conflict resolution and the alternative dispute resolution (adr) initiative carol bray ccr liaison...

Conflict Resolution and the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Initiative Carol Bray CCR Liaison for EGC

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Page 1: Conflict Resolution and the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Initiative Carol Bray CCR Liaison for EGC

Conflict Resolution and the Alternative Dispute Resolution

(ADR) Initiative

Carol Bray

CCR Liaison for EGC

Page 2: Conflict Resolution and the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Initiative Carol Bray CCR Liaison for EGC


This document will discuss:

• The nature of conflicts

• Conflict resolution approaches

• So what is mediation?

• History of ADR in USG

• Conflict resolution at EGC

• What can you do?

Page 3: Conflict Resolution and the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Initiative Carol Bray CCR Liaison for EGC


The nature of Disputes

Sources of Conflict• Values• Data conflicts• Structural Conflict• Relationship Conflict• Interest Conflict

Conflicts can lead to...

• Grievances• Lawsuits• Complaints• Strikes• Disciplinary Actions

Page 4: Conflict Resolution and the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Initiative Carol Bray CCR Liaison for EGC


Conflict Resolution Approaches

• There are 3 basic approaches to getting conflicts resolved...– Rights Based: adjudication– Interest Based: negotiation and mediation– Power Based: acts of aggression or the with

holding of the benefits of a relationship

Page 5: Conflict Resolution and the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Initiative Carol Bray CCR Liaison for EGC


The ADR/Mediation Approach

• The Conflict Management or Conflict Resolution/Mediation Approach is interest based and it can be characterized by the following:

– Informal– Fast– Inexpensive

Page 6: Conflict Resolution and the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Initiative Carol Bray CCR Liaison for EGC


So what is mediation?

• Mediation is a conflict resolution process that is voluntary and less costly in time and money than litigation. In mediation, a third party acts as a neutral intervener who assists disputants to reach a mutually acceptable resolution. Mediation is a cooperative win/win process.

Page 7: Conflict Resolution and the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Initiative Carol Bray CCR Liaison for EGC


History of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Conflict Resolution (CR) Process

• In 1994 the BOR established the Blue Ribbon Study to research ways to reduce the adversarial means of resolving conflict on our campuses. The goal was to create a more collaborative approach to resolving issues.

• In 1995 the ADR, Alternative Dispute Resolution Initiative, was developed and implementation began on campuses.

Page 8: Conflict Resolution and the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Initiative Carol Bray CCR Liaison for EGC


History cont’d...

• CNCR*, Consortium on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, located at GA State, “...provides technical expertise and training support, administers the System-wide Mediation Program, and conducts periodic evaluation of the development and implementation of CM.”

* <>

Page 9: Conflict Resolution and the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Initiative Carol Bray CCR Liaison for EGC


History cont’d...

• Each campus president appointed a Campus Liaison to be the primary contact for the institution and to be the primary intermediary between the Chancellor’s Office and the USG Advisory Committee on Conflict Resolution.

• Each campus was to form a Campus Conflict Resolution Committee to aid in their work, provide feedback, and serve as a focus group.

• In 1996 each campus was charged with determining the following:– Where are we now?– Where do we want to go?– How do we get there?

Page 10: Conflict Resolution and the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Initiative Carol Bray CCR Liaison for EGC


Conflict Resolution at EGC

In 1996/97 EGC...

• Formed Campus Committee

• Began educating and training selected faculty and staff

• Assessed the current conflict systems

• Created a ‘mediation’ procedure that was published in Faculty and Staff handbooks

Page 11: Conflict Resolution and the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Initiative Carol Bray CCR Liaison for EGC


Information about Conflict Resolution is

• published in faculty, staff, and student handbooks and other student handouts

• posted on a webpage dedicated to this initiative and linked on other EGC webpages (Institutional Support, Current Students, Online Help, Human Resources, and Counseling)

• Presented each summer at the college’s Fall Conference

Page 12: Conflict Resolution and the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Initiative Carol Bray CCR Liaison for EGC


What is EGC’s Campus Conflict Resolution (CCR) Committee’s


• To encourage faculty, staff, and students to use mediation to resolve conflicts

• To attend training to fine tune skills...and

• To offer assistance for bringing in a mediator from another campus

• To evaluate procedures