confrontation evo-demo griffins of akkylannie · griffon so he is subject to all the game effects...

Confrontation EVO-DEMO Griffins of Akkylannie December 18 th 2016 v:1.1 This document belongs to the Confrontation EVO-DEMO game. This document follows the same copyright of the Confrontation EVO-DEMO rulebook: cbna. Download the free Confrontation EVO-DEMO rulebook and material at: T he Griffins of Akkylannie were a still young people when the Cynwäll elves, hoping to have a new ally against Darkness, revealed the secret of gunpowder to them. Today, the Griffins thrive under the leadership of the Church and the only god Merin: on one side with the Templars, champions of the Light; on the other with the Inquisitors, seekers of the heresy; secretly with the Lodge of Hod, hunters of the horrors created by Dirz. Description The Griffins are an iconic Confrontation army by the looks of their armours. And indeed, they field among the most re- silient troops. The main drawback, how- ever, is that they are relatively slow: a true Griffin goes on foot! DISCLAIMER The complete army book contains many more profiles, capacities, artefacts, and so on. Few entries here have been sim- plified to enhance game speed. Contents Special Capacities 1 Artefacts 1 Example Lists 1 Fighters Profiles 2 Appendix: Mystics 3 Special Capacities of Mystics . 3 Spells for any Griffin ..... 3 Spells of the Redemption path 3 Miracles ............ 3 Example Lists ......... 3 Mystics Profiles 4 Appendix: Affiliations 4 Example Lists ......... 4 Appendix: Profile Cards 5 Special Capacities Capacity: Queen of shadows Reserved to: Shanys When she is deployed, Shanys becomes hidden. Capacity: Masters of the Temple Reserved to: Arkhos When Arkhos forms a War-staff he gives a bonus of +3 to to Griffin templar within Leadership range instead of the usual +2. Capacity: Seal of the temple Reserved to: Arkhos Griffin templar cost 2 a.p. less if the army includes Arkhos. Capacity: Shadows of the Inquisition Reserved to: Griffin thallion When building the army a Thallion can gain Assassin. Cost: 3 a.p. Capacity: The pillars of the empire Reserved to: Praetorian guardsman When a Praetorian Guard successfully performs a Master Strike on an op- ponent, he gains another combat die placed where you want. Artefacts Artefact: Hauteclaire (1) Reserved to: Mirà Hauteclaire (1) gives Mirà +2 STR and Bane/Possessed ability. Cost: 5 a.p. Artefact: Blade of the East Reserved to: Arkhos Arkhos can decide to use War Fury even after the INI roll. Cost: 6 a.p. Example Lists Army General: Arkhos • 2x Griffin templar • 2x Griffin templar • 2x Griffin fusilier Total: 200 a.p. Notes: A solid list with an iconic Confrontation general: Arkhos. Overall, the list has amazing DIS and very high RES. Use the fusilier to weaken the enemies while your troops approach and be careful: you don’t have many fighters! ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ Army General: Mirà + Haute- claire (1) • 2x Griffin conscript/Mace • 2x Praetorian guardsman • 2x Griffin executioner • 2x Griffin lancer Total: 199 a.p. Notes: This list is completely de- voted to combat. Beware because you have either strong but non- resilient fighters or resilient but non-strong ones. Use the former to strike the opponent and the second to stop his most powerful fighters. ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ Army General: Abel • War-staff: Conscript musician (2) Conscript standard-bearer • 3x Griffin thallion • 3x Griffin templar Total: 198 a.p. Notes: This all-rounder list pro- vides all: combat support, ranged shooting, protection from frighten- ing fighters with the War-staff and a solid General. Use the Thallions to weaken the enemy. Beware for the low combat STR, which is anyway compensated by a higher- than-average amount of combat dice. 1

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Page 1: Confrontation EVO-DEMO Griffins of Akkylannie · Griffon so he is subject to all the game effects that influence the Griffin Inquisi-tors. He also has the The Griffin inquisi-tors

Confrontation EVO-DEMOGriffins of Akkylannie

December 18th 2016 v:1.1

This document belongs to the Confrontation EVO-DEMO game. This document follows the same copyright of the Confrontation EVO-DEMO rulebook:cbna. Download the free Confrontation EVO-DEMO rulebook and material at:

The Griffins of Akkylannie were a still young people when the Cynwäll elves, hoping to have a new ally againstDarkness, revealed the secret of gunpowder to them. Today, the Griffins thrive under the leadership of the

Church and the only god Merin: on one side with the Templars, champions of the Light; on the other with theInquisitors, seekers of the heresy; secretly with the Lodge of Hod, hunters of the horrors created by Dirz.


The Griffins are an iconic Confrontationarmy by the looks of their armours. Andindeed, they field among the most re-silient troops. The main drawback, how-ever, is that they are relatively slow: atrue Griffin goes on foot!


The complete army book contains manymore profiles, capacities, artefacts, andso on. Few entries here have been sim-plified to enhance game speed.


Special Capacities 1Artefacts 1Example Lists 1Fighters Profiles 2Appendix: Mystics 3

Special Capacities of Mystics . 3Spells for any Griffin . . . . . 3Spells of the Redemption path 3Miracles . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Example Lists . . . . . . . . . 3

Mystics Profiles 4Appendix: Affiliations 4

Example Lists . . . . . . . . . 4Appendix: Profile Cards 5

Special Capacities

Capacity: Queen of shadowsReserved to: ShanysWhen she is deployed, Shanys becomeshidden.

Capacity: Masters of the TempleReserved to: ArkhosWhen Arkhos forms a War-staff he givesa bonus of +3 to to Griffin templarwithin Leadership range instead of theusual +2.

Capacity: Seal of the templeReserved to: ArkhosGriffin templar cost 2 a.p. less if thearmy includes Arkhos.

Capacity: Shadows of the InquisitionReserved to: Griffin thallionWhen building the army a Thallion cangain Assassin.

Cost: 3 a.p.

Capacity: The pillars of the empireReserved to: Praetorian guardsmanWhen a Praetorian Guard successfullyperforms a Master Strike on an op-ponent, he gains another combat dieplaced where you want.


Artefact: Hauteclaire (1)Reserved to: MiràHauteclaire (1) gives Mirà +2 STR andBane/Possessed ability.Cost: 5 a.p.

Artefact: Blade of the EastReserved to: ArkhosArkhos can decide to use War Fury evenafter the INI roll.Cost: 6 a.p.

Example Lists

• Army General: Arkhos• 2x Griffin templar• 2x Griffin templar• 2x Griffin fusilier• Total: 200 a.p.• Notes: A solid list with an iconic

Confrontation general: Arkhos.Overall, the list has amazing DISand very high RES. Use the fusilierto weaken the enemies while yourtroops approach and be careful:you don’t have many fighters!

::::::::::: :::::::::::

• Army General: Mirà + Haute-claire (1)

• 2x Griffin conscript/Mace• 2x Praetorian guardsman• 2x Griffin executioner• 2x Griffin lancer• Total: 199 a.p.• Notes: This list is completely de-

voted to combat. Beware becauseyou have either strong but non-resilient fighters or resilient butnon-strong ones. Use the formerto strike the opponent and thesecond to stop his most powerfulfighters.

::::::::::: :::::::::::

• Army General: Abel• War-staff:

– Conscript musician (2)– Conscript standard-bearer

• 3x Griffin thallion• 3x Griffin templar• Total: 198 a.p.• Notes: This all-rounder list pro-

vides all: combat support, rangedshooting, protection from frighten-ing fighters with the War-staff anda solid General. Use the Thallionsto weaken the enemy. Bewarefor the low combat STR, which isanyway compensated by a higher-than-average amount of combatdice.


Page 2: Confrontation EVO-DEMO Griffins of Akkylannie · Griffon so he is subject to all the game effects that influence the Griffin Inquisi-tors. He also has the The Griffin inquisi-tors

CharactersName AP Mov Ini Att Str Def Res Aim C/F Dis Pow Fai Equip Sz AbilitiesPure warriorsRegularsAbel, the ill-tempered 39 10 4 4 7 5 7 - 4 6 - - M Leadership/10; FanaticismName AP Mov Ini Att Str Def Res Aim C/F Dis Pow Fai Equip Sz AbilitiesSpecialsShanys the shadow[Queen of shadows] 51 12,5 6 7 8 5 5 - 6 7 - - M Consciousness; Fencer; Brav-

ery; Assassin; FanaticismName AP Mov Ini Att Str Def Res Aim C/F Dis Pow Fai Equip Sz AbilitiesElites

Mirà, the reckless 48 10 4 5 7 5 7 4 6 5 - - Gun, STR 6:10/15/20 M

Bravery; War fury; Personal en-emy/Saphon; Immunity/Fire;Fanaticism

Arkhos, templar com-mander[Masters of the Temple; Sealof the temple]

106 10 6 6 9 7 10 - 7 9 - - M Leadership/10; Bravery; Warfury; Fencer; Fanaticism

TroopsName AP Mov Ini Att Str Def Res Aim C/F Dis Pow Fai Equip Sz N◦ AbilitiesPure warriorsRegularsGriffin lancer 9 10 2 2 3 3 8 - 2 4 - - M 3 FanaticismGriffin conscript/Mace 11 10 2 2 5 3 8 - 3 4 - - M 3 FanaticismConscript musician (2) 13 10 2 2 3 3 6 - 3 5 - - M 2 Leadership/10; FanaticismConscript standard-bearer 13 10 2 2 3 3 6 - 4 4 - - M 2 Leadership/10; Fanaticism

Griffin fusilier 17 10 2 1 6 3 2 3 2 4 - - Rifle, STR 6:25/50/75 M 3 Fanaticism

Name AP Mov Ini Att Str Def Res Aim C/F Dis Pow Fai Equip Sz N◦ AbilitiesSpecialsGriffin executioner 16 12,5 4 5 7 3 3 - 4 6 - - M 3 Assassin; Fanaticism

Griffin exorcist 29 10 3 5 7 5 8 - 5 6 - - Judgment Blade,Blessed Armour M 2 Righteous; Sequence/1;

FanaticismName AP Mov Ini Att Str Def Res Aim C/F Dis Pow Fai Equip Sz N◦ AbilitiesElites

Griffin templar 17 10 3 3 4 4 9 - 3 5 - - M 3 War fury; Bravery; Fanati-cism

Griffin thallion[Shadows of the Inquisition] 24 10 4 4 6 4 7 3 6 6 - -

Blessed Armour,Consacrated Gun,STR 6: 10/15/20

M 3 Scout; Loyal/1; Fencer;Fanaticism

Praetorian guardsman[The pillars of the empire] 37 10 3 5 8 5 11 - 6 8 - - M 2 Righteous; Brutal; Master

strike/2; Fanaticism


Page 3: Confrontation EVO-DEMO Griffins of Akkylannie · Griffon so he is subject to all the game effects that influence the Griffin Inquisi-tors. He also has the The Griffin inquisi-tors

Appendix: Mystics

This Section contains all you need tofield Magicians and Faithful in yourarmy.

Special Capacities of Mystics

Capacity: InquisitorReserved to: EscheliusThis Character is an inquisitor of theGriffon so he is subject to all the gameeffects that influence the Griffin Inquisi-tors. He also has the The Griffin inquisi-tors capacity.

Capacity: The Griffin inquisitorsReserved to: Griffin inquisitorAn Inquisitor increases by X (maximum:X=3) his COU and POW tests whereX is the number of friendly Inquisitorswithin 15 cm.

Spells for any Griffin

Angel of FireReserved to: Griffin MagiciansPower: 3Gems: 3 Fire + 2 LightDifficulty: 8Area of effect: all friendly fighterswithin range with FanaticismRange: 10 cmDuration: until the end of the roundFrequency: 1As long as they are in range, all targetsget an additional combat die in attack.No game effect can eliminate nor alterthe position of this die. When this spelldissipates, the Magician suffers a Dam-age Roll with STR equal to his POW +1that is due to fire.

Warrior devotionReserved to: Griffin MagiciansPower: 2Gems: 2 FireDifficulty: target’s RES (maximum:10)Area of effect: a friendly fighter withFanaticismRange: 10 cmDuration: until the end of the roundFrequency: 2The target gets an additional combat diein all Frays he takes part in. No game ef-fect can eliminate nor alter the positionof this die.

Spells of the Redemption path

Grace of the InquisitionReserved to: InquisitorsPower: 2Gems: 2 FireDifficulty: 6Area of effect: specialRange: 10 cmDuration: instantaneousFrequency: 2This spell must be cast right before afriendly Inquisitor within range suffers aDamage Roll, no Line of Sight is re-quired, the Damage Roll is cancelled.The same fighter can benefit from thisspell only once per round.

PyreReserved to: InquisitorsPower: 2Gems: 2 FireDifficulty: 6Area of effect: an enemy fighterRange: contactDuration: instantaneousFrequency: 1The target suffers a STR 1 Damage Rollfor which his RES is considered equalto his DIS. This spell does not work onRighteous, Hyperions and fighters witha DIS rate of “-”.


Avenging Arm of MerinAspects: DestructionFervour: 2Difficulty: 5Area of effect: a fighterRange: Aura of FaithDuration: until the end of the roundTarget’s hand-to-hand weapons becomeSacred.

Holy TerrorAspects: AlterationFervour: 1Difficulty: target’s DISArea of effect: a friendly fighterRange: 30 cmDuration: until the end of the roundThe target gets a FEAR rate equal to hisDIS.

Merin’s AegisAspects: AlterationFervour: 3Difficulty: 7Area of effect: specialRange: noneDuration: until the end of the round

The difficulty of all ranged shots thatcross the Faithful’s Aura of Faith is in-creased by 2 and their STR is decreasedby 2.

Example Lists

• Army General: Shanys• 3x Griffin fusilier• 1x Praetorian guardsman• 2x Griffin inquisitor with:

– Grace of the Inquisition, Pyre• Total: 191 a.p.• Notes: The Inquisitors must stay

close to each other in order to bemore effective in the casting oftheir spells.

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• Army General: The priestess ofsteel with:

– Avenging Arm of Merin, HolyTerror, Merin’s Aegis

• 3x Griffin conscript/Mace• 2x Praetorian guardsman• 2x Griffin exorcist• Total: 195 a.p.• Notes: The Priestess can de-

fend his troops from ranged at-tacks, make them more power-ful in combat by granting themSacred weapons and turn fight-ers into frightening ones to makeenemies flee. The army hasmany fighters, so she should haveenough T.F. each round.


Page 4: Confrontation EVO-DEMO Griffins of Akkylannie · Griffon so he is subject to all the game effects that influence the Griffin Inquisi-tors. He also has the The Griffin inquisi-tors

CharactersName AP Mov Ini Att Str Def Res Aim C/F Dis Pow Fai Equip Sz AbilitiesMagiciansInitiatesCairn, the apostole 34 10 4 3 5 4 7 - 3 6 3 - M Fire/Theurgy; FanaticismName AP Mov Ini Att Str Def Res Aim C/F Dis Pow Fai Equip Sz AbilitiesAdeptsEschelius, the fer-vent[Inquisitor]

115 10 5 7 8 7 10 - 7 9 5 - JudgmentBlade M

Fire and Light/Redemption andTheurgy; Warrior-mage; Leader-ship/15; Autority; Fanaticism

Name AP Mov Ini Att Str Def Res Aim C/F Dis Pow Fai Equip Sz AbilitiesFaithfulsDevouts

The priestess of steel 30 10 3 3 3 4 8 - 4 7 - 0/2/1 M Faithful of Merin/10; Enlightened; Fa-naticism

TroopsName AP Mov Ini Att Str Def Res Aim C/F Dis Pow Fai Equip Sz N◦ AbilitiesMagiciansInitiatesGriffin inquisitor[The Griffin inquisitors] 26 10 3 4 7 5 9 - 4 6 2 - Judgment

Blade M 2 Fire/Redemption; Warrior-mage; Fa-naticism

Appendix: Affiliations

The following, short affiliations provide away to improve fighters and bring varietyto the game.Crusade: Imperial ArmyMaster: Cardinal AerthCrusade/Discipline of Steel (1 a.p.):Affiliated fighters gain Rigour. � Af-filiated Characters also get Leader-ship/10.Solo/Outstanding Marksman (1 a.p.):The ranges of the marksman’s rangedweapon increase by +5/+10/+15 cm.

::::::::::: :::::::::::

Crusade: The Temple of the NorthMaster: Thurbard, Templar Com-manderCrusade/Temple of Storms (1 a.p.):Every round, before the Tactical Roll, 2allies get +1 in STR and RES until theend of the round.Solo/Unyielding (2 a.p.): The fightergets Steadfast.

::::::::::: :::::::::::

Crusade: The InquisitionMaster: Aedhann Orphelion, in-quisitor general of the EmpireCrusade/Hunters of the Heretics(1 a.p.): Affiliated fighters gain Righ-teous.Solo/Holy Warriors (3 a.p.): Thefighter gains a Sacred Weapon.

::::::::::: :::::::::::

Example Lists

Imperial Army• Army General: Abel + affiliation• War-staff:

– Conscript musician (2) + af-filiation

– Conscript standard-bearer +affiliation

• 2x Griffin lancer + affiliation• 3x Griffin fusilier + affiliation +

solo• 2x Griffin thallion + affiliation +

solo• Total: 197 a.p.• Notes: This list is centered around

marksmen, use them to weakenthe enemy from a longer distancebefore closing in. Rely on theFencer ability of Thallions to makethem hold their ground. Abel andhis War-staff provides protectionagainst frightening enemies.

::::::::::: :::::::::::

The Temple of the North• Army General: Arkhos + affilia-

tion + solo + Blade of the East• 3x Griffin templar + affiliation +

solo• 1x Griffin thallion + affiliation +

Shadows of the Inquisition• Total: 194 a.p.• Notes: This variation of one of the

initial lists has a single Thallion toweaken the enemy: protect him,it’s the ace up your sleeve! Rely

on the affiliation bonus to makethe fighters who need extra com-bat effectiveness receive that.

::::::::::: :::::::::::

The Inquisition• Army General: Shanys + affilia-

tion + solo• 2x Griffin conscript/Mace + affili-

ation• 2x Praetorian guardsman + affili-

ation• 2x Griffin executioner + affiliation

+ solo• Total: 197 a.p.• Notes: This list relies on using Sa-

cred Weapons in combination withthe Assassin ability. Try to attackfirst and roll a Damage Roll with3 dice to maximise the chances ofmaking a double!

::::::::::: :::::::::::

The Inquisition• Army General: Eschelius + affili-

ation + solo. With:– Pyre, Warrior devotion

• 3x Griffin conscript/Mace + affili-ation

• 2x Griffin executioner + affiliation+ solo

• Total: 196 a.p.• Notes: Here Eschelius is a war-

machine, he can obliterate any en-emy and provide additional com-bat dice for those close to him.


Page 5: Confrontation EVO-DEMO Griffins of Akkylannie · Griffon so he is subject to all the game effects that influence the Griffin Inquisi-tors. He also has the The Griffin inquisi-tors


Page 6: Confrontation EVO-DEMO Griffins of Akkylannie · Griffon so he is subject to all the game effects that influence the Griffin Inquisi-tors. He also has the The Griffin inquisi-tors


Page 7: Confrontation EVO-DEMO Griffins of Akkylannie · Griffon so he is subject to all the game effects that influence the Griffin Inquisi-tors. He also has the The Griffin inquisi-tors


Page 8: Confrontation EVO-DEMO Griffins of Akkylannie · Griffon so he is subject to all the game effects that influence the Griffin Inquisi-tors. He also has the The Griffin inquisi-tors