conference i. shahrour "lessons from the smart city sunrise" doha - 2015

SunRise : Largescale demonstrator of the Smart and Sustainable city: which lessons?” 4th Arab Future Summit, Doha, Qatar 13th & 14th April 2015 Professor Isam Shahrour Professor, University Lille1 –Science and Technology [email protected]

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Page 1: Conference I. Shahrour "Lessons from the  Smart City SunRise" Doha - 2015

SunRise  :  Large-­‐scale  demonstrator  of  the  Smart  and  

Sustainable  city:  which  lessons?”    

4th  Arab  Future  Summit,  Doha,  Qatar  13th  &  14th  April  2015  

Professor  Isam  Shahrour  Professor,  University  Lille1  –Science  and  Technology  Isam.Shahrour@univ-­‐      

Page 2: Conference I. Shahrour "Lessons from the  Smart City SunRise" Doha - 2015

•  History  •  SunRise  demonstra=on  site  •  Main  achievements  •  Outcome    

Page 3: Conference I. Shahrour "Lessons from the  Smart City SunRise" Doha - 2015

Large  academic    project    

«  City  of  the  Future)  ?  

2010  -­‐  2011  

Page 4: Conference I. Shahrour "Lessons from the  Smart City SunRise" Doha - 2015

Ci=es   Metropolis   Social  Housing  Eco-­‐District  

Large  academic    project    

«  City  of  the  Future)  ?  

Energy    (Elecrical,  Gaz,    District  hea=ng)  

Water    (Drinking,    Sewage)  

Construc=on  companies  


IT  Solu=on  Engineering  




Large  consor=um    

Page 5: Conference I. Shahrour "Lessons from the  Smart City SunRise" Doha - 2015

Combine  3  issues:  •  City    •  Sustainability  •  Digital    

Smart  and    Sustainable  City  

Page 6: Conference I. Shahrour "Lessons from the  Smart City SunRise" Doha - 2015

Smart  City  Concept  Intelligence  

Page 7: Conference I. Shahrour "Lessons from the  Smart City SunRise" Doha - 2015

Smart  City    implementa=on  ?  

 Large  Experimenta=on  (Demonstrator)    

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•  History  •  Demonstra=on  site  •  Main  achievements  •  Outcome    

Page 9: Conference I. Shahrour "Lessons from the  Smart City SunRise" Doha - 2015

Scien=fic  Campus  

Small  town:  •  25  000  users  •  140  Buildings          (320  000  m2  )    

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Construc=on  Year  


Page 11: Conference I. Shahrour "Lessons from the  Smart City SunRise" Doha - 2015

C1  –  Chimie  (1966)   Polytech’Lille  (2000)  

IUT      (2006)  

Page 12: Conference I. Shahrour "Lessons from the  Smart City SunRise" Doha - 2015

100  km  of  Urban  Networks  

•  Drinking  Water  •  Sewage  •  District  Hea=ng  •  Gas    •  Electrical  (  HV,  LV)  •  Public  light  •  Roads    

Page 13: Conference I. Shahrour "Lessons from the  Smart City SunRise" Doha - 2015

Innova=on  operators    •  Pole  Ubiquitaire  •  CITC  –EURARFID  •  PRN  

Local  government  •  AMGVF  (Large  

Ci=es  associa=on)  •  Lille  Metropolis  •  Region  •  ArtoisComm  

Interna=onal:  •  W-­‐Smart  (Int.  Ass.  for  

water  Security)  •  US  •  Netherland,  UK,  Spain  •  Lebanon,  Morocco  

Water/Energy/Buildings  operators  •  Dalkia  •  Eaux  du  Nord  (Suez)  •  Eau  de  Paris  •  ERDF    •  Lille  Métropole  Habitat    

Research  Laboratories:  •  Engineering  •  Informa=on  technology    •  Social  Science  

Educa=on  :  •  Master  programs  •  PhD  programs  

Starts-­‐ups  :    Stereograph,  Nooliac,    Inodesign,  Calmwater,  Planete  oui,  Ixsane,  Projex,    

Public/private/Interna=onal  partners:  

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SunRise  Community  :  Faculty  members,  PhD,  Master  Degree  Students,  engineers,    

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•  History  •  Demonstra=on  site  •  Main  achievements  •  Outcome    

Page 16: Conference I. Shahrour "Lessons from the  Smart City SunRise" Doha - 2015

SunRise  Pla`orm  Informa=on  Sytem  

Asset  Data  (GIS)  


Wb  servor    communica=on  

•  Users  •  Management  staff  •  Technical  staff  •  Academic  Staff  •  Public  

Communica=on  :    •  Réseaux  filaires    •  Réseaux  sans  fils    

Monitoring    •  Buildings  •  Water  Network  •  Energy  network  •  Others    

Sensors  data    

Users    -­‐  Alert    -­‐  Informa=on  

Users  data    

Open  data    •  Weather  •  Traffic    •  Emergency    

Open  data    

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•  Drinking  Water  •  Sewage  •  District  Hea=ng  •  Gas    •  Electrical  (  HV,  LV)  •  Public  light  •  Roads    

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Drinking  water    

Page 19: Conference I. Shahrour "Lessons from the  Smart City SunRise" Doha - 2015

Concerns:    •  Leakage  • Real-­‐=me  contamina=on  detec=on  • Users  awareness  •  Energy  op=miza=on  

Page 20: Conference I. Shahrour "Lessons from the  Smart City SunRise" Doha - 2015

Partners  :      •  W-­‐Smart  •  Eaux  du  Nord  (Suez  Environment),  Eaux  de  Paris,  CEA-­‐LIST  •  KWR,  SmrtWater4Europe  (Acciona,  Vitens,  Thames  water,…)  

Page 21: Conference I. Shahrour "Lessons from the  Smart City SunRise" Doha - 2015

TWUL  Demo  site  London  


Smart  Caceres  Caceres  


VIP  Leeuwarden  


Sunrise  Demo  site  Lille    

ü  Project  Budget:  12M€  ü  EU  funding:  FP7  INNO  DEMO    ü  Project  dura=on:  4  year  ü  Project  Management:  Vitens  N.V.  


ü  12  innova=ve  SMEs  ü  3  water  u=li=es  ü  3  research  ins=tutes  ü  1  company  ü  2  pla`orm  organiza=ons  

European  Project  SmartWater4Europe  

Page 22: Conference I. Shahrour "Lessons from the  Smart City SunRise" Doha - 2015

•  90  AMR  •  6  pressure  cells    

Water  network    •  16  km  •  Highly  meshed    

Page 23: Conference I. Shahrour "Lessons from the  Smart City SunRise" Doha - 2015

Consomma=on  d'eau  du  bâ=ment  P2  -­‐  Mai  2014    

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Construc=on  of  DMA    (District  Metering  Area)  

Page 25: Conference I. Shahrour "Lessons from the  Smart City SunRise" Doha - 2015

On-­‐line  Water  Quality  control    (Chemical    and  biological)  

Intellisonde  (UK)  

Event  Lab  (Netherland)  

S::scan  (Austria  )  


Contaminant  Injec=on  

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District  hea=ng  

Page 27: Conference I. Shahrour "Lessons from the  Smart City SunRise" Doha - 2015

Concerns:    • Data-­‐based  Diagnos=c    • Reduc=on  of  energy  looses  (primary,  secondary,  buildings)  • Demand-­‐  based  energy  produc=on  (usage,  historical  data,…)  • Users  awareness  

Page 28: Conference I. Shahrour "Lessons from the  Smart City SunRise" Doha - 2015

SunRise Site pilote de la ville intelligente et durable

Réseau  d'eau  

District  hea=ng  system  

Hea=ng    Center  

Page 29: Conference I. Shahrour "Lessons from the  Smart City SunRise" Doha - 2015

Hea=ng  Sub-­‐Sta=on  

•  Temperature  •  Flow  •  Pressure  •  Consump=on  

Regula=on  System  (Valve  Controllers)  

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Regula=on  system  age  


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Data  :  Building  «  M1  »  

Heat  Consump=on   External  Temperature  

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Heat    Consump=on  

External  Temperature  

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•  History  •  Demonstra=on  site  •  Main  achievements  •  Outcome    

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Conclusion  SunRise  :  Major  demonstrator  project:    

•  Relevant  size  •  Mul=-­‐sector  •  Public-­‐private  partnership  •  Interna=onal  partnership  •  Academic  ac=vity  (Educa=on,  training  &  


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University:  1)  Moderniza=on  of  the  asset  management  (Digital)  (GIS  –  based  informa=on  system,  incident  repor=ng,  …)    2)  Reduc=on  of  the  water  and  energy  looses.  

Main  outcomes    

3)  Road  map  :    Large  investment  plan  for  the  transforma=on  of  the  campus  network  into  Smart  network  (funded  by  energy  and  water  savings).  

4)  Academic  :    new  academic  programs,  ahrac=veness  for  Master  degree  and  PhD  students,  partnership  with  the  industry    5)  Consul=ng  ac=vity    

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•  Recommenda=on  for  the  use  of  innova=ve  smart  sensors    

•  Specifica=on/design  of  mul=-­‐parameters  sensors  •  Engineering  and  IT  developments  (Incident  detecBon,  

opBmizaBon,  learning,  hyper-­‐security,  …)  

Research  -­‐  Innova=on    

Main  outcomes    

•  Social  :  §  Users  awareness  §  Use  of  social  network  §  Economic  model  §  Legal  (use  of  data,  privacy...)