cecil and Barrie Bozard Ms. Amy Bunting Mrs. Blair Bunting Darnell Ethel-Jane Westfeldt Bunting Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cahill Mr. William Campbell and Ms. Susan Hilfer Mr. R. R. M. Carpenter Leigh Mary W. Carter Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Carter Dr. and Mrs. William C. Carter III Nancy and Billy Cave Mrs. Ann Rodgers Chandler Mr. Richard C. Clow Ms. Catherine Craven Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Creed Nancy and Steve Cregg Mr. James W. Cummings Mr. and Mrs. James Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cunningham Ms. Judy Cunningham Jane Tucker Dana and David D. Aufhauser Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Daniels Mr. R. Gordon Darby Mrs. Emily Darnell-Nunez Mrs. Palmer Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Emmett I. Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs F. Garey De Angelis Curtis and Arianna Derrick Mr. Christopher DeScherer and Ms. Amanda Honeycutt Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Dodds Michael and Anna Eddy Mr. D. Reid Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ellison II Mr. Mark Essig and Mrs. Martha Craft-Essig Mark and Kay Ethridge Ms. Nina M. Fair Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Dr. and Mrs. Gary E. Fink Mary Fleming Finlay Ms. Catherine H. Forrester Rev. and Mrs. David Fort Dr. Sandra L. Fowler Alison and Arthur Geer Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Geer Mr. and Mrs. James T. Gettys III Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gilreath Dr. Annette G. Godow Mary Jane Gorman Dr. and Ms. Gene W. Grace Dr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Greenberg Ms. Kay Grinnell Dr. Thomas Gross and Mrs. Susan Hamilton Ms. Mary E. S. Hanahan Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hanlin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Happe Dr. Kit M. Hargrove Ms. Sherrerd Hartness Mrs. Charlotte McCrady Hastie Whitney and Elizabeth Hatch Mr. and Mrs. Knox L. Haynsworth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver R. Head, Jr. Mr. William J. Hennessy, Jr. Mr. Fred B. Herrmann Mr. Edwin Hettinger and Ms. Beverly Diamond Mr. and Ms. John A. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hoffius James and Margaret Hoffman

Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Horlbeck Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Hough Mrs. Robert R. Huffman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hydon Mr. Roger White and Dr. Deanna Jackson Mr. and Mrs. S. Wesley Jackson Ms. May Jones Dr. and Mrs. Todd P. Joye Mr. F. Kimball Joyner and Mr. Derek Riggs Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Jules Dr. and Mrs. John J. Keyser Mr. Paul Keyserling Judy, Beth, Paul and Billy Keyserling Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kistler Mr. and Mrs. George C. Kosko Mr. Mike Landrum and Ms. Brenda Smith Dr. and Mrs. Wood N. Lay Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leadem Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Legerton III Patricia Lessane Mr. Reynold Levy Elizabeth C. Rivers Lewine Endowment Mr. Justin O'Toole Lucey, P.A. David Lyle and Anne Aaron-Lyle Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Maginnis Dr. and Mrs. John C. Maize Mr. Joshua Martin Mr. and Mrs. William A. Martin Dr. John Mattheis Mr. and Mrs. William M. Matthew Dr. and Mrs. Brem Mayer Pat F. and Suzanne C. McGarity Goffinet and Ian McLaren Dr. and Mrs. Keith Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Meyer Mrs. Payne Middleton Kincaid and Allison Mills Mr. and Mrs. John M. Mirsky Sally H. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. M. Lane Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Eric H. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. William D. Nettles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Nolan Dr. and Mrs. Alan I. Nussbaum Mrs. Elizabeth B. O'Connor Dr. Patrick M. O'Neil

Mr. and Ms. Robert M. Ogden III Mrs. Pamela Oliver Dr. and Mrs. J. David Osguthorpe Mr. and Mrs. Coleman C. Owens Mrs. D. Williams Parker Dr. and Mrs. B. Daniel Paysinger Ms. Patricia A. Pierce The Pittsburgh Foundation Ms. Cynthia Swanson Powell Ms. Whitney Powers Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Richards Mr. and Mrs. William R. Richardson, Jr. Dr. Abigail Ryan Mr. Hal Currey and Ms. Margaret Schachte Mrs. Kate Parks Schaefer Mrs. Susan Schaller Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Scheetz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Schenck Schwab Charitable Fund Dickie and Mary Schweers Dr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Shealy Dr. and Mrs. William M. Simpson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Smith Mr. W. Thomas Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Solow Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Stoothoff Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Storen Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles Sullivan Summit Area Public Foundation Sustainable Settlement The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Mr. Landon K. Thorne III United Way of the Piedmont Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan G. Verity Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Voight Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walsh Elizabeth B. Warren Dr. and Mrs. James D. Wells Greg White and Kristin Krantzman Mr. David Whitten and Ms. Geri Scheller Ms. Walda Wildman and Mr. Mack Maguire Dr. and Mrs. George W. Williams Jeremy and Lisa Willits


The Coastal Legacy Society honors those who have provided for the Coastal Conservation League through their wills or estate plans.

By making a gift to the Coastal Legacy Society, you will join this group of extraordinary individuals in their commitment to protect the Lowcountry for generations. If you are interested in finding out more about naming the Coastal Conservation League in your will or estate plans, please

contact Senior Development Officer Catherine McCullough at (843) 725-2066.

Ethel-Jane Westfeldt Bunting FoundationMr. and Mrs. Russell Burns, Jr.Mrs. Charlotte Caldwell and Mr. Jeffrey SchutzMr. and Mrs. Robert E. Coffee, Jr.Ms. Marcia CurtisMr. Howard F. DrewMs. Carol Ervin and Mr. Bailey BolenMrs. Mary C. EvertsDr. Annette G. GodowMiss Florence E. GoodwinJanis HammettMs. Teri Lynn Herbert

Katy and Dan HugerMs. Jane E. LareauDr. and Mrs. Thomas R. MatherMr. Miles F. McSweeneyMs. Nancy C. PhillipsMr. and Mrs. Michael B. PrevostMr. and Mrs. I. Mayo Read, Jr.Mr. Jason A. SchallMr. and Mrs. Gus SpethMr. and Mrs. John J. TecklenburgMr. and Ms. Thad TimmonsDr. and Mrs. George W. Williams

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Thank You!



SPECIAL GIFTSAnonymousDr. Thomas M. Badgett John and Ann Ballantyne Mr. and Mrs. William R. Barrett, Jr. Mr. Leslie L. Bateson Dr. Richard L. Beck Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Berchem Mr. and Mrs. William Bollin Mr. John F. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Cable, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Cartledge, Jr. Ms. Lynn C. Chiappone Mr. and Mrs. James Cleary Mr. and Mrs. Morris K. Deason Ms. June N. Derrick Dr. Adolphus W. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Eidt, Jr. Luanne H. Elliott Mary Fleming Finlay Dr. Charles E. Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Gravil Mr. Harlan Greene and Mr. Jonathan Ray Mr. and Mrs. James A. Grimsley III Mrs. V. M. Haselden Dr. and Mrs. Harlan G. Hawkins Mr. Joseph B. Hewitt Mr. J. W. F. Holliday Mrs. Vera C. Hyman Dr. and Mrs. Eric R. James Ms. Betsy A. Jukofsky Dr. and Mrs. John J. Keyser Dr. I. Grier Linton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Lortz Mr. and Mrs. Franklin McCann Mr. and Mrs. John P. Miller Mr. and Mrs. David F. Mims Mr. and Mrs. Boulton D. Mohr Mr. and Mrs. Tyre H. Moore Mr. Michael J. Mrlik Ms. Nancy Muller and Mr. Warren Mersereau Ms. Brenda S. O'Shields Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Opoulos III Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Parks The Little-Reid Conservation Fund of the Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Dr. and Mrs. Jerry H. Reitzel Mr. and Mrs. James H. Rion, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Schmitt, Jr. Ms. Cynthia Seabrook Mr. and Mrs. Elliott M. Skidmore Harriet and Dick Smartt Col. and Mrs. Charles W. Stockell Dr. and Mrs. Luther M. Strayer III Ms. Patricia Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Tracy Ms. Elise Wallace Ms. Elizabeth D. Watson Dr. Robert Ellis Welch, Jr. Mr. George Westerfield Mrs. Mary Theresa Wightman Dr. Jerry P. Winfield

ADVOCATE $250Charles and Elizabeth Wenner Dr. Michal Baird and Mr. Jim Darlington Barrier Island Eco Tours Bill and Ellen Bell Mr. Rhett S. Bickley Blue Pearl Farms Mr. and Mrs. J. Sidney Boone, Jr. Dr. P. Jeffrey Bower and Ms. Mignon Faget Ms. Ruthann Burgess Ms. Alyssondra Campaigne and Mr. George Abar Mr. Ed Carraway Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cart Drs. John and Ruth Carter John and Alice Claggett Mr. Thomas Clements Coalition of Concerned Citizens of Williamsburg

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Corning Mrs. Mary C. Cutler Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis Dr. and Mrs. George B. Del Porto Mr. and Mrs. James K. Dias Ms. Ann W. Dibble Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Feldmann Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Foulke Dr. Charles E. Friedman Dr. and Mrs. James H. Gault Mr. and Mrs. Kinney Gause Mr. Andrew Geer Dr. Thomas Gross and Mrs. Susan Hamilton Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Hammet, Sr. Janis Hammett Ms. Robin L. Hardin Dr. Edward L. Hay Mr. R. B. Haynes Dr. Ernest L. Helms III Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Holleman III Mr. H. W. Igleheart Mr. Hugh Jeffers and Ms. Anna Lee Turner Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Jones JustGive Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kapp Ms. Susan Kilpatrick and Mr. Charles Norris Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kirkland, Jr. Nora Kravec and Charles Cyr Ms. Susan Kruetzer Melissa and Michael Ladd Jonathan Lamb Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Leak Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Lee Mr. Edward T. Legare Gordon and Judy Levering Gordon and Catherine Locatis Mr. and Mrs. William C. Lortz Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Lybecker Mr. Gordon Lyle, Jr. Timothy J. Lyons, M.D. Mr. Mark J. Martin Mr. J.C. McElveen, Jr. Ms. Madeleine S. McGee Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McMarlin Mr. and Mrs. John Gregg McMaster III Mr. Lawrence H. Moser Ms. Sis Nunnally Dr. William F. O'Dell Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Ogle Mr. Michael Overbeck Roy Owen and Sue McClinton Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Palmer, Jr. Mr. Peter Penniman Lydia Engelhardt, M.D. and Bill Rambo, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Reed, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Rensberry Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Rivers, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P.R. Rivers Mr. Dan Rogge Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Schnitz South Carolina Conservation Credit Exchange Sun City Hilton Head Kayak Club Mr. Richard G. Thomas Drs. Christine and C. Murry Thompson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Timmons Mr. and Mrs. John Trinkl Mr. William V. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webb Dr. William Westerkam and Ms. Kirsten Lackstrom Dr. and Mrs. A. Weaver Whitehead, Jr. Mr. David Whitten and Ms. Geri Scheller Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Wilfong Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. D. Mark Wilson Ms. Wendy Zara

CONTRIBUTOR $100Anonymous (2)Dr. and Mrs. David B. Adams

Mrs. Jane I. Allen Dr. and Mrs. Alex F. Althausen Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. W. Swinton Anderson Ms. Jill Armbruster Ms. Vivian D'Amato Asche Pam and Glenn Ashley Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Baas Ms. Marianne H. Ball Mrs. Mary L. Ballou Mrs. Lisa K. Barclay Bo and Mickey Barry Mr. Leslie L. Bateson Mr. Peter Baumann Mr. Bennett R. Baxley Mrs. Laura Dukes Beck Mr. J. Brett Bennett Mr. Edgar A. Bergholtz Mr. Charles J. Bethea Ms. Margaret P. Blackmer Ms. Evelyn Bowler Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Boykin Dr. Deo R. Boyland Mr. Jack Brantley Marilyn and Howard Brilliant Stewart and Walter Bristow Mr. Peter H. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Prescott H. Brownell Ms. Mary Bush Bryan Dr. and Mrs. William Y. Buchanan, Jr. Ms. Brenda Burbage Mr. Dale D. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Hardwick H. Burr Ms. Barbara H. Burwell Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Butler Ms. Paula W. Byers Ms. Randy Cabell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Cable, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Carmines Mr. and Mrs. William R. Carpenter III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Carter, Jr. Mr. Dick Casey Mr. and Mrs. William J. Chandler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Chmelik Mrs. Janet Ciegler Will Cleveland Ms. Sara Clow William and Lucile Cogswell Dr. and Mrs. Alexander H. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Cohen Barbara R. Cole Mrs. Lorinda Collister Mr. and Mrs. William W. Conde III Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cook, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Cooper Ms. Margaret Cormack Senator and Mrs. John E. Courson Ms. Barbara M. Currey Mr. Frank J. Dana Dr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Dennis, Jr. Arthur F. Di Salvo Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner Dodd Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Dodds Mrs. Evelyn Dolven Henry H. Dorn Ms. Mary Douglass and Mr. Tom Jones Mr. and Mrs. John S. Dreier Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Drew Ms. S. Kimble Duckworth Mr. Donald D. Easson Caroline Eastman Mr. W. L. Edwards Dick and Dayna Elliott Dr. and Mrs. F. Strait Fairey, Jr. Ms. Juliana Falk Fast and French, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Feldman Dr. and Mrs. Gary E. Fink Ms. Angie C. Flanagan Ms. Madilyn Fletcher, Ph.D. Drs. Angeleita Floyd and Scott Cawelti Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Flynn Mr. and Mrs. John W. Foltz Mr. Charles E. Foster Mr. Harold I. Fox Mr. Michael Gardner

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gasque Mr. J. Lee Gastley Ms. Emily T. Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. Randall E. Goldman Kirk Grant Dr. Timothy K. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Greenberger Mr. Jackson V. Gregory Mr. and Mrs. J. Penn Griffen Jim and Kay Gross Mr. Donald Gwinnup Mr. Carroll Haddock Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Hadley Mr. and Mrs. Cary H. Hall, Jr. Mrs. Dorinda Q. Harmon Mrs. Margaret N. Harrison Dr. and Mrs. Frank Hart Ms. Connie Haskell Mrs. Charlotte McCrady Hastie Mr. William Andrew Hautt Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Hay, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Knox L. Haynsworth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hecker Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Helms Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hester Mr. Wayne High Dr. Jim and Jackie Hill Anna Kate and Hayne Hipp Sherry and Ken Hirsch Scott Hirshorn Mr. and Mrs. David G. Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hollings, Jr. Dr. Bill Holt Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Howard Mr. Newton I. Howle, Jr. Mrs. Missy Hulsey Drs. Richard and Margaret Hunt Mrs. Mary Means Hutson Mrs. Vera C. Hyman Mr. George Ivey Ms. Dale McElveen Jaeger Dr. and Mrs. Edward Jauch Mr. and Mrs. Keith S. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. R Hunter Kennedy III Randy and Jan Kienstra Mr. and Mrs. Edward King Mr. and Mrs. George S. King, Jr. Mr. J. Mike King Mr. Lincoln Kinnicutt Ms. Marian Knight Dr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Kraft Ms. Nancy M. Kreml Mr. Ralph C. Ksenzak Eleanor Kubeck Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kuhn Mrs. Wendy Kulick Dr. and Mrs. Seth P. Kupferman Ms. Becky Lafitte Dr. and Mrs. Pearon G. Lang Ms. Jane E. Lareau Mr. and Mrs. Richards C. Lewis, Jr. Mr. Julien E. Libaire Dr. I. Grier Linton, Jr. Mr. Wade H. Logan IV Ms. Patricia O. Lowry Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Mack, Jr. Ms. Meg MacLeod Mrs. Evelyn C. Marion Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Marti Mr. and Mrs. Tug Mathisen Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Maxwell Mrs. Audrey C. McBratney Mr. and Mrs. Franklin McCann Mr. Mark McConnel and Mr. Darryl Phillips Mr. Ted McCormack Ms. Jamie Young McCulloch Col. and Mrs. Thomas G. McCunniff Ms. Eileen Mary McGuffie Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas McKane Mr. William W. McKinnon Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm T. McPherson Dr. Charles W. McRae Mr. and Mrs. Emil Meyers Capt. and Mrs. William L. Miles Mrs. Phyllis Miller Mr. and Mrs. Rick C. Montague

NEW AND RENEWING MEMBERSHIPSAugust 1, 2012 – October 31, 2012

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Thank You!

Harry Joe and Rachel Montgomery Mrs. Jean F. Moody Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Morgenstern Mr. and Mrs. John Muench Malcolm and Priscilla Munson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Murphy Mrs. Nancy T. Myers Network For Good Sally and John Newell Newkirk Environmental, Inc. Ms. Sally C. Newman Lee Nodes Dr. Joye A. Norris Dr. Greg Ohanesian Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ohlandt Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Ouzts Palmetto Garden Club Mr. and Mrs. A. Nicholas Papadea Mr. and Mrs. Andy F. Parker Dr. Michael M. Perkins Mr. and Mrs. James A. Pierson V. Adm. Douglas C. Plate Mr. and Mrs. George B. Post, Jr. Angel Passailaigue Postell Dr. and Mrs. Jan H. Postma, Jr. Mr. William Pregnall Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Prioleau Mr. and Mrs. James M. Prutting Dr. Carroll A. Quinn Mr. Brady Quirk-Garvin Mrs. Susan C. Rakestraw Mr. Frank W. Rambo Ms. Cheryl Randall The Honorable Arthur Ravenel, Jr. Drs. Eleanor and Adrian Reuben Mr. J. Cheshire Rhett Mr. and Mrs. David Rice Mr. Leon L. Rice III Mrs. Anne M. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Mark Robertson Dr. Richard F. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. William A. Robinson, Jr. Ms. Mary L. Roe Ms. Catherine G. Rogers Mr. William E. Roschen Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rosengarten Mr. J. W. Rutter Mr. and Mrs. Milo Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Salas Dr. and Mrs. Mark H. Salley Hannah Salters Mr. and Mrs. Daniel K. Schiffer Prudence S. Scott and Jennifer Haas Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Sheldon Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Sifford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Silver Dr. and Mrs. Jack W. Simmons, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sedgwick L. Simons Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Skahill Dr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Smith Mrs. Betty Anglin Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Smith Starr and Phil Snead Dr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Stancyk Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Stanley, Jr. Col. and Mrs. Walter C. Stanton Mr. Cecil Steed Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Strasburger Ryan Strickler Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sullivan III Mr. and Mrs. Dean E. Swanson Mr. Elliott Sweet, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Edmund R. Taylor Drs. George and Carol Tempel Dr. and Mrs. David J. Tennenbaum Louis and Jane Theiling Mr. and Mrs. R. E. E. Thorpe, Jr. Mr. and Ms. Thad Timmons Mr. Nick Treseder Mark and Lisa Turansky Drs. Michael and Karen Ullian United Way of the Midlands Dr. and Mrs. Ambrose G. Updegraff Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Verville Mr. and Mrs. Felix Von Nathusius

Dr. and Mrs. John N. Vournakis Mr. David J. Waldron Mr. Peter Wallace and Ms. Judith Kramer Ms. Caroline Warren John and Caroline Warren Dr. Sheryn Waterman Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Watson, Jr. Sam and Cindy Watson Mr. Jay Weidner Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. West Dr. and Mrs. Timothy H. West Ms. Megan Westmeyer Mr. David Wethey and Ms. Sarah Woodin Mr. Philip Whirley Barbara and Gene Willhoft Ms. Dee Dee Williams Mr. and Mrs. T. Bright Williamson Mrs. Heather A. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson Ms. Wendy Wilson Mr. W. Chisolm Wilson Ms. Caitlin M. Winans Dr. John B. Witty Ms. Patricia Wolman Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wyman

SUPPORTER $50Mr. and Mrs. Charles Agee Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Amis Michael and Stacy Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Jess S. Ballentine, Jr. Mr. Brian A. Banks Mrs. Barbara J. Banus Mr. Weldon P. Barker Mr. John Batson Ms. Linda Beale Ms. Sheila L. Beardsley Ms. Helen Belencan and Mr. Gary Smith Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Bennett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Bergen Dr. and Mrs. Dennis O. Bernard Mr. E. Dean Berry Dr. James F. Bethea Mr. John C. Bigler Billie J. Black Ms. Margaret P. Blackmer Mr. and Mrs. John H. Blanchard Mr. H. E. Bonnoitt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Boyd Dr. and Mrs. Robert O. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Brownlee, Jr. Mr. John R. Busher Mr. Elwyn Cahaly Ms. Angie Y. Calhoun Mrs. Deborah L. Campbell-Lawson Mr. Timothy Carens and Ms. Elizabeth Van Pelt Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nelson Chandler Mr. and Mrs. George K. Chastain Ms. Lynn C. Chiappone Mr. Lester Chou Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Claypool Mr. and Mrs. James Cleary Juliet and Jeffrey Cohen Mrs. Drucilla C. Copeland Ms. Susan Corbett Rhae C. Cribb Ms. Elizabeth R. Crockett Ms. Margaret A. Cromwell Mrs. Jeanne F. Dalton Mr. Reggie F. Daves Mr. and Mrs. P. Michael Davis Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dehoney Mrs. Janis Dennis Ms. June N. Derrick Mr. and Mrs. Henry X. Diercxsens Mr. and Mrs. Gerard P. Dionne DonateLiveLocal, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Doty III Mr. Charles H. Drayton Mr. Joe Dukes Mr. Henry Dunbar and Mrs. Katherine Dunbar Ms. Lynn Eastwood Dr. James R. Edinger Dr. Leon M. Ember

Ms. E. Ezell-Gilson Drs. Ed and Betty Farnworth Mr. Frederick N. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. William Firth Mrs. Ellen Forwalk Mr. E. Douglas Franklin Dr. Ruthie Fritts Mrs. Janet M. Fryman Davis Mr. Christopher Galton Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Gibson Tom and Sally Gillespie Dr. and Mrs. Jerry H. Ginsberg Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Goodman Mr. Todd Grantham Dr. and Mrs. Bob Greaves Ms. Jennifer Green Ms. Mary Cody Green Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Grochowski Mr. Robert Gurley Mr. Barry L. Hainer Mr. Gregory Halasy Mr. and Mrs. J. William Haltiwanger Mrs. Shirene Hansotia Mr. J. Smith Harrison, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hassell Ms. Marin Hawk Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Hearn III Mr. and Mrs. Marc Hehn Mr. and Mrs. William C. Helms III Mr. J. B. Hines III Mr. William J. Holling Mrs. June C. Hora Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Hough Brad Huber Col. and Mrs. Perry A. Hudel Ms. Dorothy R. Huggins Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hulse Mrs. Evelyn S. Irwin Ms. Kathy A. Jackson Pamela Jacobs Brooke James Dr. and Mrs. Eric R. James Mr. David Jensen and Dr. Faye Jensen Mr. Dan M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Graeme H. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Champ Jones, Jr. Mr. Robert A. Kaplan Mr. James O. Kempson Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kennedy Mrs. Louise King Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Kohler Mr. and Mrs. William Korb Mr. Chris Kouri Dr. and Mrs. Hobart W. Kraner Mr. Kurt W. Krucke Ms. Catherine Ksenzak Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Lambert Ms. Paula A. Lareau Dr. and Mrs. Gary Leonard Ms. Sarah Lesesne Mr. Merrill D. Lester The Honorable Phil P. Leventis Ms. Peggy Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Richards C. Lewis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long Mrs. Ingrid Low Mr. James J. Lundy, Jr. Andrea Malloy Mr. John Manuel Ms. Helen R. Marine Mr. and Mrs. John R. Markel Mr. Frederick F. Masad Ms. Linda R. Mason Mrs. Cynthia C. McArthur Mr. and Mrs. Lee McBride Ms. Harriette McCrea Ms. Charlotte M. McCreary Mr. Irwin McIntosh Mrs. Kelly T. McKee Dr. Phoebe A. McLeod Dr. and Mrs. Jack A. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Miller, Jr. Ms. Dolores J. Miller Ms. Tommie F. Moody

Dr. Richard Moore and Ms. M. Robin Morris Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C Moorer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Morrisette Ms. Allison Elise Morrison Mr. and Mrs. William H. Naylor Mr. Robert F. Neville Mr. Karl F. Ohlandt Mr. and Mrs. Russell Olivier Geno and Mel Olmi Mr. and Mrs. Willard Outlaw Chris Owens Mrs. Anne V. Padgett Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Pauls Mr. David M. Peckman Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Penn Mrs. Louise Rhett Perry Mr. and Mrs. Hunter R. Pettus, Jr. Mr. Nick Pizzey Mr. Michael Porter Ms. Susan Priester Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Przybysz Dr. and Mrs. William M. Rambo, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Ramsey Ms. Suzanne C. Ravenel Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Read Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Reading II Dr. Rebecca L. Reynolds Mr. Wayne Richard Ms. Mary P. Riley Ms. Jeanne B. Robinson Michael and Corinne Roe Mr. and Mrs. Frederich E. Roitzsch Mr. Stephen Rothrock and Dr. Karen Nickless Schwab Charitable Fund Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Schwenzfeier Dr. James D. Scurry Mrs. Gertrude O. Seibels Ms. Jane D. Settle Dr. and Mrs. Harry E. Shealy, Jr. John and Regana Sisson Mr. and Mrs. Elliott M. Skidmore Mr. David R. Smith Mr. Eric Smith and Mrs. Cynthia Holding-Smith Ms. Lillian Ann H. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Smith Copley Smoak Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Smolen Mr. Andrew H. Sohor Mr. and Mrs. D. Paul Sommerville Juliana Staveley-O'Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Stephan, Jr. Dr. Faye B. Steuer Dr. Noreen K. Steward Dr. Elva C. Stinson Mr. Justin Stokes Mr. and Mrs. Jon Stuckey Ms. Merike Tamm Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Tasker Dr. and Mrs. Harold Simmons Tate, Jr. Mr. Jack C. Thames Mr. Russell E. Thompson Ms. Erica Tobolski Mr. John C. Tolford The Rev. Canon George J. Tompkins III Mr. James L. Townsend, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trussler Ms. Sally Tuten and Mr. Y. S. Linder Denise A. Underwood Mr. John F. Van Dalen Mr. Roger D. Van Horsen Ms. Eleanne D. Van Vliet Brien and Beverly Varnado Mr. James T. Vaughn Mrs. Edward Vought Ms. Virginia E. Wagner Mrs. Nannie Von Stade Ward Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warden Mr. David E. Watts III Mr. Donald R. Weaver Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Weir Mrs. Suzanne H. Williams Dr. Jerry P. Winfield Ms. Marian C. Winner Mrs. Johnnie L. Witt Mrs. Noel C. Young

Page 19: Conservation League Coastal Q Volume 23 No · panels, the financial transaction and subsequent benefits are somewhat counter-intuitive. By leasing solar panels instead of buying them,

QOL Ms. Marie Wiley Austin Mr. and Mrs. Demetri Baches Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Baker Ms. Janie Ball Mr. Nathan Berry and Ms. Ceara Donnelley Mr. Peter H. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Burtschy Mr. Dick Casey Mr. and Mrs. Trey Chakides Ms. Ann P. Chandler Mr. Charles G. Claus Will Cleveland Dr. and Mrs. Richard Clinton Ms. Sara Clow William and Lucile Cogswell Mr. Charles Cole Mr. and Mrs. William W. Conde III Ginny Lomel Conlon Ms. Margaret Cook Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Cooper II Mr. and Mrs. David Couey Ms. Catherine Craven Jennifer Dare Mr. Anthony Del Porto and Ms. Gervais Hagerty Mr. Christopher DeScherer and Ms. Amanda Honeycutt Michael and Megan Desrosiers Mr. and Mrs. Dave DiBenedetto Ms. Elizabeth Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Donovan Mr. and Mrs. John Dunnan Mr. Steven Eames Mr. and Mrs. John Emrick Ms. Carol Ervin and Mr. Bailey Bolen Mr. and Mrs. John S. Evans, Jr. Mrs. Caroline P. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Todd Flohr Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Flynn Mark and Julie Frye Mr. and Mrs. Wes Fuller Fuzzco Ms. Mary L. Gaillard Ms. Mary Gatch Alison and Arthur Geer Mr. Andrew Geer Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Brantley Gray Mr. and Mrs. James S. Gray Ms. Jennifer Green Mr. and Mrs. Jay Griffin Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hagood Katharine and Winslow Hastie Matthew and Sarah Hastings Mr. William Andrew Hautt Scott Hirshorn Mr. J. Blanding Holman IV Mr. and Mrs. Travis Howell Ms. Sarah Mae Ilderton Mrs. Elizabeth Ilderton Catherine R. Jones Katie James Kegel Mr. and Mrs. Gerald K. Kemerer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R Hunter Kennedy III Mr. Thomas H. Kennedy Ms. Nunally Kersh and Mr. Robert Stehling Brian and Liz King Mr. and Mrs. Kristopher King Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kopf Ms. Pam Kylstra Melissa and Michael Ladd Mr. and Mrs. Paul Langston Ms. Daisy Leath Mr. and Mrs. Matt C. Lee Ms. Adrienne Levy and Mr. David Betenbaugh Mr. Julien E. Libaire Mr. Wade H. Logan IV Ms. Lindsay G. Luther Mr. Carl Mabry Mr. Michael Mansson

Meg and Bo Manuel Mr. and Mrs. Clay McCullough Mr. and Mrs. Barnes McLaurin Ms. Nikki Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Beezer Molten Mr. Aeron H. Myers Katharine and Lindsay Nevin Ms. Sally C. Newman Lee Nodes Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Norvell Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Opoulos III Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pace Mr. and Mrs. Telfair Parker Dr. and Mrs. Telfair H. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Andy F. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pelzer Ms. Magda Pelzer Ms. Margaret C. Pitts Angel Passailaigue Postell Dr. and Mrs. Jan H. Postma, Jr. Helen Pratt-Thomas Mr. Brady Quirk-Garvin Ms. Jarrett R. Ransom Drs. Eleanor and Adrian Reuben Artie and Lee Richards Mr. and Mrs. William Ross Mr. and Mrs. Carter Rowson Mr. and Mrs. Milo Ryan Beth Safrit Hannah Salters Mr. and Mrs. David Schaefers Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schoderbek Mr. Alec Sheaff Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Silver Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Skahill Harriet and Dick Smartt Mr. and Mrs. Bachman Smith IV Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McBain Speir Brys Stephens Ms. Nicole Streetman Ryan Strickler Mrs. Wynne Thomas Mr. and Ms. Gray Tiller Mr. and Mrs. Mark Turansky Ms. Leslie Turner Mr. and Mrs. Felix Von Nathusius Mr. and Mrs. Reid Warder John and Caroline Warren Mr. and Mrs. Michael Whitfield Ms. Dee Dee Williams Mr. and Mrs. T. Bright Williamson Mrs. Heather A. Wilson Ms. Debra Wilson Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson Ms. Katherine S. Zimmerman

IN KIND DONATIONSDuvall Catering and Event DesignEvent DRS Charlestonhaus TentsIceBox BarKatharine H. HastieKatherine M. McDonaldStephen J. Ziff

COMMUNITY FOUNDATIONSThe Anonymous - NMF Fund of Coastal Community Foundation Central Carolina Community Foundation The Chicago Community Foundation Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga, Inc. Community Foundation of Greenville, Inc. Community Foundation of the Lowcountry, Inc. Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina Community Foundation of West Georgia The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina Community Foundation Serving Richmond and Central Virginia The New York Community Trust Pasadena Community Foundation

MATCHING GIFTSAmeriprise Financial Employee Giving Campaign The Coca-Cola Company Matching Gifts ProgramThe Pew Charitable TrustsThe Prudential Foundation Matching GiftsWaste Management Employees' Better Government Fund

GIFTS OF MEMBERSHIPNancy and Steve Cregg for Steven KopfMs. Judy Cunningham for James CunninghamMs. Judy Cunningham for Joseph CunninghamMr. Dan M. Johnson for Sydnor LafitteMr. Robert P. Schofield III for Scott Bryant

HONORS/MEMORIALSIn honor of “Rowdy”Ms. Catherine G. Rogers

In memory of Beverly G. LaneRev. and Mrs. Henry E. Avent, Jr.

In honor of Caroline V. BeelandRobert Beeland

In celebration of Charles LaneMs. Virginia Lane

In memory of Jack HassellRev. and Mrs. Henry E. Avent, Jr.

In memory of James StuckeyNancy and Billy Cave

In memory of John BrackenNancy and Billy Cave

In memory of Joseph SpannNancy and Billy Cave

In memory of Margaret BarnesMr. and Mrs. Karl E. Mack, Jr.

In memory of Patricia Fraysse HareMr. and Mrs. Langdon D. Long

In memory or Peter C. WatermanNancy and Billy Cave

In honor of Robert P. SchofieldMs. Barbara Stein


Thank You!


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The mission of the Coastal Conservation League

is to protect the natural environmentof the South Carolina coastal plain and to enhance the quality of life of our communities by working

with individuals, businesses and government to ensure

balanced solutions.

P.O. Box 1765 Charleston, SC 29402-1765

For more information about the Coastal Conservation League, check out our website


GrowFood Truck

Funds for the new GrowFood truck were provided by a USDA Rural Business Enterprise Grants grant and matching contributions from

The Oliver S. and Jennie R. Donaldson Charitable Trust: Hilton C. Smith, Jr., Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and the Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust: Catherine Murray Smith, Trustee. Look for the GrowFood truck making local deliveries across the Lowcountry. You can’t miss it!