concept war - above the hells

December 25 th , 2014 Joe franticly opens his eyes as he’s heavily panting. Joe’s eyes are trying to focus as his black eyes with red pupils are blinded by a bright light that hangs from a warehouse ceiling. Joe attempts to sit up but he’s bind down at his forehead and chin to a metal table. Wearing a confused facial expression, Joe looks down at his wrist to notices they’re strapped down to this cold, metal table as well. Joe utters, “Where am I? Where am I?” A voice rings out from beyond the bright lights by saying, “Ah, ya up, mate. I t’ought I lost ya.” Joe’s eyes darts over to a smiling Trevor wearing a bloody, white apron with a surgical mask around his neck. Splats of blood are all over his chocolate face. Trevor says, “I woulda ‘ad been tizzy if ya expired on me, bugger.” Joe franticly says, “Listen, l-listen Trevor, if you let me go and I will give you whatever your heart’s desire.” Trevor says, “Well, my big, big ‘eart desires ya, gov’nor. So t’ank ya fo’ t’is amazin’ gift.”

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Divine War


Page 1: Concept War - Above the Hells

December 25th

, 2014

Joe franticly opens his eyes as he’s heavily panting. Joe’s eyes are trying to focus as his black

eyes with red pupils are blinded by a bright light that hangs from a warehouse ceiling. Joe

attempts to sit up but he’s bind down at his forehead and chin to a metal table. Wearing a

confused facial expression, Joe looks down at his wrist to notices they’re strapped down to this

cold, metal table as well. Joe utters,

“Where am I? Where am I?”

A voice rings out from beyond the bright lights by saying,

“Ah, ya up, mate. I t’ought I lost ya.”

Joe’s eyes darts over to a smiling Trevor wearing a bloody, white apron with a surgical mask

around his neck. Splats of blood are all over his chocolate face. Trevor says,

“I woulda ‘ad been tizzy if ya expired on me, bugger.”

Joe franticly says, “Listen, l-listen Trevor, if you let me go and I will give you whatever your

heart’s desire.”

Trevor says, “Well, my big, big ‘eart desires ya, gov’nor. So t’ank ya fo’ t’is amazin’ gift.”

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Joe says, “Trevor! I am a God, dammit! Release me, right now!”

Trevor says, “Oh, is t’at a fact? Ya kno’, entertain me.”

Joe’s eyes nervously darts around the room as Trevor’s arrogant demeanor demands his

attention. Joe says, “I can tell you your future.”

Trevor says, “Let’s not. I like ta be surprised ‘bout my future. Try again.”

Joe says, “I know that you still love Asia. Yes, you love Rose but your heart will always will be

with Asia.”

Trevor leans forward with his palms resting on the cold, steel table wearing an expression of

amusement. Trevor says, “Oi! T’is jus’ got interestin’. Continue.”

Joe says, “No one knows but your God and me that Asia was gun down after she turned down

your marriage proposal but everyone knows the wrath that followed after her death. You hated

yourself for years because of her death.”

Trevor says, “’Kay? Continue.”

Joe says, “Since the moment you felt her last breath seep out of her body you have always felt as

though you were responsible for her murdering because the Russian mob was aiming to kill you.

You walk around in your life with a burden on your shoulders to keep your love ones at a

distance because they are always the ones whom die in the crossfire.”

Trevor says, “T’at’s factual. W’at am I t’ink now?”

Trevor leans closer to Joe as he’s deeply staring into Joe’s dark eye. Joe slowly blinks then says,

“You want to kill me.”

Trevor yells wearing a big smile, “Bingo!”

Joe says, “Listen, Trevor, I can give you Asia back!”

Trevor says, “’ow so? Ya gonna make ‘er appear wit’ a snap o’ ya fingers?”

Joe says, “I am not that type of God. I can only see your past, present, and future. I can only read

your mind and heart. I can only watch Humanity, never able to change it.”

Trevor says, “Ttk! Ya coulda ‘ad me but ya lost me, Joey boy.”

Joe begins to laugh while staring Trevor into his brown eyes. Trevor says, “By all means, fill me

in on ya ‘umor.”

Joe says, “I am a God, you fucking ant! You can not harm me! You can shoot me, torture me,

burn me and I will always return! When I am able to free my restrains I promise I will snap your

neck then you will not return! Do your worst, boy!”

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Trevor politely smiles as he’s putting his surgical mask over his face. Trevor says,

“Ya very correct, if ya snap my neck t’en I’m Fred…BUT! Taday ya jus’ might be wrong ‘bout a

few facts. Azazel, do ya feel anyt’ing different?”

Joe’s eyes grow wide in awe as he stumbles over his words by saying, “H-how do y-you know

my true n-name?”

Trevor says, “Did ya ever consider t’at us little ants on Earth jus’ might be God’s favorite? Well,

I kno’ I am fo’ sure I am ‘is favorite. Oi! Ya still didn’t answer my inquiry; does anyt’ing feel

different, Azazel?”

Joe double blinks as he’s looking at Trevor. Joe swallows a big gulp then says,

“I-I am unable to feel my feet.”

Joe’s eyes looks down at his feet only to find his legs are missing from his above his knees down

to his feet. Joe quickly looks at Trevor whom is smiling through his facial mask. Joe screams,

“Why am I not healing! What have you done?!”

Trevor says, “The suspense is killin’ ya, ain’t it? Well, I kidnapped one o’ ya followers a year

ago an’ tested w’at makes ‘im click. Drug after drug until I came upon one drug t’at slows down

ya immortals’ ‘eart down ta the pace o’ us little ant ‘eart race, metoprolol. No matter ‘ow much

ya t’ink ya immortal ya body still works like regular Humans. The source o’ ya life is ya ‘eart an’

brain. Ya ‘eart pumps blood to continue the flow o’ healin’ but if ya ‘eart is slowed down then ya

will heal like me, slow at times or forever damaged. Joey boy, I pump’d ya with so much

metoprolol ya could slip inta a comma at any second now.”

Joe notices an IV that’s injected into his right arm while Trevor is saying,

“Ah, ya see t’at right t’ere? T’at’s the metoprolol surgin’ into ya blood stream. An’ notice the

tube t’at’s in ya chest? Yes! T’at’s metoprolol bein’ pump’d inta ya ‘eart as well. T’ese days’

immortals are just as mortal as a fly.”

As Trevor is speaking to him, he noticed the thin IV tube in his chest. Joe’s eyes begin to fill

with tears as he’s looking Trevor into his eyes. Joe utters while trying to hold back his tears,

“What can I say or do to change your mind?”

Trevor says, “Jus’ a sorry would work fo’ me.”

Joe says, “I-I am s-ss-sorry.”

Trevor says, “Do ya really mean it, bloke?”

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Joe says, “Y-yes. If you let me go I will disappear off the face of Earth and live in a cave or-or

how about I serve you. Who do you need killed, torture, kidnapped? What about your next heist.


Trevor says, “Ya see w’at ya doin’ right ‘ere? T’is is w’at it feels ta be ‘uman. Beggin’ ta ‘old on

ta t’at next breath o’ life. T’at’s all we want, ta live fo’ever.”

Joe says, “I can show you how to live forever, you can be rich. I can show you how to make the

Infinity pill, trust me. I want to help.”

Trevor gently rubs Joe’s forehead while looking down at him wearing a warm smile. Trevor

says, “I believe ya really want ta help us NOW. Ya kno’, w’en a man kno’ he’s ‘bout ta die, the

truth jus’ oozes out o’ his pores, eyes, ears, and mouth as if he’s lookin’ ta bargain wit’ Death. I

truly understand and feel compassion fo’ ya fears. The uncontrollable, unknown emotion o’

death is so freightin’. At t’at moment, t’at’s w’en ya compre’end the true ‘appiness o’ life. I

really want ya ta live. I t’ink ya will be an amazin’ asset ta my group…BUT, ya killed my mate,

Ling sometime ago, remember?”

Joe calmly nods his head as tears stream down his face. Trevor is still rubbing Joe’s sweaty

forehead. Trevor intensely gazes into Joe’s eyes while saying,

“Well, Ling’s death really touched me in places I didn’t t’ink it would touch me. I took it ‘ard

an’ yes, I really would luv ta work wit’ ya ta be ‘onest, I admire ya wisdom, detail o’ a plan, and

skills but, Azazel, I am a man of my word. No matter w’at, I like to keep my words true. Tell

Lucifer I said hi.”

Trevor walks away from Joe only to grab a bone saw from the table next to the table Joe is lying

on. Joe begins to struggle to freedom from the straps of the table. Trevor starts up the bone saw

as Joe’s fearful eyes are watching the blade rapidly spin. Trevor approaches Joe’s legs as Joe

screams, “STOP! STOP! NO! NO!”

Trevor says, “Don’t fret, ya won’t feel a t’ing but ya will see everyt’ing.”

Trevor takes the saw to Joe’s right thigh, ripping thought flesh as blood splatters all over

Trevor’s mask. Trevor’s joyous smile can be seen through his bloody mask while Joe screams.

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Oakland, California

December 30th

, 2014

Raymond is signing paperwork as Marilyn and Atiya are talking to one another. A doctor says to


“You do understand she’ll be in your care?”

Raymond smiles while saying, “Doctor James, I wouldn’t have it no other way.”

Nurse says, “This way, Ms. Jones.”

Raymond smiles with arms opening wide, yelling, “Momma!”

Ms. Jones says, “Baby. Where you been?”

Raymond gives his mother a big hug as his mother is wearing a confused facial expression.

Raymond says, “I have been through hell, momma.”

Raymond grabs his mother belongings as Atiya extends her hand wearing a smile on her face.

Atiya says, “Hi Ms. Jones. I’m Atiya, Raymond’s wife.”

Atiya holds her left hand up to reveal her wearing ring. Ms. Jones’ eyes glow with happiness

while saying, “Oh my, lovely to meet you, baby.”

Ms. Jones looks at Raymond wearing a big smile on her face while saying, “You didn’t tell me

you met someone, Trey! She’s beautiful! Are you two gonna give me grandbabies?”

Atiya laughs while saying, “Not just yet, Ms. Jones but soon.”

Ms. Jones says, “Oh stop it with the Ms. Call me mom.”

Atiya smiles while saying, “Yes mom.”

Raymond directs his mother to Marilyn’s attention. Raymond says, “Mom, this is Atiya’s sister,


Ms. Jones wears a huge smile while garbing Marilyn only to give her a big hug. Marilyn

embraces the hug by hugging her back. Ms. Jones whispers into Marilyn’s ear, “You’re back! I

thought I lost you!”

Marilyn says, “I only went on a small vacation, Mary-Ann. I am back and here to stay for the rest

of your life.”

Ms. Jones says, “Thank you for your guidance, Concept Wo—”

Marilyn interrupts by saying, “Just call me Marilyn, Mary-Ann.”

Atiya and Raymond look at one another shrugging their shoulders. Raymond breaks up their

intense hugging only to say,

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“Okay, okay, guys, time to go.”

Ms. Jones says to Raymond while they’re leaving the mental hospital, “Where are we going?”

Raymond says, “Home.”

Raymond, Atiya, Ms. Jones, and Marilyn exit the hospital to a stretch black limousine. The

driver is waiting with the door open. Ms. Jones is in awe of the limousine then looks back at

Raymond to say,

“Trey, are you still into those streets. Where did you get this from?”

Raymond says, “Naw momma. We own things now. This is ours, we made it. I told you I was

gonna make it. Let’s go, momma, we got a flight to catch.”

Ms. Jones says, “A flight? To where?”

Raymond says, “I’ll explain in the limo.”

Ms. Jones enters the limousine first then Marilyn, Atiya kisses Raymond then says,

“I love you, Raymond.”

Raymond says, “I love you too, Sunshine.”

Atiya enters the limousine then finally Raymond enters the limousine and then the driver closes

the door. He enters the driver side of the vehicle then drives off into the sunshine.

Elsewhere In The World

The skies of Thailand

Trevor is hanging out of an open door of a flying helicopter wearing a face mask as Malik and

Mr. U are flying the aircraft. Trevor opens a bronze urn only to sprinkle the remains/ashes of

Joe/Azazel over the jungles of Thailand. The dust dances in the wind for a few seconds then falls

to the green leaves of the tall trees. As soon as the dust touches a leaf suddenly grain of ash

begins to move then a raindrop washes the dust off of the leaf. The skies opens up only to release

mother nature’s tears called rain, washing all of the dust amongst the dirt on the floor of the

jungle. Trevor removes the facial mask allowing the raindrops to kiss his rich, chocolate skin.

Wearing a smile of accomplishment while saying,

“Haha! I wanna see ya ‘eal from t’at, fuckin’ bugger.”

The helicopter flies off into the grim, rainy sky as Azazel also known as Joe of the Resurrection

Men is no more. Hell has rooooooooooo—What’s going on?! Something is pulling me from this

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deep, cold, dark hole in Hell…I can feel my finger moving…What’s going on?!


… —“I think it worked?”

—“Are you sure?”

—“Yes. We followed the instruction that our lord Joe left just incase he did not return from his


—“I think he is moving. It worked! It worked!”

—“Restrain yourself, Sister Jane 49485048450th


I hear voices; I can feel the sweat dripping off of my chin. I can feel my chest expanding as I

breathe. Wait, I am breathing! I haven’t felt this sensation in so long. I think I am ali—

“AH! Where am I?!”

—“The Iliad, our final headquarters. How are you feeling, sir?”

“Sore. Who are you?”

—“I am Brother Joe 6867th

and she is Sister Jane 49485048450th

. Welcome back to life, you’re

our new appointed leader of the Resurrection Men, sir.”

My body feels strange, last thing I remember is a flash of light and heat melting my face and

flesh. How am I alive? What the hell is going on?

“On whose orders was it to revive me?”

—“Our Lord Joe.”

Hm. Joe actually stayed true to his agreement with me. These fools don’t even know that their

mad God is dead. I guess I should play along with Azazel’s rapture.

“Where is Joe now? I need to see him.”

—“He has been rapture, sir.”

These fools are really brainwashed. Hm. I am going to play this to my advance.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

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—“He is in Heaven, fighting the good fight for Humanity.”

“How long have I been gone?”

—“Almost two years. You have been dead for almost two years, sir.”

“You’re telling me Joe ordered you guys to dig up my body and bring me back to life? You’re

telling me that I’m the leader of this group, the Resurrection Men?”

—“Yes. You are just like us, immortal. Your lifespan is now infinite, sir.”

“Hm. You don’t say, son.”

—“Yes sir.”

“Please, my boy, stop the formalities; my father was sir. Just call me Gallco, son.

Who said life doesn’t give you a second chance? This is going to be sensational.

In The Beginning…There Was Evil (Gallco)

Concept War: Above the Hells

Epilogue/Prologue: Zero

To Humanity, Divine Beings, and Beyonders,

The Universal Order has been disturbed by a falling angel. God is

weakening by his rage against Azazel. In the upcoming present life

it will grow grim for all of the inhibitors of Realm: Earth and

Beyond. The Universal Scale is tipping to Chaos throwing off the

natural Divine Order. Sister: Time’s force will be tested then bent.

Lucifer will tempt the desires of Humanity more than ever. There are

Humans who are free of the withering grip of Death only to defy the

laws of Sister: Time and Death. Mother Nature grows angry with

Humanity and their careless treatment of one of her children,

Earth. God’s faith will be weaken by the lost of non-believers. When

everything changes before Humanities’ eyes I will still remain the

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same. I will always control Humanities’ dreams in a time of

uncertainty. When there is darkness there will always be dreams

being dreamt. Your dreams, nightmares, and warped realities will

only strength my presence. I don’t want to rule over Humanity

because I already rule over Humanities’ minds. Where there is sleep,

there is me waiting to be fed. God, Lucifer, Sister: Time, Mother

Nature, Nor Death exist in my world; Humanities’ imagination or

incubus. Good night, I’ll be seeing you in your dreams.

Yours Truly,

Sabu, The Dreamlord

Divine War Ends Here