congenital fetal and neonatal visceral chylous …

91 Lymphology 45 (2012) 91-102 CONGENITAL FETAL AND NEONATAL VISCERAL CHYLOUS EFFUSIONS: NEONATAL CHYLOTHORAX AND CHYLOUS ASCITES REVISITED. A MULTICENTER RETROSPECTIVE STUDY C. Bellini, Z. Ergaz, M. Radicioni, I. Forner-Cordero, M. Witte, G. Perotti, T. Figar, L. Tubaldi, P. Camerini, B. Bar-Oz, I. Yatsiv, I. Arad, F. Traverso, T. Bellini, F. Boccardo, C. Campisi, P. Dalmonte, N. Vercellino, S. Manikanti, E. Bonioli Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (CB,FT), Department of Pediatrics, University of Genoa, IRCCS Gaslini, Genoa, Italy; Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (ZE,BB-O,IA), Department of Neonatology, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel; Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (MR,PC), Pediatric Clinic - University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy; Lymphedema Unit (IF-C), Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service, University and Polytechnic Hospital La Fe, SN, Valencia, Spain; Department of Surgery (MW), University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, AZ, USA; Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (GP,TF), Department of Pediatrics, Fondazione IRCCS, Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy; Neonatal Service (LB), Department of Pediatrics, Hospital of Macerata, Macerata, Italy; Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (IY), Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel; Departments of Pediatrics (TB,EB), Surgery (FB,CC), Unit of Lymphatic Surgery, S. Martino Hospital, University of Genoa; Cardiovascular Department, IRCCS Gaslini, Genoa, Italy; Lancashire Women and Newborn Centre (SM), East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, Burnley, United Kingdom ABSTRACT This retrospective study was carried out at eight Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) Centers worldwide on 33 newborns presenting at birth with pleural, pericardial, or abdominal chylous effusions. Diagnosis of chylous effusion is based on findings of fluid with a milk-like appearance, a concentration of triglycerides in pleural effusion >1.1 mmol/l, and a total cell count >1,000 cells/ml with a predominance of >80% lymphocytes. Thirty- three newborns met the inclusion criteria and were studied. Six subjects who presented at birth with fetal effusion were treated by in- utero pleuro-amniotic shunt. Five of these patients are alive at follow-up. At birth, pleural drainage was performed in 29/33 patients and abdominal drainage was carried out in 3/33. Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) was given to 32/33 patients; 19/23 patients were fed a medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). No adverse effects were observed. Eight patients were treated with Octreotide at dosages ranging from 1 to 7 mcg/kg/hour for 8 to 35 days. All patients showed decreased chylous production. Two patients were treated by pleurodesis. Twenty-two babies are alive after at least 6 months follow-up, 9/33 are deceased, and 2 were lost to follow-up. Clinical conditions of survivors are basically good except for lung involvement [chronic lung disease (CLD) or lung lymphangiectasia] and lymphedema. All patients were using a MCT diet at follow-up with good control of chylous effusion. Visceral chylous effusions of Permission granted for single print for individual use. Reproduction not permitted without permission of Journal LYMPHOLOGY.

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Lymphology 45 (2012) 91-102



C. Bellini, Z. Ergaz, M. Radicioni, I. Forner-Cordero, M. Witte, G. Perotti, T. Figar, L. Tubaldi, P. Camerini, B. Bar-Oz, I. Yatsiv, I. Arad, F. Traverso, T. Bellini,

F. Boccardo, C. Campisi, P. Dalmonte, N. Vercellino, S. Manikanti, E. Bonioli

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (CB,FT), Department of Pediatrics, University of Genoa, IRCCSGaslini, Genoa, Italy; Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (ZE,BB-O,IA), Department of Neonatology, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel; Neonatal Intensive Care Unit(MR,PC), Pediatric Clinic - University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy; Lymphedema Unit (IF-C),Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service, University and Polytechnic Hospital La Fe, SN,Valencia, Spain; Department of Surgery (MW), University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson,AZ, USA; Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (GP,TF), Department of Pediatrics, Fondazione IRCCS,Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy; Neonatal Service (LB), Department of Pediatrics, Hospital ofMacerata, Macerata, Italy; Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (IY), Hadassah-Hebrew University MedicalCenter, Jerusalem, Israel; Departments of Pediatrics (TB,EB), Surgery (FB,CC), Unit of LymphaticSurgery, S. Martino Hospital, University of Genoa; Cardiovascular Department, IRCCS Gaslini,Genoa, Italy; Lancashire Women and Newborn Centre (SM), East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust,Burnley, United Kingdom


This retrospective study was carried out ateight Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU)Centers worldwide on 33 newborns presentingat birth with pleural, pericardial, or abdominalchylous effusions. Diagnosis of chylouseffusion is based on findings of fluid with amilk-like appearance, a concentration oftriglycerides in pleural effusion >1.1 mmol/l,and a total cell count >1,000 cells/ml with apredominance of >80% lymphocytes. Thirty-three newborns met the inclusion criteria andwere studied. Six subjects who presented atbirth with fetal effusion were treated by in-utero pleuro-amniotic shunt. Five of thesepatients are alive at follow-up. At birth,pleural drainage was performed in 29/33

patients and abdominal drainage was carriedout in 3/33. Total parenteral nutrition (TPN)was given to 32/33 patients; 19/23 patientswere fed a medium-chain triglycerides (MCT).No adverse effects were observed. Eightpatients were treated with Octreotide atdosages ranging from 1 to 7 mcg/kg/hour for 8 to 35 days. All patients showed decreasedchylous production. Two patients were treatedby pleurodesis. Twenty-two babies are aliveafter at least 6 months follow-up, 9/33 aredeceased, and 2 were lost to follow-up.Clinical conditions of survivors are basicallygood except for lung involvement [chroniclung disease (CLD) or lung lymphangiectasia]and lymphedema. All patients were using aMCT diet at follow-up with good control ofchylous effusion. Visceral chylous effusions of

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the fetus and neonate are rare disorders, andthere currently is only partial agreement ondecision-making strategies. We suggest theneed for an international prospective trial inan effort to establish the efficacy andeffectiveness of diagnostic and therapeuticoptions described in this article.

Keywords: non-immune hydrops fetalis, fetalhydrops, edema of the fetus, congenitalvisceral effusion, chylothorax, hydrothorax,chylous ascites, lymphatic abnormalities,MCT diet, Octreotide

Accumulation of fluid in the visceralcompartment during the neonatal period israre, and data on pathogenesis and treatmentmodalities are limited and contradictory (1-4). During the intrauterine period, occurrenceof these conditions alone or in combinationmay configure the end-stage process leadingto hydrops formation (4, 5). Chylothorax isdefined as an accumulation of chyle in thepleural space and is a common endpoint for a variety of pathologic processes includingintrinsic abnormalities of the lymphaticsystem, or disruption of the thoracic duct viatrauma, surgery, malignancy, or cardiovas-cular disease. Chylothorax in the neonate isthe most common cause of pleural effusion(6). Congenital duct defect, either isolated orassociated with generalized lymphatic vesseldysplasia, is the most common cause ofcongenital chylothorax, and rarely it is theresult of direct trauma at birth. Primarychylous ascites in the neonatal period is also a rare occurrence which is caused byinadequate lymphatic drainage from theintestine resulting from maldevelopment ofthe intra-abdominal lymphatic system leadingto extravasation of chyle into peritonealcavity (7,8). Hypoplastic or hyperplasticlymphatic systems may lead to obstruction ofthe lymphatic flow and an increase in theintestinal lymphatic pressure, which even-tually causes lymph to leak into the abdomen.Primary chylous ascites is relatively easy torecognize, although diagnosing the

underlying pathology may be difficult (9).The reported incidence of congenitalchylothorax ranges from 1:8,600 to 1:10,000live births (1). The true incidence of primarychylous ascites has never been wellestablished (10), and it can only be estimatedat approximately one in 20,000 admissionsfrom a large university-based hospital (11).The incidence of congenital chylopericardiumhas never been truly established and it isconsidered extremely rare (1-3).

This study describes our experience on 33 newborns affected by congenitalchylous effusions based on a large number of newborns that were enrolled from eighttertiary level NICUs worldwide.


This is a retrospective study that wascarried out at eight NICU Centers worldwideon newborns presenting at birth with pleural,pericardial, or abdominal chylous effusions.Prenatal and postnatal clinical courses andbaseline maternal variables were collected. A previously published flow-chart for non-immune hydrops fetalis was used (12).Diagnosis of chylous effusion was based onthe findings of fluid with a milk-likeappearance, a concentration of triglyceridesin visceral effusion >1.1 mmol/l, and a totalcell count >1,000 cells/ml with apredominance of >80% lymphocytes (13).


Thirty-three newborns met the inclusioncriteria. Our study results are summarized inTable 1. A history of each subject, togetherwith clinical data and a description oftherapeutic features are provided in Table 2.Six subjects who presented at birth with fetaleffusion were treated by in-utero pleuro-amniotic shunt. Five of these patients arealive at follow-up. No significant side effectsto the procedures were observed except forone case of a stuck pigtail catheter which hadto be extracted.

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At birth, pleural drainage was performedin 29/33 patients (22 bilateral, 5 right, and 2left chest drains) and abdominal drainagewas carried out in 2/33. Thirty-one patientsunderwent mechanical ventilation (29 SIPPV,2 HFOV) and surfactant was administratedto 20/33 patients. Total parenteral nutrition(TPN) was given to 32/33 patients and 28/32patients were fed a Medium-ChainTriglycerides (MCT) diet with varied MCTcontent[(Pregestimil® 55% (6/28), Caprilon®75% (2/28), Portagen® 87% (12/28), andMonogen® 90% (8/28)]. No side effects wereobserved. None of the patients who died everreached suitable general clinical conditionsallowing enteral feeding. Ten patients weretreated with Octreotide, at dosages rangingfrom 1 to 10 mcg/kg/hour for 8 to 38 days. All Octreotide-treated patients showeddecreased chylous production. Although onepatient died of severe respiratory distresssyndrome (RDS) due to pulmonaryhypoplasia, she experienced a mild reductionof pleural effusion during Octreotide therapy.Bile sludge and mild cholestasis wereobserved in one patient who spontaneouslyrecovered within one month. Two patientswere treated by pleurodesis. Twenty-sixbabies are alive after at least 6 months follow-up, 7/33 are deceased, and 2 further were lostto follow-up. Clinical conditions of survivorsare basically good, except for lung involve-ment (CLD or lung lymphangiectasia) andlymphedema. All patients were using a MCT diet at follow-up with good control ofchylous effusion.


We present our experience on diagnosisand management of 33 newborns affected byvarious combinations of congenital visceralchylous effusions presenting at birth (Tables 1 and 2). There are several points of interestin these data and some limitations. Our studyallowed us to collect a large number ofnewborns affected by congenital visceralchylous effusions. The sample size is quite



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large considering the rarity of the describedconditions, making this study exemplary inour opinion, and allowing us sufficient datato compare different diagnostic and thera-peutic approaches. Although we are awarethat our approach might be limited bymethodological and/or clinical heterogeneity,we believe that collecting such patients iscurrently the best approach possible due tothe rarity of these disorders and the lack ofmulti-center, prospective, controlled trials.

Consistency was found regarding theneed for exclusive level III intensive care andthe need for mechanical ventilation and chestdrainage at birth as well as the use of TPNand MCT diet. Disagreement was found on a) use of intrauterine pleural shunt, b) MCTcontent, c) Octreotide therapy, and d)pleurodesis.

It is beyond the scope of this article todiscuss the various types of ventilatorysupport that may be used, including SIPPV,HFOV, and nCPAP, with or without iNOsupplementation, or specific diagnosticprotocols or procedures (14,15). We brieflydiscuss some of the debated topics.

Point a). In our experience, only 6/33cases presenting with fetal effusion weretreated by pleuro-amniotic shunt (cases 1, 3,21, 22, 23, and 30; cases 22 and 23 did notpresent hydrops), within a range of 31 to 37weeks of gestational age at birth. All patients,except case 22, are alive at follow-up. Nosignificant side effects to the procedures wereobserved except for one case of a stuck pigtailcatheter which had to be extracted. TheNational Institute for Health and ClinicalExcellence (NICE) (16) provided guidelinesconcerning the insertion of pleuro-amnioticshunts for treatment of fetal pleural effusion.The report highlights that there are severaluncertainties about patient selection andnatural history of fetal pleural effusion. Arecent systematic review (17) reported thatcurrently available treatment options inisolated fetal hydrothorax with hydropsincluded single or serial thoracocentesis,thoraco-amniotic shunt placement or a

combination of thoracocentesis and shunting,pleurodesis with OK-432, and intrapleuralinjection of autologous blood. This review,together with others which were recentlypublished (17-22), estimated that a 60%perinatal survival rate may be expected intreated subjects. These papers, together withthe NICE report concluded that there is alack of hard proof regarding effectiveness ofintrauterine pulmonary drainage and that,although improved outcome in treated fetuses seems to be demonstrable, theprocedure is not completely safe nor free ofsevere complications. There is consensus that invasive fetal therapy should be reservedfor hydropic fetuses without additionalanomalies. Further, it must be taken intoaccount that pleural effusion may resolvespontaneously, thus making it necessary toevaluate the detailed balance betweentreatment risks and natural history-progression outcome of the effusion.

In our experience, subjects who did notundergo intrauterine pleural drainage wereusually born by planned cesarean section (CS vs VD, 20 vs 4; CS group GA from 28 to 40 weeks; VD group GA from 34 to 37weeks). Although our results seem to showthat premature birth can protect the fetusfrom injuries caused by progressive fluidaccumulation, we cannot provide definitivedata supporting the effectiveness ofperforming a premature delivery to avoid therisks of large visceral effusions, and especiallylarge pleural effusions eventually leading tolung hypoplasia. A comparison among theparticipating centers concerning the balancebetween premature delivery vs intrauterinepleural drainage seems to indicate that areasonable, although empirical approach thusneeding confirmation, might be to drain thefluid up to as late as 32-34 weeks gestationalage. If the fetus reaches 34 weeks with largeeffusion, the benefit of extrauterine drainageand treatment exceeds the problems ofprematurity. If the fetus has a large effusion,we also suggest administering antenatalsteroids to the mother.

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Point b). In our series, 29/33 patientswere fed an MCT diet for varying lengths oftime. We observed no side effects with theMCT diet. Patients were fed formulas thatvaried in MCT content (Pregestimil® 55%,Caprilon® 75%, Portagen® 87%, andMonogen® 90%). It is well known that theintestinal production of lymph exacerbatesand worsens chylothorax and chylous ascites(23). Thus, fat provided by enteral feedingmust be avoided and the recommendedapproach is to feed the patient by totalparenteral nutrition alone. The use of MCTfor enteral feeding during the re-feedingperiod, which usually follows a variably longperiod of chest drainage, mechanicalventilation, and TPN is now accepted.Conflicting data have been reported on theuse of prolonged MCT diets in newborns. Ahigh degree of gastrointestinal intolerance aswell as necrotizing enterocolitis have bothbeen affirmed and negated. No definitivedata are available on the use and duration ofthe MCT diet and long-term growth orneurodevelopmental outcomes (23). In ourexperience, the reasons why some types ofMCT formula were chosen over others arenot altogether clear. We observed thatavailability of the formulas in the countriesinvolved in our study varied. Personalpreferences on the part of the physicians mayalso be one of the reasons. It is important tonote that the MCT-contents in the variousformulas differ considerably, thus leading tothe conclusion that we need to come to anagreement regarding the duration and thedose of MCT. Fat-free human milk has beensuggested for infants with chylothorax, andthis may add immunologic benefits of humanmilk that other feedings cannot provide (24).

Point c). In our experience, 6 patientswere treated with Octreotide. The indicationfor Octreotide treatment was presence ofcontinuous and intractable visceral effusionsdespite drainage, or re-accumulation of fluidafter drainage tubes were removed. Allpatients treated with Octreotide were severelyill, but on the other hand, other patients who

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presented with a similar degree of severitywere not treated with Octreotide. All treatedpatients benefitted from the therapy andshowed a decrease in the production ofchylous effusion. Although one patient (case13) died of severe RDS due to pulmonaryhypoplasia, she experienced a mild reductionof pleural effusion during Octreotide therapy.We observed only one side effect duringtreatment with Octreotide in a patient (case28) who presented bile sludge and mildcholestasis that spontaneously recoveredwithin one month. In our opinion, thecholestasis might also have been connectedwith a prolonged period of TPN. In general,from our experience and with discussionamong participating centers, the reason(s)supporting the decision for treating these 5patients is(are) not entirely clear. It ispossible that physicians who had previouslyadministered Octreotide therapy were lesshesitant to use the drug. Octreotide isreportedly effective and in general safe.However, although our experience also seemsto confirm that Octreotide is safe andeffective in reducing visceral chylouseffusions, the relative effect of supportivetreatments, TPN, MCT diet, and Octreotidetreatment in the control of chylous effusionneeds to be evaluated in larger, prospective,clinical trails.

Octreotide is a somatostatin analog thatdecreases intestinal blood flow and inhibitslymph secretion through somatostatinreceptors in the intestinal wall (25). Theindication for Octreotide treatment is thepresence of continuous and intractablechylous effusions despite drainage, or thereaccumulation of fluid after drainage tubesare removed (25). Somatostatin was first usedin 1998 (26) to treat a 4 month old infantwith postoperative chylothorax. Two seriesdescribing the use of Octreotide in post-cardiac surgery chylothorax were thenpublished (25,27). A report on the use ofOctreotide to treat congenital chylothorax inthe newborn was first published in 2003 (28).Following this report, only few papers were

published describing both positive andnegative results (29-38). Octreotide treatmentis generally well tolerated except for transientside effects such as bile sludge, hypothy-roidism, and cholestasis (35). Conservativemanagement and Octreotide infusionreportedly lead to good control of bothchylous ascites and chylothorax even in theabsence of valid abdominal drainage bypossibly preventing excessive sufficientdrainage from mesenteric varicose lymphvessels during the acute phase of chylousascites and thus allowing adaptive changes of the mesenteric lymphatic system.

Point d). Pleurodesis with povidone-iodine, OK-432 (a lyophilized preparation of a low virulence group A Streptococcuspyogenes inactivated by heating withpenicillin), fibrin glue, autologous blood, and percutaneous thoracic duct embolizationwere anecdotally reported to treat persistentchylothorax (34,35) primarily when othertreatment modalities failed. In our experi-ence, one patient (case 33) was treated earlyby pleurodesis, and a second patient (case 11)underwent pleurodesis at 2 years of age(Table 1). After the procedures, chylothoraxnever recurred.


Perinatal chylous visceral effusions arerare disorders. Agreement on treatmentcurrently exists only in specific areas andonly for specific aspects, and guidelines onthis topic are currently under debate. In thisstudy, we enrolled a large number of patientsaffected by perinatal visceral chylous effusionfrom all over the world. Our observationslead to the conclusion that intrauterinepleural-shunt, MCT diet, and Octreotidetherapy are useful therapeutic options to treatcongenital chylous effusions. We stronglybelieve that there is a need for international,prospective studies with adequate controls,and long-term follow-up. A suitable numberof patients has to be collected on the basis ofappropriate eligibility and recruitment

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criteria in an effort to establish, and possiblyconfirm, the efficacy and effectiveness ofdiagnostic and therapeutic options, asdescribed in this report, in the field of fetaland neonatal visceral chylous effusions.


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Carlo Bellini, MD, PhDNeonatal Intensive Care UnitDepartment of PediatricsUniversity of GenoaIRCCS GasliniLargo G. Gaslini, 516147 Genoa, ItalyTel: 0039-56361Email: [email protected]

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