consequences of monsanto

Upload: minnie908

Post on 05-Jul-2018




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  • 8/16/2019 Consequences of Monsanto



    Monsanto is known for GMO’s and GMO food products that are

    causing havoc in the environment, to the people , just to name a


    1. The infringement of Monsanto’s patents of genetically

    modied seeds leads to threats and lawsuits !y the company

    against the poor farmers who can do nothing else than to

    comply. "onse#uently, suicide rates are on the rise of the

    farmers !lamed for such infringement.$. The genetically modied seeds are claimed to !e of high

    nutritional value, more resistant to insecticides and

    her!icides, giving higher yields. %owever, over the years,

    these claims haven’t proven to !e true. &nstead, the use ofthese GMOs pose a serious health risk to those who consume

    it.  The 'merican 'cademy of (nvironmental Medicine

    )''(M* cites its research done on animals to show that

    genetically modied seeds’ produced crops consumption

    leads to organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system

    disorders, ageing and infertility.+. Monsanto is also causing havoc to the ecosystem. GMO

    crops are supposed to !e the main reason of "olony "ollapse

    isorder in honey!ees where majority of the worker !eesdisappear and their !odies never found.


    ' study conducted

    !y the (uropean -ood afety 'uthority )(-'* claims that

    the pesticide is a serious threat to honey !ees which are

    important to the human food supply, including fruits and

    vegeta!les, which must !e pollinated !y !ees./.  GM foods are said to contain higher residues of to0ic

    her!icides. oundup, for instance, is linked with sterility,

    !irth defects, hormone disruption and cancer.