confidence part 1


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Post on 21-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Confidence Part 1


Page 2: Confidence Part 1

… “Confidence means you believe in yourself, your company, and the product you represent.” If you can just get that one line in your head,

repeat it, and truly believe in it you will start selling 20% more tomorrow.�


It all boils down to 1 thing…��

Page 3: Confidence Part 1

Confidence means the ability to take control of the call. It means you have the tenacity to take on all objections. Having confidence tells the prospect that you are the authority figure. It tells the complaining or difficult customer that the “buck stops here.” 

I’m what’s trending

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Confidence also means that you don’t have to give a price discount. It means that you know you

have a solid product and you know the

prospect needs the products you sell.

All you have to do is make the prospect want the products

you sell.

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When you project a confident manner over the phone your

prospect “hears” your authority. They “hear” your

expertise. Your prospect doesn’t know that the only person that gave you this

authority and this expertise is yourself but they do

understand completely that you are in charge.

Confidence comes naturally with success but, success comes only to

those who are confident.

IT Ain’t what they

call you.!!

It’s what


Answer to.!

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Being in charge first and foremost means taking charge of the phone

conversation. I can’t stress this point enough. You have

to be in charge of the conversation if you plan

on selling anything. Being in charge doesn’t mean

being arrogant or disrespectful. Just the

opposite, it means asking appropriate questions that

keeps the sales process moving in the right

direction. That right direction is always leading towards a confident close.

I’m the expert because I want to be

the expert. I have command over the call; driving that

call in a particular direction because I want to have that

control. I am extremely confident in my sales ability. I may not close every deal but I approach every call like I’m supposed to close

that deal.

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“Hi baby, if you love me baby just smile.” “Hi baby, I love you baby, but I just can’t smile.”

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How can you gain

confidence in your ability to


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Learn every aspect of the product so you can anticipate every question that may be asked. When

sales reps fail to reach their goals, they typically fail right here. They try to get by on their sales ability and they fail to learn their

respective product so they can’t answer objections.

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2. Learn the sales process and ask your prospects questions

Always line up your questions so that they are heading towards a close. The next question you ask has to be leading the prospect towards the answer that you want. That answer should help

the prospect solve for a need that they have. Reps fail because they are afraid that the

customer will give them an answer that will keep them from closing. It’s just easier for reps to pitch features than to ask questions that may accidentally lead them to an objection they

didn’t anticipate.

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3. Learn to listen to your prospects

Why do reps ask 2 or 3 good questions but then fail to listen to the answers? The prospect is

feeding you answers, they are feeding you what they need from your product and what they want

from your product…LISTEN TO THEM! Quit thinking about the next question and listen to

the answer being given. If you listen, you will be able to drive the conversation towards the

direction you want to go.

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4. Set Goals

Get in the habit of setting goals. Start small; don’t make them particularly challenging at

first. Focus on achieving them and then celebrating that achievement. Once you’ve

mastered the small goals, set some bigger goals and continue improving. Your confidence will

build as you continue to achieve. Little by little, the successes will start piling up!

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ConfidenceConfidence isn’t something that is given to you, or that you earn. Confidence is a requirement

for all sales representatives. You will acquire immediate confidence in your sales ability and

close more sales if you will learn your product, learn the sales process, ask questions, listen to the answers from your prospects, and set goals. Why do so and so earn more than you and close more sales day in and day out? It is because they

have confidence in their product, in their company, and in their own sales abilities.

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I will dress sharp

I will walk with purpose

I will keep my head up

I will remind myself of my strengths and purpose

I will Be grateful for all I have

I will compliment others

I will sit in the front row

I will make myself heard

I will exercise

I will contribute

I will BE confident


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What do you expect? you willGet whatever you expect to get. You will achieve whatever

You expect to achieve.


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Let go of the unsuccessful you, let go of the doubt, the negativity, let go of the old you. Being successful in life is just truly believing that you are something unique and special. When you open your eyes and you start work today, your expressions

will be different, your tone of voice will be different, you’ll talk more convincingly, you’ll be more real, more emphatic.

Our brains are like a circuit, so if we introduce it with the proper wiring, we can become whatever we want. Now think about what you want to achieve today. You are a new person. You can do whatever you want to do. Trust in yourself and your abilities; be confident.

Your brain is like a circuit switch, once you believe you are something, you embody that feeling. If you were in a coma, and you just woke up and you didn’t have a memory and you were told that you used to be a navy seal and they want you back now; how would

you act? Would you act differently than you do now, would you conduct yourself differently than you do now?

Close your eyes, lower your head, clear your mind.

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… “Confidence means you believe in yourself, your company, and the product you represent.” If you can just get that one line in your head, repeat it, and truly believe in it you will start selling 20% more today.�


It all boils down to 1 thing…��

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