conservation laws, financial entropy and the eurozone...

Conservation laws, financial entropy and the Eurozone crisis Paul Cockshott and David Zachariah * January 23, 2013 Abstract The report attempts of apply econophysics con- cepts to the Eurozone crisis. It starts by examining the idea of conservation laws as applied to mar- ket economies. It formulates a measure of financial entropy and gives numerical simulations indicating that this tends to rise. We discuss an analogue for free energy released during this process. The concepts of real and symbolic appropriation are in- troduced as a means to analyse debt and taxation. We then examine the conflict between the con- servation laws that apply to commodity exchange with the exponential growth implied by capital ac- cumulation and how these have necessitated a se- quence of evolutionary forms for money, and go on to present a simple stochastic model for the forma- tion of rates of interest and a model for the time evolution of the rate of profit. Finally we apply the conservation law model to examining the Euro Crisis and the European Sta- bility pact, arguing that if the laws we hypothesise actually hold, then the goals of the stability pact are unobtainable. Contents 1 Conservation laws in market exchange 1 1.1 Finance and conservation laws ... 3 1.2 The phase space of finance ...... 3 1.3 Tendancy of financial entropy to rise 5 1.4 Relation to the productive economy 6 1.5 Contradiction between real and for- mal appropriation of value ...... 9 2 Nonconservation laws of capital accu- mulation 10 * E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected] 2.1 Profit rate constraints ........ 10 2.2 Resource constraints ......... 12 2.3 Emission constraints ......... 12 2.4 Contradictions of exponential accu- mulation ................ 13 3 Contradictions between laws of mar- ket exchange and capital accumula- tion 14 3.1 Value conservation and the signa- ture of capital ............. 14 3.2 Formation of interest ......... 17 3.3 Dynamics of sector balances ..... 18 4 The crisis in the Eurozone 20 4.1 Greek debt .............. 20 4.2 The Stability Pact .......... 21 4.2.1 Household sector ....... 23 4.2.2 Nonfinancial companies ... 23 4.2.3 Financial companies ..... 23 4.2.4 Rest of the world ....... 24 4.3 Conclusion on the Stability Pact .. 24 1 Conservation laws in mar- ket exchange In the physical sciences conservation laws provide a basic framework within which theories are cast. They are so fundamental that it is hard to conceive of any mathematically expressed system of mechan- ics that does not rest on such laws. Do similar laws exist in economic theory? In a sense yes, where they are termed ‘accounting identities’ and regarded as something pretty triv- ial. We want to argue that this view of them as something trivial is misplaced, and that they can actually tell us a lot more about the nature of social relations and their degree of constrainedness than is generally realised. 1

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Page 1: Conservation laws, financial entropy and the Eurozone… · Conservation laws, financial entropy and the Eurozone

Conservation laws, financial entropy and the Eurozone crisis

Paul Cockshott and David Zachariah∗

January 23, 2013


The report attempts of apply econophysics con-cepts to the Eurozone crisis. It starts by examiningthe idea of conservation laws as applied to mar-ket economies. It formulates a measure of financialentropy and gives numerical simulations indicatingthat this tends to rise. We discuss an analoguefor free energy released during this process. Theconcepts of real and symbolic appropriation are in-troduced as a means to analyse debt and taxation.We then examine the conflict between the con-

servation laws that apply to commodity exchangewith the exponential growth implied by capital ac-cumulation and how these have necessitated a se-quence of evolutionary forms for money, and go onto present a simple stochastic model for the forma-tion of rates of interest and a model for the timeevolution of the rate of profit.Finally we apply the conservation law model to

examining the Euro Crisis and the European Sta-bility pact, arguing that if the laws we hypothesiseactually hold, then the goals of the stability pactare unobtainable.


1 Conservation laws in market exchange 1

1.1 Finance and conservation laws . . . 31.2 The phase space of finance . . . . . . 31.3 Tendancy of financial entropy to rise 51.4 Relation to the productive economy 61.5 Contradiction between real and for-

mal appropriation of value . . . . . . 9

2 Nonconservation laws of capital accu-

mulation 10

∗E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

2.1 Profit rate constraints . . . . . . . . 102.2 Resource constraints . . . . . . . . . 122.3 Emission constraints . . . . . . . . . 122.4 Contradictions of exponential accu-

mulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3 Contradictions between laws of mar-

ket exchange and capital accumula-

tion 14

3.1 Value conservation and the signa-ture of capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3.2 Formation of interest . . . . . . . . . 173.3 Dynamics of sector balances . . . . . 18

4 The crisis in the Eurozone 20

4.1 Greek debt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204.2 The Stability Pact . . . . . . . . . . 21

4.2.1 Household sector . . . . . . . 234.2.2 Nonfinancial companies . . . 234.2.3 Financial companies . . . . . 234.2.4 Rest of the world . . . . . . . 24

4.3 Conclusion on the Stability Pact . . 24

1 Conservation laws in mar-

ket exchange

In the physical sciences conservation laws providea basic framework within which theories are cast.They are so fundamental that it is hard to conceiveof any mathematically expressed system of mechan-ics that does not rest on such laws.Do similar laws exist in economic theory?In a sense yes, where they are termed ‘accounting

identities’ and regarded as something pretty triv-ial. We want to argue that this view of them assomething trivial is misplaced, and that they canactually tell us a lot more about the nature of socialrelations and their degree of constrainedness thanis generally realised.


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Marx, to an extent greater than is sometimesrecognised, wanted to establish a theory of the cap-italist economy informed by the laws of physics.[3, ch. 2] This comes across in several ways: hisavowed aim to write a book on the ‘laws of mo-tion’ of capitalism; his distinction between the con-cept of labour and labour power; his presentation ofvalue as the crystalisation of human energy; and hisanalysis of commodity exchange as an equivalencerelation.Marx said that in Capital he was investigating

the ‘laws of motion’ of capitalism. This mightbe understood as only a metaphor derived fromphysics, but we think that it is worth taking itseriously. If you think of the time he was writ-ing – the 1860s – one of the key recent discover-ies of physics was the idea of the conservation ofenergy. The conservation of energy had been for-malised by Helmholtz and Grove in the late 1840s.This held that although energy might appear invarious forms: heat, motion, gravitational poten-tial, it was conserved in its exchange between theseforms.1

Marx’s initial argument in Capital, before he de-rives labour power as the source of surplus valueis similar. Value is neither created nor destroyedin the exchange process, but can only change itsform. His argument asserts in effect a law of theconservation of value in exchange.Think of the distinction between ‘labour’ and

‘labour power’. This is so closely parallels Watt’sdistinction between ‘work’ and ‘power’, that it issurprising that the similarity is rarely remarkedon.2 His analysis of commodity exchange is alsostructured like an analysis of a conservation law[20]. He introduces as an example

20 yards of linen = 1 coat or 20 yards of linen areworth 1 coat,

in this notation he says that the coat plays the roleof the equivalent and that it implies also the con-verse relation

1“What Lucretius says is self-evident; ‘nil posse creari denihilo,’ out of nothing, nothing can be created. Creation ofvalue is transformation of labour-power into labour. Labour-power itself is energy transferred to a human organism bymeans of nourishing matter.” [20, ch. 9]

2This need not have been via a direct study of Watt byMarx. Watt’s distinction between work done and power: theability to perform work, measured in standard horse-powershad become a commonplace of industrial society.

1 coat = 20 yards of linen or 1 coat is worth 20yards of linen.

He then presents what he calls the expanded formof the relation20 yards of linen = 1 coat20 yards of linen = 10 lbs of tea, etc.And goes on from this to state that 1 coat will

be equal to 10 lbs tea. What he is doing here is set-ting out what in modern mathematical terminologyis an equivalence relation. For some relational op-erator + we say that + is an equivalence relation ifthe relations is commutative, transitive and reflex-ive, that is

• if a + a

• and if a + b implies b + a

• and if a + b and b + c implies a + c

then the relation + is an equivalence relation. Inhis case + would stand for exchange of commodi-ties. Now equivalence relations are interesting be-cause systems goverened by conservation laws dis-play them. Thus in a many-body gravitationalproblem with a predefined collection of particlemasses, the set of possible configurations of parti-cle position and velocities is partitioned into equiv-alence sets with respect to energy. Within each setall configurations share the same total energy andthe conservation of energy prevents transitions ofconfigurations between these sets.This is in essence what we understand by a con-

servation law.We infer the existence of energy as a conserved

quantity by the fact that, in closed systems, wenever observe transitions between configurationswith different total energies.Marx’s demonstration that commodity exchange

is an equivalence relation is then used to infer thatthere is a conserved quantity ‘value’, the sum ofwhich is unchanged under the operation of ex-changes. Commodity exchange is governed by aconservation law. To borrow much later terminol-ogy, exchange is shown to be a zero-sum game.This may seem a trivial observation, but it leads

to an important deduction: that in a conservativesystem, any surplus of value – profit – must arisefrom outside of the system and thus that profitmust originate from production rather than ex-change. Marx argued that the conserved quantity


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in commodity exchanges is human energy expendedas labour and that this energy provides the exter-nal input that allows a surplus. At the economy’stwo ends, production and consumption, the processis nonconservative but in between them lies marketexchange: a conservative system.

1.1 Finance and conservation laws

Although economists are sometimes dismissive ofconservation laws, disparagingly called ‘accountingidentities’, these identities can still throw usefullight on the financial crisis that has been unfold-ing these last few years. But to do this we need touncover the specific laws of motion, that is to sayboth the conservation laws and the particle dynam-ics that govern the financial system.That we have to think of the financial system us-

ing tools derived from statistical mechanics shouldbe obvious by now. It is over a quarter of a centurysince it was shown that the regulation of prices bylabour content arises directly from statistical me-chanical considerations [11].If we look at the more recent work on the statisti-

cal mechanics of money [8, 10], we can see a similarstructure of argumentation – pushed somewhat bythe use of more sophisticated physics. This researchargues that if we treat trades between commodityowners as a random process that conserves money,then you can use statistical mechanics to make de-ductions about the distribution of money. Moneyas a conserved quantity randomly transfered in ex-changes between agents, models the transfer of en-ergy between gas molecules and it follows that themaximum entropy distribution of money will be aGibbs-Boltzmann one. The statistical mechanics ofmoney shows that this distribution fits the observeddistribution of money for most of the population,but that a small minority of very rich people falloff this distribution – their wealth follows a power-law. The Gibbs distribution falls of sharply at highlevels of wealth, whereas the the tail of the powerlaw distribution extends much further.The probability of anyone being as rich as Bill

Gates or Warren Buffet as a result of simple com-modity trading is vanishingly small, so [9, 24] con-clude that there has to be some mechanism outsideof equivalent exchange that gives rise to their ex-traordinary wealth: the effect of compound interestwhich is a non-random process.

Research in agent-based modeling has shownthat if you partition the population into buyers andsellers of labour power and run agent-based simu-lations, you a reproduce the combination of Gibbsand power-law distributions of wealth [32] observedin real capitalist economies [9, 24]. Further, whenproducers can specialise in and switch between dif-ferent commodity-types, Marx’s law of labour valueappear as an emergent phenomenon from local anddistributed market exchanges [33].

1.2 The phase space of finance

A basic tool of conceptual analysis in statistical me-chanics is the concept of phase space. If you con-sider a collection of particles (for example stars) ina closed volume, each particle can be described by 6numbers which specify its position and momentumin terms of a three-dimensional Cartesian coordi-nate system: 3 numbers to specify the position and3 numbers to specify its momentum. We say thateach particle has 6 degrees of freedom.So if we have a million particles, for instance if

one is considering the dynamics of a galaxy, thesystem has 6 million degrees of freedom and we canconsider these to be a coordinate system such thatevery possible configuration of molecular positionsand moments constitutes a point in this 6 milliondimensional space. We call such a space a phasespace. The laws of motion then specify a trajectoryof the whole system through this phase space.The overall system is governed by conservation

laws. The mass is conserved, and relative to thecenter of gravity of the system as a whole the sumof the momenta in each of the directions of ourCartesian system must sum to zero.Why is this relevant to finance?Well we are again dealing with a system with

very large numbers of agents and we have analoguesof position and momentum. The total debt/creditposition of an agent is analogous to its mass, andthe rate of change of its debt/credit position is anal-ogous to its momentum. Thus if two billion peoplein the world are enmeshed in debt/credit relationsthen the whole system can be thought of as a phasespace of 2 billion dimensions.It is impossible to visualise a space with high

numbers of dimensions, so there are graphical tech-niques that people use to reason about them. Onetrick is to project the high dimensional phase space


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down onto only two dimensions: for example, posi-tion and momentum in the direction of one of theaxes of the coordinate system. This allows one tocreate a phase diagram. Applied to the financialsystem, a possible phase diagram is shown in Fig-ure 1.

Increasing Debt

Decreasing Debt

Net Credit Net Debt



Figure 1: A phase diagram for financial space re-lating debt to the rate of change of debt. Agent a iscurrently a net creditor, but it is borrowing and assuch moving to the right towards becoming a netdebtor. Agent b has debts which it is paying offand moving to the left to become a net creditor.

We could show every agent (firm, individual,state) as a point on this plane. Or in a more ab-stract way we could say that there is a density func-tion Px,y which gives the probability of finding anagent in a given area in the phase plane. Using thisprobablility density function (PDF) we can formu-late two conservation laws analogous to the conser-vation of mass and momentum.

i. The total ‘mass’ on the left of the origin equalsthe mass on the right of the origin. Since themass to the left is credit, and that to the rightis debt, this is another way of saying that thetotal debt and total credit must balance.

0 =



xPxdx (1)

ii. The total ‘mass’ above the origin must equalthe mass below the origin, that is to say thatany growth in debt must be compensated forby a growth in credit. This is an ‘equal and

opposite reaction’ effect.

0 =

∫ ∞


yPydy (2)

These very basic points establish that there is nonet value or net wealth embodied in the financialsystem and that there is no flow of value into orout of the financial system. It shows the fallacyof the conception, popular among some politicaleconomists that capital has ‘moved into finance’because of the low rate of profit pertaining in in-dustry.

This is a fundamental misconception, capital isvalue, and it can not flow into the financial system,since the sum of value here is always zero. A mo-ment’s thought about the materiality of value con-firms this. Real-economic value – what the classi-cal economists understood to be the labour contentof physical products [22] – can not be convertedinto financial instruments which are just informa-tion structures.

A similar dimensional argument shows the fal-lacy of the idea of the ‘money supply’ used in ortho-dox economics. The notion of a supply originateswith physical flows like the supply of water to atown, or the supply of cars provided by all the carfactories in the world. There are flows in the finan-cial system, e.g. flows of agents towards greaterdebt, but these are exactly balanced by flows to-wards greater credit positions, so the net flow iszero. If the term money supply is taken instead tomean a stock of money, and this is taken to includebank deposits, one then has the problem that bothnegative and positive money exist: liabilities andassets of the banking system respectively. Takenas a whole the positive and negative stocks cancel.

We believe it is better to try and understand thesystem in terms of its laws of motion. These lawsare both the conservation laws (1) and (2), and theforces acting on the individual particles (capitalistfirms, states, etc.). We will argue that the degreeof ‘disorder’ or entropy of a financial system tendsto increase over time. We would expect this of anychaotic system governed by conservation laws, butan examination of the force fields acting on the par-ticles will show why this takes place.


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1.3 Tendancy of financial entropy to


With the density function Px,y we can compute theentropy of a system, denoted H , using the standardBoltzman formula,

H = −

∫Px,y lnPx,y dxdy, (3)

and we assert that for a financial system H will riseover time.Why does the entropy tend to increase?First a common-sense explanation. Consider a

collection of firms or enterprises, distributed on thephase plane diagram as in Figure 1. Each firm canbe considered a particle subject to forces which de-termine its rate of change of debt. There are threecases to consider:

(A) A firm whose debt is rising because its profitsare too low even to meet its interest paymentsto the banks. Such a firm has to borrow morefrom the bank to stay in operation. This firmis an involuntary borrower.

(B) A firm may be voluntarily borrowing becauseit has a high rate of profit, well in excess of theinterest rate, and thus can increase its profitof enterprise by taking on bank loans to investand expand its business.

(C) A firm may reckon that the rate of profit it canearn is lower than the rate of interest, but itscurrent debt level may be quite low so that itis in a position to pay off its debts to the bankwith some of its retained profit. A firm mayeven have no net borrowing and find that itis more profitable to earn interest on its cashthan it is to invest it productively. Such a firmis a voluntary lender.

The total amount of lending must equal to the to-tal amount of borrowing, thus if the quantity oflending by firms in group (C) exceeds the quan-tity of voluntary borrowing by firms in group (B),the lack of demand from investments will automat-ically create sufficient firms in (A) trying to stay inoperation through involuntary borrowing, ensuringthat equation (2) is met. The net effect of this isto polarise capital in the phase plane as borrowersand lenders, giving rise to a tadpole shape with a

head of productive firms and a tail of rentier firms,who earn their revenue from financial rather thanproductive assets. Therefore, as the dispersion orspread of the probability density function increases,the entropy H rises, representing more disorder.In previous work [5] we presented a numerical

simulation model based on the methodology devel-oped in [32] that models a simple capitalist econ-omy with a large number of capitalists and workers.The state of indebtedness/credit of each of the cap-itals is tracked as the economy evolves. The cap-italists interact via a very simple financial systemrepresented by a single bank which maintains debitand credit accounts for agents based on a certainamount of base money which acts as its reserve.The evolution can be visualised in a phase planediagram. For clarity we normalise the net debt ofeach firm by its total capital stock, which is knownas the ‘debt ratio’.3 Similarly the rate of change ofdebt is normalised by its total capital stock. Ini-tially the capitalists are clustered around the originof the phase plane diagram, but as time passes thedistribution becomes elongated with head of rela-tively indebted capitalists and long ‘rentier tail’ ofcapitalists with a negative debt ratio. This processis illustrated in Figure 2. The increase in entropyof the debt ratio PDF over time is shown.4

The greater is the dispersion of the rates ofprofit5 and the smaller the gap between the rateof profit and the rate of interest, the stronger willbe this polarisation process and the more rapid willbe the growth in financial entropy.6

The polarisation process generates a tadpoleshape in the phase plane7 with a body of active

3Note that a firm with a net credit position has a negativedebt ratio, D/K.

4Calculated using a per pixel binning of the PDF.5Technically what we mean here is its coefficient of vari-

ation, its standard deviation relative to its mean.6As we said earlier the net lending always sums to zero.

As such it is analogous to a motorway with a stream ofcars of equal weight heading past one another at 100kph inopposite directions. The sum of the momentums of the carsis zero. But if we square their positive or negative velocitiestimes their weights we get the energy stored in the traffic.One can view the sum of the squares of the lending positionsof all agents as a bit like energy in that it does not sum tozero as the activity of the financial system increases but withthe important proviso, that this quantity is not conserved.It can grow without immediate limit. We will explain laterwhy this growth in financial energy leads to crises.

7It should be noted that so far this conclusion is basedon theoretical arguments an the evidence from numerical


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T PDF in the phase plane Px,y H

2 3.29

5 3.72

20 4.74

Figure 2: The formation of a rentier tail due tothe polarisation of capitals in the phase plane. Tis timestep, H is entropy. The images show a plotof the probability density function of capitals inthe phase plane. The horizontal axis shows the netdebt, normalised by the total capital stock, i.e., the‘debt ratio’. The vertical axis shows the rate ofchange of the debt, also normalised by total capitalstock. As time passes the entropy of the system in-creases. Note that the colour is nonlinearly relatedto the actual value of Px,y in order to display theareas of very low but non-zero probability in thetail.

firms clustered round the origin and a rentier tailof firms that progressively enlongates as the sim-ulation goes on. Why do we get this asymetricaldistribution?Because the debt ratio of a capitalist can not for

long exceed unity. A capitalist with more debtsthan assets is technically bankrupt and will shortlycease trading. There is on the other hand no limitto how negative the debt ratio of a capitalist canbe. That is to say, no limit to how much money acapitalist can have in the bank.What the argument above shows is that it is

possible to derive a small set of laws of motionthat characterise the basic development of a cap-italist financial system. The essentials of the phe-nomenon that has been called ‘financialisation’, i.e.,the growth of financial assets/liabilities relative toreal assets, occurs even in a very simple model. Theentropy of the system will increase, polarisation willoccur, and a rentier class will be precipitated out,

simulations. An empirical investigation of the distributionof firms on the phase plane remains to be done.

unless social work is done to curtail the growth ofentropy.

In a more complex model with joint stock firmsa similar polarisation will tend to occur, but in thiscase there may be pressure for firms with a verynegative debt ratio (lots of cash) to distribute thisto their shareholders.

This distribution is unlikely to put a halt to thepolarisation process because in the case of cash be-ing distributed from firms to individual capitaliststhe total of positive balances with the banking sys-tem does not change, it just shifts from abstract le-gal persons to concrete ones. The only mechanismby which the polarisation can be conservatively re-duced is by the class of creditor firms and capitaliststo purchase commodities from the class of debtorfirms and capitalists. This will happen only to theextent that a distribution of money from cash-richfirms to rentiers results in an increase in the con-sumption of the rentier class.

Commodity exchange is a conservative system,i.e., one governed by conservation laws. This doesnot apply to taxation. Taxation is a non-equivalenttransfer of value. Heavy taxation of the rentierclass is a form of social work that reduces the en-tropy of the system.8 The introduction of a regu-lated or planned economy is an even more powerfulform of social work. In a planned economy the de-gree of chaos and disorder is reduced and coherentpatterns are established which curb the growth ofentropy characteristic of the free market.

1.4 Relation to the productive econ-


The model above is very simple, it involves no inter-bank lending nor the issue of any complex financialinstruments. All growth in debt arises from thebehavior of basic actors in the real economy: capi-talists and workers. But it is still able to generatethe polarisation of the capitalist class into produc-tive capitalists and financiers.

In a physical system, as it moves from a low en-tropy state to a high entropy state we are in prin-ciple able extract work from it. Is there any equiv-alent in the financial system?

8The statistical mechanical effects on money distributionunder different taxation schemes has recently been studiedby [7].


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Does it release any analogue of free energy as itevolves?It is a commonplace observation that an economy

with a low initial level of debt can grow rapidly asthe debt builds up, but what is happening here?We have said that there is no value absorbed in

or contained in the financial system. The finan-cial system is an information structure recordingthe mutual obligations of agents. But this does notmean that there may not be real value correlates offinancial relations. If we look at all the firms withnet debt – the integral over the right hand side ofthe phase plane in Fig. 1 – then these firms haveall absorbed real resources from the left hand sideof the plane. When capitalists on the bottom halfof the phase plane fail to invest and capitalists onthe top half do invest in excess of their income, thefinancial system sets up a system of obligations be-tween the debtors and the saving capitalists. Butat the same time, the firms on the bottom are pro-vided with a market for their output on the top ofthe phase plane. There a transfer of real commodi-ties from the bottom to the top.A firm on the bottom, produces 10,000 buses con-

taining perhaps 100 million hours of labour whichare bought by agents on the top half. In return thebus company obtains not value but a credit accountat the bank. This is not strictly speaking a com-modity exchange. A credit account in a bank is notvalue. Had they been paid in gold and got back 1million oz of gold bullion, that would have been acommodity exchange, an exchange of equivalents,since the gold would have contained real value: thehuman energy, labour, required to make it.The sale of the buses for say 1,000 million Eu-

ros is a nonequivalent transaction in real termssince embodied labour is transfered between ownerswithout a compensating movement of labour in theother direction. And, by our previous assumption,it is a transfer between a bus firm who were decid-ing to save 1,000 million rather than invest it pro-ductively. This transfer is thus one which would nothave occured in the absence of the credit system.Had gold coins been the medium of exchange9, themillion oz of gold would have lain in their safe atthe bus factory and those purchasers who lacked

9The existence of gold as a standard of value is not thesame thing as its use as a medium of exchange. The goldstandard persisted long after commodity circulation wasgenerally carried out on credit.

cash (those who are on the right of the phase planediagram in Fig. 1) would not have been able to buythe buses. The sale would thus never have takenplace, and the total output of buses would have hadto be 10,000 lower. Buses could still have been soldto firms who had ready cash, but this would havebeen a smaller number.Readers of Marx’s Capital [20] may recall that he

analysed the circulation of commodities as being ofthe form

C → M → C,

i.e., commodity, money, commodity. He arguesthat this form already contains the possibility ofcrisis.10 The potential crisis is caused by the forma-tion of gold hoards, gold which is withdrawn from

10“Nothing can be more childish than the dogma, thatbecause every sale is a purchase, and every purchase a sale,therefore the circulation of commodities necessarily impliesan equilibrium of sales and purchases. If this means that thenumber of actual sales is equal to the number of purchases,it is mere tautology. But its real purport is to prove thatevery seller brings his buyer to market with him. Nothingof the kind. The sale and the purchase constitute one iden-tical act, an exchange between a commodity-owner and anowner of money, between two persons as opposed to eachother as the two poles of a magnet. They form two distinctacts, of polar and opposite characters, when performed byone single person. Hence the identity of sale and purchaseimplies that the commodity is useless, if, on being throwninto the alchemistical retort of circulation, it does not comeout again in the shape of money; if, in other words, it can-not be sold by its owner, and therefore be bought by theowner of the money. That identity further implies that theexchange, if it do take place, constitutes a period of rest, aninterval, long or short, in the life of the commodity. Sincethe first metamorphosis of a commodity is at once a sale anda purchase, it is also an independent process in itself. Thepurchaser has the commodity, the seller has the money, i.e.,a commodity ready to go into circulation at any time. Noone can sell unless some one else purchases. But no one isforthwith bound to purchase, because he has just sold. Cir-culation bursts through all restrictions as to time, place, andindividuals, imposed by direct barter, and this it effects bysplitting up, into the antithesis of a sale and a purchase, thedirect identity that in barter does exist between the alien-ation of one’s own and the acquisition of some other man’sproduct. To say that these two independent and antithet-ical acts have an intrinsic unity, are essentially one, is thesame as to say that this intrinsic oneness expresses itself inan external antithesis. If the interval in time between thetwo complementary phases of the complete metamorphosisof a commodity become too great, if the split between thesale and the purchase become too pronounced, the intimateconnexion between them, their oneness, asserts itself by pro-ducing — a crisis. The antithesis, use-value and value; thecontradictions that private labour is bound to manifest it-self as direct social labour, that a particularised concretekind of labour has to pass for abstract human labour; the


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circulation and saved. This interruption of the cir-cuit C → M → C by money lying idle means thatgoods can not be sold: ‘No one can sell unless someone else purchases’.With credit the circuit C → M → C is replaced

from the standpoint of the seller with one of theform C → Fa → C where Fa is a financial asset: abill of exchange, or a record of credit with a bank.If both the purchaser and the seller have financialassets this is the same as the old monetary circula-tion:

C Fa

ց ր

ր ց

Fa C

The financial asset has just changed places, but ifwe have purchase on credit we get:

C Fa

ց ր

ր ց

a† → → C + Fl

Here the purchase is funded by the spontaneouscreation of a financial asset/liability pair by thedebt creation operation a† giving rise to Fa andFl. Within this whole process real value is con-served, since the only real value entering was Cand C leaves having merely changed owner whilstthe liability and asset cancel: Fl + Fa = 0.The ‘work’ done by credit is thus to allow the

production and distribution of goods embodyingreal labour that could not otherwise occur giventhe private organisation of production. This is thefree energy extracted by the increase in entropy ofthe financial system. Of course the financial systemitself does not do any real work. The real additionalphysical work is done by the employees of compa-nies who are net lenders. The ‘work’ done by bythe credit system is social, it is work to overcomethe potential barrier that private property wouldotherwise impose on the expansion of production.

contradiction between the personification of objects and therepresentation of persons by things; all these antitheses andcontradictions, which are immanent in commodities, assertthemselves, and develop their modes of motion, in the anti-thetical phases of the metamorphosis of a commodity. Thesemodes therefore imply the possibility, and no more than thepossibility, of crises. The conversion of this mere possibilityinto a reality is the result of a long series of relations, that,from our present standpoint of simple circulation, have asyet no existence.” [20, ch. 2, sec. 2]

Commodity exchange requires and exchange ofequivalents. Where these equivalents are not in thehands of the purchasers, the financial system al-lows transfers that are in real terms non-equivalentexchanges, whilst creating instead a symbolic rec-ompensation for the seller.

This symbolic recompensation in Euros or Dol-lars is a theoretical command over future labour.The borrower in this case is the real appropriatorof the labour value embodied in the capital goodsthey acquire. The lender obtains merely a formalor symbolic appropriation of value.

Private ownership creates a potential barrier tothe movement of goods which credit overcomes.The increasing entropy of the financial system re-flects the ‘work’ that has been extracted in over-coming this barrier and is why it appears to ‘createwealth’. It allows the creation of wealth by labourwhose expenditure would otherwise have been in-hibited by the private organisation of the economy.

If one were to ask a banker what productive rolethey paid in the economy the answer would proba-bly be in terms of the banks providing the financethat the economy needs.11 Money according toAdam Smith is the ability to command the labourof others.12 The provision of credit gives a capi-talist the authority or permission to commandeerpart of the pool of social labour to his project.

11“Now let’s turn to the purpose of banks in a capital-ist economy. Finance is an intermediary good: You cannoteat it, experience it, or physically use it. The purpose offinance is to support other activities in the economy. Banksare meant to allocate capital (funds) to the best possibleuse. In a capitalist economy, this means allocating moneyto the people or entities that will create the greatest wealthfor the overall society. At the same time, risk managementis supposedly a primary skill for bankers. When capital isallocated well and available to wealth creating entities, so-cieties flourish. When capital is poorly allocated, economiescan collapse.” [16]

12“Wealth, as Mr Hobbes says, is power. But the personwho either acquires, or succeeds to a great fortune, does notnecessarily acquire or succeed to any political power, eithercivil or military. His fortune may, perhaps, afford him themeans of acquiring both; but the mere possession of thatfortune does not necessarily convey to him either. The powerwhich that possession immediately and directly conveys tohim, is the power of purchasing a certain command over allthe labour, or over all the produce of labour which is thenin the market. His fortune is greater or less, precisely inproportion to the extent of this power, or to the quantityeither of other men’s labour, or, what is the same thing, ofthe produce of other men’s labour, which it enables him topurchase or command.”[26, ch. 5].


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In this sense the provision of a line of credit bya bank is like any other official act of giving per-mission. It is like for example a building controloffice issuing a permit allowing a house to be built.But the right to hand out such permissions doesnot make the person handing them out productive.

It is bricklayer’s and carpenters that actuallyproduce the house, not the bureaucrat who signsit off. When such permissions are in demand, theofficial handing them out may ask for a cut: “Youwant to have this house built, you know your ap-plication might go much more smoothly were youto show your generosity in some way”. In an anal-ogous fashion bankers ask for their cut: interest.

It may appear that a loan to a builder, unlikea building permit, actually gives the resources tobuild a house but this is an illusion generated bythe legal relations underwhich it is done. The loandoes not give the resources to proceed. The meansare bricks and workers, the loan gives the right tocommand these, this is again the removal of a legalimpediment in that a private citizen can not printtheir own money or issue generally acceptable cred-its to authorise the work, whilst banks, unlike otheragents, can do this without legal impediment. Theright to command labour is in the end a juridicalrelation, a more complex and indirect one than thatgiven by a building warrant, but still ultimately alegal one backed in the end by the acceptance bythe tax authorities of drafts on the private bank.The fact that the bank holds an account with thestate bank is what ultimately gives the bank anability to issue the authority to command labour.This is in the end a legal delegation of authority bythe state.

At one time the charging of interest (usury) asregarded as the moral equivalent of an official tak-ing a bribe. With the rise of bankers to politicaldominance, their very wealth, obtained in this waycomes to be seen as a token of social respectabil-ity.13

13“This disposition to admire, and almost to worship, therich and the powerful, and to despise, or, at least, to neglectpersons of poor and mean condition, though necessary bothto establish and to maintain the distinction of ranks and theorder of society, is, at the same time, the great and mostuniversal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments.That wealth and greatness are often regarded with the re-spect and admiration which are due only to wisdom andvirtue; and that the contempt, of which vice and folly are theonly proper objects, is often most unjustly bestowed upon

1.5 Contradiction between real and

formal appropriation of value

Why do capitalists seek profits?On the one hand it is something that is imposed

by the nature of competition. Only profitable firmssurvive, the more profitable they are the more likelythey are to survive, so a mechanism analogous tonatural selection establishes the profit motive asthe driving force of the system.But there is another way of looking at this.Whatever its historical form – gold, banknotes,

bank accounts – money has been the power of com-mand over labour. In all class societies, membersof the upper class had been driven to increase theirpower over the labouring classes.Slave owners tried to obtain as many slaves as

they could. Feudal landowners sought to do thisindirectly by building up their landed estates, sinceattached to the land were serfs. Capitalists do it byaccumulating money. A billion Euros gives a cap-italist command over about 100,000 person yearsof labour, say 2000 working lifetimes of indirectlabour in commodities, perhaps twice that if theyemploy people directly. The more money you have,the more people are at your command.Building up a bank balance gives you a symbolic

command over lots of future labour but this is dif-ferent from really having the product of this labour,as the fable of Midas long ago pointed out. By thenature of credit, a thrifty symbolic appropriatordepends for his very existence on the spendthriftdebtors.The credit system socialises this dependence,

makes it impersonal, so that money seems to simplyrepresent abstract value, abstract command overlabour. But the labour it is command over, is thatof the debtor classes as a whole. The sub-prime cri-sis, like all credit crises, brings to the fore the fragileand mirage-like quality of this symbolic command,which can grow beyond any possibility of conver-sion into a real appropriation.Think back to the phase diagram. The symbolic

wealth of the rentier classes is the tadpoles tail. Asit wiggles and extends, it drives the head towardsthe right towards the wall of bankruptcy (Figure 3).Hit the wall and the credit creation operator a†

becomes its terrible twin the anihilation operator a

poverty and weakness, has been the complaint of moralistsin all ages.” [25, p. 53]


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which cancels out the debt of the bankrupt at thesame time as it wipes out the asset of the creditor.14

Figure 3: Capitals pushed against the wall ofbankruptcy lead to debt/credit annihilation.

2 Nonconservation laws of

capital accumulation

If the characteristic or signature of commodity ex-change, C → M → C, implies a conservation law,then the signature of capital,

M → C → M ′,

breaks that conservation as M ′ = M + ∆M de-notes an increase in the money above the initialsum spent on commodities in production M . Marxfamously attempted to explain how such expansionis possible [20, ch. 5-6]. It could not, he argued,come about in the sphere of commodity exchange,since this was governed by a law of conservationof values. Thus, he argued, profit ∆M could onlybe explained outside the realm of commodity ex-change, by the extraction of surplus labour in theproduction process: Within capitalist firms – whereFreedom, Equality and Bentham do not prevail –the working day is extended beyond the time re-quired to produce the workers’ means of consump-tion, in order to provide a surplus that funds prof-its.If one takes the aggregate of all capitalist firms,

the signature of this process can be represented as

M → [C ⇒ (C +∆C)] → M ′, (4)

where C ⇒ (C + ∆C) represents the productionprocess that generates a physical surplus product∆C after the consumption of the present working

14We admit to ‘coquetting’ with Dirac in our terminologyas Marx admitted to doing with Hegel.

population has been met. Moreover, through thecompulsion of market dependency capitalist firmsseek an indefinite expansion

M → C → M ′ → C′ → M ′′ → C′′ → M ′′′ → · · ·

by reinvesting the profit in greater productive ca-pacity. This process is therefore governed by non-conservative laws of exponential growth. Relativegrowth rates are measured as per unit of time, i.e.,[time−1], and a small change in such a rate may pro-duce dramatic differences over time. For instance,if some quantity grows at 1% per annum it dou-bles in size approximately every 70 years. But if itgrows at 10% per annum it doubles every 7 years.As we show below, the nonconservative laws of

capital accumulation interacts with systems outsidethe capitalist sector which provide it with labour,natural resources and the material conditions forhabitability in general.

2.1 Profit rate constraints

Capitalist firms reinvest their profit – and rentiersfinance expansion in various branches of produc-tion – based on the rate of return on the capitalinvested. Consider a firm i earning annual profitflow of Pi Euros per annum, before interest, rentsand tax expenditure, with a stock of fixed capitalKi Euros invested in the form of buildings, ma-chines, equipment etc. The firm then earns an an-nual profit rate Ri = Pi/Ki on its capital stockand the dimension of this rate is [time−1]. If newinvestment in the firm is to be attractive, the profitrate should exceed the real interest rate or else itwould be more profitable to simply earn interest onsaved profits.15

Next, consider the aggregate of all capitalistfirms in the economy. The total capital stock in-vested earns different rates of profit in various firmsand branches as illustrated in Figure 4. Due tovarying technical conditions in production and therandom churning of the market, the distributionwill always be dispersed. The process of finan-cial polarisation of capital into net creditors anddebtors, described in the previous section, will alsoincrease the dispersion of profit rates after net inter-est payments. Firms with higher levels of net debtwill have lower retained profit rates, whereas firms

15As pointed out by Marx and Keynes [23].


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−10 0 10 20 30 40 500











Profit rate (% per annum)

Figure 4: The distribution of the total capital stockover various profit rate brackets. The red-shadedarea signifies the proportion of the capital thatmakes a direct loss. The dashed horizontal lineindicates the profit rate earned when averaged overall capital.

accumulating credit accounts experience higher re-tained profit rates.Further, as (4) signifies, the aggregate profit flow

is predicated on the production of a surplus productof commodities which requires an annual flow oflabour L expended in production,

M → [C ⇒ (C +∆C)] → M ′



On the basis of the Law of Large Numbers itcan then be shown that average profit rate over allcapital invested, denoted R, is well approximatedby

R = ρL

K(approx.), (6)

where L denotes aggregate labour expended perunit of time, K denotes the labour time requiredto reproduce the total capital stock, and ρ is thefraction of surplus labour-time performed above theconsumption of the workforce [11].The significance of the average profit rate R is

that it constrains the entire distribution of profitrates in the capitalist sector as illustrated in Figure5. Further, it sets the upper limit to the growth rateof the total capital stock. The average profit raterises when the amount of labour expended grows

−10 0 10 20 30 40 500











Profit rate (% per annum)

Figure 5: The distribution of profit rates is de-formed as the average profit rate R declines from20% to 5% per annum. Note that the latter distri-bution is compressed as the proportion of directlyloss-making capital increases and eventually goesbankrupt.

faster than the labour-value of the total capitalstock, and vice versa.The amount of labour time required to reproduce

the capital stock, K, is lowered by productivitygrowth gP and the rate of depreciation d, but risesas the surplus product assumes the form of capitalgoods invested in production. Based on this insightit is possible to derive a dynamic equilibrium of theaverage profit rate,

R∗ =gL + gP + d

λ, (7)

where gL denotes the relative growth rate of labourexpended and λ the ratio of aggregate gross invest-ments to total profits.16 In words, the evolution ofthe average profit rate is constrained by the balancebetween the proportion of profit that is reinvested,on the one hand, and depreciation, productivitygrowth and the growth of labour, on the other.For sake of illustration, suppose the expenditure

of labour and productivity in the capitalist sectorgrows by 2% per annum and 3% per annum, re-spectively. If the aggregate depreciation rate is 10%per annum and the ratio of investments to profitsis 0.60, then the average profit rate is inexorably

16The derivation is based on computing the relativegrowth R/R = ρ/ρ + gL − K/K, and solving for R whenR = 0, cf. [34, 6].


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1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 200510











% p

er a





R* (gL=0)

R* (gL=g


1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 200510







% p

er a





R* (gL=0)

R* (gL=g


Figure 6: Average profit rate R and the equilibrium profit rate R∗, USA and UK 1964-2008. The reddotted curve shows contribution from investments λ and depreciation d alone. The green dash-dottedcurve shows the additional contribution from productivity growth gP . The blue dashed curve shows theadditional contribution from the growth of labour gL. Source: [19] and own calculations.

driven to 25% per annum, irrespective of the distri-bution between profits and wages! Figure 6 showshow the trajectory of the average profit rate in theUSA and UK have been constrained by the equi-librium profit rate.

2.2 Resource constraints

The signature of capital (4) illustrates that the cap-italist sector is dependent on an element producedoutside its units of production, namely the capacityto work, which provides a flow of labour, L, into theproduction process. But there are more such ele-ments. In fact, the process involves an annual flowof any natural resource N expended in production,

M → [C ⇒ (C +∆C)] → M ′



This includes important inputs such as oil, scarceminerals and arable land. Let gN denote the growthrate of expenditure and gβ denote the rate of regen-eration, both relative to the stock of a particularnatural resource. Then gN − gβ is the relative de-pletion rate of the stock of that resource. Providedthe depletion rate is not too rapid, alternative in-puts and technologies can be found; otherwise therising scarcity of resource deposits require increas-

ing inputs of labour in extraction per unit, whichlowers productivity of labour gP . It may also re-quire a higher fraction of profits reinvested in fixedcapital to sustain such extraction. From (7) we seethat such pattern of development would lower theequilibrium profit rate.

2.3 Emission constraints

Finally, the capitalist sector does not only absorblabour and natural resources from outside, but pro-duces emissions that deteriorate the conditions forhabitability. For an annual flow of any particularemission E from production, we can illustrate thisas

M → [C ⇒ (C +∆C)] → M ′



The most critical emission is greenhouse gases, inparticular carbondioxide CO2. Let gE denote thegrowth rate and gα denote the rate of absorption ofthe emission, both relative to the stock of accumu-lated emissions. When the relative emission rate,gE − gα, is positive, the pollution level is rising.This acts negatively on the productivity of labourin the agricultural sector, which again would lowerthe equilibrium profit rate (7). Furthermore, for a


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given living standard, it would necessitate an in-creasing share of labour expended in the produc-tion of wage-goods consumed by the population aswell as in pollution management. Such a patternof development would reduce the relative surplusappropriated by the capitalist classes.

2.4 Contradictions of exponential


In summary, the competitive dynamics arising fromcapitalist property relations subject the firms tothe compulsion of exponential accumulation. Thecapitalist sector as a whole is thus geared towardsan indefinite accumulation of resources – naturaland human – in the form of productive assets andcommodities. With finite resources the exponentialgrowth path must continuously hit constraints thatneed to be overcome for further accumulation. Toan individual rentier such constraints may appearirrelevant; indeed there is no tangible resource limitto continuously growing profit income in the formof increasing symbols in a bank account or on pa-per bills. These symbols, however, command realmaterial resources embodied in goods and services.

In the world-historic conjuncture of the twenty-first century each constraint – labour L, natural re-sources N and emissions E – presents obstacles ona scale that cannot be circumvented by the privatecapitalist sector alone but would ultimately requiremassive state intervention and an increasing publicappropriation of the social surplus.

First, as the length of the working day can onlybe extended to a certain limit, exponential growthof labour time expended in the capitalist sectoris ultimately constrained by demographic factors.Once labour reserves from the countryside havebeen absorbed, the growth rate gL is ultimately setby the rate of population growth. Further, as so-cieties industrialise the net cost of rearing childrenbrings the natural population growth rate close tozero, and is compensated only by net immigrationin certain countries. In the advanced capitalistworld as a whole the growth rate of employmentwas hovering just below 1% per annum, prior tothe recent crisis. The trend in East Asia was sim-ilar, just above 1% per annum.17 Southern Asia,

17The crisis has of course brought down the growth rateeven further, cf. [14].

the Middle East and Northern Africa will experi-ence the same trend if the regions follow the pathof industrialisation and urbanisation.The equilibrium profit rate (7) tells us that the

growth of labour gL therefore ceases to be a sourceof profitability, it is rather the specific balance of in-vestments λ and productivity growth gP that cansustain conditions for average profitability in thecapitalist sector. This depends on the specific tech-nological phase of an economy and its institutionalstructure of investments. If the technological condi-tions are not favourable, the capitalist class is bet-ter off dissipating a greater fraction of the surplusproduct in the form of luxury consumption ratherthan reinvesting profits in the productive capitalstock. Only public enterprises that operate accord-ing to break-even criteria, rather than rate of returnon capital investment, will undertake large-scale in-vestments under such conditions. Short of suchcommitments by the state under rentier-dominatedcapitalism, the unproductive pattern has sustainedmass unemployment in the advance capitalist coun-tries since the 1980s [27].Second, the competitive and anarchic dynamics

of the capitalist sector inexorably drive firms toexploit energy sources and materials that can sat-isfy the compulsion of exponential accumulation; ifonly over a short time horizon. The early capitalistfactory system that arose in England was initiallypowered by water. But the supply of labour wasconcentrated in populous towns; hence factoriesthat employed more mobile steam-engines couldestablish there and get a competive edge. Unlikethe water wheel, steam-engines were powered by ascarce fossil fuel: coal. This was the genesis of fossilfuels as the primary source of energy in capitalism[18]. Further, exponential accumulation must bemet by exponential consumption for profits to berealised. This does not only increase the scale ofmaterial inputs but also reduces arable land andfresh water supplies.Misallocation of critical scarce resources through

the market mechanism can thus only be counter-acted by state intervention to bring down the de-pletion rates to viable levels, i.e., imposing quotasand a controlled scale of extraction. Further thecomposition of consumption among higher-incomepopulations would need to be steered away frommaterial goods and towards sustainable services,including socialised forms of consumption. Public


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taxation as well as lower workhours provide mech-anisms for changing consumption patterns.Third, emissions of greenhouse gases impose seri-

ous risks of deteriorating the viability of the globalcapitalist economy. Under current global emissiontrends the average world temperature will increasebeyond +2 degrees Celsius by the year 2050, andrapidly approaching +4◦C. The effects of such cli-matic changes are an increased frequency of heatwaves; decline in crop yields; exacerbated waterscarcity; high-intensity tropical cyclones; and irre-versible loss of biodiversity with unpredictable ef-fects on human life [30]. All of which undermine thereproduction of the source of value – the workforce.The bulk of emissions in the global economy,

about one quarter, arises in electricity and heat, fol-lowed by industry, transport and agriculture. De-forestation further exacerbates this by reducing theabsorption rate [13]. Reducing per capita emissionsat a sufficient rate to counteract global warming re-quires large-scale investments in power generationand an energy-efficient transformation of the assetsin production, transport and housing. This is wellbeyond the what private research and developmentin the capitalist sector can commit to alone. Asthe material conditions deteriorate, a coordinatedeffort by states akin to wartime planning will be-come increasingly necessary to sustain a viable pro-ductive sector and workforce.

3 Contradictions between

laws of market exchange

and capital accumulation

We now consider the dynamics that arise from theinteraction between the conservative laws of marketexchange and the nonconservative laws of capitalaccumulation.

3.1 Value conservation and the sig-

nature of capital

Marx only partly answered the problem of “wherethe money comes from” in the process M → C →

M ′ = M +∆M . He explained how capitalists ob-tained a net income from their capital, but this wasonly half the problem. If the capitalists follow themaxim ascribed to them by Marx – “Accumulate,

accumulate! That is Moses and the prophets!” –then the signature of capital M → C → M ′ ex-tends into

M → C → M ′ → C′ → M ′′ → C′′ → M ′′′ → · · ·

which requires exponential growth in the quantityof money. In the 19th century, the British economy,like most others, depended on precious metal forits monetary base. An exponential growth in thequantity of money implies the same sort of growthfor gold stock. But if we look at historical data forthe growth of the world gold stock, we find thatduring the 19th century it was growing at well un-der 1% per annum. Given that the British economygrew at over 2% a year, there was a discrepancybetween the growth of gold and the growth of com-modity circulation.

Table 1: Growth of the world gold stock, 1840 to2000. Reproduced from [6]

Stock Annual growthPeriod (million troy oz.) (percent)

1840–1850 617.9 0.271851–1875 771.9 0.891876–1900 953.9 0.851901–1925 1430.9 1.641926–1950 2130.9 1.611951–1975 3115.9 1.531976–2000 4569.9 1.54

Since gold stocks could not grow fast enough tosupport the expansion of the economy, capitalistshad to resort to commercial bills. An Iron Mastertaking delivery of coal would typically write a billof exchange, a private certificate of debt, promisingto pay within 30 or 90 days.

Payment of wages would generally have to bedone in cash. Capitalists have tried at times topay wages in tokens redeemable only at companystores (‘scrip’) but legislation by the state, eager tomaintain its monopoly of coinage if not to defendthe interests if the workers, tended to put a stopto this. Payment in cash represents a transfer fromthe safes of capitalists to the pockets of their em-ployees, with a corresponding cancellation of wagedebts. At the end of the week, the wage debt has


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been cleared to zero, and there has been an equaland compensating movement of cash.Workers then spend their wages on consumer

goods. For the sake of simplicity, assume that thereis no net saving by workers so that in the course ofthe week all of the money they have been paid isspent. This implies that immediately after pay-day,the money holdings of the workers are equal to oneweek’s wages. If these wages were paid in coin thiswould have set a lower limit to the quantity of coinrequired for the economy to function.When workers spend their wages on consumer

goods they transfer money only to those firms whosell consumer goods – shopkeepers, inn-keepers andso on. We can expect these firms not only to makeup the money they had paid out in wages, but toretain a considerable surplus. The final sellers ofconsumer goods will thus end up with more moneythan they paid out in wages. From this extra cashthey can afford to redeem the bills of exchange thatthey issued to their suppliers.In the absence of bank credit, suppliers of manu-

factured consumer goods would be entirely depen-dent for cash on money arriving when the bills ofexchange, in which they had initially been paid,were eventually redeemed by shopkeepers and mer-chants. The payment situation facing raw materi-als firms was even more indirect: they could not bepaid unless the manufacturers had sufficient cashto redeem bills of exchange issued for yarn, coal,grain, etc.The process of trade between capitalists leads to

the build-up of inter-firm debt. We suggest thatthe total volume of inter-firm debt that could bestably supported would have been some multipleof the coinage available, after allowing for that re-quired to pay wages. If one takes the aggregate ofall firms the ideal signature of this process can berepresented as:

M → [C ⇒ (C +∆C)] → M +∆M

where [C ⇒ (C + ∆C)] represents the productionprocess that generates a physical surplus of com-modities after the consumption needs of the presentworking population has been met. If there is no newissue of coin by the state then the ∆M cannot be‘real money’; rather, it must be in the form of billsof exchange and other inter-firm credit.For the capitalist class considered as a whole this

should not be a problem since the ∆M is secured

against the accumulated commodity surplus ∆C.There is a net accumulation of value as commodi-ties, and accounting practice allows both the debtsowed to a firm and stocks of commodities on handto be included in the value of its notional capital.As the process of accumulation proceeds in this waythe ratio of commercial debt to real money willrise. If the period for which commercial credit isextended remains fixed – say at 90 days – then agrowing number of debts will be falling due eachday. If these have to be paid off in money, then agrowing number of firms will have difficulty meet-ing their debts in cash.The basic contradiction between capital’s expo-

nentially growing need for money and the muchslower growth of gold production led to a series oftransformations of the monetary system during the19th and 20th centuries.18

1. Gold was supplemented by commercial credit.This displaced gold from transactions betweencapitalists.

2. Commercial credit was supplemented by thediscounting of bills of exchange by the banks.

3. Payment in bills of exchange was largely re-placed by payments by cheque and commercialcredit by bank credit.

4. Gold coins were withdrawn from circulation tobe replaced by banknotes with gold only usedin settlements between international banks.This meant that wage payments no longer de-pended on precious metal.

5. National currencies were then completely re-moved from the gold standard, and state notesbecame the base money. This was completedby the withdrawal of the dollar from the goldstandard in the 1970s.

18“One of the principal costs of circulation is money itself,being value in itself. It is economised through credit in threeways. A. By dropping away entirely in a great many trans-actions. B. By the accelerated circulation of the circulatingmedium. ... On the one hand, the acceleration is techni-cal; i.e., with the same magnitude and number of actualturnovers of commodities for consumption, a smaller quan-tity of money or money tokens performs the same service.This is bound up with the technique of banking. On theother hand, credit accelerates the velocity of the metamor-phoses of commodities and thereby the velocity of moneycirculation. C. Substitution of paper for gold money.” [21,ch. 27]


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6. With the development of computerisation inthe third quarter of the 20th century it be-came practical to pay wages directly into bankaccounts. This meant that state base moneycirculating could be substantially less than themonthly or weekly wage bill.

7. Finally with the general issue of credit cards,the credit system spread from the capitalistclass to all classes in society.

When money was still gold, this gold was value –it was embodied labour and had a value interna-tionally because in all countries the production ofgold required a great deal of labour. With the mod-ern system of national and supernational currenciesmoney is no longer value. No significant work goesinto the printing of 100 Euro notes. Why then canthey function the same way that gold used to?Central bank notes used to be issued under the

gold standard, but these were just tokens for gold,and could be redemed for bullion on demand at thecentral bank. There is no promise by the ECB toredeem Euros to gold at any fixed exchange rate.19

Since there is no definite link between the Euroand gold or between the Pound and gold, how canthese currencies function as a measure of value andmedium of exchange?Why are they worth anything?Well for one thing they are legal tender, but what

does this mean and why is it important?Throughout the Eurozone the following is held to

apply in cases where a payment obligation exists:

• Mandatory acceptance of Euro cash; ameans of payment with legal tender sta-tus cannot be refused by the creditor ofa payment obligation, unless the partieshave agreed on other means of payment

• Acceptance at full face value; the mon-etary value of a means of payment withlegal tender status is equal to the amountindicated on the means of payment

• Power to discharge from payment obli-gations; a debtor can discharge himself

19Though collectively the central banks of the Euro areaheld over 430 billion Euros in gold reserves. These can po-tentially be used in settlement with other central banks tosettle foreign trade debts, but in practice there is little or nointervention by the ECB using gold to support the value ofthe Euro.

from a payment obligation by transferringa means of payment with legal tender sta-tus to the creditor. [1]

The circulation of the Euro is legally enforced inthe relationship between shops and customers, butbetween businesses they can in principle both agreeto settle obligations in something other than Euros.But with retail commerce and all taxes payable inEuros, its circulation is effectively enforced.

But there is a difference between the previousgeneration of state monies like the Franc or D-markand the Euro. The previous generation fell into thegeneral category of state token monies. This is avery old category of money [15, 17, 31]. Preciousmetal money was prevalent in early modern Eu-rope. But in China the monetary system was froma much earlier stage based either on copper tokensor on paper notes [28, 29] and it is arguable thatfor much of the Roman Empire the Denarius waslittle more than a copper token with merely a sym-bolic coating of silver [4]. In such a system thecirculation of money goes illustrated in table 2.

The empire or state imposes the circulation ofits token currency by obliging the producers to paytaxes in money. Since the producers must ‘renderunto Ceasar’, they are forced to sell their prod-uct to the employees of Ceasar. The state createsmoney tokens with which it pays its employees.The state employees willingly work for the statein return for these tokens knowing that these to-kens will enable them to command the labour ofothers in their turn. The state thus breaks downthe self-sufficient or barter economies of the coun-tryside and enforces the spread of commodity ex-change. Forestater gives a dramatic account of howthis process was enforced in the British Empire [12].

In a pre-monetary tax system, the tax is leviedin the form of a direct duty on the population towork for or deliver goods to the state. In this casethe real appropriation of labour by the state is di-rectly visible. In a monetary tax system with to-ken money the real appropriation of surplus labouroccurs when soldiers and other state employees de-liver goods and services to the Emperor. There isa distinct formal or symbolic appropriation whenthe taxes are levied on the producers. This is simi-lar to the relationship that we previously analysedbetween formal and symbolic appropriation in thecredit system, but with this difference: the formal


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Table 2: Circulation of money

State Pay Lackeys Purchases Producers Tax State

Emperor/ Emperor/

King → Soldiers → Artisans → King

↑ Bureacrats Peasants ↓

տ ← ← ւ

transfer in the tax system has no pretence of equiv-alence.The value of a state token money is based on

something historically prior to commodity produc-tion, something that goes right back to the earlieststate forms: the power of the state to command thelabour of its inhabitants. The value of the SwedishKrona is set by the fact that the Swedish state(Crown) directly or indirectly appropriates morethan half the labour in the Kingdom.20 The sumin Krona paid out for that directly social labourhas its value set by this labour that the Crown di-rectly commands. This rate of exchange betweenroyal tokens and labour sets the monetary equiv-alent of labour time in Sweden, which then oper-ates via the medium of commodity trade withinthe remaining private part of the economy. The di-rect royal command over the labour of his subjectsis then symbolically appropriated by the capitalistclass in the form of Krona credits in the SvenskaHandelsbanken, etc. to give them command overthe privately employed working class.For a monetary system like this to work, you need

a clearly defined and controlled territory of the em-pire, an efficient tax system, and a state that com-mands a substantial portion of the total labour ofsociety. And that state has to have the sovereignright to issue its own currency. These conditionsare not met in the Eurozone.

3.2 Formation of interest

The formation of credit and debt relations in thecapitalist sector demands further an analysis of theformation of interest in the banking system. Thespecific feature of this system is deposit taking.

20This is a slight simplification, public expenditure is over53% of GNP, but a part of that is indirect appropriationof labour as social protection, where individual citizens arepaid social benefits in Krona.

A deposit-taking banker is in a perilous positionsince he accepts cash over and above his own capitalwhich he then lends out. Because he has lent outcash that was not his own capital, and is under anobligation to encash deposits on demand (or aftersome fixed warning period), he can easily becomeinsolvent. The remaining cash he holds in his safeis never enough to meet his maximum obligation tohis creditors. Should the day dawn on which toomany of them demand their money back, he is lost.Suppose we model this as a stream of customers

arriving at the banker’s till at random intervals.Each customer either makes a deposit or a with-drawal. The customers may make a withdrawalof any amount up to their current credit balance.We further assume that in a steady state customersare as likely to make a deposit as to make a with-drawal. Then the more customers that a bank has,the smaller will be the proportional variation in thewithdrawals from day to day.As the number of customers rises, the variation

in the amount withdrawn in any week falls, andso too does the maximum withdrawal that can beexpected. A very small bank would have to keepall its deposits in the safe as an insurance againsthaving to pay them out, but a bank with 20,000customers might never see more than a few percentof its cash deposits withdrawn in any week. A bankwith that number of customers could safely issueas loans several times as much in paper banknotesas the coin that it held in its vaults, safe in theknowledge that the probability of it ever havingto pay out that much in one day was vanishinglysmall. Thus with a starting capital of 10 millionthe bank could lend out 200 million after buildingup its network of customers. This creation of newpaper money by the banks was the hidden secretbehind the signature of capital.The cost to a bank of making a loan is related to

the likelihood that the reserves left after the loan


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−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 40









w [million Euros]



ty d



Figure 7: Example PDF of maximum excursion Wof a bank’s reserves during a year. Shaded areagives the probability of withdrawals W between 2and 3 million Euros.

will be too small to cover fluctuating withdrawals.If this happens the bank may lose its capital.

Let W denote the maximal excursion of reservesfrom their mean position during a year, due to ran-dom deposits and withdrawals by customers. Letus assume that W follows a Gaussian distribution,with a standard deviation of 1 million Euros. Sup-pose that the banker had a capital of 5,000,000 andthat he would lose his capital if the bank failed.Then, if he started with reserves of 3 million, mak-ing a loan of 1 million would reduce the reservesto 2 million and the loan would have an expectedcost of 5, 000, 000 × Pe, where Pe is the probabil-ity that the withdrawals W exceed the resultingreserve level after the loan.21 Figure 7 illustratesthis. This amounts to an expected cost of about107,000, which sets a lower limit on the interest itwould be rational for the banker to charge for theloan, namely 10.7% in this case.

Different banks will charge different rates of in-terest, but through the pressures of bankruptciesthe lower safety rate is likely to emerge from cap-italist banking practices. As the ratio of reservesto deposits fall, this pressure would be reflected inhigher interest rates. There would thus be an in-verse relationship between the reserve to depositratio and the interest rate.

At the birth of the banking system the reserves ofthe private banks were in bullion. Now the reserves

21In other words, Pe = Pr{−3 million < W ≤−2 million} ≈ 0.022 for a zero-mean Gaussian variable Wwith standard deviation σ = 1 million.

are in the form of credit accounts with the statebank. These come into existence when the statepays people for services rendered, or makes stategrants. One of the authors recalls that his studentgrant, and payments for attending Research Coun-cil meetings were in the form of bits of paper thatlooked like cheques but instead of being drawn on abank, they were drafts made out on ‘The Queen andLord Treasurer’s Remembrancer’. Private bankscan present these government drafts to the Bank ofEngland, and have their account with the Bank ofEngland credited by a like amount.The other side of the coin is when a citizen pays

taxes to the Exchequer using a cheque drawn ona commercial Bank. The Exchequer then passesthese to the Bank of England which writes downthe credit account of the relevant commercial bank.If B are the reserves of the private banking sys-

tem, it follows that dBdt

= G − T − S where G isgovernment payments, T are tax payments and S isthe sale of government securities, all per unit time.Sales of government securities obviously reduce themonetary reserves of the private banking system.By adjusting its sales of securities, the state can

manipulate the reserves of the private banking sys-tem and thus control the rate of interest. In a statewith its own central bank, it is an illusion to thinkthat the government is at the mercy of the ‘moneymarket’ when selling these securities. A state whereG > T , i.e., one with a budget deficit can if it wishessimply refrain from selling securities for a while andin due course the growth of the reserves of the pri-vate banks will force a fall in the market interestrate. In the end, the private banks are forced tobuy government debt. Any reserves exceeding thelevel required for the safety of their loans to theprivate sector are simply dead assets, yielding noincome. The only way for the banking system asa whole to get income from these assets is to buygovernment securities.If the state bank wishes, it can buy back govern-

ment securities from the private banks forcing theinterest rate down even faster. This is the mech-anism by which so-called Quantitative Easing re-duces the interest rate.

3.3 Dynamics of sector balances

The reader may recall equation (2) showed thatthe sum of borrowing and lending have to bal-


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Figure 8: Trends in sectoral balances in US and UK. Reproduced from and .../UK-Financial-Balances.png

ance. That equation was defined over all agents,but it also applies if, instead of agents, we con-sider economic sectors: households, non-financialcompanies, banks, the state, and the ‘rest of theworld’. Figure 8 illustrates these sector balancesfor the USA and UK. In Table 3 we present suchdata for the Eurozone. Now the sum of the sectoralbalances have to equal 0. Look at the business sec-tor you can see that, as for most years, this sectorwas running a financial surplus. This surplus wasonly possible because of the deficits, i.e., borrowing,by the household and state sectors. After the sub-prime mortgage crisis lending to working-class andmiddle-class borrowers became much more restric-tive and the household sector became net lenders.This does not mean that the working class becamenet lenders of course, it is just that the propertiedand working classes are aggregated in the house-hold sector statistics. Once working-class borrow-ing fell, then the saving by the propertied classesbecame the dominant factor in the household sec-tor. This constrains the market for consumer goodsproducing the recession.

The balances make it clear that the business sec-tor can only run a financial surplus if other sectorsrun a deficit, and given the poor competitive posi-tion of US and UK manufacturing the rest of theworld is not going to run a deficit with them. Thatleaves only the household or the state as possibleabsorbers of the financial surplus of the corporatesector.

The limitation of the financial system to sup-port borrowing in 2008 had in the short term lit-tle to do with profitability of industry, as it waslending to working class households not to indus-try. Their ability to borrow was constrained bylow wages. The repackaging of mortgages hid thefact that a large portion of working class borrowerswere bound to default on their loans, but it couldonly hide it for a while, eventually the poverty ofthe working class borrowers became the determin-ing factor. In longer term though one has to askwhy the corporate sector ran a financial surplus? Inother words, saving a portion of its profit incomerather than reinvesting?

The share of profits expended as net invest-ments has rarely exceeded 25% in the advancedeconomies, since the post-WWII boom [19]. Wewould argue that this is a structural feature of amodern capitalist economy. As the demographictransition is completed and production technologiesmature, the growth rates of labour, gL, and produc-tivity, gP , become moderated. Then it becomes in-creasingly difficult to maintain average profitabilitywhen firms are reinvesting a large portion of theirretained profits, as seen in equation (7). Fig. 9illustrates the productivity growth required to sus-tain average profitability at the post-WWII boomlevels, under the actual demographic and invest-ment trends. Short of such such spectacular growthrates, rapid capital accumulation is unsustainablein the capitalist sector and a substantial portion


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of profits will instead be accumulated as financialsurpluses and spent on luxury consumption.

4 The crisis in the Eurozone

From the standpoint of exchange being a conser-vative system, the exponential growth of value im-plied by compound interest has to be a temporarydisequilibrium phenomenon – tied to an exponen-tial growth in whatever is the source of value. If theexpenditure of human energy is the source, thenthe accumulation of capital value must depend ona similar exponential growth of the working popu-lation.We know that historically the process of indus-

trialisation has combined rapid accumulations ofcapital values with an exponential growth in theworking population. But we also know that soci-eties undergo a demographic transition once theyhave developed further – with a shift to zero ornegative rates of natural population growth. As wehave argued above, the end to population growthis bound eventually to make the productive expan-sion of capitalism unviable. Figure 10 illustratesthe trajectories of the average profit rates, and theirdeterminants, in the advanced economies of West-ern Europe.If we look at Western Europe and Japan, the nat-

ural rate of population growth is very low. In theface of this constraint we see a set of displacementprocesses:

1. Pressure of immigration from areas of highbirth rate. On the one hand this is what onewould expect simply as a diffusion process,but there is also political ‘pressure’ by capital-ists interests to reduce barriers to movementof labour in order to allow continued capitalgrowth.

2. As it becomes harder to reinvest profits innew labour employing activities, there is an in-creasing dislocation between the apparent ac-cumulation of capital in financial instrumentsand the reality, in which the surplus productis actually being socially used by the state.

There is a fundamental conflict between the at-tempt to maintain a mechanism of symbolic ap-propriation of the surplus by private owners and

the European demographic conditions which meanthat little real accumulation is now possible in theprivate sector. The greater part of the social sur-plus product now has really to be appropriated bythe state as representative of society. The contin-uation of a private claim on this surplus becomesactually infeasible. The conflict between an expo-nential growth of financial claims and a stagnantpopulation upon whom those claims rest arguablylies at the heart of the ‘Euro Crisis’.

4.1 Greek debt

For example we know that the Greek trade deficitwith Germany and the German trade surplus withGreece must sum to zero. It is impossible to re-duce one without reducing the other. If austerityin Greece reduces their deficit with Germany, theremust be a reduction in German exports. If the ob-jective is to reduce the trade imbalance betweenGermany and Southern Europe, it would be betterto give Germans longer and better paid holidays sothat they could spend more on Mediteranean holi-days rather than impoverishing both sides.It is also helpful to look at the problem of state

debts this way. If at the end of a period the state isto reduce its liabilities and improve its net worth,this necessarily implies a reduction in the assetsheld by the state’s creditors. How to reduce statedebt and how to impoverish the holders of statedebt are one and the same problem. In this light,a choice of options become visible

• debts can simply be repudiated,

• inflation can be engineered to reduce the realvalue of the debt,

• firms and individuals holding state bonds canbe relieved of them by the taxman,

In contrast to these direct measures, austerity im-posed on the non-bondholding classes, is much lesseffective. Since liabilities between sectors of aneconomy must sum to zero, taxing those too poorto save will only reduce state debt to the extentthat the poor are driven to take out increased per-sonal loans. The increase in the liabilities of thepoor then compensates for the fall in state debt.The poor, however, are not very credit worthy asthe sub-prime mortgage collapse showed.


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1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005−4









% p

er a





1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005−4








% p

er a





Figure 9: Actual net productivity growth gP and the growth g∗P required to sustain average profitabilityat the level in 1964, under actual trends of demographics and investments. Using (7), g∗P = λR1964 −

(gL + d).

4.2 The Stability Pact

The key measures to solve the Euro crisis accord-ing to the treaty recently adopted by most of theEU are to establish a balanced budget or a budgetsurplus for the state sector.

BEARING IN MIND that the need forgovernments to maintain sound and sus-tainable public finances and to prevent ageneral government deficit becoming ex-cessive is of essential importance to safe-guard the stability of the euro area as awhole, and accordingly, requires the in-troduction of specific rules, including a‘balanced budget rule’ and an automaticmechanism to take corrective action; [2,p.2]

The Contracting Parties shall apply therules set out in this paragraph in additionand without prejudice to their obligationsunder European Union law: (a) the bud-getary position of the general governmentof a Contracting Party shall be balancedor in surplus; [2, article 3]

The drafters of this treaty imagine that it is pos-sible, by an act of international law to impose aunilateral constraint on one item in a mutually de-pendent complex of relations. The surplus or deficit

position of the government sector in the Eurozonedepends upon the net positions of all other sectors.

In Table 3 we reproduce in summary form thelatest data on the surplus deficit positions of all fi-nancial sectors in the Eurozone. All sectors otherthan the state sector run a surplus, i.e., they arebuilding up their financial assets. The change pro-posed by the treaty is drastic. It proposes in effectto wipe out all net financial transactions betweenthe sectors by changing the net borrowing positionof the general government sector from a quarterlydeficit of 122 billion Euros to a deficit of 0 or evena net surplus.

But the implication of this would be that thenet savings of the household sector, the companysector and the rest of the world would have to bereduced to 0, effectively eliminating out all net fi-nancial transactions as they exist today.

In the abstract this is possible. If by some meansthe savings of the household sector could be com-pletely eliminated, if the whole company sectorcould be made to run at a break even position withno net financial surplus, and if the Eurozone’s tradedeficit with the rest of the world could be wipedout, then the government sector could run a bal-anced budget.

At the level of accounting it is possible, but issuch a measure compatible with the continuationof a functioning capitalist economy?


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1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 200512












% p

er a





R* (gL=0)

R* (gL=g


1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 200510









% p

er a





R* (gL=0)

R* (gL=g


1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 20055







% p

er a





R* (gL=0)

R* (gL=g


1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 200510









% p

er a





R* (gL=0)

R* (gL=g


Figure 10: Average profit rate R and the equilibrium profit rate R∗, in four major Western Europeaneconomies. Note that the contribution from the growth of labour gL is low or marginal. Source: [19]and own calculations.

Table 3: Sectoral balances in billion Euros for the Eurozone, 2012 Q1, extracted from the online databaseof the ECB on 4 Aug 2012.

Households Nonfinancial Financial Govt. Rest ofcompanies companies world

Net surplus 48 22 39 –122 13


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Suppose the governments attempt to achieve thisby austerity measures – essentially cutting publicexpenditure. How does this affect each of the othersectors?

4.2.1 Household sector

The ‘household sector’, is an amalgam of differ-ent social classes. It includes households from thepropertied classes who are wealthy enough to havea substantial financial surplus, but it includes farmore households who have little or no savings andare more likely to be net debtors. The neo-liberalgovernment austerity measures in the EU today pri-marily target those on low incomes who have nofinancial surplus. As such they only have a slightimpact on the fiancial surplus of the household sec-tor.

In principle, austerity measures that would re-duce the financial surplus of the household sectorare possible: for instance steep increases in incometax on higher incomes or a progressive tax on largehouses and landed property. The Stafford Crippsausterity policies in the late 1940s were effective inthis way. Since such policies, e.g. top rates of in-come tax above 90%, are not being followed, theprospect of eliminating the financial surplus of thepersonal sector is negligible.

4.2.2 Nonfinancial companies

In principle it would be possible, for a while atleast, for nonfinancial companies as a whole to runwithout a financial surplus, or even with a finan-cial deficit, if they were carrying out a large pro-gramme of credit financed capital investment. Butthis scenario is not very likely. Investment by nonfi-nancial companies tends to be self-financing takenacross the sector as a whole. Investment by onecompany may require external funding, but its pur-chases boost the profits of suppliers, which meansthat the sector as a whole tends to self-finance.

Firms will only voluntarily seek external financeto expand if they anticipate a high rate of profiton investment, which implies among other things arapidly expanding market for their products. It ishard to see how this expanding market can be antic-ipated during a period in which austerity measuresare curtailing consumer demand. Beyond that, therate of profit in Europe has only been held up since

the 1980s by a reduction in the accumulation rate.An increased investment rate would thus be self-curtailing.

Involuntary deficits by industrial and commercialfirms are of course possible in the short run whenfaced with a slump in demand. But their responseto this is likely to be to quickly cut costs by shed-ding labour, so even involuntary deficits induced byausterity would be short lived. Attempting to forceindustrial and commercial companies as a whole torun at break even point, which the treaty implies,would mean, given the spread of rates of returnwithin the sector, putting a significant fraction ofthem on the path to bankruptcy. This again is notsustainable.

4.2.3 Financial companies

Table 3 shows that on an annual basis financialcompanies in the Euro-zone are running a surplusof some 160 billion Euros and that they are thusresponsible for 1

3of the total deficit of the general

government sector.

There is almost nothing that the individual na-tion state governments can do to eliminate this sur-plus with the framework of the Euro-zone. Indeedthe whole thrust of economic policy in the capi-talist world since the banking crisis broke out in2008 has been to protect the interests of financialcompanies. They could of course levy heavy taxeson financial firms, but this is greatly complicatedby the location of the firms. The countries in theEuro-zone whose governments are in the worst fi-nancial position are not necessarily the ones whosefinancial firms are running the biggest surpluses.

A general reduction of interest rates would cutthe surplus of the financial sector, but that, underEuro system, is outwith the power of the nationstates. Only the ECB could systematically forcedown interest rates by buying up national and localgovernent bonds. This would reduce the cost of re-financing and over time would, to an extent, reducethe financial surplus of the private banking sector.

The whole structure of the treaties governing theECB has been designed by the financial sector toprevent the ECB from acting in this way.


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4.2.4 Rest of the world

The surplus of the rest of the world with the Euro-zone might be reduced and even eliminated by neo-liberal austerity measures. A sufficiently strong re-cession in the Euro-zone might cut imports suffi-ciently to eliminate the trade deficit of the zonewith the rest of the world. But this of course wouldonly succeed to the extent that the rest of the worlditself did not slip deeper into recession.One effective tool that national governments

have traditionally been able to exercise is now outof reach for the Eurozone. They can no longer de-value to bring their trade back into balance. TheECB again could force a devaluation were it to actas the Bank of China used to, and systematicallybuy up large quantities of dollar securities. But thenational governments can not instruct it to do so.

4.3 Conclusion on the Stability Pact

The structure set up under monetary union effec-tively makes it impossible for national governmentsto meet the obligations that they have undertakenin the pact. Any serious attempt to impose bal-anced budgets by austerity measures will be inef-fective in its professed aim, and would as a sideeffect engender a downward spiral of bankruptcies,rising unemployment and deepening economic ruin.


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