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Concurrent programming in Java INF4140 12.10.11 Lecture 7

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Concurrent programming in Java



Lecture 7

Page 2: Concurrent programming in Java - Universitetet i Oslo · High-level constructions for concurrent programming Java (5.0) supports concurrent programming at a high level of abstraction


basic Java threads programming:

Java threads: de�nitions, properties


Locking and synchronization

Waiting and signalling

Running example: readers and writers

Experiences and high level structures:

Deadlock, problems with lexical locking

High level structures for concurrent programming (Java 5.0)

Example: bounded bu�er

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Operating systems, processes, and threads

OS es

allow several processes to run on one machine via preemptivescheduling.Multi-processor machines or �multi-core�-processors: processes can alsorun truly concurrently/in parallel

Thread :

a process that is inexpensive for the OS to create, typically becauseresources are shared with the process that created the thread.Resource sharing enables e�ective interaction between threads, but canalso lead to interference between threads.


and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM): independent of the OSJava threads are built into the language.=⇒ threads must follow certain rules.

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Concrete de�nition of Java threads

Listing 1: java.lang.Thread

p u b l i c c l a s s Threadex t end s Objectimplements Runnable

{// c o n s t r u c t o r sThread ( ) { . . . }Thread ( Runnable t a r g e t ) { . . . }

// methods// must be re−implemented by s u b c l a s s e sp u b l i c vo i d run ( ) {}p u b l i c vo i d s t a r t ( ). . . // much omi t ted


// a r e l a t e d i n t e r f a c ep u b l i c i n t e r f a c e Runnable {

p u b l i c vo i d run ( ) ;}

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Basic properties of Java threads

Each thread is controlled by a unique Thread object� these two can be treated as one.Lifecycle for one thread:

An object of class Thread is created

Life (execution) begins when the run() is called

The thread dies when run() terminates, either by returningor an exception

Threads typically communicate via shared state :

Read/write �elds in objects the threads can reference

Local variables and method parameters: not shared between threads

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Threads in Java: A �rst example


c l a s s S imple e x t end s Thread {p u b l i c vo i d run ( ) {

System . out . p r i n t l n (" He l l o th r eaded wor ld ! " ) ;} }


Simple s = new Simple ( ) ;s . s t a r t ( ) ;

start(): prepares the object for execution.

when processor becomes available: �it� calls

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Example: interference and Java threads

avoid interference during concurrent execution of Java threads.

c l a s s S to r e {p r i v a t e i n t data = 0 ;p u b l i c vo i d update ( ) { data++; }

}. . .// i n a method :S to r e s = new Sto r e ( ) ; // the t h r e ad s below have a c c e s s to st1 = new FooThread ( s ) ; t1 . s t a r t ( ) ;t2 = new FooThread ( s ) ; t2 . s t a r t ( ) ;

Threads t1 and t2 could execute s.update() concurrently!Interference between t1 and t2 =⇒ may lose updates to data.

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Locks and synchronization

To avoid interference: Threads synchronize access to shared dataMechanism:

1 One unique lock for each object1 o.

2 mutex: at most one thread T can lock o at any time.

3 T makes a

request to lock o in order to execute the block (statements) B as follows:

synchronized (o) { B }

T blocks (�stops�) until the lock succeeds.

4 As soon as (if) T 's request succeeds, o is locked and T executes B .

5 Several threads can compete in the locking of an object.Implementation-dependent order for granting of lock requests.

6 T may lock o again from B (� reentrance �).

7 When T �nishes B or throws an exception: lock on o is released.

1Actually: object, table, and class.INF4140 (12.10.11) Concurrent programming in Java Lecture 7 8 / 1

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State model for Java threads: locking



gfed`abcrequestfor o

locked o



// _^]\XYZ[readyscheduled

11 _^]\XYZ[running

synchronized (o)


The lock on o is released when the thread leaves the synchronized block(must happen in state `running').Some conditions and thread primitives omitted.2

2Taken from the book Java Precisely by Peter Sestoft (MIT Press, 2002 & 2005).Old version freely availably from

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Example part II: no interference

Solution to earlier problem: lock the Store objects before executingproblematic method:

c l a s s Sto r e {p r i v a t e i n t data = 0 ;pub l i c vo id update ( ) {

synchron ized ( t h i s ) { data++; }} }\ dot s// i n s i d e a method :Sto r e s = new Sto r e ( ) ;

Now only one thread at a time can run s.update().Short form:

c l a s s S to r e {p r i v a t e i n t data = 0 ;p u b l i c s y n ch r on i z e d vo i d update ( ) {

data++;} }

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Example: Sequential readers and writers

c l a s s RWbasic {p r o t e c t e d i n t data = 0 ; // the " database "p u b l i c vo i d read ( ) { System . out . p r i n t l n (" read : " + data ) ; }p u b l i c vo i d w r i t e ( ) {

data++;System . out . p r i n t l n (" wrote : " + data ) ;

} }

c l a s s Main {s t a t i c RWbasic RW = new RWbasic ( ) ;p u b l i c s t a t i c vo i d main ( S t r i n g [ ] a rg ) {

f o r ( i n t i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++) {RW. read ( ) ;RW. w r i t e ( ) ;

} } }

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Example: Parallel (unsynchronized)readers and writers

c l a s s Reader e x t end s Thread {RWbasic RW; // As b e f o r ep u b l i c Reader ( RWbasic RW) {

t h i s .RW = RW;}p u b l i c vo i d run ( ) {

f o r ( i n t i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)RW. read ( ) ;


c l a s s Wr i t e r . . .// l i k e Reader , but RW. w r i t e ( ) i n s t e a d

c l a s s Main {s t a t i c RWbasic RW = new RWbasic ( ) ;p u b l i c s t a t i c vo i d main ( S t r i n g [ ] a rg ) {

new Reader (RW) . s t a r t ( ) ;new Wr i t e r (RW) . s t a r t ( ) ;


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Example: Exclusive readers and writers

Synchronized methods give mutual exclusion.

c l a s s RWexc lus ive ex t end s RWbasic {p u b l i c s y n ch r on i z e d vo i d read ( ) { supe r . r ead ( ) ; }p u b l i c s y n ch r on i z e d vo i d w r i t e ( ) { supe r . w r i t e ( ) ; }


ie reuses code from class RWbasic.

The classes Reader, Writer and Main now use RWexclusive instead ofRWbasic.

No interference, but. . .Problem: At most one reader at a time.

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Methods for waiting and signalling

p u b l i c c l a s s Object {// methodsp u b l i c f i n a l v o i d wa i t ( )

throws I n t e r r u p t e dE x c e p t i o n { . . . }p u b l i c f i n a l v o i d n o t i f y ( ) { . . . }p u b l i c f i n a l v o i d n o t i f y A l l ( ) { . . . }

. . . // much omi t ted}

A thread that calls methods on object o must have locked o beforehand,typically

s y n ch r on i z e d ( o ) {. . .o . wa i t ( ) ;

. . .}

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Explanation of wait-related methods

The following is de�ned for an arbitrary Java object o:

o.wait(): release lock on o, enter o's wait queue and wait

o.notify(): wake up one thread in o's wait queue

o.notifyAll(): wake up all threads in o's wait queue

Objects that wait on o (o.wait()) sit in a queue.The ordering of the wait queue is implementation-dependent.The methods notify()/notifyAll() have �Signal and Continue�semantics.

Note: A thread which wakes from o.wait() must lock o again before itcontinues.An awakened thread has no advantage in the competition for the lock to o.

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State model for Java threads: locking and waiting



gfed`abcrequestfor o

locked o


gfed`abcwaitingfor o



o.notify or



// _^]\XYZ[readyscheduled

11 _^]\XYZ[running

synchronized (o)EEEEEEEE





There are two independent places where a thread can block, per object o:

by locking o: synchronized (o) { B }

by waiting on o: o.wait()

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Example: Real readers and writers

c l a s s Reade r sWr i t e r s e x t end s RWbasic {p r i v a t i n t nr = 0 ;p r i v a t e s y n ch r on i z e d vo i d s t a r tRead ( ) { nr++;}p r i v a t e s y n ch r on i z e d vo i d endRead ( ) {

nr−−;i f ( nr==0) n o t i f y ( ) ; // awaken wa i t i n g Wrs .

}p u b l i c vo i d read ( ) { // not s y n ch r on i z e d

s t a r tRead ( ) ; s upe r . r ead ( ) ; endRead ( ) ;}p u b l i c s y n ch r on i z e d vo i d w r i t e ( ) {

wh i l e ( nr >0)t r y { wa i t ( ) ; }

ca tch ( I n t e r r u p t e dE x c e p t i o n ex ){ r e t u r n ; }

supe r . w r i t e ( ) ;n o t i f y ( ) ; // awaken ano the r wa i t i n g W.


The classes Reader, Writer and Main now use ReadersWriters insteadof RWbasic.Problem: The solution favours readers (�starvation�).

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T1 : T2 :

s y n ch r on i z e d ( a ) { s y n ch r on i z e d ( b ) {. . . . . .s y n ch r on i z e d ( b ) { s y n ch r on i z e d ( a ) {

. . . . . .} }. . . . . .

} }

Deadlock if T1 locks a and then T2 locks b.

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Lexical (blockwise) locking

ie locking using synchronized:Advantages:

Automatic unlocking at the end of the synchronized block

Transparent, easy to see when a lock is held


When several objects are locked: locks must be released in reverseorder

Locks must be released in the same lexical scope that they werelocked in

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High-level constructions for concurrent programming

Java (5.0) supports concurrent programming at a high level of abstractionin the packages java.util.concurrent*.Motivation for high-level support:

More �exible and/or abstract than synchronized

E�cient implementations, do not use synchronized directly

Correct implementations of synchronization primitives, e.g.semaphores (frequently a non-trivial task!)

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Flexible locks with conditions

Listing 2: Interface java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock

p u b l i c i n t e r f a c e Lock {// methodsp u b l i c vo i d l o c k ( ) ;p u b l i c vo i d un lock ( ) ;p u b l i c boo l ean t r y l o c k ( ) ;p u b l i c Cond i t i on newCond i t ion ( ) ;

. . . // omi t ted}

Listing 3: Interface java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition

p u b l i c i n t e r f a c e Cond i t i on {p u b l i c vo i d awa i t ( ) throws I n t e r r u p t e dE x c e p t i o n ;p u b l i c vo i d s i g n a l ( ) ;p u b l i c vo i d s i g n a l A l l ( ) ;

. . . // omi t ted}

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Standard implementation and semantics

O�ered as standard:

Listing 4: Class java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock

p u b l i c c l a s s Reent rantReadWr i teLockex t end s Objectimplements ReadWriteLock , . . .{ . . . }

Semantics of �exible locks

The same number of calls must be made to lock() and unlock() foreach lock

Methods in Condition have � signal and continue � behaviour

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Use of �exible locks

Lock l = . . . ;l . l o c k ( ) ;t r y {

. . . // a c c e s s e s the r e s o u r c e p r o t e c t e d by the l o c k} f i n a l l y {

l . un l ock ( ) ;}

Code executed when the lock is held should be protected by try-finallyor similar to ensure that the lock is released in case of interruption.A condition associated with a lock is created as follows:

Lock l = . . . ;Cond i t i on c = l . newCond i t ion ( ) ;

The lock must be held when the condition is used.

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Eg.: bounded bu�er using Condition

c l a s s BoundedBuf fer {f i n a l Lock l o c k = new Reent rantLock ( ) ;f i n a l Cond i t i on n o t F u l l = l o c k . newCond i t ion ( ) ;f i n a l Cond i t i on notEmpty = l o c k . newCond i t ion ( ) ;

f i n a l Object [ ] buf = new Object [ 1 0 0 ] ;i n t r ea r , f r on t , count ; // i n t d e f a u l t s to 0

p u b l i c vo i d d e p o s i t ( Object x ) throws I n t e r r u p t e dE x c . { . . . }

p u b l i c Object f e t c h ( ) throws I n t e r r u p t e dE x c e p t i o n { . . . }

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Eg.: bounded bu�er using Condition

c l a s s BoundedBuf fer {. . . // i n i t i a l i z a t i o np u b l i c vo i d d e p o s i t ( Object x ) throws I n t e r r u p t e dE x c . {

l o c k . l o c k ( ) ;t r y {

wh i l e ( count == buf . l e n g t h ) n o t F u l l . awa i t ( ) ;buf [ r e a r ] = x ;r e a r = ( r e a r + 1) % buf . l e n g t h ;count++;

notEmpty . s i g n a l ( ) ;} f i n a l l y { l o c k . un lock ( ) ; }


. . . .

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Eg.: bounded bu�er using Condition

c l a s s BoundedBuffer {. . . // i n i t i a l i z a t i o n

. . .

p u b l i c Object f e t c h ( ) throws I n t e r r u p t e dE x c e p t i o n {l o c k . l o c k ( ) ;t r y {

wh i l e ( count == 0) notEmpty . awa i t ( ) ;Object x = buf [ f r o n t ] ;f r o n t = ( f r o n t + 1) % buf . l e n g t h ;count−−;n o t F u l l . s i g n a l ( ) ;r e t u r n x ;

} f i n a l l y { l o c k . un l ock ( ) ; }} }

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Eg.: bounded bu�er using Condition

c l a s s BoundedBuffer {f i n a l Lock l o c k = new Reent rantLock ( ) ;f i n a l Cond i t i o n n o t F u l l = l o c k . newCond i t ion ( ) ;f i n a l Cond i t i o n notEmpty = l o c k . newCond i t ion ( ) ;

f i n a l Object [ ] bu f = new Object [ 1 0 0 ] ;i n t r ea r , f r o n t , count ; // i n t d e f a u l t s to 0

p u b l i c v o i d d e p o s i t ( Object x ) throws I n t e r r u p t e dEx c . {l o c k . l o c k ( ) ;t r y {

wh i l e ( count == buf . l e n g t h ) n o t F u l l . awa i t ( ) ;bu f [ r e a r ] = x ;r e a r = ( r e a r + 1) % buf . l e n g t h ;count++;

notEmpty . s i g n a l ( ) ;} f i n a l l y { l o c k . un l ock ( ) ; }

}p u b l i c Object f e t c h ( ) throws I n t e r r u p t e dE x c e p t i o n {

l o c k . l o c k ( ) ;t r y {

wh i l e ( count == 0) notEmpty . awa i t ( ) ;Object x = buf [ f r o n t ] ;f r o n t = ( f r o n t + 1) % buf . l e n g t h ;count−−;n o t F u l l . s i g n a l ( ) ;r e t u r n x ;

} f i n a l l y { l o c k . un l ock ( ) ; }} }

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Concurrent programming is di�cult. . .

Method stop() in class Thread:

Stops arbitrary threads

Stopping can break invariants in locked objects

Eventually declared deprecated.

For a long time, there were severe errors in Java's memory model:

�Double-checked locking� � a common idiom in concurrentprogramming � was invalid in Java

Errors and ambiguities in the de�nition of low-level behaviour of Javathreads

Corrected in 5.0 Java Language Speci�cation, 3rd edition.

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JR language

The language JR is Java extended with language support for bothconcurrent and distributed programming.JR represents an alternative approach, inspired by Andrews' language SRwhich is used in the textbook.A JR implemention is freely available for various operating systems.

The JR Concurrent Programming Language,

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