conic sections definition: a conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

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Post on 01-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

Conic Sections

Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

Page 2: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

Identifying Conic Sections

How do I determine whether the graph of an equation represents a conic, and if so, which conic does it represent, a circle, an ellipse, a parabola or a hyperbola?

Created by K. Chiodo, HCPS

Page 3: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

General Form of a Conic Equation

We usually see conic equations written in General, or Implicit Form:

Ax2 +Bxy+Cy2 +Dx+Ey+F =0where A, B, C, D, E and F are integers and A, B and C are NOT ALL equal to zero.

Note: You may see some conic equations solved for y, but if the equation can be re-written into the form above, it is a conic equation!

Page 4: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

Please Note:A conic equation written in General Form doesn’t have to have all SIX terms! Several of the coefficients A, B, C, D, E and F can equal zero, as long as A, B and C don’t ALL equal zero.

Dx+Ey+F =0


If A, B and C all equal zero, what kind of equation do you have?

T H I N K......

Page 5: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

So, it’s a conic equation if...

• the highest degree (power) of x and/or y is 2 (at least ONE has to be squared)

• the other terms are either linear, constant, or the product of x and y

• there are no variable terms with rational exponents (i.e. no radical expressions) or terms with negative exponents (i.e. no rational expressions)

Page 6: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

What values form an Ellipse?

The values of the coefficients in the conic equation determine the TYPE of conic.

Ax2+Bxy+Cy2+Dx+Ey+F =0

What values form a Hyperbola?

What values form a Parabola?

Page 7: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone


Ax2 +Cy2 +Dx+Ey+F =0

NOTE: There is no Bxy term, and D, E & F may equal zero!

where A & C have the SAME SIGN

For example: 2x2 +y2 +8x=0

2x2 +2y2 +8x−6=0

−x2 −2x−3y2 +6y=0

Page 8: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

Ellipses...The General, or Implicit, Form of the equations can be converted to Graphing Form by completing the square and dividing so that the constant = 1.

2x2 +y2 +8x=0

2(x2 +4x+4)+y2 =8

2(x+2)2 +y2 =8








This is an ellipse since x & y are both squared, and both quadratic terms have the same sign!

Center (-2, 0)

Vert. Axis = √8Hor. Axis = 2

Page 9: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

Ellipses...In this example, x2 and y2 are both negative (still the same sign), you can see in the final step that when we divide by negative 4 all of the terms are positive.

−x2 −2x−3y2 +6y=0

−(x2 +2x+1) −3(y2 −2y+1) =−1−3

−(x+1)2 −3(y−1)2 =−4










Vert. axis = 2/√3

Hor. axis = 2

center (-1, 1)

Page 10: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

Ellipses…a special case!

it is a ...

When A & C are the same value as well as the same

sign, the ellipse is the same length in all directions …

2x2 +2y2 +8x−6=0

2(x2 +4x+2) +2y2 =6+4

2(x+2)2 +2y2 =10





Center (-2, 0)

Radius = √5

Page 11: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone


Ax2 +Cy2 +Dx+Ey+F =0

NOTE: There is no Bxy term, and D, E & F may equal zero!

where A & C have DIFFERENT signs.

For example: 9x2 −4y2 −36x−8y−4=0x2 −y2 +6y−5=0x2 +10x−4y2 +8y+5=0

Page 12: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone


The General, or Implicit, Form of the equations can be converted to Graphing Form by completing the square and dividing so that the constant = 1.

9x2 −4y2 −36x−8y−4=0

9(x2 −4x)−4(y2 +2y) =4

9(x2 −4x+4) −4(y2 +2y+1) =4+36−4

9(x−2)2 −4(y+1)2 =36










This is a hyperbola since x & y are both squared, and the quadratic terms have different signs!

Center (2,-1)


Page 13: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone


In this example, the signs change, but since the quadratic terms still have different signs, it is still a hyperbola!

x2 −y2 +6y−5=0

x2 −(y2 −6y) =5

x2 −(y2 −6y+9) =5−9

x2 −(y−3)2 =−4









Center (0,3)x-axis=2


Page 14: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

Parabola... A Parabola can be

oriented 2 different ways:

Ax2 +Dx+Ey+F =0

A parabola is vertical if the equation has an x squared term AND a linear y term; it may or may not have a linear x term & constant:

Cy2 +Dx+Ey+F =0

A parabola is horizontal if the equation has a y squared term AND a linear x term; it may or may not have a linear y term & constant:

Page 15: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

Parabola …Vertical

x2 −4x−y+7=0

The following equations all represent vertical parabolas in general form; they all have a squared x term and a linear y term:

4x2 +8x+y=0

x2 −y−7=0

x2 +y=0

Page 16: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

Parabola …VerticalTo write the equations in Graphing Form, complete the square for the x-terms. There are 2 popular conventions for writing parabolas in Graphing Form, both are given below:

Vertex (2,3)

0=x2 −4x−y+7

0=(x2 −4x+4)−y+7−4

0=(x−2)2 −y+3

y=(x−2)2 +3



Page 17: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

Parabola …VerticalIn this example, the signs must be changed at the end so that the y-term is positive, notice that the negative coefficient of the x squared term makes the parabola open downward.

Vertex (-1,4)0=4x2 +8x+y

0=4(x2 +2x+1)+y−4

0=4(x+1)2 +y−4

−y=4(x+1)2 −4

y=−4(x+1)2 +4



Page 18: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

Parabola …Horizontal

y2 +8y−2x+18=0

The following equations all represent horizontal parabolas in general form, they all have a squared y term and a linear x term:

x+y2 −3=03y2 −6y+x−2=0

y2 −x=0

Page 19: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

Parabola …HorizontalTo write the equations in Graphing Form, complete the square for the y-terms. There are 2 popular conventions for writing parabolas in Graphing Form, both are given below:

0=y2 +8y−2x+18

0=(y2 +8y+16) −2x+18−16

0=(y+4)2 −2x+2

2x=(y+4)2 +2


(y+4)2 +1


0=(y+4)2 −2(x−1)

2(x−1) =(y+4)2

Vertex (1,-4)

Page 20: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

Parabola …Horizontal

0 =x+y2 −3

0 =y2 +x−3

−x=y2 −3

x=−y2 +3


(x−3) =−y2

In this example, the signs must be changed at the end so that the x-term is positive; notice that the negative coefficient of the y squared term makes the parabola open to the left.

Vertex (3,0)

Page 21: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

What About the term Bxy?

Ax2 +Bxy+Cy2 +Dx+Ey+F =0

None of the conic equations we have looked at so far included the term Bxy. This term leads to a hyperbolic graph:




or, solved for y:

Page 22: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

Summary ...General Form of a Conic Equation:

Ax2 +Bxy+Cy2 +Dx+Ey+F =0where A, B, C, D, E and F are integers and A, B and C are NOT ALL equal to zero.

Identifying a Conic Equation: Conic Equation Stats

A = 0 or C = 0, but not both. Parabola If A = 0, then the parabola is horizontal.

If C = 0, then the parabola is vertical.

Circle A = C Ellipse A & C have the same sign. Hyperbola A & C have different signs.

Page 23: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

Practice ...Identify each of the following equations as a(n):

(a) ellipse (b) circle (c) hyperbola

(d) parabola (e) not a conic

See if you can rewrite each equation into its Graphing Form!1) x2 +4y2 +2x−24y+33=0

2) 4x2 −4y2 −9=0

3) x2 −4x−y=0

4) x2 +y2 −2x−8=0

5) 9x2 +25y2 −54x−50y−119=0

6) x2 −x=0

7) y2 −8y−9x+52=0

8) x2 −2x−y2 +4y−7=0

Page 24: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

Answers ...1) x2 +4y2 +2x−24y+33=0 - -- > (a)





2) 4x2 −4y2 −9=0 - -- > (c) x2





3) x2 −4x−y=0 - --> (d) (y+4) =(x−2)2

4) x2 +y2 −2x−8=0 - -- > (b) (x−1)2 +y2 =9

5) 9x2 +25y2 −54x−50y−119=0 - - > (a) (x−3)2




6) x2 −x=0 - --> (e) not a conic

7) y2 −8y−9x+52=0 --- > (d) 9(x−4) =(y−4)2

8) x2 −2x−y2 +4y−7=0 - -- > (c) (x−1)2




(a) ellipse (b) circle (c) hyperbola (d) parabola (e) not a conic

Page 25: Conic Sections Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone

Conic Sections !


Created by K. Chiodo, HCPS