conclusion thpp

Does NYC no longer need a branding strategy? Was the brand promotion so well implemented that the marketing department became redundant? And did the problems of 9/11 fade so much that is holds no part in the brand identity? For clarity these questions will be answered below. One of the vital outcomes during the research of destination branding was that every destination needs a strategy, which they continually need to evolve and maintain. This strategy should take basis in the core identity of the destination so that it allows room for change without moving away from the core of the destination. However, some, more than others, have succeeded in becoming a successful destination without a strategy or an identity to show for it. Yet this is not recommendable in the long run. This seemed to be the case for NYC. However, the marketing department of the city did not become redundant. Instead it dissolved and disappeared but others took over, yet again stressing that no brand can sustain itself no matter how popular. This is particularly true when working with the complex task of branding a destination. Moreover, because a destination image consists of a series of events, people, and happenings that are never static, but in compilation make the brand image, it is important to realise that it always needs work. Furthermore, an event as serious as 9/11, will always have influence on the image, perception, history, heritage and identity of the destination. Luckily for NYC this caused an increase in the patriotism, which helped NYC recreate faster than any other destination of terror.

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Post on 31-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Conclusion Thpp

Does NYC no longer need a branding strategy? Was the brand promotion so well

implemented that the marketing department became redundant? And did the problems of 9/11

fade so much that is holds no part in the brand identity? For clarity these questions will be

answered below.

One of the vital outcomes during the research of destination branding was that every

destination needs a strategy, which they continually need to evolve and maintain. This

strategy should take basis in the core identity of the destination so that it allows room for

change without moving away from the core of the destination. However, some, more than

others, have succeeded in becoming a successful destination without a strategy or an identity

to show for it. Yet this is not recommendable in the long run. This seemed to be the case for

NYC. However, the marketing department of the city did not become redundant. Instead it

dissolved and disappeared but others took over, yet again stressing that no brand can sustain

itself no matter how popular. This is particularly true when working with the complex task of

branding a destination. Moreover, because a destination image consists of a series of events,

people, and happenings that are never static, but in compilation make the brand image, it is

important to realise that it always needs work. Furthermore, an event as serious as 9/11, will

always have influence on the image, perception, history, heritage and identity of the

destination. Luckily for NYC this caused an increase in the patriotism, which helped NYC

recreate faster than any other destination of terror.

In conclusion, 9/11 did not cause permanent damage in regard to the American audience

because they supported the city and visited it in patriotic duty in the aftermath of 9/11.

Nonetheless, the attack will always have a place in the minds of the people who were affected

by the tragedy.

Conclusively, NYC has become what it is for many reasons. The main reason for choosing the particular approach and identity suggested in the thesis, was that NYC was the place where the early settlers came to seek their fortune, and this image of NYC, as being the place where dreams do come true, has subconsciously been part of the success that NYC has obtained with or without aiming for it. Nevertheless, with some work, a few adjustments, and a new official destination brand identity people will be able to identify the need to go to NYC, and verbalise the motivation to realise themselves, and thereby create a nation-wide, maybe even world-wide, buzz that New York is the place to go