conducting hr audit mp-final

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected] Conducting a HR Audit By Muaz Popatia 2014

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This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Conducting a HR Audit

By Muaz Popatia


This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Rules of the House!

Phones on vibration / silent.

Take urgent calls only (leave on need basis)

No late arrivals.

First Tea at 10:30 am (15 Minutes),

Lunch at 1:00 (60 Minutes)

Second Tea at 3:30pm (15 Minutes)

Questions may be asked anytime (just raise your hand!)

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Course Objective

To understand fundamentals of conducting an Audit.

To understand key concepts regarding HR Audit.

To review some basic check-lists regarding HR Audit

pertaining to selected HR sub-functions.

Give me your expectation also!

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

ContentsUnderstanding the Fundamentals:The HR Cycle (Activity & Purpose Based)Understanding how the HR function becomes a Strategic Partner?Why is an audit required?Understanding the “mind-set” an Auditor should haveWhat is an HR Audit?The link between HR Audit and Other Audits.Purpose & Scope of the HR Audit (HRA)The HR Audit CycleThe benefits of the HR Audit

Planning to Implement:Planning the HRA (Timing and Implementation)Preparing for HRAHR Audit TOR (Terms of Reference)

Implementing to Conduct:Taking the “HR Temperature”Designing a QuestionnaireCollecting Information

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]


HR Functions to Audit:

Recruitment & Selection

Compensation & Benefits

Orientation & Placement

Training & Development

Performance Management

Analyzing to Recommend:

Analyzing the Data.

Identifying Areas of Improvement.

Preparing Recommendations.

Reporting to Present:

Documenting the findings.

Presenting the recommendations.

Preparing a HRA report.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]


the Fundamentals

Module - I

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals

Elections in the Jungle!

Monkey Won; Lion lost.

Lion threaded Lady Giraffe.

Giraffe went to Monkey for Help.

Monkey jumped from tree to tree.

On question from Giraffe.

Monkey said “Look how active & angry,

I became when you told me that the

lion threatened you.”

We need results not activity.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals

The HR Cycle – Activity Based

Recruitment & Selection


Compensation & Benefits

Training & Development

Performance Management

Entry /


Short-listing, Hiring,

Interviewing &

Joining Formalities

Orientation to the

Organization and Job

Payroll & Budgets

Staff Training &

Development, and



Promotions &


This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals

The HR Cycle – Purpose Based





Recruitment & Selection



Compensation & Benefits

Training & Development

Performance Management

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals

How HR becomes a Strategic Partner:




HR Info in Time



This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals


Is an official inspection of an organization's accounts, typicallyby an independent body.

New Audit:

The new audit definition has gone to audit all other areas oforganizations as well, some of them are:

Job Audit:

Knowledge Audit

Skills Audit

Human Resource Audit

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals

Job Audit:

A tool used to classification of jobs, positions or tasks.

Revisiting Jobs to see if new classification or compensation

related matters is required.

Knowledge Audit:

A knowledge audit is an effort to understand where an

organization stands in terms of knowledge management and its

knowledge assets. (Knowledge management (KM) is the

process of capturing, developing, sharing, and effectively using

organizational knowledge)

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals

Skills Audit:

A skills audit is essentially a process for measuring and

recording the skills of an individual or group. The main purpose

for conducting a skills audit in an organization is to identify the

skills and knowledge that the organization requires, as well as

the skills and knowledge that the organization currently has.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals

Why do we need an Audit?

Audit is supposed to help us in:

Identify Risks

Find Better Ways and Best Practices

Partner with you to identify solutions

Prevent problems.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals

• Audit Notification

• Entry Meeting

• Audit Survey

• Fieldwork

• Draft Report

• Exit Meeting

• Management Response

• Final Report

• Follow-up

Steps in Audit

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals

Audit Notification

First letter / info to the head of the area to be audited.

Entry Meeting

First meeting with those who are to be audited, when and for what? Also to decide on the basics such as equipment and space provision.

Audit Survey

Auditors conduct research and observe the audit areas to enhance their knowledge of processes.


Actual review and checking of the documents.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals Draft Report

First report submitted on the what the Audit found out.

Exit Meeting Conducted with the same personnel who attended the first meeting. Focuses on

approval and agreement on the draft report. Changes may be made.

Management Response Response from the area-owners (within 30 days).

Final Report Along with reply from the area-owner, Audit submits the report to

Heads/CEO/Audit Committee.

Follow up After six to twelve months a follow-up is done.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals

Who may conduct an Audit

Internal Auditors:

Internally Trained staff who understands the process.

External Auditors:

An external agency (organization) auditing another.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals

Internal Audit:


Checking the value-addition (in our case – HR’s) to the


Conformance to Procedures.

Effectiveness processes and systems.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals

External Audit:


Check compliance to key legislation & regulations.

Build customer confidence / employer of choice

To verify certain claims that you may have made.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals

Understanding the Mind-set an Audit should have:

(Internal Auditor)

A catalyst (for improvement)

An advisor

A reported of Facts

An internal auditor can be a type of an internal

CONSULTANT for the HR Department

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals

Understanding the Mind-set an Audit should have:

Attributes of Highly Effective Internal Auditors (as Identified by the Institute of Internal Auditors) are:

i) Integrity

ii) Relationship Building (People Skills)

iii) Partnering (Service Oriented)

iv) Communication

v) Team Work

vi) Diversity

vii) Continuous Learning (Focused)

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Any Questions???

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals

What an HR Audit is?

Systematic Review of all HR Procedures / Processes.

It measures that current “performance” level.

It identifies the “way forward” to improve the HR practices

Reveals weaknesses and strengths of the department.

It is a diagnostic tool.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals What an HR Audit is?

As per SHRM

An HR audit involves an objective look at the company’s HR policies, practices, procedures and strategies.

To protect the company, establish best practices and identify opportunities for improvement.

An objective review of the company’s “current state” can help you evaluate whether specific practice areas are adequate, legal and/or effective.

The results can provide decision-makers with the information necessary to decide what areas need improvement.

An HR audit can be structured to be either comprehensive or specifically focused, within the constraints of time, budgets and staff.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals Types of HR Audit?

Compliance: Focuses on how well the company is complying with current

federal, provincial and local laws and regulations.

Best Practices: Helps the organization maintain or improve a competitive

advantage by comparing its practices with those of companies identified as

having exceptional HR practices.

Strategic: Focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of systems and

processes to determine whether they align with the HR department’s and/or

the company’s strategic plan.

Function-Specific: Focuses on a specific area in the HR function (e.g.,

payroll, performance management, records retention, etc)

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals Link with Other Audits?

Job Skills Audit

Knowledge Audit

Skills Audit

Gives you an in-sight into the utilization of your organization’s

“Human Capital”

Human Capital: The skills, knowledge, and experience

possessed by an individual or population, viewed in terms of

their value or cost to an organization or country.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals

Purpose of HR Audit

The purpose of a Human Resources audit is to assess theeffectiveness of the Human Resources function to ensureregulatory compliance.

To look for potentially serious problems (time bombs)

To find areas needing improvement

To document processes for use in merger, reorganizationor inspection

To address compliance issues

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals

Scope of HR Audit

Can be conducted in all areas:

Recruitment & Selections,


Compensation & Benefits,

Training & Development,

Performance Management or

Employee Relations & Industrial Relations.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals

Human Resource Audit Cycle

Pre-Audit Decisions

Audit Planning


The Audit

Data Compilation

& Analysis

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Understanding the Fundamentals

Ultimate Goal or Benefit of HR Audit:

To gain valuable information regarding current HR practices

and procedures & determine readiness to meet current and

projected organizational needs.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Any Questions???

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]


to Implement

Module - II

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Planning to Implement

How often should an HR Audit be conducted:

You may decide based on your needs:

On-Going Review (Legally Active Areas)

Annual Basis

Every 6 months

Occasionally for certain “important” areas.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Planning to Implement

Preparing for HRA

You need to decide on the following:

Who should conduct the audit:

Internal HR Staff

External Auditor

Internal Auditor

Cross Functional Team

Company Lawyer (especially for Legal Compliance)

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Planning to Implement

Preparing for HRA

You need to decide on the following:

Which areas will be audited and for what period:

Identify the specific area / sub-function. (Scope)

Identify the time period for which records will be audited

Identify the Contact Person – To resolve communication needs.

Last but not the least:

You may like to have a formal “Terms of Reference” signed.

TOR: the scope and limitations of an activity or area ofknowledge

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Planning to Implement

Preparing for HRA

Documents & Checklists to be reviewed:

Policies and Procedures (SOPs)


Previous Audit Reports

Training Records

Personnel Records / Staff Files

Accounting Records

Disciplinary Records

ANYTHING that can prove that ongoing systems areoperating as intended and as required!

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Any Questions???

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]


to Conduct

Module - III

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Implementing to Conduct

Taking HRTemperature

Before you ask someone (from the concern to-be-auditedArea) about their work. It is a good idea to have a candidmeeting.

This meeting should be focused around “breaking the ice”and letting the individual know that you are there NOTto catch their mistakes but you are there to correctthem.

You also need to show confidence in them that they arequalified for the job. Its just that your purpose is to helpthem improve.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Implementing to Conduct Designing a Questionnaire

Identify the “risks” or what can go wrong with the function.

The more regulated the industry the more “detailed” your checklist needs to be.

Make sure you check validity of licenses and permits.

In cases of food related items, compliance with “expiry” dates is a must.

In factories safety is of prime importance.

Always address the “Information Security” perspective of the record-keeping & access.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Implementing to Conduct

Steps in Conducting an HR Audit

Collect Information



Correction Plan

All the steps need to be time-bound!

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Implementing to Conduct

Collecting Information

Keep the evidence grid (we studied) in mind.

All data collected should be acquired through the “focal”


Always keep one contact person.

Keep your eyes and ears open for any observations.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Implementing to Conduct


Give meanings / Try to make sense of the data given.

Note your disagreements.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Implementing to Conduct


Compare Against standards, SOPs, Best practice or Law.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Implementing to Conduct

Correction Plan

Determine which categories need the “most” attention.

Have a Buy-in from concerned person / team.

Develop exact actions to be taken (time bound)

Have responsible persons identified to carry-out the action


Control, Monitor and Follow-up to verify.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Any Questions???

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

HR Functions to


Module - IV

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

HR Functions to Audit

Which areas may be addressed:

HR Strategic Management

Workforce Planning / Budgeting & Selection

Training & Development

Labor Relations

Safety & Security


HR Facilities & Equipments

HR Staff – JDs.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

HR Functions to Audit





Legal Issues

Performance Management

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

HR Functions to Audit

Recruitment & Selection

Compensation & Benefits

Orientation & Placement

Training & Development

Performance Management

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

HR Functions to Audit

Recruitment & Selection

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

HR Functions to Audit

Recruitment & Selection

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

HR Functions to Audit

Compensation & Benefits

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

HR Functions to Audit

Compensation & Benefits

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

HR Functions to Audit

Orientation & Placement

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

HR Functions to Audit

Orientation & Placement

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

HR Functions to Audit

Training & Development

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

HR Functions to Audit

Training & Development

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

HR Functions to Audit

Performance Management

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

HR Functions to Audit

Performance Management

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Any Questions???

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]


to Recommend

Module - V

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Analyze to Recommend

Analyze Data

Data needs to be clear and error free

Evaluate if the right questions have been asked or not?

Check if all records and the overall record keeping process was inplace or not?

Note down any observations you may have.

Compare the results with standards or SOPs.

Make sure your recommendations are realistic

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Analyze to Recommend

Identifying Areas of Improvement

Determine the Areas that need immediate attention

For each area design an improvement plan with timeline andbudgets

Have the plan reviewed by the process owners

Decide on the interval of time and implementation & measureplan.

Design a follow-up mechanism.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Analyze to Recommend

Preparing Recommendations

Results are best provided in the form of Charts or Heat Maps

(Refer to sample heat map)

Don’t forget the classic rule of keeping it simple for Senior

Management to understand

Include all and any resources required

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Any Questions???

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]


to Present

Module - VI

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Reporting to Present

Documenting the findings

Make sure you obtain copies of all records / documents you reviewed

You must know the source of the document (from whom youreceived)

Ideally you should have a single point of contact and all details mustbe received through this point of contact only

Keep your checklist / note book handy

Make notes of any observations you may have

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Reporting to Present

Presenting the recommendations

Rather than TEXT, graphical representation of data is more


Have the recommendations run by the middle management (if


The report should be concise and interesting.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Reporting to Present

Preparing an HRA Report

The report should have the following (IIA declared)









This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Reporting to Present

Preparing an HRA Report

Plan the Report (decide the basic sections that need

to be included)

Draft the Report (type out the text and check the


Revise the Report (before submission)

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Reporting to Present

Preparing an HRA Report

Auditor (Writer) VS Reader Mindset


I want to show you lots of data!


Reasoning & Graphs

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Reporting to Present

Preparing an HRA Report

Auditor (Writer) VS Reader Mindset


I want a report that is easy to read & understand.

Accurate, Brief and to the point.

Bottom line first and details later.

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

New Trends in HR

Human Resource Management is now becoming Human

Capital Management.

Human Assets are being viewed as good as Financial


This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

This course has been designed by Muaz Popatia [email protected]

Muaz Popatia

[email protected]
